Jesus' Kingdom Spiritual Law of Plank / Speck
While it is very difficult to see our own problems, it's incredibly easy to see someone else's. When you pair this with the Bible and Holy Spirit, we have a powerful gift! This is an amazing tool if used wisely!
While it is very difficult to see our own problems, it's incredibly easy to see someone else's. When you pair this with the Bible and Holy Spirit, we have a powerful gift!
This is an amazing tool if used wisely!
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Jesus‛ <strong>Kingdom</strong> <strong>Spiritual</strong> <strong>Law</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Plank</strong> / <strong>Speck</strong><br />
This is an amazing tool if used wisely<br />
This <strong>Law</strong> is a gift from GOD to us. While it is very difficult to see our own problems, it‛s incredibly easy to see<br />
someone else‛s. When you pair this with the Bible & Holy Spirit, we have a powerful gift!<br />
We abuse this gift by pointing out the flaws <strong>of</strong> others to make ourselves look smart or wise. GOD‛s system that<br />
He put into place makes sure this tool isn‛t misused without consequences. GOD promises to oppose the proud.<br />
Raising ourselves to be examples for other adults is pride. We aren‘t qualified to be Jesus or Holy Spirit. When<br />
we do Their jobs, it is divisive and a clear sign GOD has been displaced.<br />
This is Holy Spirit‛s main tactic to get past our defenses. We always assume we are right. If we thought we were<br />
wrong, we‘d change so we would be right again. Showing us stuff for ‘others‛ to fix slips past our defenses that<br />
always assume we are right & that we already know everything important. Once you understand this, you will have<br />
more compassion for pastors. Most sermons could start with, “This is what Holy Spirit is working on with me...”<br />
When we notice something wrong about others, our first question for Holy Spirit should be, “Is this for others or<br />
for me?” Every once in a while it‘s for others and Holy Spirit needs prayers or words spoken in love.<br />
Side note: Our eyes can‛t be on Jesus when we‛re focused on what others are doing wrong.<br />
Here‛s a prescription to help you with your<br />
speck problem! I‛m so glad I can help you!<br />
No need to gush a ton <strong>of</strong> thanks, I‛m here<br />
to help!<br />
. . . Hmmm. . . I hate to sound<br />
ungrateful, but shouldn‛t your<br />
plank disqualify you from giving<br />
me unsolicited advice on my<br />
eye-speck problem?<br />
What plank?<br />
See Holy Spirit in action!<br />
Read Nathan‛s account <strong>of</strong><br />
how he let King David know<br />
his actions were<br />
unacceptable to GOD<br />
2 Samuel 12:1-7<br />
“And why worry about a speck in your friend‛s<br />
eye when you have a log in your own? How can<br />
you think <strong>of</strong> saying to your friend, ‘Let me<br />
help you get rid <strong>of</strong> that speck in your eye,‛<br />
when you can‛t see past the log in your own eye?<br />
Hypocrite! First get rid <strong>of</strong> the log in your own<br />
eye; then you will see well enough to deal with<br />
the speck in your friend‛s eye.”<br />
- Jesus in Matthew 7:3-5 (NLT).<br />
42<br />
Trust GOD from the bottom <strong>of</strong> your heart;<br />
don‛t try to figure out everything on your<br />
own. Listen for GOD‛s voice in everything<br />
you do, everywhere you go; He‛s the one<br />
who will keep you on track. Don‛t assume<br />
that you know it all. Run to GOD! Run from<br />
evil! Your body will glow with health, your<br />
very bones will vibrate with life! Honor GOD<br />
with everything you own; give Him the first<br />
and the best. Your barns will burst, your<br />
wine vats will brim over. But don‛t, dear<br />
friend, resent GOD‛s discipline; don‛t sulk<br />
under His loving correction. It‛s the child He<br />
loves that GOD corrects; a Father‛s delight is<br />
behind all this. -Solomon in Proverbs 3:5-12 (MSG).