
Rackets of Borg

Rackets of Borg


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He therefore worked constantly on his condition. His<br />

arms were a toned muscle pack. He is said to have had a<br />

resting heart pulse of 35. Healthy, normal people have e<br />

rest pulse about twice that figure.<br />

You could only play this topspin, if the grip was correct.<br />

From the previously common continental grip you<br />

had to change to the western grip. Many players, then as<br />

now, find this change extremely difficult to perform and<br />

those who finally made it, no longer came out on top.<br />

This western grip has to be practiced from an early age.<br />

Borg also struck the backhand with both hands, which<br />

also required years of training.<br />

Borg changed the tennis world with his topspin. Nowadays<br />

topspin, forehand as well as backhand is the prerequisite<br />

for any success in professional tennis.<br />

So far only as an introduction.<br />

The rackets he played are shown. The Bancroft (Bancroft<br />

Björn Borg Personal) was the first in his professional<br />

career, followed by the Donnay Allwood (Björn Borg<br />

Donnay Allwood).<br />

I was a frequent guest at the Aldiana Club in Fuerteventura<br />

in the late 1980/90 years. Then I had the opportunity<br />

to take tennis lessons at the Evercourt tennis school,<br />

which was founded and organized by Reinhold Comprix.<br />

He knew how to attract former top players as tennis<br />

pros. Including Lennart Bergelin, captain of the Swedish<br />

Davis Cup team from 1971 to 1976 and then longtime<br />

coach of Borg.<br />

At that time he was about seventy and still well trained<br />

and in top shape. The training with him started with<br />

ten rounds running around the tennis court. He led the<br />

way. He counted in Swedish to drive us on.<br />


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