SleepWell Magazine July 2020
SleepWell Magazine July 2020
SleepWell Magazine July 2020
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and changing
plans are not on
Proyat’s agenda
Proyat’ın gündeminde istihdamı
azaltmak ve üretim planlarını
değiştirmek yok
Proyat’s company official shared
the direction of their works during
the pandemic period.
What is the biggest challenge
you have been facing these
Along with the outbreak of the
virus in our country, being unable
to predict when this process will
end, has prompted our production
rate to stagnate.
Have you been re-organized
for working in terms of
production, logistics and
We applied 2-week break in line
with the measures for the pandemic.
Then we were reorganized
our production plans and started
to continue our production by
taking maximum precautions.
During the pandemic period, interest
in hospital beds increased. Do
you have production in this area
or do you plan to manufacture?
As Proyat, we do not have a plan
any time soon, but we have not
received a request. Still, we can focus
on the issue if such a demand
is received.
Are there any changes in
pre-programmed projects
and objectives, such as fairs,
export operations, solutions,
Proyat firma yetkilisi pandemi
döneminde çalışmalarının ne yönde
ilerlediğine dair paylaşımlarda
Virüsün hayatın akışını
değiştirdiği bu günlerde iş
hayatınızda karşılaştığınız
en büyük zorluk ne oldu?
Salgının ülkemizde görülmesiyle
beraber bu sürecin ne zaman biteceğini
öngöremiyor olmak üretim
hızımızı durağanlaştırmaya sevk
Üretim, lojistik ve dağıtım
açısından işinize tekrardan
organize olabildiniz mi?