Annual Report StreetwiZe • Mobile School 2019
Enjoy our annual report and read about our realisations with StreetwiZe, Mobile School and StreetSmart.
Enjoy our annual report and read about our realisations with StreetwiZe, Mobile School and StreetSmart.
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Dear Sas,
You joined Mobile School in 2008 as an intern as part of your social work studies and
you immediately stood out through your warm commitment and impressive verve and
vigour. Logically, we never let you go.
You worked in the back office, made sure that tens of thousands of children here in
Belgium got to know the mobile school. You trained street workers in Bolivia, Greece,
Albania, Georgia and guided young people in the StreetwiZe projects in De Zande.
Under your leadership, our volunteer work was exceptionally focused. And above all, you
made sure that every volunteer, intern, freelancer and colleague felt at home. You were
the glue that kept everything together and thus you became one of the pillars of our
And now we have a big problem, because you are simply irreplaceable.
You are missed in every part of the organisation. When important decisions need to be
made, there is often the reflection,… what would Sas say or do? You still help us to make
the right choices. We will not let you go! You still inspire us as much as StreetwiZe •
Mobile School has inspired you. You will stay with us, one of us, ... forever.
2019 was a particularly difficult year. But your colleagues don’t give up and keep going,
for 150 million children on the street, for our customers and for you. And take it from
me… we will continue to dream of and build a world in balance where every talent will
have the opportunity to grow and flourish.
You can count on us.
Thanks for everything,
† 19 July 2019 1
For any corrigenda found subsequent to printing, please visit our website at
Mobile School partner Pal. J. Matulaičio socialinis centras, Vilnius, Lithuania
© StreetwiZe • Mobile School May 2019
FRONT COVER: StreetwiZe • Mobile School team on their annual teambuilding day in Bocholt, Belgium.
BACK COVER: Mobile School team of Virlanie Foundation in the Philippines, Manila. 3
Mission and values Mobile School Group
mobile school group undertakes actions, starting from the strengths of street-connected children, to improve the
sustainable development of individuals, organisations and society.
Mobile School NPO is a Belgian organisation
dedicated to empowering autonomous organisations
working with street-connected children
throughout the world. We develop mobile school
carts and educational materials and train local
street workers to increase their efficiency and impact.
The main objective of the Mobile School methodology
is to discover and unlock the talents of
street-connected children so they can regain a positive
self-image and can start to make conscious
decisions about their own future. Presently there
are 57 mobile schools in 30 countries, spread
across four continents: Latin America, Asia, Africa
and Europe.
StreetwiZe is a talent development company. Inspired
by the many extraordinary youngsters Mobile
School works with, StreetwiZe has developed its
impact-driven approach to talent and leadership
growth. We have decoded street savviness to answer
learning demands in a business context. With an
authentic story and our unique approach, we inspire
people to look differently at themselves and the
world. We invite them to reimagine their personal
role in their organisation and their chances and opportunities
to make a difference. StreetwiZe invests
100% of its profit in Mobile School, co-creates the
educational materials and relentlessly supports
Mobile School to increase its social impact.
StreetSmart is the new TECH4GOOD start-up of
the social enterprise StreetwiZe • Mobile School.
StreetSmart Impact, a mobile application designed
to facilitate case management, reporting and
impact measurement, helps outreach and youth
work organisations to raise the efficiency and the
impact of their work. The use of the app will enable
these organisations to increase the quality of
their data reporting. Consequently it will be easier
to make their voices heard and to convince society
to gear up investments in youth.
StreetSmart Play is the second part of the Street-
Smart branch. This educational content platform
inspires youth workers with game ideas.
In all our initiatives we want to at least inspire people,
but strive to activate and even engage people. We
work on the development of competences as a
means and opportunity to increase sustainable development.
We believe in the potential of each child and strive
to develop their strengths and talents through social
In everything we do, we facilitate the (self)-discovery
and strengthening of identity,
aspirations and talents, and make a difference
based on common values
Hybrid Organisation
StreetwiZe invests 100% of its profits in Mobile School, co-creates educational materials used on the streets,
and relentlessly focuses on creating social impact.
4 5
2019 was a busy year! In this annual report, we are happy to highlight some of our realisations.
Our business venture StreetwiZe sold services to 121 clients and made them all StreetwiZe companies.
Our social venture Mobile School realised 17 field visits in 13 countries with over 68 training days and 25 days of street coaching impacting 239 street educators.
Our volunteers were active, as usual, organising two big campaigns this year: the International Day for Street Children and #DuwMee.
Finally, 2019 was also the year our Tech4Good venture, StreetSmart, took some next steps.
Want to know more? Check out a selection of our projects in 2019 and see what we’ve been up to last year!
StreetwiZe realisations
Mobile School realisations
Volunteers & Campaigns realisations
StreetSmart realisations
StreetwiZe trainer Bram in action 7
Redesign manual for mobile school partners 12
Road of Change 16
Amadeus • Towards a Life Travel Space 18
SD Worx Staffing Solutions • Cultural change 22
Code of Conduct StreetwiZe • Mobile School 26
Workshops & Stories for 121 clients 30
Ashoka Changemaker Day 34
City Ghent & Ostend • City counsil 38
Exploration Tanzania • IDYDC
Volunteer weekend 46
Zorgbedrijf Antwerpen • Leadership Program 50
Screening Capharnaüm Afrika Filmfestival 54
SD Worx • Cultural change: the sequel 58
Exploration Sri Lanka • Child Action Lanka
Update StreetwiZe workshop ‘Connect’
Exploration Turkey • Her Yerde Sanat 72
New websites StreetwiZe & Mobile School 78
Train the Mobile School trainer 86
New mobile school Kenya • Joy Divine 90
StreetSmart Play • Transnational meetings 98
B Corp Summit 2019 • Lead the Beat 102
StreetSmart Play • Official launch 106
Exploration Uganda • Dwelling Places 110
Follow-up • Fundacja Ukryte Skrzydla 114
Follow-Up Tanzania • Mwema Children Centre 118
Exellys • Grow Smart
Glorieux Secundair • Alignment programme
Barco • Emerging Leaders Program
Expanded digital offer for street educators
Translations educational material 2019
Familiehulp • Inspiration
B Welcome • How to join the B Corp movement
Rabobank • Storytelling
Follow-up Kenya • Child Rescue Kenya
Follow-up Greece • ARSIS & PRAKSIS Thessaloniki
A new Salesforce environment is born
International Day for Street Children
Street Deep Dive • Onboarding
Team expedition
Implementation Lithuania • PJM Soc. Centras
The Belgian • Leadership training
Mobile School Nica Café
European Central Bank • Teambuilding
Follow-up Poland • GTW Gliwice
Follow-up Romania • Save the Children Iasi
Collaboration with Tomorrowland Foundation
Exploration partnership City Pirates
Office of notaries • Tradition in Motion
Exploration Cape Verde• Aldeias Infantis SOS
AG Insurance • IT Young Pros Program
Exploration Uganda • Streetways Uganda
New mobile school Togo • Agopode
Follow-up & exploration Malawi • STEKA
#DuwMee • Music for Life Campaign
AGFA • Trainee programme 82
Volunteer fun activity • The Outsider 84
exellys • Grow SMart
01/01/2017 • 31/12/2019
Hans Lamberts
Saskia Dieleman
Bram Van de Putte
De Zande
Exellys is a tech talent incubator. Their mission
is to attract, develop and retain the finest tech
talent in large and medium-sized companies
and major tech start-ups. They incubate IT,
science and engineering talent into their customers’
operations and they prepare them
for the innovations of tomorrow. This requires
Exellys consultants to be connected with different
clients in their daily work environment,
whereas their homebase for training, personal
development, coaching and support remains
StreetwiZe takes the participants to the
community institution “De Zande” for a socalled
Belgian Expedition. This is an experience-based
programme in which participants
learn and experience the essentials of servant
leadership, by getting connected to and coop-
erating with youngsters who find themselves in
a challenging situation. In a unique win-winwin,
consultants and youngsters co-create new
Mobile School panel prototypes that are posted
on StreetSmart Play and that become available
as inspiration for streetworkers worldwide.
Exellys has been repeating this program for three
years in a row and a fourth edition has already
been planned for 2020.
Wingene / Belgium
One important differentiator for Exellys is to
offer their young tech talents an intensive
training programme. For the first two years of
their Exellys-career, consultants pass through a
programme called Start Smart. After those first
two years, another two year training cycle kicks
off, called Grow Smart. Within Grow Smart,
OutwardBound, StreetwiZe and Board of
Innovation work together to offer a training
programme touching upon different aspects
related to leadership.
Exellys consultants have a once-in-a-lifetime experience
Consultants learn about servant leadership early in their career
Youngsters in De Zande enjoy an empowering weekend
New valuable, creative material is added to StreetSmart Play
redesign manual for mobile school partners
01/07/2018 • 28/02/2019
Mobile School team
Julie Bernaerd
Saskia Dieleman
Joyce van Eijndt
Mobile School partners
Last year, the Mobile School team conducted
a profound analysis of the more than 300
educational materials our local street work partners
use on the streets. After the redesign of
the panels on mathematics, the team decided
to make an analysis of all the panels and
restructure the educational package to get rid
of some inconsistencies that arose over the
years. In order to avoid any misconceptions
with the previous structure, a brand new coding
system was created, based on the topic of the
After finalising more than 270 activity forms for
the English version, everything was translated
to French. The brand new manual will be tested
for the first time with our local partner in Haiti. A
translation of the entire document - about 300
pages in total - to Spanish is currently ongoing
and will be completed in the coming months.
Leuven / Belgium
The above mentioned process resulted in a
revised educational package of about 270
educational games, shipped for the very first
time to the Haitian capital Port-au-Prince for
the first new mobile school of 2019. Together
with the new structure of the coding system,
it was essential to fully redesign the mobile
school manual in which all the games are
explained to the street educators of our partner
organisations. With the help of former intern
Julie Bernaerd, all existing manual files were
rewritten and were uploaded in Airtable, an
online database which helped us to properly
structure the new manual.
Brand new Mobile School manual available in English
Brand new Mobile School manual available in French
Renewed structure and coding of the educational panels
Translation to Spanish in progress
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Glorieux secundair • alignment programme
08/2018 • 02/2019
Tessa Goossens
Eric Vanbiervliet
Hans Lamberts
Bart Vanbellinghen
Sofie Vandenberghe
Glorieux Secundair
Ronse / Belgium
Glorieux Secundair is a highschool in the town
of Ronse that was looking for a way to bridge the
gap between the vision of a new generation of
teachers and the old guard.
We guided them in an alignment programme
where a group of volunteer representatives
(teachers, board of directors and staff) created
a mission, vision, value and strategic plan that
prepped them for a clear vision of the future.
After an inspiring keynote by Arnoud, the
group of representatives came together for
the first time in octobre 2018 to start off with
a SWOT analysis. This analysis was inspired
by the Street Skill Positive Focus and based
on the new ROK framework from the Flemish
government. With this framework in our mind
we crafted a powerful mission, vision and value
statement that translates the ambition and the
‘why’ of an ambitious school. Crucial in this
trajectory was the constant feedback and input
from the entire staff, parents and students.
That is why we trained the representatives for
guiding feedback sessions to stay in touch with
the needs of all the different stakeholders. The
input from those feedback sessions led to 2
additional sessions to rewrite and refine the
After this thourough preparation and creation
phase, concreteness and action were needed.
StreetwiZe coached the team from a distance for
the final alignment. When all the tough choices
were made, it was time to create inspiring formats
to communicate the final results to all stakeholders.
StreetwiZe inspired with a pitching session
and the enthousiastic team transformed the
input in a series of videos and animations that
translated the mission in inspiring and fun material.
This presentation was the foundation for the
last anchoring session.
5 StreetwiZe trainers conducted a brainstorm
which translated the strategic plan in tangible
and actionable projects on the short and long
term. The coming months, the schoolteam will
roll out several of these projects.
The trajectory with Glorieux Secundair was
intense. Where process and result constantly
wrestled with each other and where team
dynamics needed to be adressed to generate a
powerful outcome. And that is definetely where
we landed; inspiring alignment for an impactful
Renewed vision, mission, values and strategic plan
Support of the different stakeholders
Co-creation of communication tools
Strenghtened school team
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road of change
09/2018 • 06/2019
StreetwiZe • Mobile School
Saskia Dieleman
Vluchtelingenwerk Vlaanderen
Uit De Marge
Experience-based learning
programme for students
Belgium / France / Croatia /
Bosnia / Serbia / Hungary
Road of Change is an experience-oriented
learning trajectory on asylum and migration
along the borders of Europe. Vluchtelingenwerk
Vlaanderen has set up this journey for the
second time in a row, this year collaborating
with StreetwiZe • Mobile School and Uit De
Marge (network for youth work with socially
vulnerable young people).
StreetwiZe • Mobile School joined the Road of
Change as a substantive partner. We made that
choice consciously because we believe that
there is a need for projects that help depolarise
the discourse on refugee issues. Projects of this
type work in a society-wide, constructive and
supportive way to find a human and realistic
solution to a complex problem.
We want to challenge young people to experience
this project from a non-judgemental understanding
of all parties involved, because
only that can lead to depolarisation. We hope
to inspire the youth of today to approach all
situations and all people from the same
empathic attitude; to depolarise by trying
to understand both the causes of migration
and the fear and resistance it evokes in some.
We believe that solutions will result from the
capacity to bring together the different, conflicting
positions in one story.
During one week, 14 young people traveled
with their teacher or youth counsellor through
Croatia, Bosnia, Serbia and Hungary. The Flemish
youngsters wanted to investigate themselves
what the situation is like for people who are
asylum seekers. What are the challenges? What
have these people experienced? What gives
them hope or makes them despondent? Alongside
this, the group learned from contact with
change-makers and volunteers who try to make
a difference for people on the run every day and
who start conversations with policy makers and
the local population.
Participation in Road of Change is an intensive
project for these young people and their supervisors
that was preceded by two weekends of
preparation and some training days. But even
after this journey, the project is not over. There
will be a processing session, presentations for
peers, a public event and a visit to the European
Parliament, where the group will make their
recommendations based on the experiences
they have gained during the trip.
Social impact
Press & media attention
Second phase:
Artwork S.M.A.K. (Museum of Contemporary Art Ghent)
Prototypes educational material
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AmaDEUS • Towards a Life Travel Space
01/09/2018 • 30/06/2019
Bart Vanbellinghen
Hans Lamberts
Arnoud Raskin
Amadeus Benelux
Amadeus is a successful international player in
the ‘travel industry technology’, and is as such
confronted with a lot of disruption.
New technology start-ups are more frequently
competing in their market. By evolving towards
a ‘life travel space’, Amadeus wants to remain
on top of the competition. This evolution
meant the company faced its biggest change
in 30 years.
StreetwiZe has been working with the Benelux
division of Amadeus, with offices in Vilvoorde,
Eindhoven (NL) and Hoofddorp (NL). One
tangible impact of the ongoing evolution is
the fact that the connection between the local
Benelux-operations and the international
management of the Amadeus-Group has been
strengthened, causing the old Benelux culture
and identity to be under pressure.
Several initiatives to support this change
had already been taken when StreetwiZe was
called in. Amadeus was convinced that the 4
streetskills and the StreetwiZe approach could
add value by preparing the company and employees
with the key mindset, attitudes and
behaviours to cope with the uncertainty ahead.
After an opening keynote for everyone involved,
StreetwiZe intervened on three different levels in
the Benelux-organisation. First of all, a group of
ambassadors called “the Amigos” was built. The
Amigos were employees, spread over the different
locations, that took up the responsibility to
keep the StreetwiZe-vibe alive in between sessions.
In a 2-day preparatory offsite streetskills were introduced,
plans were made and the action-radius
for the Amigos was defined. Next, all employees
were invited to join StreetwiZe sessions. All 4
streetskills as well as Storytelling were covered
in separate half-day sessions, spread over the
different locations. In a joint closing session,
participants were asked to make their learnings
explicit and to share powerful stories on how to
apply StreetwiZe-insights in the daily professional
context with their peers and managers.
Last, the 8 Benelux-leaders participated in a
StreetwiZe-alignment session, in which clarity
and common ground was sought for both the
uncertainty at the Benelux level as a whole and
the role of the leadership team therein.
Employees dealt with uncertainty by applying the 4 streetskills
Ambassadors reinforced the workshop-impact through follow-up
The leadership aligned on the way forward & the role they play
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BARCO • Emerging Leaders Program
01/09/2018 • 30/06/2019
Saskia Dieleman
Bart Vanbellinghen
Bram Van de Putte
Hans Lamberts
The BARCO Emerging Leaders Program is a 1
year development programme for BARCO high
potentials. In this 1 year programme, promising
middle managers are given the opportunity
to develop both soft and hard skills, in a
cooperation with StreetwiZe and Vlerick
Business School.
Participants fly in from all continents. For this
reason offline modules are limited to the kickoff
and the closing (hosted by StreetwiZe),
whereas all learning bricks in between are online
modules hosted by Vlerick.
The programme kicked off with an offline
module in September 2018, hosted by StreetwiZe.
This first week focussed fully on leadership
development. Two parallel groups (30
participants in total) were taken to De Zande,
where they participated in a Belgian StreetwiZe
Expedition. The competencies needed
to co-create new Mobile School material, with
a very different target group in this unique
experience-based programme, are very similar
to those put forward by BARCO as crucial to
thrive as a leader in today’s BARCO environment.
The groups (one in campus Wingene,
another one in campus Beernem) had a parallel
experience and at the common closing
reflection day shared experiences, made links
with the BARCO leadership framework and
built personal action plans to translate the insights
towards their individual leadership challenges.
The leadership track ended with an offline
follow-up day 9 months later in Ghent, where we
challenged participants on how they had applied
the insights, what they came across and what
they have learned from these experiences that
could also be of interest for peers.
All the in-between learning bricks were hosted
by Vlerick and were organised online. The topics
Vlerick covered were related to business acumen
such as Finance, Strategy, Marketing and Business
Process Management.
The full program ended with a report-out to a
management delegation and an official degree
ceremony at the BARCO head offices in Kortrijk
Tangible, impactful experience
Opportunity to practice crucial leadership competencies
Transfer of insights to each individual’s professional reality
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sd worx staffing solutions • cultural change
15/11/2018 • 30/06/2019
Eric Vanbiervliet
Tessa Goossens
Kim Swyngedouw
Ine Stessens
Innate Motion (partner)
SD Worx
Belgium / The Netherlands
Recently SD Worx decided to develop a fullyfledged
staffing pillar in addition to its HR and
payroll activities. To this end, the organisation
integrates various organisations in Belgium
and the Netherlands. This naturally causes
challenges for the corporate culture of the new
entity. StreetwiZe was asked to facilitate the
process to shape, sharpen and bring to life the
desired identity of the newly composed organisation
in the daily work of all employees. To
this end, we decided to enter into a partnership
with B Corp certified Innate Motion.
In order to find meaningful anchor points
for the new culture, Innate Motion started by
gathering individual stories of success and
failure in the different entities. Based on these
narratives, they set to work with 30 cultural
ambassadors to shape a shared identity and to
identify essential behaviour linked to the newly
defined organisation values.
After this exploration phase, StreetwiZe took
over again. During a 2-day meeting with the
executive committee in February, we analysed
all input and made a first attempt to fill out the
value framework. We defined concrete expectations
regarding the role of the company’s
managers in implementing the desired culture,
while focusing on the leadership role of
the exco team in creating the context to make
this possible. For this reason, we emphasised on
leading change capacities as well as on the ability
to bring meaning and to transmit passion.
In the next phase we did a similar exercise with
both country- and middle management. 2 Kickoffs
were organised for all employees in Belgium
and in the Netherlands, reporting on the progress
of the culture programme and of the projects
concerning the organisational objectives. During
these kick-off sessions, Arnoud Raskin brought a
very appreciated inspirational speech on change
and the importance of identity and purpose.
From April 2019 we start working at employee
level. ‘Why’ and ‘what’ about this important
change are clear so the time has come to invite
all employees to reflect on how they can bring
the desired culture to life in their daily work. This
roll-out is combined with intervisions with the
branch managers, since they have to keep the
story on the agenda within the teams.
To be continued…
Build a shared aspired identity for the new organisation
Empower leaders in embedding the desired culture
Build a strong guiding coalition for cultural change
Engage all levels to translate values to everyday work
Support the creation of a strong brand that ‘walks the talk’
Build employee engagement
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expanded digital offer for street educators
01/01/2019 • 15/03/2019
Rob Sweldens
Joke Verreth
Lies De Vocht
Sander Degeling
Prepare for MS Playground
Leuven / Belgium
In the first months of 2019, the Mobile School
team developed new digital content to offer
to our partner organisations. While the new
digital initiatives such as StreetSmart and the
Mobile School Playground 2.0 are being developed
through ERASMUS+ programmes,
the team is already preparing the street work
partners in the best way possible for this digital
Therefore, the existing Mobile School Playground
got a makeover in order to make it
easier for our partners to find all the information
concerning the mobile school and the educational
materials on one platform. Beside new
inspiration and DIY games, local street educators
can now also find how-to-videos on the
existing Mobile School panels. In the first
months of 2019, 16 videos were recorded in
our in-house studio during 3 recording sessions.
To highlight the makeover of the Playground
and to spread the new digital content, a newsletter
was sent to all partners on March 18.
In the coming months, the Mobile School team
will keep updating the Mobile School Playground
to ensure that our partner organisations
already have a preliminary content platform at
their disposal.
New integrated logical structure for Mobile School Playground
New training video: technical & maintenance of mobile school
Recently, a ‘Training’-tab was added to the
website as well, to give our partners access
to refresher videos and newly designed onepagers,
containing the key learnings of the
most important workshops offered by Mobile
3 new training one-pagers for street educators
16 new videos on existing educational panels
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Code of Conduct StreetwiZe • Mobile School
01/01/2019 • 26/03/2019
Rob Sweldens
Tom Vanraes (Sherpa Law)
StreetwiZe • Mobile School
Leuven / Belgium
The last 10 years our organisation has been
changing and expanding really fast. StreetwiZe
keeps growing and gives the possibility to
Mobile School to scale up as well. Therefore, we
keep on professionalising our organisation.
This year our goal was to develop our own Code
of Conduct and have it signed by all our staff
and freelancers. After a participatory session
with the whole team last year and a thorough
investigation of code of conducts of other
organisations, we developed a first draft version
of the StreetwiZe • Mobile School Code of
Conduct. This draft was then revised and edited
by Tom Vanraes, a Mobile School volunteer,
who works as a lawyer with Sherpa Law. After
completion, the Code of Conduct was presented
to the staff and freelance trainers and was
signed during the first Quarterly meeting of
the year.
The rules and guidelines that are set out in the
Code of Conduct, together with the StreetwiZe
• Mobile School mission statement, provide a
framework for all employees, volunteers and
independents, regardless of their location, in
fulfilling their duties. This framework also supports
StreetwiZe • Mobile School to monitor
these standards.
In the Code of Conduct we address the following
1. Integrity and reputation of StreetwiZe •
Mobile School
2. Respect for the autonomy, privacy and dignity
of individuals and communities
3. Balance between professional and private
4. The use of information, money and resources
from StreetwiZe • Mobile School
5. Health, safety, security and welfare of the
StreetwiZe • Mobile School, employees and
6. Human rights, environment and criminal or
unethical activities
7. Raising concerns, reporting concerns and
the corrective action and discipline
For all these topics, specific instructions are written
out which apply to all staff and freelancers
both within StreetwiZe as Mobile School when
working with children and local street educators.
In case a violation of the Code of Conduct is noted
by someone, he/she can raise a confidential
concern with Saskia Dieleman (Hybrid Culture
manager) or with Ann Van Hellemont, designated
member of the Board of Directors.
Code of Conduct developed and edited by lawyer
Code of Conduct signed by StreetwiZe • Mobile School team
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translations educational material 2019
01/1/2019 • 06/9/2019
Joke Verreth
Sander Degeling
2 new translations
Leuven / Belgium
Every year, Mobile School has the objective
to implement 4 to 5 new mobile schools with
partners organisations worldwide. This year,
new schools were launched with partner projects
in Haiti, Lithuania, Kenya and Togo. Since
it’s essential that children on the street an
relate to the content and the language of the
educational materials, Mobile School invests
in the translation and cultural adaptation of its
educational package.
In 2019, our new partner in Lithuania helped
us out to translate our full package into Lithuanian.
Thanks to illustrator Gijs Vanhee, new
drawings were made specifically for the Lithuanian
context. In summer, the team finalised
the French package to be implemented in
West-Africa, new drawings included. Since a
new mobile school will be launched in Togo
in October, the educational materials are now
ready to use in French-speaking countries in
the region.
In the third trimester of the year, local projects
in Sri Lanka, Georgia and Turkey will start their
translation process to make sure new mobile
schools can be implemented in new target
countries in 2020. To be continued!
Educational materials available in Lithuanian
Educational materials available in French (W-Africa)
New cultural drawings available for educational material
Start-up of new translations to Sinhala, Georgian and Turkish
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Workshops & Stories for 121 clients
01/01/2019 • 31/12/2019
StreetwiZe crew
Arnoud Raskin
StreetwiZe clients
Belgium & the Netherlands
In addition to the various long term training
programmes (more details on these elsewhere
in this annual report), there is a significant
number of clients who sign up for a ‘standard’
half day or full day workshop.
A StreetwiZe workshop’s main goal is to
inspire and put people in action. We use our
experience from Mobile School - working with
youngsters in hard, competitive, disruptive
circumstances - as a metaphor for the many
company challenges at hand. We inspire
people with our story but take it also one step
further. Departing from a specific business or
organisational challenge we bring participants
into a learning mode and we let them apply
one of our Street Skills in their own work environment.
We reflect on this challenge, we
change perception and eventually guide participants
towards action plans and results.
Overall we welcomed 16,460 participants and
drove 62.72 kilometers to connect with them.
Most training is delivered in Belgium, but for 1
out of 10 we travel abroad. We frequently deliver
in The Netherlands but also in the UK, Germany
and other European countries.
121 boosted clients
Overall results:
In 2019 we worked with 121 different clients
in industries ranging from government, financial
institutions, non-profit organisations, communication,
education, IT to healthcare.
We finished 214 projects and delivered 552
training days; 103 inspirational sessions and
451 workshops, of which 1/3 were full days.
16,460 inspired people
103 inspirational Sessions, Key Notes & StreetwiZe Stories.
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Familiehulp • inspiration
01/1/2019 • 31/1/2020
Hans Lamberts
Sofie Vandenberghe
Eric Vanbiervliet
Bart Vanbellinghen
Brussels & Flanders/ Belgium
Familiehulp is an organisation offering care
and household support for everyone in Flanders
and Brussels. 13000 employees reach out
every day to people and offer domestic care
and support. Familiehulp is organised regionally,
with regional teams taking responsibility
for a specific part of Flanders or Brussels.
In order to be more efficient and adapt to the
changing context Familihulp is working in,
they decided in 2017 to embrace the principles
of the Innovative Labor Organisation.
This is quite an impactful decision for the regional
teams. Whereas the more conservative
approach was top-down, the new structure and
way of working gives far more freedom to regional
teams to self-organise and to adapt to
the specific context of their region.
This evolution has been ongoing for a while,
with some successes and failures.
To support all the teams to persevere in this
change, to create space for inspiration and a
platform to share best practices, inspiration
Create inspiration, energy and opennes to exchange
Use best practices to challenge the status quo
sessions were organised per region over the
course of 2019. The concept was to bring together
people from different care teams in
one region in a round-table format, where
best practices could be shared. In order to create
the right vibe and the openness to share,
StreetwiZe was asked to open these inspira-
tional sessions with a tailored StreetwiZe Story.
In this story, the inspiration from the streets was
used to inspire people to, amongst others, keep
a positive focus, embrace the shit and learn from
failures, use positive examples as a stepping
stone for progress and to consider frustrations
as a source for creative alternatives. About 15
regions called upon StreetwiZe to kick off with
a bang in this respect and the overall feedback
was that people were fired up after our speech,
making it a valuable exchange of benefit to the
whole organisation.
Use the streets as a metaphor on dealing with complex change
ashoka changemaker day
Arnoud Raskin
Sander Degeling
Bart Weetjens
European Commission
Leuven / Belgium
Late January, for the second time in 3 months
Ashoka took a delegation of the European
Commissions’ DG DEVCO, on a Changemaker
A Changemaker Day is a unique experience in
which Ashoka takes the participants on a day
out of the ordinary to meet inspiring social
entrepreneurs. Ashoka believes that tomorrow’s
best solutions are already here today
and they invite the participants through this
one day journey to experience this world for
themselves, first-hand. This day is an inspiring
glimpse into Ashoka’s vision of an “Everyone a
Changemaker” world.
This edition kicked off at the European
Commission’s offices with a contribution from
French Ashoka Fellow Sonia Ben Ali, who
presented her organisation ‘Urban Refugees’.
After further insights into Impact Investing
and a Multistakeholder Partnership with the
Flemish government they visited our office, as
Arnoud Raskin is a Belgian Ashoka Fellow.
We were honoured by the presence of Ashoka
Fellow Bart Weetjens, who spoke about
APOPO and its HeroRats - the organisation that
he founded and lead for a long time.
It was great to see two Ashoka Fellows interact
with each other and share their knowledge and
impact with an enthusiastic crowd.
Expand the Ashoka network
Present StreetwiZe, Mobile School & StreetSmart to European Com.
34 35
b welcome • How to join the B corp movement
Kim Swyngedouw
Arnoud Raskin
B Lab Europe
StreetwiZe joined the B Corp movement in
2016. B Corp is a global movement that unites
companies balancing purpose and profit. The
B Corp community is a community of leaders,
driving a global movement of people using
business as a force for good. At the moment
2778 companies spread over 60 countries and
150 industries carry the B Corp label. Examples
are Ben & Jerry’s, Ecover, Triodos, Tony Chocolonely,
StreetwiZe & many more.
societal value first. After this short introduction
the colleageus of B Lab Europe inspired the audience
with a bit of history about the movement
and the necessary steps and conditions to join. 3
B Corps gave a short testimonial and we wrapped
up the day with a small reception to further connect
and share practices.
Leuven / Belgium
To strengthen the B Corp movement in Belgium,
the Benelux community organises
B Welcome events throughout the year. The
goal of these B Welcome events is to inspire
potential B Corps and regular companies with
the B Corp filosophy and to provide information
on the assessement process. Today there
are 7 Belgian B Corps and we are convinced
that there is a huge potential in the Belgian
market, so spreading the word is key!
Inspire potential B Corps to join the movement!
Motivate potential B Corps to start up the assessement
The first B Welcome of 2019 was organised at
the StreetwiZe offices in Leuven. We welcomed
over 50 participants representing more then
Practice sharing
25 different companies and organisations. We
started the event with an introduction on why
StreetwiZe became a B Corp and how we contribute
to shifting regular economic models on
a daily basis. In doing that we step away from
shareholder value and we put stakeholder and
city ghent & ostend • city counsil
1/02/2019 • 31/03/2019
Hans Lamberts
Bram Doolaege
City of Ghent & Ostend
Ghent & Ostend / Belgium
In October 2018, local elections were organised
in Belgium. As a result, new city councils
were elected all over the country, consisting
of new members aligning on new ambitions.
Coalition parties made agreements that were
written into conceptual policy-papers. The challenge,
of course, for all these city councils is to
turn these policy ideas and ambitions into daily
reality within the years ahead.
One first and important step in that respect, is
to translate the policy ambitions into strategic
goals for the policy period. StreetwiZe supported
the city council of Ghent in this process, by facilitating
a two-day offsite in which the conceptual
policy-paper was translated into 25 strategic
goals, spread over 4 strategic domains.
As a follow-up to these two days, StreetwiZe
also facilitated a one-day offsite with the city’s
management team in which a reflection on the
high-level impact of these strategic goals on
the city administration was carried out.
Additionally, StreetwiZe also provided the
methodology for facilitating workshops in
which the defined strategic goals were translated
into operational objectives by the city’s
public servants.
In the slipstream of this facilitation for the city
of Ghent, we were asked by the city of Ostend
to perform a similar exercise. As in Ghent, we
helped the city council of Ostend in translating
the high-level policy agreements made right
after the elections into strategic goals that will
act as the policy backbone for all decisions made
in the coming six policy years.
Turned high-level policy agreements into strategic goals
Linked strategic goals with operational objectives
Incorporate new policy into the city administration
Shape the city council team
38 39
rabobank • storytelling
01/02/2019 • 31/12/2019
Bram Doolaege
Eric Vanbiervliet
Hans Lamberts
Caroline Coppens
Rabobank The Netherlands
During the past year, the StreetwiZe crew delivered
several trainings on how to touch the
heart of financial profiles using storytelling.
Especially in times of change it’s important
to touch the heart of those who aren’t willing
to listen anymore. Therefore storytelling
is a proven technique to create an emotional
connection between the messenger and the
recipient. Even more important is that the
World Economic Forum defined storytelling as
one of the key leadership skills for the future.
the workshop enable everybody to deliver a
compelling story in 180 minutes, but StreetwiZe
also inspires and motivates people to use the
Storytelling technique, and that’s seldomly seen
after one training according to the Rabobank
Management and the L&D staff.
Utrecht / the Netherlands
Hence, it will come as no surprise that storytelling
is one of the core competencies for leadership
at Rabobank. Why? Because Rabobank’s
ambition is not only to be a top bank. They also
want to have social impact. Their social projects
are combined in the ‘Growing a Better World
Together’ project. They want to support sustainable
development in agricultural industries.
Therefore the StreetwiZe • Mobile School story
resonates with this ambition.
Increasing the belief that being a storyteller is a skill
Relating storytelling to the bank’s values
Enabling everybody to delivere a compelling story
But that’s not the only reason why Rabobank
collaborates with StreetwiZe. Like all big companies
Motivating people to use storytelling from day one
Rabobank uses a lot of suppliers when
it comes to training & development and they
can pick whoever they want. However, based
on the feedback of all the participants so far,
the pragmatic StreetwiZe approach on Storytelling
40 is highly appreciated. Not only does
exploration tanzania • IDYDC
04/02/2019 • 08/02/2019
Bram Van De Putte
Iringa / Tanzania
The very first Mobile School expedition of
2019 was conducted by Master Trainer Bram
Van De Putte in Iringa, a town in central Tanzania.
The local organisation Iringa Development
of Youth, Disabled and Children Care (IDYDC)
learned about the mobile school during a
visit to Mwanza, where our partner Railway
Children Africa is already conducting interventions
with the mobile school since many years.
The contact with the street workers in Mwanza
convinced IDYDC to apply for a partnership
with Mobile School. Already during the launch
of the new Tanzanian mobile school in Karatu
in november 2018, a staff member of IDYDC
was present in the training to gain more insight
in our methodology.
Since 1991 the organisation runs several
programmes for street-connected youth and
families in the Iringa region: health oriented
programs, vocational training, microfinance
programs and one of the few FIFA Football for
Hope centres, established right after the FIFA
World Cup in South Africa in 2010. Beside
the above mentioned programs, IDYDC also
conducts regular outreach sessions for streetconnected
children in different areas in Iringa.
With the mobile school, the organisation wants to
strengthen the outreach programme by making
it more attractive and creative for the youngsters
on the street.
During the exploratory week, 13 people were
trained on the basic principles of the mobile
school methodology, and several strategical
places were visited in order to make an assessment
on the viability of a mobile school in Iringa.
At the end of the week, both our Master Trainer
and the coordinator of IDYDC were very
positive about a future collaboration between
both organisations. In the coming months, the
organisation will stay in close contact with
Mobile School to make all the necessary preparations
for the arrival of the mobile school. After
the launch of mobile schools in Arusha, Mwanza
and Karatu, there is now a high chance a fourth
Tanzanian mobile school will be launched in the
first half of 2020 with the team of IDYDC. To be
13 street educators received mobile school training
Potential for a fourth Tanzanian mobile school
Stronger network with Railway Children Africa in East-Africa
42 43
follow-up kenya • child rescue kenya
11/02/2019 • 15/02/2019
Bram Van De Putte
Child Rescue Kenya
Kitale / Kenya
72 mobile school sessions and over 4000
contacts with street-connected youth. That’s
the impact our newest Kenyan partner Child
Rescue Kenya realised in the town of Kitale
during their first year on the streets with the
mobile school. In order to sustain and even
increase the quality of the interventions,
Mobile School organised a one-week follow-up
training to boost the energy of the local street
educators and to coach the team in how to take
the next steps in their mobile school project.
Historically, the town of Kitale is an important
crossroad between the fertile southern
and the arid northern parts of Kenya. Moreover,
the town is located close to the border
with Uganda near the Mount Elgon National
Reserve. This strategical location results in a
high concentration of street-connected youth
in this relatively small town. A lot of street boys
leave the northern regions of Turkana and
Pokot for Kitale due to the harsh living circumstances
over there. There is also a high percentage
of youngsters who come from major cities
such as Eldoret, since the notorious police
repression against street-connected children in
this city.
All these circumstances make the work of our
partner Child Rescue Kenya on the streets of
Kitale even more important. Nowadays, the
organisation mostly focusses on non-formal
education on the streets through a combination
of a StreetSmart program (catch up classes
for street-connected youngsters in a small
classroom) with the mobile school. During the
follow-up training week, Master Trainer Bram Van
De Putte conducted two coaching sessions, three
advanced workshops and two street-coachings to
reenergise the team of street workers. The team
of CRK is now ready to explore the full potential
of the mobile school educational materials,
and will also be able to use the more advanced
panels - such as the Street Business Toolkit -
during their work on the streets.
8 staff members trained on advanced Mobile School topics
New team members trained on basic Mobile School principles
Exchange on successes and challenges during two coachings
Street Business Toolkit panels ready for use on the streets
44 45
volunteer weekend
22/02/2019 • 24/02/2019
SWZ • MS team
Update volunteers on
organisation and have fun!
Rotselaar / Belgium
Twice a year the StreetwiZe • Mobile School
team organises weekends for its volunteers.
We can count on +/- 70 volunteers who roll up
their sleeves every year to support the organisation
in achieving its core objectives and daily
activities. This can range from translation work
to administrative and logistical support as well
as creative and practical help in devising and
setting up campaigns or developing methodologies
for new educational materials.
On these weekends we bring volunteers
together to thank them but also to make even
stronger the connection they feel with the
organisation and the story we convey.
Volunteers have indicated that being interconnected
and having a strong bond with the
organisation significantly adds value to them
in their support role. From the organisation’s
perspective, these weekends are the ideal time
to listen to the volunteers and to hear their
opinions and insights about the growth of
StreetwiZe • Mobile School. They are a sounding
board for the organisation, a critical voice
that must be heard.
On Friday evening we presented the annual
results for 2018 and took the time to introduce the
entire team to the volunteers and the volunteers
to each other. The group split into two working
groups on Saturday morning. One focused on
‘Which campaign do we set up for the International
Day of Street Children?’ and the other
on ‘What new materials can we design for the
playground?’ After feedback to each group and
a reviving lunch, everyone was ready for a forest
game. 15 children of volunteers joined us for the
afternoon and brought a healthy dose of fighting
spirit, energy and playfulness. We all processed
the annual results during the forest game which
was a playful way to pass on information to the
volunteers and to make the various aspects of
the organisation discussable.
The programme also included a recreational
laser shoot activity and a walk. The volunteer
weekend was again successful! New ideas bubbled,
people felt more involved, their commitment
has been confirmed.
40+ volunteers
Presenting results 2018
Kick-off work groups
46 47
follow-up greece • arsis & praksis thessaloniki
04/03/2019 • 08/03/2019
Joke Verreth
ARSIS & PRAKSIS Thessaloniki
Thessaloniki / Greece
In 2009, a mobile school project was started
up in Thessaloniki. The local project was run by
two organisations: ARSIS and PRAKSIS. They
shared one mobile school to do joint street sessions
in Roma communities. In the following
years, both teams used the mobile school to
work with different target groups.
In 2017, ARSIS and PRAKSIS applied for a
second mobile school, so both organisations
could increase their impact on the street even
more by doing more sessions and by reaching
out to more street-connected children and
youngsters. The implementation training took
place in July 2017.
In March 2019, a follow-up training was
organised, to coach and reenergise the two
local street work teams. Two street educators
from another Greek partner organisation,
Ladies Union of Drama, joined the training as
well, which was a big added value. The three
teams exchanged best practises of the work
with the mobile school in Greece, they talked
about common challenges and looked for
possible solutions. Both ARSIS and PRAKSIS
organised a street session during the
follow-up, joined by street workers from the
other partners.
During a coaching session on the educational
materials, the street workers actively worked with
the panels they had not used a lot yet, adapting
them to their target groups and to the local context.
In addition, the street workers came up
with many creative games to play on the streets,
ensuring the optimal use of the Mobile School
educational materials in the future.
The training came at the right time, since ARSIS
recently appointed a new mobile school coordinator
and a lot of new volunteers joined the local
teams. During the training, all street educators
got to know each other, laying the ground for
a strengthened cooperation between the local
teams in the future.
21 people trained
Close-knit street work teams
Strengthened cooperation between 3 local teams
Development of new creative activities
48 49
Zorgbedrijf Antwerpen • Leadership Program
13/03/2019 • 15/03/2019
Eric Vanbiervliet
Arnoud Raskin
Auxiliary Prison Leuven
De Rode Antraciet vzw
CAW Oost-Brabant
Zorgbedrijf Antwerpen
Leuven / Belgium
For Zorgbedrijf Antwerpen (‘Care Company
Antwerp’) we developed a three-day leadership
programme. During the first day the
central theme was personal leadership (ME).
Inspired by the agility and resilience of
street-connected children, we asked ourselves
questions such as ‘Who am I really?’ and
‘Where and how do I want to make a difference?’.
We combined that reflection with the
sharpening of our individual positive focus, a
necessary basis for (self-)leadership and the
most beautiful gift for the people surrounding
Day 2 was the cherry on the cake of this programme.
We visited the auxiliary prison of
Leuven for a unique experience: the group
met a number of inmates, with whom they
had to accomplish a mission during the visit.
Throughout the day and the activities, the participants
discovered the ‘what’, ‘why’ and ‘how’
of an authentic connection with the ‘other’
(YOU) and thus interpersonal leadership. An
unforgettable encounter and cooperation and
a win-win-win for all participants, exactly the
way we like it.
Day 3 started with ‘WE’; a Cooperative Competition
workshop, as a basis for further development
of team leadership for the participants. In
the afternoon we worked on a Personal Development
Plan (PDP).
For this residential programme, we opted for
a cosy holiday home in a green environment,
where the participants cooked their own meal
on the first night. And you bet that the subject
of conversation ‘leadership’ never left the dinner
Developing personal, interpersonal and team leadership
Experience-based learning on ‘connection’
Writing a Personal Development Plan based on the Street Skills
Shifting the paradigm on detention and inmates
Inclusion of inmates
50 51
01/04/2019 • 30/06/2019
Ine Stessens
Kim Swyngedouw
Joyce van Eijndt
Wim Depickere
StreetwiZe clients
Leuven / Belgium
In 2018 the plan came into being of creating a
new StreetwiZe Salesforce (CRM) environment,
separate from Mobile School.
There were multiple driving forces behind this
decision: GDPR but also the need for (read:
advantages of) a clean, functionally designed
However, the search for a partner to help and
support this project deemed more difficult
than we thought. But in April, nGage (through
Sven Leën, a long time volunteer) offered us
free consultancy and partnered us with asUgo.
And so we set off immeditately.
Together with Paola Salvo (nGage) we wrote
storyboards of all data fields and process lines,
a complete tell tale of our Salesforce enigma.
Soon after, Michel Donck (asUgo) moved into
our offices for Easter holiday. Michel started
building our new environment and tweaked
it to our wishes. We created, tested and polished
and less than two weeks later the new
Salesforce set-up was ready to be populated
with data. David Ooms, Senior Manager
asUgo, spend labour day (what’s in a name)
and the following weekend migrating. By
Monday, Salesforce was ready to be used. We
were set to go, on our own.
Little did we know, this was the real testphase.
In essence the system was the same, but we had
to change some of our routine, comply with new
processes and test the automations. On top of
that more data needed to be migrated, this time
manually. But by end of May we set a milestone:
all 2019 data was transferred and cleaned, we
stopped using the old environment and moved
all activity to the new. We were ready for the final
testphase: reports and dashboards and we
nailed it!
This was an expedited, lightninglike project
with immediate impact and advantages for the
back-office (clean, lean data and automations).
With the ongoing support of asUgo, far beyond
their normal service scope, we keep tweaking
and improving. There’s no end to this, just a new
Clean database and separate environment from Mobile School
Instant, detailed and accurate data output
Automatisation of Purchase Orders
52 53
Screening Capharnaüm Afrika Filmfestival
Sander Degeling
Lies De Vocht
Saskia Dieleman
Rob Sweldens
For the second year in a row, Mobile School
hosted - in close collaboration with the Africa
Filmfestival Leuven - a free screening of a
recent African movie in the office. Every year,
multiple screenings are organised all over
Flanders in the run up to the Africa Filmfestival
to give people the opportunity to learn a bit
more about contemporary African cinema.
The screening was a great success with around
90 people attending the event. After the movie,
the audience had the opportunity to learn more
about the Mobile School methodology and our
partnerships worldwide.
Afrika Filmfestival
Leuven / Belgium
This year, we chose to show ‘Capharnaüm’, a
movie released in 2018 and directed by Lebanese
director Nadine Labaki. The film won the
North Sea Port Audience award during Film
Fest Ghent and the Jury Prize in Cannes.
Capharnaüm tells the story of Zain, a Lebanese
boy who sues his parents for the “crime” of
giving him life. The film follows Zain as he
journeys from gutsy, streetwise child to hardened
12-year-old “adult” fleeing his negligent
parents, surviving through his wits on the
streets, where he meets Ethiopian migrant
worker Rahil. Rahil provides him with shelter
and food, as Zain takes care of her baby son
Yonas in return. Later, Zain gets jailed for
committing a violent crime, and finally seeks
justice in a courtroom.
90 people outside of the network reached
Stronger network with Afrika Filmfestival Leuven
54 55
International Day for street children
StreetwiZe • Mobile School team
Mobile School volunteers
Mobile School partners
StreetwiZe • Mobile School
Bar Vital, Veltem / Belgium
For the 9th year StreetwiZe • Mobile School
celebrated the International Day for Street
Children on 12 April. After successful street
chalk graffiti actions, #nostreetkidding, street
sleeps and #Streetwork, we once again put
street children across the world in the spotlight.
The Consortium for Street Children, a worldwide
network of 90 organisations, is the initiator
of the International Day for Street Children.
In recent years they have lobbied to make
April 12th an officially recognised day. They
also worked together with the United Nations
Children’s Rights Commission to draw up a
policy document on children growing up on
the street. This document is used as an addendum
to the Convention on the Rights of the
On April 12th, volunteers from StreetwiZe •
Mobile School also put street children in the
spotlight in a fun and positive way by organising
an event in Belgium, and of course, we
encouraged our Mobile School partner organisations
to do the same worldwide. For example
partners initiated actions in Kenya, Malawi,
Ethiopia, Tanzania, Togo, Uganda, Philippines,
India, Afghanistan, Spain, Albania, Greece, Poland,
Georgia and Mexico.
In Belgium we threw a party to put the street
children in the spotlight. Originality and creativity
is the trademark of our volunteers and that is
why they organised a dance party in an old milk
factory. The factory was transformed into a cosy
dance hall and was spacious enough to bring
out the best dance moves from 300 party-people
dancing to a mix of live music and DJ sets. Playlists
included the favourite dance numbers of
street children. There was an exhibition about
the work of the mobile school and the importance
of the International Day for Street Children.
It was a positive party where the work of Mobile
School and street children were clearly visible. It
was an evening of meeting and connecting - an
ideal way to bring our supporters together and
expand further. We are already looking forward
to the 10th edition of the International Day for
Street Children which we will be celebrating on
12 April 2020.
Worldwide attention for street children
Confirmation and expansion of our supporters
Putting street children in the spotlight in a positive way
56 57
SD worx • cultural change: the sequel
15/04/2019 • 31/05/2019
Eric Vanbiervliet
Tessa Goossens
Kim Swyngedouw
Ine Stessens
SD Worx Staffing Solutions
Belgium / The Netherlands
Recent besliste SD Worx om een volwaardige
staffingpijler uit te bouwen. De organisatie
integreert daartoe verschillende organisaties
in België en Nederland. Wat ook voor de gezamenlijke
cultuur van deze nieuwe entiteit de
nodige uitdagingen met zich meebrengt. Eerder
gingen we met leidinggevenden en cultuurambassadeurs
op zoek naar de invulling van
de waarden van SD Worx Staffing Solutions. In
april en mei 2019 trokken we met de outcome
van deze sessies naar de medewerkers. Doelstelling
was om hen te laten reflecteren over
hoe ze de gewenste cultuur tot leven kunnen
en willen brengen in hun dagelijkse werk.
We ontwikkelden daartoe een workshop op
maat van 1 dag. Die ging van start met een
toelichting, door een leidinggevende, bij het
cultuurtraject en de betekenis die de verschillende
waarden gaandeweg meegekregen hebben.
Aansluitend keken we met de deelnemers
naar opportuniteiten en bedreigingen binnen
de realiteit van elke dag.
Vanuit onze overtuiging dat medewerkersengagement
inherent verbonden is met de alignering
van eigen waarden en aspiraties met die
van de organisatie begeleidden we de deelnemers
in de namiddag in het scherpstellen van
wat zij, vanuit hun persoonlijkheid, naast het
verhaal van de organisatie willen plaatsen. De
individuele reflecties werden gestimuleerd door
mensen in duo aan de slag te laten gaan met de
principes van het connectiegesprek. Meteen ook
een mooie opportuniteit om diepgaand kennis
te maken met de andere collega’s en activiteiten
van de nieuwe organisatie.
Op basis van beide oefeningen werden de deelnemers
als afsluiter van de dag uitgenodigd een
persoonlijk experiment te formuleren, aansluitend
bij een of meerdere organisatiewaarden,
waarmee zij, op basis van eigen waarden en
behoeften, in de komende weken en maanden
zelf in actie zouden gaan, om op die manier de
gewenste cultuur mee tot leven te brengen in de
Als afsluiter werden de teamverantwoordelijken
uitgenodigd nog voor de zomer de verschillende
experimenten van hun medewerkers bij elkaar
te brengen, met de bedoeling rode draden te
detecteren in organisatiewaarden waarrond
de teamleden willen werken en de acties die
ze daarmee verbinden. Dat laat toe de krachten
te bundelen én het maakt organisatiebreed
duidelijk wat de prioriteiten zijn, op het terrein,
in het neerzetten van de cultuur waarmee SD
Worx Staffing Solutions zich gaat onderscheiden.
Build a shared aspired identity for new organization
Engage all levels to translate values to everyday work
Build employee engagement
Stimulate organization-wide connection
Detect priorities in implementing culture in the field
Support the creation of a strong brand that ‘walks the talk’
58 59
Street Deep Dive • onboaRding
22/04/2019 • 25/04/2019
Lore De Muynck
Pieter Crabbé
Caroline Coppens
Arnoud Raskin
Thessaloniki / Greece
StreetwiZe and Mobile School want their
employees to truely live the company’s mission.
Using street skills as a metaphor for business
situations or talking about the social impact of
your job, should never come from simply reading
about it. It should come from an authentic
interaction with street-connected people and
the outreach workers themselves.
Early 2019, StreetwiZe hired a content developer,
a trainer and a business development
officer. As none of them had ever worked with
street-connected children, the company organised
a deep dive in Greece. Thessaloniki is
currently hosting thousands of refugees and a
large Roma population which makes it an ideal
domain for Mobile School projects. So in April,
Lore, Caroline and Pieter flew to Thessaloniki
under the guidance of Arnoud Raskin. They
were welcomed by the local partner organisations
The first Mobile School intervention took place
in a suburb called ‘Pereia’. Close to the city but
well hidden, a small Roma community is living
isolated from the local society. Circumstances
are rough as they literally live in an area full
of trash without electricity or running water.
Upon the arrival of the school, the kids were
immediately eager to start playing with the
educational panels.
The interaction with the Roma kids was a real
eye-opener to Lore, Caroline and Pieter. They
could highly appreciate the trust and confidence
between the outreach workers and the children
and all felt priviliged to be there.
The next day, the team visited another but yet
completely different Roma camp close to the
refugee camp of Diavatta, just outside the city.
In this camp, some of the houses look rather big
from the outside but are often completely empty
inside. Like in Pereia, the kids were very delighted
when they saw the van from PRAKSIS arriving. A
playful session with a lot of interaction with kids
from different ages made it another great learning
experience for the team.
The last intervention took place in Ksirokrini. The
purpose here is to connect children from refugees
with local children. Mobile School aims to
faciliate the integration of immigrants and to
teach Greek children about inclusion and respect
towards other cultures. A win-win we can all learn
Thanks to this deep-dive Lore, Caroline and Pieter
experienced some great street skills and felt
some of the social impact of their daily work.
Authentic connection with the street-connected kids
Creation of purpose
Connection with the partner organisations of Mobile School
Impact on professional motivation
60 61
Team expedition
02/05/2019 • 03/05/2019
StreetwiZe • Mobile School team
MS Partner Düsseldorf
Connection with the street
Düsseldorf (Ge) / Bocholt (Be)
Every year we make a trip with our team. This
time we had 2 major goals in mind: First and
foremost, we wanted the Streetwize • Mobile
School team to connect with the street context
of the mobile school at our partner organisation
in Düsseldorf, Germany. The connection
and bonding within our own team was the second
goal of the trip.
In two vans we drove to Düsseldorf with the
entire team. We spent the day there with the
street workers who work with the local mobile
school - the closest to Leuven at just 180 km
away from our office. Mobile School has been
working here for 10 years although the team
and the context have changed over time. How
does our partner approach the project? Which
structure is used to schedule the mobile school
sessions? Which are their target groups and
where do they work? We got a better view of
the operation of this mobile school and the
street workers, who recognise the need to work
with the mobile school. They go out several
times a week, pulling the school to the children
and young people who do not always get the
opportunities they deserve. Street workers connect
with the children and their families. They
organise activities in the neighbourhood and
are actively present in different areas of the
After breakfast the next day we all headed to
Bocholt. The second day of our trip was entirely
devoted to team connection. We were welcomed
to a dairy farm by FarmFun. Before starting the
afternoon’s activities, we reserved some time
to “gossip positively” about each other. This is a
methodology that we have regularly used in our
team this year with the aim of affirming each
other positively and emphasising the power of
each individual team member.
After lunch it was time for action! Guess what
happens if you let 18 enthusiastic colleagues
compete against each other in a farm challenge?
Wet sponges are catapulted, straw bags
fly around the cowshed... It was fantastic to see
the positive competition, drive, team spirit and
co-operation skills of the StreetwiZe • Mobile
School team in action.
This unique teambuilding was not only a confirmation
of our strong team that knows what it
stands for and goes for it for 100%, but also it
brought our team even closer together. We ended
these two days full of positive energy with recharged
Connection with MS partner in Düsseldorf
Connection with street kids in Düsseldorf
Connection within the team
Teambuilding activity
62 63
Exploration Sri Lanka • Child Action Lanka
06/05/2019 • 10/05/2019
Sander Degeling
Child Action Lanka
In the beginning of May, Sri Lanka was all over
the news. The terror attacks that struck the
island nation on Easter Sunday left the entire
world shocked and speechless. Despite schools
being shut in the aftermath of the attack,
Mobile School decided in close collaboration
with its partner Child Action Lanka (CAL) to
stick to the plan and to conduct a one-week
exploration with the organisation in Kelaniya, a
suburb of the capital Colombo.
In Kelaniya, a suburb just outside of Sri Lanka’s
capital Colombo, the organisation is running
one of their educational centres. CAL runs
several educational centres for disadvantaged
youth in 8 districts across the island. In these
centres, CAL offers day care and creative preand
after school activities to children of different
age groups. Moreover, families of the children
are supported with vocational training,
microloans and housing assistance. In general,
CAL builds a holistic approach with the objective
to educate, care for and provide life opportunities
for children who – due to various circumstances
– have suffered neglect, abuse and lack
of access to adequate education. In Kelaniya,
the organisation aims to conduct mobile school
activities in different areas near a famous
buddhist temple. This way CAL hopes to reach a
high number of children who can’t attend the
activities in the centre due to transport issues or
the limited capacity of the centre.
Kelaniya / Sri Lanka
It was in 2016 that Mobile School got in contact
for the first time with Debbie Edirisinghe
– founding manager of the organisation
Child Action Lanka (CAL). Three years later and
after setting up a partnership with the UC Leuven
-Limburg, CAL made the decision to explore a
potential partnership in order to check if the
mobile school could add value to their projects.
Although some places visited during the prospective
visit were less bustling as usual, it’s
crystal clear that CAL could be a great potential
mobile school partner if all logistical requirements
can be put in place. In the coming months,
both parties will co-define a long-term strategy
in order to make a final decision regarding the
implementation of the very first mobile school in
Sri Lanka. To be continued!
Team of 13 social workers trained on Mobile School methodology
Potential for multiple new mobile schools in long-term
Strengthened network with UC Leuven-Limburg
64 65
Implementation lithuania • PJM Soc. Centras
06/05/2019 • 17/05/2019
Joke Verreth
Robert Cieślar
PJM Socialinis Centras
In September 2017, we conducted an exploration
training in Vilnius with potential future
partner Pal. J. Matulaičio Socialinis Centras.
After the one-week training, a couple of to do’s
remained for the local organisation, that needed
to be realised before Mobile School could make
a final decision regarding the implementation,
such as elaborating a clear intervention plan
for all outreach activities, defining clear roles
and responsibilities for the team, etc.
Next to the workshops, four street sessions were
conducted with the mobile school during the
two-week training. Pal. J. Matulaičio Socialinis
Centras’ goal is to reach out to children and
youngsters they are not reaching yet with their
other programmes, in the district of Šeškinė.
The first mobile school sessions were already a
big success and after the training, the local team
is now fully prepared to run their local mobile
school project autonomously.
Vilnius / Lithuania
The team went to work immedately to find
solutions for the remaining challenges and
even visited the mobile school team in Bytom,
Poland to gain experience and to see the tool
in action. In collaboration with the team, all
materials were then translated to Lithuanian
and the implementation training was planned
in May.
During the introduction workshop on StreetwiZe
• Mobile School, in addition to the local
team, 21 people from their local network (the
local police force, other local NGO’s,…) participated,
raising awareness of street work in general
and the newly started up mobile school
project specifically.
9 people trained: 6 staff members & 3 volunteers
Network of local partner strenghtened
Educational materials translated to Lithuanian
66 67
update streetwize workshop ‘connect’
15/05/2019 • 15/12/2019
Lore De Muynck
Bram Doolaege
Kim Swyngedouw
Arnoud Raskin
(future) StreetwiZe clients
Leuven / Belgium
The ‘Connect’ workshop has been substantively
and structurally adjusted because there was
too little knowledge transfer in the previous
version and the definition of connecting was
not clearly coordinated.
Connecting is a crucial technique in street
work, but connecting is also essential in the
professional world. With some colleagues it
clicks in place faster than with others, making
an easy connection. Even if there is no click, it
is important to look for points of connection
with colleagues and customers with whom you
need to work together in order to do your job
By investing in connecting you discover and
get to know each other’s skills as well as influence
your well-being and efficiency in a positive
Empathy is a necessary factor for a good connection.
It is the sincerity and willingness to learn
from your conversation partner and to try to understand
him / her by discarding your own feelings
and experiences.
In the full day workshop we also pay sufficient
attention to the importance of trust, which also
counts as an important building block in a
connected relationship. The workshop offers a
number of techniques with which you can work
towards this connected relationship by focusing
on communication, in particular active listening
and body language, by making time to engage
in conversation with respect for each other’s
frame of reference and also by connecting creatively,
where you renew the contact with your
colleagues by introducing a number of new habits.
Promote well-being at work
The common thread in the workshop is learning
how to gradually promote your relationships
with team members with whom you work
closely from a functional relationship to a
connected relationship.
Optimize results
Get to know each other’s competences
Detailed Trainer’s manuals with literature and assignment
68 69
the belgian • leadership training
18/05/2019 • 13/12/2019
Lore De Muynck
The Belgian
The Belgian, a family company that distributes
and installs security systems such as fire
protection, access control, burglary protection,
camera and building management systems,
organized a leadership training for all managers
in 2018.
It was there that the idea arose to allow managers
to follow regular training courses so that
they could become better coaches and managers.
In recent months a number of colleagues have
left, in particular technicians. The general objective
of the managers is, therefore, to better
Meise / Belgium
coach their team and continue to motivate
them to get both the best out of themselves
and to optimize the atmosphere within the
team. These were the reasons they chose the
workshops Proactive Creativity, Resilience and
Agility, Positive Focus, Connect and Leading
8 managers were trained
Optimise communication by e-mail
Maintain the focus during meetings
The main outcome of these sessions was: learning
how to react in a positive and constructive
Recognize the importance of focusing on one’s strengths
way; knowing why you’re doing the things
you’re doing; learning to think differently by
focusing on opportunities; dealing with techniques
on how to connect in a different way
with a diverse team; finding more participative
70 and creative ways of organising meetings.
Exploration Turkey • Her Yerde Sanat
27/05/2019 • 31/05/2019
Sander Degeling
Her Yerde Sanat
Mardin / Turkey
In the last week of May, Mobile School
explored a potential partnership with an
organisation, for the very first time in Turkey.
In the southeastern, predominantely Kurdish
region of the country, the organisation Her
Yerde Sanat (Art Everywhere Association) offers
social circus and musical programs to vulnerable
children. To fulfill its mission, the organisation
runs three circus centres (Sirkhane), one
music school (Müzikhane) a Flying Library and
a so-called Galaxi-program, in which a mobile
van brings the joy of social circus to children
who don’t have access to the circus centres.
Many of the children the organisation works
with are refugees who fled the ongoing conflicts
in neighbouring Syria and Iraq. Moreover,
the organisation also reaches a lot of Turkish
and Kurdish young people who don’t have
access to creative activities after school hours.
In August, Her Yerde Sanat organises a famous
festival, The Flying Carpet Festival, to bring the
magic of music and social circus to the wider
tion areas is the city of Nusaybin, located on the
Turkish-Syrian border. In 2016, parts of the city
were destroyed during a conflict between the
Turkish government and Kurdish PKK militants.
In the city, scars of the conflict are still visible.
The creative nature of Her Yerde Sanat and the
need and willingness to develop mobile solutions
to bring their creative interventions to the
kids in the region offers a huge opportunity to
set up a partnership with Mobile School in the
future. In the coming months, both organisations
will discuss the logistical needs and the
next steps in order to make a final decision
regarding the implementation of a first mobile
school in Turkey.
Team of 14 street educators trained
Potential to implement MS in new region
More knowledge on children in conflict situations
During the exploration in the city of Mardin,
a team of 14 participants was trained. Beside
the basic exploratory workshops, the team conducted
multiple field visits in Mardin Province
to identify potential areas for sessions with the
mobile school. One of these potential interven-
Mobile School Nica Café
Joke Verreth
Saskia Dieleman
Lore De Muynck
(potential) volunteers
Leuven / Belgium
Every year, StreetwiZe • Mobile School organises
at least one Mobile School Café, an evening
during which our current and potential new
volunteers are welcomed at the office to ask
questions about recent projects and to catch
up with the team and with each other.
This Mobile School Café had a twist, since it
was specifically focused on the mobile schools
in Nicaragua. The reason for this specific focus
was the documentary “Striving for Tomorrow”,
made by Tom Exelmans - who did a six-month
internship at Mobile School partner organisation
Niñas y Niños del Fortín in León in 2017
- and Laurens Vanlandschoote for “Vranckx &
de Nomaden”. One of the people interviewed
in the documentary is Alexis López Muñoz,
who has been working with the mobile school
for 11 years at partner Las Hormiguitas in
Matagalpa. In the documentary, Alexis talks
about the local mobile school project during
an outreach session.
The evening started with a short presentation
on StreetwiZe • Mobile School and some specific
information about the current situation in
Nicaragua and our partner organisations there.
After that, Tom and Laurens introduced their documentary.
After the documentary, the public had
the opportunity to learn more about StreetwiZe •
Mobile School, the mobile school tool, our partners
worldwide, the documentary, etc.
24 people updated on the Mobile School partners in Nicaragua
15 people outside of the network reached
Relationship with current volunteers strengthened
74 75
European central bank • TeamBuilding
12/06/2019 • 14/11/2019
Eric Vanbiervliet
Bart Vanbellingen
Sofie Martens
Lore De Muynck
Caroline Coppens
European Central Bank
Frankfurt / Germany
Inspired by our story, the European Central
Bank management wanted some of their key
divisions to experience our streetskills. The aim
was to tackle some business challenges linked
to team identity and the multiple changes
they went through in the last couple of years.
With both aspects in mind, ECB partnered
with StreetwiZe to deliver impactful workshops
during a two day offsite.
Combining ‘Positive Focus and ‘Cooperative
Competition’, StreetwiZe answered the professional
challenges mentioned.
In 2019, three ECB teams were invited on this
• the Directorate Finance team in June
• the Budgeting-Controlling and Accounting
divisions in September
• the Facility Management Business Support
Section and the Security team in November
In the workshop on ‘Positive Focus’, teams were
mingled and got the chance to get to know
each other better. Together they rephrased
common challenges into opportunities. We
asked them to formulate concrete action points
for the week, month and quarter ahead.
For the ‘Cooperative Competition’ session, we
worked with functional teams collaborating on
a daily basis. They discussed some obstacles to
collaboration and came up with approaches to
handle them differently in the future. Each team
also focused on its mission and on the unique
contribution of all team members. The interaction
between the teams and the personal reflection
of each participant enhanced concrete
actions and positive energy.
The European Central Bank emphasized its appreciation
for the social impact that StreetwiZe
has on the life of street children worldwide.
Working with a hybrid company in which profit
and non-profit are in balance is in line with their
Explored relevant & applicable content for professional lives
Clearer view on the unique contributions of each team member
Sharpened team missions
Improved collaboration between different teams
Focused on opportunities within the challenging context of change
Enhanced collaboration temporary and permanent employees
76 77
New websites StreetwiZe & Mobile School
13/06/2019 • 18/07/2019
Hans Dreesen
Arnoud Raskin
Lies De Vocht
Jens Brehmen
Kim Swyngedouw
Rob Sweldens
StreetwiZe • Mobile School
Leuven / Belgium
In June and July we launched the refreshed
websites of StreetwiZe and Mobile School to
the public. Both StreetwiZe and Mobile School
sites needed a make-over with updated information
and a new look and feel.
For the development of the StreetwiZe website
we took into account feedback from our clients.
The old website had an unclear structure; it was
difficult to understand our offer or to find an
answer for client needs. They were also looking
for more success stories from other companies
working with StreetwiZe.
In order to get more traction and convince
a greater number of people to contact us
through mail or phone, we worked together
with different experts on the development of
the website. Hans Dreesen worked with the
StreetwiZe team on the structure and goals
of the website. A specialised design agency,
Eskader, took care of the look and feel and
Hans Housen took on the content copy written
by the StreetwiZe team.
The Mobile School website hadn’t been renewed
since 2012 so there were many things to improve.
Youth workers and street educators couldn’t
understand what our offer was or how we worked,
due to the unclear structure of the website and
the outdated information there. Based on the
design and structure developed for the
StreetwiZe website, the Mobile School team
wrote the necessary content for their site. The goal
was to reach more projects and youth workers
who could benefit from our methodologies.
Therefore we also expanded our StreetSmart
offer on the website, making it completely available
in 5 languages: English, Dutch, French,
Spanish and Portuguese.
2 new multilingual websites
Reach more clients and potential partners
The StreetwiZe website gives a clearer overview
of our current offer and the team working for
StreetwiZe. Also the stories and cases better
highlight what StreetwiZe does with its clients.
The website is available in English and Dutch.
78 79
follow-up poland • gtw gliwice
17/06/2019 • 22/06/2019
Rob Sweldens
Robert Cieslar
GTW Gliwice
Gliwice / Poland
GTW Gliwice is working with the mobile school
since 2018 in the city of Gliwice. Gliwice was
known for its thriving steel industry, but after
the industry collapsed, a lot of poverty surged
in the region. GTW Gliwice was founded in
2004 to reach out to children and youngsters
from families with socio-economical problems.
Initially their focus was mainly on football activities,
but over the yearse they rolled out an
extensive street work programme and runs two
daily centres where various educational activities
are organised.
GTW Gliwice has been working for more than
a year now with the mobile school as a very
active partner, using the mobile school almost
every day in different areas around the city. The
activities are funded by the city and by a European
During the follow up training, we participated
in various street activities. We noticed the children
are very connected with the local team.
They know exactly when the school will arrive
and are very motivated to participate in the activities.
Also, the street educators know almost
all the children by name.
During the training we noticed some crucial
challenges which needed to be addressed. Due
to the high demands of the funding programme,
almost no time was available for a good preparation
and evaluation of the interventions. Although
the funding is there, they find it challenging
to attract new staff to strengthen the
team. During the coaching sessions we tried to
find creative solutions for these problems, encouraging
them to use our digital platform to
find create activities and to plan regular evaluation
meetings. We worked on counselings skills
and the use of the educational materials they
had challenges with.
It was a great asset to have people from our projects
from Krakow and Warsaw between the participants
to spice up the discussions. Also, Robert
Cieslar, coordinator of the team in Bytom gave
some of the workshops in Polish and shared his
own experiences with the team.
9 people trained
Better use of educational panels
During the follow-up training we participated
Improved preparation and evaluation of interventions
in a conference organised by GTW Gliwice. 65
persons from different Polish street work organisations
Strengthened Polish Mobile School network
were present and attended an introduc-
tion workshop on Mobile School, StreetwiZe and
Increased interest in our methodology in Poland
StreetSmart, and some of them participated in
a mobile school session in Gliwice. Some organisations
showed their interest in the mobile
school and our digital innovations.
agfa • trainee programme
18/06/2019 • 10/03/2020
Lore De Muynck
employees from AGFA
Mortsel & Ghent / Belgium
In recent months, through CEVORA, AGFA has
offered its employees all the standard StreetwiZe
workshops, both at the Mortsel site and
in Ghent.
A branch of AGFA was in a takeover process
(which has since been completed) and through
workshops such as Positive Focus, Resilience &
Agility, Connect and Proactive Creativity, the
company wanted to give their employees the
opportunity to prepare for this.
All employees were given the opportunity to
get to know our programs through a monthly
workshop. The learning and development
manager also attended all sessions in order to
gain insight into what we have to offer and to
decide how we can further expand our cooperation.
Even though the site in Mortsel has
many more employees, the number of participants
was lower than in Ghent, where a workshop
had an average of twelve participants.
personal questions; how they have to, and can,
align themselves more with their audience and
target group; Positive Focus is a mindset they
can learn and how surprising it is that there can
actually be a balance between cooperation and
competition. At the end of 2019, the Ghent department
decided to support our organisation
in the context of the Warmest Week with no less
than 570 euros.
Stimulate connection
Different teams participated at Cooperative Competition workshop
Since the learning & development manager
9 employees participated in at least 5 of the 8 workshops
was enthusiastic about our interventions, we
looked together at how we could continue
Stimulate self leadership: what can I do?
to work in the future. A number of lessons
learned from the participants are: through
Strengthen business with both streetskills and techniques
Pitching they can vigorously defend / transfer
their case in a limited time; from the Connect
workshop how to get into deeper contact with
82 a colleague more quickly by daring to ask
Volunteer fun activity • The Outsider
MSG Volunteers & family
Saskia Dieleman
MSG volunteers & family
Oudenaarde / Belgium
Sporty clothing, sun cream on and full of energy,
we left with our volunteers to The Outsider
in Oudenaarde. We split up in three groups.
While one group was going up in the climbing
tower, the other group could only hope not
to fall deep into the swamp. The final group
walked on a barefoot path through the forest.
Then it was time for lunch and we had a big
BBQ. In the afternoon, we dove into the water.
Some people found a challenge in the cable
park, where others had a more relaxing afternoon
on the water in some kayaks and pedalos.
Being together, doing a fun activity, introducing
your family to other volunteers, that’s why
we find it important to organise each year an
event like this. We believe this helps to bring
the volunteers and the volunteer network closer
together. It is also the ideal way to thank our
volunteers for the work they do for our organisation.
On this day, they should only enjoy the
(Re)connect with our volunteers
Volunteers and family get to know each other
Volunteers and family get to know our organisation
84 85
train the mobile school trainer
Sander Degeling
Wim Depickere
Saskia Dieleman
Hans Lamberts
Rob Sweldens
Eric Vanbiervliet
Bram Van de Putte
Joke Verreth
Leuven / Belgium
Each year, we organise at least one Train the
Trainer for our Belgian Master Trainers, to guarantee
the quality of our trainings for partner
organisations, to exchange experiences and to
strenghten the ties between the trainers.
We kicked off the Train the Trainer with a debrief
about the trainings that were already organised
this year. Next, an update was given
on the upcoming trainings and novelties in the
organisation. Afterwards, all trainers evaluated
the Mobile School Master Trainer network together
and concrete actions were drawn up to
improve the quality of the network even more.
Since the different StreetSmart technology
components will be included in future trainings
as well, it is key that all trainers are up
to date on the most recent developments, so
an update was given on StreetSmart Impact,
StreetSmart Play and StreetSmart Learn. Each
trainer also came up with a new energiser,
which were played throughout the Train the
Trainer. In the evening, all trainers were able to
share experiences during an informal get-together.
In November, we will organise a second Train
the Trainer. During an intervision, trainers will
be able to share specific cases or challenges they
came across during one of their past trainings
We are also investigating the possibility of organising
a Train the Trainer for all Mobile School
Master Trainers next year, including our European,
Latin American and African trainers.
Experiences exchanged
Trainers updated about recent developments
Feedback on Mobile School Master Trainer network gathered
New ideas for energizers collected
Ties between Belgian Mobile School trainers strengthened
86 87
follow-up romania • save the children iasi
08/07/2019 • 12/7/2019
Joke Verreth
Save the Children Iasi
Iasi / Romania
Save the Children Iasi was our very first European
Mobile School partner organisation. They
started up their mobile school project in 2006
and have been reaching out to children and
families in Iasi’ disadvantaged communities
ever since. Because of all their experience with
street work, Save the Children was the most
suited partner to coorganise the StreetwiZe
Leadership Expedition.
Because of the active cooperation with StreetwiZe,
no Mobile School trainings were organised
since the start-up, so a follow-up training
was long overdue. The training came at a
good time, since recently a lot of new people
joined the team. To make sure all team members
could participate in the training, the social
center was closed for the training week.
A special programme was put together, tailored
to the specific needs and interests of the
local team. They evaluated their mobile school
project during a coaching session and came
up with a concrete action plan to increase their
impact with the mobile school even more. They
refreshed their knowledge of the Mobile School
self-esteem model and put it in practise by applying
it to specific cases.
During the workshop on creative therapy and educational
games, the team learned new creative
ways of working with and around the mobile
school. They came up with a lot of new game
ideas themselves as well with the Street Business
Toolkit panels and with other educational panels
that were hardly ever used before.
We also accompanied the local street educators
during two street sessions, during which they
already tried out some of their newly created
games and with success! After the follow-up
training, the team was reenergised and ready to
hit the streets with more new games!
9 people trained
Local team strengthened and reenergised
Concrete action plan drawn up
New game ideas developed and tested out
88 89
new mobile school kenya • joy divine
15/07/2019 • 26/7/2019
Koen Verrecht
Janet Otieno
The Joy Divine Children
Nairobi / Kenya
After the exploratory expedition with the team
of Joy Divine in Nairobi in November 2018,
Mobile School has been eager to start up a new
mobile school project with the Kenyan organisation.
In 2005, the first African Mobile School
was implemented in the Kenyan capital, and
14 years later, there is still a growing number
of children and adults who end up living the
streets of this African metropolis. The new mobile
school in Nairobi is already the fourth one
in Kenya, after other schools were launched in
Nairobi, Mombasa and Kitale.
The Joy Divine Children works mainly in the
slum of Mathare to build a positive relation
with the youngsters. Before the arrival of the
mobile school, the organisation was already
doing their Shule Mtaani (‘school in the street’)
program for street-connected youth in Mlango
Kubwa, one of the areas where a huge number
of homeless people gather because of the
proximity to the city centre.
Although getting the box out of customs and
having a solid core team in training caused the
trainers a lot of issues, the first interventions
on the street with the mobile school were really
promising. Since the shipment was only
cleared from customs in the second week of
the training, the team was obliged to ask to
team of long-term partner Kenya Good Neigh-
bors to use their materials. One a positive note,
this gave the new educators from the Joy Divine
the opportunity to see the more experienced
street workers from KGN in action. Moreover,
Master Trainer Koen Verrecht was assisted by regional
co-facilitator Janet Otieno, who is also coordinating
the mobile school in Mombasa. This
way, 3 Kenyan partners were able to informally
share ideas about the use of the mobile school
on the Kenyan streets.
A lot of work is still to be done by The Joy Divine
on different levels, but the implementation
proved that there is still a very high need for
street work with the mobile school on the Kenyan
streets. In the coming months, the partnership
coordinator will sit together with the coordinator
and the team in Nairobi to see how the educators
can maximize their impact on street-connected
Fourth mobile school in Kenya implemented
30 volunteers trained on the use of mobile school
Exchange of knowledge between 3 Kenyan partner organisations
Collaboration with Tomorrowland Foundation
18/07/2019 • ...
Arnoud Raskin
StreetwiZe • Mobile School
Tomorrowland Foundation
Polle Van Rooy
Tomorrowland Foundation
Boom / Belgium
Querétaro / Mexico
We were absolutely thrilled to announce the Tomorrowland
Foundation decided to collaborate
with Mobile School in 2019. The Foundation,
linked to one of the world’s largest and most notable
music festivals, supports projects boosting
the self-esteem of children through creative
expression. Their mission statement is the following:
“The People of Tomorrow are the ambassadors
for our belief in a better world. Their
positive energy and love inspired Tomorrowland
to start working on a commitment to
make this world a better place. Children and
youngsters are the future and shape the world
of tomorrow. Let’s cherish them and help them
to develop themselves as much as possible.
Education is the key to a better future. It is necessary
for individual, social and sustainable
development. But education is not only about
knowledge and being able to read and write.
Being able to express yourself creatively is just
as important for the personal development
of children and youngsters. Music, dance and
arts are key in this personal development. The
Tomorrowland Foundation helps to achieve
this dream.”
In 2018 the Foundation assisted in the construction
of a music and arts school in the village
of Sekha in Nepal.
Then the Tomorrowland Foundation decided to
select a second project with a similar vision: Mobile
School! Thanks to the support of the Foundation,
we were able to continue to expand and
open up five new mobile schools, one each in
Haïti, Kenya, Poland, Togo and Lithuania.
To celebrate the start of this collaboration, the
Mobile School team showcased the mobile
school on the Tomorrowland campsite Dream-
Ville. During the festival, visitors had the opportunity
to donate 2 ‘pearls’ – the official Tomorrowland
cashless currency – to the Foundation.
Moreover, the People of Tomorrow could similiarly
contribute by buying the official Tomorrowland
Next to the visibility we gained from the the festival,
the Tomorrowland Foundation visited one
of our mobile school projects in Mexico this fall.
They brought along Felix De Laet (Lost Frequencies)
and taped a mini documentary about the
street-connected children coming and learning
at the mobile school. The Tomorrowland Foundation
shares our vision that street children are
an untapped potential for society. We should not
approach them as a problem but as the amazing
People of Tomorrow.
Documentary about the work of Mobile School in Mexico (+50000)
Potential long term partnership with Tomorrowland Foundation
92 93
† 19 July 2019
Sas, you are one of us! Forever!
94 95
Exploration partnership City Pirates
13/08/2019 • 20/8/2019
Sander Degeling
Lies De Vocht
Arnoud Raskin
Joke Verreth
City Pirates
Antwerp / Belgium
“Football the motor, social commitment the
fuel, diversity the strength”, that’s the catchphrase
of City Pirates. Through football, this
Belgian organisation wants to give youngsters
from Antwerp opportunities and teach them
new competences, to increase social cohesion.
Currently, there are more than 1100 youth
players from more than 80 different nationalities
at the club.
It’s about much more than football, though.
The team of City Pirates also offers homework
support and organises home visits and meetings
with the children’s schools. Since the team
wants to increase their impact even more, by
reaching out to more children and youngsters,
they are always looking for new tools.
After an initial meeting, City Pirates submitted
their application for a mobile school. Since the
team organises street sessions during summer
in five different districts and since Antwerp is
nearby, we decided to already organise a test
session with the mobile school in August. To
prepare the team, we organised a short workshop
it safely. We then hit the streets of the Luchtbal
district. During their street sessions, the team of
City Pirates organises football competitions. This
time, the mobile school was set up next to the
football field. There clearly was a lot of interest,
especially from the younger children that could
not participate in the football competitions.
When the local educators were at the mobile
school, older youngsters showed an interest as
well, though. The key will be to figure out how to
integrate the mobile school into the current outreach
work sessions, so it is not merely a fringe
activity for those not playing football. Will there
be a Belgian mobile school project in the future?
We will keep you posted!
Basic training given to 5 educators
Successful mobile school test session organised
Belgian network strengthened
After a general presentation about StreetwiZe •
Mobile School, the educators discovered a variety
of creative games that can be played with
the mobile school and learned how to drive
streetsmart play • transnational meetings
22/08/2019 • 23/08/2019
11/09/2019 • 12/09/2019
Rob Sweldens
Lies De Vocht
Arnoud Raskin
Sander Degeling
Erasmus+ KA2
Belgium / Greece
Since the end of last year, we started a new
Erasmus+ programma through which we cooperated
with two Mobile School partners:
Ladies Union of Drama (Greece) and Salvati
Copiii (Romania). To improve the preparations
of outreach sessions, we decided to develop an
online content sharing platform for non-formal
education, StreetSmart Play.
After the first transnational project meeting in
November of 2018, we started looking for developers
who are able to create this platform.
We found our partner in Kunstmaan. From
April until July they worked on the platform,
in short feedback loops with us. In August, we
came together with the Erasmus+ partners
in our office, Andrei Craciun and Vicky Konstantinidou.
This time we discussed the final
version of our platform. We also started inputting
game content in multiple languages and
tested the automatic translations. During the
meeting we also worked together on the tutorial
section of StreetSmart Play. This will serve
as a helpdesk on the platform, for people who
need more information. Finally we did also a
brainstorm on marketing opportunities for the
platform. Who would be our target group and
how can we reach them.
As the launch of StreetSmart Play was approaching
soon (25 September), we did our final transnational
project meeting soon after the second
one. This time we met up in Drama, Greece. We
invited Master Trainer Robert Cieslar (Mobile
School coordinator of CME GPU UNO, Bytom)
and Eleni Poda (Mobile School coordinator of
PRAKSIS Thessaloniki) to join us, as the main focus
of the meeting would be the dissemination
of StreetSmart Play. We discussed what content
needed to be online before the launch, how the
launch event would look like and what the next
steps were after finishing the Erasmus+ programme.
To have those two meetings so quickly
one after the other, it really helped the team to
bound and work as one team.
Design and development of StreetSmart Play
Close cooperation with two Mobile School partners
Multilanguage platform
98 99
office of notaries • Tradition in Motion
19/09/2019 • 20/09/2019
Bram Doolaege
Office of Notaries
Antwerp / Belgium
Just like many other professional groups, the
Office of Notaries is not spared from the need
to change. More flexibility, installing a feedback
culture and responding to diversity and
diversification are just a few challenges that
the notary must face. This requires agility and
resilience from all involved.
In order to transfer this message, a national
convention was organized on september 19th
and 20th in Antwerp (
During this conference more than 8,000 people,
working in the Office of Notaries were reached
under the theme of ‘Tradition in Motion”. One
of the sessions was designed to transfer information
and inspiration on how professionals
can deal with difficulties when it comes to
change and change management.
Therefore Streetwize delivered a custom made
story on agility and resilience for all involved
in notary work. The message about the importance
Inspiring more than 200 notary professionals
For the first time a StreetwiZe Story on a 360 degrees stage
of attention management, immersive
Article: Notary, about agility and resilience published
activities, empathy and connection received
great reviews. And even more, the decision
Reviewed by Larcier Legal
was made to publish the expanded content of
the story by means of a chapter in a book. The
latter was reviewed and published by Larcier
Legal in the NCA book ‘Tradition in Motion’
100 101
B corp summit 2019 • lead the beat
23/09/2019 • 24/09/2019
Kim Swyngedouw
This year the B Corp summit was organised in
September. The summit is a unique experience
for Certified B Corps from around the world
and companies considering of applying for a
B Corp certification to connect, share, learn, be
inspired and build a global network.
In the B Economy, businesses compete to be
best FOR the world, the people living in it, and
the natural ecosystems on which our quality of
life depends. This shift in worldview and type
of systemic change requires leadership from all
sectors of society.
B Corporations
Amsterdam / The Netherlands
The B Corp community is evolving rapidly and
the summit created an opportunity to share
important milestones. The B Corp community
is looking for ways to engage with stakeholders
beyond certified companies, who play an
important role in the change we seek, such
as local governments, academic institutions,
journalists, and non-profit organisations. With
over 650 participants, and 45% not working for
a B Corp, we got an important group of people
in the room. Together, we co-created in 14
workshops, gathering over 36 main ideas to
strengthen the B Corp movement in Europe.
During the 2019 B Corp summit we lead the
beat towards the change we need to see. We discussed
on our vital role, on how we can lead our
industry and help other companies follow the
beat we are creating and on how our business
impacts the community and natural ecosystems
which surround us.
666 attendees
The theme this year was ‘Lead the Beat’. Lead
the Beat is about a cutting-edge approach to
leading for positive change. If the economic
system is broken, then it’s time to build a B
Economy, comprised of many organisations,
movements, academics, policy makers and
businesses that works for everyone for the
Declaring a Climate Emergency
Launching the SDG Action managers
23 countries present
25,5 hours of interaction
102 103
exploration cape verde• aldeias infantis sos
23/09/2019 • 27/09/2019
Aldeias Infantis SOS has departments on three
different islands. One of those departments,
Centro Social Mindelo Aldeais Infantis SOS,
applied for the mobile school. The team heard
locations where the work with the mobile school
would be useful, which is a big added value for
the potential future mobile school project.
Centro Social Aldeais Infantis SOS collaborates
Joke Verreth
about the mobile school through the Belgian with many international organisations and has a
consul of Cape Verde, who attended one of our big network on a local level as well. During the
information sessions, and immediately saw
the added value the mobile school would offer
during their work.
training, many other partner organisations were
invited: other street work organisations, the ministry
of education, the ministry of social work, the
Aldeias Infantis SOS
Currently, no street work sessions are organised
in Mindelo, the focus of the team is on esting discussions were held and experiences
police, the military,… During the training, inter-
prevention. Two social workers organise regular
house visits to follow up on specific at-risk
children, youngsters and on their families. The
were exchanged. The organisations were already
cooperating during some projects, but it became
clear that a better cooperation would benefit
children. The team used to organise sessions
last year they ran a center for street-connected
consequently, need to actively look for funds.
struggles to find long-term funding. The Belgian
on the streets as well, though, and up until
children. The team plans on organising mobile
Currently that is still a big issue. The organisation
consul of Cape Verde is a strong advocate for the
Mindelo / Cape Verde
team’s psychologist is in charge of the “Escola
da Familia” programme, which consists of
organising workshops for the families so they
can develop tools to take better care of their
their work even more and increase their impact
on the children they work with.
Although the social center is a branch of Aldeais
Infantis SOS, they need to be self-sufficient and,
19 people trained
Local network strengthened
school sessions in different local communities, mobile school project in his country, though, so
Organisations informed about Mobile School and StreetSmart Play
where a lot of socially vulnerable families live, he will support the team in looking for funds.
with the aim of preventing more children and During our training, a presentation was already
Local rotary club informed and interested
youngsters from opting to run away to the
streets. They would also organise one session
per week in the city center, to work with the
street-connected children there. The team has
a lot of knowledge about the children, their families,
the communities in general and about
given to the local rotary club, who might support
the project in the future. If the team manages to
find sustainable funding, allowing for the wages
of an extra team member and the purchase of a
new van, we believe they might be a good future
partner. To be continued!
StreetSmart Play • Official launch
Rob Sweldens
Lies De Vocht
Sander Degeling
Arnoud Raskin
Erasmus+ KA2
Belgium / Greece / Romania
At the end of September, Mobile School presented
StreetSmart Play, in a multiplier event
for 30 different organisations (45 people).
The event was organised to share results and
demonstrate the game platform. We kicked
off with a welcome speech and a keynote from
Arnoud on why Mobile School is investing in
To give the event some extra punch, we invited
Pedro De Bruyckere, an educational scientist
and keynote speaker, to talk about the importance
of play and about measuring play.
To close the event, Rob gave a demo of
StreetSmart Play. Afterwards, there was the
possibility to ask some questions and to share
your thoughts on a small network moment
with a coffee and some cake.
At the same time, our Greek and Romanian
partners (Ladies Union of Drama and Salvati
Copiii Iasi) organised a similar launch event.
They reached 38 and 53 people respectively.
45 participants from 30 different organisations
Simultanous events in Greece and Romania
Ready to use free platform
Positioning Mobile School as a valuable partner in Belgium
106 107
AG Insurance • IT Young Pros Program
27/09/2019 • 13/12/2019
Eric Vanbiervliet
Bram Doolaege
Learning & Development
AG Insurance
Brussels / Belgium
The goal of AG Insurance’s Trainee Program is
to enable its trainees to further develop some
essential skills, as part of an onboarding process.
Working on ‘self-awareness’ is a first important
theme. Trainees are expected to quickly and
autonomously generate added value within
diverse environments, which requires a solid
knowledge of their own function and that of
others. AG Insurance wants to offer its trainees
a basic knowledge of project management and
empower them in the fields of presenting, convincing
and influencing. A parallel objective of
the project is to stimulate connection between
trainees and to create a community in which
people continuously learn from each other in
an informal setting.
Throughout the programme, participants are
asked to work on a concrete project. That creates
both tangible learning environments, and
added vaue for the organisation in being challenged
by the next generation.
After a starter session featuring a StreetwiZe
Story, a two-day seminar was organised on Agility
& Resilience. Inspired by these reflections
and based on Positive Focus and Proactive Creativity
useful projects were identified, started
up and shaped throughout the programme.
The second session on Project Management
focused on the different phases and key elements
of a succesful project. With the help of a
professional actor we specifically practiced typical
challenges for project leaders.
During the ‘Pitching’ session, the participants
learned how to present their project in an efficient
and enthusiastic manner. They also defined
which resources they have to direct their audience
towards the right (re)action. ‘Storytelling’
helped the trainees to discover the added value
of a strong story in such a context.
Finally, 2 half-day project labs were set-up, where
the trainees further shaped and managed their
projects. During the final session they summarised
their own learnings in a personal story
and communicated the status of their projects to
coaches and managers.
Self-awareness through reflection
Developing Project Management skills
Developing communication skills
Reflection and project development on challenging issues
Community building within the group
Positioning & networking within the company
108 109
exploration uganda • dwelling places
07/10/2019 • 11/10/2019
Sander Degeling
Dwelling Places
Kampala / Uganda
With recently implemented mobile schools in
Togo, Kenya, Tanzania and Malawi, the African
Mobile School network is growing rapidly, and
this regional expansion might just continue
in the near future. In early October, Sander
Degeling visited two interesting organisations
that are motivated to bring the Mobile School
methodology to the streets of Uganda for the
first time: Dwelling Places and StreetWays
The main office of the organisation Dwelling
Places is located in Mutundwe, a suburb southwest
of the Ugandan capital Kampala. From
here, the organisation coordinates not only the
street work done in Kampala and the nearby
slums, but also the reintegration of children
with their families from two of their transitional
centres. The organisation organises all of its
interventions around the 4R-model: rescue,
rehabilitation, reconciliation and resettlement.
Dwelling Places is a Christian NGO, which
was founded in 1995 by Ritah and William
Nkemba and has been offering services to the
street-connected children of the Ugandan capital
ever since. A walk in the centre with the outreach
team of Dwelling Places leads us from
the taxi and bus stand to Jinja Road, the heart
of the capital where heavily guarded government
buildings line the street.
Before, this used to be the daily working ground
for many of the Karamoja children who are of
the streets to beg in order to contribute to the
family income. Many of the kids on the streets of
Kampala come from different regions in Uganda
in order to escape poverty and to look for more
opportunities in the big city. Today, however,
almost no kids can be found on Jinja Road. In
an attempt to diminish the growing number of
street kids, the Ugandan government is looking
for solutions to tackle the problem, mostly with
repressive measures. Recently, Ugandan officials
have even passed a law making it an offence to
offer money, food or clothing to children living
on the streets of Kampala, in an attempt to stop
These challenging circumstances make the need
for a positive alternative to interact and build
trust with the street-connected children even
more relevant. Therefore, Mobile School will
keep on communicating with Dwelling Places in
the coming months to see if it’s possible to overcome
the repressive government regulations in
order to set up the very first mobile school in
Uganda in early 2021.
Team of 22 street educators trained
Network building with street workers network in Kampala
Potential for first mobile school in Uganda
Extra demo of StreetSmart Play for street educators
110 111
exploration uganda • streetways uganda
14/10/2019 • 18/10/2019
Sander Degeling
StreetWays Uganda
Tororo / Uganda
Last October, there were not one, but two explorations
in Uganda. The first one was organised
with Dwelling Places in the capital Kampala
(see previous page), while the second one was
conducted in the eastern part of the country, in
the city of Tororo with potential partner Street-
Ways Uganda. Although the highest number
of street-connected children can be found on
the streets of Kampala, it’s not the only city
where valuable work can be done with the mobile
school. In Tororo, the organisation Street-
Ways Uganda E.V. works with young people on
the street to ensure they have access to quality
education. StreetWays was founded in 2015
by young Ugandans and Germans to provide
new and former street children with different
services such as bakery, ICT and life skills.
Besides conducting workshops with the team
and other stakeholders, a lot of potential outreach
locations were identified in Tororo and
Malaba. In this region of Uganda, there is a lot
of migration of children from the villages to
the urban centres. The mayor of Tororo – who
attended the closing ceremony of the Mobile
School training – welcomed the positive approach
of the mobile school to build positive
trust relationships with children living and/or
working on the streets for a solid foundation to
build sustainable change. Moreover, representatives
of the police were present during part
of the workshops to learn more about how to
interact in a positive way with street-connected
youngsters, since the general policy in Uganda is
still very much focused on repression.
Despite the fact StreetWays is still a very young
organisation that counts mostly on volunteers
to realise its objectives, the prospective visit
was perceived as very interesting. In the coming
months, the Mobile School team will work together
with StreetWays to see how to reinforce
the street work done in Tororo, and eventually
to come to a final decision if the organisation
can find an external partner to fund the potential
street work with a mobile school in eastern
Team of 18 street educators trained from multiple stakeholders
Network building with street work organisations in Uganda
Extra target group for StreetSmart Play
112 113
Follow-up • Fundacja Ukryte Skrzydla
25/10/2019 • 27/10/2019
Robert Cieślar
Fundacja Ukryte Skrzydla
The mobile school project in Krakow, Poland
was started up in 2008. The team organises
five street sessions per week in five different
sectors. In Krakow, low-income families (Polish
and Roma families) are housed in apartment
blocks built in the communist era, which are
referred to as “social ghettos”. Many families
struggle with drug and alcohol abuse and unwanted
pregnancies. The mobile school team
works with the children living in these “ghettos”.
Krakow / Poland
Every year, the team organises a training for
their new volunteers. In the past, these trainings
were organised by the team itself. Since
last year, though, Fundacja Ukryte Skrzydla has
a training budget. That is why they applied for
a Mobile School training for the second year in
a row.
8 people trained: 1 member of staff & 7 volunteers
During the three-day follow-up, the new volunteers
participated in the general presentation
Knowledge of Mobile School self-esteem model
of the Mobile School vision and methodology
Knowledge of educational materials & methodologies
and learned, in the technical workshop, how to
drive and maintain the mobile school. In addition,
they played and invented games with the
Increased motivation to work with the mobile school
educational materials and followed the workshop
on self-esteem. All new volunteers were
Polish Mobile School network strengthened
extremely motivated to start up the work with
the mobile school.
114 115
new mobile school togo • agopode
28/10/2019 • 8/11/2019
Bram Van de Putte
Eric Vanbiervliet
While the launch of every new mobile school
is always a big celebration, some implementations
are true milestones in the history of our
organisation. In early November 2019, a team
of Mobile School trainers launched not only the
very first mobile school in a French speaking
country, but also the very first Mobile School in
West-Africa in the Togolese capital Lomé.
However, the major challenge for local partner
AGOPODE will be to build consistency without
the presence of the coordinator, who moved to
France recently. Therefore, still a lot of work has
to be done, but it’s crystal clear that all the ingredients
to turn this first West-African mobile
school into a role model for the region, are surely
Lomé / Togo
After a succesful exploration in april 2018,
the small but very street-based organisation
AGOPODE was ready for their two weeks of
implementation trainings. Since most of the
NGO’s working with street-connected children
in Lomé are linked to each other, various other
stakeholders were invited to participate in the
mobile school implementation trainings in
order to be able to realize more impact in the
near future.
Estimations about the number of streetconnected
children state there are about 3000
children living on the streets of Togo’s capital,
while many more are spending a lot of time
on the streets during the day to work on the
streets or in the markets in order to contribute
to the family income. The first street sessions
were without doubt a great success, with a lot
of positive reactions from both the children
and the team of street workers.
First mobile school in West-Africa
First mobile school in a French speaking country
Team of 21 street workers from various stakeholders trained
Strong network with multiple street work organisations in Togo
116 117
Follow-Up Tanzania • Mwema Children Centre
31/11/2019 • 7/12/2019
Joke Verreth
Mwema Children Centre
Karatu / Tanzania
Karatu is a town located close to the Serengeti
and the Ngorongoro, two major national
parks attracting a high number of tourists. The
tourism industry leads to many opportunities,
which is why children and youngsters from the
poor rural areas surrounding Karatu choose to
flee to the city, ending up on the streets. Since
2006 Mwema Children Centre has been reaching
out to these street-connected children and
youngsters. Last year the team started up their
very own mobile school project to diversify
their outreach work even more. After one year,
it was time for a follow-up visit!
Since the start-up of our collaboration, Mwema
Children Centre has attached a great deal of
importance to involving all team members in
the entire training process, to ensure the entire
Mwema team has mobile school knowhow and
everyone feels involved, a big added value!
An educator from Mwema’s partner, Falcon’s
Children Village, also took part in the entire
training week, strengthening the collaboration
between the two organisations.
timetable. All team members have many responsibilities,
which impacts their commitment to the
mobile school project and their motivation. We
therefore took the time to draw up a new intervention
schedule for the mobile school sessions
in 2020 together. The team will also assign clear
roles and responsibilities to all staff members involved,
so everbody knows what is expected of
During the training week, we also looked into
counseling skills that can be applied on the
streets. The team came up with many creative
games with the Mobile School panels and designed
three new games themselves, adapted
to their local context and target groups. After the
follow-up training, the team was reenergised
and ready to hit the streets!
12 trained street educators
Local team strengthened and reenergised
New intervention schedule drawn up
New game ideas developed and tested out
In general, the Mwema team is very positive
about their mobile school project and the impact
it has had so far, but it quickly became
clear that there are still some challenges.
During a coaching session, the team indicated
most of those challenges are linked to the
Follow-up & exploration Malawi • STEKA
02/12/2019 • 06/12/2019
Sander Degeling
STEKA Malawi
Blantyre / Malawi
In the summer of 2018, Mobile School
launched the very first mobile school on the
streets of the Malawian capital Lilongwe. Due
to some organisational challenges, there is still
a lot of growth potential for the social impact
of this mobile school. Therefore, Mobile School
organized a 10-day visit to Malawi to enlarge
the network and to look for new partnership
After a quick visit to current partner Chisomo
Children’s Club and a couple of network meetings
with other interesting organisations in
Lilongwe, most of the time was spent on the
streets of Blantyre. Blantyre is a city located in
the south of the country and is considered the
economical capital of this land-locked country.
In this city, the organisation Step Kids Awareness
(STEKA) is running a home for about 74
vulnerable children.
in the world and where girls are more likely to be
illiterate than boys.
Godknows - having lived a life on the streets
himself - understands how to transform things
for these children. He wants to offer these kids
more sustainable futures by developing a
STEKA Village consisting of workshops to teach
life-changing vocational skills and facilities to
provide psychosocial support. It will also focus
on empowering young people to get their voices
heard in a youth forum aimed at lobbying for
marginalized children’s rights in line with the
Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC). In
the coming months, Mobile School will stay in
touch with STEKA and our other Malawian contacts
to make sure the mobile school can hit the
streets again more often to impact the lives of
street-connected children.
Team of 8 social workers of STEKA trained
STEKA was founded in 2007 by Godknows
Maseko and his wife Helen with the goal of removing
children from the streets and protecting
New contacts with Malawian street work organisations
Meeting with partner Chisomo Children’s Club on next steps
them from the abuse faced by many living
in poverty and on the streets. All of STEKA’s
children receive an education and Godknows
and Helen are determined to ensure that the
girls receive the same education and opportunities
as the boys, which is vital in a country
120 with one of the highest rates of child marriage
#DuwMee • Music for Life Campaign
Ine Stessens
Lies De Vocht
Many volunteers
SWZ • MS team
Music for Life Campaign
Kortrijk / Belgium
On 21 December 2019, the StreetwiZe • Mobile
School volunteers organised, for the seventh
time, their fantastic sponsored walk: #DuwMee.
More than 600 people came together
and walked from Deinze to Kortrijk (35 km). By
walking together, they raised funds for Mobile
Over the last years, it has become a tradition
to mobilise everyone in the context of Music
for Life to participate in the ‘hottest’ walk of
the year. This year Studio Brussel changed the
location of their radio station to Kortrijk, so we
had to change our route as well. People had
several options. They could start from Deinze
(35 km), Lille (55 km) or they could come by
bike from Brussels (100 km). Along the way
the hikers were kept warm by surprise animations,
the unique atmosphere, hot drinks and
heart-warming chats with the other walkers.
well, to ask if they could volunteer. With some
brainstorming and crafting sessions, the detainees
created a 10 metres long quetzalcoatl, that
made light in the dark. This is a Mexican feathered
serpent, that they linked to the support we
get from the Tomorrowland Foundation.
It was an amazing edition of DuwMee that has
left us with very warm memories.
Over 600 people participated in DuwMee 2019
The Warmest Week, organised by Studio
Live radio moment
Brussel (Flemish radio station), activated over
€47,015.62 was raised
230,000 people this year. They organised over
thirteen thousand fundraising campaigns for
+120 volunteers helped during the event
different charities. New this year was the focus
on volunteering. Every registered charity could
ask for some help from volunteers. 2,671 people
were activated to do so. Also in our DuwMee
campaign we welcomed 13 new volunteers.
The Auxiliary Prison of Leuven reached out as
These clients bought workshops, experience-based programmes, inspirational talks or other services at StreetwiZe:
124 125
Kenya Good Neighbors (Kenya, Nairobi) • since 2005
Childhope (Philippines, Manila) • since 2006
Kivuko / Railway Children (Tanzania, Mwanza) • since 2011
Virlanie Foundation Inc. (Philippines, Manila) • since 2006
Hope for Justice (Ethiopia, Hosanna) • since 2012
LEEDO (Bangladesh, Dhaka) • since 2015
Yenege Tesfa (Ethiopia, Gondar) • since 2012
EkTara (India, Kolkata) • since 2017
Yenege Tesfa (Ethiopia, Debark) • since 2016
Glad’s House (Kenya, Mombasa) • since 2016
Child Rescue Kenya (Kenya, Kitale) • since 2018
Chisomo Children’s Club (Malawi, Lilongwe) • since 2018
IPTK (Boliva, Sucre) • since 2005
Mwema Children Centre (Tanzania, Karatu) • since 2018
COMPA Teatro Trono (Bolivia, Cochabamba) • since 2007
Joy Divine (Kenya, Nairobi) • since 2019
Las Hormiguitas (Nicaragua, Matagalpa) • since 2008
AGOPODE (Togo, Lomé) • since 2019
Fe y Alegría (Ecuador, Quito) • since 2010
Fe y Alegría (Ecuador, Ibarra) • since 2011
ANNF / Proyecto Chavaladas (Nicaragua, León) • since 2012
Save the Children (Romania, Iasi) • since 2006
Alimentos para la Vida (Mexico, Querétaro) • since 2013
GPAS (Poland, Warsaw) • since 2006
ANNF / Proyecto Niños del Fortin (Nicaragua, León) • since 2014
Fundacja Ukryte Skrzydla (Poland, Krakau) • since 2008
Diamanta (Peru, Ayacucho) • since 2015
Jugendamt Stadt Düsseldorf (Germany, Düsseldorf) • since 2009
Fundación Los Cachorros (Peru, Ayacucho) • since 2016
ARSIS (Greece, Thessaloniki) • since 2009
Yolia Niñas de la Calle AC (Mexico, Mexico City) • since 2016
PRAKSIS (Greece, Thessaloniki) • since 2009
Generando Vida (Nicaragua, Managua) • since 2017
Center for Mission & Evangelism GPU UNO (Poland, Bytom) • since 2013
Fundación Abriendo Puertas Paz y Bien (Bolivia, Cochabamba) • since 2018
ARSIS (Greece, Athens) • since 2015
Asociación Navarra Nuevo Futuro (Spain, Navarra) • since 2015
PRAKSIS (Greece, Patras) • since 2016
Ladies Union of Drama (Greece, Drama) • since 2017
GTW Gliwice (Poland, Gliwice) • since 2018
Initiative for Social Change ARSIS (Albania, Tirana) • since 2019
*Some partners stopped the mobile school project or are currently not working
Pal. J. Matulaicio socialinis centras (Lithuania, Vilnius) • since 2019
due to policital instability or other reasons. 127
THANK YOU... our donors, for their valuable gifts, big
or small, that allow us to support educational
projects working with street-connected
children and youth. the children, schools and organisations
who raised funds for us and in doing so,
inspired a lot of other people. the owners of our building for allowing
us to grow as an organisation. our board of directors and investors
for their advice, trust and support every year. our volunteers for their endless energy,
creativity, warm comforting hugs in hard
times and trust in the organisation. our StreetwiZe clients for believing in
our approach. our partners PSSB, Limeparts-
Drooghmans, Ijzerwaar and DHL Global
Forwarding. The mobile school is produced
at Munsterbilzen Provincial Secondary
School (PSSB). Mobile School and PSSB
have made the clear and deliberate choice
to have the schools produced by Flemish
youth in a cross-border project that involves
aspects of social global education, technical
education and entrepreneurship.
DHL Global Forwarding has been a partner
and sponsor of Mobile School for more than
15 years. Over the years they have shipped
95% of all mobile schools. the worldwide networks we are very
honoured to be part of. community institution De Zande, Auxiliary
Prison Leuven & Rode Antraciet for
partnering with us in our experience-based
learning programmes.
De Zande
Bijzondere Jeugdbijstand the organisations who give us strategic,
legal and digital transformation support. the Tomorrowland Foundation, Google.
org and Synergie for the financial support. the EU and the province of Vlaams-
Brabant for the subsidies involving
the TECH4GOOD story and the capacity
building of our Togolese Mobile School
128 129
With the support of the
Erasmus+ Programme
of the European Union
Tomorrowland Foundation visits mobile school in Mexico
Want to know more? Check out p. 92
€ 114.787
investment subsidies for StreetSmart
€ 221.294
€ 758.901
revenue from StreetwiZe clients
€ 1,3 million
€ 24.071
€ 588.802
€ 1,3 million
€ 4.800
€ 397.860
gifts and campaigns
€ 497.486
Mobile School
2019: 838.744 euro was invested to improve the sustainable development of individuals, organisations and society, starting from the strengths of street-connected children.
Since the launch
of StreetwiZe in 2010,
we realise an average annual
growth of +20%.
StreetwiZe covers 58% of the total cost of the
Mobile School Group cvba-vso.
Our goal is to raise this percentage to 83% in
€341.258,- of the total cost of StreetwiZe
is directly invested in personal, team and
organisation development programmes for
the clients.
In 2019 StreetwiZe transferred 100% of its
profits €74.361,- to Mobile School.
Mobile School Group set the objective to double its social impact by 2021 (year of reference is 2014).
By implementing StreetSmart (our digital strategy), we suspect a boost in
our social impact in the coming years.
This was the last year we organised the Sidewalk Chalk
Campaign in primary schools. The campaign was stopped
to focus on growing the impact of Mobile School and the
start-up of StreetSmart.
educational contacts with
street-connected children
people reached by
our awareness campaigns
StreetwiZe participants
Our impact decreased in 2019 as many of
the Mobile School partners realised less
activities and contacts than the years before
due to a combination of local political reasons,
safety issues and financial restraints.
The average quality of contacts of the
Mo bile School partners increased with 7%
in comparison with 2014.
This calculation is based on an assessment of the
Mobile School partners.
StreetwiZe impact
Mobile School impact
Volunteers & Campaigns impact
StreetwiZe • Mobile School @streetwizemobileschool StreetwiZe • Mobile School @mobileschool
StreetwiZe • Mobile School
132 @bestreetwiZe
+32(0)16200085 •