SleepWell Magazine July 2020

SleepWell Magazine July 2020

SleepWell Magazine July 2020

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From The Editor

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It’s trendier nowadays. It is a worldwide trend that the new

way in trade is made through digital channels. The words

“Change, change” were pronounced for years. It was said

“Those who refuse the change, will be changed.” But we

haven’t experienced a period in which the change would be

so sharp over the past two decades. The obligation to turn to

digitalization in almost all branches of commerce has been

so fast that it has been dizzying. We, as Istanbul Magazine

Group, were ready for this change and quickly adapted. I want

to leave aside the situations of those who cannot adapt, and

talk about the process we have.

By entering a rapid R&D process, we have doubled our database

that has been formed for years. Then we pressed the

button for our magazine to be published on time in the world’s

largest online magazine portals such as issuu, magtzer

and yumpu. We showed up on our own website. We increased

the readership many times by spreading the magazine link

from social media to large audiences. During the printing process,

we had to do a lot of cargo business with 10 thousand

figures before the pandemic; we have now reached a position

that guarantees reading over 40 thousand but also minimizes

the cargo system. This pandemic quickly pushed us to where

we needed to be on the most modern improvement path.

What should can I say? Pandemic could also cause positive

things? Still health comes first… I wish everyone healthy,

happy and successful days.

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