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Miserable and broken. I stood with pride, dignity and

most importantly Omnipotence. I summoned him within the

Holy construct. Instead of appearing within the Triangle, His

body poured out of my Third Eye and manifested in the north.

“Speak Demon. I am ready to rise to Power. I leave this

Powerlessness behind me. I demand control of everything.

Show me the hidden River the Gurus know but never speak.”

Azazel told me that I would receive written instruction

on how to receive his power, and His brawny image faded into

that of a crow with a man’s head, and flew back into my third


After nine days of personal hell, it was time to expel

this demon from my body.

I proceeded down to my evocation site. I laid out all of

the necessary implements and workings of an exorcism. After

placing myself into a self-induced gnosis, I chanted an old

Latin exorcism.

Pushing Azazel out of the Ajna, until there was a

significant “snap” from the energy currents ripping. He stood

within the triangle with his body becoming barely visible to


Dante, you have made it out of your hell. Now rise.

My concentration was broken with the phone ringing.

Stumbling and almost near passing out, I answered.

“Hello,” I answered the phone.

“Hey Dante. How are you?” I recognized the voice as

my friend and mentor Eric, otherwise known as E.A. Koetting,

the author of this current work.



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