Final_Booklet 2

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Year 6 has been a great experience for me. I was

pretty scared when I first entered the classroom

because I was going to have new classmates and

teachers. I still had some of my previous ones.

But there were some kids I had no idea about. I

even ended up developing friendship with people I

thought I had no chance to become friends with,

Like Ali Nehan and Izaan. I even like the

teachers, they used to introduce the topics in an

entertainig way and sometimes they even put

movies! I will always remember MY Year 6.

FUN PACKED YEAR By: Mohammed Raghib

This year is the best year ever yet, the

most supportive teachers, the funniest

friends and the biggest classroom, I love

them all. This was a big year and I wish

same for the next year. My friends are the

most I am going to miss, I cannot forget

the time we played catching in break time

and fought sometimes during class. I

think I had more laughing than

studying this year, it is kind of tearful. I

love my lovely class my most stunning

year. I cannot express in words the fun we

had together as a class.

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