Places Volume 5
On Assignment with conservation photographer Jerry Monkman.
On Assignment with conservation photographer Jerry Monkman.
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Feature-length documentary to be<br />
released this summer<br />
The Merrimack River is the birthplace<br />
of the industrial revolution<br />
in America. Factories in cities like<br />
Manchester, New Hampshire and<br />
Lowell, Massachusetts were the<br />
largest textile mills in the world in<br />
the 19th century. Like many rivers in<br />
America, the Merrimack was heavily<br />
polluted by the 1960’s, but due to the<br />
Clean Water Act, the Merrimack has<br />
been cleaned up considerably since<br />
then. Remarkably, more than 80%<br />
of the Merrimack watershed is still<br />
undeveloped and largely forested,<br />
yet in 2016 the river was named<br />
one of the most endangered rivers<br />
in the US by American Rivers. Since<br />
then, I have been working with the<br />
Society for the Protection of New<br />
Hampshire Forests to produce a<br />
film that tells the Merrimack’s<br />
story and explains why the river is<br />
in trouble today. Almost four years<br />
later, we have finished that film –<br />
The Merrimack: River at Risk. The<br />
pandemic has shuttered our plans<br />
for theater screenings for the time<br />
being, but I’m proud to announce<br />
the film’s broadcast premier will be<br />
on July 23rd when it will air on New<br />
Hampshire PBS.<br /><br />