Connect Teaching School Alliance

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A collaborative partnership working across South and East Lincolnshire in order to share skills,

experience and talent to support the learning and achievement of the children within our local schools.

Look out for…

New ways

of working






Welcome to Connect Teaching School Alliance

Our alliance of local, like-minded

schools is at the heart of our existence.

We believe that all children in our

schools have the right to inspirational,

aspirational learning ignited by high

quality teaching and leadership within

their schools. We work together.

We learn together. We improve together.

T: 01205 312153 www.connect-tsa.net

We are an inclusive alliance. Our strength is that we understand

each other’s intent, we appreciate each other’s issues and can

share potential barriers and discuss how we can support each

other in navigating them effectively.

Connect TSA works within the Lincolnshire Teaching Schools

Together network of all 8 TSAs in the county. We have access

to the regional and national programmes and ensure that our

schools are signposted and able to participate in all that will help

meet school priorities and further their children’s outcomes.

As budgets are tightened and expectations on our teachers,

leaders and children are raised, we see the collaboration as a

core tool of our innovation. The alliance wishes to drive new

ideas and ways of working to ensure we aspire for the highest

ambitions for children, teachers and leaders. One such way is

to support alliance schools to collaborate through reaching out

to each other and sharing expertise on areas of interest and

concern. Another is to take training out to clusters of schools

where there is demand.

We look forward to the new year ahead and working together to

make the best of the opportunities that it will present to us all.



Dates for your Diary............................................................5

Developing & Retaining High Quality Leaders.........6

Initial Teacher Training..........................................................9

NQT Early Career Teacher Support............................. 10

English Continuing Professional Development..... 12

Maths Continuing Professional Development....... 14

Science Continuing Professional Development.... 16

School to School Support............................................... 18

Specialist Leaders of Education.................................. 19

Supporting EAL Learners...............................................20


English Hubs.......................................................................22

Early Years Networks.......................................................23

Teaching Assistant Development...............................23

Connect Alliance Membership....................................24

Important Information.....................................................25

Pupil Premium....................................................................26

Lincolnshire Teaching Schools Together...................26



Delivery in response to Covid 19

In response to Covid 19 we have established new delivery models.

For the first half of the Autumn Term all delivery will be remote –

live and/or recorded. Additionally, we will develop models which

are blended, flexible and bespoke to schools and localities. As

conditions allow we will continue to provide face to face sessions

but there will be a variety of venues used.

We have further strengthened our partnership with Charter TSA to

meet what we see as our moral purpose in supporting teachers

new to the profession, both NQTs and RQTs

Our response to schools

• High quality, targeted project to support curriculum leadership

and development

• Remodelled LAMP 2021 to focus on the transitions within

Primary schools - Project 1: Reception to Year 1 and

Project 2: Year 2 to Year 3

• Additional SLEs recruited around Attendance, SEND and EYFS



Connect Teaching School



Courses now also available to book via


New to Year 2/6

Writing Moderation

Year 2/6


opportunities across

the curriculum

Writing Moderation

Year 2/6


Writing Moderation



New to Year 2/6

Moderation &

Assessment Y2/6

Moderation &

Assessment Non-SATs

Moderation &

Assessment Y2/6

Moderation &

Assessment Non-SATs

Secure outcomes

across the key stages

Physics across the

Key Stages

Moderation workshop

– KS2 teachers

Moderation workshop

– KS1 teachers


6th Oct 2020

17th Nov 2020

24th Nov 2020

3rd March 2021

27th April 2021

5th May 2021

18th May 2021


15th Sept 2020

20th Nov 2020

27th Nov 2020

21st April 2021

11th June 2021


25th Nov 2020

3rd Feb 2021

8th June 2021

8th June 2021

Y2 9am-12pm

Y6 1pm-4pm

Y2 9am-12pm

Y6 1pm-4pm


Y2 9am-12pm

Y6 1pm-4pm


Y1 & 5 9am-12pm

Y3 & 4 1pm-4pm


Y2 9am-12pm

Y6 1pm-4pm

Y2 9am-12pm

Y6 1pm-4pm

Y1 & 3 9am-12pm

Y4 & 5 1pm-4pm

Y2 9am-12pm

Y6 1pm-4pm

Y1 & 3 9am-12pm

Y4 & 5 1pm-4pm






13th October 2020

10th March 2021

7th July 2021



29th September 2020 1.30pm-3.30pm

24th November 2020

29th January 2021

16th March 2021

25th June 2021


11th November 2020 1.30pm-3.30pm

5th March 2021

9th June 2021


20th October 2020

25th November 2020

3rd February 2021





24th September 2020

4th February 2021

29th April 2021


Half days and Twilight sessions are priced

at £50 per delegate, full day courses £100.



Book your places now via email:

enquiries@connect-tsa.net or call the

Connect Office on: 01205 312153

All dates are subject to change in the light of public health issues.


Connect Teaching School




Connect Teaching School Alliance is committed to ensuring

the highest levels of attainment and progress for all children.

Connect recognises that schools who invest in and develop

their staff will ensure high quality delivery, stability and

retention going forward. To that end we are offering a range

of training that will support in this.

We are determined to provide high quality Professional Leadership Development, with the ambition to

deliver effective career opportunities and succession planning for our Alliance schools. Connect has a

proven track record of developing teachers with an ambition to lead, with previous participants already

taking up a number of middle and senior leadership roles in our local schools.




Listening to our Alliance members and the wider

community Connect understands the desire

for high quality training and guidance around

subject leadership. The need to effectively devise,

deliver and articulate an ambitious curriculum

will require knowledgeable and highly competent

leaders. Do you have staff who, with support,

have the potential to demonstrate excellence as

subject leaders to develop others and apply the

principles of their school’s curriculum design to

their subject?

The focus will be the key elements of subject

leadership with the target audience being

foundation subject leaders. This is aimed at

supporting those on the ground with highly

practical, day to day relevant information,

guidance, advice and strategy that can be of

instant benefit to the individual involved. It will

be underpinned by the latest Ofsted framework,

evidence based practice and will prepare your

teachers for the deep dives to come. We want the

training to have instant take aways that can instil

confidence and enhance practice.

The structure would be:

Session 1 Leadership and planning a curriculum

Roles and responsibilities, subject policy, evidence based

approach for professional development, action planning

Session 2 Progression –bespoke to curriculum areas

Curricular progression, pedagogy, rationale, resourcing,

visioning using EEF guidance, embedding the subject in

the curriculum, enrichment and access for all learners,

range of SLEs on hand

Session 3 Monitoring, evaluating and assessment

Effective monitoring linked to Action Plans, the review

cycle, assessment, promoting your subject

Session 4 The deep dive experience

Pupil interviews using the EIF, Quality Assurance and case

studies, having the conversation, managing change

There would be GAP tasks and follow up contact between

each session to ensure momentum is maintained and

supported. Those taking part would also be part of a newly

created Foundation Subject Leader network which would

be facilitated by Connect.

To find out more visit our website or please contact enquiries@connect-tsa.net

Now available to book via



National Professional Qualification


Lincolnshire Teaching Schools Together

(LTT) are proud to work with George

Spencer Academy to deliver a

Lincolnshire Cohort for the NPQH,


Our programmes are delivered

though a blended learning approach;

a combination of face to face days,

online learning, school experience, and

self-directed study. As a competency

based programme there is a focus

throughout on the development of

skills and understanding alongside

leadership behaviours.

Whilst on the programme day-to-day

leadership development in your current

school will allow you to:

• lead on a strategically challenging


• engage in challenge and support from

your coach and/or headteacher

• integrate new learning into your

leadership practice

• develop those leadership behaviours

identified through the 360 diagnostic

• negotiate and tackle specific whole

team/school improvement priorities

Those not currently working in a school

will undertake these activities in the

school(s) that they have identified, and

who have committed to support them.

The course duration is 12 months with

an expectation that participants go for

final assessment within 12-18 months

from induction. Participants have the

opportunity to gain Masters credits

towards the University of Nottingham’s

Masters in Educational Leadership

and Management without extra charge

or additional workload on the NPQ


Full programme information, including costs, face-to-face dates and booking for the Lincolnshire

NPQH, NPQSL, NPQML can be found on our website: www.lincolnshiretsa.co.uk/npq



With our highly qualified and experienced SLE team we are

in a position to support schools with CPD around leadership

for staff in groups or as individuals. This could be whole

staff delivery on your site based on existing resources and

materials developed by Connect or a bespoke package based

on your school and staff need.

Sessions we currently offer include:

• The role of the middle leader and strategic direction

• Leading teaching and learning

• Monitoring and evaluating intervention

• Developing a strategic subject plan linked to the SDP

• The role of the leader in closing the gap

• Leading teams for improvement

• Exploring tools to accelerate progress


Connect have booked a number of Curriculum CPD Days that would go a long way to

supporting your subject leaders and their colleagues. These include:

DESIGN & TECHNOLOGY - Wednesday 23rd September 2020

9.30am-3.30pm (timings to be confirmed) Subject Leader focus

Ryan Ball, Curriculum Trainer with the Design and Technology Association

GEOGRAPHY - Wednesday 14th October 2020

9am-11.30am Subject Leader Focus, 12.30pm-3pm classroom practitioners

Jon Cannell, Primary Curriculum Leader with the Geographical Association

HISTORY - Wednesday 25th November 2020

9.30-12 Subject leader focus, 1-3.30pm classroom practitioners

Mr T, Historical Association Primary Committee

To find out more visit our website or please contact enquiries@connect-tsa.net

For those

signed up to our

Subject Leadership

Programme, one

half day of leadership

training will be





The University of Lincoln has

been awarded gold in the Teaching

Excellence Framework 2017



More than half of the University

of Lincoln’s research is rated as

world-leading or internationally

excellent in the most recent

Research Excellence

Framework, and students have

the opportunity to engage in

pioneering projects.


The University of Lincoln

has recently been awarded

Gold in the Teaching Excellence

Framework 2017, judged

as delivering consistently

outstanding teaching,

learning and outcomes

for its students.



The University’s Great Central

Warehouse Library is open 24/7

for the majority of academic year.

Resources include more than

260,000 books and ebooks, and

approximately 200,000 print and

electronic journals, as well as

databases and specialist



Student Experience

The University of Lincoln

is a top 50 UK university (Complete

University Guide 2019) and

recognised as one of the country’s

leading universities. (Ranked

22nd in UK according to

The Guardian University

Guide 2019.)






The course is part of the Mentoring Practice Enhancement Programme offered by Sheffield Hallam University in partnership

with Lincolnshire Teaching Schools Alliance ( LTSA). The curriculum is mapped to the UK National Standards for school

based initial teacher training (ITT) mentors (2016). Professional recognition takes the form of digital badges awarded for

successful tasks, and a certificate for completed participation. The tutor team includes school mentor trainers and university

staff who specialise in teacher education.


Registration is available throughout this academic year and is open to mentors

and aspiring mentors in Lincolnshire schools through our SCITT programme.

If this is of interest to you please contact us by email: enquiries@connect-tsa.net

Initial Teacher Training


Connect TSA has an excellent record of

providing first class training and preparing

teachers for their NQT year and beyond.

The Alliance has worked with local

training providers at the forefront of Initial

Teacher Training for many years leading

to many of our trainees already being in

leadership posts.

We are proud to work with our associate partners to provide a

high quality teacher training experience for our student teachers.

Lincolnshire Teaching School Alliance accredits Qualified Teacher

Status, whilst the University of Lincoln accredit the PGCE element

of the programme.

Our SCITT (School Centered Initial Teacher Training) programme

is tailored to the individual trainee’s needs and aspirations, whilst

at the same time ensuring our children have the best classroom

support possible.

Whether you are a new graduate, about to graduate or are

considering a change of career, our School Direct ITT will give

you the foundation for a successful career in the classroom.

We offer excellent bespoke and hands-on initial teacher training

opportunities for primary teachers and leaders of the future.

As a school-based teacher training programme, School Direct

immerses trainees in the classroom from the very first day of

training. Working collaboratively with primary schools and our

provider partners, we provide high-quality, diverse school-based

teacher training in over 50 schools within Lincolnshire.

Our course offers a PGCE qualification with QTS. Training

programmes are school based, with a one day training session

per week at either Lincoln University, LTSA or within one of our

local partner Primary schools.

For more information visit our website www.connect-tsa.net

or to organise an informal chat about your options email:

enquiries@connect-tsa.net or telephone: 01205 312153.

Our trainees said...

“I cannot express enough just how thankful

I am that my path led me to Connect.

Your commitment to get to know each

and every one of your trainees, ensuring

that we feel safe, secure and empowered

is overwhelming.”

Boston trainee, EYFS/KS1

“I would also like to use this reflection

to pass on my thanks to Connect, my

Programme Tutor and to my School Based

Mentor for their support both professionally

and personally throughout my training year.

I honestly do not believe I would have

found the experience as rewarding if I had

chosen to train with another provider.”

Boston trainee, KS1

“Being immersed in a school has made

me fully aware of expectations and what

my job role really entails. I have been

able to trial routines, systems and lessons

before going into my own classroom.”

Boston trainee, EYFS/KSF

“School Direct gave me the opportunity

to work alongside experienced teachers

and fully immerse myself in school life.

Weekly training allowed a fantastic

window into a wide range of school along

with having leading practitioners deliver

training. The creation of a network of

trainees helped with both our learning

and support for those moments when

things became difficult.”

Boston trainee, KS2


Newly Qualified Teachers





Connect Teaching School Alliance act

as the designated Appropriate Body for

NQTs and as such, has the main quality

assurance role within the induction

process for local schools. Connect

TSA registered NQTs will benefit from

networking within a local cluster to

share experiences and practice

through their induction year.

2020 2021

A personalised and cohesive programme to help our Early

Careers Teachers’ get off to a ‘Flying Start’ which supports

mentors as well as teachers to prepare them for the year

ahead, in their setting, for their children.

Successful induction is the first step into a successful career. The support offered

by schools for NQTs and RQTs has never been needed more than after the

disruption and challenge caused by Covid 19. To underscore this Charter and

Connect Teaching Schools have collaborated further to create a wider offer

which is intended to take the pressure off schools and offer teachers strategies

and ideas that can be transferred into practice immediately. We have a

combined offer of 18 sessions of which 6 come within the enhanced Early Career

Offer for NQTs and the Early Career Package for RQTs. All remaining sessions

are available at £45 each (£50 for non alliance members). Our successful NQT

induction is in it’s fourth year with a growing reputation in our locality.

NQT TEACHER & MENTOR INDUCTION - Tuesday 22nd September 2020

• Both the NQT and mentor are required to attend

• Welcome to Connect NQT Team

• Meet other NQTs in local schools

• Understand the requirements for Induction

• Understand the roles and responsibilities of all parties

• Understand the paperwork and processes involved

in Induction

• Overview of the requirements for measuring NQT

performance during induction

• NQT manual for Teacher and Mentor.


• Welcome event/induction training for the NQT and Induction Tutor

• Initial registration of the NQT with the TRA through the Connect Registration form

• A named contact for advice and support in undertaking induction duties and activities

• Induction training for the NQT and Induction Tutor/Mentor

• Electronic induction manual and forms for both the NQT and Induction Tutor

• Provision of all paperwork for monitoring, support and recording of outcomes

• A process of Quality Assurance of termly assessment and monitoring reports

• Reporting to TRA on progress and final outcome of the NQT induction year

• Advice and further documentation when an NQT is at risk or has become a cause for concern

• Email and telephone support for NQTs, Head Teachers and Induction Tutors

• Link to online master portal

• Email prompts for key actions and deadlines

• Termly webinars for networking and collaboration.


NQT CPD sessions

are accessible to

Bronze package

NQTs at an

additional cost of

£50 per session.


• Inclusive of the Bronze package

• Plus 6 additional CPD afternoon sessions. These sessions have been designed and linked to the

Teachers’ Standards and therefore provide valuable experience and knowledge for NQTs to achieve

these standards by the end of their Induction Period.





For the cost of £250 each RQT will have access to 6 training

sessions across the academic year. In addition the RQT will

be able attend any additional session at an additional cost

of £50 (10% discount for alliance members).

SLE support will continue to be available for these teachers

at a cost of £175 for a half day. Through combining our

services Charter and Connect can then offer a greater range

of phase specialist SLEs to support need.


Session Date


Standard Phase


Behaviour Management 02/10/20 7 Primary Connect TSA

Planning for engagement and progression 06/10/20 4 Primary & secondary Charter TSA

Planning for progress EYFS 16/10/20 4 Primary Connect TSA

Planning for progress KS1 and KS2 10/11/20 4 Primary Connect TSA

Lessons in positive behaviour management 17/11/20 7 Primary & secondary Charter TSA

Strategies for supporting learners with EAL 23/11/20 5 Primary & secondary Connect TSA

Managing adults: colleagues and parents 30/11/20 2/8 Primary Connect TSA

Managing the daily interface with EYFS & KS1 parents & carers 09/12/20 2/8 Primary Connect TSA

SEND – an inclusive classroom 12/01/21 5 Primary & secondary Connect TSA

Meeting student need: challenge and differentiation 19/01/21 5 Primary & secondary Charter TSA

Assessment of reading and writing 20/01/21 6 Primary Connect TSA

Inspiring creative learning 02/02/21 1/4 Primary Connect TSA

Science – enquiry and investigation 23/02/21 2 Primary ConnectTSA

How to promote progress and good outcomes by students 09/03/21 2 Primary & secondary Connect TSA

Maths – broadening strategies 08/03/21 3 Primary Connect TSA

SPAG – made to look easy 23/03/21 3 Primary Charter TSA

Making accurate and productive use of assessment 11/05/21 6 Primary & secondary Charter TSA

Teach meet: Reflection, Celebration & Progression 29/06/21 Primary & secondary Charter TSA

Dates for all training sessions to be found on our website www.connect-tsa.net

*Face to face sessions will start at the earliest from January 2021, in the meantime

Zoom/Microsoft teams will be used.

Now available to book via


Charter TSA sessions will take place from 4.15pm-5.30pm at Charter TSA, Queen Elizabeth’s Grammar School, Horncastle, LN9 5AD

Connect TSA sessions will take place from 1pm-4pm at Connect TSA, Peck Avenue, Boston, Lincolnshire, PE21 8DF


Benefits of membership to the Chartered College

of Teaching for NQTs:

• Engage with high-quality career development and stay up to date

with the most up to date and relevant pedagogy and research

• Connect with a network of like-minded individuals

• Learn from and support teachers from across the country to

develop teaching practice

• Gain recognition and awarded status for expertise and

commitment to the profession

• Collaborate and showcase expertise on a national platform

• Be part of a national movement committed to shaping the future

and raising the status of the teaching profession

NQTs will get access to:

• Research Engagement toolkits

• Professional development resources

• Support for Early Career teachers

• Exclusive invites to events and webinars

• Subscription to termly, peer-reviewed journal


• Printed copy of annual publication for

early career teachers ‘The Profession’


Continuing Professional



Dr Jeannie

Hill Bulman

Jeannie specialises in all

aspects of Primary English

Teaching and Learning. She

is an experienced consultant,

and has previously been a

Deputy Head of two schools

and English Subject Leader.

Jeannie received her PHd from the University of Sheffield in 2015 and

her research on film education led to her receiving the United Kingdom

Literacy Association’s award for research in 2016. Her publication

‘Children’s Reading of Film and Visual Literacy in the Primary Curriculum: A

Progression Framework Model’ (Palgrave, 2017) was nominated for UKLA’s

Academic Book Award 2018. She has also co-authored ‘Film Education,

Literacy and Learning’ with Becky Parry (UKLA mini book series).

She provides training and consultancy in all areas of English (through

course attendance and bespoke in-school consultancy, inset days and

twilight training sessions):

• Raising attainment in writing

Feedback from

English Delegates

“It will make life easier!

Evidence collecting and

its suitability has been

made clearer.”

“Taken away different

activities to implement

in class!”

“This will help me

accurately assess


“Ideas to motivate

and inspire writing.”

• Developing reading comprehension skills and strategies

• Improving standards in phonics and spelling

• Developing the spoken word and drama

• Embedding a visual approach to learning in English – use of film

and visual literacy.

She is also an external moderator (KS1 moderator and Lincolnshire’s KS2

Moderation Manager) and can support with English SATs and writing

assessments at Key Stages 1 and 2. She provides support for subject

leader development, monitoring and action planning as well as bespoke

research projects.




If you wish to book a place on any English sessions,

or would like to know more, please email us at:

enquiries@connect-tsa.net or telephone : 01205 312153

Now available to book via






29th September 2020

24th November 2020

29th January 2021

16th March 2021

25th June 2021




New to Year 2/6 Tues 6th Oct 20 Y2 9am-12pm

Y6 1pm-4pm

Writing Moderation Year 2/6 Tues 17th Nov 20 Y2 9am-12pm

Y6 1pm-4pm

Maximising opportunities Tues 24th Nov 20 4pm-5.30pm

across the curriculum

Writing Moderation Year 2/6 Wed 3rd Mar 21 Y2 9am-12pm

Y6 1pm-4pm

To be announced Wed 27th April 21 9am-4pm

Writing Moderation Non-SATs Wed 5th May 21 Y1 & 5 9am-12pm

Y3 & 4 1pm-4pm

To be announced Tues 18th May 21 9am-12pm


In addition to the subject

leader clusters, we are

delighted to offer a series

of English training days

covering very specific

and prevailing issues that

teachers are facing in the


New teachers to Year 2

and to Year 6 have very

specific needs, for whom

understanding the dynamic

nature of the curriculum and

assessment expectations

can often be a source of

concern. To this end, we

are offering teachers new

to these year groups a

day’s training that aims to

give them confidence and

understanding of their year


We have selected elements

which staff within our

Alliance have requested

support in as a starting point

for our CPD offer.


Leader Clusters

are available

FREE of charge

to Alliance Member



Continuing Professional



Rachel Sykes

In addition to the Subject Leader

Networks, we are delighted

to offer a series of Maths

training days covering issues

that teachers are facing in the

classrooms. Our Maths CPD

programme is led by Rachel

Sykes, a well respected teaching

and learning consultant.

Rachel Sykes is an experienced primary practitioner who trains, coaches

and mentors primary school teachers in all areas of Mathematics across

Lincolnshire. She provides high-quality CPD at all levels, on each aspect of the

primary mathematics curriculum and is Specialist Leader of Education (SLE)

as well as a trained Accelerate Coach. Furthermore, as an experienced SLE,

Rachel has delivered specific training for Maths Leaders across the region and

is a Research Champion and Hub Lead for Mobilise Maths and the Lincolnshire

Attaining in Maths Project (LAMP).

The training delivered by Rachel focuses on latest research, including

recommendations from the Educational Endowment Fund (EFF). Emphasis

is on developing current practice to raise attainment for all learners through

active engagement, promoting mathematical enjoyment and developing

teacher subject knowledge. Rachel also works with the Maths Hub and is

supporting schools that are part of the TRG network.

Rachel is incredibly passionate about primary mathematics. She believes that

all children have the potential to achieve and that the key to this is developing

resilience. The building blocks put in place at the beginning of a child’s

mathematical journey are essential for success in later-life. Our SLE colleagues

who support in the delivery of Maths CPD are as equally passionate.


Now available to book via



programme reflects

the key areas of

support identified by

Alliance Members in

order to best serve

our local area.


New to Year 2/6

15th Sept 20 Y2 9am-12pm

Y6 1pm-4pm

Moderation & Assessment Year 2/6 20th Nov 20 Y2 9am-12pm

Y6 1pm-4pm

Moderation & Assessment Non-SATs 27th Nov 20 Y1 & 3 9am-12pm

Y4 & 5 1pm-4pm

Moderation & Assessment Year 2/6

21st April 21 Y2 9am-12pm

Y6 1pm-4pm

Moderation & Assessment Non-SATs 11th Jun 21 Y1 & 3 9am-12pm

Y4 & 5 1pm-4pm



If you wish to book a place on any Maths sessions, or would like to know more,

please email us at: enquiries@connect-tsa.net or telephone : 01205 312153

Effective transition within a primary school

– how to create and sustain best practice in Maths

LAMP is a highly respected Maths focused school improvement

programme in Lincolnshire with a proven track record of

raising KS2 attainment through effective implementation of the

evidenced based practise addressed in EEF guidance.

In response to feedback from colleagues this has now evolved

into two separate projects to address key transitions within

primary schools – Project 1 Transition Early Years to Year 1 and

Project 2 Transition Year 2 into Year 3. These will launch late in

the autumn term ready for a January start.

Significantly the project straddles the periods up to and

including transition. The tandem team of School Champions

from each setting also ensures that teachers either side of

the transition point have access to the training and CPD, the

bedrock of sharing good practise within school and securing

sustainability. As long as either member of the tandem team

can be present for the Professional Learning Community

meeting there will be continuity. Each meeting will result in

short term action plans being generated for delivery by the

School Learning Champions to share their responsibility in

trying out new learning or teaching strategies.

The project will launch in late Autumn with a sharing of the

aims, processes and structures with stakeholders. These will

include headteachers, governors, School Learning Champions

and Specialist Leaders in Education. There will be a front

loading of the content of the projects so that the overarching

journey is understood by all. Following the launch the initial

bespoke school based meeting will reflect on current practice,

strengths and weaknesses, perceived action points and the

Maths intent in each. This will feed into the value added aspect

of the PLC to ensure there is a bespoke

element for the participants.

Building on learning

from the previous LAMP

projects the structure will

continue to operate around

Professional Learning Community

meetings with the Education Endowment Foundation evidence

at the heart of the programme. Strategies will address and

target classroom teaching and learning as well as strategic

subject leadership. This will raise the confidence of Maths for

both children and teachers as they transition from one stage to

the next.

Continued support by the senior leaders within each school will

be essential in ensuring the successful implementation of the

programme. Underpinning the programme is the methodology

of sustained school improvement to empower staff to structure

the school’s approach to delivery ensuring a viable, sustainable

and effective approach to effective transition.

All participants will have access to enrichment as part of the

project. A half day on Number Fluency led by Gareth Metcalfe

forms one aspect of this enrichment and a half day on Lesson

Design led by Kat Finch will form the other. There will be

opportunities for non LAMP participants to take part in these

activities and so widen the access to the expertise.

Connect is highly committed to the delivery of such an exciting

programme. Using the latest research as a driver, we firmly

believe that it will meet the needs of pupils, teachers and

schools in ensuring a strong transition between age phases.

Furthermore, it will offer leadership development for teams

of teachers within school who can then act to sustain the

strategies learned and developed in the long term.



11th November 2020

5th March 2021

9th June 2021




Continuing Professional



Nicola Beverley

Craig Early

The CONNECT Assessing

Primary Science Network

(CAPS network) links our

Subject Leader network

clusters with targeted CPD

designed to engage, inform

and challenge not only

Science Subject Leads, but

also classroom teachers from

across the primary phase.



networks are

FREE to Alliance



Science Workshops are open

to all at a fee of £50 a session

with a 10% discount for

alliance members.

This programme is unique in its structure. There is a launch day for

Subject Leaders where Science matters and educational issues are

explored. This is then followed up by another three opportunities to meet.

On two of the days morning Subject Leaders have their network meeting

in the morning. The afternoon is then given over to Subject Leaders who

wish to stay and also to any class teacher across Primary Phases for whom

the session is relevant. The third and final day is dedicated to moderation.

This is designed to be flexible and will enable schools to select staff

members for each session who will be able to implement with the greatest

impact on school. This may take the form of a ‘mix and match’ booking

system, we are more than happy to accommodate.

We are delighted to have Nicola Beverley designing, leading and shaping

this growing network. Nicola is an experienced school improvement

professional, with extensive specialist knowledge of primary teaching and

learning built up over 20 years in and around primary schools. She is a

nationally renowned primary science specialist and was a science advisory

teacher for several years.

Working closely with Nicola to develop our programme for Science is Dr

Craig Early, Head Teacher at Wygate Park Academy. A chemist, Craig works

with the Association for Science Education, Primary Science Teaching Trust

and Stem Learning, writing materials, training and delivering at National

Conferences. Through their collaboration, Nicola and Craig are able to

share the most current and exciting elements of science teaching and

learning with our alliance partners.

Our ambition is to raise the profile of Science in local schools

through quality CPD, mentoring and support for those

championing Science in our schools.

An opportunity for science Subject Leaders to:

• Develop their understanding of the role and responsibilities of subject

leadership, particularly in the context of the latest OfSTED framework

• Consider a variety of monitoring and evaluation strategies that might be

used to carry out a progression review or ‘deep dive’ into science in school

• Improve their subject knowledge and understanding of progression in key

aspects of science across KS1 and KS2

• Plan for implementation and impact. With support and in collaboration with

colleagues, SL’s will consider ways to influence and bring about impact in

their own schools.





20th October




Inspiring science: Supporting development in challenging times

The recent challenges faced by schools, their response to the

Coronavirus outbreak, home schooling and in-school provision

for science will be discussed. SL’s will consider and reflect on:

• What positives have come from this?

• What challenges have been faced successfully?

• What and where next?



A range of resources, opportunities and

ways forward will be suggested, aimed

at equipping SL’s to better support their

colleagues and children to work – and learn –

scientifically, while being mindful of potential

Ofsted scrutiny, as the new framework is

reapplied during the autumn term.



25th November




3rd February




8th June




Assessment and progression in primary science

The morning session will feature essential updates and share key

resources that might be used by SL’s in creating fit-for-purpose

planning and assessment practice in their schools.

An emphasis on fine tuning teacher expectations of secure or

better outcomes will provide the focus:

• What should progression look like in key areas and how

can we support colleagues to ensure learning builds on

what has been taught/learned before?

• What does secure look like and how might we encourage

teachers to plan with that in mind?

• What evidence might be relevant to consider in making

teacher assessments?


Building knowledge in school: Physics focus

• Essential updates and feedback on action taken by SL’s

in their own schools.

• Exploring progression in key Physics ideas across the KSs

– Just what should children know and understand?



A chance for teachers and subject leaders from ALL year

groups in KS2 to consider assessment evidence, moderate

and secure their judgements of children’s progress, prior to

submitting end of year or KS data.



A chance to further develop teacher

understanding of what secure outcomes

for children might look like across

contexts and key stages. Considering:

• Outcomes for subject knowledge

• For working scientifically

Plus, suggested assessment strategies

that might be used in the classroom to

find out more about children’s knowledge

and understanding.


Physics across the Key Stages

A whistle stop tour, focussing on the

importance of progression in key

learning, featuring practical starting

points and vocabulary development

activities relevant to all year groups.



A chance for teachers and subject leaders

from either year group in KS1 to consider

assessment evidence, moderate and secure

their judgements of children’s progress, prior

to submitting end of year or end of KS data.


Connect Teaching School




Leaders within our Alliance have a

proven track record of successful

working partnerships with a range of

primary and secondary schools.

Our approach is collaborative, our support is

bespoke and targeted with experts in their respective

fields, eager to support others to improve teaching,

learning and outcomes in our local schools.

Our School to School Support draws upon the

recognised expertise and outstanding practice

of middle and senior leaders across the Alliance

including Specialist, Local and National Leaders

of Education.

Our system leader support includes:

• Peer to Peer Support

• Mentoring or coaching school leaders, Teachers, Finance

and Business Managers, Education Welfare Officers,

Teaching Assistants

• Supporting School Improvement initiatives

• Specialist training and delivery of evidence-based practice

• Pupil Premium Reviews - see PPR section


LLEs are serving Headteachers that work within Teaching

Schools as system leaders to support school improvement.

They are trained to support fellow Headteachers through

a mentoring and coaching approach, with recruitment

following the DfE processes and protocols. The strength

of working within county’s Teaching School network is that

we share recruitment, deployment and quality assurance

of our system leaders for the benefit of all our county’s


Connect TSA currently has 6 LLEs to deploy in to schools

and are looking to recruit further for this academic year.

If you wish to share your expertise within our expanding

network, contact us to express your interest and we will

inform you of the next recruitment rounds through the

forthcoming academic year.


If you are an experienced Headteacher, Senior or Middle

Leader interested in supporting leaders in other schools

you may wish to apply to become a Local Leader of

Education (LLE) or a Specialist Leader of Education (SLE).

Working within the Lincolnshire Teaching School Together

(LTT), we support the Department of Education’s goal to

provide all learners with access to high quality provision.

To this end we recruit LLEs and SLEs through the

academic year to join our network of support for local

schools. If you would like to find out more about the

recruitment process or would like to apply to become an

SLE or an LLE please contact us, we would be delighted

to hear from you.

Visit our website to find the specific criteria associated with the role: www.connect-net

Email: stss@connect-tsa.net or telephone: 01205 312153



Specialist Leaders

of Education



• Assessment

• Attendance

Specialist Leaders of Education (SLE) are outstanding middle

and senior leaders that have the skills to support individuals or

teams in similar positions in other schools. They understand

what outstanding leadership looks like and are skilled in

helping other leaders to achieve it in their own context.

The role of the SLE was created to help raise standards and improve the

quality of school leadership through school-to-school support and peer-topeer


The designation of SLEs recognises the importance of the role that senior

and middle leaders have to play in improving outcomes for our children.

SLEs act as ‘system leaders’ and are trained to be successful through a

high-level coaching or facilitation approach that draws on their own personal

knowledge and expertise in that area. This may involve a variety of support

approaches including diagnostic models and one-to-one or group support.

Regardless of the type of support delivered, the ultimate aim of the SLE

is to contribute significantly to improving outcomes for children through

developing capacity of peer leaders in other schools.

The coaching approach utilised by an SLE means that any development will

be collaborative which will assure long-term, sustainable improvement by

helping these in-school leaders to develop their own leadership capacity.

The type of work our SLEs are involved with is far reaching and some

elements are listed below. For a complete register of our SLEs and their

areas of specialist expertise, please visit our website www.connect-tsa.net.

If you require support from one of our SLEs or would simply like to

investigate how they may be of help, just email the Connect Team at

stss@connect-tsa.net or telephone: 01205 312153

If you wish to request SLE support, or are interested in becoming an SLE

for Connect, email us at: stss@connect-tsa.net

• Classroom Behaviour

• Closing the gap

• Early Years

• English

• English as an Additional


• Geography

• History


• Intervention

• Initial Teacher Training

• Leading CPD

• Leading the school Curriculum

• Maths

• NQT and Mentoring

• Outdoor Learning

• Phonics

• Physical Education


• Safeguarding

• School Business/Finance

• Science


• Subject Leadership

• Support for most able

• Year 6


deployed 25 different

SLEs last year – a

testament to the quality

we have to offer and

the value schools

place on their



The Bell Foundation



Do you have a significant cohort of newly

arrived EAL learners or established

learners who have reached a plateau in the

acquisition and application of English?

Would your school like to engage in a

whole programme to improve outcomes

and pedagogy?

Would your staff benefit from a refined,

expansive skill set that will impact on

and develop all?

Would you like the tools to robustly

assess and support pupils and then

more effectively track their progress?

Are there gaps that need filling in your


As a Bell Foundation Centre of Expertise

we can support you.

We can offer a range of programmes from whole school, to

groups of staff and individuals. Delivery will be from our

licensed Bell Practitioners and can be over a period of time,

single or a series of sessions or bespoke support tailored to

your school needs.

Language for Results – whole school model

The Bell Foundation flagship programme supports a school

over three years to embed strategies and practice, to raise the

outcomes of children with English as an Additional Language,

in order to benefit both the individual child and the wider

community. It is a comprehensive programme of training and

support for all staff that will create skilled practitioners and

impact positively on outcomes.

Please contact us for more details on the programme and

costings. We can put you in touch with existing Language for

Results schools too.

The EAL Assessment Framework

The Assessment Framework includes early years foundation

stage, primary and secondary support strategies and

provides practical ways to support EAL learners at each

stage of their language development. It also includes a pupil

tracking tool for teachers to monitor and record the progress

of EAL learners and ensure accurate records of language

development are maintained. Work with one of our Licensed

Practitioners to make the most of this framework.

For information about the bespoke

support our BFLPs can provide and the

resources available, please contact


or telephone: 01205 312153.

Leadership training

• 1 to 1 training for EAL Co-ordinators

• Supporting pupils with EAL for Senior Leaders

• Leading assessment of learners with EAL again senior leaders

• Assessing Language Proficiency


Individual CPD sessions will make a difference

to your staff and children

Each one will be tailored to your setting. These are usually about 2 hours duration and are

easily stand alone options.

• Comprehensible English for new arrivals with EAL

• Differentiation strategies for learners with EAL

• Grammar under the microscope

• Language in the classroom

• Supporting pupils with EAL for senior leaders

• Teaching Assistants working with learners with EAL

• Assessing language proficiency of EAL learners for primary and secondary practitioners

Bespoke support

• Whole school language awareness – exploring communication with speakers of

another language within the school community.

• Senior Leadership – we share practice, strategies and management tools that

will ensure your school effectively supports and integrates the EAL learners and

families into the school community.

• Skills for EAL Teachers – a ‘train the trainer’ model that shares strategies a that will

enable participants to confidently deliver effective training to teachers in school.

• EAL coordinator training – sharing best practice on how to meet the needs of

EAL learners.

• Teaching Assistants and EAL – up-skilling teaching assistants to be more effective

in the classroom and support pupils with EAL.

• Knowledge about Language – developing fluency in English through effective use

of grammar and language in the classroom.

Our Bell Foundation Licensed Practitioners (BFLPs) are available to support schools with

any individual or group of children struggling with English acquisition. An initial school

audit will determine the best pathway for your school. The audit can be used by an

individual school, it can be supported by a BFLP working with the school and the school

could opt to continue to work with a BFLP in drawing up an implementation plan.

Any school is welcome to make an appointment and come in to see how we are

supporting our own children with EAL to make effective progress. Contact us to find out

how we can be of help.

Feedback from

participants of BFLP

presented training:

“Lots of great ideas,

making sure that EAL

is given support in

the right places.”

“Catered for all

schools, big and small,

no pressure added

to do all the things

at once.”

“Useful resources

and ideas for EAL and

non-EAL children.”

“We have a high

proportion of EAL

children in school

(over 30%) so this

is relevant to ensure

children’s needs are

met and we can

show progress.”

“Able to make action

plans that are relevant

to our school.”


Connect Teaching School


Creating an inclusive


We are delighted to be working

with colleagues in LEARN Teaching

School who is the only SEN specialist

Teaching School in South Lincolnshire

and as such are able to support all

phases and all types of schools.


training session:

Friday 23rd

October 2020

Most children’s needs can be

met in their local mainstream

classroom. Some children

need extra help to enable

them to remain in their chosen

school, and there are lots of

ways in which we can help to

make this work.

We are offering the opportunity

for mainstream teachers

and leaders to discuss and

share proven strategies and

practice that will further ensure

successful progress in the

classroom for all children.


• To clarify understanding of what special educational need is, and what it is not.

• To begin to understand some of the cognitive processes involved in learning,

and what they might look like in practice.

• To understand a range of practical teaching and learning strategies that enable

all learners to achieve in mainstream lessons.

• To appreciate some of the reasonable adjustments that might be made to

enable access to the curriculum.

• To critically evaluate some of the components of an inclusive lesson,

and the strategies that might be employed.


• Primary class teachers, new and experienced

• Training primary teachers

English Hubs

Witham St Hughs Academy in Lincolnshire

We work closely with the Lincolnshire English

Hubs to develop three priority areas:

Early language development

Age-appropriate phonics provision

Promoting a love of reading

Contact us to find out more details about

how the hubs support in school.

Email enquiries@connect-tsa.net

or telephone: 01205 312153





With the reforms to the ‘Statutory framework for the early years foundation

stage’ becoming mandatory from September 2021, Connect invites local

schools to get ahead. One of our alliance schools engaged in the pilot for

the reforms over the last two years. Taking lessons learned, and building

on practice undertaken by other local primaries, we want to offer an

opportunity for collaboration and partnership in the preparation for the

coming changes. With schools choosing to be Early Adopters, Connect

EYFS SLE Rebecca Hales will facilitate the development of a deeper

understanding of the reformed Early Learning Goals and accompanying

documentation for all interested parties.

Please look out for information via our website, Facebook and Twitter feed

or register your interest now via enquiries@connect-tsa.net

Sign up to register your interest: enquiries@connect-tsa.net



We recognise the huge contribution that Teaching Assistants

(TAs) make to the progression of our children’s learning.

EEF evidence shows that TAs can provide noticeable improvements to

pupil attainment when working well alongside teachers, providing excellent

complementary learning support. TAs are also crucial in helping ease teacher

workload and stress, reduce classroom disruption to increase pupil attainment

and also help to improve students’ confidence and self-esteem.

The emphasis on the effectiveness of our TAs has been driven by the push

for greater inclusion of pupils with SEND and EAL seen in our schools. This

presents an excellent opportunity for improvements in practice, with such a

large and already committed resource in place. This training will also support

colleagues in meeting the Teaching Assistant Standards.

The recommendations in the EEF guidance recognise the fact that schools

are operating within already tight budgets; however, noticeable improvements

in pupil outcomes can be made through the thoughtful use of our teaching

assistants, without significant additional expenditure. To this end, we have

devised a series of short training sessions aimed at delivering key messages

to TAs that will support more effective, targeted delivery in the classroom.


Includes Subject Knowledge Enhancement:

• Phonics • SPaG KS1 • SPaG KS2

• Maths KS1 • Maths KS2

• Supporting effective assessment and planning,

including questioning

Dates and times for these training sessions can be

found on our website www.connect-tsa.net

For more information contact:

enquiries@connect-tsa.net or telephone: 01205 312153

Now available to book via




Working together to make

a difference, our networks

encompass all EYFS Leaders

and practitioners in our local

schools and Nursery settings.

Meetings are intended to share our

priorities and vital updates to the Early

Year’s sector both nationally and locally.

They also aim to develop partnership

networking across the Early Years Sector.


• Address queries or concerns raised

by EYFS leaders and practitioners

• Share good practice and new ideas

• Offer support and guidance around the

assessment and transition process

• Explore implications of the baseline

assessment, expectations, support with

vigorous moderation, ensure all schools

are assessing to the same expectation.

EYFS Helpdesk

Rebecca Hales, EYFS Specialist, will host

regular events where colleagues are invited

to drop in remotely to ask questions, share

good practice and seek advice.


Networks and

Helpdesk will be

held each whole term.

Look out for dates and

times on our website


The networks are held at

St Thomas’ CofE Primary School,

Boston, PE21 7RZ

and are led by: Cally Stockwell;

EYFS and Key Stage 1 lead,

Specialist Leader of Education


Connect Teaching School


The Connect Teaching School Alliance is a group of

over 30 collaborative partner schools from South and

East Lincolnshire. Our maxim, ‘aspiration, innovation

and collaboration’, is at the heart of our Alliance’s work

which, through using the outstanding practice of our staff

throughout our partner schools, we can develop consistent

first class practice for our children in their classrooms.


We warmly welcome new members to our Alliance and are offering a tiered membership for the 2019-2020 academic year

to encourage the engagement of all local schools and support the further development of their local Teaching School. The

school membership will therefore be:

• 150 pupils or fewer: £150 • 151 to 250 pupils: £250 • 251 pupils or greater: £350

Member schools will have the opportunity to engage equally within the variety of opportunities, training and courses that

we develop and share for our colleagues.



• Headteacher working meetings and briefing events

• Staff being invited to become facilitators for the


• High quality support provided by designated

Specialist Leaders of Education, Local and

National Leaders of Education

• Subject Leader cluster meetings in: Maths, English,

Science and Early Years.

• A range of CPD opportunities for your staff at

discounted rates for member schools.

• NQT local network events

• Opportunities for input into ITT selection

• Opportunity to host our School Direct ITT students

• Opportunities for staff to join our SLE network

• The use of good practice and expertise of the

Alliance to build capacity in your own school.



• Supporting the improvement of the quality of teaching

in our local schools

• Supporting the provision of a consistent supply of high

quality new teachers through our ITT and NQT network

• Contributing to the development of outstanding

school leaders

• Empowering schools to improve and further develop

through the collaboration and sharing of expertise

• Contributing to the Department of Education’s

drive to create a self-improving and sustainable

education system.

LTT is currently working on the following projects:







For more information about registering your school for Alliance Membership,

email enquiries@connect-tsa.net or telephone: 01205 312153




Staniland Academy, Peck Avenue, Boston,

Lincolnshire PE21 8DF

Tel: 01205 312153

Email: enquiries@connect-tsa.net





2020-2021 CONNECT TSA


150 pupils or fewer: £150

151 to 250 pupils: £250

251 pupils or greater: £350


Full day CPD: £100 per person

Half day: £50 per person

Alliance members 10% reduction applies


Email: enquiries@connect-tsa.net

Tel: 01205 312153

You can book through Bookitbee at



Where a school cancels attendance less than

one week prior to an event, a 10% cost of the

course will be applied.


CTSA will deduct a 15% administration fee

on all brokered support including SLE, LLE,

PPR and NLE support. SLE support is £350

per day and increments thereof.


Training times vary according to the subject and

type of delivery and are listed on the website.

Confirmation emails will be sent to all booked

attendees to confirm final timings and venues.

Reminder: The information in this booklet is an outline of

the service that we offer our members and surrounding

schools and school staff, we are constantly updating

and adding training, vacancies and opportunities on our

website so please keep up to date by looking online for

the most recent information! Models of delivery and

the availability of courses and support may be affected

by public health issues. Connect will work in line with

government advice and guidance.


For all information on fees, bursaries and

funding for Initial Teacher Training see the Get

Into Teaching website: https://getintoteaching.



We are constantly updating our ‘Vacancies’

section on our website, let us know when you

have a vacancy and we will happily advertise it

for you through our website and social media.





The purpose of any Pupil

Premium Support is to

improve a school’s pupil

premium strategy so that

they spend time and funding

on approaches shown

to be most effective in

improving the achievement of

disadvantaged pupils.

Pupil Premium Support can take

different guises such as:

• Support on closing gaps and

raising attainment

• Support with an audit of provision

and spending

• Full Pupil Premium Review

Whatever your school needs are

the response will be a bespoke one

based on your requirements.

You can commission support in the

usual way by contacting Connect

where we can provide a fresh

perspective through an experienced

school leader.

The time taken will vary according

to need and is charged at our SLE

daily rate of £350 +VAT. However,

a full review can take up to 4 days,

including initial consultation,

review of documentation, a day’s

review, follow up report and action


Lincolnshire Teaching Schools


Lincolnshire Teaching Schools Together (LTT) is a group of

eight Lincolnshire Teaching Schools that have agreed to work

through collaboration, based on mutual trust and respect, to

develop a self-improving school-led system in Lincolnshire.

Our shared vision:

• We value the work of all (individuals, groups and organisations) who share

their expertise in the raising of standards, pupil outcomes, transformational

leadership & management, exceptional teaching, learning and support

• We believe that by playing to the strengths of individuals, groups and

organisations our creative partnerships, & pooled resources, provide more

than the sum of their parts

• We believe that excellence in leadership, pedagogy, training, development

and support should be shared effectively to maximise the positive impact on

the lives of the greatest number of children and young people

• We believe that all who commit to the education sector as their vocation

have the right to the highest standards of training, guidance, support,

development and influence; to help them become the best that they can be

• We recognise that all children and young people, regardless of their starting

point or setting, have the right to an outstanding education, and most

importantly one that prepares them to thrive as enterprising, global citizens

in a fast-changing, modern world

• We agree to share information about the expertise and talent in our alliances

and schools in order to facilitate the work of teaching schools in Lincolnshire

in improving outcomes for children

Payment for any support or review

can be made using your pupil

premium funding or any other part

of your school’s budget .

The cost of a full review would be

£450 per day +VAT.


For further information about how the Teaching Schools of Lincolnshire

are working together visit:

www.lincolnshireteaching schoolstogether.co.uk







Our commitment is to ensure that all

Governors/Trustees from across Lincolnshire

are able to access appropriate support

locally, throughout the year.

Our support offer includes the following:


• Governing Board Development Programme

• Face-to-face Training

• Online Training

• Leading Governance Development Programme (NGA)


• Bespoke Support from Lincolnshire Leaders of Governance

• Evaluating Governance

• Reforming Governance

• Headteacher Performance Management

• Peer Improvement Pathway for Governors


• Support tools and library of key documents


• Governor Partnership Briefings

• Clerks’ Network Meetings

• Annual Governor Conference








Working in partnership

In addition to the support offer within our Stronger Governance Guide, LCC maintains a

Governor Support Line to provide advice and support to a school/academy. Please contact:

01522 553240 or governorsupport@lincolnshire.gov.uk


T: 01205 312153

E: enquiries@connect-tsa.net

Peck Avenue, Boston, Lincolnshire. PE21 8DF


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