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Café Travel List


“What makes this cafe a must-visit is that not only

does it promote Buan’s beautiful seaside views,

it also introduces a family-owned brand with

a compelling story, and a noteworthy cause.”

Buan’s reclaimed land has

a prime environment for

making rice: it is close to

the sea, grown in saline

winds, and less subject to damage by

harmful insects. This is why one of

Buan’s specialty products aside from

seafood is homegrown rice.

Gomso or Seuljinae cafe promotes the

high quality rice of Buan by serving

Jjinpang which are typically made with

fermented sourdough using the yeast

in makgeolli. Jjinpang is a traditional

Korean steamed bread which usually

has a red bean filling. The Buan-based

family that owns Seuljine, a jjinpang

brand which has been in existence for

20 years, has been making steamed

buns for the cafe with their secret recipe

which was passed down from generation

to generation. The family ensures that

they always make the jjinpang with

healthy ingredients sourced from Buan.

The cafe serves unique flavors of the

jjinpang: fresh cream, green berry

cream cheese, and blueberry, each with

a distinct taste of their own. These

steamed breads are not just any run-ofthe-mill

kinds you can find on the

streets of Korea. Seuljine brand has won

several food awards, including Award

for the Iron Tower Order of Industrial

Merit and recognized by the 50th rural

convergence industry by the Ministry of

Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs. The

brand and the cafe was also featured

in KBS News nationwide and local TV


Another notable fact about this cafe is

that part of the proceeds from the sale of

the breads are donated to the Steamed

Bread Donation and Community

Scholarship Foundation. What makes

this cafe a must-visit is that not only

does it promote Buan’s beautiful seaside

views, it also introduces a family-owned

brand with a compelling story, and a

noteworthy cause. Keep this cafe in

your travel wish list because not only

will you be getting a taste of delicious

steamed buns, you’ll also be supporting

the Buan community!

부안: 슬지네찐빵 슬지제빵소

(번역: 한리나)

곰소 카페 혹은 슬지네 카페는 막걸리의

이스트로 발효시킨 밀가루 반죽을

사용하여 만든 우리밀 찐빵을 판매하면서

동시에 질 좋은 부안 쌀을 홍보하고

있습니다. 찐빵은 붉은 팥이 소로 들어가고

전통적으로 증기로 쪄낸 빵입니다. 무려

20년이나 된 슬지네 찐빵은 부안에 사는

가족들이 운영하면서 대대손손 내려온

비밀 레시피로 카페에 어울릴만한 찐빵을

만들고 있습니다. 그들은 부안에서 재배한

건강한 재료만 사용하여 찐빵을 만들고

있다고 자부합니다.

扶 安 : 슬지네 蒸 包 슬지 制 面 包 所

( 翻 译 : 황희선)

在 黔 沼 咖 啡 厅 或 咖 啡 厅 出 售 使 用 米 酒

酵 母 发 酵 的 面 团 制 作 的 我 们 小 麦 蒸 包 ,

同 时 宣 传 销 售 优 质 扶 安 大 米 。찐빵 蒸 包

由 红 豆 入 馅 , 专 用 传 统 方 法 蒸 出 来 的 面

包 。 已 有 20 年 传 统 的 슬지네 蒸 包 由 居 住

在 扶 安 的 家 族 代 代 相 传 的 秘 诀 来 运 营

的 。 他 们 自 豪 为 只 使 用 扶 安 地 区 栽 培 的

健 康 材 料 制 作 蒸 包 。

32 Jeonbuk Life Magazine / Summer 2020 • Issue 19

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