Connect Teaching School Alliance

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Effective transition within a primary school

– how to create and sustain best practice in Maths

LAMP is a highly respected Maths focused school improvement

programme in Lincolnshire with a proven track record of

raising KS2 attainment through effective implementation of the

evidenced based practise addressed in EEF guidance.

In response to feedback from colleagues this has now evolved

into two separate projects to address key transitions within

primary schools – Project 1 Transition Early Years to Year 1 and

Project 2 Transition Year 2 into Year 3. These will launch late in

the autumn term ready for a January start.

Significantly the project straddles the periods up to and

including transition. The tandem team of School Champions

from each setting also ensures that teachers either side of

the transition point have access to the training and CPD, the

bedrock of sharing good practise within school and securing

sustainability. As long as either member of the tandem team

can be present for the Professional Learning Community

meeting there will be continuity. Each meeting will result in

short term action plans being generated for delivery by the

School Learning Champions to share their responsibility in

trying out new learning or teaching strategies.

The project will launch in late Autumn with a sharing of the

aims, processes and structures with stakeholders. These will

include headteachers, governors, School Learning Champions

and Specialist Leaders in Education. There will be a front

loading of the content of the projects so that the overarching

journey is understood by all. Following the launch the initial

bespoke school based meeting will reflect on current practice,

strengths and weaknesses, perceived action points and the

Maths intent in each. This will feed into the value added aspect

of the PLC to ensure there is a bespoke

element for the participants.

Building on learning

from the previous LAMP

projects the structure will

continue to operate around

Professional Learning Community

meetings with the Education Endowment Foundation evidence

at the heart of the programme. Strategies will address and

target classroom teaching and learning as well as strategic

subject leadership. This will raise the confidence of Maths for

both children and teachers as they transition from one stage to

the next.

Continued support by the senior leaders within each school will

be essential in ensuring the successful implementation of the

programme. Underpinning the programme is the methodology

of sustained school improvement to empower staff to structure

the school’s approach to delivery ensuring a viable, sustainable

and effective approach to effective transition.

All participants will have access to enrichment as part of the

project. A half day on Number Fluency led by Gareth Metcalfe

forms one aspect of this enrichment and a half day on Lesson

Design led by Kat Finch will form the other. There will be

opportunities for non LAMP participants to take part in these

activities and so widen the access to the expertise.

Connect is highly committed to the delivery of such an exciting

programme. Using the latest research as a driver, we firmly

believe that it will meet the needs of pupils, teachers and

schools in ensuring a strong transition between age phases.

Furthermore, it will offer leadership development for teams

of teachers within school who can then act to sustain the

strategies learned and developed in the long term.



11th November 2020

5th March 2021

9th June 2021




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