SleepWell Magazine July 2020
SleepWell Magazine July 2020
SleepWell Magazine July 2020
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Kilim Furniture: “We successfully
managed the pandemic period and
we work to realize our goals”
Kilim Mobilya: “Salgın sürecini başarıyla yönettik.
Hedeflerimizi gerçekleştirmek için çalışıyoruz”
Kilim Furniture, one of the leader furniture brands of Turkey, quoted that they quickly taken
measures and orientated theirselves. Cihat Şahin, General Manager of Kilim Furniture
stated that they received support during the pandemic from the umbrella organizations of
the sector in which they were members.
Emphasizing that all habits have
changed, Şahin stated that the
covid-19 epidemic caused to
economic stagnation, but both
production and sales will reach
the old figures with the normalization
What was the biggest
challenge you faced in your
work life these days when
the virus changed the flow of
COVID-19 pandemic caused
dramatic changes in people’s lives
and social life. People have quit
the pursuits that make them feel
good about themselves, suspended
their plans for the future.
They quickly changed their purchasing
reflexes and developed a
more economical attitude by not
spending on anything other than
basic consumer goods such as
food and hygiene. So, if you can’t
go outside, for example, buying a
new outfit doesn’t appear to be
very meaningful act. These are
Tüm alışkanlıkların değiştiğini vurgulayan
Şahin, covid-19 salgınının
piyasayı durgunluğa sürüklediğini
fakat normalleşme süreciyle birlikte
hem üretimin hem de satışların
eski rakamlara ulaşacağına dair
ifadelerde bulundu.
Virüsün hayatın akışını
değiştirdiği bu günlerde iş
hayatınızda karşılaştığınız en
büyük zorluk ne oldu?
Covid-19 salgını insanların yaşamlarında
ve toplumsal hayatta