Final_Booklet 2

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My dear students,

You’ve reached the end of a period of your schooling. You are embarking on new

adventures, where, for a while, everything will be new and foreign to you. You will

find yourself on a new path which requires more responsibility, faith, perseverance,

love and courage.

As I write this, you are in my thoughts, in my heart... We all are part of one great

Cambridge family. Having been your teacher, I always examined your needs and

desires, your strengths and abilities. You were actually the motive and the reason of

everything we did and the purity of your souls was an inspiration for all of us.

This was one very unusual school year, and I am sure we will all remember it forever.

Beside everything we taught you this year, I expect you to know that for every bad

thing in life there are much more good things, that it is much more honourable to

make a mistake than to cheat, to be able to win but also to be able to lose with

dignity, to keep a smile even when you are sad, to believe in your own ideas even

when others tell you they are wrong, not to follow the crowd when everyone is doing

so, to sell your talents and knowledge but never your heart and soul, to have a

sublime faith in yourself because then you will have a sublime faith in humanity ...

I know these are high expectations, but I believe in you. Nothing is impossible! The

only difference between the possible and the impossible is often that it takes a little

more time, perseverance and faith to achieve the impossible. My dear students be

brave, be bold, be courageous. The future belongs to those who believe in the

beauty of their dreams. Go ahead and fight for your dreams to one day become what

you want to be.

Just one more to-do-list for you to keep you busy over the summer:

See at least one Learn to play a new board game. Swim in the pool or sea.


Stay in touch with one Make yourself a necklace or Visit a city or a village you

of your classmates. bracelet.

don't know.

Look at the clouds. Make at least one new friend. Ride a bicycle.

Walk barefoot on the Read at least two books and Paint and decorate stones.

grass for a while. some comics.

Whenever you are Tell someone you like him/her. Laugh until your belly and

bored – read.

cheeks hurt and a little bit


Farewell my brilliant students! I will never forget you!

By: Miss Brankica Stevanovic

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