Places Volume 5

On Assignment with conservation photographer Jerry Monkman.

On Assignment with conservation photographer Jerry Monkman.


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Forests, farms, fires and<br />

more from across the<br />

Northeast<br />

Two and a half years ago, I produced a video for<br />

the Harvard Forest that introduces people to their<br />

conservation vision for the Northeastern US called<br />

“Wildlands and Woodlands.” (You can see that<br />

video and others on my site here: https://archive.<br />

ecophotography.com/video.) Their vision makes the<br />

case that we can still conserve 70% of our land as<br />

forests and 7% as farms, while also sustaining vibrant<br />

communities. Forests provide wood products and<br />

jobs, clean the air, and provide clean drinking water.<br />

And it’s possible to feed most of the region with that<br />

7% of farmland. Many of the photos I’m asked to shoot<br />

are for forest and farm conservation projects, and I<br />

love visiting and shooting in places that most people<br />

have never seen. Over the next several pages, I share<br />

photos of forests and farms, fires and scientists, and<br />

a little solar power.<br />


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