Swaffham Newsletter

August 2020

August 2020


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The Nicholas Hammond Academy

Keeping Busy During ‘Lockdown’

Whilst on ‘lockdown’ with the rest of

the country we have of course been

open to children of key workers and

vulnerable students. More recently

we have welcomed back our Year 10s, albeit to an

academy with a very ‘different look’ taking into

account government guidelines. We have been

astounded at some of the amazing things our

students have been involved with whilst at home

alongside their studies, taking part in our charity

project, hobbies and other interesting activities.

Here are just a few of the projects on which we are

proud to report:-

Firstly, we were delighted at the response to our

‘Hope, Happiness & Thanks’ project involving

students in Years 7 & 8. Students concerned

about the wellbeing of those vulnerable members

of our community having to shield, teamed up

with Swaffham Town Council & The Swaffham

Emergency Action Group. They worked on posters

and took photographs of what made them feel

happy, to share with those whose spirits needed

a ‘lift’ and to let them know they have not been

forgotten - bringing a little hope and happiness!

As a demonstration of ‘thanks’ to our key workers,

students added their own posters to the ‘Thank You’

wall outside the White Hart Pub which acted as the

hub of the town’s efforts. You will have also have

seen our own tribute being a ‘window of thanks’ as

you have passed our academy.

we are sure must have been very pleased to shed

that heavy coat in the recent hot weather!

We know that our students take great pride in

their work and this has not changed just because

they have not been able to attend school. Staff

and students have kept in touch regularly via

phone calls and on-line. Some of the art work has

been truly excellent with one student even setting

up her own small business taking commissions.

It has become clear that our students also have

found other talents during their time at home (for

example we have some fine carpenters and cooks).

One of our students did not simply defer to ‘Amazon

shopping’ for a present for his grandmother’s

birthday, he set to work making her a bird table with

his own fair hands. Another adventurous young

lady spent the afternoon shearing an alpaca, who

Others have been proud to share the results of

science experiments, with adult supervision where

indicated, in their own homes.

On the subject of pride - we are delighted to share

in the success of Jack, part of a group of volunteers

from the Norfolk Charity, Nelson’s Journey, who

have been given The Queen’s Award for Voluntary

Service, being the highest award a voluntary group

can receive in the UK. The charity supports children

aged from 11 to 17 years who have experienced

the death of a significant loved one. TNHA are very

proud of his amazing achievement!

Finally, we say a fond farewell to our ‘leavers’ in

Year 11 & 13, who will move on to the next stage

of their lives with our best wishes for their future.

We also take the opportunity to wish all students,

parents/carers, supporters of the academy and

those children who will join TNHA in September - a

summer filled with fun.

Stay safe and well!


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