Slipstream - August 2020
The monthly newsletter of the Maverick Region of the Porsche Club of America
The monthly newsletter of the Maverick Region of the Porsche Club of America
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©2020 Porsche Cars North America, Inc. Porsche recommends seat belt usage and observance of all traffic laws at all times.
They don’t melt.
photo by Scott Sheetz
6 | Tech Session Recap: Fifth Gear
8 | Pop-Ups: Get Together While Apart
14 | Never Say Forever: by Robert Turner
16 | Porsche Service: Water Drain Service
17 | Autocross Series: Event 5, Lone Star Park
19 | Maverick Marktpreis: 911 SC
20 | Coffee, Cars & Conversation: Robert Kendrick
24 | Porsche Fans Celebrate Sportscar Together Day
16 | Autocross upcoming dates
22 | Maverick Concours Weekend
22 | HPDE upcoming dates
23 | Mavs & Mochas
23 | PCA Club Racing upcoming dates
2 | Board Botschaft (Executive Board Member Column)
3 | Maverick of the Month
4 | List of Officers and Board Chairs
4 | Zone 5 Presidents
11 | New Mavericks
11 | Member Moments
31 | Porsche Trivia
34 | Advertiser Index
34 | Anniversaries
36 | Oversteer (Editor’s Column)
See more details and check for event updates via the QR code
here or our online calendar at
Autocross: Challenge Cup #6 .....................................................(Sun) 2
Mav Board Meeting.................................................................. (Wed) 5
Mavs & Mochas: Starbucks Las Colinas ........................................(Sat) 8
Werks Reunion Monterey - Canceled......................................... (Fri) 14
Motoring Mavs at Mayo............................................................ (Sat) 15
Mav Virtual Happy Hour: Cocktails with the Mahoneys.............(Thu) 20
Tech Session: TBD...................................................................... (Sat) 22
Autocross: Challenge Cup #7 .................................................. (Sun) 23
Garages and Gearheads Having Coffee..................................... (Sat) 29
HPDE: Eagles Canyon Raceway .......................................(Sat - Sun) 5-6
Maverick Charity Tour ..................................................................(Sat) 5
Autocross: Challenge Cup #3 (Rescheduled) ..............................(Sun) 6
Mavs & Mochas: Montgomery Plaza ........................................ (Sat) 12
Motoring Mavs at Mayo............................................................ (Sat) 19
Tech Session: TBD ..................................................................... (Sat) 19
Garages and Gearheads Having Coffee..................................... (Sat) 26
Maverick Concours Weekend .....................................(Sat - Sun) 26-27
Autocross: Challenge Cup #8 .................................................. (Sun) 27
On the Cover
Jennifer Parma’s Midnight Blue Boxster
reflecting the beautiful colors of the sunrise
at White Rock Lake in Dallas
Photograph by Jennifer Parma
Slipstream (USPS 666-650) is published monthly by the Maverick Region, Porsche Club of America, 155 Jellico
Southlake, TX 76092. Subscription price is $24.00 per year. Periodical postage is paid at Fort Worth, TX.
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Hiram Saunders, Slipstream, 155 Jellico, Southlake, TX 76092.
Opinions expressed herein are not necessarily endorsed by the Club’s membership or officers. Contributions will be
printed on a space available basis. Chartered regions of PCA may reproduce items from this issue provided the author/
artist and Slipstream are credited. Slipstream is printed by Ussery Printing Company in Irving, Texas.
Like many people these days, our vacation plans have
been cancelled or put on hold. But, for those who still
have jobs, vacation time continues to accrue. And in
Frank’s case, he had accumulated nearly two weeks of
vacation time he needed to use or lose by the end of July.
What to do . . . .
Neither of us really wanted to fly anywhere at this
point. But we both have mothers who live out of state:
one in Tennessee and one in Indiana. They both have been
focused on staying in the comfort of their homes as much
as possible, but had dropped hints that they were getting
kind of lonely. So, we decided to take a road trip!
Friday, July 3: Dallas to Collierville, TN. Our typical
route over the Christmas holiday is to drive to Frank’s
parents’ house just outside Memphis, then drive the second
day to my Mom’s house in Fort Wayne, Indiana. On
this trip, we followed that path, but Frank’s mother was
actually out of town for the weekend, visiting her sister, so
we would see her on the way back.
Saturday, July 4: Collierville, TN to Fort Wayne, IN. A
full day on the road, with a stop for lunch at White Castle
in Bowling Green, KY. No inside dining available that day,
so we went through the drive up window and ate in the car
(sorry, VW!). The bridge across the Ohio River at Louisville
looks kind of like the Dallas bridges to nowhere. Arrived at
Mom’s house in time for dinner. Outside temperature: only
79 degrees at 5:02 pm! When’s the last time we saw temps
like that here?
Sunday, July
5: Spent the day
at my brother’s
lake house on
Lake Pleasant,
on the Indiana/
Michigan border.
Very relaxing day
- apparently I fell
asleep outside, on a lawn chair in the shade overlooking the
lake. I was told by one of my nephews that I was snoring
(no photo available).
Monday, July 6: Checked a few things off the list around
Mom’s house, and later had dinner with my mother and
godmother (best friends since high school). We couldn’t
find a restaurant open that evening, so we picked up a pizza
and took it over to Judy’s house - thankfully, she tends to
be well-stocked on wine.
Tuesday, July 7: Looking through some old photos,
found one of me and my grandfather checking out a mid-
60s Corvette; not sure if that was before or after we admired
the Porsche 356 next to it. Then after a pre-birthday sushi
lunch for Frank, we headed south to visit my sister and
2 August
Board Botschaft: The “Moms” Tour
by Chris Flaugh, Region Treasurer
her husband at their home in Noblesville, IN. Grilled pork
chops for dinner, and more wine!
Wednesday, July 8: Frank’s birthday - he received the
traditional birthday greeting my sister bestows on her four
boys. Then we departed from Noblesville to Collierville,
TN. Arrived in time for Frank to enjoy a southern birthday
dinner of his mother’s homemade fried chicken, okra, and
mashed potatoes (and some champagne). Back to Dallas at
the end of the week.
Total miles driven: 2,292. Average MPG: 40.2. No
speeding tickets. Sorry, we didn’t take a Porsche on this
road trip, drove the VW Passat TDI. Next road trip will be
in a Porsche. Meanwhile, this was a great opportunity to get
out for a change of scenery and to see some people we had
not seen for a while. Phone calls, Zoom calls, Facebook
group calls, etc. are all great, but sometimes you just need a
bit more personal interaction. Everyone has their own
comfort level, but this worked for us! We travelled at our
own pace, in the safety
of our own car, avoided
crowds, limited
personal interactions
as much as possible,
and wore a mask when
appropriate. Stay safe
out there!
COVID-19 Updates for Maverick Region
Maverick Region COVID Communication Chair, Wendy Shoffit
Well, as you know, there has been good news and
bad news this past month related to COVID-19. First
the bad: apparently, we Texans have been “bad puddy
tats” who haven’t been properly socially distancing,
wearing masks, and keeping healthy. So, positive test
results for this have been spiking since the latter part of
June. I think everyone has been tired of being cooped
up and are desperate to get out, not always making the
best decisions. So now Governor Abbott has mandated
mask wearing and is closing some businesses again. We
will see if more closings will happen or if we can reverse
this trend.
The good news is that we Mavericks have successfully
had a few events and we’ve generally had good luck
with people behaving. People haven’t minded signing
the communicable disease waiver, as we have 128
people who have signed to date. I think it’s a small price
to pay to be able to gather with your PCA friends at
tours and happy hours. The one thing I ask for future
signers: pretty please with sugar on top print your name
LEGIBLY. Your signature can be on par with doctors,
but the printed version needs to be readable. Take your
time. You just need to sign it once. Please and thank you!
The future of events depends largely on the local
governing bodies and their restrictions. If they ban
large events outright, we obviously need to cancel
some. Just know we will do everything we can to meet
government regulations to meet safely and to protect all
our members. We will do our best to keep you informed
about events that can happen and which cannot.
Be healthy and well!
Wendy Shoffit
COVID Communications Chair
Julia Cleath
Julia has been with the PCA a little over 4 years. Julia has been a true
Porsche fan dating back more years than I’m sure she’d like to say. When
going to any of the club events, she’s not content with riding as navigator in
her husband’s 911 SC, no she gets behind the wheel of her 1988 Guards
Red 944 and drafts behind him. Other times you might find her in the
driver’s seat of her Macan. Julia is always helping out at many of our Social
events putting her loving touch on what she does with that friendly smile.
Most recently she has teamed up with JimmyG our Charity Chair and his
wife Phyllis on a great cause. They have worked together to organize a fund
raiser in conjunction with the National Breast Cancer Foundation, Inc.
Julia helped design and organize the sales of the New Porsche logo t-shirts
substituting the O in Porsche to the pink ribbon. You may have seen a few
of these great looking shirts at the June Mavs & Mochas where she helped
raise close to $600. If you haven’t purchased yet or made a donation, visit to help the club reach their goal of $2,500. This
amount will allow us to pack 50 “Hope Kits” that each include a personal
note from the packer with all the necessary items to support and care for
someone battling breast cancer. I’m always so happy to see the different
roads we take to help others while Driving Friendships. These are
outstanding examples of how our club stays Fueled By Volunteers. Please
join me in Congratulating Julia as our Maverick of the Month.
2020 Maverick Region Board - Officers and Chairs
William Kruder
Vice President
Carey Spreen
Jennifer Parma
Chris Flaugh
Autocross Chair
Mark Schnoerr
Charity Chair
Jimmy Gallegos
Club Race Co-Chair
David Hodges
Club Race Co-Chair
David McBee
Coffee Meets Co-Chair
Derrick Tate
Coffee Meets Co-Chair
Matt Wilson
Concours Chair
Scott Kellogg
DE Co-Chair
Keith Olcha
DE Co-Chair
Renee Hayden
DE Registrar
Jason Brodigan
DE Chief Driving Coach
Craig Janssen
DE Medical Chair
Dr. Jeffery Komenda
Merchandise Chair
Peter Wen
Region Historian
Carey Spreen
Marketing, Social
Media Chair
Bill Orr
Membership Chairs
Beckie & Tom Gomer
Monthly Social Chair
Claudia & Jeff Reynolds
PCA Tours Co-Chair
Sam Bryant
PCA Tours Co-Chair
Ted Martin
PCA Junior Ambassador
Brady Stogner
Rally Chairs
Ginger & Tom Heuerman
Registrar, Club Race
Wendy Shoffit
Safety Co-Chair
Nikolaus Klemmer
Slipstream Advertising
Mike Mahoney
Slipstream Content Ed.
Carey Spreen
Slipstream Editor
Kurt Scaggs
Slipstream Event Ad Design
David Tierney
Slipstream Mailing
Andy Mears
Social Chair
Debi Kruder
Tech Sessions Co-Chair
Michael Baynton
Tech Sessions Co-Chair
Mike O’Hare
Tub Club President
George Maffey
Trivia Chair
Jerry DeFeo
Volunteers Chair
Landon Stogner
Web Site Chair
James Shoffit
COVID Communications Chair
Wendy Shoffit
Link to
Ken Chandler,
2020 PCA Zone 5 Presidents and Zone Representative
Tuffy von Briesen
Phil Daigrepont
Brian Swope;
Chris Hines
Bryan Kerrick
Doug Carroll
Dennis Halmai
William Kruder
John Showalter
Robert Handy
not listed
Leonard Zechiedrich
Chuck Bush
(703) 577-0562
4 August
Tech session recap: Fifth Gear (via Zoom)
by Micheal Baynton, Tech Sessions Co-chair
photo provided by Fifth Gear and Bill Kruder
It’s too bad that Mazda has trademarked the phrase
“Zoom Zoom”—it would have been the perfect title for
this month’s tech article. So just close your eyes for a sec
and imagine that I usurped it anyway…
Yes, even our tech sessions have been drastically affected
by Covid, so for the safety of our members and vendors,
we went online in July and held our first-ever virtual tech
session on Saturday, July 11 via Zoom. Our host was Fifth
Gear in Lewisville (FYI--they also have a facility in Argyle.),
and it was a resounding success based on feedback from
our members that signed up and watched.
Fifth Gear presented a comprehensive overview of
Porsche maintenance facts and myths, covering everything
from oil change schedules and suggested brands, fluid
replacement intervals, IMS concerns, and a variety of
other topics. The online chat feature was used to great
success to answer members’ questions in real time, and
Fifth Gear even had a garage full of Porsches available
for hands-on show-and-tell. Their experts were able to
climb into and under cars to highlight various aspects of
maintenance requirements and offered a lot of practical
tips and tricks. They answered as many questions as
possible during our allotted time, and even stayed late
in the chat to answer additional questions. To top things
off, they awarded premium gift certificates for the four
best online questions PLUS $100 gift certificates to lucky
members who signed up for the session—a very gracious
gesture! Many thanks to everyone at Fifth Gear that
accepted this challenge and committed to moving this
tech session from shop to screen.
As we look to the rest of the year, we hope to get back to “live”
sessions as soon as it is safe to do so. If we can find additional
informative topics that we can practically and thoroughly present
via Zoom, we will definitely bring those to you as well. We will
update our tech session calendar on our site and will keep you
informed via social media. In the meantime, stay safe and Zoom!
6 August
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Pop-ups have become
one of the best ways to
get together with your
Porsche friends. Check social
media to see what’s happening.
photo provided by Guillermo Alvarez Jr., Chris Low, Randy Luckenbill, Scott
Sheetz and Landon Stogner
8 August
Left from top: The FloMoPoCo (Flower Mound Porsche Coffee) weekly pop-up, Kona Coffee in
Frisco every Sunday and Summer Moon Coffee in Keller.
Above: Photographer Scott Sheetz is in the frame capturing some snaps at the Keller pop-up.
A J Chabria always has a smile ready and waiting.
You might have seen some “pop-ups” posted on social media. These are
not club affiliated events, just enthusiasts that have gotten together with
friends to create a safe place to share stories and get some relief from the
day to day grind. Coffee and cars, but not Cars and Coffee; think much,
much smaller. Some meet every week and others happen more
spontaneously. They all have Porsches in common but they aren’t
exclusive, come as you are and meet some new friends.
10 August
Welcome Our New Mavericks!
by Becky and Tom Gomer, Region Membership Chairs
New Members June 2020
If you have any changes that
you would like to make to the
MRPCA membership guide, contact Tom or
Becky at
Steven Adam Southlake 2020 911 Carrera S
Robert Barberee Stephenville 2020 911 Carrera
Levi Becerril Dallas 2020 911 Carrera 4S
Keith Black Garland 2017 911 Carrera 4S Cabriolet
John Butts, III Dallas 2020 911 Carrera Cabriolet
Alan Cashier Frisco 2019 718 Cayman
Howard Derrick Dallas 2020 911 Carrera Cabriolet
Dustin Derrick MD Fort Worth 2017 718 Boxster S
George Gerlach Dallas 1999 911 Carrera 4
Jim Gibbons Carrollton 2006 911 Carrera S
Demitrious Gilmore Frisco 1999 911 Carrera 4
Bart Glancy Grapevine 2017 718 Boxster S
Mo Huda Frisco 2004 911 Turbo
Gloria Jackson Mansfield 2008 Cayman
Cameron Joyce Frisco 2015 Panamera S
Earvin Larry Sulphur Springs 2004 911 Carrera 4S
John Levy Colleyville 2019 911 GT3 RS
Gary Menichini Southlake 2016 911 Carrera GTS Cabriolet
John Miller Dallas 2010 Cayman S
Jerry Morris Keller 2014 911 Carrera
Wendy Platt Frisco 2014 Cayenne GTS
David Raishe Allen 2015 911 Carrera S Cabriolet
Jay Rampuria Allen 2007 911 Turbo
Jacob Ryan Fort Worth 2018 718 Cayman S
Josh Seaman Dallas 2002 911 Turbo
John Skinner Southlake 2019 911 Targa 4 GTS
Christopher Smith Sacshe 2002 911 GT2
Greg Stiebling Plano 2020 Cayenne S
Benjamin Stillwagon Irving 2020 Macan
Lisa Tarrant Sunnyvale 2017 911 Carrera
Dave Woods Grapevine 2020 911 Carrera S
Transfers In
Mo Huda (WTX) Frisco 2004 911 Turbo
Please give a Maverick Welcome to these new members when you meet them
Maverick Membership Statistics as of July 1
Primary Members: 2130 Affiliate Members: 1019 Total Membership: 3149
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12 August
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6/13/2020 5:12:28 PM
Never Say Forever . . .
by Robert Turner
What defines a “keeper,” a forever car? What makes
you want to hold on to a rolling piece of steel, rubber,
plastic, and fabric when the rust sets in, the trim sags, the
motor is telling you it needs some TLC, or it’s just begging
you to take it out on the road and thrash it? What make
you want to keep it? Is it sentimentality or an investment
or has it become part of the family? Porsche AG tells us
that over 70% of Porsches manufactured are still on the
road. So, for many of us, the Porsche sitting in the garage
is our forever car.
Me? Not so much. I’ve never been the sentimental sort
when it comes to cars. Do I miss several of the Porsches I’ve
bought and sold? You bet! That ’76 930 Turbo Carrera?
Yep! Or how about the slate-gray metallic ’93 968. Oh
yeah. Or LMNHED (Lemonhead) 1 – the ’02 Boxster S in
Speed Yellow with factory speedster humps. Definitely. I
want that one back for sure. But every time I have declared
a car a keeper, a forever car – well, its days are numbered.
I’ve owned a lot of cars; seems like there is a new one
in the garage all the time. Funny thing though: a majority
were used (or maybe it’s more politically correct to say
“pre-owned”). What does this list say about us and our
automotive choices? Well except for Porsches, we get tired
of cars pretty fast. We say we’re going to keep them forever,
but don’t, and for the most part have owned a little bit of
everything. But I will say that when I sell a car, it’s usually
in much better shape than when I bought it. Not bragging,
but buying one of my cars is a good idea. Why? It will be
spotlessly clean, the maintenance will be up to date and
(especially with the Porsches) it may have some very tasty
mods installed.
You see, when it comes to Porsches, I have a problem.
I call it the Slippery Slope — I can’t help myself, I just
have to make the car better. My wife commented about my
“hobby” and noted that my automotive excess tended to
be very expensive. “But at least I’m not addicted to golf!”
I proudly pointed out, and then went on to say that at least
she was not a golf widow. No, she countered, she was a
garage widow – which amounts to same thing and based
on the cost of Porsches plus mods, she pointed out that we
would probably come out ahead if I started playing golf
2-3 times a week. Hmmm, she had me there . . . .
So I thought I would compile a list of all the vehicles
we have owned or been assigned (meaning company cars)
since my first 1965 Ford Mustang (listed in chronological
order from first vehicle owned to most recent). This list
includes the cars my wife drove up to and when we met, as
well as the cars that I have purchased for my two sons (but
still held the title). It is quite a long list. There are some
pretty bad vehicles along the way - but some really good
ones too - so enjoy.
1. 1965 Ford Mustang (my first car, light green, 289
V8 with factory 4-speed)
2. 1975 Ford Thunderbird (my wife’s first car)
3. 1972 Chevy Vega (I drove this for six months until
the motor let go)
4. 1980 Puch Moped (really awful college
transportation, but dirt cheap)
5. 1976 Honda CB 400F (upgrade from Puch; rode it
from upstate NY to TX)
6. 1979 Fiat Strada (car parents gave me to get me
away from the cycle)
7. 1972 Porsche 914 (1st Porsche; whole stories about this one)
8. 1985 Suzuki GS550E (after Porsche 914 rusted
away, it was my main ride)
9. 1980 Ford Thunderbird (wife’s second car)
10. 1965 Ford Mustang (different from one listed
above; split time with Suzuki)
11. 1986 Acura Integra (1st new car! Yeah, traded in
the Suzuki on it)
12. 1990 Acura Integra ES (2nd new car)
13. 1986 Nissan Pulsar (ouch, we had one of those –
actually was my wife’s car)
14. 1987 Porsche 944S (2nd Porsche; our first son
rode around in this)
15. 1990 Ford Aerostar Minivan (company car; yuck,
ewww, terrible)
16. 1993 Mazda 626 (leveraged a poopy diaper to get
a deal on this)
17. 1993 Dodge Caravan (company car, meh…)
18. 1990 BMW 525i (our first Beemer)
19. 1996 Dodge Caravan (company car, meh x2)
20. 1999 Ford Explorer (great story about this one.
Look for the new e-book Kindle release)
21. 1999 Dodge Intrepid (company car; it was purple
and we had it six weeks)
22. 1999 BMW 528i (another great story included in
upcoming Kindle release)
23. 1976 Porsche 911 Turbo Carrera 930 (BAD BOY,
what ‘cha gonna do!?)
24. 1986 Porsche 944 Turbo 951 (1st track car)
25. 2001 Ford Excursion (needed to tow track car
above to the track – duh)
26. 1999 Porsche Boxster (Bad Boy=Garage queen,
951=Track Car, Boxster=Fun)
27. 1992 BMW 525i Touring (another great story in
the upcoming Kindle eBook)
14 August
28. 2001 Volvo S60 (another short-timer; it came and
went fast)
29. 1983 Mercedes 230E (Bullet; great stories abound)
30. 2005 Honda CR-V (meh!)
31. 2006 Audi A3 (answer when told to get rid of
930, 951, and Boxster)
32. 2007 Honda CR-V (meh x2!)
33. 2004 VW Touareg V8 (nice SUV if we could keep
it running)
34. 1992 Mazda Miata (1st Miata track car)
35. 1993 Porsche 968 (yeah, I know, should have kept
this one)
36. 2001 Porsche Boxster S (1st yellow one, totaled at
Boxstoberfest no less)
37. 2007 Ford F-150 (older son’s 1st car)
38. 1995 Jeep Wrangler Sahara (younger son’s 1st car)
39. 2007 VW Passat (answer to Touareg, was
supposed to be a keeper)
40. 2006 Porsche Cayman S (properly set up for track events)
41. 2008 VW GTI (older son’s 2nd car)
42. 2004 Porsche Cayenne (new tires for Passat meant
its days were numbered)
43. Porsche 944 Turbo (another 951 track car; fun to
drive, but always broken)
44. 2007 BMW 530i (replaced the Jeep, younger son’s
2nd car)
45. 2002 Porsche Boxster S (the red one; strangely I
never bonded with this one)
46. 2013 Mini Cooper Countryman (traded GTI for
47. 2006 Mini Cooper S JCW GP Kit (#1393 of 2015
built; loved this Mini rocket)
48. 1999 Mazda Miata (The Beast; test platform for
Track Dog Racing)
49. 2013 Ford F-150 Platinum (towed The Beast to
and from track)
50. 2015 Jeep Cherokee (oldest son’s current car)
51. 2002 Porsche Boxster S (LMNHED 1, I want this
one back)
52. Hyundai Elantra GT (youngest son’s current car)
53. 2014 Porsche Cayman S (Lemon Head 2, not
labeled a forever car;-)
54. 2013 Porsche Cayenne Diesel (replaced Mini,
thank goodness)
So, a couple of observations.
My first company car was a Ford
Aerostar minivan, which for some
reason my father-in-law insisted on
calling an Astroloid. Nowadays,
when I see a clapped-out Aerostar/
Astroloid creeping down the street
I wonder how it’s still on the road.
They all have a rusted patina that
just screams “please take me to the
nearest junkyard.” Come to think
of it, back when I drove mine, I
wonder how it stayed on the road.
It was beyond terrible. The shortest
time I “owned” a car? Six weeks. A
colleague ordered a purple Dodge
Intrepid and left the company
shortly after he took delivery. Since
my lease was up, I got stuck with it.
I left the company six weeks later.
My about-to-be ex-boss asked me if
I was leaving because of the purple
car? I said yes – paused – then
laughed. But really, that car was
cursed. The longest we have owned
a car? My wife’s Mini Countryman.
It stayed with us over five years.
But, good news, it was replaced
with the Cayenne Diesel.
Wow, that is quite a list! Over
50+ cars in a lifetime. And I have
no doubt that 60 is easily attainable
(I am sure my wife is cringing as she
reads this). So tell me, what should
our 55th car be? What Porsche will
I be adding to the collection next?
Oh, and I have the contact info of
the couple that bought LMNHED
1 - just saying.
And on that exhaust note . . . .
Porsche Service: Water Drain Service
by Steven Taylor, Porsche Dallas
photo provided by Mike O’Hare
At Park Place Porsche in Dallas, we recognize your
vehicle requires factory-certified service expertise.
That’s what you’ll find at Park Place. With specialized
technicians using state-of-the-art equipment in advanced
service bays to keep your car running like new.
To keep your Porsche running at a high-performance
level, it is important to understand your vehicle’s needs-
such as a drain clean service. This includes clearing and
testing all of the water drains in the vehicle.
Steven Taylor, Shop Foreman Park Place Porsche,
breaks down how significant a drain clean service is for
your Porsche.
“This service is important to get done because over
time leaves, pollen and general debris will clog the
drains. Once the drains are clogged, water will begin to
back up. When this occurs, there is a high potential that
the water will begin to enter the interior of the vehicle
because of the inability to runoff. This generally will
lead to costly repairs of not only drying the interior, but
replacing electrical control units.”
A drain clean service is recommend as an annual
or semi-annual service depending on how susceptible
your vehicle is to debris. Neighborhoods with heavy
foliage are more susceptible to creating this issue for
Porsche owners.
We always encourage our clients to stay informed as
to prevent any unnecessary maintenance. Call us today
for more information on how to protect your Porsche
and schedule your service appointment!
16 August
Autocross Series: Event 5, Lone Star Park
by Mark Schnoerr, Region Autocross Chair
photos by Robert Kirby of Lightspeed Images
Scott Wolthuis piloting his modified 911S on track tires
Covid-19 Pandemic directives remained throughout
June in the DFW area. For the most part, everyone on site
was courteous and respectful, followed the special rules
appropriately and adapted to make it work for all of us.
Equipe Rapide managed to fit 600 timed runs into a little
over six hours!
P0 - 'PCA Zero'
This course was made up of a tight and technical first
1/3, and very fast middle section, and a fast, technical
slalom final 1/3. Of a total of 136 entrants, we had 18 preregistered
Porsche drivers, but only 11 made it to the event.
Porsche fast times and performance index order were Mark
Schnoerr in the 914 2.0, Carey Spreen in his Boxster S,
and Wendy Shoffit
Car Color Total Diff.
driving her
1 P0 958 Igor Tulandin Silver Cayenne GTS Silver 48.659 -
P1 - 'PCA 1'
Car Color Total Diff.
1T P1 954 Mark Schnoerr Lime Green 914 Lime green 46.437 [-]1.978
2T P1 5 Edward Mayo Silver 911S silver 48.415 1.978
3 P1 914 Sigrid Schnoerr Lime Green 914 Green 48.438 0.023
4 P1 9 Julia Underwood Silver 911S Silver 54.776 6.338
P2 - 'PCA 2'
Car Color Total Diff.
1T P2 906 Carey Spreen GT Silver Boxster S GT Silver 47.703 [-]2.783
2T P2 37 Russ Rosenberg Grey Porsche 911 Grey 50.486 2.783
3 P2 7 Douglas Edney Black Porsche 996 Black 50.528 0.042
P3 - 'PCA 3'
Car Color Total Diff.
1T P3 89 Wendy Shoffit White Cayman GT4 White 47.538 [-]0.239
2T P3 11 Steve Krysil Black 911 Black 47.777 0.239
P5 - 'PCA 5'
Car Color Total Diff.
1 P5 56 Scott Wolthuis Blue 911S Blue 50.436
Cayman GT4.
Full results are
The next two
events are both in
August at Lone
Star Park, August
2 and 23. See the
rest of the schedule
on the opposing
18 August
Maverick Marktpreis is proudly sponsored by:
Maverick Marktpreis: 911 SC
by Peter Wen
In the September 2018 issue of Slipstream, we reviewed the then, red-hot 911 SC. The second generation 911
Super Carrera had an incredible 10-year run, more than doubling in value from 2008 to 2018. Since then, the market
has stabilized. According to Hagerty, the average SC value is now $33,000, down from $33,500 two years ago.
The Super Carrera, or SC, was produced from ’78 to ’83, in the middle of the impact-bumper generation 911
production. With its superb 3.0L engine, a total of 57,890 SCs were produced.
SC Coupe 1978 - 1983 $22k-$50k
SC Targa 1978 - 1983 $20k-$45k
SC Cabriolet 1983 $19k-$44k
Source: Excellence magazine’s Porsche Buyer’s Guide
Porsche introduced 911 SC Cabriolet in 1983. It
was Porsche's first convertible since the 356 of the
mid-1960s. Cabriolet versions of the 911 have been
offered ever since.
Hagerty Valuation Tool:
1981 SC Coupe
$33,000 average value
May 2017 Jan 2018 Sep 2018 May 2019 Jan 2020
1983 911 SC Coupe
Sold for $47,500 + $2,375 buyer fee
65k miles shown
Grand Prix White/Dark Blue
3.0L Flat-Six
Type 915 5-speed manual
CoA, Clean Carfax
1982 911 SC Coupe
Sold for $51,500 + $2,575 buyer fee
76k miles shown
Grand Prix White/Dark Blue
3.0L Flat-Six
Type 915 5-speed manual
CoA, Clean Carfax, Engine head stud
1980 911 SC Targa
Sold for $30,750 + $1,538 buyer fee
141k miles shown
Grand Prix White/Black
3.0L Flat-Six
Type 915 5-speed manual
German car, Top-end rebuilt, CoA
1980 911 SC Targa
Sold for $48,000 + $2,400 buyer fee
68k miles shown
Silver Metallic/Black
3.0L Flat-Six
Type 915 5-speed manual
CoA, Clean Carfax, docs from 80’s
1979 911 SC Targa
Sold for $36,000 + $1,800 buyer fee
151 miles shown
Tobacco Brown/Brown
3.0L Flat-Six
Type 915 5-speed manual
1983 911 SC Coupe
Sold for $41,000 + $2,050 buyer fee
102k miles shown
Platinum Metallic/Brown
3.0L Flat-Six
Type 915 5-speed manual
Canadian car, Clean Carfax, docs
At Hagerty, our love for cars and their owners drives our
business forward, allowing us to offer you better
classic car insurance coverage for less.
Coffee, Cars & Conversation
by Bill Kruder
photos provided by Robert Kendrick
Sometimes friendships take a
while to form. This person and
I first met at Cars & Coffee back
in 2009. Both of us would show
up early, chat for a bit, and walk
the cars; then, when it was over we
would go our separate ways. Next
month we’d do the same, until one
month he wasn’t there. Several
months passed, and then like out
of nowhere, one month he’s back.
Heck, I thought he moved away
(laughing), but no, he had hip
surgery, not just once but
twice. Needless to say, we
picked up where we left off.
Fast forward to spring
of 2014: I had brought a
cigar to the event and as we
were leaving he said, “Hey,
I enjoy cigars - maybe we
should do that some time.”
Well, guys being guys, we
don’t exchange numbers –
heck, you have to be careful,
he could be crazy (laughing).
It’s not until the next couple
of C&C’s that we actually
do exchange numbers,
and as they say, the rest is
friendship history. As I often
kid, most people aren’t this
cautious dating.
So here is the next in my
series of “conversations” I would
like to share with you . . .
Robert Kendrick, member since 2015
Owner, 2005 996 Turbo S and
2016 Macan Turbo
Bill Kruder: So I usually start with
where are you from, but frankly
everyone wants to know: how the
heck do you fit (mind you he is 6’
9”) in your 996?
Robert Kendrick: Ha, yes that is
always the first thing people ask me
when they see me climb out of my
car! The secret is manual seats. My
red 996 had power seats, and I had
to have Stuarts move the rails back to
get me the extra three inches I needed.
My 996 turbo comes with sports
seats, which are manual, and they
have plenty of room to move back.
BK: Well ok then! Now that we
have that out of the way, where are
you from?
RK: I was born in Paris - yes that
one in France. I lived there until I
was four years old. We then moved
to North Carolina, where my dad’s
Robert Kendrick standing with some of his sports collection.
family was. From there we moved
to Pensacola, Florida then finally
settling in Jacksonville, Florida
when I was six years old.
BK: Paris, France huh?
RK: Yes, my dad was in the Air
Force, then called the Army Air
Corps. He was actually stationed at
Pearl Harbor when it was attacked.
He then was deployed to the Pacific
and eventually sent to Paris as part
of the reconstruction of France, and
that’s when he met my mom.
BK: So your dad spoke French?
RK: Oh no, not a word! Matter of fact, I
didn’t speak English and my mom didn’t
either (laughing). When we moved to
the states it was pretty strange as my
dad brought us home to his family, and
for the life of me I don’t recall how we
communicated (laughing).
BK: But Jacksonville is what you
call home?
RK: It is! Like I said I was six years
old when we moved there so I went
to Catholic grammar school and
high school there. I didn’t
stray far for college either,
attending University of
Florida in Gainesville, which
is only about 90 minutes
southwest of Jacksonville.
BK: We have something in
common about our college
years and our job in college
I hear?
RK: Yes we do! I worked at
the local JC Penney Store in
the catalog department. Had
I stayed I could have been
you (laughing).
BK: Yes, I worked at a JC
Penney store in Chicago during
college and retired from the
company 40 years later.
BK: What did you study in college
RK: I received my degree in
Advertising with a minor in Business.
BK: I know you enjoy drawing - is
that why you chose Advertising?
RK: I think that had something to
do with it. I have always enjoyed
sketching. I had an uncle who
taught art at Piedmont College
in North Carolina, and I think I
picked up that gene from him. As it
turns out I really do enjoy drawing
or sketching, and still do to this
day, using color pencil and acrylic
or charcoal.
20 August
BK: So that’s what you went into after graduating?
RK: No, I never did. I wasn’t really sure what I would do,
so my first job out of college was as an insurance adjuster in
Rome – no, not that one (laughing) – Rome, Georgia.
BK: How did you end up in DFW?
RK: Well it sure was a winding road, but after living in Rome,
I found myself taking a job in Jacksonville. Then it was off
to New York City, Orlando, Dallas (the first time in 1994),
Greensboro, and then back to
Dallas in 2001.
BK: Why did you leave and
come back?
RK: Well I was here for three
years, but then my dad became
ill so I took a job in Greensboro
to be closer to my parents. It
went from a 14-hour drive to
about six hours.
BK: So when and how did you
and your wife Laurie meet?
RK: We were kind of introduced by a mutual friend who
set us up on a blind date. This was in 1996 during my
first stay here. Then in 1997 I moved to Greensboro
and we did the long distance thing for a bit; then stuff
happened and we stopped. As it turned out, my dad
passed away in 2000 and Laurie came out to see me.
what I had earlier, but this one was modified. We would
refer to it as the “space shuttle” as it had some real
quirky things done to increase its performance.
BK: Ok, so most people don’t know about your hobby?
Time to tell.
RK: It would be my sports memorabilia collection;
specifically it’s a collection of full size football helmets.
Some years back Laurie gifted me a NY Giants helmet
signed by Pat Summerall, who
played for them as the kicker
from 1958-61, and which
happened to be his greatest
years (1959). From there it has
just kind of grown to 45-50 of
them, all signed by the players I
admired growing up or watching
in college or the NFL.
BK: So I have to ask, what is
your most prized helmet?
RK: Easy! It’s signed by Emmitt
Smith. Not only was he the
NFL’s all-time leading rusher,
but most importantly he’s a GATOR.
And there you have it . . . Driving Friendships!
BK: When did you get married then?
RK: We dated for about four years total; then in 2002 we
got married about a year after I had moved back to Dallas.
BK: Ok let’s switch gears and talk cars. What was your
first car?
RK: Oh geez - it was my neighbor’s 1968 Plymouth
Satellite; it had a 273 CI V8 and was metallic mint green.
BK: So why Porsche?
RK: Easy! What kid doesn’t dream of having one, and
heck, Brumos was in Jacksonville!
BK: First Porsche?
RK: That was in 1990. It was an ‘86 944 Turbo and it was a
Brumos dealer car. I actually had seen an ad for a 928; they
were sitting next to each other. My friend who was with me
said, “You know how expensive those water pumps are?”
Well I bought the 944; I had it for three years.
BK: Then what?
RK: Well I had several other non-Porsche cars, including
a Jeep. My next Porsche was the 1999 996, with a
supercharger of all things. From there I sold it and
bought a 2004 Signal Yellow C4S. During the same
time as the ‘04 I bought an ‘86 944 Turbo, much like
22 August
Porsche Fans Celebrate Sportscar Together Day \
provided by Park Place Porsche
photos provided by Tony Valadez
What a difference
two years makes. But
even in the eventstarved
era, people long
to get together to
celebrate the people
and things they have
in common.
Two years ago,
Park Place Porsche
Dallas teamed up
with the Porsche
Club of America –
Maverick Region
to help clients
celebrate the 70th
anniversary of the
1948 Porsche 356
“No. 1” Roadster
with a “Sportscar
Together Day” at
the Lemmon Avenue
This year, the
celebration looked
very different,
but Porschephiles
turned out in force
on June 8 to catch
up and celebrate the
72nd anniversary at
Keller’s Drive-In on
Northwest Highway
in Dallas.
“Porsche drivers
are passionate
about their cars,”
explained Patrick
Huston, Park Place
Porsche Dallas
General Manager.
“We couldn’t let this
important occasion
pass us by. So, we
invited the Porsche
Club – Maverick group to join us for a great burger
and fellowship. Everyone had a great time.”
There were a wide range of Porsches on hand,
representing classic models from the 1960s to the new
2020 Porsche Taycan 4S, Porsche’s first hybrid sportscar.
24 August
Above: 2020 Porsche Taycan 4s (Left) and 2020 Porsche Taycan Turbo
Below: Rob Adams, Alan Lage, Bret Turner, PCNA Regional Manager Steve Krysil, PCA Maverick Region President Bill Kruder,
and Park Place Porsche Dallas General Manager Patrick Huston - Tom Gomer, Greg & Julia Cleath, Becky Gomer, Les & Kristl
Linenschmidt - Nikolaus Klemner, Jana Roubel, Michael Baynton - Jim Mango, Jack Griffin, Colleen Chadwick, Beth Mango
The new four-door sports sedan will go from 0-to-60
mph in 2.8 seconds with a top speed of 155 mph and a
driving range of up to 200 miles, all with the
incomparable handling, dependable quality and worldclass
styling of the iconic Porsche brand.
3 Dallas Locations:
Porsche Specialists with over
35 years experience in DFW
Park Cities
6134 Denton Dr
Dallas, Tx 75235
601 Coit Rd
Plano, Tx 75075
White Rock
9796 Ferguson Rd
Dallas, Tx 75228
Arrive 'n Drivel
from Dallas
26 August
Life happens on track day
Everything else is just practice
Local contact: Nolan Eberl-Coe | 682-219-5206 |
*Discount applies to U.S. policies only; not available in CA, MA, and TN. Policies underwritten by Essentia Insurance Company. Membership by Hagerty Drivers Club (HDC), a non-insurance subsidiary
of The Hagerty Group, LLC. Only the HDC Program Guide contains a complete description of benefits. Purchase of insurance not required for membership in HDC. All third party makes, models, and
vehicle names are property of their respective owners. Their use is meant to reflect the authenticity of the vehicle and do not imply sponsorship nor endorsement of Hagerty nor any of these products
or services. Hagerty is a registered trademark of the Hagerty Group LLC, ©2020 The Hagerty Group, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
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28 August
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30 August
You can test your
knowledge (or Google
search ability) of all things
Porsche by participating
in the monthly trivia
contest posted online at
Answers are due by the
last day of each month.
The winner of the trivia
contest receives a $25 gift certificate from our sponsor, Zims Autotechnik.
In the case of ties, a random drawing determines the winner.
This month’s Trivia deals with miscellaneous Porsche items.
The winner this month, getting ALL 5 of 5 correct, was John Stahl.
Congrats John, and be sure to see Aaron at Zim’s to collect your Gift
Certificate. No one else had more than 4 correct answers.
1. Recently there was an interesting article from PCA talking
about desirable Porsche options. Which of the following
was NOT one of said options in
the article? a. Sunroof b. Sport
seats c. Limited slip differential
d. Paint to sample
( - Most Desirable Options)
Maverick Trivia: Are you a Porschephile?
Jerry DeFeo
sponsored by Zims Autotechnik
Answers: 1)a, 2)c, 3)a, 4)c, 5)d
2. The X51 Powerkit was first (quietly) made available for the 993,
and became more popular with the 996 and 997. In fact, the X50
Powerkit, increasing hp by 30, is still available and can be retrofitted
by the dealer for just _______ , not including labor.
a. $7,000 b. $9,000 c. $11,000 d. $13,000
Source: ( - Most Desirable Options)
3. Different owners keep their loved cars in all kinds of different
places, from the simplest to the showiest (re: the Ferrari
in “Ferris Bueller’s Day Off”). Le Mans winner Richard
Attwood kept his Porsche 917 in a __________ .
a. Barn b. Secure garage at home c. Secure Rented
Space at Goodwood d. Secure shipping container
Source: (Road and Track)
4. Sometimes Richard would let others drive his 917 at Goodwood and
found a great rev-limiter of a spark plug that would literally break
down at about 7000 to 7500 rpm. What spark plug did he use for
rev-limiting purposes?
a. AC-Delco Extended Core b. Bosch Platinum Plug for early 911s
c. BMW Hi-Perf plug c. Champion Small Aircraft Engine plug
Source: (Road and Track)
5. Most Porsche fans know that the Targa option first appeared in
1967. Many thought it would die away when the first 911SC
Cabriolet was introduced in 1983, but it continued on as an option
through the ________ model year.
a. 1988 b. 1990 c. 1992 d. 1994
Source: (Automobile Magazine)
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Visit the website for a detailed list of products.
Paint Protection Film
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Rick Dyer (PCA member since 1981) 972 824-2233
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32 August
877 C
200 C
200 C
200 C
200 C
200 C
123 C
307 C
307 C
307 C
307 C
307 C
151 C
354 C
354 C
354 C
354 C
354 C
299 C
108 C
108 C
108 C
108 C
108 C
200 C
Ussery Printing
Printer of SliPStream
Since 1982
4201 Airborn Drive • Addison, Texas 75001
Marketing Solutions Commercial Print Logistics
Maverick August Anniversaries
55 Years
Aldwin Zim (Bret)
35 Years
Harold Clarke (Marianne Stewart)
25 Years
Norman Davis (Brian)
20 Years
Amor Bhattacharya (Indira)
William Johnson
15 Years
David Hodges
Robert Lebovitz (Joyce Sanders)
George Luxbacher (Dee)
Ned Muse (Margaret Haak Muse)
Rob Wallace
10 Years
Charles Bray
John Fiorello (Carolyn)
Patrick Frye (Olivia Thomas)
John Kable
Brian Larson (Edie)
Thomas Michael (Grant)
Rob Stephens (Sandra)
David Touchstone (Emily)
Sean Wayton
5 Years
Mark Chapman (Karen)
Christopher Flaugh (Frank Zack)
Michael Holmes
David Hull
Joe McCreery
George Palmer (Beverly)
Jorge Poliak (Sofia)
Horia Popa
Little Elm
Dawsonville, GA
Wichita Falls
Fort Worth
Highland Village
Advertiser Index
Advertising rates available upon request.
For more information contact Mike Mahoney
Apex Automotive........................................ 31
The Ashe..................................................... 26
Attic Butlers................................................. 33
Autobahn Motorcar Group........................ B.C.
Autoscope................................................... 26
Bennett Motor Werks.................................. 28
BillyGo Plumbing and Air............................ 27
Concorso Detailing...................................... 28
deBoulle Diamond & Jewelry...................... 13
Falgout & Associates, P. C ............................ 25
Fifth Gear Motorsports.................................. 7
Financial Enlightenment............................. 32
The French Room........................................ 13
Garages of Texas.................................... 10, 15
Hagerty Drivers Club............................. 19, 27
Heptig Motorsports..................................... 26
Innovative Autosports................................... 5
Invisibra...................................................... 32
Louden Motorcar Services....................... I.B.C.
Mayo Performance...................................... 12
Mullenix Motorsport................................... 25
New Concepts............................................. 25
The Nest...................................................... 21
OCD’tailers.................................................. 25
Onsite Tires................................................. 28
The Phoenix Insurance................................ 25
Park Place Porsche Dallas......................... I.F.C.
Porsche Plano............................................. 12
ProTecht...................................................... 32
RAC Performance........................................ 30
Stuart’s Paint and Body............................... 18
Tactical Fleet................................................ 29
Texas Motor Works...................................... 33
Tim Schutze Real Estate................................. 7
Timberlake Financial Group........................ 12
Ussery Printing........................................... 33
Zims Autotechnik........................................ 35
These advertisers support our
Maverick Region. Tell them you saw
their ad in Slipstream!
34 August
Parts or Service, We Deliver Excellence.
Over 300,000 parts in stock.
Expert service and repair.
Parts and Service for: Porsche, Mercedes-Benz, BMW, Mini, and Smart Car.
Visit us online at:
1804 Reliance Pkwy. Bedford, TX 76021 M-F 8am to 5:30pm
Zims Autotechnik is not affiliated with Porsche AG or PCNA Registered Trademark of Dr. Ing h.c.F. Porsche A.G.
Oversteer: Letter from the Editor
by Kurt Scaggs, Managing Editor
If you’ve ever seen Bring-a-Trailer (
you know. If you haven’t, you probably shouldn’t. Its
founder describes it as a place where “every car you see on
the site is one we wish we could have”. Dangerous words
in some households. Just the other day while checking
my email I saw a car listed on BaT that resembled one
I owned earlier in life and was drawn in to peruse the
site I promise to quit over and over. It should be easy to
unsubscribe from the emails, but it isn’t. It’s kind of like
having junk food in the house. It did raise an interesting
question though: why do we buy the cars we buy? Why
do we want to even want to buy cars in the first place?
To many buying a car is terrifying. But I’d wager we
aren’t those people. It might get a little tense during
negotiation, and we might second guess the leather
wrapped climate controls, but by and large it’s an
exhilarating experience eclipsed only by delivery and the
drive home. But why do we buy what we buy, and why oh
why do we need more than one? We’ve all heard the
psychology of a collector: 40-60 years old buying what
they longed for in high school. But that really doesn’t
begin to explain why. For some collectors it is investment
and for others it’s the thrill of the chase, the thrill of the
deal. There are lots of other solid investments around,
although paintings don’t make good noises. I’ve spoken
to quite a few of you about why you chose Porsche. The
reasons vary but are repeated: heritage, engineering,
driving dynamics...but I think it comes down to one thing.
The looks drew you in
and the rest made you
comfortable. Lust makes
us do funny things. I
swear I once bought a
Volvo solely for the space
ball shifter. We don’t
shine up our new cars
because it makes them
more comfortable or
worry about the patina
on our old cars because it
makes them faster. It’s
because we just like what
they look like. And that’s okay. No matter what got you
into your Porsche, we’re glad you’re here. So go out there
and live out your best Sixteen Candles or Steve McQueen
Le Mans fantasy, we won’t judge. Just enjoy the drive.
36 August
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