SleepWell Magazine July 2020

SleepWell Magazine July 2020

SleepWell Magazine July 2020

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Occupancy and social distancing in factories and

shopping malls will be managed with sensors

Fabrika ve alışveriş merkezlerinde sosyal mesafe doluluk

sensörleri ile yönetilecek

As the whole world strives to adapt to the new conditions in the aftermath of the

COVID-19 pandemic, factors such as social distancing measures, the number of

people in a given location, ambient temperature and air quality become vital for the

health of communities. Sensor-based technological solutions developed to help fight

the pandemic will monitor how social distancing is observed in public spaces and

alert the violators instantly.


reported number of cases top five

million globally, most of the world

is easing into the next phase in

the COVID-19 pandemic. Many

countries where the disease is

contained with fewer cases being

reported are showing signs of

normalization while continuing

to impose face masks and social

distancing measures to prevent a

new wave. As the question of how

social distance would be regularly

measured in spaces such as factories,

schools, hospitals, shopping

malls, cafes and restaurants is

debated, the answer comes from

technology companies.

NetOP Technology, the company

that develops solutions using IoT

(Internet of Things) sensors in a

variety of applications from tracking

fuel consumption in London’s

famous red buses to early warning

systems for detecting forest fires

in Canada, introduced new solutions

to monitor social distancing.

ISTANBUL (TR) - Toplam vaka

sayısının 5 milyonu aştığı COVID-19

salgınında dünyanın büyük bölümünde

yeni bir evreye geçiliyor.

Salgınının kontrol altına alındığı

ve bulaşıcılığının azaldığı ülkelerde

normalleşme sinyalleri verilirken

salgının tekrar yayılımını önlemek

için maske kullanımı ve sosyal

mesafe kuralına uyulması gerekiyor.

Sosyal mesafenin fabrika, okul,

hastane, AVM, kafe ve restoran

gibi alanlarda düzenli olarak nasıl

ölçüleceği zihinlerde soru işareti

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