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19 TH JU LY 2020
Use this guide to make your own theatre.
Can you go one step further and write your script?
Hooray it’s the school holidays!
Whether you went back to school or continued learning at
home, we want to say a HUGE well done for the great efforts
you have all put in and we thank God for keeping you all during
this time.
This issue is all about finding square roots and prime numbers!
No, just joking!! It’s all fun and games this issue. We have
scoured the internet and tried to find something for everyone.
Have fun and happy holidays!
ENN Team xoxo
Dear God,
You have called me to serve, help
me to use my mouth, hands and feet
to serve well. Holy Spirit, fill my heart
and help me serve with love and kindness.
Help me to obey Your Word and be
a good example. In Jesus‛ name,
Can you find the 25 hidden words from Steve
Backshall’s Deadly 60’s nature programme?
Whenever you see this green button click the image
to watch the video or go straight to a website!!
Remember, when you tap the pink button
you load more content
“Love the Lord your God
with all your heart and
with all your soul and
with all your strength and
with all your mind, and,
Love your neighbour as
Luke 10:27 NIV
Be devoted to
each other like a
loving family. Excel
in showing respect
for each other.
Romans 12:10,
(God’s Word
If you want a better view of birds, treetops, or even the night sky,
you and your family can build your own simple telescope. Use this
make-it-yourself device to explore the world. Keep a diary of what
you see over the course of one week and share it with us at ENN.
Two empty paper towel tubes
Masking tape
Paint, markers, or crayons to decorate your telescope
2 magnifying glasses or 2 convex lenses from old reading glasses
(please don’t grab the first pair of glasses you see! Do ask for
permission first). Ask your grown up to help you remove the lenses
from the frame. Make sure the glasses are reading glasses and not
glasses for helping to see things far away.
Get the instructions!
your own
Who is a hero?
When someone is stuck at sea and runs into difficulty the
emergency coast guard are called to the rescue. When a building
is burning, like the Grenfell tower in London 3 years ago, the
firefighters were called to the rescue. When someone is sick or
badly hurt an ambulance is called. Recently, a lot of us came
out every Thursday evening at 8:00pm to clap for key workers
who were serving our country in lots of different ways during the
God wants us to serve Him with all our heart
and strength and to love our neighbours as
ourselves. When asked who our neighbour is,
Jesus told the story of the Good Samaritan.
The Samaritan helped the man who no one
wanted to help, he picked him up and took
him to be nursed and paid for it. Jesus at the
end of the story said for us to go and do the
(Read Luke 10:25-37 and watch this video.)
True servant-heroes help
the hurting and lonely. No
one has been a bigger and
better servant than Jesus
and he has had help from His
servant-heroes throughout
history. One of such servants in
particular who became famous
for helping the hurting and lonely
is Mother Theresa. This lady spent
her entire life helping people no
one else wanted to help, just like
the Good Samaritan in the Bible. She achieved so much and got a
lot of awards, but she always replied ‘I‘m a little pencil in the hand
of a writing God who is sending a love letter to the world’.
Picture from
So this week, kids, let’s be a servant for God, take the
challenge to encourage someone with a kind note or a
bible verse, send a message to a friend, an relative or
neighbour who maybe lonely. Give a gift, a handmade
card; be creative. Every day of this coming week, make a
list and do one thing a day for someone. Share your log/
list with us. Serving others is a way to be great in God’s
eyes. Jesus told his disciples that the greatest among
them is the one who is a servant of all (Read Mark 9:34-
The sweet
sound of
Make your own musical
instruments with these
great DIY projects Just
click the pic for the video
David and Goliath
How good are your observation skills?!
Try these Spot the Difference games from
CBBC and CBeebies and find out!
these cute pom-pom pets!
Run out of bubble mixture? No problem,
you can make your own – and even create
your own bubble wands too!
Make and host
your very own
afternoon tea
Are you ready guys?
Roll up your sleeves
and get ready to
make your own
delicious afternoon
tea… Create your
own menu or follow
this one…
Sandwiches.. Ham, cheese, cucumber
Fruit scones with out without jam and cream
Butterfly cup cakes
Fruit kebabs
Watermelon Lemonade
Dad stood by the kitchen door and
watched his Justin washing the
dishes, he could hear him grumbling
under his voice, saying, “why do I
always have to do the washing up, it isn’t
fair”. Dad smiled and said to Justin, I used
to grumble like that when I was your age
and your Grandma would tell me “the
chores had to be done whether I liked it
or not”. He told Justin how his Grandma
would inspect every dish washed, bed
made or floor swept and call him back to
do it again if it wasn’t done to her level of
perfection. “Why was grandma so fussy
about things being done like that?” asked
Justin. Dad said, “Think about what I do
as a brain surgeon. If I hadn’t obeyed my
mum to do things well, maybe I would be
forgetting my surgical instruments inside
patients!” He laughed. “And I certainly
wouldn’t be not be very good at performing
operations on people’s brains! They
both laughed.
“Grandma always reminded me that the
most important thing to do was to start
my day with prayer and to pay attention
to detail. She would constantly say, it’s
what makes the difference between being
ordinary and extraordinary. Growing up I
tried to remember her words and now, by
Serving starts at home David started serving as a boy…
then served the king, then became King...
God’s grace, I am able to notice
the smallest detail when operating
on my patients. This is what
makes me very good at my job.
Justin thought about what Dad
said, and remembered a Bible
story about David and Goliath.
David had obeyed his father by
taking food to his brothers in the
battle and he didn’t complain, he
just simply obeyed. If he hadn’t
gone, who would have killed
Goliath? God had prepared David
for this battle by helping him kill
a lion and bear while looking
after his father’s sheep.
Justin realised that serving begins
at home. It is the foundation for
greater things. If you are disobedient
or don’t carry out tasks with
a good attitude, you are unlikely
to be given more important responsibilities.
God wants to use each one of us
to carry out great works. Remember
this - whatever skills you are
being taught at home, school or
elsewhere are worth learning.
God will use these to prepare you
for greater things, just like he did
with David.
“What other chores could I help
with, dad?” asked Justin as he
thought “I wonder what great
plans God has for me in the future?”
“I can’t wait to find out!”
All you’ll need is a small, square piece of
paper measuring 7.5cm by 7.5cm. Send us
pictures of your creations!
Just click the pink button to get the
instructions to make a crane, butterfly,
fish, frog and a flower. Have fun!
We’d love to hear from you!
Send your competition entries, comments and birthday shout outs to us at: