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watching, waiting, perhaps whispering words that I could not


As Belial stayed with Shawn, this other entity stayed

with me.

To this day, years after the fact, it is clear that Belial

never fully left Shawn; that she never renounced him, but clung

to his possession enough to keep a back door open for his


Something remained with me, as well. A demon

followed me, and waited for the moment to announce itself, to

invite itself into my awareness, and to continue the work that

had begun in that basement.

Over a year later, my marriage having dissolved, my

attention turned wholly to the worlds beyond, I found myself

again haunted by that same figure that had stood over me while

I slept that night after the ritual evocations. The demon had

never left, I suppose, but had simply been waiting, following,

watching me until I would listen to its whispers. I could feel it

around me, closer every day, more intrusive, as if the specter

would dart out of invisibility and would present itself in a

physical body at any moment. And as time wore on, he

became less and less alone, until a seeming army swarmed

around me, clattering at me to pay attention.

I laid out a simple ritual area in my home, lit candles,

burned incense, and performed what I call a “blind evocation,”

which is an evocation into physical materialization of an entity

whose name, sigil, and attributes are unknown, but who can be

sensed nearby. Such evocations are indeed dangerous, as the

Evocator has no idea what he will find forming in Temple

around him, and he cannot pretend that he will be able to

constrain whatever may arise. It seemed to me, at that point

however, to be more dangerous to continue without knowing

the identity of the spirit that haunted me.


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