Ashburton Courier: July 23, 2020
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JULY <strong>23</strong>, <strong>2020</strong> | |Phone: 308 7664<br />
Pool boss calls time<br />
MICK.JENSEN<br /><br />
The man who helped set up<br />
systemsand run the very<br />
popularEA NetworksCentre<br />
sinceits opening five yearsago<br />
is on the move.<br />
Centre managerSteve<br />
Prescott hasworked in the<br />
aquatic centre environment<br />
since1979and is relocating<br />
back to his old stomping ground<br />
of Dunedin.<br />
The 65yearold will do some<br />
consultancywork and swim<br />
coaching, but willbescaling<br />
down his working day.<br />
Mr Prescott said the primary<br />
reasonfor his decision to move<br />
south was the healthissues<br />
faced by his wifeFiona.<br />
‘‘I want to spend more quality<br />
time with her and we wanttobe<br />
closer tofriends and family.’’<br />
He said his EA Networks<br />
Centrerole,whichincluded<br />
managing astaff of 100, had<br />
been very enjoyable.<br />
‘‘This centre is areal<br />
community asset and<br />
something the districtshould<br />
be very proudof.<br />
‘‘I’m leaving with thecentre<br />
in avery good position and with<br />
exciting expansion plansa<br />
future possibility.’’<br />
The plans included<br />
extending the aquatic areaand<br />
addingadedicated learn to<br />
swim pool and big playarea,<br />
and alsoexpanding thesports<br />
hall to include twomore courts.<br />
Both projects were included<br />
in the council’s Long Term<br />
Plan.<br />
He said public swimming<br />
pools didn’t pay for themselves,<br />
but he firmly believed they<br />
should be made affordable for<br />
all sectionsofthe community.<br />
The $35m pool and stadium<br />
facility built by the<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
District Council has just<br />
celebrated five years.<br />
Mr Prescottwas recruited as<br />
council’s sports facility<br />
manager in June 2014.<br />
His impressive CV includesa<br />
17year stint at Dunedin’s<br />
MoanaPool andtime at the<br />
formerQE2pool in<br />
Christchurch.<br />
‘‘My firstaquatic role was<br />
running the pool in my home<br />
town of Otorohanga.<br />
‘‘My dad taughtmetoswim in<br />
the nearbyWaipaRiver.’’<br />
Mr Prescottsaid he hadalove<br />
of the water andhad been a<br />
competitiveswimmer from a<br />
young age.<br />
He continued to compete in<br />
both indoor and open water<br />
events, had dozens of medals to<br />
his name, and had been to three<br />
world mastersswimming<br />
championships.<br />
Mr Prescottfinishes in his<br />
roleonAugust 21, butwill be<br />
back in <strong>Ashburton</strong> in<br />
September to compete at the<br />
South Island Masterseventat<br />
EA Networks Centre.<br />
Left: Departing EA Networks<br />
Centre manager Steve Prescott.<br />
Andrew Falloon<br />
quits politics<br />
PAGE 2<br />
Imogene’s song<br />
earns top spot<br />
PAGE 10<br />
Model Matilda<br />
helps students<br />
PAGE 11<br />
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NEWS<br />
2 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>July</strong> <strong>23</strong>, <strong>2020</strong><br /><br />
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sales and profits<br />
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Over 16,065<br />
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MidCanterbury<br />
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308 7664<br /><br />
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199 Burnett Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br /><br />
2292872<br />
Rangitata MP quits after<br />
sextexting allegations<br />
The National Party has begun to<br />
search for areplacement candidate<br />
in the Rangitata electorate after the<br />
shock departureof MP Andrew<br />
Falloon.<br />
Mr Falloon quit politics on<br />
Tuesday, after allegations he sent a<br />
pornographic image, notofhimself,<br />
to auniversity student.<br />
Three more women cameforward<br />
by the end of the day to say they had<br />
alsoreceivedexplicitimages from<br />
the 36yearold.<br />
National is advertising that<br />
nominations for the selection of a<br />
Rangitata candidate will be received<br />
fromparty memberstoup midday on<br />
<strong>July</strong> 29,which is nextWednesday.<br />
Following the usual selection<br />
process, acandidate should be<br />
known by midAugust. The general<br />
election will be held on September<br />
19.<br />
Staff at Mr Falloon’s <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
office have referred media inquiries<br />
to National Party headquarters, but<br />
it is known some partymembers met<br />
WI’s Doris marks 103 with cake<br />
TONI.WILLIAMS<br /><br />
You may be forgivenfor<br />
thinking there is something<br />
in the water for Netherby<br />
Women’sInstitute’s<br />
members celebrating<br />
significantbirthdaysthis<br />
month.<br />
Matriarch Doris Wakelin,<br />
amember of Mid<br />
Canterbury’sdistrict’s WI<br />
formore than 65 years, will<br />
celebrate her 103rdbirthday<br />
tomorrow surrounded by<br />
family and friends.<br />
AndDaphneNish and<br />
Catherine Thomas have both<br />
celebrated turning 80.<br />
Themilestonesfor the<br />
ladies were acknowledged<br />
withcakeduring their WI<br />
branchmeeting at the<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong>Senior Centre<br />
last week. It was the<br />
Netherby WI’s first get<br />
together sinceCovid19<br />
lockdown.<br />
Mrs Wakelin, still living in<br />
downtown<strong>Ashburton</strong>, has<br />
NOW IN STOCK ...Pee WeeThe Kiwi<br />
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Andrew Falloon has quit politics.<br />
on Monday night following an<br />
announcementbyMrFalloon that he<br />
had ‘‘made anumberofmistakes’’<br />
andwould be retiring as MP afterthe<br />
been amember of the<br />
Maronan WI,Willowby/<br />
Eiffelton, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
District, Hampstead and<br />
now Netherby WIs.<br />
She joined in her mid30s<br />
and had enjoyed atime full<br />
of friendships, fun and<br />
continued learningfrom,<br />
and withotherwomen,she<br />
said on her birthday last<br />
year.<br />
Born in the family home in<br />
Hampstead on <strong>July</strong> 24, 1917,<br />
Mrs Wakelin wasthe eldest<br />
daughter of six children and<br />
had five children of her own;<br />
asixth child died at birth.<br />
Twice widowed, Mrs<br />
Wakelin’s husbandsGeorge<br />
Bishop andWis Wakelin<br />
died in 1975 and 1979<br />
respectively.<br />
Her celebration tomorrow,<br />
while alow key affair,may<br />
see Mrs Wakelin getafew<br />
wellwishers; she has13<br />
grandchildren,30great<br />
grandchildren and 18 and<br />
countinggreat,great<br />
grandchildren.<br />
Stories of the lovable NewZealand nativebird<br />
wholikes to sharehis adventures<br />
212 East Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong>. Phone 308 8309<br />
election.<br />
After being called for afacetoface<br />
with party leader Judith Collins, his<br />
resignationtook effect immediately.<br />
He said he had been receiving<br />
counselling for mental health issues.<br />
Mrs Collinssaid later he had lied<br />
about apattern of behaviour, with<br />
three more womencomingforward<br />
to say they had received explicit<br />
images.<br />
She said whatFalloon had done<br />
was ‘‘despicable’’, but he was ‘‘still a<br />
human being’’.<br />
His parents are also reported to be<br />
shattered.<br />
In Mid Canterbury, peopleare<br />
struggling to reconcile events of the<br />
past few days with the Mr Falloon’s<br />
previous hard work around the<br />
district.<br />
The <strong>Ashburton</strong>born man won the<br />
candidacy in 2017 from David<br />
Anderson (Timaru) and Henry<br />
Acland (Mt Peel). In the electionhe<br />
won 19.994 votes, ahead of Labour’s<br />
Jo Luxton on 13,663.<br />
Doris Wakelin, aWImember for more than 65 years,<br />
will celebrate her 103rd birthday tomorrow<br />
surrounded by family and friends. Photo supplied.<br />
2290756<br />
NEWS<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>July</strong> <strong>23</strong>, <strong>2020</strong><br />
3<br />
More comfy seats on road trips<br />
Road trips are afact of life for<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> College students<br />
representing their school in<br />
sport, academic and cultural<br />
pursuits.<br />
But thedrive to<br />
Christchurch, or further<br />
afield, got aboost from the<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong>Trust and Lion<br />
Foundation, who donated<br />
$89,000tothe college someof<br />
which wasused to buy anew<br />
12seater minivan.<br />
Thegreypeoplemover,<br />
already emblazoned with the<br />
school’slogo,isnow one of five<br />
modern minivans used to move<br />
students all over the South<br />
Island.<br />
Collegechief executive<br />
Charlie Kellandsaid the<br />
school was grateful for the<br />
foundation funds, which were<br />
put to good use. The<br />
foundation had given$170,000<br />
over the three previousyear.<br />
Thecampusboss invited<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> Trust members<br />
Chantelle Quinnand Roger<br />
Patersontosee how they had<br />
spent themoney they had been<br />
given.<br />
‘‘You guys have putalot into<br />
the place and we wanted to say<br />
thank you.”<br />
Thecollegefleetofminivans<br />
are wellused andsometimes<br />
in short supply as students<br />
travel to Christchurchand<br />
further afield to play sport and<br />
attend cultural and academic<br />
events.<br />
It was ageographic fact that<br />
the school, with1200students,<br />
Road trip ... <strong>Ashburton</strong> Trust and Lion foundation funds have helped buy anew minivan for<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> College students, including (front, from left) Grace Quinn, Sophie Adams, Poppy<br />
Kilworth, (middle row, from left) Liam Sullivan and Kambell Stills, (back, from left) Jacob grey and<br />
Henry Chapman.<br />
neededtotravel to be part of<br />
the wider South Island<br />
secondary school networks.<br />
Roger and Chantelle were<br />
shown the Holyoake<br />
auditorium, opened in October<br />
1985, where moneyhad also<br />
beenspent on asounddesk.<br />
Chantelle, aBlueHouse<br />
leader when she attended the<br />
college from 199599,said she<br />
well remembered musical and<br />
drama productionsand other<br />
events in the auditorium. The<br />
seats in the 300capacity<br />
facility were reupholstered in<br />
thepast few years with Lion<br />
foundation money too.<br />
Shealso rememberthe baby<br />
grand piano bought back then<br />
with donations fromthe<br />
community,<br />
In aYear 11 English class<br />
taught by Sarah Lassen,<br />
studentswere discussing exam<br />
questions on abig TV screen,<br />
one of afew bought with<br />
foundation money. The<br />
overhead projectors in some<br />
classes areageingand glare<br />
from windows does not always<br />
makefor agreat presentation.<br />
More and largerscreens would<br />
be bought, and they were used<br />
acrossthe curriculum from<br />
social studies to dance.<br />
IN BRIEF<br />
It’s been three years almosttothe<br />
day sinceMycoplasmabovis was<br />
detected in New Zealand.<br />
More than250 propertieshave<br />
beeninfected by the disease,with<br />
all but fournow clearofit,<br />
agriculture minister Damien<br />
O’Connorsaid.Government and<br />
industrypartners’gohard and early<br />
approach to eradicate the disease<br />
was paying off.<br />
‘‘It was estimated that allowing<br />
the disease to spread could cause<br />
$1.3 billion in economic losses in<br />
the first10years alone, along with<br />
substantial animal welfare issues<br />
and serious ongoingchallengesfor<br />
farmers havingtomanage the<br />
diseasewithin their herds.’’<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> College boys’ basketball<br />
team won athriller against<br />
Christchurch Boys’ High School on<br />
Tuesday night in Canterbury<br />
secondary schools McDonald’s<br />
Trophy.<br />
Ashcoll held aslightlead into the<br />
third quarter at Oxford Street<br />
stadium,but the leadchanged<br />
several timesall theway tothe final<br />
minutewhenatimely bucket by<br />
ThomasPattersongave the hosts a<br />
small buffer. The boys wentonto<br />
win 88-81.<br />
The Ashcoll girls lost80-64 in the<br />
earlier gameagainst Middleton<br />
Grange,not quiteclosingthe gap<br />
despite alate rally.<br />
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NEWS<br />
4 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>July</strong> <strong>23</strong>, <strong>2020</strong><br /><br />
Skydive plunge for SPCA<br />
TONI.WILLIAMS<br /><br />
Radioactive<br />
Reviewed byRowena Hart<br />
Radioactiveisincredible,atrue-storyofMarie Curie<br />
and her Nobel Prize-winning work that changed<br />
theworld.<br />
Thefilm is based on the graphic novel‘’Radioactive:<br />
Marie&Pierre Curie” by Lauren Redniss.<br />
In the 1800s it wasn’t easy for such women to be<br />
accepted and recognised fortheir work.Every step<br />
of the wayshe had do alot of begging to securethe<br />
funding forher to carry on her research.<br />
In WW1her XRay technology savedalot of lives.At<br />
that time her eldest daughter was also ascientist<br />
working alongside her mother.Latershe continued<br />
the research and was also successful in the same<br />
field.<br />
Rosamund Pike wasexcellent in the role of Madame<br />
Curie. Themakeupdepartmentsuredid agood job<br />
as she became older.<br />
We hadtokeepalertasthe storyflashed backwards<br />
and forwards but it is abig subjectand oftenitwas<br />
necessaryinorder to tell us the full story.<br />
bookings ph 307 1<strong>23</strong>0<br /><br />
2289029<br />
2281855<br />
Skydiving thrillseekers Claudia<br />
Cudmoreand her uncle Michael<br />
Skevington are hopingtoleapout of a<br />
perfectlygoodhelicopter. Butit’s for<br />
agoodcause.<br />
It’s part of theSPCA Jumptothe<br />
Rescue <strong>2020</strong> fundraising event.<br />
Claudia, 14, astudent at <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
College,and Michael, afourth<br />
generation cropping farmer, have<br />
both wanted to parachute jump for<br />
many years.<br />
Michael’s wife, Tessa, found the<br />
jump online and signed him up.<br />
Alesser manmay have beenwary<br />
buthecouldn’t be happier.<br />
Notonly doesheget to fulfil a<br />
lifelong goal but it had afeel good<br />
factorattached; raising money for<br />
SPCA.<br />
It was similar for Claudia. Her<br />
mother Karen is an SPCA foster<br />
parent and volunteer andthe family<br />
have amenagerie of animalsathome<br />
including goats, chickens, cats, cows,<br />
asheep, arabbit and afish, all in<br />
needofsupport.<br />
“I get to do what Iwanted and help<br />
theanimals,” she said.<br />
Thefundraising has its downside<br />
for the reserved duo–media<br />
interviews andpublicity is neededto<br />
fundraise enoughmoney to qualify<br />
for askydive at Sumner Beach on<br />
August1.<br />
They needtoreach atarget of $775,<br />
if they miss the targetthe money<br />
raisedstill goes to theSPCA but no<br />
jump.<br />
Skydiving thrillseekers Claudia Cudmore and her uncle Michael Skevington<br />
are planning on jumping out of ahelicopter in their efforts to raise money for<br />
SPCA.<br />
The jump was initially meant to<br />
happen from aplane in <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
but has moved to the Sumnerlocation<br />
andout of ahelicopter.<br />
They are notfazedbythe change. If<br />
anything, Michael is more excited.<br />
“I’d prefer to do it outofa<br />
helicopter, it’s different,” he said.<br />
The duo join fellow <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
jumperAnna Tuffley whoisalso<br />
fundraising for the jump, and<br />
photographer Emmily Harmer, who<br />
has securedher jump by reaching the<br />
fundraising target.<br />
Donations can be madebyentering<br />
the fundraiser’s name through the<br />
website Jump to the Rescue <strong>2020</strong><br /><br />
Grain store ruling under appeal<br />
RedmondRetail is appealing a<br />
decisionbythe Environment Court<br />
preventing demolitionofthe old<br />
Peter Cates’ grain store on West<br />
Street.<br />
Redmonds had applied for the<br />
buildingtoberemoved fromthe<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong>District Council’s heritage<br />
list, so it could then be demolished.<br />
The applicationwas opposed by<br />
Heritage NZ and othersupporters of<br />
the historicbuilding, and the court<br />
ruleditshould stayonthe list.<br />
Theappeal will nowbeheardby<br />
the High CourtinChristchurch, with<br />
afirst call on August 10.<br />
Redmonds bought the building in<br />
2015 but it is earthquake proneand<br />
they say the costofbringingitupto<br />
codeisabout $2.6 million.<br />
Theoldest part of the building was<br />
constructed in September1878 while<br />
the ground floor was convertedto<br />
office spacein1965.<br />
Historic Places Mid Canterbury<br />
chairperson Julie Luxton said<br />
buildingsdid not have to be grandor<br />
beautiful to be worthyofheritage<br />
retention.<br />
Shesaid people should ask what<br />
importantstoriesthey told or how<br />
theywere constructed.<br />
‘‘Today, no other building in our<br />
townspeaks more about the grain<br />
industryour county wasbuilt on than<br />
Cates’ grain store. And the 1880s<br />
laminated beams and use of timberin<br />
the building’s interior are someofthe<br />
last remaining examplesofthis type<br />
of construction.<br />
‘‘Uniqueand interestingplaces<br />
like thistell astory.’’<br />
MrsLuxtonsaid people should<br />
thinkofthe shottower arcade in<br />
Melbourne and The Tannery mall in<br />
Christchurch.Christchurch’s new<br />
Riversidemarkets also attracted<br />
people by replicating‘‘theold feel’’of<br />
timber post and beam.<br />
In Mid Canterbury, therewere<br />
several comfortable,charming and<br />
older character places, like The<br />
Dubliner in Methven, the BrownPub<br />
or the BluePub, Speights AleHouse<br />
and the StaveleyStore, she said.<br />
‘‘Once aheritagebuilding is<br />
demolished,noone can comealong<br />
and use it for<br />
takes courageand no small amount of<br />
moneytorepurpose aheritage<br />
building, but there are many<br />
examples in our country,and even<br />
more overseas.<br />
‘‘Historic Places Mid Canterbury<br />
hopesthat one daythis willhappen to<br />
Cates’ grain store.’’<br />
It’s our<br />
Birday<br />
1L<br />
$<br />
48 99 ea<br />
RUM 1L<br />
$<br />
34 99 ea<br />
STIHL 1L<br />
$<br />
33 99 ea<br />
JAMIESON 700ml<br />
+COKE 1.5L<br />
$<br />
35 99 ea<br />
RANGE 700ml<br />
$<br />
63 99 ea<br />
JIM BEAM 700ml<br />
+COKE 1.5L<br />
BUNDLE<br />
$<br />
34 99 ea<br />
330ml Bots 15s<br />
$<br />
26 99 ea<br />
330ml Bots 24s<br />
$<br />
34 99 ea<br />
NEW<br />
LONG WHITE 4.8%<br />
320mls Cans Range<br />
10pk incl.New Crisp<br />
GiftRange<br />
$<br />
25 99 ea<br />
JACK DANIEL’S 4.8%<br />
6% 330ml Cans 10pks<br />
$<br />
<strong>23</strong> 99 ea<br />
CODYS&KGB7%<br />
250ml cans 12pk<br />
$<br />
19 99 ea<br />
NEW<br />
SUGAR 7%<br />
250ml cans 12pk<br />
LARIOS<br />
1L<br />
$<br />
33 99 ea<br />
1L<br />
$<br />
46 99 ea<br />
1L<br />
1L<br />
700ml Range<br />
GORDONS G&T 7%<br />
250ml Cans 12pk<br />
CRUISER 5%<br />
275ml Bots & 7%<br />
250ml Cans 12pk<br />
WOODSTOCK 7%<br />
330ml Cans 6pk<br />
4.8% 330ml Cans 18pk<br />
$<br />
39 99 ea<br />
$<br />
46 99 ea<br />
$<br />
39 99 ea<br />
$<br />
24 99 ea<br />
$<br />
21 99 ea<br />
$<br />
14 99 ea<br />
$<br />
33 99 ea<br />
MSA<br />
266 Havelock Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Telephone 308 7149<br /><br />
HOURS<br />
Monday<br />
Tuesday-Saturday<br />
Sunday<br />
10:00am -6:00pm<br />
10:00am -8:00pm<br />
10:00am -6:00pm<br />
from <strong>July</strong> 9<br />
to <strong>July</strong> 16<br />
2294318<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> Lakes bird count<br />
NEWS<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>July</strong> <strong>23</strong>, <strong>2020</strong><br />
5<br />
MICK.JENSEN<br /><br />
It wasabluebird day for bird<br />
counters at the <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Lakes on Saturday with record<br />
numbersrecorded.<br />
Some 7100 birds were<br />
countedinthe dozen or so<br />
lakes in the Hakatere<br />
Conservation Area, the highest<br />
number ever recorded.<br />
At Lake Heron on Saturdaywere Paul Sagar and TaylahGeddes.<br />
The annual winter birdcount<br />
has beenrunning since 1984<br />
and information from it is<br />
passed on to theDepartment of<br />
Conservation.<br />
Bird numbers were 4100 in<br />
2019and 2017, 2900 in 2018 and<br />
6200 in 2008.<br />
Regularbird count volunteer<br />
and <strong>Ashburton</strong>Forest and Bird<br />
member DonGeddes said<br />
conditions were very good on<br />
Saturday.<br />
‘‘It was abeautiful blue sky<br />
day with no wind and with just<br />
alittle bit of ice in the smaller<br />
lakes.’’<br />
Mr Geddessaid the weather<br />
did play its part in boosting<br />
birdnumbers, but otherwise<br />
the exact reasons for the high<br />
count this year were not really<br />
known.<br />
There had been higher than<br />
usual numbers of Canada<br />
geese (1100), crested grebes<br />
(31) New Zealandscaup (3500)<br />
and coots (450) thanusual.<br />
Other birds countedhad<br />
included shags, ducks,gulls<br />
and wading birds.<br />
‘‘We saw two white herons<br />
this year andusually we’re<br />
lucky to even see one, they’re<br />
very solitary birds.’’<br />
Mr Geddes said volunteers<br />
counted in teams, spending two<br />
to three hours in the beautiful<br />
outdoors and would be back<br />
next year.<br />
ANZscaup.<br />
Crested grebes.<br />
194 East Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong>. Phone 308 1819<br /><br />
2296890<br />
at least<br />
WINTER<br />
Sale<br />
LOUNGE<br />
28-32 MooreStreet, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Phone (03) 550 7000<br />
*T&C’s apply.Participating stores only.Pleasesee<br />
in-storefor<br />
NEWS<br />
6 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>July</strong> <strong>23</strong>, <strong>2020</strong><br />
Actor back in <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
as special movie guest<br />
There’s abig <strong>Ashburton</strong> link to the<br />
Kiwimovie ThisTown, which will<br />
start screening at the Regent<br />
CinemaonAugust 6.<br />
The movie starsRobyn Malcolm,<br />
who grewupinthe district;she<br />
will be aspecialguestin<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong>onAugust11and take<br />
part in aquestion and answer<br />
sessionfollowing the4pm<br />
screening.<br />
Robyn will be in town with<br />
director David White; This Town<br />
is the firstKiwi movie to be<br />
released to cinemassince postlockdown.<br />
Thefilm was originally<br />
planned for release in April.<br />
White wrote and also stars in the<br />
film,which is acomedy about<br />
love, murder and finding the one.<br />
He plays Sean, charged but<br />
acquitted of murdering hisfamily<br />
and desperately seeking to return<br />
to normallife.Robyn plays Pam,<br />
the officerwho ledthe<br />
investigationand who is<br />
convincedthat Sean is aguilty<br />
man walking free.<br />
The actress is most famousfor<br />
her roleasCheryl West in<br />
Outrageous Fortune, which ran<br />
for six seasons, but she has<br />
workedacross film,television and<br />
theatreinbothcomedies and<br />
drama.<br />
She says ThisTowniswell<br />
worth thewait after lockdown and<br />
agreat opportunity for New<br />
Zealanders to support thelocal<br />
Robyn Malcolm<br />
DOCKS<br />
IS OPEN!<br />
film industry and see great Kiwi<br />
comedy.<br />
In the movie,Sean turns to<br />
digitaldating as he tries to move<br />
on and meets Casey, ayoung<br />
womanwhose faith in his<br />
innocence lendsnew force to his<br />
struggle for an ordinarylife. Pam<br />
keeps hoping she will find aclue<br />
that will have Sean back in court.<br />
Reviewers say the film charts<br />
the sublimelyawkwardaftermath<br />
of asmall town tragedy,and is a<br />
touchingly twisted comedy about<br />
what it meanstoreinvent yourself.<br />
It was filmed on locationinthe<br />
HawkesBay an funded by the New<br />
Zealand Film Commission.<br />
DOCKS is offeringavariety<br />
of fresh fishand seafood dishes<br />
Aspecial lunch offer is available to the Gold Card holders on<br />
Fridays,Saturdays and Sundays 12 pm –2pm.<br />
We look forward to seeing youatDOCKS!<br />
DOCKS Bar &Seafood Grill<br />
90-92 HarrisonStreet,Allenton, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
(oppositeAllentonShopping Mall). Tel034<strong>23</strong> 21 66<br />
OPENING HOURS: Tuesday–Thursdayfrom5pm tilllate<br />
(meal servicefrom5pm till 9pm)<br />
Friday–Sundayfrom12pmtill late<br />
(meal servicefrom12pmto2pm and from 5pmtill 9pm)<br />
Monday–closed.<br />
2297674<br /><br />
Checking the exhibits in the warm Staveley Museum are (from left) <strong>Ashburton</strong> Trust board<br />
member Rob Harnett, Staveley Hall Society chairman Rob Withers and museum custodian<br />
Alan Totty.<br />
Museum’s warm welcome<br />
MICK.JENSEN<br /><br />
Visitors can expect a<br />
warmer welcomewhenthey<br />
visit the Staveley Museum<br />
this winterafteranupgrade<br />
to the heatingsystem.<br />
The museum, overseen by<br />
the Staveley Hall Society,<br />
received $7000from the<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> Trust and Lion<br />
Foundation regional grants<br />
committee earlier in the<br />
year.<br />
It has usedthemoney to<br />
buy aheat pumpand for<br />
underfloor and ceiling<br />
insulation.<br />
Previously the museum<br />
had an inefficientand old<br />
night store andbroughtin<br />
extra electric heaters when<br />
needed,saidStaveley<br />
Museum committee<br />
chairman Alan Totty.<br />
Thetrust had also<br />
provided agrantthat funded<br />
anew roof on the museum 10<br />
years ago, he said.<br />
The museum, formally<br />
known as the Staveley<br />
Historical and Geological<br />
Centre, is open every<br />
Sundayfrom 1pm until 3pm<br />
and by appointment at other<br />
times.<br />
Mr Totty said it received a<br />
steady stream of visitors<br />
throughoutthe year and<br />
The Staveley Museum is tucked away opposite the Staveley<br />
Store and in building once part of Springburn School.<br />
featuredanumber of<br />
interesting exhibits,a<br />
pictorial history of the area<br />
andageologicalcollection<br />
that had beenbuiltup<br />
throughaproject at the<br />
formerSpringburn School in<br />
the1970s.<br />
The museum building was<br />
part of the original<br />
Springburn School and had<br />
been relocated on site in<br />
1997.<br />
Mr Totty, aknowledgeable<br />
local history buff,said the<br />
heating upgrade would<br />
provideamoreeven<br />
temperatureatthe venue<br />
that was better for the<br />
exhibits.<br />
He saidthatduring<br />
lockdownanew Staveley<br />
Museum Facebook page had<br />
been set up anditnow had<br />
400members.<br />
To visit the museum<br />
outside of hours, contact<br />
AlanTotty on 027 503 0708.<br />
Don’tworry ...we’ll come to you!<br />
Due to the current CBD upgrading, ongoing building projects<br />
and lack ofparking, let us help you make your Health 2000<br />
shopping experience, convenient and stress-free.<br />
We’re offering FREE delivery to homes within the town boundary.<br />
Check out our digital magazine and just phone us on<br />
308 1815 and place your order.<br />
2290755 2265438<br />
Mid/South CanterburyContinuous Spouting<br />
TM<br />
TM<br />
TM<br />
TM<br />
Askabout our large capacityspouting for<br />
commercial and farmbuildings<br />
Residential –fascia, gutter and downpipes<br />
Snowprotection our specialty<br />
The Original<br />
Spouting Specialists<br />
Serving<br />
Mid/South<br />
Canterbury<br />
for over<br />
26 years<br />
Your new spouting proudly installed by<br />
Craig or Josh<br />
John Tull ...providing outstandingservice,<br />
afterinstallation care and pricing requirements!<br />
Phonehim on 021 288 8290<br />
Email:<br /> Freephone 0800 50 1993<br />
Coming up at the <strong>Ashburton</strong>Trust Event Centre<br />
Friends! The Musical Parody<br />
The Shows Must Go On<br />
SPECIAL - 2for one tickets if you book 20 or more<br />
Friday 11th September 7-30pm<br />
Tickets from $69.90 (fees apply)<br />
Friends! isn’t that just kick-you-in-the-crotch-spit-on-your-neck fantastic? The<br />
Musical Parody follows the lives of six wacky 20-somethings and goes back in<br />
time to celebrate and poke fun at some of their most iconic moments as they<br />
navigate the pitfalls of work, life, and love in 1990’s Manhattan.Friends! This is a<br />
hilarious good-hearted romp through our favourite moments from the hit TV show<br />
in an uncensored, hilarious, fast-paced, music-filled production. The fun begins on<br />
an ordinary day at the corner coffee show, Central Perk, when acertain runaway<br />
bride, with the signature hairstyle, stumbles into the lives of five other friends and<br />
kicks the whole gang out of second gear.<br />
Now it’s your chance to be part of the next chapter in the Friends saga. It’s the cliff<br />
hanger episode. The one you don’t want to miss!<br />
Rock NPop <strong>2020</strong> –Solid Gold<br />
Red Carpet event<br />
Tuesday 29th September, 7:30pm<br />
Tickets from $79.90<br />
With astellar NZ cast, where some have returned from performing on the great<br />
stages of the Westend and Broadway, The Show’s Must Go On is aglittering<br />
concert of musical theatre showstoppers.<br />
This blockbusting two-hour show features favourite songs from the world’s<br />
greatest musicals in concert including The Phantom of the Opera, Chicago, The<br />
Sound of Music, Mamma Mia, The Lion King, Wicked, Dear Evan Hansen, The<br />
Book of Mormon ,The Greatest Showman and more, along of course with New<br />
Zealand’s favourite musical Les Misérables.<br />
The amazing pleasure to your ears will only be matched with the feast for your<br />
eyes, with spectacular backdrops coupled with exquisite lighting that portrays the<br />
emotion and beauty of each piece.<br />
The Abba Show<br />
Red Carpet event<br />
Friday 9th and 10th October 7-30pm<br />
Tickets from $27 (fees apply)<br />
Sunday 6th December 8pm<br />
Adults $71.15, Child 12 &under $31.85 &Groups of 10+ $66.15<br />
Featuring songs from legendarysong writers likeElton John, Billy Joel,The Beatles,<br />
Queen, Pink,Totoand Cold Play,and performed by acast of 70 performers,RocknPop is a<br />
tributetothe talent within our community, in supportofour performing arts venue.<br />
Under the direction of Producer and Musical Director, Jo Castelow, DirectorRoger Farr<br />
and Choreographer Jessie Thompson, RocknPop will be the perfect night out listening to<br />
sound dripping harmonyinafull stage production that will shakeoffthe post lockdown<br />
blues.<br />
Funds raised will go towards an upgrade of the technical infrastructure, that will benefit<br />
the communityinthe future.<br />
Purchase aticket forone of the shows listed and<br />
go into the draw to<br />
forTheTen Tenors, WorldofMusicalsand It’s Only Rock’N’Roll Baby<br />
valued at $450<br />
Direct from Australia, the world’s premier live ABBA tribute is back by popular<br />
demand after asell-out mega NZ concert tour in 2018!<br />
Far from being ‘just another cover band” The ABBA Show is afull scale concert<br />
production featuring more than 2hours of fun, energetic musical performances<br />
with alive backing band, replica costumes, theatrical lighting and effects and all<br />
the dancing anABBA fan can handle.<br />
Starring incredibly detailed performances from internationally acclaimed<br />
impersonators ABBAsolutley fABBAulous, The ABBA Show gives fans of all ages a<br />
chance to re-live the ABBA concert experience, celebrate the music of ABBA and<br />
dance the night away!<br />
Youmustpurchase your tickets<br />
before27/08/<strong>2020</strong>, winner will be<br />
drawnonthe 28/08/<strong>2020</strong>.<br />
*T &Capply<br />
Book at our ticket office<br />
03 307 2010 211A Wills Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 7700<br /><br />
NEWS<br />
8 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>July</strong> <strong>23</strong>, <strong>2020</strong><br /><br />
Hon AmyAdams<br />
MP for Selwyn<br />
03 344 0418<br /><br /><br />
MPAmyAdams<br />
amyadamsMP<br />
Authorised by<br />
Amy Adams MP,<br />
829 Main South<br />
Road, Templeton,<br />
Christchurch.<br />
Ray’s aprolific bird breeder<br />
MICK.JENSEN<br /><br />
Prolific canary breeder Ray Vincent<br />
has awaitinglist for his birdsand<br />
he’scurrently enjoying breeding<br />
success with Gouldian finches.<br />
The finch is acolourfulnative of<br />
Australia and Ray alreadyhas 13<br />
chicks with one breeding pair and<br />
two other pairsnesting, with more<br />
chicks expected.<br />
‘‘It’smyfirst year breeding with<br />
them and they are abeautifully<br />
coloured bird,and about as bigasmy<br />
Red Factor canaries.’’<br />
The chicks will be sold, but only<br />
after they have developedtheirfull<br />
colourpotential.<br />
Ray is aamemberofthe <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
BirdClub andhas spent close to 60<br />
years around birds of the feathered<br />
kind.<br />
Each season forthe last 10 years<br />
he’sbred an average of 70 canary<br />
chicks andsellsmost on after careful<br />
nurturing.<br />
His favourite canary variety<br />
remains the robust, broad bodied<br />
Norwich.<br />
He also breeds Red Factorsand for<br />
the last threeyears has bred the<br />
skinnier,longer Yorkshire canary.<br />
His aviariesalso contain finch<br />
varieties, turksand bourkes.<br />
‘‘If you can breed livestock, you can<br />
breed birds as well,’’said Ray, whois<br />
aformer farm worker.<br />
Good breedingwas about wise bird<br />
Ray Vincent casts awise breeder’s eye over some of his birds.<br />
management, good feedand breeding<br />
withfit and healthy birds.<br />
‘‘My birds tell me when its timeto<br />
breed.The femalesstarts collecting<br />
more greens andstoreitfor nest<br />
making, while the male birds fly<br />
wildlyaroundthe cage in<br />
anticipation.<br />
‘‘I’ll pair when Ithink each bird is<br />
ready andifitdoesn’tworkout and<br />
they’refighting, it’stimetotry<br />
another pairing.’’<br />
His birds getfreshly made softfood<br />
every morning and eat avarietyof<br />
seed.<br />
There is beachsandinthe cages,<br />
which offer saltand soft shell, and<br />
thebirdsalsoget greens and chick<br />
weed.<br />
Ray is still weighing up what birds<br />
he will put in the <strong>Ashburton</strong>Bird<br />
Club’s sale day on August 8.<br />
Theclub’s bigannual showand<br />
sale in June was canned because of<br />
thecovid situation,soadecent<br />
turnout is expected at the Tinwald<br />
MemorialHall bird sale.<br />
Thebird and accessory sale runs<br />
from 9am until 2pm and everyone is<br />
welcome.<br />
New GrantRounds<br />
<strong>2020</strong>/2021<br />
Racecourse Road<br />
plan progressing<br />
Relatives sought<br />
for Patching medal<br />
Up to $10,000<br />
Feb, April, <strong>July</strong>, August<br />
Over $10,000<br />
May, October<br />
See website forclosing dates<br />
and to makeanon-line application<br /><br />
To discuss any applications<br />
Phone:<br />
03 687 7360 or 0800672287<br />
Email:<br /><br />
2251128<br />
The first version of a<br />
developmentand<br />
infrastructure planfor<br />
RacecourseRoad north<br />
should be available in a<br />
coupleofmonths.<br />
The <strong>Ashburton</strong> District<br />
Council engaged aplanning<br />
and engineeringfirm last<br />
yeartolook at how the area<br />
could be developed with<br />
roads,water, wastewater,<br />
openspaces and other<br />
utilities.<br />
Landownersinthe area<br />
had earlierbeen canvassed<br />
about their longterm plans,<br />
and some subdividing is<br />
already under way.<br />
Councilwrote to<br />
landownersrecentlyand<br />
said the development plan<br />
wasprogressing and<br />
residents would beupdated.<br />
‘‘While we havereceived<br />
some draftinformationfrom<br />
the consultants undertaking<br />
the work, thishas yet to be<br />
finalisedand reviewedby<br />
our engineering team to<br />
confirm that it is<br />
operationally viable.’’<br />
Once council engineers<br />
are satisfied, district<br />
councillors willbebriefed<br />
and asked to send the plan<br />
for informal consultation.<br />
Landownerswouldthen be<br />
asked fortheir feedback.<br />
Moreinformationonthe<br />
planisexpected in two<br />
months.<br />
Whanganui resident<br />
Paul Takarangi<br />
Gavaghan is trying to<br />
track down relatives of<br />
former <strong>Ashburton</strong> man<br />
WG Patching in order to<br />
pass on awar service<br />
medal.<br />
Patching was formerly<br />
of 32 Short Street,<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> and enlisted<br />
in World War 1on<br />
15/8/14. He arrived in<br />
Egypt on 14/12/14 and<br />
was killed in action in<br />
the Dardanelles five<br />
months later.<br />
Mr Takarangi<br />
Gavaghan said he came<br />
across the medal<br />
recently when clearing<br />
out his late motherinlaw's<br />
outhouses.<br />
The medal has<br />
Patching’s name,<br />
regiment and service<br />
number (6/526)<br />
inscribed on the edge.<br />
He did not know how<br />
it had ended up<br />
Whanganui and was not<br />
aware of any connection<br />
with the Patching family<br />
or <strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />
‘‘I would like the<br />
medal returned to any<br />
remaining relative who<br />
would appreciate it.’’<br />
Mr Takarangi<br />
Gavaghan can be<br />
contacted by at paul.<br /><br />
One session, 90mins,walk<br />
out anon-smoker-YES you<br />
can! This is real, be there<br />
and experience thepower of<br />
hypnosis,the power of your<br />
subconsciousmind.<br />
session times<br />
Youput weight on without<br />
thinking it makes perfect sense<br />
to lose it without thinking.<br />
Weight Management programmes<br />
taketimeand personal commitment<br />
and should be used in conjunction<br />
with ahealthydiet and exercise.<br />
session<br />
time<br />
11AM OR 6:30 PM 1:30 PM<br />
*This is not for entertainment or stage hypnosis.<br />
Youwill not lose control or cluck like achicken. Hypnotherapy<br />
is avery relaxed and enjoyable experience<br /><br />
WED JULY 29 TH<br />
$150<br />
Cash or internet bank transfer ONLY<br />
or book through eventbrite<br />
90 MIN SESSION<br />
No EFTPOS or credit cards on theday.Cash sales<br />
at thedoor.<br />
Book on eventbrite now:<br />
NEWS<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>July</strong> <strong>23</strong>, <strong>2020</strong><br />
9<br />
Let hot ashes<br />
cool before<br />
binning them<br />
Mid Canterbury residents using<br />
their log fires to keepthe<br />
winter chills at bayare being<br />
reminded to let their hot ashes<br />
cool properlybefore binning<br />
them, as they canignite and<br />
start afire.<br />
Hot ashes havebeen the<br />
culprit in six wheelie bin fires<br />
in the district alreadythis<br />
winter,and <strong>Ashburton</strong> District<br />
Council service delivery<br />
manager Neil McCann says it's<br />
critical that residents are only<br />
putting cold ashes in the<br />
rubbishbin.<br />
‘‘If the ashes haven't had<br />
adequatetime to cool, theycan<br />
smoulderinyour wheelie bin<br />
and cause afire.<br />
‘‘Even if the ashes havebeen<br />
cooling for acoupleofdays,<br />
theycan still havehot coals or<br />
embers that are just warm<br />
enoughtolight up the other<br />
rubbish in your bin.<br />
‘‘If yourbin catches alight,<br />
the fire could also spread to<br />
yourhouse.<br />
‘‘Please make sure the ashes<br />
have properly cooled before<br />
theygointhe bin.’’<br />
Hot ashes arebest stored in a<br />
metalash container or metal<br />
bucket to coolfor several days<br />
before being bagged and placed<br />
in the red rubbish bin.<br />
Pouring water on theash can<br />
alsohelptoput out any<br />
smouldering coal and embers.<br />
Council to address<br />
Line Road safety<br />
The <strong>Ashburton</strong> District<br />
Council has plans to take out a<br />
kink on Line Road, near the<br />
Lauriston township, to make it<br />
safer.<br />
Councillors visited the siteof<br />
the proposedrealignmenton<br />
their recent tour of the district.<br />
It has been the scene of at<br />
least one fatalaccident.<br />
Line Road currently kinks to<br />
the north as it approaches<br />
Lauriston and then kicks back<br />
but the safety work will change<br />
the road’s alignment and make<br />
it straight. The roadwill also<br />
be lowered.<br />
Council servicedelivery<br />
manager Neil McCann saidthe<br />
work was only in the draft<br />
design stageatthe moment so<br />
costswere not known.<br />
‘‘Thework is to address<br />
safety as there have been<br />
several crashes at the<br />
location.’’<br />
The projectisintendedto<br />
beginthis summer.<br />
ENTER, AND<br />
GETS A<br />
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a$50Four SquareVoucherfor<br />
thewhole familyandand aBic Kids<br />
Colouring 12 Pack.Every entry<br />
gets afreePamsWater 750ml<br />
See full details in store<br />
1924-<strong>2020</strong><br />
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Please return your<br />
completed entry to your local Four Square by Sunday 26th <strong>July</strong> for your chance to win<br />
LOCAL<br />
GIFT<br />
CARD$50<br />
1PER<br />
STORE TO<br />
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STORES<br />
School bus rules<br />
and signed speed<br />
Well, we have afollow up on<br />
the school bus “lore”.<br />
Acurly question came in<br />
to me and Ijust did not see<br />
the answer coming.<br />
The question: “If Iam<br />
driving in apassing bay and<br />
approaching aschool bus<br />
which is stoppedoff the<br />
lanes on either side of the<br />
road with its 20 sign lit, do I<br />
need to slow to 20kph to pass<br />
it?”<br />
The answer is yes,all four<br />
lanes must slowto20km/ to<br />
keep our young people safe.<br />
This is confirmed by Mark<br />
Cooke,Pearsons <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Manager.<br />
Think whatyou like, I<br />
believe in safety first. Now,<br />
what couldthe finebefor<br />
exceeding 20km/h?Well, if the<br />
same rulesapply as exceeding<br />
the speed limit at road works,<br />
then 40kphover the limitof<br />
20km/h, that is any speedabove<br />
60km/honany of the four lanes<br />
could loosenyour hold on your<br />
licence!<br />
Imet abiker at Taste Café<br />
who was on his way to the Bert<br />
Munro and he confirmed he<br />
lost his licence, travelling over<br />
40km/h above the signed<br />
speed, at road works south of<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />
The police officer at the<br />
roadworks let him ridedown to<br />
the BertMunro,but he had no<br />
licence to return north.<br />
Now, the knowledgeable<br />
person with the curly question<br />
did indeed slowto20km/hand<br />
earned the ire of atruckie<br />
following them. Horn blast!<br />
This brings me to hazard<br />
lights. Where is your switch in<br />
your vehicle? Can you, in a<br />
splitsecond press the hazard<br />
button to warn vehicles<br />
following you of some change<br />
ahead?<br />
More on hazard lights soon!<br />
HotRoast<br />
Pork Loin<br />
Tulsi Express Meals for2<br />
Pams Cooked Chicken Large<br />
Famous Four Square Pizzas<br /><br /><br />
Specials available South Island only from Monday 13th <strong>July</strong> until Sunday 26th<br />
<strong>July</strong> <strong>2020</strong> or while stocks last. Wine and beer available at stores with an off<br />
licence. Wine and beer purchases restricted to persons aged 18 years old and over.
Family Notices<br />
BODY, ShirleyElizabeth<br />
(nee Barr): 29.9.30 –18.7.20.<br />
Peacefully at Methven<br />
in the loving care of<br />
the wonderful staff at<br />
Methven House, aged<br />
89 years. Dearly loved<br />
wife ofClem (dec). Dearly<br />
loved eldest daughter<br />
of the late Bill and Berta<br />
Barr. Sister and sisterin-law<br />
of Audrey (dec),<br />
Bernie and June (dec),<br />
Juliet and Lindsay. Much<br />
loved mum of Elizabeth<br />
and Roger, Marion and<br />
Roger, Alister and Janine.<br />
Dearly lovedGrandmaand<br />
Great grandma of Debra,<br />
Ben, and Ruby; David,<br />
Karin, Holly, James, and<br />
Patrick; Laura, Hayden,<br />
and Max; Katie, Simon,<br />
Emma, and Hazel; Simon,<br />
Alexandra, Charlotte, and<br />
Emily; Markus, and Olie.<br />
Messages to the Body<br />
Family c/- P O Box 472,<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> 7740. Shirley’s<br />
life will be celebrated<br />
on Friday 24 <strong>July</strong> at the<br />
Mt Hutt Memorial Hall,<br />
Methven,<br />
commencing<br />
at 1.30pm. Followed by<br />
private cremation at the<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong>Crematorium.<br />
Paterson’s<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
FDANZ<br />
03 307 7433<br />
CAMPBELL, Hester<br />
Glenys (Glenys): Passed<br />
away peacefully aged<br />
89 on the 11 <strong>July</strong> <strong>2020</strong><br />
at Rosebank Resthome<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong>. Dearly loved<br />
wife of the late Ronald.<br />
Much loved mother and<br />
mother-in-lawofJudyand<br />
Tommy Arnold (Hari Hari),<br />
Diane and Gerard Hansen<br />
(Sydney),John and Joanne<br />
(Dromore), Andy and<br />
Jackie (Hari Hari), Robyn<br />
and Murray (Tasmania).<br />
Treasured nana and<br />
great nana to all of her<br />
grandchildren and great<br />
grandchildren. Survived<br />
by her beloved sister<br />
Clarice Gould (Temuka).<br />
Special thanks to the<br />
caring staff at Rosebank<br />
Resthome <strong>Ashburton</strong> and<br />
Dr.Wootton for all of their<br />
loving care they showed<br />
to mum. In accordance<br />
with Glenys’s wishes; a<br />
private service has been<br />
held. Messages to 21A<br />
Cox Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />
Messages to TheCampbell<br />
Family, c/- 21A Cox Street,<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />
Paterson’s<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
FDANZ<br />
03 3077433<br />
COLLINS, Marjorie Joan:<br />
22.11.32 –21.7.20:<br />
Peacefully at Methven<br />
House, aged 87 years.<br />
Dearly lovedwifeofRobert<br />
(Bob), loved mother and<br />
mother-in-law of Bruce<br />
and Elizabeth, Wayne<br />
and Joy, and Alan. Loved<br />
Gran of Stuart, and<br />
Philip (Australia), and<br />
Nan-nan of Christopher,<br />
and Amanda, and her<br />
10 great grandchildren.<br />
Special thanks to the<br />
staff at Methven House<br />
for the care and support<br />
of Marjorie over the past<br />
months. Messages to<br />
the Collins Family, c/- PO<br />
Box 472, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 7740.<br />
A service to celebrate<br />
Marjorie’s life will be held<br />
at All Saints Anglican<br />
Church, Chapman Street,<br />
Methven, on Friday<br />
<strong>July</strong> 24 commencing at<br />
10.30am, followed by<br />
private cremation at the<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong>Crematorium.<br />
Paterson’s<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
FDANZ<br />
03 307 7433<br />
CRIBB, Peter Richard: It<br />
is with much sadness that<br />
we announce the passing<br />
of Pete (Cribby) on <strong>July</strong><br />
19, <strong>2020</strong> at Christchurch<br />
Hospital.<br />
A much loved son,<br />
brother, uncle, mate, and<br />
Dad of Rayne. A private<br />
family servicewillbeheld,<br />
followed byacelebration<br />
of Pete’s life with adrink<br />
and asharing of memories<br />
for family and friends<br />
at the Tinwald Tavern,<br />
103 Archibald Street,<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> on Thursday,<br />
<strong>July</strong> <strong>23</strong>, from 2.00pm<br />
onwards.<br />
0800 2MEMORY<br />
027 637 1229<br />
GROUT Keith Stephen<br />
(Santa); 22.4.1956 -<br />
11.7.<strong>2020</strong>: Loved son of<br />
Percy Grout (Tasmania),<br />
Margaret Matthews<br />
(deceased) Timaru.<br />
Brother of Julie Barker,<br />
Mike Grout, Alison Silke<br />
and Jimmy Barry. Much<br />
loved uncle of Gemma<br />
MacDonald, Nathan<br />
Lange, Kirsten Richardt,<br />
Victoria Shrimpton,<br />
Vincent Barker, Keeley<br />
Barker , the late Curtis<br />
Barker, Aaron Grout,<br />
Jeremy Grout and Debi<br />
Grout.Rest In Peace, sadly<br />
missed. Messages to the<br />
Grout Family, C/- PO Box<br />
472, <strong>Ashburton</strong>7740.<br />
Paterson’s<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
FDANZ<br />
03 307 7433<br />
McBRIDE,Irene Elizabeth<br />
(Betty) (nee Heseltine);<br />
On <strong>July</strong> 20, <strong>2020</strong>.<br />
Passed away peacefully<br />
at Rosebank Resthome,<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong>,inher91styear.<br />
Dearly loved wife of the<br />
late Percy Stewart and the<br />
late Bruce McBride. Much<br />
lovedmother and motherin-lawofJulie,Stewart,Liz<br />
and Paul Wylie, and loved<br />
gran of Kirsty; Danielle,<br />
Stephen, Ty and loved<br />
great gran of Maddox,<br />
and Maverick; Liam,<br />
and Xanthe, and Rose.<br />
Messages to the McBride<br />
Family c/- P O Box 472,<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong>7740. Aspecial<br />
thank you tothe staff at<br />
Rosebank for their loving<br />
care of Betty. A service<br />
to celebrate Betty’s life<br />
will be held in our Chapel,<br />
cnr East and Cox Street,<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong>, on Thursday<br />
<strong>23</strong>rd <strong>July</strong> commencing<br />
at 11am, followed by<br />
private cremation at the<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong>Crematorium.<br />
Paterson’s<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
FDANZ<br />
03 307 7433<br />
Birth notices listed by parents will continue to be<br />
free in the Family Notices column. Theinitial death<br />
noticelodged by afuneral directorwill be listed<br />
without charge.Therewill be asmall charge of $15<br />
forsubsequentnotices relatedtothe same death,<br />
up to amaximum of 35 wordsand on aper-line<br />
basis afterthat.<br />
Thesame lowcharges apply to other family<br />
notices,such as engagements,acknowledgements,<br />
in memoriam notices and anniversaries.<br />
Supporting the community<br />
96 Tancred Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong>. Phone 307 8317<br />
THOMSON Alexander<br />
William (Alex), (Late 1Bn<br />
K.O.S.B), Born Eyemouth,<br />
Scotland. Passed away<br />
on <strong>July</strong> 16th <strong>2020</strong> at<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong>, aged 92<br />
years. Loved husband<br />
of the late Daphne, and<br />
loved father and fatherin-law<br />
of Malcolm and<br />
Louise (Melbourne), and<br />
Ian and Felicity (Sydney).<br />
Much loved grandfather<br />
of Patrick and Jennifer<br />
(Melbourne) and Letitia<br />
(nee Thomson) and<br />
Logan Smart: Fergus and<br />
Pollyanna (Sydney), and<br />
best friend of Rosemarie<br />
and Greg Trudgeon.<br />
Messages to the<br />
Thomson family c/- PO<br />
Box472, <strong>Ashburton</strong>7740.<br />
Afuneral service for Alex<br />
has been held.<br />
Paterson’s<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
FDANZ<br />
03 3077433<br />
GRIGG, Mary Eugenie,<br />
Rachel, John (Jack),<br />
Roger, Diane and families<br />
wish to sincerely thank<br />
everyone for the cards,<br />
flowers, phone calls, love<br />
and support following<br />
the passing of our loved<br />
mother, mother-in-law,<br />
grandmother and great<br />
grandmother. Ithas been<br />
very much appreciated.<br />
Please accept this as a<br />
personal thank you and<br />
acknowledgement.<br />
LOW, Melva Elizabeth:<br />
The family of the<br />
late Melva wish to<br />
acknowledge the many<br />
expressions of sympathy<br />
shown to us following our<br />
sad loss.Please accept this<br />
acknowledgment as an<br />
expression of our deepest<br />
gratitude.<br />
MervynGlassey<br />
14-1-39 -26-7-14<br />
Always in our hearts<br />
~Margaret and family<br />
LREA2008<br />
MCRE<br />
NEWS<br />
10 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>July</strong> <strong>23</strong>, <strong>2020</strong><br />
Imogene wins at<br />
Timaru rockquest<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> College student<br />
Imogene Felton has won thesolo/<br />
duocategoryatthe Timaru<br />
Smokefreerockquest<br />
competition with her song<br />
Midnight's Lullabye.<br />
TheYear 11 student winsa<br />
prize package fromthe Rockshop<br />
and goes into thenational<br />
selection pool for the event’s live<br />
national final.<br />
Afirst time entrant, Imogene<br />
describes her original<br />
compositionas “a lullaby sungby<br />
the trees,their leaves, the birds<br />
and the wind.”<br />
“It was an awesome feeling<br />
winning my first time entering.<br />
I'm really excited to get writing<br />
and have my shot atthe national<br />
round,” said the 15yearold<br />
performer.<br />
“I think of my music as calm<br />
and thoughtful. Abalance<br />
between artistic andcatchy.”<br />
Conchord (Isa Creba and Lucy<br />
Barge) from Mountainview High<br />
School wassecondinthe solo/<br />
duocategory.<br />
Entriesfor theband category<br />
Echo of memories by Michael Holland.<br />
Family owned,<br />
locally owned<br />
22 MooreStreet,<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
0800 2636679<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> College singer/<br />
songwriter Imogene Felton.<br />
close tomorrow,with the winners<br />
announced on August 7.<br />
The top regional bands and<br />
solo/duos submit new footage for<br />
selection as finalists to playoff at<br />
the Smokefreerockquest<br />
national finalinAucklandon<br />
September 12.<br />
New exhibition to open<br />
Anew exhibition featuring the<br />
dreamlikepaintings of<br />
Christchurchbasedartist<br />
Michael Holland is set to open at<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> Art Gallery.<br />
CalledEcho of Memories,the<br />
exhibition featuresimaginative<br />
and detailed works of land and<br />
2289133<br />
seascapes.<br />
Largely selftaught, theartist’s<br />
inspiration comesfrom master<br />
such as Munch,Van Gogh,<br />
Bruegel andKlimt.<br />
EchoofMemories opens with<br />
an artisttalk at 2pm on Sunday. It<br />
runs until August 30.<br />
Workshop<br />
Printmaker Ben Reid<br />
willhostaworkshop<br />
at Short Street Studio<br />
on August 15 and 16.<br />
Forbookings email<br />
Nel Davison at<br />
ashsocart@gmail.<br />
com.<br />
Complete<br />
Local Care<br />
Since 1982<br />
Matilda models reallife birth<br />
NEWS<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>July</strong> <strong>23</strong>, <strong>2020</strong><br />
11<br />
TONI.WILLIAMS<br /><br />
Agri Training is offering its stateoftheart<br />
training cow Matilda to peopleinthe<br />
dairy industrylooking to train staff ahead<br />
of the calving season.<br />
Made of skinlike rubber with apliable<br />
plastic uterusinaplywood framing,<br />
Matildahas been modelled in the form of<br />
an anatomically correct cow. She alsohas<br />
rubber teatswhich can be changed for teat<br />
maintenance.<br />
Agri Training training adviserWarner<br />
Cottrellsaid she could be usedto<br />
replicate the real experienceofbirthing a<br />
calf as well offer practical handson teat<br />
care.<br />
Matilda is the only one of herkind in the<br />
South Island;asimilarmodel was used by<br />
veterinarians duringtheir training. She<br />
has been with the trainingorganisation<br />
for thepast couple of weeks.<br />
‘‘Matilda is alifesized cowwho hasgot<br />
the workability for people to comeand<br />
learn to calve acow withoutthe<br />
practicalities and pressure of alive<br />
birth,’’hesaid. Shehas alifesized calf,<br />
which canbepositioned inside thecow to<br />
simulatereal calving situations, complete<br />
withamniotic fluid.<br />
The trainingexperience canhelp dairy<br />
farm workers learn farm policy on calving<br />
and when to call avet.<br />
‘‘It’s an incredibly real experience,<br />
when you putyour hand inside andyou<br />
feel the presentation of acalf, the actual<br />
process of birthing is just incrediblyreal.<br />
You can set her in all sort of positionsand<br />
it really does give you realistic<br />
expectationonwhatitislike to calve a<br />
Agri Training training adviser Warner Cottrell shows the right technique helping Matilda<br />
during calving. Photo Toni Williams<br />
cow and how to overcomeproblems.’’<br />
The agricultural trainingorganisation<br />
is based at the former Winchmore<br />
ResearchStation. It has alargeclassroom<br />
for student trainingand office space.<br />
Agricultural students, includingnew<br />
entrants or longtimefarm workers,are<br />
partofaapprenticeship programme and<br />
work andlearn on farm.<br />
‘‘They all require somesortof<br />
qualification to recognise their skills on<br />
farm.’’<br />
Mr Cottrellsaid Matilda was available<br />
for free to anyone wanting to give their<br />
staff some handson trainingtopractise<br />
all birthing scenarios ahead of thecalving<br />
season and he encouraged people to make<br />
contact.<br />
Working out for local foodbanks<br />
Atwoweek food drive by Curves<br />
gym in <strong>Ashburton</strong> has resulted in<br />
aweighty donation to <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
foodbanks.<br />
Curves owner Viv Williams<br />
said women members coming<br />
along to exercise had bought<br />
about 250kg of nonperishable<br />
food items, which were packed<br />
up on bananaboxes to deliver to<br />
the foodbanks.<br />
Viv markedout arectangular<br />
shape about 6metres x1metreon<br />
the gym floor andmembers have<br />
tried to fill it up with canned<br />
goods, toiletries and cereals.<br />
She saidmembers had their<br />
own community and supported<br />
each other as wellascombining<br />
their efforts to help others in a<br />
lessfortunate position.<br />
‘‘They supporteach other and<br />
the community as well and they<br />
have liked to see the pile<br />
growing. It givesthem pleasure.’’<br />
The gym has undertaken<br />
severalfood drives overthe past<br />
decadebut the last one wasin<br />
2014.<br />
Viv said it was timely as some<br />
peoplewere struggling postcovid.<br />
Curves gym instructor Christine Pooke with some of the foodstuffs donated by members.<br />
Craig Carr<br />
Oakwood<br />
purchases<br />
Smallbone<br />
trucks<br />
South Island automotivedealer<br />
Oakwood Motor Group has<br />
agreed to purchase theIsuzu<br />
Truck sales divisionof<br />
Smallbone Mid and South<br />
Canterbury and to continue<br />
withits partnership with ACL<br />
Smallbone serviceand parts in<br />
both regions.<br />
Oakwood is aSouth Island<br />
wide group,owning the longestablished<br />
Blackwells and<br />
CookeHowlisondealerships.<br />
Group managing director<br />
JohnMarsh said the decision to<br />
purchase the IsuzuMaster<br />
Truck franchise was part of the<br />
company’s strategic plan for<br />
developing its successful Isuzu<br />
truck businessinthe South<br />
Island.<br />
‘We are verypleased with the<br />
acquisition of theTimaruand<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong>dealerships, which<br />
complement our existing Isuzu<br />
MasterDealerships in<br />
Christchurch andDunedin.<br />
‘‘The purchase is also ashow<br />
of confidence in the Mid and<br />
South Canterbury economies<br />
andthe excitingfuture for<br />
Isuzu Trucks, whichhas been<br />
NewZealand’s number one<br />
selling truck for 20 consecutive<br />
years.’<br />
Smallboneboard chairman<br />
Craig Carr said the agreement<br />
wouldensurethat theexisting<br />
Isuzu truck customers from Mid<br />
andSouth Canterburywould<br />
continue to receivebest in class<br />
sales support from thewide<br />
network of staff available and<br />
the world class service and<br />
parts facilities ACL Smallbone<br />
has created in both <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
andTimaru.<br />
Scania parts and servicewill<br />
continue to be supplied by ACL<br />
Smallbone and CookeHowlison<br />
in their respective regions.<br />
The changeofownership<br />
takes place in August.<br />
0800 86 22 44<br />
Chippers Generators Compactors Excavators Access Gear MotorVehicles<br />
Trailers Forklifts PortableBuildings Toilets Mowers&More<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> College<br />
Individual Excellence in aSupportive Learning Environment<br />
News<br />
Issue 18<br />
<strong>23</strong> <strong>July</strong> <strong>2020</strong><br />
DeputyPrincipal’s Message<br />
OpenNight–TonightThursday<strong>23</strong><strong>July</strong><br />
This evening is agreat opportunity for families<br />
and communitymembers to view theCollege.<br />
There will be presentations inthe Auditorium<br />
at 5:30pm and 6:15pm followed bystudent-led<br />
tours, or youmay tour on your own. On the way,<br />
call into the staffroom and have asausage from<br />
the BBQ, ahot drink or juice, and check out the<br />
retailers who will have electronicdevicesondisplay(remembering that<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> College is aBYOD school (bring your owndevice), along with<br />
aCollege uniformsupplier.<br />
If youare unable to maketonight andwould likeatour of the College,<br />
please phone the College Office (308 4193)<br />
andmakeanappointmentfor one of the staff to showyou around.<br />
Senior StudentReports<br />
These are presently being written by Subject and Ako Teachers. They<br />
willbepostedout in Week 3ofthis term (week starting 03 August).<br />
Course Confirmation Evening –for 2021 Courses<br />
This is being held on Tuesday 04August at the Hotel <strong>Ashburton</strong> from<br />
6:00pm–8:00pm.<br />
Theeveningprovides opportunityfor Year 9, 10,11and 12 students and<br />
families to talk to staff about subjects they maylike to take in 2021.<br />
AshColl Ball –Friday07August<br />
The Ball Committee is being well led by Jacob Gray and Lucy Moore.<br />
Despite the postponement, planning is on track to make this <strong>2020</strong><br />
‘Fabulous LasVegas’Ball fabulous! It is againbeingheld at the <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Trust EventCentreand we have Double Talk bandtoentertain the Ballgoers.<br />
This is agreat communityevent and we will have tiered seating outside<br />
the venue forfamilies,friends and public to sitand view our Year 12 and<br />
13 students and partners arrive in an array ofvehicles, and walk down<br />
the RedCarpet to theBall.<br />
Iwouldlike to take this opportunitytothank everyone in thecommunity<br />
whohas contributed to making the Ball happen this year.<br />
ExaminationWeek:Monday31August –Friday04September<br />
Examweek involves Year 11,12and 13 students.<br />
There will be no classes for these students during this time, but<br />
when studentsare at College,the sameexpectations forbehaviour and<br />
uniformapplyaswhen normalclasses arerunning.<br />
Atimetable will be emailed to families and students during Week 2of<br />
this term. Theremay be sometime clashesbut we can work aroundthis.<br />
Students shouldemail me ( and<br />
Iwill arrangeanalternativetime to sit the exam.<br />
TheseCollege examsare important for ‘derived grades’.<br />
In the case of an unexpected event that results in students not being<br />
able to sit the external exam at the end of the year, weuse the grades<br />
from these examstoaward their final results.<br />
If astudent gained an Achieved, this is the grade they will receive on<br />
their Record of Learning. For full information, please refer tothe NCEA<br />
booklet emailed out to families last term.<br />
These examsare especiallyimportant for Year 11 students<br />
so thattheycan experiencethe conditions theywill sit their<br />
end-of-year external NCEA examinations under,before theyactuallydo.<br />
Many students havenot had the experiencesitting in one place, in silence,<br />
without getting out of their seatand writing for overanhour!<br />
Term Three<br />
Term Three islooking like avery busy term, fitting inthe regular items<br />
along with many postponed events. Alongside these extra-curricular<br />
events,students needtomaximise the time theyhaveinthe classroom<br />
withonly 65 school days lefttill external exams!<br />
Helen Shore-Taylor<br />
DeputyPrincipal •TumuakiTuarua<br />
Staff Farewell<br />
Amanda Hewson<br />
Good wishes were extended to Amanda at the conclusion of Term Two as<br />
she concludedher part-time Social Studies teaching role currently,inorder<br />
to uplifther parental leave entitlement.<br />
Information<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong>College Course Confirmation Evening<br />
Tuesday04August,6:00pm-8:00pm,<br />
Hotel<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Setthis night asidetodiscuss and confirm subjectcourses for2021.<br />
This eveningisforall our currentYear 9–12 students,<br />
parentsand caregivers.<br />
Further information will beadvised.<br />
AshColl Way<br />
Information<br />
Transition Department–Events Update<br />
Year 13 Testimonials<br />
Each Year 13 student hasthe opportunitytoreceiveaTestimonial(ahistory<br />
of their time atAshColl) at the end of the year.This process requires input<br />
fromteachers as well as students.<br />
Students arecurrently completinganAchievementStatementtowards<br />
this,and itistobereturned tothe Transition Office by this Friday, 24 <strong>July</strong>,<br />
forthe Testimonial process to continue.<br />
TertiaryStudy Information<br />
We are atthe time of year where students going to tertiary study in 2021<br />
are gathering information, making decisions, and beginning application<br />
processes,asfollows:<br />
Universityand PolytechHalls of ResidenceApplications<br />
Halls of Residence applications open online on Saturday 01 August.<br />
Year 13 students have been given information on the application process,<br />
including deadlines.<br />
Course Planning for 2021<br />
Universityliaison staff areinthe process of booking to visit AshColl this term<br />
to help students plan their course of study for2021.<br />
Datesknown so farare:<br />
University of Canterbury – 12August<br />
Victoria UniversityofWellington – 09 September<br />
Auckland University – 09 September<br />
<strong>2020</strong> UniversityOpenDays–<br />
Further Information is Available on their Websites<br />
•Otago Universityand Otago Polytech –On-campus: Monday10August<br />
•VictoriaUniversity<br />
– On-campus: Friday 21 August<br />
•CanterburyUniversity:<br />
–On-campus: Thursday27August<br />
•Auckland University<br />
•Massey University<br />
Andalso:<br />
Wellington Campus<br />
ManawatuCampus<br />
Auckland Campus<br />
•Waikato University<br />
•AUT University<br />
– On-campus: Saturday29August<br />
– Virtual (online) Open Days<br />
04 and05September<br />
–Taster Day: 21 August<br />
–Taster Day: 11 September<br />
–Taster Day: 12 September<br />
– Virtual (online) Open Days:<br />
13 and 14 August<br />
– On-campus: Saturday29August<br />
Individual Excellence in aSupportive Learning Environment<br />
OpenEvening Tonight<br />
Thursday<strong>23</strong><strong>July</strong> <strong>2020</strong>, 5:30pm –7:30pm<br />
TheAshColl Way<br />
Quality Pride Respect<br />
Futurestudents,parents/caregivers,whānau<br />
and communitymembers are<br />
warmly invited to attend our OpenEvening.<br />
Aparticular welcome,and encouragementtoattend,<br />
is extended to students who will be in Year 9in2021,<br />
and family members<br />
Duringthe evening youwill havethe opportunityto–<br />
• Meet and talk with the Principal, staff and students.<br />
• Hear and see whatthe College can offer your child and family.<br />
• View our facilities,and Innovation and Subjectdisplays.<br />
• Meet with BYOD Retailers -College is aBYODschool<br />
(Bring Your OwnDevice)<br />
• Enjoyasausage sizzle,coffee, tea, juiceinthe staffroom.<br />
To make decisions readyfor Enrolment Week (27-31 <strong>July</strong>) –<br />
Therewill be information available on:<br />
0 Innovation and Traditional Classes.<br />
0 Option Subjects for2021(Year 9students).<br />
Option subjects: nine subjects to be taken from twelveavailable:<br />
– Choose at least one from TheArts: Art, Drama, Music.<br />
– Choose at least one from Languages: German, Japanese,Māori.<br />
– Choose at least three from Technology: Agriculture,<br />
Designand Visual Communication, Digital Information<br />
Technology,Fabric Technology,Food and Nutrition,<br />
HardMaterials Technology.<br />
• Note: all Year 9students take English, Mathematics,<br />
Physical Education and Health, Science, Social Studies.<br />
• Additionallyavailable: English as an additional language for<br />
students for whom English is asecond language.<br />
Presentationsstart in the College Auditorium<br />
at 5:30pm and6:15pm.<br />
These arefollowedbyguidedtours of the College,<br />
or youmay choose to self-tour by following the signs.<br />
Care with Parking Outside College<br />
When DroppingOffand Collecting Students<br />
We understand vehiclemovements as parents and caregivers<br />
drop-offand collect students at College.<br />
Mayweplease ask though forcarewhen this is happening –<br />
• Road safety is hugely important, and especially where there are alot<br />
road users in asmall area.<br />
• Please avoid parking on the yellow lines outside the Walnut Avenue<br />
entrance.<br />
• Please respectresidents’properties –avoid parking over drivewaysor<br />
driving into their personal driveentrances.<br />
• Remain aware thatthe College drivewayisnot suitable fordropping/<br />
picking-up students from. This adds to congestion and compromises<br />
safety.<br />
We do ask,please,thatyou –<br />
• Consider whereyou park.<br />
• Park in alegal parking space, and have your child walk to whereyou are<br />
parked.<br />
• Park in the parallel parks across the road from the College.<br />
• Or -theremay be spaceinthe shingled parking area on the west side of<br />
the College.<br />
We thank youfor your help,<br />
andfor your courtesy to residents,<br />
College students androad users.<br />
RYDA(RotaryYouth Driver Awareness) –<br />
Road Safety Day<br />
This is acompulsoryattendance eventfor all Year 12 Students<br />
Monday03August-Hotel <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Supported by the <strong>Ashburton</strong>DistrictCouncil<br />
Road Safety Education and Regional Partners have<br />
subsidised these workshops forschools.<br />
Students aretomaketheir ownway to the venue,<br />
with bus students to walk from the College to the venue.<br />
Studentsmust arrive by 9:15am, forregistration.<br />
Theday will finish at approximately 2:00pm-2:30pm.<br />
Students arereleased afterthattime and arefreetogohome.<br />
Bus students aretowalk back to College.<br />
Programme:<br />
This Road Safety Education Workshop Day isdesigned for 16-17 year old<br />
students, asthey are learning to drive orare passengers in cars driven by<br />
their peers.<br />
Theday’s programme challenges students to change howthey think about<br />
road safety and to lay the foundation for safe road use throughout their<br />
lives. The programme aims to increase an understanding of road safety,<br />
including risk factors,and to equip them with the tools required to choose<br />
behaviours which lead to saferoutcomes on New Zealand roads.<br />
Statistics:<br />
Data shows that male drivers in the15-19 year age group areapproximately<br />
eight times more likely tocrash than male drivers in the lowest risk age<br />
group (55-59 years); and female drivers aged 15-19 years approximately six<br />
timesmorelikely to crash thanfemale drivers in the lowest risk group(45-49<br />
year olds). For every fatality there are approximately another ten people<br />
seriously injured. The implications of such outcomes aresignificant.<br />
Appreciation<br />
Lion Foundation –The Trust <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Averygratefulappreciation is given to the LionFoundation/The Trust<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> for their generous grant funding, enabling the purchase<br />
of equipmentwhich is enhancing manyaspects of school life, student<br />
opportunity and community use.<br />
On Tuesday 21<strong>July</strong> <strong>2020</strong> it was our pleasure tohost, at College, The<br />
Trust<strong>Ashburton</strong>BoardMembers Roger Paterson and ChantelleQuinn.<br />
In the latest funding round <strong>Ashburton</strong> College was privileged toreceive<br />
significant funding, and atour of part ofthe College allowed the Trust<br />
members to view the purchases, hear ofthe benefits from Management<br />
and from students, and report this back to The Trust. Further continuing<br />
the community funding approach, the money granted is often kept local<br />
throughthe use of localcontractors.
<strong>Ashburton</strong> College<br />
Individual Excellence in aSupportive Learning Environment<br />
News<br />
Issue 18<br />
<strong>23</strong> <strong>July</strong> <strong>2020</strong><br />
Appreciation<br />
Digital Mixing Console<br />
First up on the tour wasavisit to theCollege Holyoake Auditorium, upstairs<br />
in the lighting and sound area, to view the new Digital Mixing Console.<br />
Theformer twelve-plus year-old sound system had well-reached its ‘use by’<br />
status,and waslimited in its capabilities.<br />
Thepurchase of the new Digital Mixing Console has manybenefits,providing<br />
a modern operating system for users, giving technical crew students<br />
the opportunity todevelop their skills on more updated equipment and<br />
offering audiences higher qualityproductions.<br />
Deputy Principal, and experienced manager of lighting and sound and<br />
of the tech crew, Ron Cresswell said that the acquisition of the upgraded<br />
console is afuture-proofing outcome looking ten-fifteen years into the<br />
future, which includes the abilitytotransfer it into the new AshColl build.<br />
Funding from this source, in the previous two years, has supported<br />
improved lighting and new upholstering for the seating, making life much<br />
more comfortable foraudiences.<br />
TheCollege Auditorium is used by both the College and wider community<br />
groups for avariety ofpurposes, making this funding of real benefit to the<br />
district.<br />
TV Monitors Supporting ClassroomTeaching and Learning Options<br />
TheCollege has invested over $100,000 in computers forstudentuse in the<br />
last twoyears,and afurther $35,000 worthofcomputers has been ordered<br />
forinstallation over the coming Christmas holidayperiod. These items have<br />
been purchased in preferencetoupdating in-class monitors.<br />
Currently there are data projectors in most classrooms and these are<br />
gradually being replaced with Smart TVmonitors, which provide more<br />
flexible usage options for teachers and students. Six screens and stands<br />
purchased this time brings<br />
the College’s classroom<br />
technology upgrade total<br />
to around twelve across a<br />
range of classrooms.<br />
(Pictured right): Teacher<br />
of English Sarah Lassen<br />
with senior students on<br />
Tuesday, showing one of<br />
the TV Monitors in use,<br />
and explaining its benefits.<br />
Year 13 Leadership Camp<br />
The College’s annual Year 13 Leadership Camp provides development<br />
opportunities forour aspiring College and futurecommunityleaders.<br />
Funding supported costs of the January <strong>2020</strong> camp, where the College<br />
trialled the use of an external training organisation, Horizons Unlimited, a<br />
firmwhich specialises in facilitating youth leadership courses.<br />
Sports Uniforms<br />
This year the Boys’Rugby1st XV have anew uniformplaying strip,onshow<br />
as they play inthe Crusaders’regional secondary schools’competition, the<br />
UC Championship.<br />
College operates anannual rotational replacement programme for our<br />
sports teams’uniforms and this year wasthe turnofthe Boys’Rugby.<br />
NewMini Van<br />
Having asmall fleet ofCollege mini-vans on-site makes the provision of<br />
student transport for numerous activities across the board, much easier.<br />
Even with afleetoffive vans now, use is such thatCollege still,attimes, has<br />
to look at rental options to caterfully forour needs at peak times.<br />
Curriculum activities include travel for outdoor education; ‘on farm’<br />
agricultural training courses for our Agriculture and Horticulture<br />
programmes; Drama and Music Theatre trips and similar. Our curriculum<br />
includes field trips to Mt Cook (Geography), Kaikoura (Geography) and<br />
Akaroa (History), amongst other visits to local businesses and events.<br />
Weekly within the relevantseasons,our sports teams travel to Christchurch<br />
(Hockey, Netball and Basketball), Timaru (Girls’Rugby, Football, Basketball)<br />
and other destinations to participate in sports competitions. The vehicles<br />
also support our Rowing teams who regularly travel to Lake Ruataniwha<br />
for regattas, aswell as Golf and Tennis squads, Cricket and Rugby teams<br />
participating in Canterbury- wide activities.<br />
Additionally teams travel forChess Competitions (Christchurch and Timaru)<br />
and Cultural activities including Debating (Christchurch), Kapa Haka, The<br />
Big Sing,Rockquest and various music activities.<br />
At College we encourage our students to be involved in activities but<br />
naturally our location oftenrequires travel to eitherprovide competition or<br />
attend organised events.The minivans are avital component ofour ability<br />
to transport students to<br />
these events, and we are<br />
hugely appreciativeofthe<br />
funding supportreceived.<br />
Handing overthe keys<br />
Arepresentativegroup<br />
of students,fromthe<br />
StudentExecutiveand<br />
across some sporting<br />
groups met with TheTrust<br />
Members,and expressed<br />
their appreciation.<br />
(Pictured above right, lefttoright): HenryChapman (Head Boy),<br />
Chantelle Quinn (BoardMember,The Trust <strong>Ashburton</strong>), PoppyKilworth<br />
(Head Girl) receiving the keysofthe vanfromRogerPaterson<br />
(BoardMember,The Trust <strong>Ashburton</strong>), Jacob Gray,Kambell Stills,<br />
Liam Sullivan, Sophie Adams,Grace Quinn.<br />
Congratulations<br />
Pre-Season Game Success Continues forAshHutt Girls’ 1st XV RugbyTeam<br />
TheAshHutt Girls’1st XV playedtheir final pre-season game on Wednesday<br />
01 <strong>July</strong>,against the Geraldine High School team.<br />
Coach Vaughan Ward said thatthe away game to Geraldine provided some<br />
challenges with team numbers due to sickness and work commitments,<br />
and with the team thereforefielding just seventeen players.<br />
The team did travel with twenty players, including one injured team<br />
member and two players without age dispensation. It was important to<br />
notethatfor twoofthe seventeen starting players this wastheir first game<br />
of rugby.<br />
Unfortunately Geraldine was also short onplayers, and unable to field a<br />
full team of fifteen players, sothe match started with both teams fielding<br />
thirteen players.<br />
GraceBleach and Roi Makutu were named as Co-Captains.<br />
Thefoothills weather provided the team with some cool,calm and dry(ish)<br />
conditions, under lights on Field 2atthe Geraldine Rugby Club. Although<br />
there was alack of player numbers on the field, this is reported ashaving<br />
no real impactonthe game.<br />
AshHutt started well, dominating possession early. Grace Bleach,<br />
Megan Hurley and Madison Trusler-Clark again worked well as a<br />
loose forward trio, providing exceptional go-forward ball and leadership<br />
within their on-field roles. Distribution was controlled well from<br />
#9 Caitlin Roberts in the first half, and newcomer Tokoono Pori in the<br />
second, with the decision-making role of #10 again left toLauren Taylor<br />
forthe game’s entirety.<br />
Tries to AshHutt were scored in quick succession in the first half,with a35-0<br />
scoreathalf time.AshHutt players were then loaned to Geraldine to cover<br />
injuries, and both AshHutt players, Chloe Guthrie and Rangi Makutu,<br />
were applauded fortheir gamesmanship.<br />
To be expected, Geraldine came out firing and wasthe first to scoreinthe<br />
second half.Unfortunately however, thiswas all thatGeraldinecouldoffer<br />
to the second half score. Successivetries came to AshHutt, albeit with some<br />
resistancefromaninspired Geraldine side.<br />
(Pictured right): AshHutt with their Geraldinecounterparts.<br />
Tough Outings Continue forBoys’ 1st XV Rugby MidCanterburyCombinedTeam<br />
Manager Nikki Woods reported onthe team’s home game on Saturday<br />
04 <strong>July</strong> against astrong Christ’s College team, in Round 3ofthe UC<br />
Championship.<br />
Nikki said the team had agreat first-half effort, showing real courage,for a<br />
half-time scoreof28-5toChrist’s College. Fitness levels let the team down<br />
in the second half, with more mistakes creeping into the Mid Canterbury<br />
team’s playfor afinal outcome of 54-5 to the opposition.<br />
TheMid CanterburyCombined team’s tryscorerwas Charlie Brown.<br />
(Pictured right):<br />
Alex Roderick and<br />
Pasi Hala on attack<br />
with the ball for<br />
MidCanterbury<br />
Combined.<br />
Coming Events<br />
<strong>July</strong><br />
<strong>23</strong> Open Night/Year8Subject Information Evening, at College,5:30pm<br />
Aoraki Girls’Football Competition commences<br />
24 1st XI Boys’Hockey,Christchurch<br />
South CanterburyWinterBasketball Competition,<br />
SouthernTrustEventsCentre, Timaru<br />
25 Rugby–UC Round 6, Roncalli-Aoraki Combined v<br />
MidCanterburyCombined,Timaru.<br />
26 NZSS Shooting Championships,Round 1, Home Range<br />
28 ACAD1TractorsDay,Year12ACADGroup1,<strong>Ashburton</strong>Showgrounds<br />
Thomson/Whelan Basketball Trophy, <strong>Ashburton</strong>orChristchurch<br />
29 Kiwi Maths Competition<br />
Girls’1st XI Hockey vStAndrew’s College 2nd XI, Christchurch<br />
Supernet Netball Competition –StAndrew’s College v<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong>College (Round 2), Christchurch.<br />
Girls’1st XV Rugby–AshHuttGirls’vTimaru Girls’High School,<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong>(Round 2)<br />
30 Junior Students’Ski Trip,MtHutt Skifield (second day08September,<br />
students can go both days).<br />
Some KeyForthcoming Dates<br />
August<br />
07 College Senior Ball,<strong>Ashburton</strong>Trust EventCentre, 8:00pm<br />
31-04 Sept Year 11, 12, 13 College Exams<br />
November<br />
05 Year 13 Awards Ceremony, <strong>Ashburton</strong>TrustEvent Centre,7:00pm<br />
10 Years 11 and 12 Prize-givings,EANetworksCentre, 7:00pm<br />
16-09 Dec NCEA Exams<br />
TryScorers and Kicking Outcomes<br />
TryScorers were: GraceBleach –5;Madison Trusler-Clark –3;Roi Makutu<br />
-1 plus 4conversions; Nesha Thompson –1;Laurelle Tahapehi –1;<br />
Megan Hurley –1.<br />
AshHutt kicking duties were undertaken by Roi Makutu with some<br />
brilliant conversion attempts. Afurther individual performance from Roi<br />
also deserves mention, as she exit-kicked from #13 from within College’s<br />
own22, chased,waitedfor the bounceinorder to regather the ball,caught<br />
and ran animpressive 20metres to score, to close out the game………..<br />
brilliant!<br />
This outing led to a final scoreof68-5, to AshHutt Girls’1st XV.<br />
Vaughan said thatthe team discipline and behaviour wasexceptional both<br />
on and off the field.<br />
Farewell<br />
Sadly this was the team’s last outing with Shaun Bovey as part ofthe<br />
coaching group. The squad gave him afitting farewell, showing their<br />
appreciation for his commitment tonot only Women’s Rugby, but to Mid<br />
Canterbury Rugbyalso.<br />
Looking Ahead<br />
Theteam continued to train fortwo hours everyMondayatthe Hampstead<br />
RugbyGrounds during the holidays,toretain their early season momentum<br />
and before facing Waitaki Girls’/St Kevin’s yesterday atAlpine Stadium in<br />
Timaru forthe firstcompetition game.<br />
(Pictured above, back, left toright): Mid Canterbury Combined players<br />
working hard to stay in possession of the ball - Tyler Tuirirangi,<br />
Josh Dunlea, Pasi Hala. (Front, clockwise): Ben Middleton (on ground),<br />
Toetu Touli, Aidan Bennett.<br />
30 Tucker TrophySki and SnowboardCompetition, Mt Hutt Skifield.<br />
Aoraki Girls’Football Competition.<br />
31 Boys’1st XI Hockey vLincoln High School,Christchurch<br />
South Canterbury Winter Basketball Competition,<br />
SouthernTrustEventsCentre, Timaru<br />
August<br />
01 Rugby–UC Round 7, St Thomas of Canterbury<br />
College vMid CanterburyCombined, Christchurch.<br />
02 NZSS Shooting Championships (Triple S), Rounds 3, Home Range.<br />
03 Road Safety Day, Year 12 students.<br />
04 Thomson/Whelan Basketball Trophy, <strong>Ashburton</strong>orChristchurch<br />
Course Confirmation Evening,6:00-8:00pm, Hotel <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
05 Supernet Netball Competition –<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong>College AvCashmereHigh School, Christchurch<br />
Girls’1st XI Hockey vChristchurch Girls’High School Red,<br />
Christchurch<br />
Term Dates<strong>2020</strong> –Terms Two, Threeand startofTerm Four<br />
Term Three Monday 20 <strong>July</strong> -Friday25September<br />
Term Four Monday12October -Thursday 05 November (Year 13)<br />
-Tuesday 10 November (Years11and 12)<br />
-Thursday 03 December (Year 10)<br />
-Friday04December(Year 9)<br />
Term Dates2021 –<br />
Term One Year leveldatestba -Friday09April<br />
Term Two Tuesday 27 April - Friday02<strong>July</strong><br />
Term Three Monday 19 <strong>July</strong> -Friday24September<br />
Term Four Monday11October -Friday10December –year levels tbc
14 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>July</strong> <strong>23</strong>, <strong>2020</strong><br />
Big crowd, high prices at dog sale<br />
TONI.WILLIAMS<br /><br />
Valued farm tools of the canine<br />
variety wentunder thehammer<br />
in Mid Canterburylast week and<br />
peoplefrom around the country<br />
came to buy.<br />
The top selling dog, atwoyear<br />
heading bitch named Spring,<br />
fetched $13,200.<br />
She was touted as ahardrunning,<br />
wellmannered<br />
mainstay who workedreally<br />
well under good command.<br />
She also had experience with<br />
sheep and cattle.<br />
Spring was one of 38 dogs up<br />
for saleinthe 64th PGG<br />
Wrightson annual sheep and<br />
cattle dogsale at the Mayfield<br />
A&P Showgrounds.<br />
The dogs, of varying ages and<br />
stages, all got to show their stuff<br />
to potential owners in atwominute<br />
dummy sheep trial.<br />
Among those out to buy were<br />
NorthIsland farm manager<br />
StruanCurrieand Grace Pettit,<br />
of Kumeroa, near Palmerston<br />
North.<br />
The couple had driven down<br />
to Mayfield especially for the<br />
sale following the death of their<br />
mainstay heading dogSparkie.<br />
The sixyearold, who they<br />
had owned since he was two,<br />
had died the week earlier dueto<br />
an injury. He wasone of afew<br />
dogs used on the farm to move<br />
stock around, butmost were<br />
mature in age.<br />
They were looking for one or<br />
twofarm dogs to take home.<br />
The couple are on a700<br />
hectare sheep and beef farm<br />
running 3000 ewes and around<br />
150breeding cows.<br />
One of their buys was Ted, a<br />
fouryearold huntaway,who<br />
took their attention as he wasa<br />
younger version of their beardie<br />
dogGus,aged 11.<br />
Ted was touted as apowerful<br />
huntaway in need of an<br />
experienced stockman owner.<br />
Also on site was North Otago<br />
dogtrainer Stuart Barnes with<br />
his children Eva, 11 and Max, 8,<br />
and the Innesfamily, of Levels<br />
Valley, near Timaru, who had<br />
‘‘come over for alook’’.<br />
The Barnes trio were<br />
checking over dogs of interest<br />
prior to the auction as Stuart<br />
was on the lookout forany deals<br />
to be had buying agood dog.<br />
Mayfield dairy farm manager<br />
Innes brothers Matthew, 8, and Tom, 6, of Levels Valley, get up<br />
close to Rangi, asix month huntaway male.<br />
Mayfield's Andrew McLeod and Warwick Bell, of Methven, enjoy a<br />
day out at the annual sheep and cattle dog sale.<br />
Andrew McLeod wasalso at the<br />
sale. He had10huntaways and<br />
an old heading dogonfarm, but<br />
was on the lookoutfor ayounger<br />
dog.<br />
Mr McLeod, who manages a<br />
1400 dairy cow herd, had<br />
particular interest in three dogs<br />
in the sale, acouple of twoyear<br />
olds and athree year old but<br />
noted there had been alot of<br />
interest in the sale.<br />
‘‘The price mightput me off,’’<br />
he said.<br />
On averagethe dogs soldfor<br />
$4200; while thetop selling dog<br />
went for $13,200,the next top<br />
heading dog went for $9000 and<br />
the top huntaway sold for $8500.<br />
AuctioneerGreg Cook saidit<br />
was aseller’s market with some<br />
‘‘verygoodprices’’ with buyers<br />
from Southland to North Island.<br />
The sale drew abig crowd and<br />
saw arecord number of<br />
registered buyers.<br />
The good dogs werereally<br />
sought after, he said.<br />
Just one young pup was not<br />
sold.<br />
Ted takes the attention of Struan Currie, of Kumeroa.<br />
Fraser McKenzie of Montalto with heading dog Ben.<br />
Tim Turner of Fairlie with huntaway Rose.<br />
We canassistinthe following:<br />
Rotaryboomirrigators serviceand repairs<br />
Dairyshedyardwork –gates, rails etc.<br />
Trailer manufacturing and repairs<br />
Full time workshop attendancefor<br />
emergencyrepairss<br />
Over countersales and courier deliveries<br />
Chains,bearings<br />
PK trailer repairs and maintenance<br />
Wire rope supply and splicing<br />
Alloyand stainless weldingng<br />
Mainline repair<br />
Pivotmechanicalmaintenance,<br />
gear boxesand fencewalkers<br />
General engineering<br />
2284074<br />
2290751<br />
1993653<br />
Phone 308 5903 weekdays l Email:<br />
On call 7days: Doug: 027 282 2245, Matt (Tomo): 021 518 538<br />
Nowat15Malcolm McDowell Drive<br />
Specialist machinery for spuds<br />
LINDA.CLARKE<br /><br />
Takeagoodlookatyour<br />
McDonald’sfries next timeyou<br />
eat them, getting those<br />
potatoes from paddock to plate<br />
is amultimilliondollar<br />
processand Mid Canterbury<br />
people playmajorroles.<br />
Morefarmers in the district<br />
aregrowing potatoes for<br />
processing into chips andfries<br />
andthat means more<br />
specialised machinery is being<br />
imported, assembled and put<br />
to usepreparing the land,<br />
sowing andharvestingthe<br />
potatoes.<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> firm Agserveis<br />
providing further trainingto<br />
stafftospecialise in the<br />
assembly and repair of giant<br />
potato machines imported<br />
from Germany and the USA.<br />
This is anew division to<br />
complement thegrowing<br />
irrigation department.<br />
Agserve ownerDougSmith<br />
trained as an aircraft fitter<br />
machinist andnow usesthose<br />
skills to set up specialised<br />
computerhydraulicsonthe<br />
importedmachines with the<br />
assistance of landpowerNew<br />
Zealand/Australiaand other<br />
localhydraulics companies.<br />
And if they break down in the<br />
field, he and his staff of 12 can<br />
fix the problem so themachine<br />
is notdown for days whilea<br />
spare partisair freighted in.<br />
Doug grew up in afarming<br />
family in Zimbabwesoithelps<br />
Nigel Prattley (left) of Landpower and Doug Smith of Agserve<br />
with adestoner needing assembly.<br />
that he knows what the<br />
machinesmust do.<br />
Destoners filterthe soil and<br />
sift outstones andhardclods<br />
so that the potatoes can grow<br />
without deformities <br />
especially important for the<br />
longRussett Burbecksused in<br />
McDonald’s chips.<br />
Cultivators form the raised<br />
rowsand harvesters dig and<br />
separate the potatoes,using<br />
conveyorbelts operated from<br />
computer systems in the<br />
machine’s cab.<br />
It’s been abit of alearning<br />
curve, says Doug,but an<br />
exciting one. The potato<br />
equipment is imported by<br />
agricultural machinery<br />
specialists Landpower; some<br />
has beendisassembled to fit<br />
into shipping containers so the<br />
Agserve crew putitback<br />
together like amechanoset.<br />
Themachines range in price<br />
from several hundred<br />
thousand dollarsto$1million.<br />
Theharvesters begin working<br />
in January, for earlycrops,<br />
with the main potatoharvest<br />
beginninginMarch.<br />
Inthe past 10 years,<br />
technology has taken the<br />
harvestjob from alabourintensiveprocess<br />
to one where<br />
machinesdiggingsix rows at a<br />
time can runfrom 4am until<br />
midnightwithout stopping.<br />
‘‘The electronics and<br />
hydraulics areamazing,’’ Doug<br />
said. ‘‘Somehave twoorthree<br />
computerworkingdifferent<br />
functions. Drivers don’t just<br />
drive,they have to knowabout<br />
computers as well as diagnose<br />
if anything goes wrong.’’<br />
Asuper harvester called<br />
Spudnik working on aMid<br />
Canterbury farm was able to<br />
harvest1000 tonnes of<br />
potatoes aday.The potatoes<br />
are sent to McCainsorTalley’s<br />
forprocessing; McCains<br />
supplies McDonald’s.<br />
Landpower’s Nigel Prattley<br />
saidhis company valued the<br />
expertise at Agserve.<br />
He said the relationship<br />
worked well because Agserve<br />
hadengineering expertise to<br />
set up and repair the imported<br />
machines, meaning less<br />
downtime for farmers and<br />
others in the potato processing<br />
chain.<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>July</strong> <strong>23</strong>, <strong>2020</strong><br />
Plough<br />
winners<br />
15<br />
Malcolm Taylor,ofPutaruru,<br />
has beencrowned reversible<br />
ploughingchampion after<br />
winningthe New Zealand<br />
PloughingChampionships in<br />
Kirwee atthe weekend.<br />
Taylor wonthe title<br />
comfortablywith 407.5 points <br />
10.5 points over champion<br />
stalwartand current New<br />
Zealand championBob<br />
Mehrtens,ofTimaru, in second<br />
place.<br />
Thirdplace went to Ashley<br />
Seatonwith 387.5 points.<br />
The championship event was<br />
due to be heldinTakapau<br />
during April but was cancelled<br />
due Covid19 and eventually<br />
rescheduled.<br />
Itran at Kirwee on <strong>July</strong> 17<br />
and 18, kicking off in damp<br />
conditions.<br />
As winner of thereversible<br />
plough Taylorwillnow<br />
represent NewZealand at the<br />
WorldPloughing Competition<br />
in Ireland next year.<br />
He will attendwith Silver<br />
PloughConventional winner<br />
Ian Woolley, of Marlborough.<br />
In the other championship<br />
eventsOxford couple John and<br />
Sharon Chynoweth won the<br />
horse ploughingchampionship<br />
and MidCanterbury’s John<br />
Boothand Jim Earlplaced<br />
second.<br />
Otagoploughman Murray<br />
Grainger won the vintage<br />
ploughing championshipover<br />
Mid Canterbury’s Colin Boon,<br />
whoplaced second.<br />
Is your farm consented?<br />
It’s timetocheck if youneed aland use consent.<br />
Rulesinsomeparts of Canterbury have changed, and evenifyou didn’t<br />
need consent to farm in the past,you mayneed it now.<br />
If your farming operation requires aconsent,then you’ll need to act soon.<br />
Visit the Environment Canterbury Farmers’Hub to find the rules<br />
for your zone and how to apply for alanduse consent to farm.<br />
NEWS<br />
16 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>July</strong> <strong>23</strong>, <strong>2020</strong><br />
Stores welcome mats to beat CBD dirt<br />
Mats to take care of muddyfeet have been<br />
delivered to some<strong>Ashburton</strong> businesses<br />
whose shopfronts border work zones in<br />
the CBD.<br />
Business owners andretailers have<br />
beenputting up with unavoidabledirt that<br />
is resultingfrom atwoyear<br />
transformation of thecentral business<br />
area. The whole area will become amore<br />
pedestrianfriendly environment with<br />
oneway streets and angle parking.<br />
Contractors TruLine Civil aredoing the<br />
work for the <strong>Ashburton</strong>District Council<br />
and trying hard not to disruptbusinesses<br />
and their customers. But it is abalancing<br />
act involving street closures, water<br />
shutdowns, night work andlots of digging.<br />
Project manager Conor Redmond<br />
delivered the first mats to businesses this<br />
week andsaid he hoped it would cut down<br />
the dirt being trekkedintostores.<br />
The heavy duty mats will be picked up<br />
and replaced weekly by CrestaClean;Tru<br />
LineCivil is picking up thetab for<br />
cleaning.<br />
Mr Redmond said contractors werealso<br />
laying temporary asphalt on some<br />
footpaths to reducedustand dirt.<br />
HarcourtsonTancred Street was the<br />
firsttoreceive amat andstaff were<br />
pleased.Beautificationontheir street<br />
should be finished midDecember.<br />
Anew rain garden will be attheir front<br />
door. It will take road runoff and water<br />
fromthe kerb and filter it beforereleasing<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
<strong>July</strong> 9, 10, 13 &14<br />
August13, 14,17&18<br />
Saturday1st August<br />
First race 11.48am<br />
Free bookand entry<br />
Feature thoroughbredmeeting<br />
for the better horses<br />
Thenormal is unchanged,great racing<br />
and facilities,fine food and hospitality.<br />
Fields available on<br /> from Wednesdaypm<br />
Rob Glenie of CrestaClean (left) and CBD project manager Conor Redmond delivered<br />
mats this week to Harcourts staff Natalie Harris (right) and Hannah Lloyd.<br />
it into council’s wastewater system. At<br />
footpath level, it will look like araised<br />
planter withseating.<br />
Harcourts owner Tammy McDougall<br />
said the new mat would be ahelp and it<br />
was good to see the contractorsthinking<br />
outsidethe squaretomake life easierfor<br />
business owners. ‘‘We know it is shortterm<br />
pain for longterm gain.’’<br />
2293373<br />
Next weektheMoore Street/Cass Street<br />
intersection will be closed to through<br />
traffic for periods on Wednesday,<br />
Thursdayand Friday as contractors lay a<br />
newconcrete stormwater pipe up Moore<br />
Streettowards East Street.<br />
CrestaCleanregional managerRob<br />
Glenie said sixmats were delivered this<br />
week as atrial.<br />
Wellbeing focus for new<br />
foothills community group<br />
Residents along the MidCanterbury<br />
foothillshave achance to voice issues<br />
affecting their communities at the first<br />
Wellbeing Opuke community<br />
workshop,Whakapakari Opuke<br />
(Strengthen Opuke).<br />
Thefree interactive workshop,<br />
limited to 70<br />
people, is on<br />
Monday night(<strong>July</strong><br />
27) in the Mt Hutt<br />
Memorial Hall,<br />
Methven from<br />
7pm.<br />
Wellbeing<br />
Opuke community<br />
connectorJess<br />
Wilson saiditwas important peoplein<br />
the Opuke area (from MountSomers to<br />
MayfieldStaveley,Methven,Lauriston<br />
and Rakaia)voiced wellbeingissues<br />
which mattered most in their<br />
communities so strategies could be<br />
found.<br />
Shesaid theworkshopplanned on<br />
the nightwas abit different and would<br />
involve people engaging and sharing<br />
stories. But it would be fun,she said,<br />
and agreat wayfor people tomeet<br />
others.<br />
The workshopwas alsoaway to<br />
show others what Wellbeing Opuke<br />
was trying to do. Theinformation<br />
would help Wellbeing Opuke<br />
prioritise community concerns for<br />
action, plan for future workshops and<br />
find strengths within thecommunity to<br />
help with the issues.<br />
“It’s not justaquick fix, it’s putting<br />
thoughts into strategy.”<br />
Anditwas achancetoget “good<br />
things happening in the community<br />
with afocus on wellbeing,” she said.<br />
“We’re going to be doing things, to<br />
makechangesand have an impact.”<br />
Mrs Wilson,alife coach andformer<br />
Head of Science<br />
at <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
College, said the<br />
Wellbeing<br />
Opuke project<br />
had been<br />
developed over<br />
the past year by<br />
around 10<br />
people from a<br />
range of organisations, agencies and<br />
groups along the foothillsafter it was<br />
recognised people in those<br />
communities were facing challenges.<br />
Thesteeringgroup wantedtohelp<br />
in apreventive way; to keep people<br />
safe rather than be the ambulance at<br />
the bottom of thehill.<br />
Mrs Wilson said peoplefrom within<br />
the community had offeredtohelp the<br />
workshop runsmoothly, and more<br />
were sought for futuremeetings.<br />
Theorganisation is seeking<br />
Charitable Trust statusaspart of its<br />
long termcommitment and aimsto<br />
empower peopletohelp themselves.<br />
It uses the five waystowellbeing<br />
actions; the first being to connect with<br />
other people.<br />
People can register for freetickets<br />
from Eventbrite, via theWellbeing<br />
Opuke Facebookpage.<br />
❛We’re going to be doing<br />
things, to makechanges<br />
and have animpact.❜<br />
—Community connectorJess Wilson<br />
• Domestic electrical services<br />
• New house wiring<br />
• House rewiring &maintenance<br /><br />
Funding<br />
boost<br />
for locals<br />
Some $118,937has been<br />
distributedtolocal groups by<br />
the <strong>Ashburton</strong> Trustand Lion<br />
Foundation regional grants<br />
committee.<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> Performing Arts<br />
Theatre Trust receives $27,500<br />
towardsupgradeofnetworking<br />
and technical infrastructure<br />
acrossall areasofthe<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong>Trust Event Centre.<br />
HampsteadSchool gets<br />
$38,000towardsthe purchase of<br />
Osmo classroomkits, whichwill<br />
enhance the teaching and<br />
learning around digital<br />
technology.<br />
Lagmhor Community Society<br />
receives$28,000 towards<br />
building aplayground, while<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> Mackenzie<br />
Community Group gets $15,000<br />
to help with annual rent and<br />
supervisor salaries.<br />
Otherfunding has gone to<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> YouthHealth<br />
Trust($7,500 for rent), Rakaia<br />
Rugby Club($1576 fornew<br />
playing jerseys) andAge<br />
Concern <strong>Ashburton</strong> ($1361 for<br />
hall hire, instructorsfees for<br />
older persons'exercise<br />
classes).<br />
Mills new<br />
chairman<br />
of trust<br />
Nathan Mills has been<br />
confirmedastheboard<br />
chairman of the Community<br />
Trust of Mid &South<br />
Canterbury.<br />
He replaces David Forman in<br />
the role.<br />
Mr Millscofounded<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong>based Genesis<br />
Private Equity Ltd in 2015 and<br />
beforethat was asenior<br />
commercial bankerbased in<br />
Timaru.Waimateborn, he was<br />
previously ajournalistwith<br />
RadioNew Zealand National.<br />
He is currentlychairman of<br />
the YMCA’sButler StreetTrust.<br />
Nathan Mills<br />
• TV &Datawiring<br />
• Solar installation<br />
• HeatPumps<br />
2298138<br /><br />
Call todayfor an obligation free quote<br />
0800287 4<strong>23</strong><br />
2291188<br />
NEWS<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>July</strong> <strong>23</strong>, <strong>2020</strong><br />
25<br />
Busy school holidays on Mt Hutt<br />
Numbers have beenvery good<br />
on Mt Hutt over the school<br />
holidays.<br />
Mt Hutt skifield manager<br />
James McKenzie said<br />
attendance was up 30 per cent<br />
compared with the same<br />
periodin2019.<br />
He said there was just one<br />
closure day overthe holidays<br />
and an impressive 3500 skiers<br />
and snowboarders had enjoyed<br />
the slopes on <strong>July</strong> 10.<br />
It followed on fromsome<br />
good numbersachievedin<br />
June.<br />
Regional school bookings<br />
over the coming weekswere on<br />
par with last year and there<br />
was currently agood snow base<br />
of between 55cmand 120cm on<br />
the mountain.<br />
Mr McKenzie said the<br />
skifield had scrambled to fill<br />
jobs postlockdown and had<br />
managed to do so, although it<br />
was down afew instructors.<br />
He said apopular moon ski<br />
event held in <strong>July</strong>would be<br />
repeated with asimilar event<br />
planned on Mt HuttinAugust.<br />
Athird of the ski season had<br />
now gone and he was<br />
optimistic the skifield would<br />
be open until its scheduled<br />
closure in October.<br />
Mt Hutt has takenout the<br />
title of New Zealand’s best ski<br />
resortfor the past five years at<br />
the World Ski Awards.<br />
Comedy gigs selling out, drawing big names<br />
Comedy is goingdownastorm<br />
with Mid Canterbury audiences<br />
andsold out shows here are<br />
beingnoticedbythose in the<br />
industry.<br />
The latestcomediantostep<br />
up on stage will be PaulEgo,<br />
who will top the bill at agig at<br />
Hotel <strong>Ashburton</strong> on August 21.<br />
The Billy TAward winner is a<br />
familiar face on comedy<br />
current affairs panel show 7<br />
Days andisalso the voice of the<br />
stickman in television<br />
advertisements for Pak'nSave.<br />
Paul Ego replacesfellow<br />
comedian Brendhan<br />
Lovegrove, who was originally<br />
settoperformhere on <strong>July</strong> 31.<br />
On the samebillisTinwald<br />
School principal and rising<br />
standupPeter Livingstone.<br />
The gig is organised by<br />
comedianand producer Bec<br />
Sandys,who is theMCfor the<br />
evening.<br />
Ms Sandys said comedy was<br />
going down wellwith local<br />
audiences.<br />
She had organised close to a<br />
dozen shows in recentmonths<br />
and all hadbeensellouts.<br />
The latest had seen Ben<br />
Hurleyperform two showsat<br />
the BluePub in Methventhat<br />
‘‘he had absolutely smashed’’.<br />
Hurley had seenthe<br />
enthusiasm for comedyhere<br />
and had been attracted to come,<br />
she said.<br />
His appearance had notgone<br />
unnoticed by other wellknown<br />
comedians.<br />
‘‘Themore exposure and<br />
supportfor shows, the bigger<br />
the names we can attract,’’said<br />
Ms Sandys.<br />
Ms Sandysisteaming up with<br />
Sara Devcich for TheThrifty<br />
ComedyTour. The tour<br />
includes agig in her home town<br />
of Methven.<br />
Tickets for the Paul Ego show<br />
areavailable from the Hotel<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> reception and<br />
online. Thosewho already have<br />
tickets for Brendhan<br />
Lovegrove, will automatically<br />
have their ticketstransferred<br />
across to the newgig.<br />
Right: Comedy producer and<br />
comedian Bec Sandys.<br />
ü Curriculumspecifically designedfor boys<br />
ü Small classsizes<br />
ü Outstanding record of academic,sporting<br />
andculturalexcellence<br />
ü Multitude of sporting options<br />
ü Dailyroutine that includesclassroom<br />
learning,STEM,music lessons,arts<br />
programme, robotics andpractical<br />
woodwork<br />
ü Modern purpose-built boardingfacility<br />
with afamilyatmosphere<br />
ü Full weekendboardingprogramme<br />
Or contactustobook your ownpersonal tour at atimetosuit<br />
Applicationsare invited from<br />
boys currentlyinYear5and<br />
Year 6tosit theAcademic<br />
Scholarship Examinations<br />
beingheldonMonday<br />
3August<strong>2020</strong> at Waihi<br />
School,611 Temuka-Orari<br />
Highway, Winchester,<br />
SouthCanterbury<br />
More information and<br />
application forms are<br />
available on ourwebsite<br /><br />
or contactDebra on<br />
03 687 8071 or<br />
NEWS<br />
26 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>July</strong> <strong>23</strong>, <strong>2020</strong><br /><br />
Story winners impress judges<br />
Local writing talent has been recognised<br />
throughalongrunning story competition.<br />
The <strong>Ashburton</strong>Writers’ Group has shared its<br />
member’s love of writing through its short story<br />
competition that has been running for 16 years.<br />
The competition aims to inspire and<br />
encourage budding youngwriters to submit<br />
stories, and this year also included an adult<br />
section for the first time.<br />
Winners came together last week to receive<br />
prizes at aspecial afternoon tea held in the<br />
education room at the <strong>Ashburton</strong> Art Gallery<br />
and Heritage Centre.<br />
Netherby School pupil Ruby Bartlett won the<br />
10 years and undersectionwith her story<br />
called Henrick and Walter.<br />
Lucy Cowie from Our Lady of theSnows<br />
School was the winner of the 1113 years<br />
section, Gianna Butler from <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Christian School the1418 years competition<br />
and TeganClark the adultsectionwith her<br />
story TheIdea.<br />
‘‘Judges have been blown away by the<br />
standard of stories thisyear,’’ <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Writers’ Group vicepresident Stacey<br />
Broadbent.<br />
She said there were alot of talented writers<br />
in the districtand choosing the winners had<br />
been difficult.<br />
The inauguraladultssection hadattracted<br />
11 entries.<br />
Speaking at theawards’ ceremony<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> councillor Carolyn Cameron said<br />
words, writing skills andstories were all<br />
importantinsociety.<br />
Writing competition winners (from left) Ruby Bartlett, Tegan Clark, Niamh Hawe, Lynda James, Sylvie France, Freya<br />
Jemmett, <strong>Ashburton</strong> councillor Carolyn Cameron, Lucy Cowie and Gianna Butler.<br />
Air quality much<br />
improved across<br />
Canterbury region<br />
The Canterburyregion is still<br />
tracking wellinterms of<br />
improvedair quality<br />
performance and <strong>Ashburton</strong> is<br />
leadingthe waywith zero high<br />
pollution nights so far this<br />
winter.<br />
Geraldine andWaimate also<br />
havenohigh pollution nights,<br />
while Timaru has recorded<br />
four, Washdyke 12 and<br />
Christchurch seven.<br />
Themaximumhigh pollution<br />
nights allowedin<strong>2020</strong>isthree<br />
for <strong>Ashburton</strong>, Christchurch,<br />
Timaru andWaimate, and just<br />
one for Geraldine, Rangiora<br />
and Washdyke.<br />
From2021the targetfor each<br />
airshed willbecome one or<br />
fewer high pollution events per<br />
calendaryear.<br />
Dirty nights in all areasof<br />
Canterburyhavedeclined<br />
markedly over the last 15 years<br />
because of the introduction of<br />
low emitting log burners, an<br />
increase in the use of heat<br />
pumps andalso on education<br />
andenforcementcentredon<br />
cleaning the air.<br />
In 2006there were28high<br />
pollution nights in <strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />
Ahigh pollution dayiswhen<br />
the averagelevel of PM10 over<br />
24 hours exceeds 50 g/m3. The<br />
highestconcentrationsusually<br />
occur on cold, still evenings<br />
duringwinter and the main<br />
sourceofemissionsisfromthe<br />
burning of wood or coalfor<br />
home heating.<br />
2297269<br />
Radiator Repairs<br />
We areexpertatrepairing all types of<br />
automotiveradiators – FAST<br />
ARTHUR<br />
CATES<br />
TEL 308 5397<br /><br />
2282228<br />
NEWS<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>July</strong> <strong>23</strong>, <strong>2020</strong><br />
27<br />
Students learn skills on<br />
leadership programme<br />
The soontoberestored and expanded Methodist church on<br />
Baring Square East.<br />
Methodistchurch<br />
work starts soon<br />
Work that will breathe new life<br />
into BaringSquare’sMethodist<br />
church will begin at the end of<br />
August.<br />
There have been no services<br />
in the near 100yearold church<br />
for almost 10 years andsince<br />
the 2010 Canterbury quake<br />
damaged it.<br />
The upcoming 12month<br />
build project will see the<br />
church strengthened, repairs<br />
carried outondamaged areas<br />
andthe addition of anew<br />
extension on the south side.<br />
The projectwill cost<br />
$3millionand will be funded<br />
from earthquake insurance<br />
money, thesale of churchland,<br />
saleofotherbuildings andfrom<br />
grants.<br />
Churchleader Rev Heather<br />
Kennedy said plans had been<br />
adapted to suit atrimmed<br />
budget.<br />
The original churchfeatures<br />
Spend a couple of hours<br />
every Thursday delivering the<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong> and Realty in<br />
the <strong>Ashburton</strong> urban area.<br />
Enjoy the fresh air, stay fit and<br />
reap the health benefits!<br />
would be retained, but the<br />
extension would be modern<br />
and would feature alot of glass.<br />
Shesaid members of the<br />
Methodistcongregation had<br />
used the church hall after the<br />
earthquake damage, but when<br />
theground on which thehall sat<br />
was bought by thecouncil,<br />
members moved services to<br />
Paterson’s funeral chapel in<br />
March 2019.<br />
RevKennedysaidshe and<br />
parishioners were excitedthat<br />
theproject wasnow moving<br />
forward.<br />
Pews had already been<br />
removedfrom the churchand<br />
everything else would be<br />
removedbythe end of the<br />
month.<br />
Asite dedication servicewill<br />
be held at theBaring Square<br />
East church at 11.30am on<br />
August16and everyoneis<br />
welcome.<br />
Stay fit &earn $$$<br />
at the same time<br />
Phone Mary todayon308 7664<br />
to get startedoremail<br /><br />
Forty five Year 8students from<br />
10 schools have been learning<br />
more about leadership at the<br />
intensive Kick Start<br />
programme.<br />
Nowinits 21st year,the<br />
Youth Institute programme is<br />
run at the <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Racecourse by retiredteacher<br />
Ray King, whohas been<br />
involved since its inception.<br />
Students learnand practise a<br />
range of skills associated with<br />
effective leadership, including<br />
team building, public speaking,<br />
communication, organisational<br />
and financial.<br />
Mr King said students were<br />
nominated by schoolsbecause<br />
of the attributes they had<br />
alreadyshown in theschool<br />
environment.<br />
‘‘KickStartshould have been<br />
held in March andnearer the<br />
startofthe school year, but the<br />
covid situation put pay to that.’’<br />
Theweek longprogramme<br />
started withanintroduction on<br />
leadership, with students<br />
hearing from <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Collegeheadboy Henry<br />
Chapman and head girl Poppy<br />
Kilworth on their roles.<br />
Goal setting and whatit<br />
means to be entrepreneurial<br />
was the focus on day two.<br />
Yesterday JanCochrane from<br />
Sport Mid Canterburyspoke<br />
about team building and Matt<br />
Marshall on publicspeaking.<br />
Today interview and<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> College head girl Poppy Kilworth (in school uniform)<br />
takes these students through atask that tests their<br />
communication skills.<br />
presentation skills will be<br />
practised in the morning,<br />
followed by real lifeinterviews<br />
with local professionals and<br />
business owners.<br />
Tomorrow studentswill use<br />
the skills learnt from the<br />
programme for apresentation<br />
HOME<br />
Horncastle Arena,<br />
21-<strong>23</strong> August <strong>2020</strong><br />
Exhibitors<br />
Book now<br />
Don’t miss your opportunity to showcase your<br />
business infront of 10,000+ qualified attendees<br />
New exhibitor packages available<br />
Contact Lisa now<br /> • Ph: 021 800 809<br />
to parents, who areinvited<br />
in formorningtea.<br />
Mr King said it was<br />
significantthatover the<br />
years many of thehead boys<br />
and girls addressingthe<br />
school leaders had also been<br />
through the programme.<br />
2292702<br />
NEWS<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>July</strong> <strong>23</strong>, <strong>2020</strong><br />
29<br />
9-hole golfers<br />
brave the cold<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong>GolfClub 9holers<br />
Last weeksaw 13 teams of<br />
players braving the frostto<br />
play ahidden holes stableford<br />
with atwist organised by Dick<br />
Hansen.<br />
After we finished and the<br />
scores wereentered into the<br />
computer, Dicksat downand<br />
usedacomplexmathematical<br />
formula on the scores for the<br />
hidden holesto comeupwith<br />
the winningteam.<br />
Congratulationstothe lucky<br />
winners,AnneFleming and<br />
DickHansen whowon a<br />
Netherby Pharmacy voucher.<br />
Clubvouchers to the Team<br />
thatPlayed the Most Golf <br />
Tonee Hurley and Peter<br />
Greening. The club voucher<br />
luckydrawwas won by<br />
Michael Smith and Lorraine<br />
Hansen. Smith and Church<br />
golf balls go to Janice Dunlop<br />
and Colin Fleming for scoring<br />
gobblers.<br />
<strong>July</strong><strong>23</strong>: Match play.The<br />
weekafter, <strong>July</strong> 30: Round5<br />
HeatherSmithTrophy,<br />
stableford.<br />
Altrusa International of<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
TheAltrusayearhas<br />
officially started at last. At our<br />
recent, belated Changeover<br />
Dinnerthe themeofaPalette<br />
of Coloursintroduced ournew<br />
presidentKay Begg,nine<br />
board members and officers<br />
forthe comingAltrusan year.<br />
We continuewith agreatly<br />
increasedresponse for our<br />
Books OnWheelsproject in<br />
conjunction withthe<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> Library. The<br />
annual Fabric Bazaarhas<br />
beenpostponed until April<br />
nextyear. The sixweekly foot<br />
clinic hasresumed, as has the<br />
projectDaysfor Girls<br />
providing sewn feminine<br />
supplies for girls overseas.<br />
Drivingfor DayCarehas<br />
also recommenced. The Magic<br />
Mumsproject has beenmoved<br />
to September.<br />
Several of our members<br />
havealso been busyknitting<br />
hats for newborns:<br />
approximately 6000babies<br />
are bornatChristchurch<br />
Women’s Hospital eachyear<br />
(about16babiesevery 24<br />
hours),and alittlewoollen hat<br />
is placed on its head<br />
immediately after birth.<br />
These hats are much<br />
appreciatedbyhospital staff<br />
andnew mums.<br />
Our membershave all<br />
relished the chancesto<br />
reconnect after theearlier<br />
lockdown.<br />
RUGBY<br />
The draw for Saturday:<br />
Seniors – Luisetti Seeds Watters Cup<br />
semi finals: Methven PWL v Hampstead,<br />
Methven1, 2:30pm H Grant, C Kelland, M<br />
Southby. Southern Stu Tarbotton v Rakaia,<br />
Hinds1, 2:30pm K Faalogo, A McGirr, J<br />
Robinson.<br />
Senior B–Michael Duff Memorial Trophy:<br />
Celtic Kelly’s Café &Bar vCollegiate, Celtic1,<br />
2:30pm Bruce Beckley Cup S Bennett. Mt<br />
Somers v Methven, MtSomers1, 2:30pm N<br />
Forbes. Rakaia vAllenton, Rakaia1, Venue<br />
and Time tbc JO’Connor. Southern Wholesale<br />
Seeds bye.<br />
Senior Women: Lincoln University vCeltic<br />
B’s Barber, Lincoln Field2, 1:00pm.<br />
Combined Colts: Lincoln v Methven/<br />
Rakaia, Lincoln1,1:00pm Marie Prebbleton v<br />
Celtic/Southern, Prebbleton Oval, 1:00pm.<br />
1st XV UC Championship: Roncalli vMC<br />
Combined, 12:00pm Roncalli1.<br />
Under 18 Combined: MCRU Alps v<br />
Waihora, Celtic2, 1:30pm PEverest.<br />
Under 16 Combined: Saracens vMCRU<br />
Plains, 1:00pm, Sbk2. Prebbleton v MCRU<br />
Alps, Prebleton2, 1:00pm<br />
Under 14.5 Combined: Prebbleton v<br />
MCRU Alps, Prebbl2, 11:30am. MCRU Plains<br />
vLeeston, Celtic3, 1:30pm GJopson.<br />
Under 13, Grade Day at Celtic: Celtic v<br />
Allenton, Celtic1, 12:30pm Club Referee.<br />
Celtic/Rakaia v Southern/Tinwald, Celtic3,<br />
12:00pm JRobinson. Collegiate vMethven,<br />
Celtic2, 12:15pm Club Referee.<br />
Under 11.5: Celtic White v Collegiate<br />
Cates Grain &Seed, Celtic4, 1:15pm. Methven<br />
Black v Methven White, Methven1A,<br />
1:15pm L Bell. Rakaia v Hampstead,<br />
Rakaia2A, 12:15pm. Southern vCeltic Green,<br />
Hinds1A, 1:00pm.<br />
Under 10: Allenton Trembath Construction<br />
v Tinwald Ace Automotive, Allenton2a,<br />
1:00pm. Methven Black v Methven White,<br />
Methven4, 1:00pm. Methven Red v Hampstead,<br />
Methven1B, 1:15pm. Rakaia vCeltic<br />
White, Rakaia2B, 12:15pm. Southern vCeltic<br />
Green, Hinds1B, 1:15pm.<br />
Under 9: Allenton Engineering Solutions v<br />
Celtic, Allenton3, 1:00pm. Rakaia vCollegiate/<br />
Hampstead, Rakaia3A, 12:00pm. Southern v<br />
Tinwald Moore Mechanical, Hinds3, 1:00pm.<br />
Bye Methven<br />
Under 8: Allenton Alpine View v Celtic<br />
White, Allenton2b, 12:00pm. Methven/Mt<br />
Somers vTinwald NZ Farmers Livestock, Mt<br />
Somers2,1:30pm. Rakaia vCollegiate/Hampstead,<br />
Rakaia3B, 12:00pm. Southern vCeltic<br />
Green, Hinds4, 1:00pm. BYE Methven.<br />
Under 7: Allenton Gold Young Electrical v<br />
Methven, Allenton2a, 12:00pm. Allenton Auto<br />
Maroon vCeltic, Allenton2b, 1:00pm. Methven/Mt<br />
Somers vTinwald Skip 2itFlooring<br />
Xtra O, Mt Somers2, 12:45pm. Rakaia v<br />
Collegiate <strong>Ashburton</strong> Crane Hire, Rakaia4,<br />
12:45pm. Southern Blue v Southern White,<br />
Hinds2A 1:15pm. BYE Tinwald NZ Livestock<br />
Black.<br />
Under 6: Allenton Gold Plumbing Services<br />
v Hampstead, Allenton1a, 1:00pm. Allenton<br />
Maroon Sparrow Family v Celtic Green,<br />
Allenton 1a, 12:15pm. Methven Black v<br />
Methven White, Methven5, 1:15pm. Mt<br />
Somers v Tinwald Canvas Orange, Mt<br />
Somers2, 12:00pm. Rakaia vCollegiate Cranfield<br />
Glass, Rakaia4, 12:00pm. Southern Blue<br />
v Tinwald Alluvial Black, Hinds2B,1:15pm.<br />
Southern Red v Celtic White, Hinds2A,<br />
12:30pm. Southern White vTinwald Cranfield<br />
Glass Blue, Hinds2B, 12:30pm.<br />
HOCKEY<br />
Small Sticks duty club: Tinwald<br />
Friday 24 <strong>July</strong> Kiwi Sticks (Yr 5) 3.45 pm<br />
Rakaia v Tinwald (Turf a) G Muir, J Muir<br />
Allenton vWakanui Blue (Turf b) RKidd, R<br />
Kidd 4.30 pm Methven vWakanui Black (Turf<br />
a) RKidd, RKidd Tinwald Foothills (BYE) Kiwi<br />
Sticks (Yr 6) Rakaia vMethven Black (Turf b)<br />
GMuir, JMuir 5.15 pm Collegians D&Ev<br />
Methven White (Turf a) DLaw, LEllis Tinwald<br />
vWakanui (Turf b) JMuir, LCameron6.00 pm<br />
Allenton vTinwald Foothills (Turf a) DLaw, L<br />
Cameron<br />
1st Grade Women 6.50 pm Hampstead<br />
Blue vMethven (Hampstead, Wakanui) 8.00<br />
pm Hampstead vWakanui (Hampstead Blue,<br />
Methven)<br />
Just Hockey SSL Div 1Boys Marist Park<br />
@StBedes 5.50 pm Cashmere High School<br />
1st XI v<strong>Ashburton</strong> College 1st XI (Umpires<br />
supplied]<br />
Small Sticks duty club: Tinwald<br />
Saturday 25 <strong>July</strong> Mini Sticks 10.15 am<br />
Methven Yr 3 v Wakanui Black (Turf a)<br />
Coaches Hampstead v Tinwald (Turf b)<br />
Coaches Wakanui Blue vMethven Yr 4(Turf<br />
c) Coaches Tinwald Foothills vAllenton (Turf<br />
d) Coaches<br />
Fun Sticks 11.00 am Draws made on the<br />
day (Coaches)<br />
Senior Women Ash NBS 1.00 pm<br />
Wakanui vGeraldine (C Hastie, BGray)<br />
Senior Men Ash NBS 2.40 pm Tainui v<br />
Wakanui (C Watson, RTurnbull)<br />
Sunday 26 <strong>July</strong><br />
2nd Grade Girls Ash NBS 1.40 pm<br />
Wakanui vTemuka (Wakanui Snr Women x2)<br />
Tim TA 2.05 pm Cambridge v Tinwald<br />
(Umpires supplied)<br />
1st Grade Men 4.00 pm Wakanui v<br />
Allenton (Tinwald Black, Hampstead/<br />
Wakanui) 5.25 pm Hampstead Lowcliffe v<br />
Tinwald Orange (Wakanui, Allenton) 6.50 pm<br />
Tinwald Black vHampstead/Wakanui (Hampstead<br />
Lowcliffe, Tinwald Orange)<br />
Monday 27 <strong>July</strong>: 2nd Grade Boys TIM TA<br />
5.40 pm Geraldine v Allenton (Umpires<br />
supplied) Ash NBS 6.15 pm Wakanui v<br />
Mackenzie (SMoore, JGray)<br />
Tuesday 28 <strong>July</strong>: Kwik Sticks (Yrs 7&8)<br />
4.00 pm Allenton vTinwald Orange (M Wilson,<br />
BGreer) 5.15 pm Wakanui Blue/Collegians v<br />
Tinwald Foothills (L Ellis, GOates) 6.30 pm<br />
Methven vWakanui Black (A Mitchell, Harry)<br />
Wednesday 29 <strong>July</strong>: Just Hockey SSL Div<br />
2Girls Nunweek Park 26.10 pm St Andrew's<br />
College 2nd XI v<strong>Ashburton</strong> College 1st XI<br />
(Umpires supplied)<br />
THE <strong>2020</strong> GENERALELECTION<br />
This year youcan vote<br />
in tworeferendums.<br />
Enrol.Vote. Be heard.<br /><br /><br />
SPORT<br />
30 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>July</strong> <strong>23</strong>, <strong>2020</strong><br /><br />
Special round marks 125 years<br />
If thewallsofthe <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Golf Club could talk,there’d be<br />
plenty of storiesand laughter<br />
about friendship and<br />
competition.<br />
Some of those storieswere<br />
retold on Sundaywhenthe club<br />
celebrated125 years.<br />
Thecelebrations were lowkey<br />
andincludedthe unveiling<br />
of aspecial commemorative<br />
plaque, around of golf<br />
involving 60 players and time<br />
for yarningafterwards.<br />
Organiser Neil Macdonald<br />
said about85peoplewerein<br />
the clubrooms for speechesto<br />
mark the day’s play and125th<br />
birthday, including life<br />
members Jeanette Lovett and<br />
Marion Marshall.<br />
Jeff Williamson touched on<br />
the club highlightsofthe past<br />
25 years and board chair Chris<br />
Robertson talked aboutalong<br />
future.<br />
Mr Robertsonsaid 125years<br />
was amassive achievement,<br />
built on the work ofsuccessive<br />
generations who had the<br />
wellbeing of the club in their<br />
hearts.<br />
He said the club had never<br />
lost sight of goodoldfashioned<br />
values likefriendship,<br />
kindness, competition,respect<br />
and laughter.<br />
Acrowd of around 60 golfers played on Sunday to mark the club’s 125th year. Photo supplied<br />
The currentboard aimed to<br />
build on theworkofprevious<br />
administrations. ‘‘In another<br />
125 years, our club will still be<br />
here andwewill have done our<br />
part along the way.’’<br />
The club’s 100year history is<br />
in acentennial bookand its<br />
currentBrandon course is its<br />
Multisporters save day<br />
for annual Salmon Run<br />
Entries are nowopenfor Rakaia<br />
multisport event theJackson Holmes<br />
Salmon Run.<br />
The sixth annual event will be held<br />
on October 17 at the Rakaia Domain.<br />
The event run by the Rakaia Lions<br />
has something for everyone whether<br />
they are competitive, noncompetitive,<br />
competing as<br />
individualsorinateam.<br />
All seven events start andfinishin<br />
the domain. Theevents are atesting<br />
multisport course(36km cycle, 14km<br />
kayak,11.5km run), intermediate<br />
grade mountain bike course (25km),<br />
half marathon,long duathlon (35km<br />
cycle and 14.6kmrun),shortduathlon<br />
(25km cycle and 6km run), longrun/<br />
walk (14.2km) and short run/walk<br />
(6km).<br />
Individual categories are<br />
classified as junior (1418), open<br />
(1945)and masters (46 plus).<br />
All eventsstart and finishatthe<br />
Rakaia Domain and most will take in<br />
sections of the impressiveRakaia<br />
riverbed.<br />
Race maps will be confirmed after<br />
winter,when river trackshavebeen<br />
checked. Updated details regarding<br />
health and safety and Covid19<br />
requirementswillalso be published<br />
nearer raceday.<br />
Registration andmore information<br />
can be found on the website<br /><br />
fifth home. Thefirst golf course<br />
was at the poundnear South<br />
Street, then theshowgrounds,<br />
followed by theracecourse and<br />
then on the Tinwaldside of the<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> River.<br />
Theclub moved to Brandon<br />
in 1953and has hosted many<br />
major tournaments alongside<br />
Action from the 2019 event.<br />
weekly competitionsfor club<br />
members.<br />
The club is working<br />
towards hosting the2021<br />
interprovincial men’s team<br />
tournament in December<br />
when the country’s best<br />
amateur golfers willcometo<br />
town.<br />
Netball<br />
leaders<br />
to clash<br />
Withjust two games left in<br />
roundoneofMid Canterbury<br />
Netball’s ACLpremier<br />
competition, Hampstead Aand<br />
CelticAareshaping up to be<br />
the teams to beat.<br />
Tonight,one of those teams<br />
willbecome the clear<br />
frontrunner,with the Cindy<br />
Meadows coached Hampstead<br />
Aand theAngela Leadley<br />
coachedCeltic Aset to face off.<br />
HampsteadA’s talltimber at<br />
bothends of the court, in the<br />
form of shooter Alice<br />
Eddington and defender<br />
HannahSpence,alongwith the<br />
speed of Kelsey Bewleyin the<br />
midcourt hasmade them a<br />
force to be reckonedwith so far<br />
in <strong>2020</strong>.<br />
But Celtic Aisone of the most<br />
consistent teams inrecent<br />
seasons, also three from three<br />
and heading intotonight’s clash<br />
off the back of astrong winover<br />
MethvenAlast Thursdaynight.<br />
United Asits in third,just<br />
ahead of MethvenA–their<br />
opposition intonight’s middle<br />
game.<br />
The teams currently in the<br />
dangerzone, with two games<br />
left before promotion/<br />
relegation, are Mt Somers and<br />
last year’s premier 1winners<br />
CollegeA.Neither have awin to<br />
their names yet,but again that<br />
willchange tonight, with the<br />
two sides set to play in the<br />
8.15pm round.<br />
Promotion/relegation games<br />
awaitthe bottomteams in<br />
premier 1and premier 2after<br />
the last games of round oneon<br />
<strong>July</strong>30.<br />
At the moment, Southern A<br />
and CelticBare shaping upas<br />
the teams to beat in premier 2,<br />
and areset to play each other<br />
tonight,while CelticCand<br />
College Batatthe lower end of<br />
the table.<br />
In the new premier 3grade,<br />
United Band Hampstead U18A<br />
are jointatthetop, andplay<br />
eachother tonight, while in the<br />
other game<strong>Ashburton</strong> College<br />
Year10A will take on Southern<br />
B, with Methven Shearmac<br />
having the bye tonight.<br />
THE WHEEL?<br />
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I’m lovingmyjob and<br />
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Offers Over $290 ,000<br />
Open Sat25<strong>July</strong><br />
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68 Cambridge St (T307)<br />
• This permanent<br />
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$PBN BIR<br />
$365,000 -$385,000<br />
Open Sat 25 <strong>July</strong><br />
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First Home Buyers From 10% Deposit $251pw (Conditions apply)<br />
3 1 1<br />
First Home Buyers From 10% Deposit $302pw (Conditions apply)<br />
3 1 2<br />
11 TrentPl (LH070)<br />
• Substantial,quality<br />
home with stunning<br />
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•Well designed interior<br />
with walk in pantry<br />
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$PBN BIR<br />
$719,000 -$739,000<br />
Open Sat25<strong>July</strong><br />
12.00 -12.30pm<br />
98 George St (T302)<br />
•Great property fora<br />
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Open Sat25<strong>July</strong><br />
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10 Argyle Pl (W698)<br />
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Trevor Hurley<br />
0275 435 799<br />
Sales Consultant<br />
Manu Otene<br />
022 308 6885<br />
Sales Consultant<br />
Linda Cuthbertson<br />
0274087965<br />
Sales Consultant<br />
Coming Soon!<br />
Sales Consultant<br />
Stephen Watson<br />
027 433 9695<br />
Sales Consultant<br />
Julie Srhoy<br />
021 354 885<br />
Sales Consultant<br />
Deborah Roberts<br />
147 McMurdo Street, Tinwald 10:00-10:30am 4 1 2 AHB22766<br />
366A Burnett Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 10:00-10:30am 3 2 2 AHB22818<br />
15 Millichamp Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 10:30-11:00am 2 1 2 AHB22767<br />
75 Bridge Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 10:45-11:15am 2 1 2 AHB22813<br />
100 Princes Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong> 11:00-11:30am 4 1 3 AHB22836<br />
15 Cameron Street, Methven 11:00-11:30am 3 1 1 AHB22485<br />
98 Pages Road, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 11:15-11:45am 4 2 2 AHB22698<br />
119a Racecourse Road, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 11:30-12:00pm 4 2 2 AHB22588<br />
86a Grey Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong> 12:00-12:30pm 3 1 1 AHB22839<br />
11 Charlesworth Drive, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 12:00-12:30pm 3 2 2 AHB22839<br />
8Ascot Place, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 12:00-12:30pm 3 1 1 AHB22712<br />
59 Middle Road, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 12:45-1:15pm 2 1 2 AHB22842<br />
17 GrayStreet, Hinds 1:00-1:30pm 2 1 2 AHB22728<br />
157 Wilkins Road, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 1:30-2:00pm 4 2 6 AHB22748<br />
7McElrea Place, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 3:00-3:30pm 3 1 1 AHB22732<br />
Open Home<br />
15 Millichamp Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
2 1 2<br />
If you’re afirst home buyer or investor looking forthat<br />
homely feel with good bones, then this property is well<br />
worthyofanearly viewing.<br />
With properties like this being snapped up so quickly, don’t<br />
wait forthe open home, contact me nowtoarrange a<br />
viewing appointment.<br />
-2Bedrooms PLUS (Hobbyroom, 3rd Bedroom orOffice)<br />
-Open plan kitchen and living area<br />
-Extra large double garage +ample off street parking<br />
-Bathroom and separate toilet<br />
-Compliant Log Burner. EasyCare Section<br /><br />
Mid Canterbury Real Estate Limited Licensed (REAA 2008)<br />
SetDateofSale<br />
closing 3August <strong>2020</strong>, at<br />
3:00pm (unless sold prior)<br />
View<br />
Saturday10:30 -11:00am<br />
Armand vander Eik<br />
021 597 527<br />
View our listings online at:<br />
Tender<br />
10 Princes Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
TheASISWHEREISDwellingzoned Business C. Thebusiness<br />
section ofthe District Plan contain the requirements for this<br />
zone. Residential activity is permitted within the Business C<br />
zone however as per rule 5.9.15 itisrestricted to first floor<br />
level &above.<br /><br />
Mid Canterbury Real Estate Limited Licensed (REAA 2008)<br />
Tender<br />
closing 31 <strong>July</strong> <strong>2020</strong><br />
View<br />
by appointment<br />
3 1 1<br />
Kim Miller<br />
027 <strong>23</strong>6 8627<br />
Open Home<br />
59 Middle Road, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
2 1 2<br />
11 Charlesworth Drive, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
4 3 3<br />
This home has plenty to admire including two double<br />
bedrooms plus aspacious sun room which is currently used<br />
as athird bedroom. Kitchen is modern and includes adishwasher,wall<br />
oven, gas cook top and range hood. Also offers<br />
alarge Modern Double Garage with auto door.<br /><br />
Mid Canterbury Real Estate Limited Licensed (REAA 2008)<br />
SetDateofSale<br />
closing 25 <strong>July</strong> <strong>2020</strong>, at<br />
3:00pm(unless sold prior)<br />
View<br />
Saturday12:45 -1:15pm<br />
Armand vander Eik<br />
021 597 527<br />
-Four double bedrooms plus office<br />
-2Ensuites plus main bathroom with separate toilet<br />
-Open plan Kitchen, Dining &Living plus Butlers Pantry<br />
-Separate formal loungewith gas fire<br />
-3Car Garaging. 1308m2 section (over2titles)<br /><br />
Mid Canterbury Real Estate Limited Licensed (REAA 2008)<br />
ForSale<br />
$830,000<br />
View<br />
Saturday12:00 -12:30pm<br />
Cheryl Fowler<br />
027 461 2614<br />
Jill Quaid<br />
Manager<br />
027 437 6755<br />
RichardQuaid<br />
Sales Consultant<br />
027 454 4745<br />
Kim Miller<br />
Sales Consultant<br />
027 <strong>23</strong>6 8627<br />
ChrissyMilne<br />
Sales Consultant<br />
027 290 6606<br />
Margaret Feiss<br />
Sales Consultant<br />
021 751 009<br />
ShirleyFitzgerald<br />
Sales Consultant<br />
027 220 1528<br />
Denise McPherson<br />
Sales Consultant<br />
027 242 7677<br />
Cheryl Fowler<br />
Sales Consultant<br />
027 461 2614<br />
Armand vander Eik<br />
Sales Consultant<br />
021 597 527<br />
Lynne Bridge<br />
Sales Consultant<br />
027 410 6216<br />
Mike Grant ncre<br />
Sales Consultant<br />
021 272 0202<br />
Mark Totty<br />
Sales Consultant<br />
021 664 113<br />
BruceMcPherson<br />
Sales Consultant<br />
027 438 4250<br />
JustinWaddell<br />
Sales Consultant<br />
027 437 1111<br />
Jarrod Ross<br />
Sales Consultant<br />
027 259 4644<br />
RogerBurdett<br />
Sales Consultant<br />
021 224 4214<br />
96 TancredStreet, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 03 307 8317 Main Road,Tinwald 03 307 8317<br /><br />
36 McMillan Street,Methven 03 303 3032
trusted<br />
<strong>2020</strong> GUIDE<br />
trades &services<br />
To book your spaceinthis guide,phone KarenGane 308 7664 or email<br />
Interior and Exterior Painting<br />
2289510<br />
Helpinperson by appointment<br />
Thursday9.15am -1.45pm<br />
Ph 0508 CANLAW<br />
(0508 226 529) to makean<br />
appointment.<br />
Helpbyphone Infoline<br />
03 371 3819 or 0508 226 529<br />
215 Tancred Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
2291052<br />
179WEST STREET<br />
027310 6521<br /><br /><br />
2291084<br />
Phone Quentin andPhilon<br />
027 282 8908 or 027 2828909<br />
Interior Plastering<br />
Wallpapering<br />
2291026<br />
Need storage?<br />
we CAN STORE it!<br />
Lubes WOF<br />
Allmechanical repairs<br />
Convenient, affordable<br />
self storage solution<br />
Phone 307 0213<br />
•185 Alford Forest Road •behind<br />
2291039<br />
Victoria Street,<br />
TheTriangle,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Phone: (03) 308 6772<br />
2291183<br />
•Houses<br />
•Feature Walls<br />
•Fences<br />
•Blocklaying<br />
Chris Godsell<br />
027 274 2533<br />
AH 308 7117<br /><br />
2291204<br />
2266285<br />
Ashb<br />
hbut<br />
rton,R Rolles<br />
leston<br />
ton&Ch<br />
Chrit<br />
ist chu rch<br />
•Paving •Irrigation •Lawns<br />
•Planting •Fences •Pergolas<br />
•Water features •Outdoor fires<br />
•Raised planters •Decks<br />
•Stonework•Brick &blockwork<br />
•Artificial grass and more...<br />
Email –<br />
Phone0800 688 365 /021 542 402<br /><br />
2273646<br />
115 Archibald Street,Tinwald,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Phone /Fax: (03) 307 <strong>23</strong>54<br />
Email<br />
2293200<br /><br />
2291014<br />
2297507<br />
•<br />
•<br />
•<br />
•New builds •Renovations<br />
•All types of engineering<br />
•Small or large projects<br />
Rob021 124 4268 l Sam022 5428927<br />
email:<br />
GREAT<br />
RATES<br />
PC Repairs, Set-up and Tutoring<br />
Icome to youday or evening!<br />
NewPCs<br />
and Laptops<br />
forsale<br />
•PCRepairs/Sales •Networks/Servers<br />
•Firewalls/Security •Spyware Clean-up •Training<br />
20 YearsExperience Microso Cerfied Professional<br />
Robin Johnstone 67 Aitken Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
P: 03 308 1440 C: 027 768 4058<br /><br />
2291109<br />
We areyour one stop glass shop for<br />
AUTO and HOUSE<br />
REPAIR or REPLACE 152 Wills Street,<br />
“Your placeorours”<br />
2291191<br />
Restoration<br />
2287935<br />
03 308 0387<br /><br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Ph.308 8485<br />
Modifications Repairs<br />
Your Digital<br />
TV Experts<br />
• Aerial/Dish installations and repairs<br />
• Prewirefor TV/Audio and controlsystems<br />
• TV wall mounting • Cell phone aerials<br />
• Home theatreinstallation<br />
• Authorised SkyTVtechnician<br />
Servicing<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> Geraldine<br />
Methven Rakaia<br />
andeverywhereinbetween<br />
TV &AUDIO<br />
PH 308 7332 /027 277 1062<br /><br />
trusted<br />
<strong>2020</strong> GUIDE<br />
trades &services<br />
To book your spaceinthis guide,phone KarenGane 308 7664 or email<br />
We offer the following:<br />
• Gutter and DownpipeCleaning • Weed Spraying<br />
• Moss,Mouldand Lichen Spraying • Spider Proofing<br />
• Gorse and BroomSpraying • FenceLineSpraying<br />
• Chimney/Flue Cleaning $75 • Heat Pump Service$90<br />
Call Allan on 027 209 5026 an let us know howwecan help<br />
“we clean to a<br />
standard,<br />
not aprice”<br />
UNDER NEW<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Same exceptional CleaningServices<br />
level of service<br />
&quality cleaning<br />
• regular full house cleans<br />
• one off spring cleans<br />
• farm houses<br />
• builders cleans<br />
• <br />
2290907<br />
100% LOCAL<br />
03 307 2656<br /><br />
2280970<br />
We service and repair all makes and models<br />
of sewing machines and overlockers<br />
Your local Bernina<br />
service team<br />
John Robbie Rachel<br />
OPEN 7DAYS9.30am -4.30pm<br />
Main South Road, Tinwald <strong>Ashburton</strong> | Phone 307 6277<br /><br />
*Awnings/Shade sails/Dropblinds*Auto seat covers &repairs<br />
*Hay&bin covers *PVC covers &repairs<br />
*Ute tonneau covers *Furnitureupholsteryrepairs<br />
*Commercial<br />
PHONE TRAVIS HOWDEN 027 922 4544<br />
2291092<br />
2293205<br />
Solar powerwhenyou need it most<br />
We are experts at installing solar<br />
power systems for motorhomes.<br />
AAA<br />
Solar<br />
South Island<br />
4McGregorLane<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
03 307 4777 -027 44<strong>23</strong>103<br /><br /><br />
Does your garden need monthly<br />
maintenancetokeep it tidy and<br />
looking good through the seasons?<br />
Or perhaps just need aone off tidy<br />
or pruning completed?<br />
We can help!<br />
Allgarden wasteremoved<br />
ContactCAROLYN Phone: 027 2675403 or 308<strong>23</strong>33<br />
Email:<br />
22909<strong>23</strong><br />
2291098<br />
Diamond Painters and<br />
Decorators Ltd<br />
Qualityinterior and exterior<br />
painting and decorating<br />
• Wall papering • Airless spraying<br />
• Waterblasting • Residential and small commercial<br />
• Roof painting • Freenoobligation quotes<br />
Gutterguardinstallation and gutter cleaning <br />
Phone Duncan 027 370 2453 l Jeanette 027 318 5055<br />
email:<br />
Always in stock:<br />
• Birdaccessories,food &treats<br />
• Rabbit and guinea pig food,bedding &treats<br />
• Cat accessories,collars&treats<br />
• Dog collars,leads,toys, accessories &treats<br />
• Aquarian accessories &food<br />
• Dog crates &cat crates<br />
• Raw,fresh &frozenpet food<br />
• All sorts of dried products<br />
3kg DogRolls<br />
2for $12<br />
“Come andsee our friendlystaffin-store today”<br />
2291081<br />
Forall your tyre requirements,<br />
see the localexperts<br />
•Wheel alignments<br />
•Wheel balancing<br />
197 Wills Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong> l<br />
Phone 03 308 6737 (24 hrs –after hours call out applies)<br />
4WD Diesel &ElectricScissorlifts<br />
Rough terrain and electric lifts available<br />
On site collection or deliveryavailable<br />
Nowat6Range 403 West Street St,Riverside<br />
PO Box 60, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 7740<br />
Phone: 03 308 8155<br />
Mobile: 0273 529909<br /><br />
Need help with BOOKKEEPINGor<br />
Youdidn’tgointobusiness to do the<br />
books, butwedid!<br />
Let’shaveachatovercoffee andsee howIcan help<br />
2291137<br />
2291143<br />
B<br />
S<br />
UILDER<br />
LTD<br />
• New homes • Alterations • Light commercial • Farm buildings<br />
• General maintenance • Paths • Tiling<br />
Fully qualified licensed building practitioner<br />
No job toosmall! Phone Peteron:<br />
308 7133 or 027 220 8257<br /><br />
2291139<br />
2291153<br />
Phone (03) 307 8996<br />
027 312 5756 l 99 Archibald Street,Tinwald<br />
2293215<br />
Silvia Haddock 027 2169478<br /> l<br />
2291172<br />
2291175<br />
Thinking of Selling -Think 3D!<br />
Trevor Hurley<br />
0275 435 799<br />
Manu Otene<br />
022 308 6885<br />
Linda Cuthbertson<br />
0274087965<br />
Stephen Watson<br />
027 433 9695<br />
Julie Srhoy<br />
021 354 885<br />
Deborah Roberts<br />
0210752180<br />
Balmacaan Saddle walk<br />
offers beautiful views<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>July</strong> <strong>23</strong>, <strong>2020</strong><br />
35<br />
AWESOME office space for<br />
lease, rent or hire. Parklike<br />
setting. Indoor and outdoor<br />
areas. North West<br />
town boundary. Must view.<br />
Phone 0274 754 241<br />
RENT ME!<br />
This walk is arecommendation from the Mayfield<br />
Ladies Walking Group, whose members are active<br />
yearround in the foothills.<br />
One of the great family day walks from Lake Camp<br />
is to the Balmacaan Saddle and back.<br />
The track begins at the east end of Lake Camp.<br />
Follow the track to start with to Lake Emma. Cross<br />
the Balmacaan River.<br />
The track then splits with track to Balmacaan<br />
follows an old 4WD track up the river. The track is<br />
agentle climb to the bottom of the saddle. It takes<br />
about two hours to get to the base of the saddle.<br />
From the base of the saddle it's a30minute steep<br />
climb through rocks and matagouri to the top.<br />
There isn't avery good track to the top, so you<br />
need to pick your way to the saddle carefully.<br />
But it is worth the effort where you get great views<br />
of the Rangitata River and <strong>Ashburton</strong> catchment.<br />
This track is suitable for all ages, though some<br />
may find the saddle quite steep.<br />
The track could be done all year round though you<br />
may have snow to contend with in the winter<br />
months.<br />
If you are staying in abach at Lake Clearwater<br />
this is agood track to fill in aday.<br />
To get there, travel to Mt Somers and continue on<br />
road to Lake Camp. Turn left at the start of the lake<br />
and follow track to southeast corner where there is<br />
an area for parking and signs pointing to Lake<br />
Emma.<br />
Mt Somers is agreat place to stop for an ice cream<br />
after your hike.<br />
Mayfieldladies on arecent walk to Balmacaan Saddle.<br />
Ideal as an extra<br />
bedroomoroffice.<br />
Fully insulatedand<br />
double glazed forwarmth.<br />
Threeconvenientsizes:<br />
Standard3.6m x2.4m,<br />
Large 4.2m x2.4m<br />
Xtra-large 4.8m x2.4m.<br />
Visit our displaycabin<br />
418WestStreet or callfor a<br />
freebrochure.<br /><br />
2289121<br />
0800 58 78 22<br />
STORAGE and space leasing<br />
for vehicles, motorbikes,<br />
bicycles, boats,<br />
motorhomes, caravans,<br />
tractors, trucks, trailers and<br />
containers. Indoor, outdoor<br />
or under cover. Call Peter<br />
027 333 3626.<br />
STORAGE available, <strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />
Self storage, variety<br />
of sizes. Phone Rainbow<br />
Storage 03 307 0401.<br />
STORAGE:Secure self storage<br />
units available, long or<br />
short term. <strong>Ashburton</strong> Storage<br />
Facilities. Contact us<br />
on 0274 362 636 or www.<br />
ashburtonstoragefacilities.<br /><br />
PETS<br />
Challenge on for electrical apprentices<br />
The call is outtoelectrical<br />
apprenticesacrossNew Zealand<br />
to be in to winthe <strong>2020</strong> Master<br />
ElectriciansApprentice of the<br />
Yearchallenge.<br />
The19th annual challenge<br />
kicksoff in Dunedin on<br />
September29with the firstof11<br />
regionalrounds being held<br />
across the country andthe lastin<br />
Whangarei on October30.<br />
Competitorscan chooseto<br />
compete in either the industrial<br />
or the commercial/domestic<br />
category,with thetop five of each<br />
category battlingfor the supreme<br />
awardatthe allexpensespaid<br />
finalsinWellington in<br />
November.<br />
The focusisonthe practical,<br />
with competitors havingto<br />
completefour modules at the<br />
regional stage and five at the<br />
final stage–reflectingthe varied<br />
issuesanapprentice might face<br />
on the job.<br />
Interestinthe challenge has<br />
grownsignificantly sinceitwas<br />
launched19years ago, with 189<br />
apprentices takingpartlast year,<br />
double the number that<br />
competedsevenyearsearlier.<br />
MasterElectricianschief<br />
executiveBernie McLaughlin<br />
says competitors will be givena<br />
guideline of whatthe modules<br />
will contain two weeks before<br />
their preliminaryevent, so that<br />
they can prepare for it.<br />
“As wellasagreat opportunity<br />
forapprentices to demonstrate<br />
theirtechnical skills,the<br />
challenge is asignificant<br />
showcaseofour bestupandcomingtalent<br />
to the broader<br />
electricity sector,’’hesaid.<br />
Apprenticescan sign on for the<br />
challenge via the Master<br />
Electrician’s websiteand the<br />
deadlineisSeptember11.<br />
The onlyprerequisites arethat<br />
contestantsmust have acurrent<br />
apprenticeship agreement and a<br />
minimumofsix monthsbut no<br />
more than 45 months onthejob<br />
experience.<br />
Mobile<br />
groomer now<br />
servicing<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Call nowtobooka<br />
pamper foryour pooch<br />
Ph 0800454 654<br />
2293769<br />
LOOKING to earn extra<br />
money, even while you’re<br />
out walking? Delivery<br />
people required. Phone<br />
The <strong>Courier</strong> 308 7664.<br />
Winter in The Alps<br />
Your perfect escape is<br />
closer than you think<br />
Bed and Breakfast for 2only $263 per night*<br />
Please quote code #ACMTCOOK<br />
p. 03 435 1809 e.<br />
*terms &conditions apply
36 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>July</strong> <strong>23</strong>, <strong>2020</strong><br />
NevilleWilkins &TheViscounts<br />
7pm<br />
Saturday25th<strong>July</strong>, 7pm<br />
Courtesy van<br />
runs every<br />
Thursday, Friday<br />
and Saturday<br />
from 4pm<br />
Join the RSA (the friendly club)<br />
12-14 Cox Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong>. Phone 308 7175<br />
Members, guests and affiliates all welcome<br />
Build customers,sales and<br />
profits,with us ...<br />
Over 16,065 copies delivered everyThursday<br />
QUICK PUZZLE NO. 8576<br />
ACROSS<br />
1. Whip (4)<br />
7. Give in (9)<br />
8. Hold (4)<br />
9. Lampoon (4)<br />
10. Tree (4)<br />
11. Fee (4)<br />
14. Sometimes (2,8)<br />
16. Brainwave (6,4)<br />
19. Fastened (4)<br />
22. Journey (4)<br />
24. Flower (4)<br />
25. Secure (4)<br />
26. Curse(5,4)<br />
27. Metal (4)<br />
DOWN<br />
1. Fair (5)<br />
2. Yet (5)<br />
3. Bird (6)<br />
4. Fault-finder (6)<br />
5. Cut (4)<br />
6. Strengthen (9)<br />
12. Toobig (9)<br />
13. Yearn (4)<br />
15. Hit (4)<br />
17. Cast (6)<br />
18. Abandon (6)<br />
20. Silly (5)<br />
21. Fear (5)<br />
<strong>23</strong>. Entreat (4)<br />
ACROSS<br />
1. Acted as though cheated (4). 7, What the knock-out<br />
punch is to the aspiring title-winner? (5,4). 8. Figure no<br />
German is spoken(4). 9. People naturally want to protect<br />
her (4). 10. Look after for ashort time, then stop (4). 11.<br />
Fatgirl with atiny head (4). 14.Quite self-possessed, but<br />
not very friendly (6,4). 16. Clean -and you can say that<br />
again! (10). 19. Used to be aquarter to before (4). 22.<br />
Spring from the front (4). 24. Table sent back by A. Hill<br />
(4). 25. Aclue in pencil (4). 26. Calm when one went<br />
round to get (9).27. Alight “Phooey”is the return (4).<br />
DOWN<br />
1. At home, is he? (5). 2. Not any figure is tobeentered<br />
for now (5). 3. Pull inand stop (6). 4. Being given time to<br />
cope with it (6). 5. Offbeat, which doeshelp (4). 6. Reading<br />
through again while on the ferry? (5,4). 12.Aspromised,<br />
accepted less than one wasentitledto? (9). 13. With<br />
an utter lack of heart, strangrly loyal (4). 15. They put off<br />
going to work (4). 17.More than once,half of them had a<br />
milk pudding(6). 18. More advisablefor someone taking<br />
arisk (6).20. An incident before the openingnote (5).21.<br />
Thebilingual senior (5). <strong>23</strong>. Beer, not verycold (4).<br />
2255675<br />
SUDOKU<br />
EASY No. 5228<br />
4 8 1 5 3<br />
8 6<br />
3 9 2 6<br />
9<br />
7 4 2 9 8 1<br />
2<br />
4 6 9 7<br />
5 3<br />
7 4 2 3 5<br />
Solution to previous Sudoku<br />
Howto<br />
solve<br />
Sudoku!<br />
Fill the grid<br />
so thatevery<br />
rowand every<br />
3x3 square<br />
contains the<br />
digitals 1to9<br />
BUILDER - specialising in<br />
home renovations and<br />
repair work. We also do<br />
decks, fences and retaining,<br />
plastering and painting,<br />
gardening, landscaping<br />
and tree removal. Call<br />
Gavin 021 267 1979<br />
BUILDING and property<br />
solutions. For your complete<br />
alteration or renovation.<br />
We project manage<br />
the whole process. Home<br />
and small commercial.<br />
Qualified tradesmen.<br />
Phone Kiwi Building &<br />
Maintenance Ltd. Gary 308<br />
4798, 027 207 1478 or<br />
Cawte 027 418 7955.<br />
CARPET cleaning. Powerful<br />
equipment and fast drying.<br />
Upholstery, mats and rugs.<br />
Experienced owner/operator.<br />
Phone John Cameron<br />
at Supersucker. 027 435<br />
1042 or 308 1677.<br />
CARR’S Chimney Cleaning,<br />
servicing <strong>Ashburton</strong> and<br />
surrounding districts, $60<br />
per chimney. Phone<br />
Rodney on 03 324 2999<br />
and leave amessage.<br />
2 8 5 6 3 1 4 7 9<br />
9 4 6 5 7 8 3 1 2<br />
7 3 1 2 4 9 8 6 5<br />
4 9 8 7 1 2 5 3 6<br />
5 7 3 4 8 6 2 9 1<br />
6 1 2 3 9 5 7 8 4<br />
1 5 4 8 6 3 9 2 7<br />
3 6 7 9 2 4 1 5 8<br />
8 2 9 1 5 7 6 4 3<br />
Solution to previous crossword<br />
Across -7,Without aword. 8, Chance. 9, Sister.10, Crystal.<br />
12, Cause. 15, Hoard. 16, Portray.18, Flight. 20, Notice.<br />
22, Well and truly.<br />
Down -1,Hitherto. 2, Shun. 3, Numeral. 4, Pause. 5,<br />
Constant. 6, Idle. 11,Struggle. 13, Scarcely.14, Tornado.<br />
17, Steal. 19, Lawn. 21, Tart.<br />
Across -6,Looking into. 7, Stop (rev.). 8, Stands up. 9,<br />
Prised (anag.). 10, Tasted. 12, Madder.15, Mo-der-n. 17,<br />
Follower.19, No-US. 20, Strong taste.<br />
Down -1,Composed. 2, Miss-Ed. 3, Agh-a-St. 4, En-I-d.<br />
5, Volume. 6, L-ater. 11, Su-Danes-e. 13, A-r-O-use. 14,<br />
Row-I-ng. 15, M-erits. 16, Rouge. 18, Lark.<br />
ContactJann Thompson 03 308 7664<br />
2292862<br />
CHIMNEY sweep - For a<br />
professional service call<br />
Dan McKerrow Chimney<br />
Sweep and Repairs on 021<br />
118 7580.<br />
COMPUTER repairs, sales,<br />
training, set up -wireless -<br />
networks, spyware clean<br />
up. On-site day or evening.<br />
Low fees. Call Robin Johnstone,<br />
Networks Firewalls<br />
& PC’s Ltd, 308 1440 or<br />
027 768 4058.<br />
CONCRETE pavers direct to<br />
you - Best prices, many<br />
sizes, textures and colours<br />
- Paveco, 13 Robinson<br />
Street, Industrial Estate.<br />
DENTURES; Dr Peter<br />
Rumping repairs existing<br />
dentures and also provides<br />
new dentures. Phone 027<br />
220 9997.<br />
ENGINEERING repairs, fabrication,<br />
farm equipment<br />
service and maintenance,<br />
WOF repairs, machining<br />
and welding. Odd jobs a<br />
speciality. Mobile workshop.<br />
Can collect. Phone<br />
Malcolm 0274 754 241<br />
FLY control and spider<br />
proofing. For all domestic<br />
and industrial pest control<br />
needs phone AJ Kerr at<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> Pest Control on<br />
03 308 8147 or 027 432<br />
5447.<br />
FURNITURE Removals. For<br />
all your household removal<br />
needs - urban, rural lifestyle,<br />
office relocations -<br />
call Nudges Furniture<br />
Removals, phone 027 224<br />
0609<br />
GARDENING, mowing,<br />
pruning, fertilising, projects<br />
or general spruce ups? Call<br />
Andrew at Spruce Gardens<br />
to get the job done right.<br />
027 765 2899 or 03 307 1693.<br /><br />
GUTTER cleaning. Book in a<br />
clean now and tell me when<br />
you want the job done. You<br />
may have trees around.<br />
Call Allan 027 209 5026<br />
LEGAL work -Phone Peter<br />
Ragg (<strong>Ashburton</strong> Law) for<br />
house sales, purchases<br />
and refinances. Will call at<br />
home evenings for wills,<br />
enduring powers of<br />
attorney. Phone 308 0327.<br />
LOCKSMITH/Door repairs.<br />
Keys/locks, sliding and bifold<br />
door roller repairs.<br />
Mobile service. Call Doors<br />
and More. Ph 027 516 7104<br />
MENTORING for emotional<br />
support, guidance, optimism,<br />
goal setting, resilience.<br />
Professional supervision.<br />
Call Pete Young, 307<br />
7582/027 280 0889; email<br />; web:<br /><br />
PAINTER for all your painting<br />
needs. No job too small,<br />
inside or outside. Professional<br />
friendly service.<br />
Phone Pete 03 308 1672 or<br />
027 200 1619.<br />
PAINTING wallpapering,<br />
plastering - No job too<br />
small. Interior, exterior.<br />
Professional, prompt, competitive<br />
service. Phone<br />
Tony Sivier at Paint It <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
on 021 878 794 or<br />
307 7289.<br />
Rockcote. Waterproofing.<br />
Texture/Specialist<br />
Coatings.<br />
The Finishing Company<br />
03 307 8870 2291355<br />
PLUMBER. Repair or<br />
replace; taps, shower<br />
mixers, hot water cylinders,<br />
basins, tubs, toilets, vanity<br />
units, leaking pipes. Call<br />
Pete Young, experienced<br />
plumber 027 280 0889/307<br />
7582<br />
TINT-A-WINDOW, fade, UV<br />
block, glare, heat control,<br />
safety, security, privacy,<br />
frosting films, solar protective<br />
window films. Free<br />
quotes, 20 years local service.<br />
Phone 0800 368 468<br />
now, Bill Breukelaar, www.<br /><br />
TV Reception Specialists for<br />
all your digital freeview<br />
installations and repairs,<br />
TV wall mounting, Smart<br />
TV set-up, home theatre<br />
installation. Call John at<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> TV &Audio Ltd<br />
03 308 7332 or 027 277<br />
1062.<br />
WINDSCREENS and house<br />
glass. Qualified flat glass<br />
glazier now in-house. Anything<br />
glass, give us acall.<br />
Your place or ours. Wilson<br />
Windscreens, 152 Wills<br />
Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong>. Phone<br />
03 308 8485.<br />
POTATOES Nadine and<br />
Agria. $1.20 per kilo, 10kg<br />
bag $12.00. Phone 308<br />
3195 or 027 531 9103. 81<br />
Elizabeth Street.<br /><br />
QualityEuropean<br />
Vehicle Servicing<br />
•Advanced<br />
Diagnostics<br />
•Experienced<br />
Technicians<br />
•Collection/Delivery<br />
‘Free of Charge’<br />
in <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Bruce McIlroy Limited<br />
309MethvenHighway, <strong>Ashburton</strong>7776<br />
Tel: 03 3087282•<br />
Call us for a<br />
FREE<br />
QUOTE<br />
2291219<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
1278047<br />
Luisetti Seeds is asignificant provider of grain and<br />
seedboth nationallyand internationally.<br />
Opportunityhas arisenforaCasualStore Personat<br />
our <strong>Ashburton</strong> site.<br />
Keyresponsibilitieswill include:<br />
• Assistingwith theintake anddispatchfunctions<br />
includinggeneralyardduties<br />
• Operating modern seed cleaning, treating and<br />
mixing plants<br />
• Opportunity to progress into a peramanent<br />
positionfor the rightapplicant<br />
You will have aproven history of: reliability and<br />
punctuality, efficient time management skills,<br />
working solo and inateam environment, being a<br />
self-starter, able towork toadeadline, attention<br />
to detail, working well under pressure and an<br />
enthusiastic manner.<br />
A willingness to work extended hours when<br />
required and a friendly customer focused<br />
personality would be desirable. Seed cleaning<br />
experience, knowledge of agriculture and forklift<br />
licencewould be an advantage butisnot essential.<br />
On sitetrainingwill be provided.<br />
Remuneration to reflect the applicants experience<br />
and ability.<br />
Applications should detail recent relevant<br />
experience, qualifications and references.<br />
Applications will be treated and viewed in<br />
confidence. Please apply to:<br />
Luisetti Seeds Ltd<br />
PO Box77<br />
Rangiora7440<br />
Attention: KarenVan Staden<br />
or<br />
Secretary/Office<br />
Administrator<br />
The Secretary /Office Administrator isprimarily the<br />
first point ofcontact for all visitors and callers to<br />
the school. Due to our current Secretary accepting<br />
anew role this position has become available. This<br />
is avaried sole charge position, you will provide an<br />
efficient and confidential secretarial service tothe<br />
Principal, Board and Staff while ensuring efficient<br />
administrativeand financial systems aremaintained.<br />
Thesuccessful applicantwill have aprovenabilityto<br />
work collaboratively with others and awillingness to<br />
learn, adapt and grown in this position.<br />
Aminimum of 25 hours per week will be required,<br />
hours will be negotiated with the successful<br />
applicant but will be Monday toFriday during term<br />
time with some flexibilitytoworkasrequired during<br />
the school holidays.<br />
If you think this position is for you please forward<br />
your CV and acovering letter outlining whatyou can<br />
offer Hinds School ,along with details regarding your<br />
previous financialand administrativeexperienceto:<br /><br />
Applications close Friday 7th August, <strong>2020</strong>.<br />
2293021<br />
2297488<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>July</strong> <strong>23</strong>, <strong>2020</strong><br />
37<br />
Chief ExecutiveOfficer<br />
Based in <strong>Ashburton</strong>, Barrhill Chertsey Irrigation (BCI) is a farmer owned co-operative company which owns<br />
substantial infrastructure assets and delivers water to shareholders efficiently and reliably. Recognised as an<br />
important infrastructure business within the mid-Canterbury farming network, BCI has a strong focus on being a<br />
positive influence in the local community, particularly on leading the way in environmental management. BCI has<br />
assets of $115 million and turnover of $17 million.<br />
Reporting to the Board, the CEO will provide leadership to a core team of 6 direct and 6 indirect reports and work<br />
closely with a number of key consultants and contractors to ensure the successful performance of BCI and the<br />
reliable and efficient delivery of sustainable irrigation water. Responsibilities are broad and incorporate stakeholder,<br />
environmental, engineering, asset, health & safety and financial management, in line with proactively growing the<br />
business within an evolving regulatory landscape and ensuring the company’s social licence to operate is maintained.<br />
The technical capability to manage long term assets combined with an empathy for the environment and people in<br />
the region is vital.<br />
Applicants will be commercially astute, strategic thinkers and possess a proven track record of performance in a<br />
CEO/senior leadership role, ideally from within a related industry. Strong relationship management, communication<br />
and leadership skills are essential. The ability to add sustainable value to farmer shareholders and develop enduring<br />
partnerships to benefit and grow the business will also be the key to success. This is an autonomous role in a<br />
respected company where change and improvement are embraced.<br />
Candidates can download the Candidate Briefing Information and apply online at or email<br /> quoting 7179AC. Closing Date: 9 August <strong>2020</strong>. Contact: Mike Stenhouse on 027 442 8348<br />
or Andrea Bankier on 03 353 4365.<br />
Warehouse Coordinator<br />
We are seeking someone to join our team in the Warehouse and Dispatch area. Our ideal<br />
person is comfortable with variety, can prioritise and confidently work autonomously<br />
with apositive attitude. Immediate start available!<br />
It’s afriendly team environment, with all our staff taking ahands-on approach to jump in<br />
where necessary, soflexibility is amust.<br />
The role centres around our warehouse store, so key responsibilities will include;<br />
• Responsibility for onhand raw materials for our manufacturing process, including<br />
stock control and ensuring the store ismaintained in atidy manner.<br />
• Oversee the receipting of Inwards and dispatch ofOutwards goods deliveries,<br />
including liaising with freight companies regarding deliveries.<br />
This role is one with scope for growth, so there are some attributes we consider key<br />
for the role;<br />
• Experience with Logistics and Supply Chain Management is preferred.<br />
• Good communication and organisational skills with the ability to work well both in a<br />
team environment and alone as required.<br />
• A high level ofself-motivation, with good initiative and apositive ‘hands on’ attitude.<br />
• Comfortable with learning computerised systems and good working knowledge of<br />
MS Office suite –Excel, is required for reporting.<br />
• Anunderstanding of the textile manufacturing sector would be an advantage.<br />
• Clean full driver’s license, and aforklift license are amust.<br />
• Physically fit –some lifting is required and your general day today work will keep<br />
you busy!<br />
Please Note: Due to this position being apermanent full time role you must beaNZ<br />
Resident to apply for this.<br />
Applications for this position close on Friday 14th August <strong>2020</strong>.<br />
Please email your full CV, 2employment references and 1referee<br />
Afull time position has become available in our<br />
Panel and Paintshop foraQualified Spray Painter.<br />
Theposition requires<br />
• Good work ethics<br />
• Have ahigh standardindetail and finish<br />
• Tobereliable<br />
• The abilitytoworkunsupervised<br />
• Toworkinateam and meet production deadlines<br />
Please send resume and cover letter to<br />
TheGeneral Manager<br />
Bus and Truck Body Work Ltd<br />
PO Box51, <strong>Ashburton</strong>7740<br />
Phone Keith on 0274 274 007 or 307 0378<br />
Email<br />
2298220<br />
The<strong>Ashburton</strong>GolfClub invites interested<br />
persons to apply forthe position of self-employed<br />
caterer. This includes providing cabinet food for<br />
men’s and women’s club days,course bookings and<br />
the option of catering forlarger tournaments.<br />
Forfurther information, please contactthe club<br />
on 03-308-6371 or email your CV to:<br />
admin@<br />
CARER required for lady in<br />
wheelchair. Mornings - 4<br />
hours, evenings -2hours.<br />
Enquiries to 027 308 5565<br />
ROOF COATINGS: All roof<br />
types, specializing in<br />
Decramastic and Long Run<br />
Iron, Coloursteel etc, steep<br />
roofs not a problem. —<br />
Spraymaster 027-433-7780.<br />
2296909<br />
2297752<br />
METAL, heavy etc. Free<br />
light-grade metal in-yard<br />
dumping 9am-5pm weekdays<br />
&9.30-11.30am Saturdays.<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> Scrap<br />
Metal Recyclers, 117 Alford<br />
Forest Rd, (behind<br />
PlaceMakers). Phone 03<br />
308 8033 or 027 249 6625.<br />
Media Consultant<br />
Sales is in your bloodright? You’vegot that entrepreneurialspirit, adriveto<br />
succeed andalwaysbeat the topofyourgame. Well,the game here is Media<br />
and we’relookingfor ournexttopplayerfor our<strong>Ashburton</strong> office.<br />
THEROLE:<br />
The purpose of this role is to provide dynamic, audience-driven, multimedia<br />
advertising solutions that utilise our full product range to clients. Our clients<br />
understand the power of media isgrowing and they need you to educate<br />
them and develop their media campaigns, tocollaboratively build knowledge<br />
that results in smashing their goals out ofthe park and in turn increases NZME<br />
revenue andposition in market.<br />
• Account Management and Growth: Provide campaign solutions for clients<br />
utilising NZME’sfullproduct range.<br />
• Personal Growth &Development: Take responsibility for on-going learning<br />
andtake advantage of all opportunitiesonoffer, ensurethoroughknowledge<br />
of NZMEproductsand platformsand increase knowledgeofmedia landscape<br />
&NZbusinessmarkets.<br />
• Self-Management:Knowyour business andprovide reporting and forecasting<br />
as required, fully utilise CRM and comply with NZME business rules, be aselfstarter<br />
who is consistently target driven andmotivatedtoachieve.<br />
• Proven expertise in sales performance and new business development<br />
with multiple examples ofsuccessfully planned and executed multimedia<br />
campaigns that produced tangible results.<br />
• Solid experience in a sales role (preferably in media) where innovation,<br />
audiencefocus anddynamic relationships in salessolutions arecritical.<br />
• Experience inlocal area/rural sales, contacts and links to the <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
communityishighly desirable.<br />
Weliveand breathe ourvalues to be: Connected, Curious andConfident, meaning<br />
we tell it like it is,challenge the status quo, daretotry,constantly innovate and<br />
expectsome fun along theway. Ourcultureisdiverse andinclusive; youcan be<br />
yourself with us.Telluswhy you’reour next superstar via CV and cover letter to<br /><strong>July</strong>.<br />
Applicants must have NZ residencyoravalidworkpermit.<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> Speedway Association (Inc)<br />
on Sunday 26th <strong>July</strong> <strong>2020</strong>, 2pm<br />
--- Business ---<br />
•President’s report<br />
•Presentation of life members<br />
•Financial report<br />
•Changes toconstitution<br />
•Election of officers and committee<br />
•Setting subscriptions and fees for coming year<br />
•General business<br />
Nominations for officers and committee<br />
to be received by the<br />
Secretary at<br />
by the 19th <strong>July</strong> <strong>2020</strong><br />
To be held at the <strong>Ashburton</strong>TrustTennis Centre,<br />
Oak Grove, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
On Monday10th August <strong>2020</strong><br />
at 7.30 pm<br />
All welcome to attend<br /><br />
2296255<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
TrottingClub<br />
Annual General<br />
Meeting<br />
Monday27<strong>July</strong> <strong>2020</strong><br />
at 5pm<br />
to be held in the<br />
BoardRoom,<br />
DavisonStand at<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Racecourse<br />
2297879<br />
2294047<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong>Demons<br />
Softball Club<br />
AGM<br />
Weds,<strong>July</strong> 29th, <strong>2020</strong>, 7pm,<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong>Club &MSA,<br />
Main Hall.<br />
Nominations can be sent<br />
to<br />
Everyone welcome<br />
2290568<br />
2298148<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Fuchsia<br />
Group<br />
AGM<br />
Tuesday, 4th August<br />
1.45pm<br />
at Rosebank<br />
CommunityCentre.<br />
LPG<br />
Small LPG cylinders<br />
Off Street Parking<br />
Available<br />
Arthur Cates Ltd<br />
26 McNally Street<br />
Ph 308 5397<br />
Riverside Industrial Estate<br />
2297441<br />
MAKE money selling your<br />
unwanted items. Up to 24<br />
words for only $8. Can’t get<br />
better than that. The <strong>Courier</strong>.<br />
SELL<br />
243 Howa rifle plus suppressor<br />
for sale, .22 rifle<br />
plus scope for sale. Buyer<br />
must have valid gun<br />
license. Text 021 0274<br />
0165<br />
9kg cylinders<br />
$27.50<br />
Askabout our<br />
deliveryservice<br />
Anysizecylinderfilled<br />
17 Grey St,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Phone 307 2707<br />
2281802<br />
38 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>July</strong> <strong>23</strong>, <strong>2020</strong><br />
Forall othermedicalassistance outside of normal<br />
hoursplease phone your generalpracticeteam,24/7,<br />
to speak withahealth professional whowill giveyou<br />
free health advice on what to do or where to go if you<br />
need urgentcare.<br />
If youdon’t have aregular generalpractice, call any<br />
GP team 24/7 forfreetelephone health advice.<br />
All non-residents and visa holders please bring your<br />
passporttoyour surgeryappointment.<br />
New Zealanders’tobringsome form of ID.<br />
The<strong>Ashburton</strong>DutyPractice for ...<br />
Saturday25th <strong>July</strong> is<br />
Eastfield Health, 135 Tancred Street.<br />
Consultations will be by appointmentonly.<br />
To make an appointmentcall your regular GP 24/7.<br />
Sunday26th <strong>July</strong> is<br />
Tinwald Medical Centre, 33 Archibald Street<br />
Consultations will be by appointmentonly.<br />
To make an appointmentcall your regular GP 24/7.<br />
Methven and Rakaia: Formedical attention on the<br />
weekend and public holidays please telephone<br />
MethvenMedical Centre on 03 302 8105<br />
or Rakaia Medical Centre on 03 303 5002.<br />
Details foraccessing the afterhours services will be<br />
on the answer phone.<br />
Wises Pharmacy,CountdownComplex,<br />
East Street will be open on ...<br />
Saturday from 9.00am until 1.00pm<br />
Sunday from 10.00am until 1.00pm<br />
At Geraldine: TheGeraldine Pharmacywill be open<br />
normal trading hours during the week,and on<br />
Saturdaymorning from 9.30am to 12.30pm.<br />
Closed Sundays and Public Holidays<br />
Forfree24hour Telephone Health Advice<br />
Phone the healthline on 0800 611 116<br />
Brought<br />
toyouby<br />
CountdownComplex, East Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Phone: 03 308 6733 Fax: 03 308 6755<br />
Feminine Health &Wellness Coach<br />
• Reiki<br />
• Massage<br />
• Nutritionals<br />
• Skin and Body Care<br />
• Self Hypnosis<br />
FOCUS Optometry - good<br />
honest eye care, support<br />
local. Phone 307 898 865.<br />
Tancred Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br /><br />
nz<br />
DRY old man pine. 3or6m 3 ,<br />
delivered to most of Mid<br />
Canterbury. WINZ accredited.<br />
Phone Rob 027 297<br />
7563<br />
FOR SALE<br />
$300per cord<br />
delivered<br />
within the town<br />
boundaryand<br />
Mayfield/Mt Somers<br />
Phone Sue<br />
021 162 4102<br />
• Weight Management<br />
Phoneortext 027 282 1585<br />
DebraCurtin<br />
Chiropractor<br />
03 308 9516<br />
Annie<br />
2293733<br /><br />
2297803<br />
2280808<br />
BRIDGE Street Nursery has<br />
moved. Now trading as<br />
Paul’s Garden Nursery at<br />
101 Harrison Street,<br />
Allenton, <strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />
Entrance on Clark Street.<br />
13 varieties of seed<br />
potatoes and fresh free<br />
range eggs available.<br />
Phone Paul 0272 781 354.<br />
Open 7days.<br />
GARDENERS specials.<br />
Sheep manure $5 bag. Pea<br />
Straw $5 bale. Medium<br />
square Linseed Straw $35<br />
bale. Call Alan 027 496<br />
7136 or Ian 027 286 3697<br />
with your order. A Hinds<br />
Lion’s project.<br />
PEA STRAW Medium straw<br />
bales for sale $50 per bale.<br />
Linseed medium squares<br />
$50 per bale. ph<br />
02040<strong>23</strong>3792<br />
ADVERTISEMENT makeover!<br />
From before to after.<br />
You’ll notice the difference<br />
with The <strong>Courier</strong>, 308 7664.<br />
Peter Blacklow<br />
Call in andtalktothe people who know ...<br />
PETE’S<br />
PICK<br />
Full rangeofengineering supplies and accessories forall your repairs<br />
&maintenance. Kerrick hot &coldwaterblasters&industrial vacuumcleaners.<br />
Essetiwelders &accessories. Stockistsand distributors of Trailer Equipment.<br />
Locally owned &operated family business for 67 years<br />
South Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong> PHONE (03) 308-3147<br />
Email FREEPHONE 0800 452 522<br />
Older tabbykitten<br />
ready now.<br />
Barn cats available.<br />
Memberships nowdue<br />
$10 per year.<br />
New members welcome.<br />
Tuesday-Saturday<br />
9:30am -noon<br />
Phone 308 4432 or<br />
027 332 9286<br />
2298129<br />
Kindly sponsored by<br />
Classified Deadline<br />
Please note<br />
Ourclassified deadlineis<br />
4:30pm Tuesday<br />
prior to Thursday<br />
publication.<br />
Phone 308 7664<br />
Email:<br />
22980968<br />
2294024<br />
180216<br />
K<br />
DIESEL<br />
Looking forheating solutions to<br />
keep that workshop or farm shed<br />
warm?<br />
Please call in andcheck out the<br />
extensiverange we have to meet<br />
your requirements.<br />
New Zealand National Party<br />
Nominations for the selection of the<br />
National Party Candidate for the<br />
Rangitata Electorate atthe<br />
<strong>2020</strong> General Election will open<br />
from Wednesday 22 <strong>July</strong> <strong>2020</strong> and<br />
will be received from<br />
National Party members by<br />
National PartyHeadquarters up to<br />
midday, Wednesday 29th <strong>July</strong> <strong>2020</strong><br />
when nominations close.<br />
Nomination forms and details<br />
regarding procedures may be<br />
obtained from:<br />
KimberleyLittle<br />
NZ National Party,<br />
41 Pipitea Street,Thorndon, Wellington<br />
P: 027 843 2089<br />
E:<br />
We can supportyou and<br />
your family to make<br />
everyday count.<br />
Allservices arefree.<br /><br />
Authorised by GHamilton,<br />
41 Pipitea Street, Wellington<br />
HospiceMid Canterbury<br />
Dealing withalifelimiting illness?<br />
Phone 307 8387 or 027 227 8387 email<br /> facebook hospicemidcanterbury<br />
Tues 28th <strong>July</strong> at<br />
St David’s Church,<br />
Allens Road.<br />
9.30 am –Tea/Coffee<br />
10.00 am –Speaker,<br />
Frieda Looser -<br />
UC historian<br />
HistoryofTuahiwi –<br />
settlementnear<br />
Kaiapoi. ‘The land,Iwi<br />
and legacy’.<br />
Visitors welcome -$5<br />
2297747<br />
HIRE<br />
SCISSORLIFTS for hire.<br />
4WD and slab lifts available<br />
for daily or weekly hire.<br />
Pickup or delivery. Phone<br />
North End Engineering 308<br />
8155 for abooking.<br />
FIND money in your bank<br />
account each week if you<br />
become adelivery person.<br />
The <strong>Courier</strong> 308 7664.<br />
2298217<br />
226<strong>23</strong>22<br />
ASHBURTON Society of<br />
Arts Winter Show, Short<br />
Street Studio. On now,<br />
Guest Jo Loughnan, and 16<br />
local members exhibiting.<br />
Weekends 11am - 4pm,<br />
and Mondays and Wednesdays<br />
when the sign is out,<br />
until 2nd August.<br />
OUR newspaper goes into all<br />
RD’s so why not advertise<br />
with us! The <strong>Courier</strong>, best<br />
read in town.<br />
Thurs <strong>23</strong>rd<br />
10.00 David Copperfield<br />
10.00 Radioactive<br />
12.00 AllatSea<br />
12.00 TheHigh Note<br />
1.45 Rosie<br />
2.10 Love Sarah<br />
3.20 TheKing of StatenIsland<br />
4.00 Trolls WorldTour<br />
5.40 David Copperfield<br />
5.45 Love Sarah<br />
7.30 TheKing of StatenIsland<br />
8.00 Radioactive<br />
Fri24th<br />
10.00 David Copperfield<br />
10.00 Radioactive<br />
12.00 AllatSea<br />
12.00 TheHigh Note<br />
1.45 Rosie<br />
2.10 Love Sarah<br />
3.20 TheKingofStatenIsland<br />
4.00 Trolls WorldTour<br />
5.40 David Copperfield<br />
5.45 MilitaryWives<br />
7.50 TheKingofStatenIsland<br />
8.00 Radioactive<br />
Sat25th<br />
10.00<br />
10.00<br />
11.45<br />
11.45<br />
1.30<br />
1.50<br />
3.30<br />
3.30<br />
5.30<br />
5.45<br />
7.45<br />
8.00<br />
Sun 26th<br />
10.00<br />
11.45<br />
1.00<br />
2.00<br />
3.00<br />
3.45<br />
5.45<br />
7.15<br />
7.45<br />
10.00<br />
10.00<br />
12.00<br />
12.00<br />
1.45<br />
2.10<br />
3.20<br />
4.00<br />
5.40<br />
5.45<br />
7.30<br />
8.00<br />
Trolls WorldTour<br />
RedShoes &the 7Dwarfs<br />
Trolls WorldTour<br />
David Copperfield<br />
MilitaryWives<br />
RedShoes &the 7Dwarfs<br />
DavidCopperfield<br />
Love Sarah<br />
Radioactive<br />
TheHigh Note<br />
TheKingofStatenIsland<br />
MilitaryWives<br />
RedShoes &the 7Dwarfs<br />
DavidCopperfield<br />
MilitaryWives<br />
RedShoes &the 7Dwarfs<br />
Trolls WorldTour<br />
Love Sarah<br />
Radioactive<br />
TheKingofStatenIsland<br />
TheHighNote<br />
Mon27th, Tues 28th<br />
&Wed 29th<br />
David Copperfield<br />
Radioactive<br />
AllatSea<br />
TheHigh Note<br />
Rosie<br />
Love Sarah<br />
TheKing of StatenIsland<br />
Trolls WorldTour<br />
David Copperfield<br />
Love Sarah<br />
TheKingofStatenIsland<br />
Radioactive<br />
PG<br />
M<br />
M<br />
M<br />
PG<br />
M<br />
R16<br />
G<br />
PG<br />
M<br />
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PG<br />
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PG<br />
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R16<br />
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PG<br />
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R16<br />
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PG<br />
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R16<br />
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PG<br />
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M<br />
M<br />
PG<br />
M<br />
R16<br />
G<br />
PG<br />
M<br />
R16<br />
M<br />
NO COMPS<br />
TheKing of StatenIsland,Military<br />
Wives, ThePersonal Historyof<br />
David Copperfield<br />
CLINIC<br />
Enhances your<br />
body’s own natural<br />
self-healing<br />
Pain relief/Speeds recovery<br />
from illness, injury and surgery.<br />
•Noneedles/safe for all ages<br />
•Good-Health Maintenance<br />
•Affordable/flexible hours<br />
•Home visits on request<br />
Janet Hayes<br />
Ph 308 6951<br />
registered practitioner<br />
Forkliftand Dangerous GoodsCourses<br />
NZTAApproved Course Provider,MITO&Competenz Assessor<br />
Classes 2&4,Endorsements F&D<br />
ForkliftF&OSH, Saturdays and other days as requested<br />
Dangerous Goods Course,½day Mondaymornings<br />
CommunityHouse,<strong>Ashburton</strong>oryour work place<br />
Forfurther information<br />
Phone Christine 027 245 2563<br />
2229804<br />
SPACE available for next<br />
weeks <strong>Courier</strong> -bequick!<br />
Talk to us about your advertising<br />
requirements. Phone<br />
308 7664 or call into our<br />
office at 199 Burnett Street,<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />
Great<br />
selection<br />
warm<br />
winter<br />
clothing<br />
End of<br />
lines<br />
Seasonal<br />
changes<br />
In-store<br />
specials<br />
Clothing<br />
specials<br />
Firearms and<br />
ammo<br />
Lighting<br />
Netting<br />
and catch<br />
bags<br />
Large<br />
selection<br />
in-store<br />
Factory<br />
seconds<br />
Phone 03 308 5117 l 393 West St,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
@<br />
PRICES<br />
2012 TOYOTA RAV4 LTD<br />
2400 CC,<br />
74,000 KMS<br />
<br />
2500CC,TWINAIR<br />
REAR SPOILER,111,000 KMS<br />
1800CC,AIR CON,<br />
46,000 KMS<br />
$15,995<br />
$10,995<br />
$11,995<br />
2006 HONDA INSPIRE AVANZARE, 3000 cc,4door,abs,air con, cruise<br />
control, climate control57,500 kms................................................... $9,995<br />
2013 HONDA CR-V 24G, auto5door,ABS, cruise control, alloys,tow bar,<br />
66,000 kms, 2400cc...................................................................................$22,995<br />
2007 HONDA ELYSIONPRESTAGESZ, auto, petrol,7seater, 5door, ABS,<br />
foglights,105,000 kms, 3500cc, alloys,cruise control, newstyres,and<br />
loaded........................................................................................................... $11,995<br />
2007 HONDA STEPWAGON G, 5door,8seater, ABS, air con, rear spoiler,<br />
95,000 kms, 2000cc......................................................................................$8,995<br />
2007 HONDA CR-V 4WDZX, 2400 cc,ABS, air con, climate control, sun<br />
roof,auto....................................................................................................$11,995<br />
2016 MITSIBUSHIPAJEROSPORT VRX,2400cc, cruise control, reverse<br />
sensors,tow bar,fully loaded .............................................................$34,995<br />
SUZUKI<br />
2007 SUZUKISX4 XG, 5door, petrol,ABS, air con, climate control, rear<br />
spoiler,roof rails,alloys,97,200 kms, 1500 cc.....................................$8,495<br />
2008 NISSANMICRA, 5speed,twin air bags,5door, ABS,<br />
96,000kms ......................................................................................................... SOLD<br />
2006 NISSANCUBE15M, 5door, petrol,air con, ABS, CD changer,42,300<br />
kms, 1500cc.....................................................................................................$7,495<br />
2014 NISSANLATIO B, auto, idling stop,twin air bags,ABS,4door, petrol,<br />
air con, 31,100kms........................................................................................$9,995<br />
2001 NISSANCUBE, 1300 cc,5door, auto, 136,000 kms........................$3,495<br />
2007 NISSANSKYLINE 350 GT,3500 cc,auto, paddle shift, 18in alloys,<br />
76,000 kms...................................................................................................$11,995<br />
2013 NISSANBLUEBIRD, twin air bags,ABS, air con, 46,000 kms...$11,995<br />
2013 NISSANSYLPHYX,1800cc, air con, ABS, push start, auto,<br />
46,000 kms .............................................................................. $11,995<br />
2006 NISSAN BLUEBIRD SYLPHY20S, 2000cc,ABS, air con, climate<br />
control, 11,800kms.......................................................................................$9,995<br />
SUBARU<br />
2011 SUBARU FORRESTER,2000 cc,4WD,ABS, twin air bags,<br />
97,000 kms.................................................................................................$11,995<br />
2011 SUBARU LEGACYWAGON, 2.5i, 2500cc, ABS, new cam belt,rear<br />
spoiler..........................................................................................................$10,995<br />
2007 TOYOTA PRIUS STOURING, hybrid,alloys,reverse camera, air con,<br />
rear spoiler,ABS, 1500cc, 36,000 kms..............................................$10,995<br />
2007 TOYOTA BLADEG,5door,ABS, air con, body kit, rear spoiler,push<br />
button start, 70,500 kms, 2400cc.........................................................$10,995<br />
2009 TOYOTAESTIMAHYBRID X4WD, 5door,8seater, ABS, air con, auto,<br />
rear spoiler,cruise control, 133,450 kms, 2400cc, alloys..............$14,995<br />
2013 TOYOTA PRIUS L, 5door,ABS, air con, petrol,parking sensors, rear<br />
spoiler,auto, 71,810 kms, 1800cc.........................................................$16,995<br />
1999 TOYOTA RAV4,3door,petrol,ABS, air con, rear spoiler,<br />
1800cc...............................................................................................................$7,995<br />
2006 TOYOTARUSH G, 5door,petrol,ABS, air con, climatecontrol,rear<br />
spoiler,59,500 kms, 1500cc....................................................................$11,995<br />
2008 TOYOTA WISH XLIMITED, 5door,petrol,ABS, air con, auto, climate<br />
control, 72,500 kms, 1800cc......................................................................$9,995<br />
2012 TOYOTA RAV4 LTD, 2400cc,ABS, air con, body kit,<br />
74,000 kms...................................................................................................$15,995<br />
1992 FORD COURIER UTE, diesel flatdeck................................................. $3,995<br />
2004FORD FOCUS, 5door,5spped............................................................. $2,995<br />
1996NISSANSUNNY, 5speed........................................................................ $3,995<br />
1995 NISSANPULSAR, auto, hatchback..................................................... $2,495<br />
2008 TOYOTA WISH<br />
1800CC,7SEATER,<br />
72,000KMS<br />
2007 SUZUKI SX4<br />
AUTO,ALLOYS, 2<br />
RAILS,98,000KMS<br />
2006 TOYOTA RUSH<br />
59,000KMS<br />
$9,995<br />
$8,495<br />
$10,995<br />
Ph: 308 1396<br />
Sellingnicecarstonicepeople!<br />
-about our range of rental vehicles<br />
470 West Street,<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
A/H Keith Drummond<br />
0274 367 646<br />
Family,Sports, School or Social Trips<br />
We have 8, 10 &12seaterminivansavailable.<br />
Cars and3trucksforsmall or bigloads alsoavailable.<br />