SleepWell Magazine July 2020
SleepWell Magazine July 2020
SleepWell Magazine July 2020
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store openings will also be within
the framework of the determined
rules. I hope everything goes as
planned and we will complete our
planning in the second half period
to a great extent. Our exports
continue in a non-contact manner,
as per the rules announced by the
Ministry of Commerce. Of course,
it continues in open markets; the
U.S was one of our most important
markets, but due to the measures
taken, the activity there has stopped
for some time. As America
gradually implements its easing
decisions, the work will continue
there according to the new normal.
With the normalization decisions
taken by the countries, the
export side will also be mobilized
again. Besides, we, as a company,
attach great importance to both
domestic and international fairs.
As the rules of how and in what
way the fairs will be held in the
next period begin to become clear,
we will reevaluate the organizations
with a certain date.
Are there any messages you
want to convey?
COVID-19 pandemic, which
affected the world and led to the
implementation of strict quarantine
and protectionism policies,
was an unpredictable event. With
the outbreak, we have entered
an unusual period that not only
us but no one expected. We hope
the outbreak ends as soon as
possible. The last few weeks have
raised our hopes and we can say
that we have started to breathe
as the normalization process has
gained momentum. Our priority
for 2020 is to protect our employment,
to maintain the dynamic
structure of our overseas markets
and stores, to organize the stores
we plan to open domestically per
the post-COVID-19 situation, to
contribute to employment with
our new stores, and to make the
delivery of the foreign projects we
have received.
tarihi belli olan organizasyonları
tekrar değerlendirmemize alacağız.
Aktarmak istediğiniz
herhangi bir mesaj var mı?
Dünyayı etkisi altına alan, sıkı
karantina ve korumacılık politikalarının
uygulanmasına neden olan
covid-19 salgını açıkçası öngörmediğimiz
bir hadise oldu. Salgın ile
kimsenin beklemediği olağandışı
bir süreç başladı. Umudumuz en
kısa zamanda salgının sona ermesi.
Yaşanan son birkaç hafta umutlarımızı
artırdı ve normalleşme
sürecinin hız kazanmasıyla nefes
almaya başladık diyebiliriz. 2020
yılı için önceliğimiz istihdamımızı
korumak, yurt dışı pazarlar ve mağazalarımızın
dinamik yapısını muhafaza
etmek, yurt içinde açmayı
planladığımız mağazaları covid-19
sonrasına uygun olarak organize
etmek, yeni mağazalarımızla istihdama
katkı sunmak, almış olduğumuz
yurt dışı projelerin teslimatını
eksiksiz yapmak.