A wellbeing publication for businesses wanting to tell their wellbeing story. Produced by national journalists we provide in-depth features on everything you need to engage your staff regarding wellbeing at work, from our environment to physical and mental wellbeing. In every issue, we feature a people story, a workspace story, an interview with a leading figure in wellbeing as well as nutrition, self development, and exercise - and we cover all the latest trends in our news pages. The unique offering allows each company to own their content with bespoke pages where you can share staff news, your wellbeing diary and your vision - as well as your company logo on the cover. We aim to inspire, and encourage all our readers to always see the bigger picture.

A wellbeing publication for businesses wanting to tell their wellbeing story. Produced by national journalists we provide in-depth features on everything you need to engage your staff regarding wellbeing at work, from our environment to physical and mental wellbeing. In every issue, we feature a people story, a workspace story, an interview with a leading figure in wellbeing as well as nutrition, self development, and exercise - and we cover all the latest trends in our news pages. The unique offering allows each company to own their content with bespoke pages where you can share staff news, your wellbeing diary and your vision - as well as your company logo on the cover. We aim to inspire, and encourage all our readers to always see the bigger picture.


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the<br />

zone wellbeing<br />

at work<br />



00_Cover(Final v2)(JMcM).indd 1 21/07/2020 16:50

“ In the middle<br />

of difficulty lies<br />

opportunity. ”<br />


00-03_contentscompany letter (Final new).indd 1 20/07/2020 17:39


page 16<br />

page 26<br />

page 46<br />

2 Your Magazine<br />

4 Welcome from the zone<br />

6 Our New Online Platform<br />

7 Contributors<br />

Working People<br />

10 The Future<br />

for Wellbeing at Work<br />

Working Lives<br />

16 Health and Happiness in<br />

a New Working World<br />

20 The New Flexible Workspace<br />

World of Wellbeing<br />

26 Time to go Alcohol-free?<br />

The Company Edit<br />

32 Staff Stories<br />

35 Diary and News<br />

Wellbeing Guides<br />

40 Trends<br />

42 Nutrition<br />

46 Move<br />

50 Self<br />

01<br />

00-03_contentscompany letter (Final new).indd 2 20/07/2020 18:43


As a progressive leader with an interest<br />

in a holistic way of living, you already<br />

know that how we work impacts on<br />

how we live and, now more than ever,<br />

putting people first is the way for your<br />

business to get the best results.<br />

When you subscribe to the zone, we create<br />

a bespoke magazine for your business with<br />

your logo on the front cover. The pilot issue<br />

of the zone was created for Intrinsic Facilities<br />

Engineering. MD Chris Roberts says: “The<br />

stories celebrate staff successes, and the<br />

diary is a commitment to wellbeing. We've<br />

not only ticked the wellbeing box, we've<br />

improved all our lives.” Go to pg33.<br />

Writing a quarterly company letter in<br />

the zone keeps wellbeing at the top of<br />

the agenda. CEO involvement is crucial for<br />

maximising returns from employee wellbeing.<br />

“If companies hope to see an ROI from<br />

wellbeing, CEOs must treat it as a central<br />

organising principle,” suggested Jim Purcell,<br />

former CEO and wellbeing expert, writing in<br />

Forbes. Go to pg52 to subscribe to the zone.<br />

02<br />

00-03_contentscompany letter (Final new).indd 3 20/07/2020 19:07

“ Health is a state of complete<br />

physical, mental and social<br />

wellbeing, and not merely<br />

the absence of disease<br />

or infirmity. ”<br />


00-03_contentscompany letter (Final new).indd 4 20/07/2020 17:40


04-05_Zone Welcome (Final).indd 4 20/07/2020 13:30

from<br />

the<br />

zone<br />

When we decided to create a multi-channel wellbeing magazine<br />

and bespoke platform that helps businesses to shape their<br />

wellbeing narrative, gives teams a voice, and ensures we are all<br />

proactive about putting people first, we had no idea what was<br />

around the corner. The pandemic has put health and wellbeing<br />

under the spotlight and, in this issue of the zone, we've spoken to<br />

the experts in human resources, buildings and space, health and<br />

safety, psychology, and fitness and nutrition about the changing<br />

landscape of our working world. In our two-part 'The Next Normal',<br />

starting on page 16, we ask what the priorities will be when it comes<br />

to the wellbeing of people. And, in part two, we examine what<br />

the acceleration of change in digital and office life means for the<br />

spaces we now work in, and how we organise our time.<br />

As we continue to write about and work with businesses focused<br />

on wellbeing, we encourage everyone to consider the COVID-19<br />

'crisis' as a catalyst for real and lasting change. In our forthcoming<br />

white paper, written in association with The Sussex Innovation<br />

Centre (download from i-wellbeing.com), we urge employers to think<br />

about their next steps, and to continue to engage with their staff<br />

and develop wellbeing strategies at their changing workplaces.<br />

With a very real chance of a second wave coming later in the<br />

year, more people are aware of the importance of their health,<br />

immunity, fitness and mental wellbeing. The evidence shows that<br />

businesses must reflect the importance of wellbeing in their culture,<br />

and nurture steps towards a healthier future for all by ensuring that<br />

employee wellbeing is non-negotiable and valued.<br />

In every issue of the zone, we aim to inform and educate our<br />

readers through our regular pages, the Guides: in Trends, we look<br />

at innovations in wellbeing; in Move, we show you how to stick at<br />

fitness habits started in lockdown; in Nutrition, we've selected some<br />

premium products to keep you in top health and share a delicious<br />

recipe in our new series from a family-owned business, Carrington<br />

Recipes, and; in Self, we share our book club recommendations and<br />

stories that look at change from the inside out.<br />

We love our print magazine and we hope you enjoy the unique<br />

model we've built, offering bespoke content to your business. The<br />

work continues, and on page six you can read more about the new<br />

i-wellbeing digital platform that launches in September.<br />

Contact us about wellbeing hello@i-wellbeing.com<br />

and about the magazine hello@thezone-mag.com<br />

“ Businesses<br />

must reflect the<br />

importance of<br />

wellbeing in<br />

their culture, and<br />

nurture steps to a<br />

healthier future. ”<br />

@ thezone_mag<br />

05<br />

04-05_Zone Welcome (New Final).indd 5 21/07/2020 13:49

›<br />


i-wellbeing online platform<br />

In addition to our print magazine, we’re delighted to announce we will be launching an online<br />

subscribers’ platform for businesses. As well as a free online magazine, subscribers will be able to access<br />

premium content and bespoke wellbeing pages and, coming soon, a suite of interactive content.<br />

i-wellbeing.com<br />

Shaping the wellbeing narrative for business.<br />

the zone online magazine<br />

All the great content from the magazine plus<br />

bonus news in the zone online magazine.<br />


LIVES<br />


PEOPLE<br />

WORLD OF<br />


TRENDS<br />


MOVE<br />

SELF<br />

Home<br />

About<br />

Services<br />

Clients<br />

›<br />

Subscribe<br />

The Zone<br />

Login<br />

The New Flexible Workspace<br />

In this two-part article, we're examining how the pandemic<br />

has transformed our working life.<br />

Subscriber Pages<br />

Here's where your business shares its bespoke wellbeing news, diary, and real-life stories.<br />

<strong>THE</strong> <strong>ZONE</strong><br />

You'll be able to<br />

access premium<br />

content from<br />

the zone magazine.<br />


We provide the<br />

template and<br />

edit your regular<br />

wellbeing update.<br />

NEWS &<br />

DIARY<br />

Keep staff up to<br />

date with your<br />

wellbeing events,<br />

diary and news.<br />



Here you celebrate<br />

the wellbeing stories<br />

of your staff and share<br />

good news.<br />

Your wellbeing strategy<br />

In your subscriber-only section, we provide a template where you can add your<br />

diary of events and news around wellbeing. From yoga classes at lunchtime, to<br />

mental health workshops and weekends away, your bespoke platform keeps your<br />

teams up to date on what's happening in your company's world of wellbeing. From<br />

i-wellbeing HQ, we will work with you to deliver webinars and targeted content<br />

relevant for your teams, all on the subject of wellness. Your platform puts plans into<br />

action and makes the business accountable and, combined with real-life stories, it's<br />

a compelling content mix that shows your staff that wellbeing is non-negotiable.<br />

Why sign up to i-wellbeing?<br />

We will offer a full menu of benefits on the platform, including vital feedback from<br />

surveys linked to articles and tracking data. We'll follow what staff like to read and,<br />

in our anonymous surveys, we can ask them how they feel about issues such as<br />

sleep, stress and fitness. In our online shop, staff can get discounts on products<br />

recommended by the zone and we will regularly share exclusive partner offers.<br />

However, the gem in our product is its simplicity: a diary, a letter, and storytelling.<br />

As Vera Gramkow says (pp10-13), about this unique time: “There's an opportunity to<br />

reinvent how we think about health and wellness and get back to basics.”<br />

YOUR<br />


There's power<br />

and commitment<br />

when it's written<br />

A regular wellbeing<br />

message from the leader<br />

of your company keeps<br />

your teams engaged and<br />

it will help you to shape,<br />

as well as stick to, your<br />

wellbeing strategy. At<br />

i-wellbeing, we make it<br />

easy for you. You brief us<br />

in an email or over the<br />

phone, and we craft your<br />

wellbeing update. We<br />

can send you examples<br />

of recent ‘ed's letters’<br />

to show you the type of<br />

work we can do for you.<br />

How 5-aside Got Me Fit (staff will<br />

love real-life wellbeing stories...)<br />

06<br />

06_Platform page (New Final).indd 1 21/07/2020 13:51






Janaina is head of<br />

organisational development<br />

at ActionAid in Brazil. She<br />

has worked within the third<br />

sector for almost a decade in<br />

roles linked to HR, training<br />

and development, risk,<br />

governance, and IT. Her<br />

philosophy is that we have<br />

a duty to create a positive<br />

impact within our teams,<br />

companies, and the people<br />

that surround us. Janaina<br />

has found simple solutions<br />

for work challenges created<br />

by COVID-19 (pg10).<br />

Vera is global head for<br />

developing and executing<br />

talent and performance<br />

solutions at Bayer. Her work<br />

shapes a high-performance<br />

culture of employee<br />

engagement, inclusion and<br />

innovation. Vera leads with<br />

agility, using technology and<br />

AI to measure progress. Her<br />

passions include developing<br />

and exploring new ways<br />

to get work done. She sees<br />

opportunities for improving<br />

how we work in our postpandemic<br />

life (pg10).<br />

Rachel is CEO of The Soircas<br />

Consultancy; specialists<br />

in psychological safety,<br />

wellbeing and resilience at<br />

work. Their programmes, for<br />

individuals and for teams of<br />

two to 500, boost morale and<br />

engagement, reduce sickness,<br />

stress and absence, and<br />

achieve sustainable, healthy,<br />

high performance. Her<br />

ambition is that everyone is<br />

happy and psychologically<br />

safe at work. She discusses<br />

some of the common<br />

problems that remote<br />

working can cause (pg16).<br />

Anna is a registered<br />

nutritional therapist<br />

mBANT CNHC and creator<br />

of the 7-Day Gut Reset<br />

online package. She has a<br />

background in management<br />

consultancy but, after a<br />

molar pregnancy, which<br />

involved a miscarriage<br />

and then six months of<br />

chemotherapy, she changed<br />

course to look for healthier<br />

ways to help others solve<br />

gut issues and gain energy.<br />

She shares ways we can<br />

help ourselves be healthier<br />

(pg16).<br />


Richie is one of a growing number of millennials who have<br />

rejected alcohol. His work connects him with those “driving<br />

movements of global culture, from dance music to tattoo, and<br />

from meditation to sober curiosity.” In the summer of 2019, he<br />

completed a self-supported 3,904-mile bicycle ride across the US<br />

and, in doing this, he says he realised that the greatest personal<br />

tragedy is deferring a dream. Richie, a brand strategist, has<br />

toured as a corporate speaker, published poetry, and appeared<br />

as a guest on podcasts, including the UK's One Year No Beer. He<br />

reports on the growth of the alcohol-free market (pg26).<br />


Simone is a chartered<br />

architect, qualifying at the<br />

Architectural Association.<br />

Her grandfather was an<br />

architect, and her family<br />

work in construction in<br />

London. Simone is the driving<br />

force and innovator behind<br />

her company. She’s won<br />

numerous awards including,<br />

most recently, International<br />

Entrepreneur of the Year (HSBC<br />

Forward Ladies). She looks at<br />

how we use space in the new<br />

working world (pg20).<br />

HEA<strong>THE</strong>R BEACH<br />

Heather is the founder and<br />

managing director of The<br />

Healthy Work Company. She<br />

has been running businesses<br />

in the health and safety<br />

community for more than<br />

20 years, and is a specialist<br />

in organisational cultural<br />

change. A qualified coach,<br />

Heather, her partners and<br />

associates are committed to<br />

transforming the way the<br />

health and safety profession<br />

is viewed by the general<br />

public (pg16).<br />

07<br />

07_Contribs(new Final).indd 1 20/07/2020 15:50

“ We're living through a crisis<br />

of distraction. Traction is an<br />

action that pulls you towards<br />

what you want – distraction<br />

is its opposite. ”*<br />

NIR EYAL<br />

*This is a paraphrased quote from Nir Eyal when he<br />

appeared on Dr Rangan Chatterjee's podcast,<br />

Feel Better, Live More, episode 120.<br />

08_Quote (Final.indd 9 20/07/2020 14:12


There are 168 hours in a week and, for many of us, a good proportion of that time is<br />

spent at work. Our work identity is aligned with our personal identity and therefore the<br />

personal matters: people matter. Every issue, we explore the themes, issues and discussions<br />

around what makes people happy, productive, and helps them to be their best self.<br />

09<br />

07_11_33_Openers(Final).indd 1 20/07/2020 11:00

The Future for<br />

Wellbeing at Work<br />

The UN has set out a series of<br />

goals to help make the world<br />

a better place. Goal three is<br />

about promoting wellbeing for all ages.<br />

Wellbeing refers to the state of being<br />

comfortable, healthy, or happy; a state<br />

that has been challenged by COVID-19.<br />

So, how do we continue to keep wellbeing<br />

prioritised when money is tight and<br />

people are stretched to the limit?<br />

Wellbeing: should it be seen as<br />

a cost or investment?<br />

In January 2020, an article was published<br />

in the technology magazine, Wired,<br />

entitled, Why goodwill is the smart metric to<br />

pay attention to. In this article, Dan Ariely,<br />

professor of psychology and behavioural<br />

economics at Duke University, discussed<br />

the metrics of wellbeing. He explained<br />

that many companies view wellbeing not<br />

as an investment but a cost.<br />

“Pre-COVID-19, whether wellbeing was<br />

seen as a cost or an investment depended<br />

on who you were talking to,” says Vera<br />

Gramkow, who is responsible for talent,<br />

performance and employee engagement<br />

at Bayer globally. “If it’s the board, it is<br />

looking for proof of return on investment<br />

(ROI), but investments in health and<br />

wellbeing are hard to measure,” she adds.<br />

“Depending on the business situation,<br />

especially when the margins are thin,<br />

you need a leadership team that is<br />

motivated by health for all, that maybe<br />

has a personal experience related to the<br />

importance of health and wellbeing,”<br />

she explains.<br />

Janaina Tavares, who heads up<br />

organisational development at ActionAid<br />

in Brazil, says: “The scenario is changing,<br />

with the focus shifting from employee<br />

wellness programmes to wellbeing<br />

initiatives. COVID-19 is a game-changer<br />

as companies are now offering more<br />

comprehensive health and productivity<br />

programmes that tackle emotions and<br />

mental health, social connectivity and<br />

financial education,” she adds.<br />

Purpose and motivation to work<br />

“To benefit from human capital,<br />

companies will need to change their focus<br />

and start thinking more about the nature<br />

10<br />

10-13_Wellbeing Post COVID-19 (New Final).indd 1 21/07/2020 14:23


If you’re trying to rebuild your business, can wellbeing still be a<br />

priority? Wellbeing and public health are under the microscope, but<br />

money is tight – so what’s their value and how do you implement<br />

wellness programmes, and recession-proof your business and people?<br />

Fiona Bugler spoke to two global leaders in HR in the middle of April<br />

at the peak of COVID-19 to hear their insights and predictions.<br />

of motivation,” suggested Dan Ariely. He<br />

emphasised the importance of what he<br />

called ‘goodwill’ – “the gap between the<br />

minimum someone needs to do to keep<br />

their job, and the maximum they will do<br />

if they are excited about doing it.” Writing<br />

in January, he believed in 2020 that<br />

successful companies would be those who<br />

“manage to keep their employees invested<br />

in their work.”<br />

When employees don’t feel like their<br />

work has meaning, they’re less motivated<br />

to do it. That means decreased productivity<br />

and engagement. This quote from the<br />

founder of Compassionate Coding, April<br />

Wensel, sums this up: “It’s not hard work<br />

that burns people out, but rather the<br />

feeling that their work doesn’t matter.”<br />

“Having a purpose is important, but<br />

a company needs to be able to articulate<br />

that,” says Gramkow. “To just say we<br />

want to improve life, save the planet etc.,<br />

isn’t enough. Everyone aspires to make<br />

a difference – but to bring this to life can<br />

be harder than it sounds. For the younger<br />

generation, it’s not ‘give me purpose and<br />

I’ll work all day and night’. It’s ‘give me<br />

purpose but give me room to be me,’”<br />

she explains. Actions speak louder than<br />

words: “Employees need to see the impact<br />

they make,” she adds.<br />

Listen to your staff<br />

Talk to your employees now and find out<br />

who they are. Engaged employees are<br />

your advocates. Give them a voice.<br />

Hear what they have to contribute.<br />

Tavares stresses that there is a need<br />

now, more than ever, to listen. This<br />

is the cornerstone of her approach in<br />

giving employees a sense of autonomy<br />

(for example, they provided 24/7 access<br />

to psychologists throughout lockdown)<br />

– and happiness is central to good<br />

performance at work. For her, wellbeing<br />

simply means ‘self-care’.<br />

She also believes that giving staff a<br />

voice and sharing real-life stories is vital,<br />

and points out that employees are a<br />

reflection of the business’s customers.<br />

How they respond to and how they’re<br />

treated, i.e. the culture of the company,<br />

is a vital test of success or failure. “Your<br />

employees are your first customers,” she<br />

11<br />

10-13_Wellbeing Post COVID-19 (New Final).indd 2 21/07/2020 14:23

says. “If the organisation doesn’t have<br />

happy and satisfied employees, they<br />

do not deliver performance-orientated<br />

results. You need to give employees a<br />

voice. Let them speak. Let them feel<br />

comfortable giving their opinions. What<br />

are their ideas? What are their opinions?<br />

Acknowledge them. Let them feel part of<br />

the organisation and the company so they<br />

are happy where they are,” she says.<br />

“Now is the time to turn up the volume<br />

on the behavioural part of wellbeing,”<br />

says Gramkow. “This includes providing a<br />

sense of belonging. To do that, employees<br />

need to feel trusted and be given a voice.<br />

If their work makes a difference they will<br />

want to give that extra bit. ‘Do I have<br />

a voice? Do I feel my company cares<br />

about me? Do I work for leaders or with<br />

others who inspire me?’ It’s more about<br />

a mindset shift than spending lots of<br />

money,” she adds.<br />

Safety in lean times<br />

Psychology Today magazine says:<br />

“Wellbeing is the experience of health,<br />

happiness, and prosperity.” Prosperity<br />

is a bottom-line, people need to feel<br />

prosperous – or at least comfortable. Will<br />

our new reality shake this – and how will<br />

our prosperity and wellbeing be tested?<br />

“In modern life, especially in<br />

economically advanced countries, people<br />

have many of their basic needs already<br />

met, and we’ve moved up the Maslow<br />

pyramid* when it comes to our hierarchy<br />

of needs. Before COVID-19, we had<br />

many of our needs satisfied so we began<br />

to focus on self-fulfilment; what can a<br />

company do for me and my wellbeing?”<br />

explains Gramkow.<br />

“Now, a primary concern around<br />

physical and mental/emotional<br />

wellbeing is about safety; employees want<br />

their employers to keep them safe, and<br />

keep them sane,” says Gramkow. “The<br />

main focus for now might be enough<br />

to know that their employer kept them<br />

safe during COVID-19 and cared enough<br />

about them to keep their job open. Yes,<br />

people live to work, but we also work to<br />

live,” she says.<br />

Mental health<br />

The pandemic has created uncertainty<br />

and fear. As well as the virus, there is<br />

a silent pandemic affecting our mental<br />

health. In the UK, anxiety levels have<br />

risen. According to the Office of National<br />

Statistics in the UK, between 20 March<br />

and 30 March 2020, almost half (49.6 per<br />

cent) of people in Great Britain reported<br />

‘high’ (rating six to 10) anxiety; this<br />

was sharply elevated compared with the<br />

end of 2019 (21 per cent) and equates to<br />

more than 25 million people (out of the<br />

population aged 16 years and over).<br />

“We’ve seen an increase globally<br />

in issues around mental health,” says<br />

Tavares. “As part of our process, we<br />

have set up weekly calls to monitor the<br />

wellbeing of our staff. I make a point<br />

of listening to everything they say and<br />

picking out key words and, if necessary,<br />

flagging it up if I feel they are struggling,”<br />

she adds. “We’re investing in mindfulness<br />

and non-violent communication. You<br />

don’t need a huge budget, you just need<br />

to listen,” she emphasises.<br />

12<br />

10-13_Wellbeing Post COVID-19 (New Final).indd 3 21/07/2020 14:24


“ There’s an opportunity to reinvent<br />

how we think about health and<br />

wellness and get back to basics,<br />

whether that’s simple acts such as<br />

virtual coffees on Zoom or supplying<br />

extra hand sanitiser to families. ”<br />

Keep it simple<br />

Solutions are about keeping things simple<br />

and returning to core values. Listening,<br />

providing a safe environment, taking<br />

small steps to create big change, and<br />

leading by example.<br />

“Organisations need to now fight to<br />

keep their businesses alive, so it will be<br />

harder to justify investing in health and<br />

wellbeing. Hopefully, that will allow<br />

us to rethink our priorities, scale back<br />

and re-imagine. It’s not always about<br />

spending money on all-singing, alldancing<br />

events, free yoga, free fruit and<br />

extra benefits,” says Gramkow.<br />

“Employees simply want to know that<br />

their company understands their personal<br />

situation and gives them flexibility to<br />

balance work and life, and also provides<br />

space to reflect. We need to be creative<br />

and innovative. There’s opportunity to<br />

reinvent how we think about health<br />

and wellness and get back to basics,<br />

whether that’s simple acts such as virtual<br />

coffees on Zoom or supplying extra hand<br />

sanitiser to families,” she adds.<br />

Tavares agrees, “Companies with pool<br />

tables, gyms and Red Bull machines still<br />

can make their staff feel like slaves to the<br />

company because they live their life in<br />

the office. If your employee is working 14<br />

hours a day, a ping pong table won’t cut it.<br />

Offering half-days off, or toil-down when<br />

you have to travel for work (i.e. time off to<br />

account for time travelling) makes more<br />

of an impact,” she says.<br />

Practise what you preach<br />

If you’re a business leader and have had<br />

an insight into a less hectic, less crazy life,<br />

start living it. Don’t send emails at 2 am<br />

and work 14-hour days.<br />

“Teams are the mirrors of their team<br />

leaders, so you have to be very careful to<br />

practise what you preach,” says Tavares.<br />

“I used to work in NYC in the fashion<br />

industry and I had to learn to stop and<br />

have a life out of the office,” she adds.<br />

Gramkow agrees, “It’s tricky for leaders,<br />

who are supposed to promote health and<br />

wellbeing but may struggle themselves<br />

on how to be a role model.” However, she<br />

sees a change, “Before COVID-19, they<br />

had the appetite for health and wellbeing,<br />

but now there’s a sense of urgency.”<br />

The Digital Revolution was<br />

accelerated in 2020<br />

At ActionAid Brazil, a Human Resources<br />

Wellbeing platform was set up two years<br />

ago. “We created the platform with a<br />

start-up because there was nothing in the<br />

market that attended to our employees’<br />

needs. Training is through chatbot,<br />

there’s instant messaging and anonymous<br />

surveys,” says Tavares. “We just launched<br />

webinars run by the staff – they wanted<br />

something to take their minds off<br />

the pandemic,” she explains. “We’ve<br />

discovered staff who are certified in storytelling<br />

and mindfulness. This simple act<br />

shows our staff we value them and, at the<br />

same time, they’re becoming multipliers –<br />

enabling other team members to develop<br />

and learn.”<br />

With COVID-19, digitisation has been<br />

kick-started and also offers flexibility and<br />

opportunity to restructure the working<br />

day as more people work from home.<br />

Tavares, who’s been a home-working<br />

advocate for years, says that many of her<br />

staff, who spend up to six hours a day<br />

commuting, requested more flexibility,<br />

but she adds they also miss the office.<br />

Gramkow agrees, pointing out that even<br />

younger people, who would have been<br />

more in favour of a blended work/life<br />

balance, in other words, work, take a<br />

break, work again, are now missing the<br />

structure and connectedness of office life.<br />

COVID-19 is a wake-up call<br />

We have been forced to stop the world<br />

and focus on health, get back to basics<br />

and prioritise what’s important. Tough<br />

times and an uncertain future lie ahead,<br />

but companies must pay attention to<br />

their people. “Now is the time to focus<br />

on wellbeing,” says Tavares. “Wellbeing<br />

belongs to everyone, but HR has to lead<br />

it,” she adds. “Health and wellbeing can be<br />

enablers for sustainability, as set out by<br />

the UN,” says Gramkow. “Sustainability<br />

of a business model involves developing<br />

pools of talented, happy people with<br />

a longer employee life cycle. Happy<br />

and engaged employees lead to happy<br />

customers and a sustainable business. It<br />

makes business sense,” she says.<br />

*The theory by Abraham Maslow puts<br />

forward that people are motivated<br />

by five basic categories of need: physiological,<br />

safety, love, self-esteem, and selfactualisation.<br />

Vera Gramkow and Janaina Tavares are<br />

supporters of UNLEASH; the biggest global<br />

gathering of the HR and tech community:<br />

unleashgroup.io.<br />

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,<br />

“ Don't get so busy<br />

making a living that<br />

you forget to<br />

make a life. ”<br />


14_Quote(Final).indd 9 21/07/2020 16:53


Our buildings are living, breathing spaces that absorb energy, affecting our mood and<br />

productivity at work. Where we work, and who we work with, has an impact on how we<br />

work. In this one-off, Working Lives special, the zone looks at how moving from spaces<br />

we're familiar with to working from home can affect our health and wellbeing.<br />

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WORLD<br />

How will the next normal look? Wellbeing at work is now a priority. In this<br />

two-part feature, we explore the changes we can expect to see for the people<br />

and the workspaces they occupy. In part one, we focus on people and ask<br />

the experts how a new way of working affects our happiness, and get some<br />

advice on how best to adapt to this new way of working.<br />

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<strong>THE</strong> NEXT NORMAL<br />

The Experts<br />

<strong>THE</strong> PSYCHOLOGIST<br />

Rachel Cashman is CEO of The Soircas Consultancy<br />

Ltd; specialists in psychological safety, wellbeing<br />

and resilience at work. Here, she highlights the<br />

common problems around remote working and<br />

explores ways employers can make it work.<br />

Flexible working and working from home (WFH)<br />

have proven to be popular choices for many<br />

workers, both before and after the pandemic.<br />

An American Gallup survey published early in<br />

2020 found that employees were most engaged when<br />

they worked off-site 60 to 80 per cent of the time. This<br />

translates to working in the office one or two days per<br />

week, reports Laura Vanderkam (lauravanderkam.com)<br />

in the personal development publication, Forge, on the<br />

blogging platform, Medium. In a survey of 700 office<br />

workers conducted by specialist financial services and<br />

legal recruitment consultancy, Fram Search, 56 per cent<br />

of respondents felt that they worked more efficiently<br />

from home, while only 24 per cent felt they worked less<br />

efficiently, and 20 per cent said that it made no difference.<br />

A further 91.9 per cent felt that a combination of officeand<br />

home-based working would be ideal, as opposed to<br />

being either wholly office or home-based (download The-<br />

Future of the World of Work survey from framexec.com).<br />

Is WFH good for everyone? Other research has found<br />

that remote working is better suited to certain personality<br />

types. A University of Calgary study found that people<br />

who score highly on traits such as conscientiousness and<br />

honesty were more likely to work effectively from home.<br />

Whether you’re suited to WFH or not, you may have<br />

had to do it and, for many, continue to do it, and it’s a<br />

major shift for individuals and organisations. The Fram<br />

survey found that 40.4 per cent cited ‘communication with<br />

colleagues’ as the greatest challenge while working from<br />

home. Staying at home and staying happy – and productive<br />

– may be a challenge. Here are the insights from experts in<br />

psychology, fitness, nutrition and health and safety…<br />

The UK lockdown and the rapid increase in working from home<br />

highlighted four common concerns among my coaching clients:<br />

■ Presenteesim – This has shifted from who stays in the<br />

office the latest to who responds to email/instant messenger<br />

the fastest, and who is the most prolific in the chat boxes.<br />

Screens can be left on 24/7 and this promotes an unhealthy<br />

presenteeism culture.<br />

■ Boundary blending – People are using the same kitchen<br />

table to eat their meals and undertake their professional work.<br />

Moving the laptop out of the way and replacing it with a plate<br />

and cutlery doesn’t invoke the same emotional transition from<br />

work to home. Therefore, the cognitive markers that regulate<br />

the phases of our day are becoming confused. This is having an<br />

impact on sleep, hydration, alertness, and general wellbeing.<br />

■ ZoomDoom – Showing up virtually requires a different<br />

type of energy, focus, and networking skills to build<br />

relationships from the neck upwards, and is devoid of usual<br />

meeting context and body language.<br />

■ Privacy parameters – People who wish to create space<br />

between work and home are having their sense of privacy<br />

compromised. As a result, many people are choosing to turn<br />

off their camera in meetings and this, in turn, affects human<br />

interactivity within the meeting.<br />

Adapting and responding to a new working life<br />

These are just some of the issues people are facing and, of<br />

course, there are many more. In response to our next normal,<br />

the British Psychological Society (BPS) published guidance<br />

in June 2020 to help create healthy, sustainable, homeworking<br />

conditions for both workers and their employers.<br />

The guidelines, Working from home: Healthy sustainable working<br />

during the Covid-19 pandemic and beyond, outlined practical<br />

steps and considerations that can make home-working<br />

successful. To keep employees engaged and to avoid feeling<br />

lonely, the BPS suggested online coffee dates as a positive<br />

way to keep people healthy and happy. Clinical evidence<br />

demonstrates that loneliness has the health impact of smoking<br />

15 cigarettes a day. Other wellbeing suggestions from the BPS<br />

include choosing walking meetings in outdoor space – fresh<br />

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“ Ensuring staff have the<br />

right training that allows<br />

them to up-skill for remote<br />

working is vital. ”<br />

air is very powerful for helping to create a positive mindset.<br />

Whatever way it's done, communication is fundamental when<br />

assuring that daily tasks align with a sense of purpose. Regular<br />

check-ins and understanding how a person's activities continue<br />

to contribute to the direction and ambition of the organisation<br />

can help retain focus.<br />

When people are struggling remotely, possibly because<br />

of one of the reasons listed previously, or a combination<br />

of them, a simple technique for them to improve things is<br />

to re-frame tasks and activities, or re-frame how the day is<br />

constructed, creating adaptive responses to challenges and<br />

problems. For example, on the issue of personal parameters<br />

being compromised, mentioned previously, a simple solution<br />

to help create space between work and home is to set a neutral<br />

background for online interactions – meetings, fitness classes,<br />

family catch-ups. This helps you to physically be anywhere and<br />

contribute without sharing your taste in books.<br />


■ Autonomy – When physically remote, people need the<br />

trust and freedom to work in the way that best suits their<br />

circumstances but still deliver the necessary outputs. For<br />

example, this might be changes to the way an individual will<br />

construct their day.<br />

■ Belonging – Remote working is not a rationale for<br />

solo working. Relationships matter and still feeling part of<br />

something is a culturally important link to productivity.<br />

■ Competence – Staff may feel consciously incompetent in<br />

aspects of their remote working life. For example, they might<br />

not have the confidence to use necessary online tools and<br />

virtual support. Ensuring staff have the right training that<br />

allows them to up-skill for remote working is vital, and regular<br />

check-ins should be considered.<br />

<strong>THE</strong> NUTRITIONIST<br />

Anna Mapson, registered nutritional therapist<br />

(goodnessme-nutrition.com), explains how, in<br />

lockdown, many of us got into the habit of moving<br />

less and eating more, leading to digestive issues.<br />

She has some tips that will help you to help yourself.<br />

The pandemic and subsequent recession, and continued<br />

uncertainty, has created stress and anxiety – and when we’re<br />

stressed, we don’t digest our food as well because our body is<br />

prioritising other functions over digestion. This means food is<br />

partially digested and can ferment in the gut, causing bloating<br />

and gas. Stress can also cause insomnia and, when we’re tired, we<br />

tend to crave stodgy carbs to give us energy. Frequent snacking<br />

can also increase bloating if your digestion doesn’t get a break.<br />

There are simple things you can do to help yourself:<br />

■ Stick to three meals a day and no snacks in between. If you<br />

need to eat between meals, choose something with protein and<br />

fats, such as a small handful of nuts and a piece of fruit.<br />

■ Focus on getting enough protein in your main meals to keep<br />

you going so you don’t get hungry.<br />

■ Finish eating three hours before bed to give your digestion a<br />

rest and maximise sleep quality.<br />

■ Aim for eight hours sleep a night.<br />

WFH: <strong>THE</strong> STATS<br />

Survey conducted by specialist recruitment consultancy, Fram Search.<br />

56% 40.4% 33.4% 91.9%<br />

felt they worked<br />

more efficiently<br />

at home.<br />

cited communication<br />

with colleagues as the<br />

greatest challenge.<br />

said they were more<br />

likely to look for a new<br />

role now than before<br />

the COVID-19 crisis.<br />

felt that a combination<br />

of office- and homebased<br />

working would<br />

be ideal.<br />

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<strong>THE</strong> NEXT NORMAL<br />

The Experts<br />



Editor of the zone, Fiona Bugler is a former coach<br />

who likes to look for solutions. Here are her tips for<br />

living in a new normal – with wellbeing at its core.<br />

■ Get up early – In the first issue of the zone, we reviewed<br />

Hal Elrod’s book, The Miracle Morning. Hal set out some early<br />

morning steps in the acronym SAVERS. Start your day with<br />

‘S’; silence or meditation. Next, say out loud some affirmations<br />

(the ‘A’), i.e. stating positive beliefs and statements. ‘V’ is for<br />

visualisation; see how you would like your day to look or spend<br />

time looking at images of inspiration, such as a mood board. ‘E’<br />

is for exercise; keep it simple, just jog on the spot or do some<br />

stretches. ‘R’ is for reading – a book or magazine – it doesn't<br />

matter what it is, as long as it inspires you. And finally ‘S’ is for<br />

scribing or writing and refers to taking some time to write in<br />

your journal. Hal says we can do all this in six minutes.<br />

■ Always get dressed for work – Working in your pyjamas<br />

isn’t good for mental health or productivity. Whatever clothes<br />

you choose to put on for work, tune-in to see whether you feel<br />

you’re in a work mindset. You don’t have to don a three-piece<br />

suit, but some kind of home-working uniform can help get you<br />

in a positive and proactive mindset.<br />

■ Move – You might think working from home would be a<br />

place you’d get easily distracted and be up and down from your<br />

desk but, for many of us, it’s much easier to stay seated in one<br />

place for hours on end. Make sure you get up and move, stretch,<br />

and do some yoga or simple breathing techniques.<br />

■ Get outside – Try to step outside every day. As little as<br />

10 minutes of walking can transform your day and your mood,<br />

and you’ll probably find that, once you’re outside, you’ll go for<br />

longer than 10 minutes.<br />

■ Make good habits non-negotiable – Eating plenty<br />

of fruit and vegetables and wholefoods, drinking water, and<br />

exercising consistently are easier to stick at if you don't give<br />

yourself any get-out clauses. Set yourself some simple rules<br />

to live by and don't fix the habits into your day. Check out my<br />

review of Atomic Habits in Self on page 52.<br />

■ Stay in the moment – Allowing yourself time every day<br />

to meditate, or simply taking time to breathe and be in the<br />

moment, appreciate being alive, the sunshine, the work you<br />

have to do, really does help to deal with the upheaval we're all<br />

facing following this global pandemic.<br />



Heather Beach, founder of the Healthy Work<br />

Company (healthy-working.com), has been running<br />

businesses in the health and safety community for<br />

more than 20 years. She suggests the old normal<br />

wasn’t working and explores lessons we can learn.<br />

Normal wasn’t working for many of us. We were constantly ‘on’<br />

and too busy in every area of our lives, which was having a direct<br />

impact on our stress levels.<br />

We are seeing that many employees don’t want to go back to<br />

normal: in a poll on our Facebook group, we found 43 per cent<br />

want increased flexibility on when and where they work, with<br />

only 16 per cent being in a hurry to get back to the office.<br />

■ Trust is vital – Prior to the pandemic, some jobs were<br />

considered to be completely unsuitable for home-working. One<br />

of these includes our customer with a call centre of 900 staff<br />

who managed to get home working successfully up and running<br />

within two weeks. They believe the success came from staff<br />

feeling they were trusted.<br />

■ Measure results not hours – Our findings reveal many<br />

employers plan to extend existing flexible working and many<br />

are also looking at how to make that truly flexible, i.e. not just<br />

where you work from, but making work more output based.<br />

■ Make time to reflect – The enforced lockdown has made<br />

us re-evaluate our lives and that hamster wheel we were on, and<br />

while we are definitely grappling with the separation between<br />

our home and work lives, we can reclaim an hour or two a day<br />

used for commuting, for exercise, taking the kids to school or<br />

even starting work earlier.<br />

“ Employers are<br />

planning to make<br />

flexible work more<br />

output based. ”<br />

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<strong>THE</strong> NEW FLEXIBLE<br />


In part two of looking at the next normal, we're examining how the<br />

pandemic has transformed our working space. There now seem to be<br />

more questions than answers: How will the work from home culture<br />

influence how we organise our office space and the buildings we<br />

occupy? Could coronavirus compliance affect the profitability of our<br />

business, our productivity, and our corporation's mindset? And what<br />

do we need to do to make businesses productive and healthy?<br />

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<strong>THE</strong> NEXT NORMAL<br />

The current crisis has been transformational.<br />

Our working habits were changed forcibly and<br />

overnight, with 49 per cent of UK employees<br />

working from home (WFH) during the lockdown<br />

period. We are currently experiencing a disruptive<br />

period of rapid and forced evolution into an era of<br />

remote working, and our reliance on technology<br />

and good working practices to achieve and survive<br />

this has increased tenfold. It is up to us now –<br />

and our employees – to determine whether the<br />

COVID-19 crisis is just that – a crisis – or the<br />

catalyst for real and lasting change.<br />

Working from home isn't new or exclusive to<br />

the pandemic. In the UK, the Office for National<br />

Statistics (ONS) had shown a growth in the number<br />

of people working from home in the five-year<br />

period before the virus hit. There were an estimated<br />

1.7 million people who said that they worked<br />

mainly from home in 2019; just more than five<br />

per cent of the total workforce. The ONS research<br />

also revealed that WFH applied to an older (age<br />

30+), professional group of higher-earners and the<br />

majority were based in London and the South.<br />

In March 2020, we were all told to 'stay at home'<br />

and, as stated above, almost half of us found<br />

ourselves WFH. The trend was reflected globally. In<br />

the US, a Gallup poll revealed that the percentage<br />

of people WFH jumped from 31 per cent to 62 per<br />

cent in one month (March to April).<br />

Writing in July 2020, towards the end of<br />

lockdown in the UK, we take a look at the impact<br />

of working away from the office on how we work –<br />

and the challenges and opportunities it brings.<br />

Connectivity challenges<br />

Video conferencing and cloud-based computing<br />

have been crucial in the move from a physical<br />

workspace to our new virtual realities. Microsoft<br />

likened the shift in working as seeing “two years of<br />

digital transformation in two months”; in April, its<br />

Teams application reported 200 million meeting<br />

participants in a single day.<br />

As well as the obvious people issues and blurred<br />

lines between home and office, the business<br />

community need to ensure that all the connections<br />

work well. In December last year, it was reported by<br />

Ofcom that just 10 per cent of all homes currently<br />

have fibre optic connections which, according to<br />

Adi Gaskell, writing for Forbes, is behind other<br />

countries where high-speed fibre optic now makes<br />

up half of fixed wireless internet in nine OECD<br />

countries. According to Gaskell, “This could result in<br />

considerable disruption, especially for broadbandintensive<br />

sectors and for those living in areas still<br />

predominantly served by copper-based networks.<br />

Not only are such networks slower, but they’re also<br />

less robust and subject to greater drop-out.”<br />

The lockdown highlighted the cracks in the<br />

system and showed what needs to be addressed<br />

Tips for<br />

the ideal<br />

home office<br />

from<br />

architect<br />

Simone De<br />

Gale<br />

n Work in a room<br />

with a window.<br />

Add a small sofa<br />

away from the<br />

desk for relaxing<br />

and for taking<br />

phone calls. Try to<br />

create a space you<br />

can close away<br />

in the evening if<br />

possible.<br />

n Complete<br />

an audit to<br />

ensure your new<br />

WFH office is<br />

presentable in its<br />

best light, similar<br />

to what you<br />

would expect at<br />

your workplace<br />

office, and keep<br />

it businesssavvy.<br />

Hide<br />

personal books<br />

and magazines<br />

that you would<br />

not want to<br />

share with your<br />

colleagues, clients<br />

or employers<br />

on video calls.<br />

n Add plants<br />

that will lift<br />

your mood and<br />

make the space<br />

feel fresh.<br />

if, in the future, more of us have to or choose<br />

to work at home. According to the Daily<br />

Telegraph: “Research from network monitoring<br />

firm thousandeyes.com revealed that the UK<br />

experienced 13 outages in the week of 13 April,<br />

which rose to 21 outages the following week. The<br />

week of 27 April saw another 20 incidents.” The<br />

Telegraph also pointed to results from a survey<br />

from 4G Internet that found, of the 2,000 people<br />

asked in the UK, a third had experienced internet<br />

issues during lockdown. As anyone who worked at<br />

home and experienced a loss of broadband knows,<br />

these disruptions are stressful, and many are<br />

pushing for the government to act to improve our<br />

broadband connections.<br />

Back at the office – the challenges<br />

As companies begin to return to work, there’s a<br />

range of considerations that will make working<br />

from home more likely for many workers to ensure<br />

companies stay productive, safe and profitable.<br />

New routines such as using hand sanitiser and<br />

having your temperature taken as you enter your<br />

workplace will have an impact on the time available<br />

to work. And before you even get to work, you may<br />

have had to try an alternative way to get in to avoid<br />

crowded buses or tubes. Then, when you finally get<br />

to your desk, you may find you’re sitting further<br />

away from your colleagues, there’ll be new rules<br />

around meeting rooms and shared spaces, and we<br />

will communicate differently.<br />

Forward-thinking companies are creating<br />

guidelines to help employees returning to the<br />

office, for example, recommending staff only to<br />

return to work if they cannot work efficiently or<br />

effectively from home, as well as adding webcams<br />

to desktops, and providing lockers and storage<br />

solutions for coats and bags.<br />

Heather Beach, founder and MD at The Healthy<br />

Work Company, suggests that some businesses will<br />

return their staff in A and B rotas. But she adds:<br />

“We are seeing a real culture of experimentation<br />

from how much office space they need, to how to<br />

utilise time in the office most effectively – perhaps<br />

for training or meetings.”<br />

“We are sequencing days when staff should<br />

come into the office, and other times when<br />

working from home,” says business owner and<br />

award-winning London-based architect Simone De<br />

Gale (simonedegale.com). “As it has been close to<br />

three months since the lockdown period, we now<br />

have our data management systems fully up and<br />

running, and the transition was smooth,” she adds.<br />

Trust will be central to making things work<br />

in our new normal. As Beach warns: “Changing<br />

core hours isn't easy in international businesses,<br />

especially where there is reluctance from managers<br />

to move away from a traditional eight-hour<br />

working day. This is a source of frustration for some<br />

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Post-pandemic<br />

workplace<br />

innovation<br />

HR and H&S managers who want to encourage<br />

trust in people to produce results in the workplace.”<br />

Health and safety<br />

And, of course, many industries are simply not<br />

able to work remotely, for example, construction.<br />

“Safety takes a hit when managers are not on site,”<br />

says Beach, who is a health and safety specialist.<br />

“Health and safety compliance will be a real<br />

source of concern to those businesses who, due<br />

to the pandemic, had a stay of execution from the<br />

HSE regarding assessment,” says Beach. But as the<br />

situation continues, things such as a display screen<br />

equipment assessment, a general risk assessment,<br />

and training on areas such as electrical and fire<br />

safety, as well as security for lone working, will all<br />

be required,” she adds.<br />

Re-purposing office space<br />

Architect Simone De Gale has faced business<br />

challenges. “Where we previously had eight staff,<br />

we can now only accommodate four. It will cost<br />

us double to retain the same working office space.<br />

Therefore, we will continue to operate in WFH<br />

mode, with some work taking place in the office, in<br />

particular, client and team meetings,” she says.<br />

She remains cautiously optimistic: “We will get<br />

better at this; landlords may find other ways to use<br />

their premises such as residential spaces, or a mix<br />

of residential/work spaces.”<br />

Exploring new ways to work and use our space<br />

is a positive thing. “Employers have found that it<br />

is quite easy to adapt, and employees are reporting<br />

higher levels of satisfaction with regards to work/<br />

life balance,” adds De Gale.<br />

The human-centric future workplace<br />

The next normal could find people increasingly<br />

working where they feel comfortable by connecting<br />

using great technology. It's likely there will be a<br />

shift in how offices look and the purpose they<br />

serve, and their survival into the future will depend<br />

on the successful integration of wellbeing in the<br />

workplace. Employee health and business wealth<br />

go hand-in-hand in the next normal.<br />

Feng Shui tips<br />

Organise<br />

your home<br />

office<br />

space<br />

■ To avoid<br />

distraction from<br />

your work, avoid<br />

sitting in front of<br />

a window.<br />

■ Take the<br />

commanding<br />

position; this is<br />

facing the entry<br />

to your room.<br />

■ Declutter and<br />

clear space on<br />

your desk.<br />


It’s good news<br />

for wellbeing;<br />

as well as an<br />

increase in sales<br />

of SUP boards, home gym equipment<br />

and immunity-boosting vitamins, cycling<br />

has seen a boom, thanks to lockdown and<br />

new ways of commuting. Brompton Bikes,<br />

the easy, foldaway, commuter bike, has<br />

reported its highest ever sales in the<br />

10 years it's been in the marketplace.<br />

KEEP IT GREEN Glen Eckett, from printing<br />

company Solopress, says the print industry<br />

has been hit hard so they decided to start<br />

offering Green Screens after noticing that,<br />

shortly after lockdown was announced,<br />

an increasing number of customers were<br />

supplying green artwork when ordering<br />

roller banners. “People who are worried<br />

about being judged by their<br />

home can take video calls<br />

with any background they like.<br />

They also allow for a healthier<br />

home dynamic as other<br />

people in the home can move<br />

behind the screen without<br />

having to worry about being<br />

seen in the background.”<br />

MONITORS MATTER Samsung has<br />

provided WFH tips on its website including<br />

a recommendation for using its Samsung<br />

Space Monitor as a way to maximise<br />

home office space – it pushes back to sit<br />

flat against a wall, leaving the entire work<br />

surface clear.<br />

SHOPPING FOR A PANDEMIC Entrepreneur<br />

magazine’s store (store.entrepreneur.com)<br />

has created an entire WFH section and,<br />

in its lifestyle section, it features products<br />

such as antimicrobial door openers and<br />

gloves so you can handle keys and door<br />

handles germ-free.<br />

FACE MASKS FOR ALL Maskey, the<br />

brainchild of Adam Freeman, who previously<br />

appeared on BBC One’s The Apprentice, is<br />

a vending machine for face masks, installed<br />

across the UK. In the first five weeks, the<br />

company was selling more than 3,500<br />

non-medical face coverings each week.<br />

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“ The Greatest Wealth<br />

Is Health. ”<br />


24_Quote(Final).indd 9 20/07/2020 15:52


According to the World Health Organization, wellbeing can take many forms; it is a<br />

complex and multi-dimensional approach that can contribute to helping us feel good,<br />

happy, and to function well. In this section, we explore wellbeing in more depth, featuring<br />

the bigger stories and news from holistic health to sustainability and innovation.<br />

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TIME TO GO<br />


-FREE?<br />

The non-alcoholic beverage<br />

revolution is on the horizon. It’s<br />

only a matter of time before it<br />

lands on your doorstep. US-based<br />

sober writer, Richie Crowley,<br />

shares this article, first published<br />

on Medium, and explains why<br />

alcohol-free is an investment in<br />

your health and, if you back this<br />

growth market, your finances too.<br />

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At 9:30 am on 2 May 2019, the<br />

opening bell of the New York Stock<br />

Exchange rang, and thing’s went<br />

wild. This was the day that the<br />

Los Angeles plant-based meat<br />

substitute producer, Beyond Meat,<br />

went public. Shares opened up<br />

84 per cent and, by the end of the<br />

day, shares of what is now called<br />

BYND had traded hands<br />

23,118,966 times.<br />

Eighty-four days later, one share of BYND<br />

was worth $239.70. BYND had launched<br />

one of the most successful initial public<br />

offerings (IPOs) in history. It went public<br />

at a $1.5 billion valuation and, less than<br />

three months later, it was worth more<br />

than $13 billion, up 859 per cent from<br />

its initial IPO price of $25 per share.<br />

This surprised many people, and the few<br />

that took advantage were in the vegan,<br />

vegetarian, or in-the-know categories.<br />

I was one of those vegans and<br />

vegetarians, though my intolerance for<br />

any type of risk stopped me from making<br />

the decision to invest. I’m kicking myself.<br />

In hindsight, I was in the know and didn’t<br />

trust myself, next time I will.<br />

And the next time I’ll start the day<br />

off with a drink to celebrate what it<br />

will mean: that the non-alcoholic (NA)<br />

revolution will have arrived.<br />

Nearly a century before the term ‘sober<br />

curious’ became a Wall Street Journal<br />

headline, American’s were rejecting<br />

alcohol. Through the decades, these<br />

decisions came with attached stigmas<br />

but, today, they’re beginning to reach a<br />

mainstream normalisation.<br />

On the heels of plant-forward plates<br />

has come equity for alcohol in the<br />

conversation of harmful substances,<br />

both socially and physically. Companies<br />

are even beginning to react to the<br />

hypocrisy of banishing one of the three<br />

leading causes of preventable death while<br />

inviting in another: alcohol.<br />

These conversations have begun to<br />

normalise the decision to go alcohol-free.<br />

As Ruby Warrington, who became sober<br />

curious more than eight years ago, says<br />

about the revolution: “Think of sober<br />

curiosity as a ‘wellness’ approach to (not)<br />

drinking alcohol.”<br />

Wellness is a tricky term, often<br />

attached to fad diets, which dilute the<br />

word. Wellness practices are increasing<br />

mindfulness, positive mental health,<br />

and providing new lifestyles for humans.<br />

Something that alcohol-free Three<br />

Spirit (threespiritdrinks.com) leaned<br />

into, informing us that: “People want<br />

to be drinking less! We see all sorts of<br />

indications, in addition to the nonalcoholic<br />

insights and data, such as CBD<br />

(cannabidiol) and vegan trends, and the<br />

demand for natural alternatives. We<br />

decided to put things in our drink that<br />

make you feel good.”<br />

Trends aside, to become the next<br />

BYND is going to take more than a few<br />

abstainers at your local yoga studio.<br />

Worldwide alcohol consumption has<br />

“ Think of sober<br />

curiosity as a<br />

‘wellness’<br />

approach to<br />

(not) drinking<br />

alcohol. ”<br />

— Ruby Warrington<br />

declined 1.6 per cent and nearly 40 per<br />

cent of global consumers reported a desire<br />

to drink less alcohol for health.<br />

The US has seen breweries such as<br />

Athletic Brewing Company begin to<br />

dedicate themselves entirely to brewing<br />

non-alcoholic beer, and existing brewers<br />

of alcoholic beer such as Brooklyn<br />

Brewery reserve tanks for NA options.<br />

Even the king of beers released Bud 0.0.<br />

That’s like a major fast-food company<br />

deciding to add an Impossible Whopper to<br />

its menu. Oh wait – that happened.<br />

Internationally, this movement is a<br />

bit ahead of the US, but even alcoholic<br />

options such as Heineken, Guinness,<br />

Peroni Libera, and Corona are beginning<br />

to import their non-alcoholic options into<br />

the US market as if to say ‘why not?’ To<br />

ask ‘why not?’ implies less commitment,<br />

less conviction. These brands are<br />

not simply following the leader, but<br />

responding to serious signals and fighting<br />

for a seat at a table that will soon become<br />

a standing-room-only category.<br />

A growing market<br />

AB InBev, which owns a deep roster of<br />

beers including Budweiser and Corona,<br />

has pledged to increase no or low-alcohol<br />

beer to 20 per cent of its global beer<br />

volumes by the end of 2025. Ahead of<br />

that schedule is Heineken’s alcohol-free<br />

option, Heineken 0.0, which launched in<br />

Europe last year and recently launched<br />

in the United States. Outside of beer, the<br />

spirit category has seen Distill Ventures,<br />

the venture capital arm of Diageo, which<br />

owns brands such as Johnnie Walker,<br />

Smirnoff, Tanqueray, and Guinness,<br />

invest in the non-alcoholic ‘spirit’ Seedlip,<br />

and about a quarter of Distill’s portfolio<br />

is now devoted to NA beverages. And it's<br />

not just the specialists – Coca-Cola has<br />

joined the party, and beer companies are<br />

buying up healthy teas. These movements<br />

are clear reactions.<br />

But what are they reacting to? A<br />

targeted study in the UK found that 29<br />

per cent of 16 to 24-year-olds were nondrinkers<br />

in 2015, up from 18 per cent in<br />

2005. With a population slightly over 65<br />

million, surely these results from the UK<br />

are exciting, but they represent such a<br />

small portion of the world’s drinkers.<br />

Worldwide alcohol consumption has<br />

declined 1.6 per cent according to an<br />

IWSR (theiwsr.com) report, and nearly<br />

40 per cent of global consumers reported<br />

a desire to decrease alcohol consumption<br />

for health reasons, which would explain<br />

several reports returning forecasts that<br />

the global market for non-alcoholic drinks<br />

will grow by 32 per cent to $30 billion<br />

by 2025. This, parallel to reports of offpremise<br />

retailer sales outpacing a typical<br />

final week in March 2020, increasing<br />

22 per cent compared to the same<br />

one-week period in 2019. A data point<br />

amplifying excitement is that even<br />

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Gen Z is drinking at lower rates than<br />

adolescents have in generations before.<br />

US data firm Nielsen found that 66 per<br />

cent of legal-aged drinkers between 21<br />

and 34 are working on cutting down their<br />

consumption too. If that’s not enough,<br />

consider why Whole Foods listed zeroproof<br />

drinks on its list of Top 10 Food<br />

Trends for 2020.<br />

When forecasting winners, one of<br />

the first items we evaluate is where a<br />

trend came from. Jeff Hollander, CEO of<br />

Hairless Dog Brewing Company, shared<br />

where its 0.0 line came from: “We saw<br />

the craft beer explosion in which every<br />

possibility and style of beer was being<br />

brewed. Then we saw how careful the<br />

selection process of consumers was. This<br />

was all going on parallel to a wellness<br />

explosion that increased consumer<br />

awareness of what they were putting into<br />

their bodies. Consumers started asking<br />

whether eggs were cage-free, whether<br />

steaks were grass-fed, and whether bread<br />

was gluten-free. This mindful consumer<br />

was now infiltrating every existing<br />

category with the exception of beer. So we<br />

decided to brew a 0.0 beer.”<br />

Not only is the non-alcoholic revolution<br />

a response to the mindful consumer, but<br />

the increase in the availability of nonalcoholic<br />

options is also solving a problem<br />

that already existed. On top of that, nonalcoholic<br />

beverages are practical, make life<br />

easier and safer, and ask consumers for a<br />

very slight change in behaviour.<br />

Money maker?<br />

Often lost in excitement is dissension<br />

so, in this process, I wanted to turn over<br />

every stone and truly see whether the<br />

non-alcoholic category has what it takes<br />

to chase down BYND. Sure,<br />

$30 billion is something to write home<br />

about, but it’s still only three per cent of<br />

the trillion-dollar global alcohol market.<br />

The question we need to ask ourselves<br />

comes from a 1994 book by Al Ries and<br />

Jack Trout, The 22 Immutable Laws of<br />

Marketing. Law 21, The Law of Acceleration,<br />

says that successful programmes are not<br />

built on fads, they’re built on trends.<br />

“A fad is but a wave in the ocean and a<br />

trend is the tide. The fad is very visible,<br />

but it goes up and down in a big hurry.<br />

Like the tide, a trend is almost invisible<br />

but it’s very powerful.”<br />

To most, BYND was invisible. To know<br />

whether something is a fad or a trend,<br />

don’t look to social media, look to stats.<br />

People may have been drinking more<br />

during quarantine, and the number<br />

of places that sell alcoholic beverages<br />

in the US grew by more than 100,000<br />

between 2007 and 2017 from 528,594<br />

to 644,647, but a 2017 Nielsen report<br />

showed that the US is experiencing a<br />

decelerating alcoholic beverage growth.<br />

According to a new report, American<br />

adolescents are binge drinking less<br />

than they used to. They still might<br />

be categorised as a ‘drinker’, but NA<br />

beverages aren’t just for the sober.<br />

Someone who has cut back from regularly<br />

having two or three glasses of wine with<br />

dinner to having only a glass once a week,<br />

for example, would still fall into the<br />

same statistical category, and that’s the<br />

opportunity: inviting this drinker in.<br />

Three Spirit reports that the customers<br />

who want a pick-me-up or a relaxing<br />

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nightcap are a core market for them.<br />

None know this better than Seedlip,<br />

whose ‘messaging’ is about inclusivity<br />

more than anything else. “Our collective<br />

intention is to ensure that everyone has<br />

a seat at the table, and we do that with<br />

an elevated, adult, non-alcoholic option<br />

made widely available,” said a Seedlip rep.<br />

In the way Meatless Monday<br />

introduced eaters to plant plates, Dry<br />

January advances this category. And an<br />

advantageous point of difference for the<br />

NA beverage category is that you can sell<br />

29%<br />

of 16 to 24-year-olds<br />

were non-drinkers in<br />

2015; 29 per cent up from<br />

18 per cent in 2005.<br />

and buy non-alcoholic beverages online<br />

and they can be shipped directly to your<br />

door. Not only is there a zero ask of<br />

behaviour change at a bar or restaurant,<br />

but the NA category is also making your<br />

life significantly easier with familiar<br />

e-commerce experiences.<br />

Another signal to consider is the ‘who’<br />

behind this movement. In the run-up<br />

to the plant-based meat substitutes<br />

explosion, we saw the world’s wealthiest<br />

backing leading brands: Bill Gates and<br />

Richard Branson invested in Memphis<br />

Meats; Li Ka-shing, one of Asia’s richest<br />

men, invested in Modern Meadow;<br />

Twitter co-founder Evan Williams holds<br />

a $414 million stake in BYND; Prince<br />

Khaled bin Alwaleed of Saudi Arabia, a<br />

loud and proud vegan for the past five<br />

years, has invested in Bahrain's Plant<br />

Cafe. Even the Canadian government<br />

invested in BYND. Outside of individuals,<br />

the largest incumbents of the meat<br />

industry, Tyson and Cargill, began<br />

creating their own plant-based brands.<br />

The investments are beginning in<br />

the NA space. In early 2020, Athletic<br />

Brewing Company closed a $17.5 million<br />

Series-B round with backing from both<br />

individuals and venture capital firms,<br />

including Timothy Barakett, TOMS<br />

Shoes founder Blake Mycoskie, Darren<br />

Rovell’s Tastemaker Capital Partners, and<br />

Wheelhouse Partners. Across the menu,<br />

Seedlip, the privately held non-alcoholic<br />

spirit, received funding from Diageo,<br />

the world’s second-largest distiller. Even<br />

alcohol’s Tyson and Cargill equivalents,<br />

Budweiser and Heineken, are producing<br />

non-alcoholic options.<br />

Some may see all this excitement as<br />

pressure, but there is the opportunity to<br />

learn from past mistakes and avoid being<br />

a bust and ring that bell. We learned<br />

with the disappointment of Segway<br />

in Adam Grant’s book, Originals: How<br />

Non-Conformists Move The World, that the<br />

hype we should pay attention to shouldn’t<br />

come from investors, but consumers.<br />

The revolution has the endorsement of<br />

major backers, but this isn’t Steve Jobs<br />

or Jeff Bezos telling Dean Kamen that<br />

his product is revolutionary, these are<br />

customers waving their hands saying, “I<br />

f**king love this.”<br />

The failure to listen to customers was<br />

a major mistake of Segway’s Kamen. As<br />

Grant writes: “One of the biggest mistakes<br />

was that, when building Segway, Kamen’s<br />

team generated a wide number of ideas,<br />

but didn’t have enough critical input from<br />

customers to make the right choices for<br />

the final product.” To understand the<br />

consumer, I joined a Facebook group<br />

that has more than 3,000 members and<br />

30+ posts daily reviewing beers. I quickly<br />

learned that, yes, the consumer is driving<br />

this revolution. So much so, Athletic<br />

Brewing Company had to open a second<br />

brewery to meet demand.<br />

All of these actions and signals are to<br />

determine the path forward. In a 2019<br />

piece, Michael Kealy, education coach at<br />

TD Ameritrade, expressed caution about<br />

the NA category saying: “Fads do come<br />

and go.” Kealy is right about fads being a<br />

wave in the ocean, but incorrect to call the<br />

non-alcoholic revolution a fad. It’s a tide.<br />

It’s a trend. There is a clear growth pattern<br />

in the category and consumers continue<br />

to vote in favour of it.<br />

The modern adult<br />

To best understand this category, I asked<br />

several of its leaders to provide me with<br />

the street-level experience. Athletic<br />

Brewing Company founder Bill Shufelt<br />

and head brewer John Walker developed<br />

a proprietary fermentation process to<br />

remove alcohol from their brew, which<br />

no other producer of NA beer has<br />

done. Their Run Wild IPA won gold in<br />

the non-alcoholic category at the 2018<br />

International Beer Challenge, and it was<br />

named the best US non-alcoholic beer in<br />

the World Beer Awards in 2018.<br />

On the ground level is where Athletic<br />

experiences this revolution most. “Right<br />

now, we’re up more than 500 per cent<br />

tracking where we were last year, but a<br />

lot of last year was dictated by really tight<br />

capacity,” Shufelt said of sales through the<br />

first two months of 2020. An issue solved<br />

with its San Diego brewery.<br />

Athletic’s growth is consistent with<br />

the entire category which, according to<br />

market research firm IRI, saw off-premise<br />

dollar sales of non-alcoholic beer offerings<br />

having increased 43 per cent to $21.9<br />

million, year-to-date to 23 February.<br />

Over the last 52 weeks, dollar sales<br />

of those offerings are up 28 per cent to<br />

$138.5 million.<br />

A learning I took from the conversation<br />

with Bill Shufelt was how inviting the<br />

category is. “We’ve always tried to urge<br />

people to drink less from the positive<br />

side, using motivating, aspirational, and<br />

inclusive language,” he says. “We try to<br />

include drinkers and non-drinkers alike.<br />

Rather than alienate others with outdated<br />

language, we have the opportunity to<br />

invite them in and try our beer. Beer for<br />

the modern adult.”<br />

People are accepting Athletic’s<br />

invitation too. The non-alcoholic beer<br />

segment is growing at a 44 per cent clip<br />

“ A wellness<br />

explosion made<br />

consumers aware<br />

of what they were<br />

putting into their<br />

bodies. ”<br />

— Jeff Hollander<br />

29<br />

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this year, up from 23 per cent in 2019<br />

and single-digit growth in 2018 when the<br />

brand launched.<br />

Another brewery putting a new<br />

beverage on occasions that people have<br />

known for years is Hairless Dog Brewing<br />

Company, confirming the invitations<br />

category leaders are sending out. “Our<br />

messaging is all about getting more<br />

people to the party,” said Hollander,<br />

continuing: “A great way of doing that<br />

is encouraging conversations. Some of<br />

the leading voices will drive this category<br />

forward as they normalise drinking<br />

alcohol-free beverages.”<br />

Little more conversation<br />

This is exactly what drove the plantbased<br />

revolution forward: conversation.<br />

The emergence of online publications<br />

dedicated entirely to vegetarian and vegan<br />

news normalised the category through<br />

conversation both on- and offline.<br />

Does the non-alcohol category have<br />

this yet? Not exactly, but DrinkTec, the<br />

world’s leading trade fair for the beverage<br />

and liquid food industry, has a dedicated<br />

blog for alcohol-free and there's also<br />

podcasts. A YouTube show called Off The<br />

Rocks releases weekly episodes reviewing<br />

new products using humour to make<br />

going alcohol-free, well, cool.<br />

There are even Drizly-esque<br />

e-commerce platforms (check out<br />

nacraftbeverages.com) dedicated entirely<br />

to NA craft beer, hop tea, sparkling wine,<br />

and alcohol-free spirits.<br />

This drum, which I could beat all day<br />

long, reverberates a simple question for<br />

venues and menus worldwide: What’s the<br />

harm of having non-alcoholic drinks on<br />

your menu?<br />

If we’ve learned anything, the decision<br />

to do so is an invitation. In conversation<br />

with Plant Pub founder, Pat McAuley, the<br />

“ We include<br />

drinkers and<br />

non-drinkers...<br />

we have the<br />

opportunity<br />

to invite<br />

them in. ”<br />

— Bill Shufelt<br />

bold Boston-based restauranteur who<br />

actually opened a restaurant during the<br />

pandemic, said of including non-alcoholic<br />

beverages on Plant Pub’s menu:<br />

“Having non-alcoholic options on your<br />

menu is the ultimate invitation. The way<br />

restaurants now have gluten-free and<br />

vegan options, carrying non-alcoholic<br />

beverages ensures your place is a<br />

destination for all, and those who adopt<br />

this early, will win”.<br />

The same way major importers said why<br />

not, restaurants, venues, and festivals are<br />

next in line to join this sober revolution.<br />

“The non-alcoholic beverage revolution is<br />

here and the category is exploding,” says<br />

Pat McAuley.<br />

As we look forward, NA beers still<br />

account for just a small portion, about 0.3<br />

per cent, of the overall beer market, says<br />

Bart Watson from the Beer Association.<br />

But, he notes that non-alcoholic beers are<br />

up five per cent (11 per cent by<br />

dollar sales) in sales over the last year.<br />

The NIAAA (National Institute on<br />

Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism) reports<br />

that 86.3 per cent of people aged 18 or<br />

older drank alcohol at some point in<br />

their lifetime, 70 per cent reported that<br />

they drank in the past year, and 55.3 per<br />

cent reported that they drank in the past<br />

month. Now put on your marketing hat<br />

or investor cap and see the opportunity<br />

these facts present. What we should<br />

focus on is what’s not in print: 44.7 per<br />

cent of people are not casual drinkers<br />

and 30 per cent of people rarely drink. As<br />

percentages of the 209 million American<br />

population over the age of 18, on the low<br />

end that’s over 62,000,000 who simply<br />

don’t drink, and 93,000,000 that are<br />

casual. Compare that to the five per cent<br />

or 10,000,000 Americans over the age of<br />

18 that identify as vegetarian or vegan,<br />

and then quietly get excited knowing that<br />

the latter category produced BYND.<br />

To think even further outside the box,<br />

a 2017 study found that in countries<br />

with legalised medicinal cannabis, alcohol<br />

sales dropped more than 12 per cent<br />

when compared with similar countries<br />

without weed. Although cannabis is<br />

not legal federally in the US, it has<br />

been normalised; 11 states have passed<br />

legislation to legalise it, and more are<br />

expected to in 2020.<br />

To conclude an absolute truth here<br />

would be unwise, but it’s clear there is<br />

a lot of noise in the category. The<br />

non-alcoholic beverage revolution is here<br />

and the category is exploding along with<br />

wellness. Will it deliver the next BYND?<br />

Time will tell, but it might be wise to have<br />

your tickets ready for when the bell rings.<br />

Follow Richie Crowley on blogging platform<br />

Medium, @rickieticklez. You can also follow him<br />

at RICKiRICKi.com and sign up for his monthly<br />

newsletter. Check out his YouTube channel where<br />

he features on Off The Rocks, tasting a range of<br />

non-alcoholic beverages.<br />

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SAMPLE<br />

T H E C O M PA N Y<br />

EDIT<br />






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In your bespoke section, we share wellbeing stories from your people,<br />

exploring how they are living their best life outside work. Experienced<br />

journalists will listen to and write up the stories that will inspire and<br />

engage your teams. Here, we show you how it might look and explain the<br />

power of storytelling and the importance of giving your staff a voice.<br />

I F I N A L L Y G O T I N T O T H E<br />


Suzie Johnston, 35, works as head of marketing. She<br />

has two children and has managed the lockdown<br />

stress of home-schooling and full-time work by<br />

making the effort to meditate in the morning.<br />

HOW WE DO IT... The story is written in the<br />

first person. We will set up the interview<br />

and write the story, encouraging honesty<br />

and a personal touch. By sharing real-life<br />

stories, your company shows it cares about<br />

its people and is prioritising their wellbeing.<br />

We give your staff a voice, which makes<br />

them feel that they count. We can share up<br />

to three stories in this section, as illustrated<br />

here, or we can focus on one longer story, for<br />

example, a year of fundraising and running a<br />

marathon, or life as a mental health officer.<br />

Before I start, I must<br />

say, I don’t want<br />

anyone to read this and think, ‘Oh<br />

no, I did nothing in lockdown, I<br />

feel inadequate’. Meditation was<br />

literally all I could do. I didn’t<br />

learn French, start baking, or run<br />

every day! I managed my sanity by<br />

spending five minutes a<br />

day meditating… and the<br />

story would continue…<br />

“ I’m feeling<br />

calmer and more<br />

relaxed now. ”<br />

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SAMPLE<br />

<strong>THE</strong> COMPANY EDIT<br />

“ I appreciate my job<br />

so much more. ”<br />

I V O L U N T E E R E D F O R<br />

T H E N H S W H I L E I<br />


John Smith, 35, who works in the sales<br />

team, found that volunteering for the<br />

NHS was unexpectedly beneficial for<br />

his mental health.<br />

WHY WE DO IT... “Telling stories is one of the<br />

most powerful means that leaders have to<br />

influence, teach and inspire... Storytelling<br />

forges connections among people, and<br />

between people and ideas. Stories convey<br />

the culture, history and values that unite<br />

people. When it comes to our countries,<br />

our communities, and our families, we<br />

understand intuitively that the stories we<br />

hold in common are an important part of<br />

the ties that bind.” – Vanessa Boris writing<br />

in Harvard Business Publishing, Corporate<br />

Learning, harvardbusiness.org.<br />

I didn’t realise how self-centred I’d become. I’m not saying I was<br />

selfish or self-obsessed, but I really didn’t look beyond work,<br />

my family and football. And I was often feeling depressed and have always<br />

struggled with stress and anxiety. I was in a rut. Volunteering for the NHS<br />

in lockdown has changed me for good, and for the better.<br />

I signed up back in March and, at first, didn’t hear anything. Then I<br />

received a buzz on the volunteer app on my phone and was asked to do<br />

some driving, dropping off prescriptions to people in the community who<br />

couldn’t get out of their houses.<br />

As someone who gets the 6:57 am train to London and comes home at<br />

7:30 pm every day in the week, I had no idea who lived in my community.<br />

My first client was Henry, an 88-year-old World War II veteran. His wife<br />

died 10 years ago and, until recently, he was completely independent. But<br />

in January he had a mild stroke and, for the first time in his life, he had to<br />

depend on others.<br />

Henry reminded me how important it is to have a positive outlook. He<br />

helped me see that there was a simple explanation for my negative thought<br />

patterns and depression. He’d learned very early on how important it was<br />

to feel connected to his friends. I'd become isolated, and Henry pointed out<br />

I just needed to make an effort to meet friends and avoid social media.<br />

This simple change made such a difference to me. I re-joined my local<br />

five-aside football team and renewed old friendships. At first we couldn’t<br />

train together, but soon we were able to meet in the park and do some<br />

training. The act of being sociable and active has woken me up, and I’m<br />

finding work so much more fulfilling and less draining. When<br />

we get back to the office, I’ll be organising football training after<br />

work. Make sure you get in touch and we’ll get started.<br />

33<br />

31-34 Bespoke Dummy Pages (Final new).indd 3 20/07/2020 17:41

SAMPLE<br />

<strong>THE</strong> COMPANY EDIT<br />


Jane Ransom, 48, who’s head of our accounting team, kept her mental and physical health in<br />

check during lockdown by running a virtual 5K. Here’s her story.<br />


about colleagues living their best lives and<br />

doing the most they can for their wellbeing<br />

captures our attention, and positivity is<br />

contagious. Here we demonstrate the power<br />

of momentum. An energetic, proactive<br />

workforce inspires and delivers in all areas<br />

of life. We use storytelling as a way to<br />

encourage your teams to feel empathy<br />

for colleagues and to consider their own<br />

wellbeing. Through stories, we unite your<br />

staff and drive deeper connections.<br />

Over the last five years, I’ve gradually put on more and more<br />

weight, and become less energetic. When lockdown came, I<br />

decided enough was enough and re-started a couch to 5K programme,<br />

something that achieved results when I did it years ago.<br />

The first day I stepped outside, it was hot and sunny, but I didn’t feel like<br />

wearing minimal gear. I wore black leggings and a long top, and struggled<br />

because of the heat. I walk/ran about a mile and then headed back in. A few<br />

nights later, a friend recommended I watch Brittany Runs A Marathon. It was<br />

the perfect film and came just at the right time.<br />

Like Brittany, I took one more step and kept going out. On the next<br />

Zoom call, Carol, who you may know is the office athlete, told me about a<br />

virtual 5K being run online. I signed up and was hooked… and the<br />

story would continue…<br />

“ I’ve lost 1st 7lbs<br />

just from running. ”<br />

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31-34 Bespoke Dummy Pages (Final new).indd 4 20/07/2020 17:41


N E W S & D I A R Y<br />

Here's a real-life example of a diary and news page from associated<br />

company, Intrinsic Facilities Engineering. In this issue, they limber up<br />

for a virutal 5K, stretch it out in the office, and share training news.<br />

The Intrinsic Triathlon Challenge<br />



Log on to the zone platform for<br />

your personalised plan. You can<br />

then join the training group on<br />

WhatsApp for tips and support.<br />

HOW TO DO IT<br />

Bike: A one-hour set that you can<br />

do in a spin class, or opt for turbo<br />

or a flat stretch of road.<br />

Swim: A 30-minute swim building<br />

up to one hour. Do it at your pool,<br />

in the sea, lake or river.<br />

Run: A set of intervals to boost<br />

your running speed. Do on the<br />

track, the treadmill or at the park.<br />

DID<br />

YOU<br />

KNOW?<br />

Daily cold showers<br />

help beat depression,<br />

boost metabolism, and<br />

reduce inflammation...<br />

What's not to like?<br />

35<br />

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EDIT<br />


Four exercises for good posture and tension release.<br />


Laura Gallagher is a<br />

world-class trampolinist. It<br />

was her performance in the<br />

World Championships in 2019<br />

that secured Team GB a 2020<br />

Olympic place (obviously on<br />

hold!). She’s the very definition<br />

of resilience, with a string of<br />

international gold, silver and<br />

bronze medals to her name,<br />

dating back to 2007.<br />

▼ Strong L-shape legs for<br />

balance and core strength<br />

Stand tall, draw your navel to your spine,<br />

and tilt your pelvis forward and back until<br />

it’s in ‘neutral’ to activate your core muscles.<br />

Now lean forward into the position shown,<br />

extending one leg behind. Keep your arms<br />

long, strong and by the body, as shown,<br />

or you can extend them in front of you,<br />

keeping a long line from fingertips to toes.<br />

Concentrate on lengthening your body, and<br />

retain your balance by keeping a slight bend<br />

in the supporting knee (note Laura has a<br />

uniquely strong core so doesn't do this).<br />

Once balanced, ensure both hips point to<br />

the floor and tighten the glutes, keeping<br />

the 'L' shape: avoid rounding or arching the<br />

back. Make your neck long and visualise a<br />

wire extending from the top of your head<br />

to your feet. Breathe easily, hold and repeat<br />

on the other side. If needed, beginners can<br />

allow the foot of their extended leg to gently<br />

rest on a wall behind for support.<br />

▼<br />

TOP TIP<br />

Do a posture and<br />

breath check once a<br />

day: stand tall, relax<br />

your shoulders and<br />

breathe easily.<br />

Let go with a forward bend<br />

The ultimate ‘let go’ movement. Stand with<br />

your legs straight, shoulder-width apart.<br />

Clasp your hands behind your back, breathe<br />

in and, as you breathe out, lean forwards,<br />

allowing your arms to rise and fall towards<br />

your head. Feel the muscles in your neck<br />

and head release as you lean towards the<br />

floor, and enjoy feeling a stretch in the back,<br />

chest and backs of the legs. Yogis say this is<br />

good for your complexion as blood rushes<br />

to the face and boosts circulation.<br />

▼ Supported stretch and<br />

release for the upper body<br />

Stand tall in front of the wall and<br />

engage your core muscles. Lean<br />

forwards, reaching your fingertips<br />

towards the wall. Focus on keeping your<br />

back straight and your upper body long,<br />

and enjoy the stretch in your arms,<br />

shoulders, neck, chest and back.<br />

▼ Reverse plank for a strong<br />

core and a stretch<br />

Position a chair so it can’t roll back when<br />

you put your weight on it, then lower<br />

yourself onto it, supporting yourself<br />

with your hands, and lift up into the<br />

reverse plank position, extending your<br />

legs out, as shown. Take a moment to<br />

check through your plank: start with<br />

the core, tighten the belt of muscles<br />

below your belly button and tighten<br />

your glutes, ensuring your hips are level<br />

and square. Open your chest and press<br />

through your hands but avoid overarching<br />

your back. Keep your back long<br />

and shoulders down. Check your legs<br />

are long and strong. If you want to work<br />

harder, you can lift one leg off the floor,<br />

hold and repeat on the other side.<br />

36<br />

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<strong>THE</strong> COMPANY EDIT<br />




At Intrinsic, we're aware of the ever-changing issues<br />

that go with running a sustainable business and<br />

the importance of a strong environmental policy.<br />

It's great to see this new course for those working in<br />

facilities management based in London.<br />

Thinking of trying meditation?<br />

If you've thought about meditation and<br />

mindfulness but don't know where to<br />

start, try the Headspace app. Designed<br />

with people like us in mind, just<br />

10 minutes a day can really help you to<br />

deal with problem-solving and stress.<br />

Upon completion of this course, you will<br />

be able to:<br />

IFE parkrun alternative<br />

Pre-COVID-19, the Intrinsic team were frequently<br />

found on the start line of their local parkrun on<br />

a Saturday morning. For those who don't know,<br />

parkrun is a completely free event that's held in<br />

locations across the UK and worldwide at 9am<br />

every Saturday. Obviously that's all changed due<br />

to coronavirus, but you can sign up for the virutal<br />

Intrinsic parkrun by logging on to the platform<br />

and grabbing your personalised 5K schedule from<br />

the team at the zone. It's a timed 5K run open to<br />

everyone, to either walk, run or walk-run. If you like<br />

it, you can try out the real thing when normality<br />

resumes. To do that, you need to register at<br />

parkrun.org, print a barcode, and go along to<br />

your local event. With a mix of elites and absolute<br />

beginners, your time is recorded and it's a great<br />

fitness benchmark. We were delighted to be a<br />

sponsor when junior parkrun, a 2K run for children,<br />

launched in Eastbourne.<br />

● Identify the key elements of sustainability that<br />

will affect your institution, especially the<br />

financial aspects.<br />

● Make sure that when you buy new equipment or<br />

products you choose the best quality.<br />

● Find a consistent way of reporting your carbon<br />

data and sticking with it.<br />

● Look at your site with a fresh pair of eyes and<br />

define which sustainable technologies would work<br />

for you.<br />

● Put together a carbon plan for your organisation.<br />

● Track your electricity and gas usage.<br />

● Educate building users on how best to reduce<br />

carbon consumption.<br />

Note this is an example. This course was held at<br />

London Business Training & Consulting. Check<br />

for the latest courses at lbtc.co.uk.<br />

37<br />

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YO U R<br />

CLIENT<br />




DEALS<br />

TEAM<br />



38_Advert Example(Final).indd 1 20/07/2020 17:53

<strong>THE</strong> <strong>ZONE</strong> GUIDES<br />

The whole is greater than the sum of its parts; each part playing a role in your wellbeing<br />

profile. Within this Guides section, in Trends we offer the latest news and knowledge, in<br />

Nutrition we share recipes and ideas on optimising nutrition, in Move we update you on<br />

the latest fitness news, and in Self we dig deeper and look at personal development.<br />

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Social distancing at work made easy<br />

Innovative companies are finding ways to make coronavirus compliance easier.<br />

Big Brother is watching you, which is exactly<br />

what you need to get office life up and<br />

running in the next normal. 4D Monitoring<br />

is a company that provides smart building<br />

technology. Its range of products help<br />

businesses to comply with social distancing,<br />

for example, its innovative FootfallCam<br />

3D plus is a people counter for offices. It<br />

provides real-time notifications for capacity<br />

and density, and it works in hot-desking<br />

environments and managed office spaces.<br />

The camera, which monitors who is coming<br />

in and out of the building and where they<br />

are going, can help businesses re-purpose<br />

under-utilised areas and be focused<br />

and proactive about cleaning. Real-time<br />

notifications mean staff can be notified<br />

instantly using email and push notifications<br />

when capacity thresholds are close to<br />

being reached.<br />

➝ Find out more about FootfallCam 3D<br />

plus and other smart tech solutions at<br />

4dmonitoring.co.uk.<br />

DID<br />

YOU<br />

KNOW?<br />

You’re losing 39 per cent of job applicants if your company is perceived<br />

as not being inclusive – survey from mckinsey.com, June 2020.<br />

TRENDS<br />

Round-up of what to see, do, and know in the world of wellbeing.<br />

The Wellness Sabbatical<br />

The Global Wellness<br />

Summit has cited<br />

10 trends for 2020<br />

in its Wellness Trends<br />

report. Here, we look<br />

at the rise of the<br />

wellness sabbatical.<br />

Global Wellness predicts a new travel concept<br />

where work and wellness are intentionally<br />

blended. The ideal package lasts three weeks,<br />

enough time to make real life changes, and<br />

includes combining your working day with a<br />

range of wellness activities.<br />

Are we ready for this? Or is this a lifestyle<br />

choice for limited groups, stressed-out<br />

wealthy CEOs or, at the other end, millennial<br />

digital nomads with fewer commitments?<br />

According to the article (read it in full here:<br />

globalwellnesssummit.com/2020-globalwellness-trends/wellness-sabbatical/),<br />

there are<br />

a growing number of tour operators, hotels and<br />

spas offering this type of break, described as<br />

co-working meets co-living. Companies offering<br />

the packages include: Roam, Outsite, Behere,<br />

The Remote Experience, Unsettled, The Nomad<br />

House, and CoWoLi. Luxury breaks in Thailand<br />

at Kamalaya’s Wellbeing Sabbatical (kamalaya.<br />

com) start at £15,000 for 21 days, and in India<br />

and Mexico, tour operators offer specialist<br />

sabbaticals for up to a year. The article goes on<br />

to suggest that digital nomads will help to drive<br />

a trend towards affordable wellness sabbaticals<br />

and, of course, you can do your own version<br />

by designing a DIY break. Definitely a trend to<br />

watch – according to the report, 25 per cent of<br />

The Fortune 100 best companies to work for now<br />

offer sabbaticals to employees.<br />

40<br />

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Working at stand-up desks<br />

helps to burn calories, improve<br />

your posture, and can also help<br />

to boost brain power at work.<br />

A 2018 study revealed that using a standup<br />

desk and having the freedom to move<br />

around your workspace has been found to<br />

have cognitive benefits. The researchers at<br />

the Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience at<br />

University College London (UCL) followed<br />

15 subjects and monitored their cognitive<br />

abilities after working at a standing desk. The<br />

first of its kind, the study was commissioned<br />

by Posturite, makers of the Opløft Sit-Stand<br />

Platform (posturite.co.uk/oploft), which is slim,<br />

lightweight and portable – and ideal for our<br />

new working landscape, blending working from<br />

home with the office. Before cynics dismiss the<br />

study as marketing, it’s worth pointing out that<br />

UCL’s Professor Vincent Walsh was reported at<br />

the time, in both The Times and The Telegraph, as<br />

saying he was surprised by the results and had<br />

no interest in getting them to fit the company’s<br />

brief. Other research has shown that standing is<br />

better for you physically – it burns more calories<br />

and it’s better for your posture – but this study<br />

was the first to look at the mental benefits.<br />

Findings included an improvement in brain<br />

power and decision-making, with participants<br />

doubling their score in a standard cognitive<br />

test. There was also a 64 per cent improvement<br />

in performing language-based problems, and<br />

concentration and creativity, also tested, both<br />

improved. Find out more at posturite.co.uk.<br />

The Zone Recommends<br />

Is it the end of 9-5?<br />

Research from the University of Basel<br />

in Switzerland found that workers<br />

who can set their own hours (trustbased<br />

working time) tend to be more<br />

productive, work longer hours, and be<br />

happier than those tied to rigid 9-5<br />

schedules. Want to explore this further?<br />

Tune in to Dr Rangan Chatterjee’s Feel<br />

Better, Live More podcast show, How To<br />

Work Less and Get More Done with Alex<br />

Pang, the author of Shorter – Redesign<br />

Your Work and Reclaim Your Time.<br />

41<br />

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Working hard and exercising requires quality<br />

fuel for top energy. At the zone, we're advocates<br />

of health for everyone, and support businesses<br />

giving back by investing in the wellbeing of their<br />

staff and the community at large. Here, we focus<br />

on premium, top-of-the-range nutrition as we<br />

believe the best investment you can make is in<br />

yourself – your body and your health.<br />

Editor Fiona<br />

Bugler trains<br />

five to six<br />

times a<br />

week and<br />

works long hours. She<br />

recognises that, to do<br />

this, she needs to invest<br />

in her health. For an<br />

impartial, honest review,<br />

she selected and bought<br />

the products tested.<br />

42<br />

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COFFEE<br />

Recommended by top<br />

‘life lesson’ podcast hosts<br />

and authors Rich Roll and<br />

Tim Ferriss, I decided I had<br />

to try mushroom coffee.<br />

Like Athletic Greens (right),<br />

Four Sigmatic® is a brand<br />

that was not an overnight<br />

success. It's a wellestablished<br />

product with<br />

a solid back-story from its<br />

Finnish founder who has a<br />

background in mushrooms.<br />

In marketing terms,<br />

attention has focused on<br />

Instagram and more than a<br />

quarter of a million people<br />

are signed up for daily<br />

updates about mushroom<br />

coffee. This intriguing drink,<br />

which includes focusbuilding<br />

Lion's Mane and<br />

immune-supporting Chaga<br />

mushrooms, promises<br />

to help you ‘think’. It's a<br />

favourite of bio-hackers<br />

and those into ‘nootropics’<br />

(healthy, mind-bending<br />

drugs and supplements).<br />

Just before it arrived,<br />

Chris Evans began talking<br />

about it on Virgin Radio and<br />

described the taste as rich<br />

and chocolatey. On-air, he<br />

said he was buzzing after<br />

drinking it. I first opted<br />

for the instant coffee<br />

sachets, which tasted just<br />

like instant coffee, but as<br />

I'm not a fan, I switched to<br />

the ground coffee, which<br />

tasted better. For both, I<br />

used frothy oat milk, which<br />

seemed to work better<br />

than cow's milk. Did focus<br />

and brain power improve?<br />

Yes. After one cup around<br />

11 am, I was able to focus<br />

on concentrated work for<br />

hours. I paid £22.95 for<br />

the ground coffee from<br />

online retailer, Ocean’s<br />

Alive, and feel it was a good<br />

health investment. It's<br />

also made me re-think my<br />

caffeine habits – quality<br />

not quantity. Check out<br />

regular offers or set up a<br />

30- or 60-day subscription<br />

by going direct to the<br />

foursigmatic.com website.<br />

Athletic Greens<br />

With 46,000 followers on Instagram, a quality podcast, and leading ambassadors from across<br />

the wellbeing world recommending the product, it's easy to see how this brand gets away<br />

with its premium price tag. Athletic Greens® costs almost £80 a month; that’s as much as a<br />

good-quality gym membership but, put in perspective, it's a lot less than some bad habits, for<br />

example, smoking 20 cigarettes a day. I paid £95 for a one-off pouch, with a free 30-day travel<br />

pack, and have been taking it every day since it arrived, which is now 28 days. A few days after<br />

it arrived, I received an email asking whether I’d noticed a difference: Did I have more energy?<br />

Were cravings reduced? Did I notice anything different about my gut health? The short answer<br />

is no, other than on the slightly negative side – my sensitive gut was a little unsettled.<br />

However, it felt like a small sacrifice for kick-starting my day with “75 vitamins, minerals and<br />

whole food-sourced ingredients, carefully selected for high potency and bioavailability.” I'm<br />

also reassured to know it's manufactured in a TGA-registered facility in New Zealand, with<br />

“strict analytical and microbiological testing, and the highest quality standards.” It’s suitable<br />

for all diets and packed with nutrients. For time-poor, health-conscious people, its price<br />

may actually be reassuring as you can cut out any other supplements you might be taking.<br />

It also tastes surprisingly good and is palatable on an empty stomach. After a month, I feel<br />

good; there’s something about spending money on my health that helps me focus on staying<br />

healthy! If you do sign up, why not try out the super nutrient-dense smoothie recipe below?<br />

DID<br />

YOU<br />

KNOW?<br />

Rhodiola root dry<br />

extract (found in<br />

Athletic Greens) helps<br />

fight fatigue, and<br />

promotes mental<br />

sharpness and stamina.<br />

First-class<br />

smoothie<br />

✦ Unsweetened<br />

almond milk<br />

✦ Handful of spinach<br />

✦ 1 tbsp chia seeds<br />

✦ 2 tbsp hemp protein<br />

powder<br />

✦ A handful of frozen<br />

blueberries<br />

✦ 1 huge tbsp<br />

peanut butter<br />

✦ 1 scoop of<br />

Athletic Greens<br />

✦ Top with 2 tbsp<br />

granola and<br />

a few raspberries<br />

43<br />

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Nutrient-dense fine-dining<br />

The Revive recipe series by Carrington Recipes (carringtonrecipes.com) teaches you how to push<br />

culinary boundaries using fresh, nutritious produce to create healthy, gastronomic masterpieces.<br />

THIS MONTH'S DISH is packed<br />

with phytochemicals and iron,<br />

showcased in a succulent piece<br />

of seared venison. A premium<br />

package of health, it's served<br />

with a bountiful brigade of<br />

bioflavonoid-rich vegetables<br />

and soaked in cherry juice – a<br />

nutrient-dense super fruit.<br />

The colour of health<br />

Fresh sweet cherries are used to garnish<br />

this dish and also complement the rich<br />

venison flavour. Cherries are packed<br />

with health benefits. This delicious fruit<br />

contains anthocyanins, a sub-category<br />

of flavonoid pigments that are abundant<br />

in various fruits. The visible, vibrant<br />

colours are how we see these chemicals.<br />

The same goes for the vegetables in this<br />

dish. It is also rich in phytochemicals,<br />

which can be also seen by the bright<br />

purple pigmentation of the broccoli, kale<br />

and beetroot in particular.<br />

More about flavonoids<br />

Anthocyanins act as inhibitors to<br />

proliferation in certain cell types and<br />

inhibitors to prostaglandin synthesis,<br />

which has an anti-inflammatory effect.<br />

These natural effects have been shown<br />

to have a host of positive health benefits<br />

including muscle recovery, antiinflammation<br />

and pain relief.<br />

Flavonoids belong to a category of<br />

phytochemicals called polyphenols.<br />

Polyphenols are packed with antioxidants<br />

and potential health benefits. They are<br />

known for their multiple hydroxyl groups<br />

that deliver the powerful antioxidants.<br />

They do this by maintaining low levels of<br />

reactive oxygen intermediates.<br />

What does this mean for<br />

your health?<br />

Studies have shown that anthocyanin<br />

suppresses proliferation and<br />

tumourigenesis (the production or<br />

formation of tumours) in cancer stem<br />

cells. In addition to reducing the risk<br />

of certain cancers, cherries also have<br />

a positive effect on sleep as they<br />

contain melatonin, a molecule critical<br />

in regulating the sleep-wake cycle in<br />

humans. They have been used in various<br />

treatments for insomnia and have been<br />

proven to support undisturbed sleep.<br />

Anthocyanins are enriched, in<br />

particular, in tart or sour cherries,<br />

recognised by their lighter, yellowish<br />

colour. Tart cherries are highly perishable<br />

and have an exceptionally short fruiting<br />

season, and are therefore commercially<br />

non-viable and not widely available.<br />

However, this great fruit grows wild and<br />

can be found throughout the UK in wood<br />

borders and hedgerows, or you can grow<br />

your own.<br />

Choosing quality venison<br />

The nutritional and ethical benefits of<br />

this wonderfully ‘gamey’ meat largely<br />

outweigh that of its more common,<br />

commercially reared, meat competitors<br />

such as beef or chicken. Locally and<br />

sustainably sourced, venison is easy to<br />

find in farm shops and markets, making it<br />

a great ethical and responsible choice.<br />

Powerfully packed with iron<br />

Wild venison is truly rich in iron, an<br />

element that the UK population is most<br />

commonly deficient in, particularly<br />

women and athletes. Around half of the<br />

iron in venison is the easily absorbed<br />

‘heme’ iron; it also increases the<br />

bioavailability of non-heme iron, found in<br />

vegetables, by up to four times.<br />

The Zone Exclusive<br />

Carrington Revive recipes<br />

Carrington recipes stem from a foundation<br />

of clinical nutritional research, designed<br />

explicitly to benefit health and nutrition.<br />

This is uniquely combined with fine-dining<br />

techniques to produce exquisite, delicious and<br />

creative dishes to excite taste buds and revive<br />

health. From September you can follow the<br />

Revive series of recipes at i-wellbeing.com.<br />

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A succulent piece of seared venison served with a bountiful brigade of<br />

bioflavonoids. This delicious combination is a mouth-watering sensation<br />

that really packs a powerful flavour punch. The crunchy, sweet walnuts<br />

complement the fresh, crisp carrots. The peppery, bitterness of the brassica<br />

and acidic beetroot sets the taste buds alight and cuts through the rich<br />

sweetness of the creamy butternut, which rounds the dish to be a perfect<br />

marriage for the hearty and luxuriously rich venison loin.<br />


✦ 250g loin of wild venison –<br />

rested to room temperature<br />


✦<br />

✦<br />

✦<br />

✦<br />

✦<br />

✦<br />

✦<br />

✦<br />

✦<br />

✦<br />

A handful of cherries – pips<br />

removed and cubed<br />

200g purple sprouting broccoli<br />

– remove stems leaving just<br />

floral bud<br />

200g purple kale – cut into<br />

5cm lengths<br />

One large carrot – halved<br />

lengthways and sliced<br />

One butternut squash – diced<br />

into 1cm cubes<br />

A handful of walnuts – slightly<br />

crushed<br />

1 tbsp honey<br />

One beetroot bulb – halved<br />

and finely sliced<br />

100ml raw cider vinegar<br />

One medium red onion – sliced<br />

Preheat the oven to 180°C /gas mark 4. Oil a large baking tray, add the<br />

diced butternut squash, and roast for 30 to 45 minutes until slightly<br />

browned.<br />

Add 500ml water, halved cherries and 2 tbsp of honey to a heavybased<br />

pan and bring to a boil. Simmer for 15 to 20 minutes. Turn off<br />

the heat. Remove the cherries and strain into the remaining liquid.<br />

Leave to cool.<br />

Steam the sliced beetroot for three to five minutes, transfer to a<br />

small bowl, and add the sliced red onion and pour over the raw cider<br />

vinegar until all the ingredients are covered. Marinate for 30 minutes.<br />

TIP: Leaving the beetroot longer will increase the pickled flavour; you<br />

can even do this the day before.<br />

Season the venison loin with a generous amount of salt and pepper<br />

and massage with olive oil. Add walnuts and honey to a small frying<br />

pan, heat until caramelised, allow three to five minutes.<br />

OPTION: The carrots, kale and broccoli can be added to the dish as<br />

raw ingredients, resulting in a crunchy fresh taste or, if preferred, you<br />

can steam for two to five minutes to soften slightly.<br />

Heat a heavy-based frying pan until very hot and sear your venison<br />

loin on all sides until dark golden brown. Turn down to a medium or<br />

low heat and continue to gently fry, turning regularly for five minutes<br />

(medium-rare) or to your liking. Once cooked, leave to rest for around<br />

five minutes.<br />

Take the butternut squash out of the oven, place in a bowl, and use<br />

a hand blender to puree.<br />

✁<br />


✦<br />

✦<br />

✦<br />

250g cherries – pitted and<br />

halved<br />

2 tbsp honey<br />

500ml water<br />

TO SERVE: Halve the venison loin, place a generous portion of<br />

butternut squash on the plate and sit the loin on top. Arrange the<br />

kale, broccoli, pickled beetroot, carrot and cherries. Sprinkle over the<br />

caramelised walnuts. Enjoy with a glass of fresh cherry juice – or a<br />

glass of organic red wine!<br />

45<br />

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THREE WHYS: Reasons to stick at exercise<br />

1<br />

Exercise gives you a<br />

healthy body<br />

Exercise is good for your cardiovascular<br />

and respiratory systems; it will help to<br />

control your weight which, in turn, will<br />

control your blood pressure, and lower<br />

your risk of certain cancers and diabetes.<br />

It’s also good for your sex life, “Regular<br />

physical activity may enhance arousal for<br />

women. And men who exercise regularly,<br />

are less likely to have problems with<br />

erectile dysfunction than men who don’t<br />

exercise,” states the Mayo Clinic.<br />

2<br />

It’s<br />

great for your<br />

mental health<br />

There’s no shortage of research to show<br />

how exercise beats depression, boosts selfesteem<br />

and relieves stress. It’s a physical<br />

reaction; when you exercise, you boost<br />

levels of the hormone serotonin. When<br />

you dance, run, do aerobics, the increase<br />

in blood circulation to the brain positively<br />

affects the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal<br />

(HPA) axis and, thus, the physiologic<br />

reactivity to stress. Exercise is also great<br />

for self-esteem – weight loss and toning<br />

up help to boost confidence in the short<br />

term and, in the longer term, there’s great<br />

MOVE<br />

satisfaction from mastering a new skill<br />

and progressing with a task. Exercise, and<br />

starting to look after and love your body,<br />

helps to build confidence. If you have<br />

started to exercise and felt these benefits,<br />

here’s another reason to keep going –<br />

new research by a PhD student from the<br />

University of Adelaide, published online<br />

in the Journal of Affective Disorders, has<br />

found that stopping exercise can increase<br />

the symptoms of depression. The study<br />

was small scale (152 people in a variety<br />

of studies were reviewed), but talking to<br />

Science Daily, Professor Bernhard Baune,<br />

head of psychiatry at the University<br />

of Adelaide and senior author on the<br />

paper said: “Depressive symptoms<br />

arising from stopping exercise occurred<br />

in the absence of the typical biological<br />

markers commonly involved with<br />

depressive symptoms.”<br />

3<br />

It<br />

gives you back<br />

control – of you<br />

This covers both why one and why two.<br />

There might come a time when you<br />

cannot control what your body is doing,<br />

but while you can control it and you're<br />

in good health, it's important to take<br />

the opportunity to take care of yourself.<br />

Don’t be a victim to weight, stress and<br />

self-imposed illness, you can choose<br />

fitness and health. If you’re into instant<br />

gratification, you can get that when you<br />

exercise as those feel-good hormones float<br />

around your body. But a good reason to<br />

exercise is to reinforce discipline and selfresponsibility,<br />

and knowing that you can<br />

improve how you feel by simply showing<br />

up and doing the workout. Keep doing<br />

this and you’ll understand the power of<br />

consistency – and you'll see results.<br />

Older people who<br />

have never taken part<br />

in sustained exercise<br />

programmes have<br />

the same ability to<br />

build muscle mass as<br />

highly trained master<br />

athletes of a similar<br />

age, say researchers<br />

from the University of<br />

Birmingham.<br />

Did you start exercising in lockdown and want to carry on?<br />

Here’s why you should keep at it – plus the zone's tips on how to do it…<br />

Cycle fitness<br />

As we showed on page 22, some<br />

businesses boomed in lockdown,<br />

including the bike sellers. If you<br />

bought a bike, there are some<br />

simple ways to keep your interest<br />

and to get fitter. It's easy to get<br />

into the habit of cycling at one<br />

pace; it might be fun but, like any<br />

exercise routine, without pushing<br />

yourself, it won't make you fitter.<br />

Do enjoy your long, easy rides,<br />

but also add in at least one<br />

session of either fast intervals on<br />

flat roads, long hilly rides, or hill<br />

repeats. When you're confident,<br />

invest in pedals with cleats,<br />

which will allow you to put more<br />

energy in and get more out. If<br />

you can, try off-roading on a<br />

mountain bike, or do intervals on<br />

an indoor turbo or at spin classes<br />

to improve your all-round fitness.<br />

46<br />

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➠<br />


the zone's 5-Step Guide<br />

Check with your GP or practice nurse that it’s okay to exercise<br />

(in almost all cases it is) and then set out to make some gradual<br />

changes that will still bring you results within weeks.<br />

n Create a vision<br />

If you were out of your routine and got<br />

fit in the spring, it’s easy when you’re<br />

back at work and in your old ways to<br />

forget what you may have achieved.<br />

Create a clear vision in your mind of<br />

where you want fitness to take you<br />

and what will help you achieve your<br />

goals. Writing down what you want to<br />

achieve as if you’ve already achieved<br />

it, and creating ‘mood boards’ with<br />

pictures of how you want to look and<br />

feel, have been proven to increase<br />

your chances of success.<br />

n Exercise in the morning<br />

Google ‘habits of successful people’<br />

and you will find exercising in the<br />

morning listed as one of the top<br />

habits. But when it comes to the<br />

physiological effectiveness of exercise,<br />

many studies have found that late<br />

afternoon is actually the best as this<br />

is when your body temperature is<br />


Bodies such as the British Heart<br />

Foundation recommend walking<br />

10,000 steps a day, measured using a<br />

pedometer. Most of us walk between<br />

3,000 and 4,000 steps a day<br />

anyway, so reaching 10,000, or<br />

around five miles, is a realistic<br />

and achievable goal. If you<br />

weigh in at 11st (70kg),<br />

you’ll burn 440 calories by<br />

walking 10,000 steps briskly<br />

(3.5mph). If walking to work<br />

isn’t an option, take note, a<br />

2007 study found that the<br />

train is best, with train users<br />

walking an average of 30 per<br />

cent more steps a day, and four<br />

times more likely to walk 10,000<br />

steps per day than car commuters.<br />

optimum. However, the case for<br />

morning workouts includes the power<br />

of getting it done, and other research<br />

shows the morning as the most<br />

effective workout time for our body<br />

clock (circadian rhythm). According<br />

to the American College of Sports<br />

Medicine, working out in the morning<br />

will also help you sleep better at night.<br />

n Join a group<br />

Scientists at Oxford University<br />

studying a group of rowers found that<br />

group exercise can release the happy<br />

hormones, endorphins, making you<br />

not just happier, but more effective<br />

as you exercise. Group exercise, such<br />

as aerobic and studio classes, is a<br />

great way to get started in fitness,<br />

distracting you from discomfort and<br />

making you accountable. Of course, in<br />

recent times, this moved online which,<br />

for newbies, has a lot of advantages<br />

such as getting you used to working<br />

Fit made simple<br />

Many people feel overwhelmed<br />

by the concept<br />

of getting fit, thinking<br />

they have to make big<br />

changes and completely<br />

overhaul their lifestyle.<br />

To make fitness progress,<br />

adopt the simple rule of<br />

making small changes<br />

every week. In week one,<br />

you could go walking<br />

three times – a great start<br />

for heart health. In week<br />

two, you could add some<br />

leg strength with<br />

repeated sets of 8-10<br />

lunges. In week three, for<br />

a strong core, try doing<br />

the plank every other day.<br />

Support your body on your<br />

elbows and toes, and lift<br />

up. Make your back long<br />

and straight like a plank.<br />

Keep your neck in line with<br />

the spine and belly button<br />

drawn in as you contract<br />

those deep core<br />

abdominal muscles. Hold<br />

for 30 to 60 seconds.<br />

48<br />

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out and giving you confidence. Both<br />

on- and offline qualified instructors<br />

are very good at motivating you to<br />

work hard and adapting classes for<br />

different levels of fitness. But do<br />

check they are qualified so you can<br />

learn, adapt and progress at the right<br />

pace for you.<br />

n Stick to the old-school exercises<br />

Old-school military exercises, such as<br />

sit-ups, press-ups and burpees, have<br />

stood the test of time: one, because<br />

they’re effective; two, because there<br />

are only so many ways we can move<br />

our body and; three, they are easy<br />

to do. The current buzz is around<br />

high intensity interval training (HIIT)<br />

where you work as hard as you can<br />

(around 95 per cent of maximum<br />

heart rate) for very short bursts. This<br />

is an effective way to get fit and you'll<br />

only need to commit 10 to 20 minutes,<br />

three to five days a week, for results.<br />

n Do weights<br />

If you want to burn fat, pump iron.<br />

The biggest misconception is that<br />

cardio is the only way to burn calories<br />

and lose fat. But when you train at a<br />

lower intensity, for example, marathon<br />

running, your body learns to store fat<br />

as fuel, which it needs for longer runs.<br />

The quickest and most effective way<br />

to change your body shape is through<br />

weight training, which teaches your<br />

body to store glycogen as fuel in the<br />

muscles. You create more lean muscle,<br />

which not only looks aesthetically<br />

pleasing, but it also means that your<br />

body becomes more efficient at<br />

burning calories after you’ve worked<br />

out – the ‘after burn’ effect. And<br />

remember, you don’t need to use<br />

weights as your own bodyweight<br />

works too. You can add resistance<br />

when you use your imagination (pullups<br />

on park equipment, power jumps<br />

onto a step or bench).<br />

Stand up & paddle<br />

As Brits were forced into<br />

‘staycations’ and getting<br />

outside to stay sane<br />

in lockdown, stand up<br />

paddleboarding, or SUPing,<br />

soared in popularity. It's not<br />

surprising, it's easy to learn,<br />

great for your core and upper<br />

body, and being on the water<br />

can help still the mind – a<br />

mesmerising effect similar to<br />

that felt when going fishing.<br />

46-49_Guides_Move(Final).indd 4 20/07/2020 17:58

SELF<br />

You can never stop learning, reading, and trying out new ways of being.<br />

the zone<br />

Book Club<br />

Every issue, we’ll review books about self and<br />

development, helping you to become the best<br />

version of yourself. Join our virtual book club by<br />

emailing books@thezone-mag.com.<br />

Atomic Habits by James Clear<br />

(Penguin Books, £15.99)<br />


A good ‘self-help’<br />

book is one that<br />

leaves you with<br />

something that you<br />

take action on and<br />

continue to do long after reading. James Clear’s well-constructed<br />

and practical book teaches a lesson we probably all know; small<br />

steps lead to big changes, but in breaking down how habits are<br />

made and how habits are cemented, he lays a solid foundation<br />

for the concepts behind the common-sense guide. Key takeaways<br />

include re-examining how we look at goals; rather than focusing<br />

on setting goals, Clear suggests we need to pay attention to the<br />

system we put in place for the end result.<br />

If, for example, your goal is to build a million-dollar business,<br />

your system is to test product ideas, hire employees, and run<br />

marketing campaigns. If you completely ignored your goal and<br />

focused only on your system, would you still succeed? Clear<br />

suspects you would. Other takeaways include examining your<br />

environment and seeing whether it’s the right one for you to<br />

implement new habits. If you want to avoid watching TV, he<br />

says, unplug it; trying to avoid social media, then put your phone<br />

out of reach. He also points out how new habits can be formed<br />

in short periods of time – just two minutes of exercise a day, he<br />

says, is manageable and can set you up for a lifelong fitness habit.<br />

Mindset matters and tips to make things stick include telling<br />

yourself you are the person who’s emerged from taking on a new<br />

habit, for example, 'I don’t smoke', not, 'I’m giving up smoking'.<br />

Clear also recommends you reward yourself when you do<br />

something you want to make a habit. And learn to habit stack;<br />

identify a current habit you already do each day and then stack<br />

your new behaviour on top. If you have coffee when you wake,<br />

layer on your desired new habit: 'After I pour my cup of coffee<br />

each morning, I will meditate for one minute.' There’s loads<br />

more advice, research and practical tips to help you, ultimately,<br />

live a better life. And for ongoing support and inspiration, visit<br />

jamesclear.com to sign up for his email and to read his articles.<br />

50<br />

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How Bad Are<br />

Bananas? The<br />

Carbon Footprint<br />

of Everything<br />

by Mike<br />

Berners-Lee<br />

(Profile Books, £9.99)<br />


In an age of misinformation, fake news and selfappointed<br />

‘experts’ on social media, it is sometimes<br />

difficult to know what we can do to reduce our carbon<br />

footprint and help reduce our impact on the planet.<br />

Mike Berners-Lee has come up with an easy-to-read,<br />

no-judgements-made manual for checking out the impact<br />

of our lifestyle. Using the ‘10-tonne lifestyle’ as a goal<br />

(a lifestyle that emits 10 tonnes of C02 per annum),<br />

Berners-Lee draws up real-life examples and comparables<br />

to paint the picture, looking at the environmental cost<br />

of buying a coffee with buying a newspaper, explaining<br />

the most carbon-efficient way to wash the dishes,<br />

comparing which fruit to buy and when and, most<br />

importantly, looking at different travel emissions. Even<br />

as someone who regards themselves as environmentally<br />

aware, I learnt a lot from this book and here are my key<br />

action points: practise seasonal eating; reduce my meat<br />

intake (check out our recipe on pg45 for quality meat<br />

consumption); and buy products that are high quality and<br />

have a long lifespan. I’ll also make sure that I have full<br />

loads and lower temperatures for dishes and clothes, and<br />

be aware that car travel is often more efficient than train<br />

travel (three to four people in one car means it’s efficient).<br />

And the answer to the question in the title? Not bad at<br />

all, in fact, brilliant! A 140-calorie banana emits 80g of<br />

carbon due to natural growing conditions, boat freight,<br />

and the little packaging required.<br />


Next issue, we’ll review How Not to Die and Drive –<br />

The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us.<br />

Email books@thezone-mag.com. We’ll send you the<br />

book lists and the next virtual meeting date, and we’ll<br />

publish the best reviews here in the zone.<br />

The money influencer<br />

She's one of many millennial mothers leading the<br />

financial charge on Instagram with advice on how to<br />

develop a money mindset and manage your finances in<br />

an increasingly challenging world.<br />






At the time of writing, Sarah Akwisombe, who has 41.2K<br />

followers on Instagram (and a further 25K who follow<br />

@nobullschool), is telling 11K plus viewers (there will be<br />

more) how she's turned over £267,568 in eight weeks<br />

(“more than a quarter of a million pounds”) and, she points<br />

out, that doesn't include “pre-booked work, brand work, or<br />

anything else.” On top of that, all her digital courses have<br />

a high profit margin. The entrepreneur who, until a few<br />

years ago, was making just £18K per anum, is set to turn<br />

over £750K this year and, as she points out, “that's during<br />

a pandemic.” Her key message is that, yes, you can also<br />

make money but, first, you have to “Do a lot of work on<br />

yourself.” She explains that, in order to achieve results, it's<br />

taken 15 years, and that she has invested time and money<br />

on herself and, importantly, on her wellbeing. From tarot<br />

cards to fitness training three times a week, to weekly<br />

psychotherapy sessions, she's covered all bases. She's<br />

raw, very honest, well-intentioned, refreshingly arrogant<br />

– but she's shining a light on a new female energy and an<br />

exciting way to do business in the digital space.<br />

The Money Is Coming by Sarah Akwisombe (Little, Brown Book<br />

Group, £12.99) out 27 August 2020. Follow @sarahakwisome.<br />

WHY<br />

SLEEP<br />


from Essentialism<br />

by Greg McKewon<br />

In chapter eight of Essentialism:<br />

The Disciplined Pursuit of Less<br />

(Crown Business, £12.99) Greg McKewon refers to<br />

a Harvard Business Review article, which explains<br />

how sleep deprivation and high performance are<br />

not good bedfellows. Sleeping badly for four or five<br />

nights a week “induces an impairment equivalent to<br />

a blood alcohol level of 0.1 per cent.” Check out the<br />

book for more lessons for working out what matters<br />

in life and business, as well as further evidence on<br />

how sleep is a valuable entity in business.<br />

51<br />

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Want to kick-start your wellbeing strategy and put people first?<br />


Core package: branded quarterly magazine, including up to<br />

100 printed copies, based on a monthly subscription of £999.<br />

Premium package: subscriber-only interactive platform<br />

(FREE from September 2020 and through all of 2021, if purchased with the<br />

Core package before 31 December 2020).<br />


Wellbeing strategy and communications.<br />

Event training for running, swim-run or triathlon.<br />

Wellness, mind and body coaching.<br />

WHO ARE WE?<br />

A team of consumer press journalists, influencers, athletes and fitness<br />

professionals working alongside industry-specific experts.<br />


hello@i-wellbeing.com<br />

52-53_IBC_Masthead(New Final)(JMcM).indd 1 21/07/2020 14:25

the<br />

zone<br />

Editorial Director Fiona Bugler<br />

Creative Director Kelly Flood<br />

Writer Matthew Cox<br />

Sub Editor Joanna McMahon<br />

the zone magazine is published by Intrinsic Wellbeing Ltd, company registration number 12461580.<br />

The publisher has endeavoured to make sure that all content is accurate on the date of publication.<br />

The views expressed in the articles reflect the author(s) opinions and are not necessarily the views of the<br />

publisher or the editor.<br />

Published material, adverts, editorials and all other content is published in good faith. the zone magazine and<br />

Intrinsic Wellbeing Ltd accept no liability for any loss or damage of any kind caused by this publication, any<br />

errors, or for the accuracy of claims made by the advertisers.<br />

All rights reserved and nothing can be partially or wholly reprinted or reproduced without written consent.<br />

Included in the magazine are links to websites, third-party content and advertising. the zone magazine and<br />

Intrinsic Wellbeing Ltd cannot be held responsible and shall not be liable for the content on other websites,<br />

advertisements and other resources.<br />

the zone magazine and Intrinsic Wellbeing Ltd reserve the right to make changes to any information in the<br />

magazine without notice. By subscribing to our magazine and website, you agree to all terms and conditions<br />

listed above. If you have any questions about this policy, please contact us.<br />

52-53_IBC_Masthead(New Final)(JMcM).indd 2 21/07/2020 14:25


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