SleepWell Magazine July 2020

SleepWell Magazine July 2020

SleepWell Magazine July 2020

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A thank you discount for

health professionals

İşbir Yatak’tan sağlık

çalışanlarına teşekkür indirimi

All of our efforts that were started

to stand behind our health professionals,

who work day and night

putting their lives at great risk for

us, continue at top speed. İşbir

Yatak has taken action to thank

health professionals for their dedicated

work during these trying

times. In response to the great

demand the brand has announced

they will apply a 20 percent

appreciation discount to health

professionals in the scope of the

World Health and Social Security


İşbir Yatak CEO Metin Gültepe,

who pointed out the importance

of providing our health professionals

will the utmost support

at this time, said; “We wanted to

stand behind our health professional

heroes during this time in any

way that we could. Our health professionals

are doing everything in

their power to help us get through

this process as well and as quickly

as possible and some of them are

not even able to go home.

We wanted to reinforce the support

we have started providing

to our health institutions with a

discount campaign in response

to the overwhelming demand

we have received from many

health professionals throughout

all the provinces of Turkey and

thank them for their service. You

deserve a good sleep more than

anyone, so we want to make sure

you, our health professionals, and

your families sleep comfortably

and hygienically. We owe you an

infinite debt of gratitude and we

Hayatlarını ortaya koyarak, gece

gündüz demeden çalışan sağlıkçıların

yanında olmak için başlatılan

çalışmalar tüm hızıyla devam

ediyor. Bu kapsamda, İşbir Yatak da

sağlık personellerine özverili çalışmalarından

dolayı teşekkür etmek

adına harekete geçti. Marka, gelen

yoğun talep doğrultusunda, Dünya

Sağlık ve Sosyal Güvenlik Haftası

kapsamında sağlık çalışanlarına

özel yüzde 20 teşekkür indirimi

uygulamaya başladığını duyurdu.

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