Ashburton Courier: August 06, 2020

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AUGUST 6, <strong>2020</strong> |www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz |Phone: 308 7664<br />

Smart<br />

wool<br />


@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Where there’s wool, there’s a<br />

way to use it.<br />

Pupils at Mt Somers<br />

Springburn School have been<br />

learning all about wooland its<br />

uses.<br />

The topic was reinforced by<br />

The Wool Shed(ashipping<br />

Mt Somers Springburn School pupils Isaac Giera (back left), Archie Rooney andMadaleine Roy, and<br />

Caleb Greer (front) have beenlearning about the benefits of natural, sustainable wool.<br />

container filled with<br />

information,equipment and<br />

activities)onsite at the school<br />

for two weeks and part of their<br />

learning about farming and the<br />

different economic uses of<br />

land.<br />

Woolisenjoying a<br />

resurgence in popularity and<br />

used in clothing, carpets,<br />

curtains and insulation.<br />

It is also used in recreation:<br />

one sheep fleece can produce<br />

4kg of wooland be used to<br />

cover 520 tennis balls. And it’s<br />

fire resistant.<br />

All of the school’s 85 pupils<br />

aged from Year1toYear 8<br />

spent time learningfrom the<br />

variousactivities inside the<br />

shed. There was awork<br />

booklet, videos and tools.<br />

Continued Page 2<br />

Lights in<br />

new year<br />

It’s been alongtime coming,<br />

buttrafficlights are set to be<br />

installed at the WalnutAvenue/<br />

StateHighway 1intersection<br />

earlynext year.<br />

Thetender to put in the lights<br />

will go out later this year.<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>mayor Neil Brown<br />

said he washappytherewas<br />

now more certainty around the<br />

lights project.<br />

Funding hadonlybeen<br />

confirmedafew months ago,<br />

but the project was well<br />

overdue.<br />

It was an important project<br />

for <strong>Ashburton</strong>and alot of work<br />

had beendoneonit, he said.<br />

Twoapplications to vary<br />

existing road designations were<br />

madetothe <strong>Ashburton</strong> council<br />

in December 2013, one by New<br />

ZealandTransport Agency in<br />

relationtothe Walnut Avenue/<br />

WestStreet intersection, and<br />

theother by the <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

councilinrelation to Walnut<br />

Avenue and East Street.<br />

Thework has been pushed<br />

out by NZTA overthe last seven<br />

years.<br />

MayorBrown said he<br />

understood the projectalso<br />

included lights at the Walnut<br />

Avenue/East Street<br />

intersections,asper the<br />

originaldesignplans.<br />

Theproposed changes were<br />

to improve safetyand efficiency<br />

of the local road and highway<br />

network,particularly forthe<br />

operation of the two<br />

intersections and therailway<br />

line.<br />

Funding for trafficlights at<br />

the intersectionofLagmhor<br />

Roadand Agnes Streetin<br />

Tinwald is alsoconfirmed, but<br />

any workisfurther away.<br />



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NEWS<br />

2 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>August</strong> 6, <strong>2020</strong><br />

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />


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Over 16,<strong>06</strong>5<br />

copies delivered to<br />

EVERYhome,farm,<br />

RD and lifestyle<br />

blocks in<br />

MidCanterbury<br />

news<br />

Linda Clarke<br />

Editor<br />

308 7664<br />

linda.clarke@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Reporters<br />

Mick Jensen<br />

mick.jensen@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Toni Williams<br />

toni.williams@alliedpress.co.nz<br />

advertising<br />

Jann Thompson<br />

Sales Manager<br />

308 7664<br />

027 587 6351<br />

jann.thompson@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Karen Gane<br />

Sales Account Manager<br />

308 7664<br />

021 510 804<br />

karen.gane@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

getintouch<br />

Editorial<br />

linda.clarke@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Advertising<br />

info@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Production<br />

murray.thompson@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Accounts<br />

accounts@alliedpress.co.nz<br />

Distribution/Deliveries<br />

mary.summerfield@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Office<br />

office@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

03 308 7664<br />

199 Burnett Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

2300919<br />

Good yarn spun for students<br />

From Page 1<br />

The Wool Shed is sponsored by PGG<br />

Wrightson and provides pupils<br />

hands­on learning, including taking<br />

raw wool, carding it (removing the<br />

knots with acomb) and spinning it<br />

with adrop spindle to make yarn<br />

(loose strands of wool twisted<br />

together as astronger fibre).<br />

Afew Mt Somers pupils also spent<br />

time with PGG Wrightson wool buyer<br />

Doug McKay who visited the school to<br />

talk about wool.<br />

Among those pupils were<br />

Madaleine Roy, 12, Archie Rooney,<br />

12, Caleb Greer, 11, and Isaac Giera,<br />

10.<br />

They learned about the different<br />

breeds of sheep and how their wool<br />

was used for different things.<br />

There was room for alot of crosssubject<br />

learning with science, social<br />

science, reading, mathematics and<br />

science technology just afew of the<br />

learnings.<br />

Romney sheep wool was often used<br />

to make carpet or curtains and<br />

Merino sheep wool was popularly<br />

used for clothing; it was softer on the<br />

skin than other rougher wools.<br />

Wool was also used in pillows,<br />

duvets and insulation and didn’t burn<br />

until really hot temperatures.<br />

It is also used in the aviation<br />

industry with interior trimmings and<br />

sound proofing, clothing such as<br />

socks and nightware, uniforms for<br />

military, fire and police personnel,<br />

medical care with dressings and<br />

bandages, and in PPE.<br />

Madaleine and her Year 8<br />

Wonderful wool ... Mt Somers Springburn School Year 4and 5pupils showthe<br />

different stages of wool. Photo ToniWilliams<br />

classmates chose to dye the wool<br />

using natural products such as<br />

beetroot, onion, walnuts, coffee and<br />

gorse flowers as natural white wool is<br />

easy to dye.<br />

Wool is also waterproof and full of<br />

lanolin which is good for cracked<br />

skin.<br />

The children also learned about<br />

export destinations for New Zealand<br />

This Farming Life<br />

by Tim Saunders<br />

Beautifully written description of the harsh realities and the joyous moments<br />

of farm life, from awriterwhose farmhas been in the same family forfive<br />

generations.<br />

Farmer TimSaunders manages to incorporatesome writing into his days,<br />

and<br />

herehedescribes his lifethrough the seasons: Summer,shearing,<br />

slaughter, crop harvest,conservation; Autumn, floods,trading stock,<br />

drenching,dagging; Winter,maizeharvest,lambing; and Spring,docking,<br />

pet sheep,weaning.<br />

It’satough lifeand through his powerful,poignantwriting Timtells<br />

of his connection to the land,why he lovesfarming,how he’s also<br />

conflictedbyitand whatitisthatkeeps him tethered to thatplace<br />

Getyour copy now!<br />

212 East Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong>. t<br />

Phone 308 8309<br />

wool. China took 49.9 per cent of the<br />

wool exported, followed by United<br />

Kingdom (eight per cent) and Italy<br />

(7.6 per cent).<br />

And how aBanks Peninsula<br />

farming couple had changed their<br />

farm practice from cross bred sheep<br />

to aclothing range producing merino<br />

wool jerseys initially for schools to<br />

fill aneed in the market.<br />

Las Vegas glitz for college ball<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>Collegestudent<br />

Brianna Williams is among<br />

hundreds of senior students<br />

looking forward to tomorrow<br />

night’s annual school ball.<br />

The Year13dance student will<br />

joinaround 400 Year 12 and 13<br />

students for anight of glamand<br />

glitz at the <strong>Ashburton</strong>TrustEvent<br />

Centre, complete with ared carpet<br />

entrance.<br />

It is Brianna’s secondand final<br />

ball while sheisastudent at the<br />

college, andone she is looking<br />

forward to attending.<br />

The ball, themed Fabulous Las<br />

Vegas, will see theschool ball<br />

committee ­madeupof10students<br />

led by Year 13 students Jacob Gray<br />

Left: Brianna Williams checks out<br />

donated ball gowns.<br />

and LucyMoore­deckout theevent<br />

centre in red, blackand goldwith a<br />

stylish casino­styleset up.<br />

The band DoubleTalk,from<br />

Timaru,will provide live<br />

entertainment.<br />

The college has more than 40 ball<br />

gowns andanumber of suits to lend<br />

students,which havebeen donated by<br />

members of the college community;<br />

some ball tickets have also been<br />

donated by college parents.<br />

There have alsobeen hair<br />

appointments for students donated by<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> hairdressersDNA<br />

Hairdressing,Capelli HairDesign<br />

and ShearDimensions.<br />

Wills Street willbetemporarily<br />

closedfor the ball,toallow students<br />

to arrive in stylishvehicles of their<br />

choice. Members of the public will be<br />

cheering them on as they arrive.<br />


www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Burnetts work stories wanted<br />


@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Former staff of Burnetts<br />

transport and motor company,<br />

their partnersand clientsare<br />

beingurged to registerfor a<br />

Burnetts Catch Up laterthis<br />

year.<br />

Thecatch up, at the<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Racecourse on<br />

September 5, is being<br />

organised by ahandfulof<br />

peoplekeen to hear, and<br />

share,the workers’stories. It<br />

is aBYO event,which costs $5,<br />

with afternoon tea supplied.<br />

Jane Naish, Maurice Wotton<br />

and Carol Muckle say it’s a<br />

reunion that has been talked<br />

about and neededtohappen<br />

while peoplewere still around<br />

who could remember the days<br />

working at the old Burnetts<br />

yards.<br />

They want to hearfrom<br />

peoplewho worked at the<br />

company, started by Bob<br />

Burnett in 1927, andwas one of<br />

Mid Canterbury’s biggest<br />

employers in its time; in its<br />

heyday nearly 300staffwere<br />

employed and thecompany<br />

had morethan100 vehicles.<br />

Thecompanyoffered arange<br />

of transport services including<br />

carting of goods, aworkshop<br />

and transport depot,petrol<br />

pumps, earthmoving with<br />

bulldozers, scrapers, loaders<br />

and other heavymachinery.<br />

In his time owner Bob<br />

Burnett also owned acoal<br />

mine andahighcountry<br />

Arestored International 3070 Burnetts Motors cattle truck and trailer on show at the <strong>Ashburton</strong> A&P<br />

Showgrounds last year.<br />

station. He remained a<br />

company director during<br />

severalownership changes<br />

until his retirementin1981, at<br />

age 72.<br />

Mrs Naish said morethan<br />

100 people had already<br />

registeredincludingAdrienne<br />

Francis, the daughter of Bob<br />

Burnett.<br />

However, she thought it was<br />

unlikely the 20­or­so people<br />

who had registered from<br />

Australia would be able to<br />

attenddue to Covid­19.<br />

Thepandemic had already<br />

caused the date to be<br />

rescheduled from mid­July<br />

andorganisers were keen for it<br />

to go ahead as there were afew<br />

older crew looking forward to<br />

it.<br />

Thetrio have spent the past<br />

fewmonthstrying to track<br />

people downand collate<br />

photographs of the time to<br />

show at the catch up.They are<br />

also collecting stories–no<br />

matter how small ­and are<br />

keentohear from people<br />

working in any of theyardsand<br />

who they workedwithand<br />

whatthey did at the time.<br />

We want the workers’<br />

stories, Mrs Naish said.<br />

Anyone wanting to register,<br />

or who has astory to tell, or<br />

photographs from any of the<br />

Burnetts operations in any of<br />

the yards,orsocialevents,that<br />

can be loaned for copyingorbe<br />

emailed can contact Mrs Naish<br />

via tonyjanenaish@gmail.com<br />

or by phone on 3082272 and<br />

leave amessage.<br />

NEWS<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>August</strong> 6, <strong>2020</strong><br />

3<br />

Pushfor<br />

tracer app<br />

posters<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> businesses will be<br />

among thousands around the<br />

country tobeurged to put up<br />

scan­and­trace posters forthe<br />

Government’s Covid­19 tracer<br />

app.<br />

Health minister Chris<br />

Hipkinsiswriting to all local<br />

authorities, including the<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> District Council and<br />

mayor Neil Brown, asking them<br />

to makesuretheir own<br />

facilities haveposters.State<br />

services are expected to have<br />

the posters and business<br />

leaders will also be contacted.<br />

The uptake on <strong>Ashburton</strong>’s<br />

EastStreet is currently low,<br />

withjust threebusinesses in<br />

one block displayingposters<br />

with QR codes that people<br />

using theapp can scan with<br />

their phone. The app helps<br />

peoplekeep adigital record of<br />

their movements in the event<br />

contacttracing is needed.<br />

Mr Hipkinssaid Kiwis could<br />

not afford to have covid fatigue<br />

and constant vigilance was<br />

needed.<br />

‘‘Displaying and scanning the<br />

QR codes is asmall act in the<br />

fight againstcovid,’’ he said.<br />

He said councils should make<br />

suretheir economic<br />

developmentpeople were<br />

activelyencouragingtheir local<br />

businesses to have QR codes.<br />

At Tuesday, there werejust<br />

627,900registered app users.<br />


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NEWS<br />

4 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>August</strong> 6, <strong>2020</strong><br />

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />


Meat the Need<br />

The <strong>Ashburton</strong> St VincentdePaul Society<br />

wishestoexpress on behalfofall ourclients<br />

who receivefoodparcels, theirmost grateful<br />

thanksfor the meat donatedbythe Meat the<br />

Need charity.<br />

The meat received adds such great value to<br />

thefood parcels delivered, enabling so many<br />

families to produce qualitymeals for their<br />

families. Manyofour clients havechildrenwho<br />

needprotein in theirdiet to helpthemtogrow<br />

and learn. Weare so thankful for all the meat<br />

donated by ourlocalfarmers to help those in<br />

our districtwho are struggling at this time.<br />

The wonderful support from our farming<br />

community isgratefully appreciated.Thank<br />

you all so much.<br />

­Michael Hanham,Presidentofthe<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> ConferenceofStVincentdePaul<br />

Society<br />

Election coverage<br />

On July 30 an article was in yourpaperabout<br />

therotaryclub’scandidateseveningon<strong>August</strong><br />

26. Youchose to put aphoto of an election<br />

billboard within the article.The billboard was<br />

of Judith Collinsand Gerry Brownlee andit<br />

included thewords “partyvote National”.I<br />

believeyou have crossedthe line.<br />

­Marilyn Gilchrist<br />

Thestorywas awrap of the many things<br />

political that had happened in aweek and the<br />

photo intended to illustrate National had no local<br />

candidateatthe time­oronits hoardings.We<br />

havenobias ­LindaClarke, editor.<br />

Where’dYou Go<br />

Bernadette<br />

Reviewed by Rowena Hart<br />

MariaSemple wrotethe book andhereitiswith<br />

Kate Blanchett playing Bernadette.<br />

Averydifferentrole forKate, and she nails it!<br />

Bernadette was an acclaimed and admired<br />

architect. But she totally goes to pieces when<br />

her awardwinning building is demolished by an<br />

arrogantTVStar.<br />

She removesherself from societyand despiteher<br />

supportive family becomes bitter and twisted<br />

and then an old colleague turns up and says ...<br />

”youare atotal mess when youare not creating!”<br />

And offshe goes with her family in pursuit with<br />

AMAZING results.<br />

WowWow Wow. Ican’t tell you any more ...it is<br />

best if youjust go and see whathappens ...!<br />

Don’tmissit...it is awe inspiring.<br />

bookings ph 307 1230<br />

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2300351<br />

International<br />

Beer Month<br />

Catching up ... Chrissy Milne, MaxineChapman, Lynette Cameron, Pam Wiltshire,Blue Thomas, Helen Hands,Maxine<br />

Hooper, Ali Robinson and Wendy Tobin recall stories and memoriesfrom their days working at the FlashAsh.<br />

FlashAsh staff toast years of experience<br />

BlueThomas has clocked up 40 years<br />

workingatthe Hotel <strong>Ashburton</strong>,<br />

commonly known as the FlashAsh in<br />

the days of old.<br />

Andlastweek he was joined by at<br />

least eight former FlashAsh crew<br />

who got together in the Turf Bar for a<br />

long overdue catch up.<br />

It was aluncheon filled with<br />

storytelling, memories and laughter,<br />

along with the odd tipple or two as<br />

$20m boost gives council options<br />

A$20 milliongovernment<br />

contributionto<strong>Ashburton</strong>’s new<br />

libraryand civiccentrewill give the<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>District Councilachance<br />

to progress otherprojects,including<br />

future development at the EA<br />

Networks Centre.<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> mayorNeilBrown said<br />

councilhad intended to borrow the<br />

full amount forthe new $51.6mcivic<br />

centre butwas now spending$20m<br />

less ­thatmoneycouldbeused to<br />

further stimulate the local economy<br />

by bringing forwardother projects in<br />

its long­term plan.<br />

Council is also still waiting to hear<br />

if its second bridge project will<br />

attract governmentfunds as a<br />

stimulusproject.<br />

‘‘Wewere obviously borrowing the<br />

whole amount forthe civic building.<br />




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330ml Bots 12pk<br />

$<br />

20 99 ea<br />


330ml Bots 15s<br />

$<br />

29 99 ea<br />

they recalledother workmates, and<br />

theantics ofworkinginthe hospo<br />

industry with manylate nights.<br />

Organiser HelenHands worked at<br />

thehotelfor 34 years and was keen<br />

foragroup catch up, even if it was a<br />

lunch at her home.<br />

However the plan changed as more<br />

people were keen toattend.<br />

When The <strong>Courier</strong> arrived the<br />

groupwas at nine with more still<br />

This gives us choicesand we still<br />

want to stimulate the economy, but<br />

wisely.’’<br />

Oneofthe projectsinthe long­term<br />

plan was to developplayingfieldsat<br />

the EA NetworksCentre; an<br />

extension to the stadium is also in the<br />

plan.<br />

Mr Brown said council was thrilled<br />

with the Governmentmoney and<br />

construction of the civic building<br />

wouldcreate up to 500 jobs.<br />

“Twenty milliondollars covers<br />

more than athird of the project costs<br />

whichisasignificant saving for our<br />

community. We commend the<br />

Government for investing in our<br />

regionand helpingtodeliver<br />

importantinfrastructure for our<br />

people.”<br />

Thelibrary is being designed as a<br />




330ml Bots 12pk<br />

$<br />

23 99 ea<br />


STRONG 500ml<br />

3 FOR<br />

$<br />

10<br />


330ml Bots 24s<br />

$<br />

39 99 ea<br />

SOI &TIGER<br />


330mlBots 12s<br />

$<br />

22 99 ea<br />

expected. Among those attending was<br />

realtorChrissy Milne who was hotel<br />

manager for 10 years andRiding for<br />

the Disabled stalwart MaxineHooper<br />

who worked at the hotel for around 25<br />

years.<br />

Between the group therewas<br />

around 250 years of hospitality<br />

experience working throughout the<br />

restaurant, bars, kitchen,reception,<br />

housekeeping and bottle store.<br />

modernfacility, with spacefor a<br />

children’s discoverycentre, teen<br />

space, lounge andstudyareas, audio<br />

and video recordingstudio, androom<br />

forasmall performance area with<br />

tiered seating.<br />

Detailed designs areinthe process<br />

of being finalised, withtenders outin<br />

September.Construction at the<br />

Baring Square Eastsite expected to<br />

start aroundNovember.<br />

Mr Brown said if construction<br />

progressed to plan,the newbuilding<br />

would be readyfor use in September<br />

2022.<br />

The buildingwillutilise<br />

environmentally sustainable<br />

elementsand–in what is believed to<br />

be afirstfor the country–will also<br />

incorporate aheritage building<br />

(Pioneer Hall) into the facility.<br />



330ml Bots 18s<br />

$<br />

30 99 ea<br />



330ml Bots 24s<br />

$<br />

23 99 ea<br />





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34 99 ea<br />

EXPORT33<br />

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COLA 330ml 4.8%<br />

8pk OR SOUTHERN<br />

COMFORT 4.5% 375ml 10pk<br />

NEW<br />


7% 250ml Cans 12pk<br />



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$<br />

41 99 ea<br />

$<br />

51 99 ea<br />

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19 99 ea<br />

$<br />

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MSA<br />

266 Havelock Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Telephone 308 7149<br />

www.ashburtonclub.co.nz<br />

HOURS<br />

Monday<br />

Tuesday-Thursday<br />

Friday&Saturday<br />

Sunday<br />

10:00am -6:00pm<br />

10:00am -8:00pm<br />

10:00am -9:00pm<br />

10:00am -6:00pm<br />


from <strong>August</strong> 6<br />

to <strong>August</strong> 13<br />


www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

NEWS<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>August</strong> 6, <strong>2020</strong><br />

Aircraft here for<br />

World War 2day<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>Airportwill be abuzz<br />

withWorldWar2 nostalgia on<br />

<strong>August</strong> 20 when anumber of<br />

aircraft from the era are<br />

expected to fly in.<br />

As well as the world’s only<br />

airworthyAvro Anson MK1<br />

bomber andaRussian fighter<br />

Yak, Russell Brodie’s Tiger<br />

Moth from Rangitata Island will<br />

be dropping in, as well as a<br />

replicaSpitfire and possiblya<br />

Mustang.<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>AviationMuseum<br />

5<br />

president WarrenJanettsaid<br />

somemembers would be<br />

wearing appropriateperiod<br />

clothing andthe impressive<br />

museumwould be showcased.<br />

Asausage sizzle willrun at<br />

the morning­only event, which<br />

gets under wayfrom 9am.<br />

Mr Janett said there had been<br />

interest from people wanting<br />

flights in the Yak and Avro<br />

Ansons and their detailshad<br />

been passed to flight<br />

organisers.<br />

Trying out the new equipment are <strong>Ashburton</strong> District Council open spaces team members Laetitia<br />

Smart (left) and Bernize Butters.<br />

Exercise equipment in<br />

Newadultexercise equipment<br />

has been installed in the<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>Domain.<br />

Eight exercise stations,<br />

somewith dual purpose<br />

workouts, have been set up in<br />

the main playground area.<br />

They replaceold,out­ofdate<br />

equipmentthat is seldom<br />

usedand is also scattered far<br />

Citizens group meeting<br />

The <strong>Ashburton</strong> Citizens<br />

Association has resumed<br />

regular meetings after acovidenforced<br />

break.<br />

The group held its annual<br />

general meeting recently,<br />

electing Greer Ricketts to the<br />

chair, and is looking for more<br />

members.<br />

Cr Diane Rawlinson, who<br />

was involved with the group<br />

prior to being elected to<br />

council, said it was easier to<br />

attract new members when<br />

ratepayers had something to<br />

challenge council about. In<br />

her day it was over the<br />

heritage centre and the<br />

second bridge.<br />

‘‘In times when council is<br />

annoying everyone is when a<br />

citizens group gets going and<br />

pulls together. Iamnot saying<br />

we are doing agood job but we<br />

Heritage grant<br />

for Mill House<br />

The owners of historicMillHouse at<br />

Ashford Village have received $30,000<br />

from the HeritageEQUIPprogramme for<br />

strengthening work.<br />

The building hasundergone recent<br />

renovations, but requires further bracing<br />

work to reach structuralstrength<br />

requirements.<br />

Mill House was recognised withalocal<br />

blueheritage plaque, unveiled lastyear,<br />

which marks itssignificancetothe<br />

community.<br />

Mill House is owned by Richard and<br />

ElizabethAshford and has beeninthe<br />

family for50years.<br />

Mrs Ashford saidshe was appreciative<br />

of the heritage grant.<br />

It would go some way towards the<br />

completion of structuralstrengthening<br />

work on the 112­year­old building.<br />

That work would ensurethe longevity<br />

of the building andwould preserve it for<br />

otherstoenjoy for the next100 years.<br />

and wide in the large green<br />

space.<br />

The new sturdyequipment<br />

has been bolteddown on to<br />

concrete pads and offers a<br />

range of exercise disciplines.<br />

Thereisamuscle buster that<br />

will testarm strength,spin<br />

bike, cross trainer and<br />

equipment for leg raises, sit<br />

are not getting resistance like<br />

in the years when we formed<br />

and fought some pretty big<br />

battles.’’<br />

Cr Rawlinson stood for<br />

council in 2016 after her<br />

involvement with the citizens<br />

association and the Bridge<br />

Action Group. She was<br />

secretary and then chair for<br />

three years.<br />

The citizens group invited<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Hospital manager<br />

Bernie Marra to speak at the<br />

AGM and she said the hospital<br />

was planning for an exciting<br />

future, involving telehealth<br />

specialist appointments and<br />

more rural medicine<br />

education.<br />

The citizens association’s<br />

aims are to identify issues of<br />

significance in the district and<br />

encourage public discussion.<br />


CANCER<br />


ups and vertical bar presses.<br />

The equipmentcomes in at a<br />

cost of $76,200 andhas been<br />

set up in the playground to<br />

enableadultstoexercise<br />

while also watching children<br />

play.<br />

Some of theequipment is<br />

suitable foruse by older<br />

children.<br />

An established supportgroup in<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>for men and their families<br />

who areliving with adiagnosis and<br />

treatmentfor prostate cancer.<br />

Partners arealso welcome to attend<br />

CO-ORDINATOR: Doug Collie 027 510 0556<br />

WHEN:<br />

Tuesday, 11th <strong>August</strong> at 3pm<br />

WHERE: <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Mackenzie Centre,122 Kermode St,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Email: ashburton@prostate.org.nz<br />

Formoreinformation call 0800 477 678<br />

Organised by the Prostate Cancer Foundation of NZ<br />

www.prostate.org.nz<br />

2301620<br />

Rangitata Island’s Russell Brodie and his Tiger Moth will be among<br />

those at the <strong>Ashburton</strong> airfield on <strong>August</strong> 20.<br />

Firearms owners invited to<br />

air concerns at gun march<br />

Mid Canterbury firearms<br />

owners are being invitedto<br />

march again on Saturday to<br />

highlight their concerns about<br />

the effect of newfirearms<br />

legislation.<br />

Spokesman BobMcDonald<br />

said the group would meet at<br />

the RSAat10am andwalk along<br />

EastStreet to Moore Street,<br />

before doubling backalong<br />

WestStreet to agrassy area<br />

opposite the <strong>Ashburton</strong>Art<br />

Galleryand HeritageCentre.<br />

Joining the gathering willbe<br />

Council of LicensedFirearms<br />

Owners spokespersonand now<br />

ACT candidatefor Rongotai<br />

NicoleMcKee.<br />

She said the ArmsLegislation<br />

Billpunished firearmsowners<br />

by changinglicencerules that<br />

hadworked perfectly well until<br />

afew years ago. ‘‘Thelicence<br />

rules worked, butitappears<br />

thatpolice didn’t apply them<br />

correctly to the Christchurch<br />

shooter. The new rules will only<br />

be as good as the people<br />

applyingthem.’’<br />

Mr McDonald is asport pistol<br />

shooter and said law­abiding<br />

firearm owners were<br />

concerned about theimpact of<br />

someofthe gun laws imposed<br />

after Christchurch’smosque<br />

DOCKS<br />


DOCKS areoffering a<br />

varietyoffresh fish<br />

and seafood dishes<br />

Aspecial lunch offer is available to the Gold<br />

Card holders on Fridays,Saturdays and<br />

Sundays 12 pm –2pm.<br />

(Menu depends on fresh daily catch).<br />

killings over ayear ago.<br />

He said the lawsrequired all<br />

firearmstoberegisteredbut<br />

there wasplenty of potential for<br />

mistakes to be madewhen<br />

recording long and complex<br />

serialnumbers of guns. That<br />

wouldmakethe tracking of<br />

firearmsuseless.<br />

He saidrecreational shooters<br />

were concernedgovernment<br />

was still forging ahead with<br />

registrationofindividual<br />

firearms.<br />

‘‘It is such an arduous task<br />

and open to error. If you write<br />

down aserialnumberwrong, it<br />

will be irrelevant.’’<br />

We look forward to seeing youatDOCKS!<br />

90-92 Harrison Street,Allenton, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

(oppositeAllentonShopping Mall). Tel03423 21 66<br />

OPENING HOURS: Tuesday–Thursdayfrom5pmtill late<br />

(meal servicefrom5pmtill 9pm)<br />

Friday–Sunday from 12 pm till late<br />

(meal servicefrom12pmto2pmand from 5pmtill 9pm)<br />

Monday–closed.<br />


NEWS<br />

6 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>August</strong> 6, <strong>2020</strong><br />

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Once­over for council projects<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>District Councillors<br />

have beenspending time<br />

touring <strong>Ashburton</strong>, visiting<br />

places that have croppedupon<br />

their decision­making agendas<br />

recently or will do in the<br />

future.<br />

This week, they donned hiviz<br />

vests andwalkedaround<br />

the CBD with senior staff,<br />

checking outhow work is<br />

progressing on the $15 million<br />

inner townbeautification<br />

project.<br />

Theupgrade has atwo­year<br />

timeframe and startedat Cass<br />

Street in January,with<br />

contractors digginguproads<br />

and footpaths to lay new pipes<br />

for water, wastewater and<br />

other services.Some of those<br />

footpathsare now sporting<br />

new and permanent asphalt<br />

layers, with rain gardens and<br />

other features beingcreated<br />

alongside.<br />

Burnett and Tancred streets<br />

are movingtoone­way traffic<br />

with motoristsbeing asked to<br />

bealert to the changes.<br />

In abus drivenbyCrLeen<br />

Braam last week,councillors<br />

toured theRiverside<br />

Industrial Estate and stopped<br />

off at ACL’snew headquarters.<br />

Other spots of interest<br />

includedthe EA Networks<br />

Centreand the Chinese garden<br />

settlement on Allens Road.<br />

At the <strong>Ashburton</strong> Domain<br />

they weregreeted by staff, who<br />

pointedout thenew adult<br />

fitnessequipment installed<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> District Councillors and senior staff check out future garden features on Cass Street.<br />

near the children’s<br />

playground.The domain is in<br />

the spotlight next week, with<br />

more than 100 submissions<br />

received on along­term<br />

development plan which<br />

proposesmoving the<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>Bowling Club to be<br />

heard.<br />

Once council adopts the<br />

development plan, staff will<br />

review some of themain<br />

playground equipment. The<br />

Runner returns to<br />

US to race, study<br />

TaongaMbambo is makinggood<br />

strides with his studies and running<br />

and has just returned to start his<br />

second yearat university in the USA.<br />

Theformer <strong>Ashburton</strong> College<br />

student, atalented middleand long<br />

distance runner, won an athleticsand<br />

academic scholarship to La Salle<br />

University in Philadelphia last year.<br />

His first year of studies was cut<br />

shortbythe coronavirus outbreak and<br />

he returned home in March to<br />

complete them online.<br />

Taonga’s academic performance<br />

and running prowess have both been<br />

notedby collegeofficials and he has<br />

returned to America with aspring in<br />

his stride.<br />

‘‘I feel goodabout going back and<br />

gettingintomystudies andrunning.’’<br />

He said he was young, fit and<br />

healthy and not unduly botheredby<br />

the Covid­19 situation.<br />

His sophomore(secondyear) would<br />

featureamix of online and in­person<br />

lectures, butthere would be no<br />

competitive runningfor afew more<br />

months.<br />

‘‘Sporting competitions will be<br />

reassessed in September, so I’llhave<br />

to see what happens then.’’<br />

Taonga, 19,isstudying for afouryear<br />

businessmanagementdegree<br />

and is both atrack and cross country<br />

runner.<br />

Since returning home in March he<br />

has been staying fit and pounding the<br />

streets of <strong>Ashburton</strong>tobuild up his<br />

distance work.<br />

‘‘I’ve been running around 70 miles<br />

(112km) aweekand I’mfeelinggood.’’<br />

Taongasaid he suffered astress<br />

fracturelast October,but had<br />

recovered well aftersomegood<br />

treatment andwas back running<br />

within six weeks.<br />

Part­timework in <strong>Ashburton</strong>over<br />

the last few weeks has helpedfund<br />

somenew runningfootwear, and half<br />

adozen pairs were crammed into his<br />

suitcase ahead of his departure<br />

earlierthis week.<br />

bigthreedrawcardsfor any<br />

playground are slides, swings<br />

andsee­saws.<br />

Some $209,000 has been<br />

earmarked for the playground<br />

equipment improvement.<br />

Council staff are also making<br />

improvements to the domain<br />

pond edging, withhard and<br />

soft edgings.<br />

Councillors were shown the<br />

site of aplannednew domain<br />

hub(on landcurrently<br />

occupied by the bowling club)<br />

as well as alternative sites<br />

closerto the playground and<br />

the paddling pool.<br />

After lunch the councillors<br />

inspected theart galleryand<br />

museum building, which is<br />

being repaired to stop leaks.<br />

They also sawfirsthandthe<br />

pollution from endangered<br />

black­billed gulls, who have<br />

hunkered downover winterat<br />

the nearbydomain pond.<br />

Taonga Mbambo has returned to his studies in the<br />

USA.<br />

IN BRIEF<br />

ICE RINK<br />

Ice skatingatStaveleyislooking<br />

increasingly unlikely this winter with<br />

mild conditions beingreported by<br />

thoselooking afterthe Staveley Ice<br />

Skating and Curling Rinks.<br />

‘‘Wehave those warmtemps<br />

hanging aroundthatwedon't like<br />

whenitcomes to skating.Each<br />

seasonwerequire four inchesto<br />

openthe rinksfor people to enjoy.<br />

At this stageit's not looking goodas<br />

we continue to seemild conditions,’’<br />

theirlatest Facebook postsays.<br />

They encouragepeople to keep<br />

any eye on theirpage forupdates.<br />


The National Party’s finalcandidate<br />

selectionmeetingwill be in<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> on Sunday, afterthe last<br />

of three meet-the-nominee<br />

meetings in the electorate.The<br />

partyisfinding anew candidate for<br />

Rangitata afterMPAndrew<br />

Falloon’s shock resignation.<br />


PrincesCourtLifecare is planning<br />

its nextdementia talk on <strong>August</strong> 19.<br />

Facility manager LorraineBryanwill<br />

be talkingaroundawiderangeof<br />

topics, includingneeds assessment<br />

processes, dementiacare, respite<br />

care and managing the transition<br />

from homeinto care.<br />

She said people couldask<br />

questions and chataboutthe<br />

challengesolder people andtheir<br />

family members faced whendealing<br />

with dementia. The dementia<br />

support group meets monthly at<br />

Princes Court.The <strong>August</strong> 19<br />

meetingwill begin at 2pm.<br />


<strong>Ashburton</strong> policeare making<br />

inquiries afterseparate crashes<br />

about 100m apart on Saturday<br />

night.<br />

Two carscollided on Walnut<br />

Avenue,nearthe Derlen Storage<br />

building, about 10.45pm and then a<br />

single car crashedoff EastStreet,<br />

opposite the Mobil garage,about<br />

2.30am.<br />

Policesaid the occupants of the<br />

EastStreet vehicle fled the scene<br />

but inquiries were ongoing.<br />


The Cancer Society is hosting a<br />

Daffodil Day breakfast to helpraise<br />

fundsfor their annual DaffodilDay<br />

event.<br />

The breakfastfundraiserwill be<br />

run in twosittings; at 7am and<br />

8.30am, at Columbus Coffee on<br />

Friday, <strong>August</strong>21-the week before<br />

Daffodil Day.<br />

On offer are fourbreakfast<br />

options; muesli servedwith berry<br />

compoteand yoghurt; hotcakesand<br />

bacon;salmon andbeetrootbagel;<br />

or poachedeggs on toast with<br />

bacon.<br />

Tickets cost $25each, available<br />

from the <strong>Ashburton</strong>CancerSociety.<br />


0800 86 22 44<br />

Chippers Generators Compactors Excavators Access Gear MotorVehicles<br />

Trailers Forklifts PortableBuildings Toilets Mowers&More<br />


www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Make it click, save your life<br />


@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

The seatbelt is one of themost<br />

important safety features of a<br />

modern vehicle, saysdriver<br />

safety tutorJonny Kirkpatrick.<br />

But it’sonly effective if it’s<br />

beingused and beingworn<br />

correctly;sittingacross the<br />

shoulder/sternumand across<br />

the hips.<br />

These are the strongest<br />

points of the body and will help<br />

reduceinjuryontherestofthe<br />

body in an accident,especially<br />

ahigh speed accident, of<br />

which the impactis“insanely<br />

violent”, he said.<br />

Mr Kirkpatrick, of ProActive<br />

Driver­ayouth driver<br />

education trust ­was one of six<br />

specialist tutors taking<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>College Year12<br />

studentsthrough various<br />

aspects of road safety<br />

education duringthe Rotary<br />

Youth Driver Awareness<br />

programme at the Hotel<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> this week.<br />

“Make it click, just like the<br />

ads say.It’s hands downthe<br />

most important safety feature<br />

by alongshot,” he said.<br />

“You’re nothelping yourself,<br />

if you’re notwearing it.”<br />

It is also lesseffectiveifit’s<br />

defective(with nicks or cuts)or<br />

twisted when worn; both ways<br />

reduce its strength by up to 50<br />

per cent.<br />

It’s meant to restrain you<br />

againstthe seat and keep you<br />

in the seat.<br />

It won’t do thatifit’s notfull<br />

strength.<br />

Mr Kirkpatrick spoke about<br />

the safety features of modern<br />

vehiclesand the benefits of<br />

ANCAP safety ratings of four<br />

and above; thehigher number<br />

Station open day<br />

The Terrace Station CharitableTrust is<br />

holding thefirst of its spring open days this<br />

Sunday.<br />

The Hororatastation’s 15ha gardensare a<br />

mass of snowdropsand people will be able to<br />

stroll thegroundsand bring apicnictoenjoy<br />

onthe lawns of the historic homestead, home<br />

to Kate andRichard Foster.<br />

In September, therewill be violets and<br />

primroses forvisitors to enjoy, then in<br />

Octoberand Novemberdaffodils,bluebells<br />

and more willbeblooming.<br />

The gardens are openonSundayfrom 11am<br />

to 3pm.Entry is $5,children are free.<br />

ProActive Driver tutor Jonny Kirkpatrick makes sure <strong>Ashburton</strong> College Year 12 student Matty<br />

Cornish­Madden has the seatbelt in the right position for best safety.<br />


the better and meant multiple<br />

airbags(eight to 12) covering<br />

driver andpassengers.<br />

There was also anti­lock<br />

braking systems(ABS brakes)<br />

to prevent thevehicle sliding<br />

or slipping, crumple zonesin<br />

modern cars designedtotake<br />

the impactofacrash, and<br />

autonomousemergency<br />

braking,electronic stability<br />

control and sideintrusion<br />

bars.<br />

“Insurancewill buy anew<br />

car, not anew you,” he said.<br />

He also demonstrated ­using<br />

thedrivingskills of Bob in a<br />

Suzuki Swift ­the stopping<br />

distance of avehicledriving at<br />

30km/h andhow when driving<br />

www.auricelectrical.co.nz<br />

at doublethe speed, it<br />

quadrupled the stopping<br />

distance even withafull<br />

assortment of brakingsystems.<br />

He said thefunction of<br />

vehiclesafety featureswas<br />

primarily to protect drivers<br />

from having an accident, and<br />

secondarily to protect those in<br />

the vehicleduring an accident.<br />

NEWS<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>August</strong> 6, <strong>2020</strong><br />

Access resolution on Lochlea extension<br />

Lochlea extension developers<br />

andneighbours havereached<br />

agreement on roadaccess to the<br />

new gated community, but<br />

tensions remain overother<br />

aspectsofthe project.<br />

LesBriggs, whodeveloped<br />

the Lochlearetirement village<br />

off Charlesworth Drive,is<br />

buildinga39­homeextension<br />

off nearby PrimrosePlace but<br />

neighbours wereunhappy<br />

about an increase of traffic and<br />

asked the<strong>Ashburton</strong> District<br />

Counciltomake accessoff<br />

Allens Road.<br />

Both parties agreed last week<br />

that the mainaccess to the<br />

extensionwouldbeoff Allens<br />

Road, though there would be a<br />

smalleraccess off Primrose<br />

Place. The development will<br />

haveclose links with the main<br />

village facility.<br />

Neighbours remain<br />

concernedatthe ground level<br />

of the extension, which theysay<br />

will put the newhomes1.3m<br />

higher than theirs. They are<br />

still tryingtofind an acceptable<br />

resolution with Mr Briggs.<br />

Approvalfor the original<br />

staged Lochlea subdivision was<br />

grantedbycouncil in 2008and<br />

further consent to develop the<br />

parcel of landat146 Allens<br />

Road was granted in February.<br />

Workstarted, then stopped,<br />

after council staffissued the<br />

developeralist of 16 matters of<br />

concern.<br />

Neighbours thenraised<br />

concernsoftheir own about<br />

stormwater overland flow, the<br />

overall height of the<br />

development on boundaries<br />

andconstruction effects,<br />

especiallyrelating to pile<br />

driving for the proposed<br />

retaining walls.<br />

Council staff areworking<br />

through the issues with both<br />

parties.<br />

Errol Kingsbury,<br />

representingthe neighbours,<br />

told councillors last week that<br />

therewas no objection to a<br />

secondary entrance of 4m off<br />

Primrose Place. Therewill be<br />

signs at both gates saying<br />

‘‘residents only’’.<br />

Council then dedicated<br />

reserve landatthe end of<br />

Primrose Placeasalegal road;<br />

the 4m widthdoes not include<br />

footpaths,kerband chanelling.<br />

Mr Kingsbury saidthe<br />

neighbours werenot against<br />

private enterprise or progress,<br />

but hadbeenangry about not<br />

beingkeptfullyinformed about<br />

the development. The resource<br />

consent application lodged last<br />

year wasgranted non­notified.<br />

‘‘Welearned afterwork<br />

started there werevery<br />

significant ground level<br />

changes, which could cause<br />

major floods on our sections.’’<br />

He wrotetomayor Neil<br />

Brown and meetings with the<br />

developer and council staff<br />

followed, and many of their<br />

concernswerealleviated.<br />

Neighbours had since agreed<br />

thattherewouldbeminimal<br />

traffic through Primrose Place,<br />

it would be quicker for<br />

emergency services if theywere<br />

needed andthe extension<br />

would providefootpaths for<br />

walking, as there were<br />

currentlynoneonAllens Road.<br />

SurveyorChris Hopper from<br />

Davis Olgivie hasbeen working<br />

withBriggs Investments on the<br />

project and he said the design<br />

had been throughmany<br />

iterations,taking on board<br />

neighbours’comments.<br />

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7<br />

Mardi gras<br />

festivity in<br />

September<br />

More than 70 stall­holders will<br />

take partinanew mardi gras<br />

event in theplace of Boulevard<br />

Daythis year.<br />

BoulevardDay organisers<br />

decided nottogoahead with<br />

the annual event on September<br />

28because of uncertainties<br />

createdby covid, but<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

woman Carol Johns says there<br />

is support forsome kind of<br />

gathering and has organised a<br />

mardi gras.<br />

It willtake place on East<br />

Street, which will be closedto<br />

traffic and stallholders willline<br />

the road. <strong>Ashburton</strong> retailers<br />

will keep their shop doorsopen<br />

and some have booked street<br />

space;otherstall­holders<br />

would sell food andhand­made<br />

items, like bespokedog collars<br />

and horse gear.<br />

Community groupshad also<br />

beengiven free space.<br />

Carolhas beenbusy pulling<br />

the event together overthe past<br />

three weeks andsaid there was<br />

support for aevent that helped<br />

the community feellike was<br />

returning to normal.<br />

She said Bookarama was<br />

continuing, with its opening<br />

day on September 28,and<br />

peoplenow had two reasons to<br />

visit<strong>Ashburton</strong> thatday. It is<br />

also South Canterbury<br />

anniversaryday.<br />

Carolhas tapped into some of<br />

the stallholders whocome to<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> forWaitangi on East,<br />

an event that runsalongside the<br />

Multi­Cultural Bite.<br />

‘‘This is just what<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

needs, aday where we can get<br />

backtosome sort of normal and<br />

bring lifeinto thetown.’’<br />

He said the retirement<br />

villageextension wouldhave<br />

its main entranceoff Allens<br />

Roadand its physical address<br />

wouldbeAllens Road. The<br />

Primrose Placeaccessgave<br />

residentsaccess to Lochlea<br />

village and itsamenities.<br />

Mr Briggssaid the original<br />

Lochlea development wason<br />

15ha of landhebought11years<br />

ago; it was splitinto 67 private<br />

sections,111 retirement<br />

houses, 19 apartments andan<br />

80­bedhospital. Some 39<br />

retirement units would be built<br />

in the newextension.<br />

He said those residents<br />

needed easy accessto facilities<br />

in the main villageand that the<br />

developmentwould provide<br />

employment andmorehousing<br />

for retired people at atimethat<br />

was notconducive to<br />

construction projects.<br />


NEWS<br />

8 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>August</strong> 6, <strong>2020</strong><br />

Still no word on<br />

highway barriers<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> mayor Neil Brown is<br />

disappointed thatthere has been<br />

no feedbackfrom NZTAafter<br />

consultationonSH1 safetywork<br />

between Dunsandeland<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />

Speaking at Tuesday's<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> District Road Safety<br />

Co­ordinatingCommittee<br />

meeting, Mr Brown said anumber<br />

of people had voiced their<br />

oppositiontothe proposed<br />

installationofmedianbarriers<br />

during consultation in 2018.<br />

NZTA neededtotake the next<br />

step and inform thecommunity of<br />

‘‘what had made the cut’’ andthe<br />

reasoning behind it.<br />

‘‘Otherwise it’s just not<br />

consultationasIseeit,’’ he said.<br />

TheDunsandel to <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

road is consideredahigh risk<br />

road and 13 peoplehave died and<br />

49 been seriously injured in<br />

crashes between 2007 and 2016.<br />

Original draft optionsto<br />

improve safety on the highway<br />

includedinstallingaflexibleroad<br />

safetybarrier downthe middleof<br />

the road, adding turnaround<br />

areas at regular intervals to give<br />

peopleplaces to move around<br />

safely, changing some<br />

intersections so there is no right<br />

turn in or out of roadsoff the<br />

highway and reviewing speed.<br />

Median barriers are proposed<br />

from Synlait to the Rakaia Bridge<br />

and will thenproceedagain from<br />

the southernsideofRakaiafor a<br />

Plastic welding<br />

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Residential –fascia, gutter and downpipes<br />

Snowprotection our specialty<br />

Mayor Neil Brown<br />

few kilometres towards<br />

Pendarves under phase one of the<br />

project,said John Keenanfrom<br />

NZTA .<br />

Eventually,there could be<br />

barriers all the way to <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

throughthe capitalproject.<br />

He said asmallroundaboutwas<br />

proposedatthe junction with<br />

South Belt Road that would help<br />

slowtrafficdown.<br />

NZTAprincipaladviser<br />

relationship road safetyDavid<br />

Scarlet told the committee that a<br />

speed review through the Rakaia<br />

township was still very much on<br />

the cards.<br />

He hoped it would happenin<br />

the future, buttherewas no<br />

timeline on it.<br />

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www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Looking at live marketsonthe Australian Stock Exchange are Year 12 economicsstudents<br />

(back row from left) Harry Trumper,Sam Holland, Emma Scammell, investmentadviser<br />

Michelle Parkin,Ged Wall, Ben Simons and (frontfrom left) Olivia Lill and Drew Porter.<br />

Students play sharemarket<br />


@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Economics students at<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>College are<br />

learningaboutstocks, shares<br />

and market forces by playing<br />

the SharemarketGame.<br />

Teamsinthe Year 12 class<br />

will receive avirtual $50,000<br />

to invest over a10­week<br />

period in companies listed<br />

on the AustralianStock<br />

Exchange.<br />

Thegameoffersaclose to<br />

reallife share trading<br />

experiencebecause the<br />

prices theybuy andsell at<br />

are the sameprices as they<br />

would get in the live market.<br />

Investment adviser<br />

MichelleParkin from<br />

Forsyth Barr’s <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

office is volunteering her<br />

time to explainthe<br />

intricacies of the<br />

stockmarket and to direct<br />

andencourage students as<br />

theyexploreit.<br />

Her introductory session<br />

lastweek covered somekey<br />

concepts of investing,<br />

including the historyofstock<br />

markets, how primary and<br />

secondary marketswork,the<br />

role of the stock exchange<br />

andconstructingaportfolio.<br />

The secondsession will<br />

focus on selectingashort list<br />

of companies forinvestment.<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>College<br />

economics teacher Kirsty<br />

Moffett said the sharemarket<br />

game wouldhelpstudents<br />

developtheirknowledge of<br />

stocks and shares and help<br />

themdiscoverthe<br />

importance of wise<br />

investment decisions.<br />

They would gain a<br />

knowledge of how supply and<br />

demandinfluenced share<br />

prices and also the roleof<br />

analystsand sharebrokers.<br />

Thestudents were looking<br />

forward to further sessions<br />

withMrs Parkin, and<br />

researching and finalising<br />

the companiestheywanted<br />

to investin.<br />

Mt Somers church hits 120 years<br />

St Aidan’sChurch in Mt Somers<br />

will celebrate its 120­year<br />

anniversaryataservice on<br />

September 6.<br />

Theonlyoperating church in<br />

Mt Somers, St Aidan’s received<br />

an exterior spruce up in 2016.<br />

Much of the cost of building<br />

the church andnearby vicarage,<br />

now aprivate home, was funded<br />

by generous local Alfred<br />

Edward Peache, whoowned<br />

and ran MtSomers Station from<br />

1884­1905. Amemoriallychgate<br />

from the 1920s welcomes<br />

visitorsfrom one side andthe<br />

churchsitspartially hidden<br />

amongtrees that include totara,<br />

hawthorn andoak.<br />

Morning teawill be served<br />

after the 10am servicemarking<br />

120 yearsofthe church.<br />

The memorial lychgate at St Aidan’s Church.<br />

Film festival nets $2k for Bite Nite<br />

Music,food, sport and people<br />

will combine at <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Youth Council's Bite Nite:<br />

Reimagined event in<br />

October.<br />

Hip­hop artist Rei is the<br />

headline act andthe<br />

entertainment programme<br />

alsoincludesthe Kadodo<br />

African Drummersand<br />

Dancersand Wishlistt.<br />

Bite Nite:Reimagined will<br />

be an indoor and outdoor<br />

event thisyear and will be<br />

held at EA Networks Centre<br />

on October 2.<br />

Anumber of food vendors<br />

will be representedand the<br />

stadium inflatables setup.<br />

The evening will also<br />

showcase local netball,<br />

basketball and futsal.<br />

Running from 5.30pm until<br />

8.30pm, ticketscost $10 for<br />

anyone over 16, $5 for<br />

children and $20 for families.<br />

Tickets areavailable from<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> District Council<br />

andNelson Building Society.<br />

The Mountain Film<br />

Festival, held on<strong>August</strong>1,<br />

and afundraiser for Bite<br />

Nite:Reimagined, raised<br />

$2000.<br />

The festival featuredfilms<br />

about hiking thePacific<br />

Crest trail inthe USA and<br />

whitewaterrafting in the<br />

Andes.<br />

Youth council chair Kavan<br />

Faoagali said therewas a<br />

great turnout for thefestival<br />

and the community was able<br />

to view some unique<br />


NEWS<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>August</strong> 6, <strong>2020</strong><br />

9<br />


Tania’s agoodseed<br />

Volunteering Mid &South<br />

Canterbury and the Hotel<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Volunteer of the<br />

Month, Tania King is sowing<br />

seeds of knowledge that will one<br />

day grow.<br />

For nearly 10 years Tania has<br />

volunteeredwith S.E.E.D.S ­<br />

Sharing Everyday Experiences<br />

and Drawing on Skills.<br />

These skills and experiences<br />

could be anything from toddler<br />

tantrums, children not sleeping,<br />

budgeting,shopping, gardening,<br />

cooking and all things neededto<br />

raise afamily.<br />

S.E.E.D.S volunteers work<br />

withfamilieswith children<br />

under 10 years oldon aweekly<br />

basis,for two to three hours,<br />

coveringthe needs and goals the<br />

familyinquestion has identified.<br />

Tania can have between oneto<br />

three families to work with over<br />

aweek depending on her other<br />

commitments.<br />

Tania is thefirstmember of<br />

her family to volunteer.<br />

She began volunteering in her<br />

earlytwenties visitingan<br />

elderlypersonthrough<br />

Presbyterian Support.<br />

She said it was arewarding<br />

experience and the learning and<br />

sharingwas mutual between<br />

Tania andthe person she<br />

visited.<br />

It’s asimilar experience with<br />

S.E.E.D.Ssometimesthe family<br />

willteach Tania something new.<br />

She likes to learn andthinks<br />

it’s importanttokeep learning.<br />

Tania foundher realpassion<br />

on her second taste of<br />

volunteering with young<br />

mother’s basedatHollyHouse,<br />

in Christchurch.<br />

Sheisquick to admit shegets<br />

alot out of the volunteering and<br />

alot of joy to be gained from<br />

volunteering.<br />

Tania gotinvolved withS.E.E.<br />

D.S shortly after movingto<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>and beingnew and<br />

notknowinganyone<br />

volunteering wasagreat way to<br />

meetpeople, get outinto the<br />

community,have adult company<br />

Valued volunteer Tania King<br />

andthe role is flexiblesoallows<br />

hertodoother things including<br />

herjob.<br />

ForTaniaplanting the seeds<br />

knowing that some will quickly<br />

grow andothers will take a<br />

while butthey too willgrowis<br />

herrewardfor volunteering.<br />

“Everyone should volunteer,”<br />

saysTania, evenifit’s justan<br />

hour aweek.<br />

“Volunteeringisso important<br />

these daystokeeppeople<br />

connectedespecially with all<br />

thetechnologypeopleare using<br />

andsoaren’talwaysconnecting<br />

as we have in the past, it feels so<br />

good to volunteer,’’ shesaid.<br />

Some of the families she<br />

workswith are scared to take<br />

thefirst steporhold back<br />

because they don’t know where<br />

to startsoTania helps provide<br />

somemotivation andwalk the<br />

journey with them forawhile.<br />

Taniaisalso avolunteer<br />

member of the White Ribbon<br />

committee. White Ribbon<br />

promotesthe message that<br />

domesticabuse is not okay.<br />

Nominationformsfor<br />

volunteer of the monthare<br />

available by contacting<br />

Volunteering Mid&South<br />

Canterbury, CommunityHouse,<br />

44 Cass Street <strong>Ashburton</strong>, ph<br />

3081237 ext240 or email<br />

volmidcant@gmail.com or pick<br />

up acopy at Four Squarein<br />

Rakaia.<br />

Plunket association ended<br />

Mid CanterburyPlunket<br />

has farewelled long<br />

serving staff member Anna<br />

Radford.<br />

MrsRadford is endinga<br />

21­year association with<br />

Plunket.<br />

Shestarted as a<br />

volunteer on aPlunket<br />

committee after thebirth<br />

of her first child and for<br />

thelast 13 years has beena<br />

paid administrator and a<br />

familiar, smiling face at<br />

reception.<br />

For anumber of those 13<br />

yearsshe also coordinatedPlunket’s<br />

car<br />

seat rental programme,<br />

helping families rent and<br />

fit car seats correctly in<br />

their vehicles.<br />

When Plunket stopped<br />

its car seatoperationin<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> at theendof<br />

2016, Mrs Radford filled<br />

thevoid and started her<br />

own service.Thatservice<br />

will nowstop.<br />

Mrs Radford said she would<br />

missher association with<br />

Plunket.<br />

Shewould miss seeing the<br />

mums and babiesand alsothe<br />

colleagues andvolunteers she<br />

had worked alongside.<br />

Anna Radford has finished up with Mid<br />

Canterbury Plunket.<br />

Anna Radford was farewelled<br />

on Friday at amorning tea.<br />

She will work full time at local<br />

businessNZBioGrains, a<br />

company she has worked parttimefor<br />

for thelast couple of<br />

years.<br />

PROMOTION DATES: 27/07/20-09/08/20<br />

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facebook.com/FourSquareNZ<br />

Specials available South Island onlyfromMonday 27thJuly until Sunday 9th<br />

<strong>August</strong> <strong>2020</strong>orwhile stocks last.Wineand beeravailable at storeswith an off<br />

licence.Wine andbeerpurchases restricted to persons aged 18 years oldand over.

Family Notices<br />

NEWS<br />

10 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>August</strong> 6, <strong>2020</strong><br />

BIRTHS<br />

DEATHS<br />

DEATHS<br />



WILSON - Riley and<br />

Rachel (nee Curd) are<br />

delightedtoannouncethe<br />

safe arrival of Heidi Zita<br />

born23rdJuly.<br />

DEATHS<br />

MERRIN, Bruce: Passed<br />

away peacefully at<br />

Rosebank on 27.7.20,<br />

aged 94 years. Dearly<br />

loved husband of the late<br />

Kay (Kathleen). Much<br />

loved and respected<br />

father of Ken, the late<br />

Roger, Lee and Jill. Loved<br />

father-in-law of Diane,<br />

Kathy and Christina.<br />

Loved grandfather of<br />

Brent, Amanda and Lisa.<br />

Loved great grandfather<br />

of Kaleb, Olivia, Trace,<br />

Charlotte, William, Lewis<br />

and Thomas. Will be<br />

sadly missed by his family.<br />

Many thanks to the girls<br />

at Rosebank for the love<br />

and care shown to Dad<br />

over the last 3½years. At<br />

Bruce’s request a private<br />

cremation has been held.<br />

Messages to the Merrin<br />

Family, 4 Wilkin Street,<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>7700.<br />

Paterson’s<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

FDANZ<br />

03 307 7433<br />

ORSBORN,<br />

Noel<br />

Raymond (Ozy) (Reg. No.<br />

42826 RNZEME): On July<br />

31st <strong>2020</strong>, at <strong>Ashburton</strong>,<br />

aged 70 years. Dearly loved<br />

and treasured soulmate<br />

of Kim. Loved father and<br />

father-in-law of John<br />

and Rakhee (Auckland),<br />

David (Auckland), Joseph<br />

and Summer (Auckland).<br />

Special grandad and Pop<br />

of all his grandchildren.<br />

Lovedbrother and brotherin-law<br />

of Marilyn and<br />

Bruce Russell (Tauranga),<br />

Wendy and Raymond<br />

Suttie (<strong>Ashburton</strong>), Janice<br />

and Bruce Chudleigh<br />

(<strong>Ashburton</strong>) and very<br />

much loved uncle and<br />

greatuncle of all his nieces<br />

and nephews. Loved<br />

stepfather of Andrea and<br />

Sean Ellison (Queenstown),<br />

Robert and Tammy Maisey<br />

(<strong>Ashburton</strong>). Messages to<br />

the Orsborn Family, c/- PO<br />

Box 472 <strong>Ashburton</strong> 7740.<br />

A service to celebrate<br />

Noel’s life has been held.<br />

Paterson’s<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

FDANZ<br />

03 3077433<br />

TAVENDALE, Lynley Kay;<br />

9 March 1946 – 31 July<br />

<strong>2020</strong><br />

Surrounded by her much<br />

loved family, peacefully<br />

at home. Cherished and<br />

loved wife and confidant<br />

of John her husband of 53<br />

years. Mum and motherin-law<br />

ofMark and Anna<br />

Tavendale, Maria and<br />

David Harford, James and<br />

Zoe Tavendale, Sarah and<br />

Glenn Fastier. Respected<br />

and loved Nana of James,<br />

Jessica and William<br />

Tavendale; Matthew,<br />

Timothy, Henrietta<br />

and Benjamin Harford;<br />

Gretal, Lewis and Marika<br />

Tavendale; Frederick,<br />

Stella, Baxter and Heidi<br />

Fastier. John and the<br />

family wish to welcome<br />

you tojoin them attheir<br />

family home, Matamua<br />

Farm, 39Tavendale Road,<br />

Winchmore onFriday 7th<br />

<strong>August</strong> <strong>2020</strong> at 1pm to<br />

celebrateLynley’s life.<br />

Paterson’s<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

FDANZ<br />

03 307 7433<br />

TEMPLETON, Shelagh Mary<br />

(nee Brereton), on <strong>August</strong><br />

1st, <strong>2020</strong> at Coldstream<br />

Lifecare, <strong>Ashburton</strong>,<br />

aged 96 years. Dearly<br />

loved wife of the late<br />

John (2015). Much loved<br />

mother and mother in<br />

law ofJennifer and Gary<br />

Cook, and Bill and Wendy<br />

(Christchurch). Treasured<br />

Grannie of Rachel and<br />

Graham, Julie, Tim and<br />

Ellen, and delighted great<br />

Grannie of Benjamin;<br />

and Sarah. Loved aunty<br />

of all her nieces and<br />

nephews. Messages to the<br />

Templeton family c/- PO<br />

Box 472, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 7740.<br />

Aservice for Shelagh will<br />

be held at our chapel,<br />

cnr East & Cox Streets,<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> onWednesday<br />

5 <strong>August</strong> commencing<br />

at 11,00am.<br />

Followed by<br />

interment atthe Methven<br />

Cemetery.<br />

Paterson’s<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

FDANZ<br />

03 3077433<br />

WAAKA, Carol Marie, on<br />

July 30, <strong>2020</strong>.Passed away<br />

peacefully at Christchurch,<br />

aged 78 years. Loved wife<br />

of the late Charlie. Loving<br />

mother and mother-inlaw<br />

ofDavid and Sandra,<br />

Richard and Yvonne, the<br />

late Shirley, Rangi and<br />

Vicky, Michael and Chrissy<br />

and Manu. Treasured<br />

Nana And great nana of<br />

her Mokopuna. Messages<br />

to the Waaka family c/-<br />

POBox 472, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

740. ARequiem Mass to<br />

celebrate Carols’ life has<br />

been held.<br />

Paterson’s<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

FDANZ<br />

03 3077433<br />

WARD, Susan Francis<br />

(nee Christey): Passed<br />

away peacefully at St<br />

John of God Hospital in<br />

Perth on the 30th July<br />

<strong>2020</strong>, after acourageous<br />

battle. Beloved wife of<br />

Terry, aged 57 years.<br />

LoveddaughterofHubert<br />

(deceased) and Nancy<br />

Christey. Loved sister<br />

of Mary, Jane (O’Reilly),<br />

Helen (Hartnett), Pauline,<br />

Lois (Eaton) and Brigid<br />

(Molloy). Devoted<br />

Aunty of all her nieces<br />

and nephews and great<br />

nieces. Messages to the<br />

Ward Family, c/- PO Box<br />

472, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 7740.<br />

Funeral details to follow.<br />

Rest in peace.<br />

Paterson’s<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

FDANZ<br />

03 3077433<br />

WARD, Susan Francis<br />

(nee Christey): Passed<br />

away peacefully on 30 July<br />

<strong>2020</strong>. Dearly loved sister<br />

and sister-in-law ofBrigid<br />

and Brendon Molloy.<br />

Treasured aunt of Aden,<br />

Casey and the late Jamie.<br />

Rest in peacemybeautiful<br />

sister.<br />

Hart, Elizabeth Jane (Jane)<br />

18.07.1936 –27.07.2013<br />

Hart, PenelopeJane(Penny)<br />

22.10.1960 –28.07.2019<br />

In loving memory ofour<br />

dear mum and sister<br />

Though your smiles have<br />

gone forever<br />

Andyour hands we cannot<br />

touch<br />

We havesomany<br />

memories<br />

Of the ones we lovedso<br />

much<br />

Your memoryisour<br />

keepsake<br />

With which we’llnever part<br />

God has youinhis keeping<br />

We haveyou in our hearts<br />

May the winds of heaven<br />

blowsoftly<br />

Andwhisper in your ear<br />

Howmuchwelove and<br />

miss you<br />

Andwish that youwere<br />

here<br />

Thinking of youbothdaily<br />

~Chris &Mary-Jean,<br />

Anthony&Kirsty, Michelle<br />

&Andrew andfamilies.<br />

Birth notices listed<br />

by parents will<br />

continue to be free<br />

in the Family Notices<br />

column.<br />

Theinitial death<br />

noticelodged by a<br />

funeral directorwill<br />

be listed without<br />

charge.Therewill<br />

be asmall charge of<br />

$15 forsubsequent<br />

notices relatedto<br />

the same death, up<br />

to amaximum of 35<br />

wordsand on aperline<br />

basis afterthat.<br />

Thesame low<br />

charges apply<br />

to other family<br />

notices,such as<br />

engagements,<br />

acknowledgments,<br />

in memoriam notices<br />

and anniversaries.<br />

Family Notices<br />

Enquiries phone<br />

Jann, KarenorMaryon308 7664<br />

or call into 199 BurnettStreet.<br />

Supporting the community<br />


Robert (Bob): On behalf<br />

of Margaret, Pauline,<br />

Andrew,Chris and families<br />

and me, I wish to say<br />

a sincere thank you to<br />

family,friends,neighbours<br />

and former neighbours in<br />

Coldstream/Hinds,Albury/<br />

Fairlie and <strong>Ashburton</strong>, who<br />

have visited, phoned, sent<br />

cards and flowers, written<br />

letters and brought us<br />

food at the time of Bob’s<br />

sudden death after his<br />

shortillness.<br />

We wish to acknowledge<br />

the medical professionals<br />

in Oncology Ward 23 at<br />

Christchurch Hospital,<br />

Ward One <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Hospital, District Nurses<br />

and our wonderful doctors<br />

and nurses and office staff<br />

at Tinwald Medical Centre<br />

who supported Bob and<br />

me.<br />

To Bob’s family, many<br />

thanks for your love and<br />

caring support. It is truly<br />

appreciated.<br />

To my siblings and your<br />

families, thank you for<br />

being therefor me.<br />

To the extended O’Reilly<br />

Clann, you gave Bob<br />

and me so much<br />

companionship and new<br />

interests over the last 15<br />

months. Who would have<br />

thought we would have<br />

been travelling to various<br />

harness race meetings and<br />

having so much fun with<br />

‘Joey’?<br />

Father Denis Nolan, your<br />

beautiful prayer service<br />

for Bob was ‘perfect’ for<br />

Bob’s farewell. Thank you<br />

for your ongoing spiritual<br />

care.<br />

Paterson’s Funeral<br />

Services, your guidance<br />

at this difficult time of<br />

restrictions was much<br />

appreciated. Also, thank<br />

you for arranging for<br />

Roger Scammell’s services.<br />

This wasawesome.<br />

Yours sincerely<br />

Rosalie Macpherson<br />

96 Tancred Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong>. Phone 307 8317<br />

LREA2008<br />

MCRE<br />

Community Trust chairman NathanMills.<br />

Huge demand<br />

for trust funds<br />

There’s been ahigh demand for fundingand<br />

$552,300 wasdistributed by the Community<br />

Trust of Midand SouthCanterburyinits latest<br />

funding round.<br />

Demand for funding outweighedthe amount<br />

available by 3:1.<br />

Some26health, communityand recreational<br />

groups have benefittedfrom the main roundof<br />

funding for applications over $10,000.<br />

Recipients include theCanterbury West<br />

Coast Air Rescue Trust ($75,000), HospiceMid<br />

Canterbury Trust($15,000) and CancerSociety<br />

Canterbury­West CoastDivision ($7500).<br />

YMCA South and Mid Canterburyreceives<br />

$30,000 towards theResiliencyToolkit<br />

Programme thatisrun in schoolsand Ronald<br />

McDonald Housegets $10,000 perannum for<br />

threeyears for accommodation subsidiesfor<br />

Mid and South Canterbury families.<br />

Thereis$15,000for the HakatereMulti<br />

CulturalCouncil Inc (formerly MidCanterbury<br />

NewcomersNetwork)tosupportnewcomers<br />

and migrants throughexisting activities,<br />

$16,000 for HakatereMaori Komiti to help fund<br />

the positionofHakatereMaraeco­ordinator<br />

and $9000for WairekaCroquet Club for the<br />

purchaseofalawnmower.<br />

CommunityTrust Mid and South Canterbury<br />

chairman Nathan Mills saidhis board was<br />

aware thataccessingfunding was one of the<br />

biggest challenges thatnot­for­profit<br />

organisations faced in aCovid­19 environment.<br />

The trusthas also suffered investment losses,<br />

but had reservesinplace for ‘‘rainy days’’ such<br />

as now.<br />

It wascommitted to continue funding<br />

communitygroups so theywere abletodeliver<br />

their vitalservices to the regionespeciallyin<br />

times of highneed,said Mr Mills.<br />

Thetrustwould maintain its support for notfor­profit<br />

organisations for theupcoming<br />

<strong>2020</strong>/21funding year.<br />

Family owned,<br />

locally owned<br />

22 MooreStreet,<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

0800 2636679<br />

2289133<br />

Complete<br />

Local Care<br />

Since 1982

NEWS<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>August</strong> 6, <strong>2020</strong><br />

11<br />

The importance<br />

of mahinga kai<br />

Duringour June zone<br />

committeemeeting,<br />

Environment Canterbury<br />

tangata whenua facilitator<br />

Brad Waldon­Gibbons<br />

sharedapresentation on the<br />

CWMS mahinga kai targets<br />

and goals for our water zone.<br />

Mahinga kai can be<br />

difficulttoexplain in simple<br />

English. Ioften think of<br />

mahinga kai as the<br />

resources that Maori<br />

traditionallyhad accessto–<br />

like the fish in our lakes.<br />

While that’s an important<br />

part of the story,it’s not the<br />

whole picture.<br />

What is mahinga kai?<br />

Brad shared with us the<br />

definition of mahinga kai<br />

from the Environment<br />

Canterbury websiteand<br />

pointed out how much<br />

overlap there is with our<br />

understanding of<br />

biodiversity.<br />

Both definitions are<br />

concerned with habitats, the<br />

diversityofspecies within<br />

them and the relationships<br />

between species in these<br />

habitats.<br />

Mahinga kai goesalot<br />

further –itisaholistic<br />

approach to natural<br />

resources and their<br />

sustainable use to sustain<br />

life.<br />

Where is mahinga kai in<br />

our region?<br />

It’s stillarelatively new<br />

concepttomany non­Maori<br />

in <strong>Ashburton</strong>.Inthe<br />

neighbouring Selwyn­<br />

Waihorazone, mahinga kai<br />

targetswere built into land<br />

use consents for farming, but<br />

not in our zone.<br />

Many sites, especially the<br />

rivers,their catchments<br />

among the hills, and the<br />

high­country lakes, were all<br />

visitedperiodically by Maori<br />

to practise mahingakai –<br />

collecting resources and<br />

stayingfor short periods.<br />

What does it meanfor us?<br />

In our region, we are<br />

working with localrunanga<br />

towards severalmahinga kai<br />

targets. By 2025, the goal is<br />

to have at risk species and<br />

protection zones identified,<br />

and at leastfive sites<br />

restored and protected in<br />

recognition of theirstatus as<br />

wahi taonga (significant<br />

sites).<br />

That means runangawill<br />

have guaranteed access for<br />

mahinga kai and resource<br />

gathering.<br />

My family has along<br />

history in the <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

region, and the more Ilearn<br />

aboutwhat mahinga kai is,<br />

and how it is important to<br />

NgaiTahu, the more Irealise<br />

how similar it is to alot of<br />

our own beliefs about<br />

stewardshipofour land.<br />

We may not talk about<br />

theseconceptsinthe same<br />

words, but the values behind<br />

the words are similar. As I<br />

understand it, the core of<br />

thesevalues is to ensure that<br />

our children, grandchildren<br />

and futuregenerations can<br />

continuetolive off and<br />

prosper from this land.<br />

This means ensuringthat<br />

environmental and<br />

economic outcomes work<br />

together, not in opposition to<br />

each other.<br />

Students policing new<br />

rules around recycling<br />


@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Seniormembers of<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Borough School’s<br />

environment group,The<br />

Borough Greenies, are on a<br />

mission to make sure pupils,<br />

staff and schoolfamilies are<br />

familiar with and follow new<br />

recycling rules introduced in<br />

the district this week.<br />

Maddie Page and Bella<br />

Dawson, both Year8<br />

students, believe good<br />

recycling stems from<br />

education, repeat good<br />

practice and aclear<br />

understanding of the rules.<br />

Maddie has compiled a<br />

slide show that has been<br />

sharedwith classes at<br />

Borough on whatcan and<br />

can’t be recycled.<br />

It highlights the new rules<br />

introduced in the district<br />

from <strong>August</strong> 1.<br />

Onlyrigid hard plastics<br />

numbered 1, 2and 5can now<br />

go in the yellow bins, said<br />

Maddie.<br />

‘‘Soft plastics numbered 3,<br />

4, 6or7have to go in the red<br />

rubbish bins, alongwith<br />

unnumbered plasticsand<br />

soft plastics that your can<br />

easily scrunch in your hand.’’<br />

All plastic lids must go out<br />

in the rubbish, but clean<br />

paper,magazines,<br />

cardboard,aluminiumtins<br />

and cans can continue to be<br />

recycled as they were<br />

previously.<br />

Maddie said she expected<br />

the volume in the red<br />

rubbish bins to go up<br />

Bella Dawson (left) and Maddie Page, both 12, withamix of<br />

items that canand can’t go in the yellow binsunder the new<br />

district recycling rules.<br />

because of the increase in<br />

softplastics.<br />

That was not good for the<br />

landfill and was abig<br />

concern,she said.<br />

Bella said she expected<br />

recycling changes to take a<br />

little bit of time to filter<br />

through to everyone in the<br />

community.<br />

‘‘Peopleneed to know what<br />

theycan recycleand then get<br />

into those good habits,but<br />

there might be abit of<br />

confusionatfirst.<br />

‘‘As individuals we all<br />

need to do the rightthing and<br />

to take responsibility.’’<br />

Bella said her school’s<br />

large co­mingled yellow skip<br />

would be monitoredover the<br />

next few weeks to ensure the<br />

rules were understood and<br />

followed by students and<br />

parentsalike.<br />

Both Maddie and Bella<br />

believed too much plastic<br />

was used in society and that<br />

there was too much<br />

packaging, and the wrong<br />

materials often used for<br />

packaging.<br />

The BoroughGreenies<br />

currently number 40.<br />

They are led by longservingteacher<br />

John Hooper<br />

who helps and encourages<br />

them to extendtheir<br />

knowledgearound<br />

environment issues.<br />

Senior students take on<br />

leadership roles and help<br />

younger members<br />

understand the importance<br />

of recycling food scraps,<br />

growingfruit and vegetables<br />

and the slogan Reduce,<br />


12 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>August</strong> 6, <strong>2020</strong><br />


www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

RuralServices/Supplies<br />

Removal of slinkies will cost<br />


@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Farmers have been notified<br />

there will be costs associated<br />

with removing slinkiesand calf<br />

carcasses from farms,<br />

following afall in international<br />

marketprices.<br />

The value of the carcasses,<br />

primarily used for pelts, was<br />

not covered in the collection<br />

and processing of them.<br />

Federated FarmersMid<br />

Canterbury provincial<br />

president David Clark said it<br />

was even unlikely there was<br />

going to be aserviceatall to<br />

collectthem.<br />

“There’s acost and a<br />

question markabout whether<br />

there’seven going to be<br />

collections this year,” he said,<br />

with international markets<br />

‘‘just fallingtopieces’’ withthe<br />

upheaval of covid.<br />

“It’s just another knock­on<br />

effect of the disruptionand<br />

upheaval in the world<br />

currently.”<br />

It was likely mostfarmers<br />

would compost their own<br />

slinkies (lambs), but there<br />

were someorganisationsgoing<br />

to collect calves and send them<br />

to landfillorfarmers could<br />

compost them down with<br />

sawdust, he said.<br />

“Numbers will vary on farm,<br />

casualty stockobviously you<br />

try to keep to aminimum but it<br />

is areality,” he said.<br />

Boviseradication hascome at asignificant emotional, financial<br />

andpersonal impact to farmers.<br />

He said bobby calves also<br />

had very little value, but<br />

FederatedFarmershoped<br />

farmerswould take along term<br />

view in supportingthe bobby<br />

calf trade so the markets were<br />

kept openfor when the world<br />

recovered and values<br />

recovered.<br />

“This is just aone year blip,”<br />

he said.<br />

He encouraged farmers to<br />

follow best practice (disposing<br />

of any slinkies) and, where<br />

possible, continuetosupport<br />

the bobby calf market with<br />

Dairyshed yard work including topand backing gates<br />

Rotaryboom irrigatorrepairs and service, including<br />

wirerope &splicing<br />

Mainline installation and repairs<br />

Anyother general engineering/fabricationrequirements<br />

Bale feeder –calf feeders Standardorcustom-made<br />

Phone 308 5903 weekdays l Email: agserve@xtra.co.nz<br />

On call 7days:Doug: 027 282 2245, Matt (Tomo): 021 518 538<br />

15 Malcolm McDowell Avenue, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

their surplus calves if they<br />

have no market for rearing<br />

calves into the beef industry.<br />

In other news, Mycoplasma<br />

bovis eradication was making<br />

good progress, on the face of<br />

the numbers being made<br />

public, he said.<br />

It has beenthree yearssince<br />

the disease was first identified<br />

in New Zealandand the 10<br />

year eradicationresponse was<br />

well underway.<br />

The latest figures from MPI<br />

showed 250 total confirmed<br />

cases; with just three active<br />

2300731<br />

(two in the North Islandand<br />

one in the South Island), 28<br />

notice of directions<br />

nationwide and 172 active<br />

surveillanceproperties.<br />

Mr Clark said he was<br />

“cautious but optimistic’’ the<br />

response to the disease was<br />

making good progress but<br />

mindful it had left atrail of<br />

destruction in its path.<br />

“It is anasty disease so the<br />

decision was made to go down<br />

the eradication path.<br />

“However that (eradication)<br />

has comeat significant,<br />

emotional, financial and<br />

personal cost to the farmers<br />

who wereimpacted.<br />

“And in some cases those<br />

costshave been unreasonably<br />

high.”<br />

There werestill cases –well<br />

overdue ­that have not had<br />

claims settled,including those<br />

in Mid Canterbury.<br />

“That is wholly unacceptable<br />

at any level, (they) should have<br />

beensorted out.’’<br />

The impact on individual<br />

farmers has been far higher<br />

than it needed to be, he said.<br />

“The process of MPI to begin<br />

with was disgraceful. Massive<br />

progress was made in sorting<br />

thosesystems out but it has left<br />

atrail of destructionalong the<br />

way and Ifind it hard to<br />

celebrate the victory against<br />

boviswhen Iknow of people<br />

still going through the pain of<br />

the process.”<br />

Alliance Group visit<br />

Methven is one of the<br />

venues on Alliance<br />

Group’s annualroadshow<br />

programme starting on<br />

September 22.<br />

Some 23 meetings will<br />

be heldaround the South<br />

Island, with the Mt Hutt<br />

Memorial Hall hosting a<br />

meeting at 1.30pm on<br />

October1.<br />

The roadshow is an<br />

opportunity for the cooperative’s<br />

farmer<br />

shareholders and other<br />

farmerstohear first­hand<br />

from directors and senior<br />

managers and also to<br />

provide feedback.<br />

Those attending will<br />

receive an updateonthe<br />

co­operative’s<br />

performance, progress on<br />

strategy and details on<br />

futureplans.<br />

Allianceisowned by<br />

around4000 farmer<br />

shareholders .<br />

It exports lamb, beef,<br />

venisonand co­products<br />

to customers in more than<br />

65 countries.<br />

IN BRIEF<br />


Clintonsheepand beeffarmer<br />

Amy Blaikie has been<br />

‘‘absolutelyblownaway’’by<br />

theresponseto herwool<br />

petition. Mrs Blaikie launched<br />

an online petition in June<br />

calling on theHouse of<br />

Representatives to ensureall<br />

publiclyfunded buildings and<br />

KiwiBuild homes were built or<br />

refurbished with New Zealand<br />

wool carpet and insulation.<br />

It drew 15,<strong>06</strong>9 signatures and<br />

thisweekshe presented her<br />

petitiontomembers of<br />

Parliament in front of the<br />

Beehive, in Wellington.<br />

Mrs Blaikiewasjoined by<br />

her husband Victor, their<br />

children, and supporters to<br />

givethe petition to New<br />

Zealand First list MPand<br />

Lawrence farmer Mark<br />

Patterson; they were also<br />

joined by New Zealand First<br />

leaderWinston Peters.<br />


SOUGHT<br />

Changestothe Resource<br />

Management Act (RMA) need<br />

to deliver reduced compliance<br />

costs for farmers, increase<br />

efficiency andimprove<br />

environmentaloutcomes, says<br />

DairyNZ.<br />

DairyNZ chief executive Dr<br />

Tim Mackle is calling on<br />

politicalpartiestowork<br />

quickly on achieving<br />

meaningfulreform in thenext<br />

term of office.<br />

He said acomprehensive<br />

reform of theRMA is long<br />

overdue and would be a<br />

positive step notonly for<br />

farmers,but allNew<br />

Zealanders.<br />

“TheRMAhas become too<br />

unpredictable andinefficient<br />

forapplicants.<br />

‘‘Farmers will be keen to see<br />

this reformdeliveraprocess<br />

which is faster, simpler and<br />

lesscostly,” said Dr Mackle.<br />

“Potentially replacing the<br />

RMA withtwo separate pieces<br />

of legislation for environment<br />

and planning makes alot of<br />

sense.’’<br />


www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />


<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>August</strong> 6, <strong>2020</strong><br />

13<br />

RuralServices/Supplies<br />

Job prospectsgood<br />

for new agri students<br />


@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Agri Training has been<br />

running atwo­week rural<br />

retraining course for people<br />

wanting skills to workinthe<br />

ruralworkforce.<br />

It’s the firstintake of its<br />

kind ­fundedand run ­bythe<br />

Mid Canterbury­based<br />

agricultural training<br />

providerand designed to<br />

fast­track people into rural<br />

jobs with practical farmwork<br />

lessons to help fillsome<br />

of the hundreds of rural<br />

vacancies across the<br />

industry.<br />

And there is already alist<br />

of people applying for the<br />

next course.<br />

Project manager Trina<br />

Moore saidall the course<br />

trainees had one thingin<br />

common ­transferable skills<br />

­which saw them selected<br />

out of the more than650<br />

applicants to the course.<br />

Most had lost their jobs as<br />

aresult of Covid­19, many<br />

were looking for acomplete<br />

career changeand all were<br />

keen to get enough farm<br />

experience to gettheir foot<br />

in the door of the rural<br />

industry.<br />

“We have local businesses<br />

desperately needing staff<br />

and aprogramme that has<br />

attracted trainees from<br />

various backgrounds and<br />

with ages up to 60 yearsold,’’<br />

she said.<br />

“We have aseismic oil<br />

vessel captain, ahairdresser,<br />

ex­police officer and cafe<br />

owner, and these people are<br />

not justlocalCantabrians,<br />

they come fromasfar north<br />

as Auckland and as far south<br />

as Invercargill.’’<br />

Agri Training ran afree<br />

introductoryonline taster<br />

course which drew ahuge<br />

response but through<br />

interviews and selection it<br />

was whittled down to 27.<br />

“Our ultimate outcomeis<br />

to place every personwho<br />

has completed the training<br />

in work. Weare 110 per cent<br />

behind finding job<br />

opportunities for our<br />

graduates,’’ she said.<br />

TutorJeff Taylor­Hurst, of CompliancePartners, gives<br />

instructionsonworking at height to trainees during an Agri<br />

Training rural retrainingcourse at Winchmore. PHOTO TONI WILLIAMS.<br />

It included setting up<br />

interviews with businesses<br />

to working with recruitment<br />

specialists Agstaff and<br />

New ZealandDairy<br />

Careers.<br />

Hannah Bennett, 25, of<br />

Christchurch, is apainter<br />

working part­time in the<br />

construction industry but<br />

waskeen to swap city life for<br />

full­time work with arural<br />

outlook.<br />

She said it had beena<br />

lifelong dream to work on a<br />

farm, especially asheep<br />

farm.<br />

She hadstarted working as<br />

apainter in the construction<br />

industry straight from school<br />

and saidthere had been a<br />

realbarrier to gaining<br />

employment on afarm with<br />

no experience behind her.<br />

Prior to the course the<br />

most common options for<br />

people to get ajobon afarm,<br />

were to grow up on afarmor<br />

to marry afarmer.<br />

She said the course had<br />

proved an eyeopener and<br />

given hersomegreat insights<br />

­with practical skills ­touse<br />

in the industry. She was<br />

hopeful of ajob offer at the<br />

end of the course.<br />

Fellow trainee Nathan<br />

Eggleton saw new avenues of<br />

employment opening up with<br />

the course than he initially<br />

thought.<br />

“There’s so many more<br />

layerstothis thanI<br />

anticipated, new avenues<br />

that Ican build on withmy<br />

current skills. It’s not just for<br />

jobs on farm, Ican lookat<br />

something likesales through<br />

seed and crop.<br />

‘‘It’s like covid shut one<br />

door and opened another,”<br />

he said.<br />

Ms Moore said all of the<br />

candidates were seeking<br />

employment and had found<br />

their way to the training<br />

provider.<br />

‘‘We’d ideally like to be<br />

able to work with the<br />

MinistryofSocial<br />

Development to get more<br />

people in training andmore<br />

people outinto work.’’<br />

She said the farming<br />

industrymay be even more<br />

reliant on locallyretrained<br />

people as changes to the<br />

currentimmigration system,<br />

based on skill­band,will see<br />

an increase to the wage bills<br />

of farmers employing<br />

migrant workers.<br />

“Wealready have five<br />

trainees offered employment<br />

with multiple othersinvited<br />

for interviews,’’ she said.<br />

Safety first ... Farm motorbike and quad bike safety was covered during the<br />

practical on­farm training sessions.<br />

Purpose.Environment.<br />

Partnership.Innovation.<br />

Excellence.<br />

• DairyNZ accreditedEffluent<br />

Pond Design andConstruction<br />

• Pond Constructionand<br />

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PARK UP<br />

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trailer loaded full of DeWalt demo tools<br />

Thursday, <strong>August</strong> 13 –10am-2pm<br />

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Industrial Park,<strong>Ashburton</strong>. Phone 308 6415<br />

• DairyTracks–<br />

Lime or Gravel<br />

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• Wellsand Galleries<br />

• Bulk Earthworks<br />

• Subdivisions<br />

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• Tree Shear<br />

• Transportation<br />

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www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

TOP sees small partner role<br />

TOP leader GeoffSimmons says his<br />

party’spoliciesongene­editing may<br />

appealtoMid Canterbury farmers<br />

trying to reduce nitrateleaching and<br />

carbon emissions.<br />

Gene­editingoffers afast way of<br />

developing newplantvarieties that<br />

can cope with pests or climate change.<br />

Technology could playabig partin<br />

protecting the district’s drinking<br />

water andhave ahealthier<br />

environment,MrSimmons said.<br />

The leader wasin<strong>Ashburton</strong>aspart<br />

of aroadshow spreading the world<br />

aboutThe OpportunitiesParty (TOP).<br />

About30peopleheard him speak at<br />

the WalnutAvenue pavilion.<br />

Mr Simmons grew up in Northland<br />

and is now an economist in<br />

Wellington.<br />

He saidvoters were tired of the<br />

‘‘sameold,same old’’ andthe coming<br />

election was important.‘‘Weare about<br />

the splasharound cash on abig scale<br />

and we need to make sure we are<br />

doing it right. The effectswilllast the<br />

next two to three decades.’’<br />

Pollslastweekhad Labour in a<br />

comfortable lead, buttheywouldneed<br />

partiestowork with.<br />

Mr Simmons said voters neededto<br />

look at minority partiesto partner<br />

with Labour and TOP wasagreat<br />

choice ‘‘to keep them honest’’.<br />

Protecting water fromnitrate<br />

leaching andpollution was abig issue<br />

aroundthe country.‘‘We have to use<br />

technology like gene­editing to reduce<br />

nitrate leaching andgreenhouse gas<br />

emissions, andpeopleneed to know it<br />

is not old schooltechnology ... it is<br />

tweaking existinggenes.<br />

‘‘We need to investinhelping<br />

The Opportunities Party leader Geoff Simmons says this election is very<br />

important as the country recovers from the pandemic.<br />

farmers find alternative land uses that<br />

will helpreduce thenitrogenload.’’<br />

TOP was foundedbyGarethMorgan<br />

in 2016 and the party polled 2.5 per<br />

centofvotes in the2017election. ‘‘He<br />

is not involved any more andnow it is<br />

amovement. He has handeditoverto<br />

the members.’’<br />

The party has 20 candidates<br />

standing forthe <strong>2020</strong> election, but<br />

none in theRangitata electorate.<br />

‘‘We will have abig focus on doing<br />

what works and we willworkwith<br />

National or Labour.’’<br />

Mr Simmons said he hoped this<br />

electionwould be the start of amore<br />

matureMMP model involving more<br />

parties working collaboratively.’’<br />

TOP is also proposing aUniversal<br />

Basic Income of $250 per weekfor all<br />

adult Kiwis, no questions asked. This<br />

would be paid for by atax reform<br />

including a33per cent flat incometax.<br />

Other policiesare around affordable<br />

housing andrents andhelp for small<br />

businesses.<br />

NEWS<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>August</strong> 6, <strong>2020</strong><br />

15<br />

Tummy bug<br />

sparks alert<br />

Mid Canterbury GPsare reminding people<br />

about good handwashing and cleaning<br />

practices as ahighly contagious viral<br />

tummy bug sweeps through the district.<br />

LauristonSchool closed for two days due<br />

to the virus, whichcauseddiarrhoea and<br />

vomiting; 55 childrenwere awayonasingle<br />

day,morethan half the role.<br />

GPsspokespersonDrEmmaAndrew said<br />

similar tummy bugs circulated every year<br />

and preventive measures were important to<br />

avoiditspreading; good handwashing and<br />

cleaning practiceswere vital.<br />

She said people whocaughtthe bug<br />

should not return to work or school until 48<br />

hours after the last vomitordiarrhoea, as<br />

they may still be contagious.<br />

‘‘The elderly andvery youngare<br />

particularly vulnerable as their bodies are<br />

less abletocopewith the fluid and<br />

electrolyte loss thatcomeswith severe<br />

vomitingand diarrhoea.’’<br />

Parents of children in swim lessons at the<br />

EA Networks Centre and general pool users<br />

wereremindedtostay outofthe water for<br />

48 hoursiftheyhad the bug.The Methven<br />

Netball Club also cancelledpractices.<br />

CanterburyDistrictHealth Board<br />

medicalofficer of health Dr Cheryl Brunton<br />

said the bug did not appear to be norovirus.<br />

‘‘We suspectthatthis was an outbreak of<br />

viralgastroenteritis. Norovirus is the most<br />

commonvirusimplicated in outbreaks like<br />

this.Wedonot yet have any labtest results<br />

confirming thatnorovirusisthe cause of<br />

this outbreak.<br />

‘‘Viralgastroenteritis is highly infectious<br />

and this outbreak is atimely reminder of<br />

why it is important for people to stay home<br />

from workorschoolifthey areunwell.’’<br />

Dairy farmer new interim<br />

president of Hearing NZ<br />

Theona Blom<br />

Rakaia dairyfarmerTheona<br />

Blom will becomethe<br />

interim president of<br />

Hearing NewZealandafter<br />

the announcement by<br />

currentpresident Tony<br />

Rush that he intends to step<br />

downfromthe role from<br />

September 15 because of<br />

healthreasons.<br />

Rush has been president<br />

of Hearing New Zealandfor<br />

threeand ahalf years.<br />

Theona Blom wasa<br />

qualified accountant and<br />

business analyst in her<br />

native South Africa and<br />

volunteered four years ago<br />

to be treasurerof the<br />

Christchurch Hearing<br />

Association as ameans of<br />

givingback to her adopted<br />

community. Shortly<br />

afterwards shewas elected<br />

to theHearingNew Zealand<br />

board as aSouth Island<br />

representative.<br />

MrsBlom will be interim<br />

president until the annual<br />

meeting in May 2021.<br />

More information gathered in<br />

search for war medal family<br />

Wanganui resident Paul<br />

Takarangi­Gavaghanhas<br />

found out more about former<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> residentWG<br />

Patching,whose war medal<br />

heistryingtopass on to a<br />

Patching family member.<br />

Patching waskilledin<br />

action in the Dardanelles in<br />

1915.<br />

Since running thestory in<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong> last<br />

month Mr Takarangi­<br />

Gavaghan hasreceived an<br />

email from aman whose<br />

aunt was aclose friendof<br />

Patching’s sister Winnie.<br />

Winnie lived for many<br />

years in the Patching family<br />

home, andher brother’s last<br />

registered address, at 32<br />

Short Street ,ahouse that<br />

stillstands today.<br />

The email saidayoungWG<br />

Patchingworked in his<br />

father's saddlery business on<br />

West Street, which is today<br />

occupied by Emmily Harmer<br />

Photography, butonce bore<br />

the Patching name.<br />

‘‘I have foundatreasure<br />

trove of references to the<br />

Patchingfamily online. WG<br />

was oneofthreebrothers<br />

who enlisted.<br />

‘‘Another,WalterJames<br />

wasawarded the Military<br />

Medal and spent some time<br />

at the Brokenhurst War<br />

Hospitalinthe UK andthe<br />

thirdbrother, Ibelieve,was<br />

Charles.’’<br />

He had accessed thewill<br />

of Patching senior, William,<br />

and it showedWinnie as<br />

receiving ahandsome<br />

inheritance, including the<br />

righttolive in the family<br />

home, which shedid as a<br />

spinster.<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Museum has<br />

also passed on Patching<br />

familygenealogical<br />

information.<br />

Mr Takarangi­Gavaghan<br />

said it had been awonderful<br />

experience searching the<br />

records, buthecouldstill<br />

not work out how the medal<br />

had ended in Whanganui,<br />

and he wasstill no closer<br />

getting in contact witha<br />

Patchingfamily member.<br />

Asecond email he<br />

received recommended the<br />

Medals ReunitedNew<br />

Zealand website run by Ian<br />

Martyn.<br />

Martyn, aretired NZ army<br />

captainreunites lost, found<br />

and stolen medalswith<br />

family members.<br />

Let’stalk:<br />

Dementia.<br />

Lorraine, Princes Court Lifecare<br />

(Specialised Dementia Care)<br />

Concerned that you or<br />

aloved one are showing<br />

signs of dementia?<br />

Come along to our FREE ‘Let’s talk’ afternoon<br />

at Princes Court Lifecare, where we’ll cover<br />

topics such as:<br />

•The first signs ofdementia<br />

•How to cope with anxiety in loved ones with dementia<br />

•How the Needs Assessment system works<br />

19<br />

AUG<br />

Princes Court Lifecare<br />

Wednesday 19 <strong>August</strong>, 2pm<br />

Princes Court Lifecare<br />

58 Princes Street Netherby, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Call Lorraine (03) 308 0302<br />

heritagelifecare.co.nz<br />


<strong>Ashburton</strong> College<br />

Individual Excellence in aSupportive Learning Environment<br />

News<br />

Issue 20<br />

6<strong>August</strong> <strong>2020</strong><br />

DeputyPrincipal Message<br />

Term ThreeManagementfor all at College<br />

Sometimes life islike living in apressure cooker<br />

and Term Threeisthatplace.<br />

For our senior students this is a time for<br />

planning,resilienceand the need to keep an eye<br />

on personal well-being.Weare hurtling towards<br />

that time of year when things can seem to<br />

become unmanageable forsome,and especially<br />

forour seniors.<br />

Careful planning and monitoring of progress arevital to survival.All staff<br />

are watching student progress towards NCEA at all levels and offering<br />

supportand guidancewherever thatisneeded.<br />

We areverymindfulthatthis canbethe timewhen some young people<br />

start toworry that they won’t make it. Often achat with their Ako<br />

teacher or subject teacher can provide the reassurance that they need.<br />

It is timely aswell, totake acheck on personal well-being and health<br />

in respect oflifestyle and diet and to make sure that, over the next few<br />

weeks,our young people pacethemselves accordingly.<br />

Procrastination is abeast that can beat the best of us, and an honest<br />

awareness of the dangers and if they apply to you, are often all it takes<br />

to make sure that itisnot our downfall. Itreally is strange how the<br />

educational clock seems to tick faster at this time of the year.<br />

OpenEvening<br />

We had an amazing Open Evening recently, the night when current<br />

Year 8students and their family and whānau visit College to see what<br />

is on offer.Faculties had displays of work and staff available to whet the<br />

appetiteofour next group of people looking to attend College.<br />

The turnout, especially to the first session, was amazing, with some<br />

families having to sit on the steps of the Auditorium. Thanks to all those<br />

whocame and of course ahuge thanks to all College staff who made the<br />

nightasuccess.This is another of those occasions thatcan only happen<br />

with the dedication of everyone on staff at College.Itwas agreat night<br />

forall.<br />

Enrolment Process at College<br />

Last week saw uscoming to the end ofthe enrolment process for new<br />

students.All such students and family members meet face-to-facewith<br />

amember of College staff to discuss their transition into secondary<br />

education. Thewhole process takes anumber of days and runs well into<br />

the evening forsome.<br />

The support ofthe College Office staff, with some here until 8:00pm,<br />

is commendable indeed and it takes them days to input all of the<br />

information that isgathered during that time. Certainly, the young<br />

people Ihave met have been stunning. Welook forward toanother<br />

amazing Year 9cohortnextyear.<br />

College Senior Students’Ball<br />

By the time you read this, the College Ball will only be aday away. It<br />

has the promise of being anight toremember for all. The hype and<br />

expectations run high onceagain and the senior students who have led<br />

this have done agreat job.<br />

Each year DeputyPrincipal Helen Shore-Taylor takes on the onerous task<br />

of overseeing this and shows enthusiasm and dedication in helping to<br />

make it asuccess.<br />

RYDA(Road Safety)Day<br />

Monday ofthis week saw our Year 12 students at the Hotel <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

forthe annual RYDA day.<br />

This is wherestudents spend the dayconsidering road safety, especially<br />

around driving well and responsibly. They get to participate in six<br />

differentworkshops thatcover all aspects of driving safely.<br />

It has been agreat day inthe past, ofgreat value to all students, and<br />

with the cost of this being shouldered by <strong>Ashburton</strong>DistrictCouncil. We<br />

would like to thank them onceagain fortheir support.<br />

In Summary<br />

We plan the journey at the start and negotiate the roadblocks as they<br />

arrive. After what wehave experienced this year, now is possibly the<br />

time forsome re-navigation to make surethatweare stillgoing to arrive<br />

at the destination on time.<br />

Ron Cresswell<br />

DeputyPrincipal •TumuakiTuarua<br />

Information<br />

Lip Sync <strong>2020</strong>!<br />

Theeverpopular Lip Sync will hit the College Auditorium stage<br />

this year -onTuesday18<strong>August</strong>,7:00pm.<br />

Students will compete either<br />

individually or in groupsin<br />

Juniorand Seniorsections,<br />

beforethe hotly-contested<br />

HouseFest.<br />

TheStudentExecutive will<br />

thentake on the lip-syncing<br />

teachers to roundoffthe<br />

evening's entertainment.<br />

Tickets: $5:00. Available from the College Office -<br />

03 308 4193 or info@ashcoll.school.nz<br />

Information<br />

Class PhotoOrders–Now Available forOrder<br />

Ako Class photographs were taken recently, and are now available<br />

fororder.<br />

Viewing Photos<br />

Parents/caregivers can view photos on the Photoshots website:<br />

www.photoshots.co.nz<br />

Viewing is password protected. The password and instructions have<br />

been emailed to parents/caregivers, and are available to view in your<br />

child’s Akoclassroom, or from the College Office.<br />

On-line viewing is available foralimited periodonly.<br />

Photographs arepresentedonanA4sheet,laminated, with the photo<br />

at the topand the students’names belowthe photograph.<br />

HowtoOrder<br />

Payment istobemade through the <strong>Ashburton</strong> College Office, as<br />

follows:<br />

• Collect anorder envelope from the College Office, and complete the<br />

order section on theback of theenvelope.<br />

0 Enclose$14.00cash (correct change is appreciated) OR<br />

0 Cheque (made out to Photoshots Ltd NOT <strong>Ashburton</strong> College)<br />

OR<br />

0 Online payments to<strong>Ashburton</strong> College account (mark payment<br />

clearlywith studentname and ‘Photos’).<br />

• Ifthere ismore than one student per family ordering, please put<br />

all orders on one envelope, clearly marked.<br />

• The envelope youfill in is also used to returnthe photoin, so please do<br />

not seal the envelope at the timeofordering.<br />

Please note: Orders close 9:00am, Wednesday12<strong>August</strong> <strong>2020</strong><br />

Transition Department–EventsUpdate<br />

TertiaryStudy Information<br />

We are atthe time ofyear where students going to tertiary study in 2021<br />

are gathering information, making decisions, and beginning application<br />

processes,asfollows:<br />

Universityand PolytechHalls of ResidenceApplications<br />

HallsofResidenceapplications arenowopen online.<br />

Course Planning for 2021<br />

Universityliaisonstaff areinthe processofbooking to visit AshColl thisterm<br />

to help students plantheir course of study for2021.<br />

Datesknown so farare:<br />

UniversityofCanterbury – 12<strong>August</strong><br />

Victoria UniversityofWellington – 09 September<br />

Auckland University – 09September<br />

Lincoln University – 09September<br />

Otago University – 16September<br />

<strong>2020</strong>UniversityOpen Days –<br />

Further Information is AvailableontheirWebsites<br />

•OtagoUniversityand Otago Polytech –On-campus:Monday 10 <strong>August</strong><br />

•VictoriaUniversity<br />

–On-campus:Friday21<strong>August</strong><br />

•CanterburyUniversity<br />

–On-campus:Thursday 27 <strong>August</strong><br />

•AucklandUniversity<br />

–On-campus:Saturday29<strong>August</strong><br />

•MasseyUniversity<br />

–Virtual(online) OpenDays<br />

04 and05September<br />

Andalso:<br />

WellingtonCampus<br />

ManawatuCampus<br />

Auckland Campus<br />

•WaikatoUniversity<br />

•AUT University<br />

–TasterDay:21<strong>August</strong><br />

–TasterDay:11September<br />

–TasterDay:12September<br />

–Virtual(online) OpenDays:<br />

13 and 14 <strong>August</strong><br />

–On-campus:Saturday29<strong>August</strong><br />

Care with ParkingOutside College<br />

When Dropping Off and Collecting Students<br />

We understandvehicle movements as parents and caregivers<br />

drop-offand collectstudentsatCollege.<br />

Mayweplease ask though forcarewhen this is happening –<br />

• Road safety is hugely important, and especially where there are alot<br />

road users in asmall area.<br />

• Please avoid parking on the yellow lines outside the Walnut Avenue<br />

entrance.<br />

• Please respectresidents’properties –avoid parking over drivewaysor<br />

driving into their personal driveentrances.<br />

• Remain aware thatthe College drivewayisnot suitable fordropping/<br />

picking-up students from. This adds to congestion and compromises<br />

safety.<br />

We do ask,please,thatyou –<br />

• Consider whereyou park.<br />

• Park in alegal parking space, and have your child walk to whereyou are<br />

parked.<br />

• Park in the parallel parks across the road from the College.<br />

• Or -there maybespace in the shingled parking area on the west side of<br />

the College.<br />

We thank youfor your help,<br />

andfor your courtesy to residents,<br />

College students androad users.<br />

Events<br />

Jandals FiafiaNightatUniversityof<br />

Canterbury(UC)<br />

Eleven students from <strong>Ashburton</strong> College travelled to the University of<br />

Canterburytoattend the Jandals Fiafia eventheld on Wednesday29July.<br />

Attended by students from<br />

several schools, parents and<br />

university students, College<br />

teacher Liz Carrick said this<br />

was afun night. There were<br />

anumber of performances<br />

and some words ofwisdom<br />

from parents, UC students<br />

and former students who<br />

arenow trained teachers.<br />

Theexperiencegave agreat insightintowhatopportunities areavailableat<br />

UC forour Pasifikastudents.<br />

An additional bonus of the evening was meeting up with College<br />

former students: Uatifoti Saofai (Deputy Head Girl 2018) who is in her<br />

second year studying for aBachelor of Commerce; and younger sister<br />

Lupepe Saofai, in her first year studying for aBachelor of Arts majoring in<br />

History and Geography; and Hannah (Faith) Falealili Aiono in her first year<br />

studying English and Sociology.<br />

(Pictured above,back row lefttoright): RonAroni, Salatielu Iakopo,Isileli Ula<br />

(partly obscured),Easterlin Faamausili.<br />

(Middle row, left to right): Estee Aiolupotea, Revival Tuvale,<br />

Alex Gabriel,Luvepa Falealili, Mark Gabriel.<br />

(Front, left to right): Mahina Pongia, former students: Uatifoti Saofai,<br />

Hannah (Faith) Falealili Aiono,Lupepe Saofai.<br />

Connecting Real WorldExperienceto<br />

ScienceLearning<br />

ScienceteacherHeena Shah advises that theYear 12 Scienceclass is working<br />

towards their Education for Sustainability NCEA Standard. This standard<br />

requires studentstoinvestigate physical andbiological factors withinariver<br />

system. They are also required todiscuss the interactions between these<br />

physical and biological factors andthenhuman activity impact on the river<br />

system.<br />

The standard requires students to gather data aswell asresearch these<br />

aspects.<br />

Twotimeslots wereundertaken in relation to this Standard. Thefirst wason<br />

Friday24July at the Wakanui Stream,Argyle Park,wherestudents were able<br />

to action the practical water testing component. This was made available<br />

via the Waterwatch–Wai Kaitiaki Education programme with the students<br />

having an opportunitytouse scientific gear and methodstocollectrelevant<br />

data.<br />

One of the objectives of Waterwatch is to provide schools and community<br />

groups with the expertise andequipmenttostudytheir local waterways.<br />

On Monday 27July speakersfrom ECan and the Forest andBird Protection<br />

Society added to the learning programme. Donna Field from ECan<br />

explained the physical factors, braided river systems and details on river<br />

flow;while EdithSmith outlined the importanceofbiodiversityand habitat<br />

forour endangered birds.<br />

(Pictured above left, lefttoright):<br />

la Cabalse,Zedrick Agreda and<br />

John Miles Esponja testing waterfor<br />

nitrate andphosphate content.<br />

(Above right, clockwise from front left):<br />

GabbyNaylor, Teacher of Science<br />

Heena Shah, Chloe Guthrie<br />

and Tegan Boathseparating<br />

invertebratesfromthe watersample.<br />

(Right, lefttoright): Noah Clement,<br />

Jayden Butler and Ryan Cox<br />

collecting living organisms/<br />

invertebratesfromthe creek water.

<strong>Ashburton</strong> College<br />

Individual Excellence in aSupportive Learning Environment<br />

News<br />

Issue 20<br />

6<strong>August</strong> <strong>2020</strong><br />

Congratulations<br />

CanterburyPowerlifting Championships –<br />

Successes and NewRecord<br />

College Year 13 students Ngakau Howell and Henry Chapman are inthe<br />

business of successfully lifting heavy weights!<br />

In the second week of the recent student holiday break both competed in<br />

the Canterbury Championships one day event. Divisions are categorised<br />

by both weight and age, with both Ngakau and Henry contesting the<br />

Under 83kg Sub-Junior category, competing in three lifts throughout the day.<br />

Qualification forNational Championships<br />

Aclear purpose of the Canterbury event was toqualify for the National<br />

Championships, scheduled in Christchurch over four days. The category<br />

Ngakau andHenry will competein, is on 07 October.<br />

Both achieved this goal via their following results, including Ngakau<br />

eclipsingthe CanterburyRecord –<br />

• Ngakau’s lifttotalswere: Dead Lift–235kg; Bench Press –90kg;<br />

• Henry’slifttotals were:<br />

Squat–145kg.<br />

Dead Lift–220 kg; Bench Press –95kg;<br />

Squat–155kg.<br />

Although both Ngakau and Henry lifted the same total weight of470kg,<br />

Ngakau wasweighed in at less than Henry and wasable to claimvictory.<br />

Ngakau’s Dead Lift total has broken the existing Canterbury record in this<br />

category. Ngakau said that he is awaiting confirmation that his lift against<br />

his registration timeframe with the organisation has him eligible for the<br />

record.<br />

To qualify for the National Championships lifters must achieve atotal<br />

of 400kg over the three lifts. Both Ngakau and Henry have significantly<br />

cleared this first requirement, and Ngakau says he has his sightsset on the<br />

Under 83kg Sub-Junior CategoryNational Dead Lifttotal of 240kg, 5kg more<br />

than his currentlift.<br />

Needless to say, strength training forboth is continuing–for Henry at Snap<br />

Fitness andfor Ngakauatthe EA NetworksCentre.<br />

(Pictured below): Ngakau in the<br />

squatlift.<br />

(Pictured right):<br />

Henrylifting in the<br />

squatcategory.<br />

(Pictured below,<br />

leftand right):<br />

Ngakau Howell and<br />

HenryChapman with<br />

their certificates.<br />

(Pictured below): Ngakau’s recordbreaking<br />

Dead Lifteffort.<br />

SuperNet CompetitionCommencesfor<br />

College ANetballTeam<br />

Another post-COVID competition is underway and, at the time of<br />

publishing this newsletter, the College A Netball team’s involvement<br />

in the Christchurch-based top eight secondary schools’ SuperNet<br />

Competition has recommenced.<br />

Manager Sue Dudley summarises how the first two weeks have<br />

gone for Coach Kaye Kennedy and team members Sophie Adams,<br />

Alex Bateman, Taylah Burrowes, RubyGray, Samantha Jerao,PoppyKilworth,<br />

Cassidy Mann, Milli Sullivan, Hayley Tallentire, Riley Tindall and<br />

Penina Vaaelua.<br />

Sue outlined this season as arebuilding year for the team, noting the<br />

importance ofgiving the younger players as much court time as possible<br />

giventhey aregoing to be the core of the team next year.<br />

Overall, the team is just thrilled to be back playing netball and to have the<br />

opportunitytoplayinthe local MidCanterburyNetball competition and in<br />

SuperNet in Christchurch.<br />

Week 1–22 JulyvChristchurchGirls’High School<br />

Astrong first half by <strong>Ashburton</strong>College broughtabout ahalf-timescore of<br />

16-15 to AshColl, with the girls creating ten turnovers in the first half and<br />

converting seven of those into goals.<br />

Hayley Tallentire shot superbly throughout the whole game and was<br />

equally supportedbyPoppyKilworth atthe defensiveend.<br />

Changes were made in the second half to give the new players to the team<br />

the experienceofplayingthis level of netball.Each playerstepped up to the<br />

challenge and matched the intensityonthe court.<br />

Thefinal scorewas 28-37 to Christchurch Girls’ High School.<br />

Week 2–29 JulyvSt Andrew’sCollege<br />

Again, the team started strongly and were only down 8-12 after the first<br />

quarter. HoweverStAndrew’s gotaroll-on in the second and thirdquarters<br />

to take the lead out to 20-40.<br />

It was great to see <strong>Ashburton</strong> College finish strongly, only losing the last<br />

quarter8-9, with the final scorebeing 28-49 to St Andrew’s College.<br />

Once again, all players got on court against the very slick St Andrew’s team.<br />

Mia Pearson (<strong>Ashburton</strong> College A team member from last year) is playing<br />

forStAndrew’s College so therewas abit of friendly rivalryonthe court!<br />

Sue said that, again, it wasgreat to seethe younger players stepping up and<br />

our senior players acting as such positiverole models.<br />

WETA Workshops RisingStars Award<br />

Year 10 student MoMeehan was recently selected asone of the Top<br />

20 finalists for the above award, in the Earth Guardians Character<br />

Design Competition. From this number, ten are selected asfinalists,<br />

determined by popular vote.<br />

With voting having closed at 3:00pm on Monday, Mo now awaits the<br />

outcome of the popular vote.<br />

This competition is open to New Zealand secondary school students aged<br />

15-19 years as at <strong>06</strong> July this year. The shortlist of the Top20submissions<br />

was made byindustry judges Paul Tobin, Art Director atWeta Workshop<br />

and Tanya Marriott, programme leader of Concept Design atthe Massey<br />

UniversityWellington School of Design.<br />

Mo, who loves art, worked on most of this during lockdown. She used<br />

markers for the colouring, gel pens for highlights, putting in thin black<br />

pen outlines. Deciding on the topic came from art work where she was<br />

practising drawing wings,which she wantedtoincludeinthis artwork. She<br />

said she likes drawing characters with fireand,asthe work progressed,she<br />

ended up with afire and wind character.<br />

Descriptorwith ArtWork<br />

Applicants were required to include adescription with their artwork, which<br />

Mo said took awhile as she put together the rightwords.Her artworkand<br />

descriptor arebelow:<br />

Konohanasakuya<br />

My wind/fire guardian is inspired by both the<br />

Japanese and Jewish creation stories.<br />

In the Jewish tradition the Creator is both loving,<br />

and afearsome judge. The Creator is not able to<br />

be seen, and is only experienced through the veil of<br />

smoke, wind and fire-this imageryreminds me of<br />

volcanoes!<br />

As the Creator’s name can not be spoken, I<br />

have blended this creation story with the Japanese deity ofvolcanoes…<br />

Konohanasakuya. Her work is to prevent volcanoes from erupting, but it is a<br />

difficult job to pacify avolcano!<br />

Konohanasakuyaisawind and firedruid,she guardsthe earth using the power<br />

of wind and fire. Oneofthe first things younoticeabout her is her smile.Isher<br />

smile happy, or agrimace? It is both, to reflectthe twosides of her nature.<br />

Thetop half of her clothing and the softness of her flowing long hair showthe<br />

gentleside of her nature. Her gentle wind and home fires warms the earthlings<br />

and the earth, inspiring the earthlings through warmth, happiness and joy, to<br />

care for the earth. Thered and orange reflectpassion and love.<br />

But note the bottom half of her clothes. Her steel mesh skirt isheld secure by<br />

adouble belt, flanked by thick strips of heavy leather, and weighted down by<br />

sharp blades.You canimagine the blades whip and slash across your face when<br />

she unleashes her fury with fire and wind. When Konohanasakuya unleashes<br />

her fury, the earthlings canfeel the destructiveforce of her nature-she literally<br />

erupts! The brown and grey are natural colours, reflecting the earth and rock;<br />

and the wind cannot be seen.<br />

Thefieryhalo hasnoend or beginning,reflecting her infinitenature.<br />

Tucker TrophySki andSnowboardCompetition<br />

This annual competition was held onThursday 30 July at Mt Hutt<br />

Skifield in windy but warm conditions.<br />

Teacher-in-charge Karen McKenzie said that racing got underway around<br />

11:30am and thatamere0.18 seconds separated the sibling rivalrybetween<br />

Myaand Kayne Johnston. Mya’scombined runs totalled 1.<strong>06</strong>.83 and Kayne’s<br />

combined runs 1.07.01!<br />

While Year 11 Mya had the edge over her brother in the first race, Year 9<br />

Kayne had the slightly better time in the second race. Between them,<br />

however, the Johnston’s were seven seconds clear of 3rd place-getter<br />

Parker Bradfordon1.14.44.<br />

Todd White (1.41.31) took out the snowboarding competition title from<br />

Mac Burdett, on1.43.13 in 2nd place with only 1.82 secs separating these<br />

two.<br />

Many thanks were given tostaff members Michael Clark, Mike Pearce,<br />

RonCarlsonand Helen Shore-Taylor forhelping out on the day.<br />

Topthreeplace-getter results were:<br />

Skiing<br />

Overall 1st MyaJohnston; 2nd Kayne Johnston; 3rdParkerBradford.<br />

Males 1st Kayne Johnston; 2nd Parker Bradford; 3rdFlynnMackenzie.<br />

Females 1st MyaJohnston; 2nd Honor Bradford; 3rdMac Burdett.<br />

Snowboarding<br />

1st Todd White; 2nd MacBurdett; 3rdJack Wood.<br />

Coming Events<br />

(Pictured above,<br />

leftand right):<br />

Kayne Johnston and<br />

MyaJohnston in hot pursuit of<br />

each other’s fastest time.<br />

(Pictured left): Snowboard<br />

Champion Todd White.<br />

<strong>August</strong><br />

<strong>06</strong>-07 11OUE Hike,Pinnacles Hutt.<br />

07 College Ball,<strong>Ashburton</strong>TrustEvent Centre<br />

Boys’1st XI Hockey,Christchurch<br />

South Canterbury Winter Basketball Competition,<br />

SouthernTrustEventsCentre, Timaru<br />

08 Rugby–UC Round 8, Timaru Boys’High School v<br />

MidCanterburyCombined,Timaru<br />

09 Equestrian One DayEvent,Christchurch<br />

Aoraki Trap Shooting,Timaru ClayTarget Club<br />

Aoraki Basketball Championships,SouthernTrust Events Centre,<br />

Timaru<br />

Aoraki Squash Championships,Timaru<br />

10 Debating 1, St Andrew’s College,Christchurch<br />

Dunedin TertiaryOpen Day, Dunedin, 5:00am-9:00pm<br />

11 Year 13 Agriculturevisit to South Island Seeds<br />

Aoraki SecondarySchools Boys’Badminton, Timaru<br />

Thomson/Whelan Basketball Trophy, <strong>Ashburton</strong>orChristchurch<br />

12 CanterburyUniversityCourse Planning visit<br />

Senior Blood Drive<br />

Girls’1st XI Hockey,Christchurch<br />

Girls’1st XV Rugby–Geraldine vAshHutt,Geraldine (Round 4)<br />

Supernet –VillaMaria v<strong>Ashburton</strong>College,Christchurch (Round 4)<br />

Some KeyForthcoming Dates<br />

<strong>August</strong><br />

07 College Senior Ball,<strong>Ashburton</strong>Trust EventCentre, 8:00pm<br />

31-04 Sept Year 11, 12, 13 College Exams<br />

November<br />

05 Year 13 Awards Ceremony, <strong>Ashburton</strong>TrustEvent Centre, 7:00pm<br />

10 Years 11 and 12 Prize-givings,EANetworksCentre, 7:00pm<br />

16-09 Dec NCEA Exams<br />

Term Dates<strong>2020</strong> –Terms Two, Threeand startofTerm Four<br />

Term Three Monday 20 July -Friday25September<br />

Term Four Monday12October -Thursday 05 November (Year 13)<br />

-Tuesday 10 November (Years 11 and 12)<br />

-Thursday 03 December (Year 10)<br />

-Friday04December(Year 9)<br />

Term Dates2021 –<br />

Term One Year leveldatestba -Friday09April<br />

Term Two Tuesday 27 April - Friday02July<br />

Term Three Monday 19 July -Friday24September<br />

Term Four Monday11October -Friday10December –year levels tbc

Supporting the community<br />

96 Tancred Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />

Phone 3078317<br />

LREA2008<br />

MCRE<br />

OH BABY!<br />

Let<br />

MidCanterbury<br />

know about your<br />

newarrival...<br />

...inthe <strong>Courier</strong>’s monthly<br />

Baby Page completely free of charge.<br />

Simply post or email aphotoofthe new<br />

arrival along with the birth details to:<br />

office@ashburtoncourier.co.nz.<br />

Photos forSeptember3to<br />

be received by 12 noon<br />

Tuesday<br />

September 1<br />

Rachel and Riley Wilson have welcomed<br />

the arrivalofababygirl.<br />

HeidiZetaWilson, weighing 2505grams,<br />

wasbornonJuly 23, <strong>2020</strong>.<br />

We are taking enrolments<br />

from 4months to 6years.<br />

For further information<br />

phone 308 0380 or call in to see us at<br />

174-176 Chalmers Avenue, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

2299874<br />



<strong>Ashburton</strong> Kindergartens are agroup of well established, not<br />

for profit, professional kindergartens based in the <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

community, offering pre-school education for 3&4year olds.<br />


•Every child has the right to participate in high quality early childhood<br />

education<br />

•Kindergartens are centres of excellence and innovation<br />

•Our goals can best be achieved through collaborative relationships at all<br />

Levels<br />

•Kindergarten is responsive to the cultural and language aspirations of<br />

families<br />


• about children, families and whanau<br />

•committed to quality early childhood education<br />

•qualified and registered workforce<br />

•community based •not-for-profit •home grown •Kiwi owned<br />

Asmall homely centre,<br />

with anature based philosophy.<br />

Stephanie Hansen Amanda Moore<br />

Centre Directors<br />

7Roxburgh Place Tinwald <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

phone 03 307 0420 twpreschool@gmail.com<br />

Play is work<br />

and work is fun<br />

Where Children Learn<br />


Contact: Kindergarten<br />

Association Manager<br />

Ph: 308 3779<br />

Email: association@ashkindy.co.nz<br />

www.ashburtonkindergarten.org.nz<br />

2299877<br />


www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Garden fete to rescue St John<br />

NEWS<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>August</strong> 6, <strong>2020</strong><br />

19<br />

St John<strong>Ashburton</strong>is<br />

organising agarden feteinthe<br />

magnificentgroundsofRakaia<br />

Gardens later this year.<br />

Thefete,onOctober15, will<br />

see more than 50 stalls on site,<br />

sellingitems such as food,<br />

clothing jewellery, beauty<br />

products and household and<br />

giftware, plusentertainment.<br />

St John runanumber of<br />

community health initiativesalong<br />

with the ambulance<br />

service in the district ­and a<br />

number of fundraising<br />

projects are planned to boost<br />

the coffers, including thelarge<br />

garden fete.<br />

St John <strong>Ashburton</strong>executive<br />

officer Elaine Vallendersaid<br />

StJohn<strong>Ashburton</strong>was<br />

approached by stalwart<br />

supporters Sueand Ted<br />

Rollinson who offered the use<br />

of their gardensfor agarden<br />

walk.<br />

It has since developed into a<br />

garden fete.<br />

“Sue and Ted have always<br />

beengreat supporters of St<br />

John andthey wanted to once<br />

again help us out.<br />

“This garden tour has now<br />

growninto afete, complete<br />

with more than 50 stalls,<br />

including foodstalls, and<br />

entertainment, as wellasthe<br />

opportunity to stroll through<br />

St John <strong>Ashburton</strong> will host agarden fete in the grounds of Sue<br />

and Ted Rollinson's Rakaia Gardens.<br />


the six acres of mature<br />

gardens.”<br />

“We are also lucky to have<br />

local chef and caterer,<br />

ChantelleQuinn, on board<br />

with acooking<br />

demonstration.” Chantelle was<br />

aMasterchef contestant afew<br />

years ago.<br />

The stallholders aremostly<br />

Full house for online banking tips<br />

Canterbury basedbut there<br />

arealso vendors travelling<br />

from as farsouth as<br />

Invercargill and as far north as<br />

Dannevirke.<br />

They cover children and<br />

women’s clothing and<br />

accessories,baby gear, garden<br />

supplies,furniture andgarden<br />

art, plants, ceramics, stained<br />

glass, beauty products, eco<br />

products, food and wine,<br />

flowers, household and<br />

giftware, jewellery and<br />

woodenproducts.<br />

“We are also thrilled to have<br />

the support of theRakaia<br />

Lions Club andthe Hotel<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>,” she said.<br />

Tickets, costing$15,will be<br />

availablefrom mid­<strong>August</strong> and<br />

will be available at avariety of<br />

outlets in <strong>Ashburton</strong>,Rakaia,<br />

Methven,Mayfield, Geraldine<br />

and Timaru,aswellasonline.<br />

Ticketswill be $20 per<br />

person on the day.<br />

The organisationisfacing<br />

significantfinancial<br />

challengesthis financialyear<br />

(July 1toJune 30, 2021) and<br />

any boost in financial support<br />

will be welcome.<br />

St John chief executive<br />

officer Peter Bradley has said<br />

up to $30million of cost<br />

savingswereneeded to offset<br />

an increasinglylarge deficit<br />

throughout the organisation,<br />

created in part by Covid­19.<br />

“Our long­standing funding<br />

issues have been welldocumented<br />

and, combined<br />

with the financialimpact of<br />

Covid­19, we are now forced to<br />

undergo asignificant<br />

programme of cost<br />

reductions,” he said.<br />

Opera on<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>raised and<br />

internationallyacclaimed tenor<br />

Simon O’Neill willperform<br />

alongsideother top opera<br />

performers at aconcert at The<br />

Pianovenue in Christchurch on<br />

Saturday.<br />

Mr O’Neill is set to curate the<br />

Opera in The Cityprogramme<br />

and will perform alongside<br />

sopranoNatasha Wilson,<br />

baritoneEdward Laurenson and<br />

mezzo sopranoKristinDarragh.<br />

David Kelly is on piano.<br />

The musicalselectionincludes<br />

pieces from Handel, Mozart,<br />

Gounod, Bernstein and<br />

Sondheim.<br />

Tickets are available from the<br />

website nzopera.com.<br />

Hamish Hutton<br />

ACT party<br />

candidate<br />

North Canterbury based<br />

Hamish Huttonhas been<br />

confirmedastheACT Party<br />

candidatefor theRangitata<br />

electorate.<br />

The 46­year­old has spent his<br />

career helping marketand<br />

build businesses and brandsin<br />

the technology andagriculture<br />

sectors.<br />

He lives in Leithfield,but<br />

grewuponafarm in<br />

Windwhistle that is still farmed<br />

byhis father.<br />

After astint in London, Mr<br />

Hutton was involvedin<br />

marketing theTaitbrand in the<br />

USA and later worked for<br />

Fonterra.<br />

He is stillinvolved in<br />

software marketing andisalso<br />

helping farmers getoff the grid<br />

with solar, and runsanonline<br />

retail businesswith his wife.<br />

‘‘I am passionate aboutthis<br />

great country we livein, butI<br />

believe there is more potential<br />

to make it an incredible place<br />

to live.’’<br />

Mr Hutton said he believed<br />

more needed to be done to<br />

support small business.<br />

‘‘We need to makelife easier<br />

for small business ownersand I<br />

have concerns that will not<br />

happen under the current<br />

government.’’<br />

Mr Hutton said he had<br />

followed theACT party for a<br />

while andafriend who had<br />

stood for the party in the Port<br />

Hills hadintroduced him to the<br />

many talentedpeople in it.<br />

He said the election would be<br />

a‘‘good learning experience’’.<br />

Every chair in the building was in use for SeniorNet’s special session on how to get to grips<br />

with internet banking. Organiser John Burn said 98 people came along to the Sinclair Centre<br />

for the event, which was aimed at helping older people think about and move to internet<br />

banking once cheques were no longer in use. SeniorNet meets regularly and covers arange<br />

of technology in commonplace use, like supermarket scanners and paywave.<br />

iHeart Radio<br />

Tune on the netand<br />

listen to it anytime, anywhere.<br />





2300471<br />


NEWS<br />

20 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>August</strong> 6, <strong>2020</strong><br />

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Primary runners blast around course<br />

Mid Canterbury’s top crosscountry<br />

primary school runners<br />

took to the field during the<br />

annual cross country event at<br />

the <strong>Ashburton</strong> A&P<br />

Showgrounds.<br />

Up to 200 pupils were<br />

involved last week, running in<br />

overcast conditions on awet<br />

grass course and supported by<br />

family, friends and their school<br />

peers.<br />

Mid Canterbury Primary<br />

Schools Sports Association<br />

sports co­ordinator Natalie<br />

Shaw said the race line­up was<br />

made up of the winners from<br />

school heats. Mid Canterbury<br />

has around 22 primary/<br />

intermediate level schools in<br />

its district.<br />

Pupils in Year 5and 6ran a<br />

shorter 2km race and Year 7<br />

and 8pupils ran a3km race.<br />

Mrs Shaw said some of the<br />

pupils completed the race in<br />

times under 15 minutes.<br />

‘‘It’s very competitive, this is<br />

the best of the best.’’<br />

Both age groups had to<br />

navigate around acrosscountry<br />

course set up at in the<br />

showgrounds across flat, with<br />

hills, obstacles to jump and<br />

twists and turns. Each lap of the<br />

course was one kilometre.<br />

Mrs Shaw said the top three<br />

from each age group qualified<br />

to compete at primary<br />

championship event at<br />

Halswell, in Christchurch on<br />

<strong>August</strong> 12, although<br />

placegetters from <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Intermediate School would<br />

enter the intermediate<br />

championship, in Canterbury.<br />

Mrs Shaw was thankful for<br />

the support of school<br />

communities as well as the<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Harriers running<br />

club, especially members Joe<br />

Ford and John Speedy who<br />

spent many hours prior to the<br />

event setting up the track and<br />

then marshalling during the<br />

races.<br />

Results:<br />

Year 5­(girls): Lyn­Mari<br />

Steenkamp, ACS; Annalise<br />

King, MPS; Addie Griffiths,<br />

Longbeach; (boys) Noah<br />

Holland, Tinwald; Campbell<br />

Copland, Rakaia; Conor<br />

McGrath, MPS.<br />

Year 6­(girls) Sophie Lampe,<br />

Hinds; Jasmine Chalke, MPS;<br />

Sylvie Tranco, MTSS; (boys)<br />

Amwolf Artz, St Josephs, Josh<br />

Gilbert, Allenton; Elliot<br />

Markillie, MPS.<br />

Year 7­(girls): Blaze France,<br />

MTSS; Layla Ward, AIS; Lucy<br />

Pearce, AIS; (boys) Ollie<br />

Jackways, Dorie; Kalym<br />

Chalmers, AIS; Harry Trott,<br />

AIS.<br />

Year 8­(girls): Mikayla<br />

Marshall MHC; Maddy<br />

Marshall, AIS; Ruby Williams,<br />

AIS; (boys) Harrison Doak, AIS;<br />

Archie McKerrow, MHC; Noah<br />

Monson, MHC.<br />

Runners from Year 5to8competed in the annual primary school<br />

sports association cross­country event.<br />

Combined girls’ XV has eyes on final’s prize<br />

It’s been astop­start season for<br />

theMid Canterburycombined<br />

girlsXVbut youwouldn’t know<br />

it from their performances on<br />

field.<br />

The side, which is a<br />

combination of <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

College and Mount Hutt<br />

College players, beat Timaru<br />

Girls37­30atCeltic lastweek<br />

in the second round of the<br />

secondary school contest.They<br />

lost by just one point 41­42 the<br />

week earliertoStKevin’s/<br />

Waitaki Girls.<br />

Co­captainGrace Bleach, a<br />

Year 13 student withplans to<br />

become avet, said their<br />

competition had been reduced<br />

to just one round because of<br />

covid but the girls remained<br />

committed.<br />

Training had begun early in<br />

the year, butwas then<br />

interrupted bylockdown and<br />

gathering restrictions. The<br />

combined side will meet<br />

Craighead nextintheirschool<br />

competition.<br />

Grace said the girlswere<br />

grateful to their sponsorsand<br />

supporters, including Emma<br />

Summerfield from Plains<br />

Power.<br />

Emmasaid women’s rugby<br />

was increasinglypopularand<br />

she had enjoyedbeingpartof<br />

the rugbycommunity and<br />

helping sponsor theteam.<br />

MidCanterbury Rugby is<br />

runningaseries of Sunday<br />

sessionsfor under 11 and13<br />

girls wanting to playthe game.<br />

Nicole Purdom will be running<br />

skillsessionsonSeptember6,<br />

13 and 20 for those interested.<br />

Co­captains Grace Bleach (left) and Roi Makutu (right) with their<br />

main sponsor and supporter Emma Summerfield.<br />

Celtic B<br />

earns big<br />

promotion<br />

Celticwill havetwo teams in<br />

Mid Canterbury Netball’s top<br />

competition,following<br />

promotionand relegation<br />

gamesonTuesdaynight.<br />

CelticBwas top of the<br />

premier 2grade andwent on to<br />

beatMtSomers43­27; Celtic<br />

now takes Mt Somers’place in<br />

the premier 1competition and<br />

Mt Somers dropstopremier2.<br />

United Bwastop of premier3<br />

and beat College B35­18 to earn<br />

promotion to premier2.College<br />

Bmoves down to premier3.<br />

Unbeateninthe firstfull<br />

round, Hampsteadstarts as<br />

favourite for the premier 1title.<br />

What , s the proposed<br />

age to buy cannabis?<br />

Know before youvote<br />

Authorisedbythe Secretary forJustice

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />


<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>August</strong> 6, <strong>2020</strong><br />

21<br />

RUGBY<br />

The draw for Saturday:<br />

Senior B-2nd Grade Cup semi finals:<br />

Methven vMtSomers, Methven1,2:30pm N<br />

Forbes, A McGirr, CMarshall. Allenton v<br />

Celtic, Allenton1, 2:30pm S Bennett, G<br />

Jopson RGlenie.<br />

Senior women: HSOB v Celtic B’s<br />

Barber, 2:45pm, Bob Deans Field1.<br />

Combined Colts: Methven/Rakaia v<br />

Lincoln, Methven1, 12:45pm H Grant.<br />

Springston Rugby v Celtic/Southern<br />

EuroAgri/NPD, Springston 1:00pm.<br />

1st XV UC Championship: Timaru Boys<br />

vMCCombined, Timaru High, 12:00pm.<br />

Under 18 Combined: MCRU ALPS v<br />

Rolleston, Tinwald1, 2:15pm JO’Connor.<br />

Under 16Combined: Waihora vMCRU<br />

Plains, Lincoln, 12:30pm. MCRU Alps v<br />

Dunsandel, Tinwald1, 1:00pm CKelland.<br />

Under 14.5 Combined: MCRU Plains v<br />

Rolleston, Tinwald2, 2:00pm J Robinson.<br />

Leeston v MCRU Alps, Dunsandel<br />

Domain2, 12:30pm.<br />

Under 13: Methven v Allenton Smallbones,<br />

Methven2, 1:00pm Club. Southern/<br />

Tinwald Howden AG v Celtic, Tinwald2,<br />

12:45pm Club. Collegiate Ross Leadley<br />

Building abye.<br />

Under 11.5: Collegiate Cates Grain &<br />

Seed v Methven Black, Collegiate1A,<br />

12:15pm. Hampstead vCeltic White, Hampstead1A,<br />

1:15pm. Rakaia vCeltic Green,<br />

Rakaia1A, 12:30pm. Southern Coleman Ag<br />

vMethven White, Hinds3, 12:30pm.<br />

Under 10: Celtic Green vCeltic White,<br />

Celtic1B, 1:00pm. Hampstead v Allenton,<br />

Hampstead1B, 1:15pm. Rakaia vMethven<br />

White, Rakaia1B, 12:30pm. Southern Four<br />

Seasons Treecare v Methven Red,<br />

Hinds1A, 12:30pm. Tinwald Ace Automotive<br />

vMethven Black, Tinwald3, 1:15pm.<br />

Under 9:Collegiate/Hampstead Regent<br />

Cinema v Celtic, Collegiate2, 1:15pm.<br />

Rakaia v Allenton Engineering Solutions,<br />

Rakaia2A, 1:00pm. Tinwald Moore<br />

Mechanical vMethven, Tinwald3, 12:15pm.<br />

Southern Hayden McKenzie Contracting a<br />

bye.<br />

Under 8:Celtic Green vAllenton Alpine<br />

View, Allenton 1A, 1:00pm. Collegiate/<br />

Hampstead v Celtic White, Collegiate2,<br />

12:15pm. Rakaia vSouthern BuschJoinery,<br />

Rakaia2B, 1:00pm. Tinwald Gluyas Nissan<br />

vMethven, Tinwald4, 1:00pm. Bye Methven/Mt<br />

Somers.<br />

Under 7: Allenton Auto Maroon v<br />

Methven/Mt Somers, Allenton2, 1:15pm.<br />

Collegiate <strong>Ashburton</strong> CraneHire vSouthern<br />

Riverlea Agg White, Collegiate3, 1:00pm.<br />

Rakaia v Allenton Gold Young Electrical,<br />

Rakaia2A, 12:15pm. Tinwald NZ Livestocks<br />

Black vMethven, Tinwald4, 12:15pm. Tinwald<br />

Skip-2-it Flooring Xtra OrangevCeltic,<br />

Tinwald1A, 12:00pm. Southern Blue James<br />

Doyle Contracting bye.<br />

Under 6: Allenton Gold <strong>Ashburton</strong> Pluming<br />

Services vSouthern Blue Matt Wakelin<br />

Contr, Allenton3, 1:15pm. Allenton Maroon<br />

Sparrow Family vSouthern Red Harcourts<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>, Allenton3, 12:30pm. Collegiate<br />

Cranfield Glass vHampstead, Collegiate3,<br />

12:15pm. Mt Somers vMethven White, Mt<br />

Somers, 12:30pm. Rakaia vCeltic White,<br />

Rakaia2B, 12:15pm. Tinwald Alluvial Black<br />

vCeltic Green, Tinwald1B, 12:00pm. Tinwald<br />

Cranfield Glass Blue vMethven Black,<br />

Tinwald 2B, 12:00pm. Tinwald Canvas<br />

Orange v Southern Agspread White, Tinwald2A,<br />

12:00pm.<br />

HOCKEY<br />

The Mid Canterbury Hockey Association<br />

draw for <strong>August</strong> 7-12 -<br />

Small sticks duty club: Tinwald<br />

Friday 7<strong>August</strong>, Kiwi Sticks (Yr 5) 3.45<br />

pm Rakaia Yr 5vTinwald Foothills (Turf a)<br />

HKidd, GMuir. Wakanui Blue vWakanui<br />

Black (Turf b) RKidd, SGeeson. 4.30 pm<br />

Tinwald Yr 5vMethven (Turf a) HKidd, S<br />

Geeson. Tinwald Yr 6vAllenton (Turf b) R<br />

Kidd, GMuir. Allenton Yr5(BYE).<br />

Kiwi Sticks (Yr 6) 5.15 pm Collegians D<br />

&EvTinwald Foothills (Turf a) LEllis, D<br />

Law. Wakani vMethven Black (Turf b) J<br />

Elllis, J Muir. 6.00 pm Methven White v<br />

Rakaia Yr 6(Turf a) DLaw, JMuir.<br />

1st Grade Women, 6.50 pm Hampstead<br />

vMethven (Wakanui, Hampstead Blue).<br />

Just Hockey SSL Div 1 Boys, Marist<br />

Park @StBedes 5.50 pm St Bedes College<br />

2nd XI v<strong>Ashburton</strong> College 1st XI (Umpires<br />

supplied).<br />

Small sticks duty club: Tinwald<br />

Saturday 8<strong>August</strong>, Mini Sticks, 10.15<br />

am Methven Yr 3vMethven Yr 4(Turf a)<br />

Coaches. Tinwald v Allenton (Turf b)<br />

Coaches. Wakanui Black vTinwald Foothills<br />

(Turf c) Coaches. Hampstead v Wakanui<br />

Blue (Turf d) Coaches.<br />

Fun Sticks, 11.00 am Draws made on<br />

the day (Coaches).<br />

Senior Women, Ash NBS 1.00 pm<br />

Wakanui vCambridge (H Young, CHastie).<br />

Senior Men, Ash NBS 2.40 pm Wakanui<br />

vCambridge (C Watson, MMarshall).<br />

Sunday 9<strong>August</strong>, 2nd Grade Girls, Ash<br />

NBS 1.40 pm Tinwald v Roncalli 2nd XI<br />

(Umpires tba). Tim TA 2.05 pm Geraldine v<br />

Wakanui (Umpires supplied)<br />

1st Grade Men, 4.00 pm Tinwald<br />

Orange v Wakanui (Hampstead/Wakanui,<br />

Hampstead Lowcliffe). 5.25 pm Tinwald<br />

Black v Allenton (Tinwald Orange,<br />

Wakanui). 6.50 pm Hampstead/Wakanui v<br />

Hampstead Lowcliffe (Tinwald Black, Allenton).<br />

Monday 10 <strong>August</strong>, 2nd Grade Boys,<br />

Tim AE 5.40 pm Allenton vStKevin's 1st XI<br />

(Umpires supplied). Ash NBS 6.15 pm<br />

Wakanui vGeraldine (S Moore, JGray)<br />

1st Grade Women, 7.30 pm Wakanui v<br />

Hampstead Blue (Hampstead, Methven).<br />

Tuesday 11 <strong>August</strong>, Kwik Sticks (Yrs 7<br />

&8) 4.00 pm Wakanui Blue/Collegians v<br />

Wakanui Black (L Ellis, BGreer). 5.15 pm<br />

Tinwald Orange vMethven (M Wilson, G<br />

Oates). 6.30 pm Tinwald Foothills vAllenton<br />

(A Mitchell, MAmos).<br />

Wednesday 12 <strong>August</strong>, Just Hockey<br />

SSL Div 2Girls Nunweek Park 26.10 pm<br />

Villa Maria College 3rd XI v <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

College 1st XI (Umpires supplied).<br />

Connetics SSP Boys 6.45 pm Timaru<br />

Boys High School 1st XI vChrist’s College<br />

1st XI (Umpires supplied).<br />

Info sessionfor would-benurses<br />

SouthCanterburyresidents considering<br />

acareerinnursingare invitedtoattenda<br />

free informationsession at Ara Institute<br />

of Canterbury’s Timaru campus in<br />

<strong>August</strong>.<br />

Ara teaches the Bachelor ofNursing -<br />

athree-year programme -inTimaru.<br />

The information session will give an<br />

overview of thequalificationand explain<br />

howAra’s free dailybus service between<br />

Oamaru, Timaru and <strong>Ashburton</strong> makes<br />

it possible for residents across South<br />

Canterbury to study at the Timaru<br />

campus.<br />

The session will also include a tour<br />

of Ara’s clinical practice suite which<br />

replicates areal health care facility and<br />

features amannequin with asimulated<br />

voice,heartbeat andbreathingsounds.<br />

Gail Foster, Ara’s Timaru nursing coordinator,<br />

says nursing isanexcellent<br />

career choice for many reasons. “It’s<br />

a highly rewarding profession with a<br />

multitude of areas you can work and<br />

specialise in. And as anurse you never<br />

stop learning and developing your<br />

practice.”<br />

Individuals who don’t meet the entry<br />

requirements forthe Bachelor of Nursing<br />

can learn about Ara’s six-month prehealth<br />

preparation course, immediately<br />

afterthe nursinginformation session.<br />

The session takes place at Ara’sTimaru<br />

campus on Wednesday 19 <strong>August</strong> at<br />

5.30pm, followed by the Pre-Health<br />

session at6.15pm. For further details<br />

andtoregister,visit ara.ac.nz.<br />


www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />


<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>August</strong> 6, <strong>2020</strong><br />

23<br />


Howfittingit wasto have a<br />

historian as the first post<br />

covid ­19 guest speaker.<br />

Starting withakarakia,<br />

historian Friedalooser took<br />

us all on ajourney back to the<br />

so called musketwars from<br />

around 1800to1840and the<br />

massarrival of europeans.<br />

Frieda is awell­known<br />

historian whohas spoken to<br />

ourU3A in seminar sessions<br />

on thehistory of chocolate<br />

andsalt.<br />

We allgainedanew<br />

appreciation ofthe<br />

devastatingimpact that the<br />

arrival of Europeanmusket<br />

power hadonchangingthe<br />

faceofinter­tribalwarfare<br />

andrelationships.Nothingin<br />

NZ hasbeen thesameever<br />

since.<br />

Unlikethe NewZealand<br />

wars of the 1860s, the musket<br />

wars were fought across both<br />

Islands beginning with<br />

rivalry between the northern<br />

iwiNgapuhiand Ngati<br />

Whatuaand theneed to<br />

obtain muskets. In 1815,one<br />

musket apparently cost about<br />

150 basketsofpotatoesor<br />

eight pigs,which had risen to<br />

200 sacks and15pigs in 1820!<br />

Butofcourse history is never<br />

thissimple!<br />

The story of Tuahiwi was<br />

central to revengeful warfare<br />

betweenNgati Toa and Ngai<br />

Tahu. Just like global<br />

conflicts of thepast, the<br />

consequencesofTe<br />

Rauparahasraidsare still<br />

felttoday.Apparently, the<br />

first muskets were fairly<br />

useless.<br />

We learntthatthe early<br />

missionariesplayedan<br />

importantroleinchanging<br />

the wayconflict was resolved<br />

andthiswas bestexemplified<br />

by Te Rauparahsson<br />

Tamahanawhose manais<br />

still respectedtoday as aman<br />

whowalked in twocultures.<br />

TheKaiapoi Pa remainsa<br />

significant historical siteas<br />

the spiritualhomeofNgai<br />

Tahuwith Tuahiwi at its base<br />

for tradeand socialisation.<br />

This period of history is<br />

alsofundamental to learning<br />

aboutNew Zealand history<br />

whichisnow enshrined in<br />

newsocial studiesand<br />

history curricula in schools.<br />




President Andrew welcomed<br />

agood musterofmembers to<br />

ourJulymeeting, thefirst for<br />

fourmonthsdue to covid.<br />

OurfirstspeakerwasSandi<br />

Woods, executiveofficer of<br />

the Advance<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

CommunityFoundation. She<br />

outlined the history of<br />

CommunityFoundations, the<br />

first was setupinCleveland,<br />

USAbackin1914.<br />

Thereare 17 community<br />

foundations in NewZealand,<br />

the Advance<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

CommunityFoundation was<br />

set up in 2003atthe<br />

instigationofthe lateNeil<br />

Sinclair.<br />

It is the second oldestin<br />

NZ.Advance<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

CommunityFoundation is a<br />

registered trust which is set<br />

up to encourage and enable<br />

personalgivingfor the<br />

benefit of worthwhile<br />

community organisationsand<br />

causes.<br />

Advance <strong>Ashburton</strong>has<br />

threemain activities: Raising<br />

funds from donations and<br />

legacies, investingthe funds<br />

to retain the capital and<br />

generateincome,providing<br />

grants and scholarshipsto<br />

the local community from<br />

this income.<br />

Advance<strong>Ashburton</strong> funds<br />

projects that can make a<br />

difference andeffect change.<br />

Decisionsaremadebylocal<br />

peoplewith localknowledge.<br />

Our second speaker was<br />

Craig Carr, managing<br />

directorofCarrfields. His<br />

father startedbycarting<br />

small bales of hay afterwork,<br />

thenprogressed to baling<br />

round bales and was oneof<br />

the first to introducebig<br />

squarebalerswhich leadto<br />

the establishment of a<br />

successful contracting<br />

business.<br />

He farmed through the<br />

tough 1980sand bought the<br />

Mayfield garage to support<br />

his contractingbusiness.He<br />

got into thefarm machinery<br />

business in the 1990s, which<br />

complementedthe<br />

contractingbusiness.<br />

In the late 1990s, Carrs<br />

boughtaseedcleaning<br />

business and suggested that<br />

son Craig workthere for a<br />

yeartobuild up fundsfor<br />

university. Craig nevergot to<br />

universitybut spent10years<br />

upgrading andcomputerising<br />

the business.<br />

Meanwhile the contracting<br />

business grew,supplying<br />

thousands of big bales of<br />

wheat strawtoMeadow<br />

Mushroomsand the feed<br />

millingbusiness through the<br />

old Winslow Lucerne factory<br />

suppliedmixes for feedlot<br />

cattle.<br />

Eventually theseed<br />

cleaning and feedmill<br />

businesses were sold.In 2014<br />

the Carrs gotthe opportunity<br />

to purchaseElders Livestock.<br />

Thiswas rebranded as<br />

Carrfieldsand is thesecond<br />

largestlivestock businessin<br />

the country.Carrfields also<br />

operate agrain andseed<br />

business and awool business.<br />

Theyare developing ahemp<br />

fibrebusinessand are setting<br />

up specialist plant in<br />

Christchurch to process<br />

hempfibre.<br />

Theyoperate the only<br />

independent woolspinning<br />

plant leftinAustralasia<br />

makinghighend products<br />

thatendsupasupholsteryin<br />

privatejetsand the firstclass<br />

sectionofplanes.<br />

The challenge with wool is<br />

to identifyend useswhich<br />

generate addedvalueby<br />

creatinghigh returns.The<br />

machinery business<br />

continueswith branches<br />

acrossNew Zealand.<br />

Craig told an inspirational<br />

storyofthe growth of the<br />

business from one manand a<br />

hay baler to asignificantNew<br />

Zealand­wide agribusiness<br />

employing around 500<br />

people.<br />



DaveStrong welcomed15<br />

memberstothe July meeting,<br />

wherehe mentionedthe<br />

coming A&P Show,<br />

encouragingmembers to<br />

enter in the woodturning<br />

sectionand thattheyplanto<br />

havealathe in actionduring<br />

the event.<br />

Wellknown turnerNeil<br />

Joynt,from Tokaroa, who has<br />

awealth of practicalturning<br />

knowledge willbetouringthe<br />

South Island doing workshop<br />

exhibitions at various clubs.<br />

He will visitChristchurch<br />

and Timaru during<strong>August</strong>.<br />

Show andTell:<br />

Dave Strong: 2beech burr<br />

bowls.<br />

ChrisThompson: spalted<br />

mountbeechjewellery<br />

drawer.<br />

FrankLuxton: anylon soft<br />

shackle usedfor towingout a<br />

stuck vehicle.<br />

KevinChallis:abeech,yew<br />

vase.<br />

John Millichamp: 2large<br />

beechburr bowls.<br />

Wim Melchers: acotinus or<br />

smoketree bowl.<br />

MervPeck showed us how<br />

to useatexture/spiralling<br />

tooltogive abowl,vase an<br />

ornate finish.The selection<br />

of woodiscritical, ash,<br />

sycamore, beech, yewarethe<br />

preferred woods as they<br />

easiertocreate apattern on.<br />

Thetool alsoworks wellon<br />

endgrainwhencreating<br />

coasters.<br />

Dependingupon which<br />

wheel you useinteresting<br />

patternscan be created. And<br />

if youhave the flairthe lined<br />

pattern can be filled with a<br />

varietyof colours.Thistool<br />

can haveavariety of different<br />

usesfor an endless designed<br />

patterns. Thanks Merv.<br />



We continuetoget good turn<br />

outs on clubdays,and we<br />

have finished playing<br />

catchup on clubtournaments<br />

playingthe lastthree doubles<br />

competitions.<br />

The Mixed DrawnDoubles<br />

waswon by JohnnyWright<br />

andNeville Bensdorp<br />

earningthemselves22points<br />

and4wins.Agreateffort.<br />

Runners upwereBernice<br />

Laird andRichard Browne.<br />

TheUnder 70's eventwas<br />

wonbyChristine Carrand<br />

JonathanCrum, earning<br />

themselves 11 points and3<br />

wins, andRunners up were<br />

Adair Jones and Bernice<br />

Laird.<br />

The70and over event was<br />

wonbyBetty King and<br />

JohnnyWright earning<br />

themselves 27 points and3<br />

wins, andRunners up were<br />

Mavis Thompson andColin<br />

Jones.<br />

Wemustcongratulatethe<br />

winners andrunners up who<br />

did so well and were a<br />

mixtureofexperienced and<br />

newer player, oneofthe<br />

advantages of drawingteams.<br />

Awelldonetoall whotook<br />

part, because without then<br />

there wouldnot be a<br />

competition.<br />

Wehad six players take<br />

partinthe BastilleDay<br />

TournamentinChristchurch<br />

on July19. Jan Guilford,<br />

JonathanCrumand Neville<br />

Bensdorpall finishedinthe<br />

top eight.<br />

OnSaturdayweare hosting<br />

the CanterburyDoubles with<br />

16 verygood teams<br />

participating,and on Sunday<br />

we arehostingthe<br />

CanterburySingles with 22<br />

players takingpart. Agood<br />

portion of players for both<br />

these events arefromour<br />

own club which is really<br />

pleasing.<br />

There will be somegood<br />

games to watch if you have<br />

somesparetime do comeand<br />

joinus.<br />

Long­term volunteers (from left) Eleanor Weir (25 years), Betty Wilson<br />

(15 years) and Lynne Curd (five years).<br />

Blind and low vision<br />

groupofferssupport<br />

It’s been averyunusual year for<br />

everyone because of Covid­19 and<br />

Blindand Low Vision New<br />

Zealand (BLVNZ) is no different.<br />

With therecentname change to<br />

more accurately represent the<br />

membership, others with low<br />

visionmay be eligibletobenefit<br />

fromBlind andLow Vision NZ’s<br />

guidance and equipment, together<br />

with local committee social<br />

activities and support.<br />

The <strong>Ashburton</strong> branch<br />

membership stands at 78.<br />

Membershaveenjoyed seven<br />

lunch meetings and six outings<br />

overthe year.<br />

The outings were long­standing<br />

afternoonsgiven for the 71st time<br />

by both <strong>Ashburton</strong> Rotary and<br />

Tinwald Red Cross. Hinds WI put<br />

on lunch andentertainment in<br />

<strong>August</strong> and in October there was a<br />

cuppa at theWeirs’ at Lake Hood.<br />

The Christmas party was held at<br />

The Stables and in early<strong>2020</strong> the<br />

WilliamsonsatConiston hosted a<br />

barbecue.<br />

The two annual collections, Red<br />

PuppyAppeal in March and Blind<br />

Week in October, were well<br />

supported.<br />

The organisation appreciates<br />

support fromAdvance <strong>Ashburton</strong>,<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Taxis, Hinds WI,<br />

Methven’s volunteer drivers and<br />

Stay fit &earn $$$<br />

at the same time<br />

Spend a couple of hours<br />

every Thursday delivering the<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong> and Realty in<br />

the <strong>Ashburton</strong> urban area.<br />

Enjoy the fresh air, stay fit and<br />

reap the health benefits!<br />

Phone Mary todayon308 7664<br />

to get startedoremail<br />

mary.summerfield@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

2292702<br />

Retiring committee member<br />

Judith Hughes served for 22<br />

years.<br />

Mr Colin Watson, MSAClub,<br />

Pakeke Lions, Rotary Club of<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>, Waireka Croquet Club,<br />

private donors and the Plains at<br />

Tinwald.<br />

BLVNZ<strong>Ashburton</strong> Community<br />

Committee chairman Dennis<br />

Swaney can be contacted on 0272<br />

221281 and secretary Eleanor<br />

Weir on 3026914.

NEWS<br />

24 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>August</strong> 6, <strong>2020</strong><br />

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Teams tested in<br />

science challenge<br />

Mid Canterbury studentshave<br />

combined elementsof<br />

engineering and science and<br />

havebeen testedatthe EPro8<br />

Challenge.<br />

Held in the <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

IntermediateSchool, teams<br />

from Years 5/6 and Year 7/8<br />

tackled challenges involving<br />

teamwork, practicalskills,<br />

logical thinkingand some<br />

mathematical calculations.<br />

On MondayYear5/6 teams<br />

chose to either crafttheir own<br />

miniarollercoaster, developa<br />

multi­faceted crazyparty<br />

contraption, supermarket<br />

trolley racerorwork on a<br />

challenge featuring elements<br />

behind the legend of Maui<br />

capturing the sun.<br />

EPro8 Challengeevent<br />

manager KelvinThiele said<br />

teams hadchosenone<br />

challenge, workedagainst the<br />

clock and gained points as they<br />

completed stages of their<br />

project.<br />

The inter­school competition<br />

wasdesigned to give students a<br />

funand rewarding<br />

introduction to science and<br />

engineering.<br />

Right: The Lauriston School<br />

team of Tom McCambridge,<br />

James Irwin, Toby Maw and<br />

Kaiah Brodie demonstrate their<br />

rollercoaster work in progress.<br />

Canal fishing ban in winter of 2021<br />

Jarrod Bedford releases a<br />

10.9kg rainbow trout caught at<br />

the upper Tekapo canal in June<br />

this year. Photo Rhys Adams<br />

MidCanterbury anglers who<br />

visit Tekapo will be banned<br />

from theupper half of the canal<br />

next winter,for thegood of the<br />

world famousfishery.<br />

TheCentralSouth Island<br />

Fish andGame Council will put<br />

aprecautionary closure on the<br />

canal fishery, upstreamofSH8,<br />

for three monthsfromJune1,<br />

2021. It followsanger concern<br />

over the sustainability of the<br />

trophy trout fishery.<br />

Council chair Dr Andrew<br />

Simpson said there had been a<br />

dramatic rise of anglers<br />

targeting therainbow trout<br />

spawning run in the Tekapo<br />

canal in wintertime overthe<br />

pastfourfishing seasons.<br />

‘‘The council has takena<br />

conservation­minded approach<br />

towardanglers’ concern that<br />

there is too much pressureon<br />

the spawning population anda<br />

diminished fishing experience.<br />

‘‘The winter spawning season<br />

closure of the upper partofthe<br />

Tekapo canal will enable<br />

spawning to occur unaffected<br />

by fishingand allow thecouncil<br />

to continue to carryout<br />

researchinto the canal<br />

fishery’ssustainability andits<br />

value to anglers.’’<br />

Fish andGameofficerRhys<br />

Adams said the immense<br />

increase in popularity of<br />

fishing in the spawningmonths<br />

had required are­thinkoflongheld<br />

canal management<br />

principles.<br />

He said it was previously<br />

thought thatspawning in the<br />

canal wasnot amajor<br />

contributortotroutpopulation<br />

but now.‘‘In the face of<br />

uncertaintyand increased<br />

angling usage,wecan’t rule out<br />

that spawning within the canal<br />

could now makeameaningful<br />

contribution to trout<br />

recruitment in the canal.’’<br />

The lower part of Tekapo<br />

canal andotherMackenzie<br />

canals are open year­round.<br />

Be part of provincial<br />

New Zealand’s<br />

premium real estate<br />

auction event!<br />

Spring <strong>2020</strong><br />

Go Auction is an excellent opportunity<br />

to get apremium for your property<br />

with our hugely discounted marketing<br />

packages. Limited spaces are available,<br />

don’t miss out.<br />

To find out more about GO Auction,<br />

call us today on0800 367 5267<br />

pb.co.nz/goauction<br />

*Terms and conditions apply |Property Brokers Licensed REAA 2008


15 Millichamp Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 9:45-10:15am 2 1 2 AHB22767<br />

147 McMurdo Street, Tinwald 10:00-10:30am 4 1 2 AHB22766<br />

70 Melcombe Street,Tinwald 10:00-10:30am 3 1 2 AHB22811<br />

100 Princes Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong> 11:00-11:30am 4 1 3 AHB22836<br />

5PratleyCrescent, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 11:15-11:45am 3 1 2 AHB22838<br />

11 Charlesworth Drive, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 11:30-12:00pm 4 3 3 AHB22611<br />

119a Racecourse Road, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 11:30-12:00pm 4 2 2 AHB22588<br />

7McElrea Place, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 11:30-12:00pm 3 1 1 AHB22732<br />

4Oxford Street, Methven 12:00-12:30pm 3 1 1 AHB00000<br />

157 Wilkins Road, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 1:00-1:30pm 4 2 6 AHB22748<br />


98 Pages Road, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 11:15-11:45am 4 2 2 AHB22698<br />

86a Grey Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong> 1:00-1:30pm 3 2 2 AHB22839<br />

Open Home<br />

5Pratley Crescent, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

3 1 1<br />

If you’re aFirst Home Buyerthen Here’syourLatest and<br />

Possibly BEST chance topurchaseyour First Home.<br />

With 3bedrooms and constructed with the ever so popular<br />

Red Brick cladding and Including aSuper Double Garage, this<br />

property is Certain to Be Popular.<br />

Don’twait foranOpen Home, Enquire Now, to get aHead<br />

Start on the Rest of the very Deep Local Buyerpool.<br />

As you’ll be well Aware, the Market isNot slowing down and<br />

your Best Chancewill be to Get InEarly. Nestled nicely in<br />

acul-de-sac, there’s room forthe family to playand so very<br />

handy to the local schools.<br />

SetDateofSale<br />

closing 8<strong>August</strong> <strong>2020</strong>, at<br />

3:00pm (unless sold prior)<br />

View<br />

Saturday11:15 -11:45am<br />

Armand vander Eik<br />

021 597 527<br />

rwashburton.co.nz/AHB22838<br />

Mid CanterburyReal Estate Limited Licensed (REAA 2008)<br />

Open Home<br />

View our listings online at: rwashashburton.co.nz<br />

11 Charlesworth Drive, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

*Four double bedrooms plus office, 3Walk-in-Wardrobes<br />

*2Ensuites plus main bathroom with separate toilet<br />

*Open plan Kitchen, Dining &Living plus Butlers Pantry<br />

*Separate formal loungewith gas fire<br />

*3Car Garaging, 1308m2 section (over2titles)<br />

ForSale<br />

$830,000<br />

View<br />

Saturday11:30 -12:00pm<br />

4 3 3<br />

Jarrod Ross<br />

027 259 4644<br />

rwashburton.co.nz/AHB22611<br />

Mid Canterbury Real Estate Limited Licensed (REAA 2008)<br />

Open Home<br />

65 Northpark Road, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

5 3 8<br />

100 Princes Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

4 1 3<br />

*Indoor heated swimming pool<br />

*5Double bedrooms, 3bathrooms plus office<br />

*Great sheds plus room forapony<br />

*10Car fully insulatedworkshop<br />

*1.2 hectares with subdivision potential<br />

ForSale<br />

$1,420,000<br />

View<br />

by appointment<br />

BruceMcPherson<br />

027 438 4250<br />

*4bedroom family home<br />

*Open plan kitchen, dining through double sliders tothe<br />

lounge, Compliant log burner installed 2018<br />

*Double garage plus separate single garagewith workshop<br />

and woodshed on 1012 sqm section<br />

ForSale<br />

Price onapplication<br />

View<br />

Saturday11:00 -11:30am<br />

BruceMcPherson<br />

027 438 4250<br />

Denise McPherson<br />

027 242 7677<br />

rwashburton.co.nz/AHB22682<br />

Mid Canterbury Real Estate Limited Licensed (REAA 2008)<br />

rwashburton.co.nz/AHB22836<br />

Mid Canterbury Real Estate Limited Licensed (REAA 2008)<br />

Jill Quaid<br />

Manager<br />

027 437 6755<br />

Kim Miller<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

027 236 8627<br />

ChrissyMilne<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

027 236 8627<br />

Cheryl Fowler<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

027 461 2614<br />

Margaret Feiss<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

021 751 009<br />

ShirleyFitzgerald<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

027 220 1528<br />

Denise McPherson<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

027 242 7677<br />

Janene McDowell<br />

Property Manager<br />

027 287 3388<br />

Armand vander Eik<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

021 597 527<br />

Lynne Bridge<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

027 410 6216<br />

Mike Grant ncre<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

021 272 0202<br />

Mark Totty<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

021 664 113<br />

BruceMcPherson<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

027 438 4250<br />

JustinWaddell<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

027 437 1111<br />

Jarrod Ross<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

027 259 4644<br />

Carey VonLubke<br />

Property Manager<br />

027 697 6948<br />

96 TancredStreet, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 03 307 8317 Main Road,Tinwald 03 307 8317<br />

rwashburton.co.nz<br />

36 McMillan Street,Methven 03 303 3032

trusted<br />

<strong>2020</strong> GUIDE<br />

trades &services<br />

To book your spaceinthis guide,phone KarenGane 308 7664 or email karen.gane@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Need storage?<br />

we CAN STORE it!<br />

Convenient, affordable<br />

self storage solution<br />

Phone 307 0213<br />

•185 Alford Forest Road •behind<br />

2291039<br />


Helpinperson by appointment<br />

Thursday9.15am -1.45pm<br />

Ph 0508 CANLAW<br />

(0508 226 529) to makean<br />

appointment.<br />

Helpbyphone Infoline<br />

03 371 3819 or 0508 226 529<br />

215 Tancred Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

2291052<br />







179WEST STREET<br />

027310 6521<br />

emmily@emmilyharmer.co.nz<br />

www.emmilyharmer.co.nz<br />

2291084<br />



Phone Quentin andPhil on<br />

027 282 8908 or 027 2828909<br />

Interior and Exterior Painting<br />

Interior Plastering<br />

Wallpapering<br />

2291026<br />

Lubes WOF<br />

Allmechanical repairs<br />





Victoria Street,<br />

TheTriangle,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Phone: (03) 308 6772<br />

2291183<br />

•Houses<br />

•Feature Walls<br />

•Fences<br />

•Blocklaying<br />

Chris Godsell<br />

027 274 2533<br />

AH 308 7117<br />

godsell@xtra.co.nz<br />

2291204<br />

2266285<br />

2289510<br />

2291175<br />

Forall your tyre requirements,<br />

see the localexperts<br />

•Wheel alignments<br />

•Wheel balancing<br />

197 Wills Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong> l www.neumannstyres.co.nz<br />

Phone 03 308 6737 (24 hrs –after hours call out applies)<br />

2291137<br />






We areyour one stop glass shop for<br />

AUTO and HOUSE<br />

REPAIR or REPLACE 152 Wills Street,<br />

“Your placeorours”<br />

2291191<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Ph.308 8485<br />

Diamond Painters and<br />

Decorators Ltd<br />

Qualityinterior and exterior<br />

painting and decorating<br />

• Wall papering • Airless spraying<br />

• Waterblasting • Residential and small commercial<br />

• Roof painting • Freenoobligation quotes<br />

Gutterguardinstallation and gutter cleaning <br />

Phone Duncan 027 370 2453 l Jeanette 027 318 5055<br />

email: diamondpaintersdecorators@gmail.com<br />

2291081<br />

GREAT<br />

RATES<br />

NewPCs<br />

and Laptops<br />

forsale<br />


B<br />

S<br />

UILDER<br />

LTD<br />


• New homes • Alterations • Light commercial • Farm buildings<br />

• General maintenance • Paths • Tiling<br />

Fully qualified licensed building practitioner<br />

No job toosmall! Phone Peteron:<br />

308 7133 or 027 220 8257<br />

taylorbuilt@xtra.co.nz<br />

2291139<br />

Solar powerwhenyou need it most<br />

We are experts at installing solar<br />

power systems for motorhomes.<br />



AAA<br />

Solar<br />


South Island<br />

4McGregorLane<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

03 307 4777 -027 4423103<br />

ashsolarpower@xtra.co.nz<br />

aasolarsouthisland.co.nz<br />

2290923<br />

PC Repairs, Set-up and Tutoring<br />

Icome to youday or evening!<br />

•PCRepairs/Sales •Networks/Servers<br />

•Firewalls/Security •Spyware Clean-up •Training<br />

20 YearsExperience Microso Cerfied Professional<br />


Robin Johnstone 67 Aitken Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

P: 03 308 1440 C: 027 768 4058<br />

robinbj@xtra.co.nz<br />

2291109<br />

Restoration<br />

Modifications Repairs<br />

2287935<br />

16 Cass Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong> l 03 308 0387<br />

johnsons.panelpaint@gmail.com<br />

115 Archibald Street,Tinwald,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Phone /Fax: (03) 307 2354<br />

Email tincanup@xtra.co.nz www.tinwaldcanvas.co.nz<br />


trusted<br />

<strong>2020</strong> GUIDE<br />

trades &services<br />

To book your spaceinthis guide,phone KarenGane 308 7664 or email karen.gane@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

“we clean to a<br />

standard,<br />

not aprice”<br />

Ashb<br />

hbut<br />

rton,R Rolles<br />

leston<br />

ton&Ch<br />

Chrit<br />

ist chu rch<br />

•Paving •Irrigation •Lawns<br />

•Planting •Fences •Pergolas<br />

•Water features •Outdoor fires<br />

•Raised planters •Decks<br />

•Stonework•Brick &blockwork<br />

•Artificialgrass and more...<br />

Email –Aaron@theoutdoorspace.co.nz<br />

Phone0800 688 365 /021 542 402<br />

www.theoutdoorspace.co.nz<br />

2299882<br />

UNDER NEW<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />


Same exceptional CleaningServices<br />

level of service<br />

&quality cleaning<br />

• regular full house cleans<br />

• one off spring cleans<br />

• farm houses<br />

• builders cleans<br />

• <br />

100% LOCAL<br />

03 307 2656<br />

www.ashburtoncleaning.co.nz<br />

2300233<br />

ashburtoncranes2015@gmail.com<br />


*Awnings/Shade sails/Dropblinds*Auto seat covers &repairs<br />

*Hay &bin covers *PVC covers &repairs<br />

*Ute tonneau covers *Furnitureupholsteryrepairs<br />

*Commercial<br />

PHONE TRAVIS HOWDEN 027 922 4544<br />

2291014<br />

2291092<br />

Your Digital<br />

TV Experts<br />

• Aerial/Dish installations and repairs<br />

• Prewirefor TV/Audio and controlsystems<br />

• TV wall mounting • Cell phone aerials<br />

• Home theatreinstallation<br />

• Authorised SkyTVtechnician<br />

Servicing<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Geraldine<br />

Methven Rakaia<br />

andeverywhereinbetween<br />


TV &AUDIO<br />

PH 308 7332 /027 277 1<strong>06</strong>2<br />

ashburtontvandaudioltd.co.nz<br />

2300244<br />

We service and repair all makes and models<br />

of sewing machines and overlockers<br />



Always in stock:<br />

• Birdaccessories,food &treats<br />

• Rabbit and guinea pig food,bedding &treats<br />

• Cat accessories,collars&treats<br />

• Dog collars,leads,toys, accessories &treats<br />

• Aquarian accessories &food<br />

• Dog crates &cat crates<br />

• Raw,fresh &frozenpet food<br />

• All sorts of dried products<br />


3kg DogRolls<br />

2for $12<br />


“Come andsee our friendlystaffin-store today”<br />

Phone (03) 307 8996<br />

027 312 5756 l 99 Archibald Street,Tinwald<br />

2291153<br />

2293215<br />

4WD Diesel &ElectricScissorlifts<br />

Rough terrain and electric lifts available<br />

On site collection or deliveryavailable<br />

Nowat6Range 403 West Street St,Riverside<br />

PO Box 60, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 7740<br />

Phone: 03 308 8155<br />

Mobile: 0273 529909<br />

Email:sales@nee.kiwi.nz<br />


Does your garden need monthly<br />

maintenancetokeep it tidy and<br />

looking good through the seasons?<br />

Or perhaps just need aone off tidy<br />

or pruning completed?<br />

We can help!<br />

Allgarden wasteremoved<br />

ContactCAROLYN Phone: 027 2675403 or 3082333<br />

Email: cccolt@xtra.co.nz<br />



Jann or Karen acallon<br />

308 7664<br />

2291143<br />

2291098<br />

2297507<br />

Your local Bernina<br />

service team<br />

•<br />

•<br />

•<br />

John Robbie Rachel<br />

OPEN 7DAYS9.30am -4.30pm<br />

Main South Road, Tinwald <strong>Ashburton</strong> | Phone 307 6277<br />

www.anniesquilts.co.nz<br />

•New builds •Renovations<br />

•All types of engineering<br />

•Small or large projects<br />

Rob021 124 4268 l Sam022 5428927<br />

email: robsue@hotmail.co.nz<br />

We offer the following:<br />

• Gutter and DownpipeCleaning • Weed Spraying<br />

• Moss,Mouldand Lichen Spraying • Spider Proofing<br />

• Gorse and BroomSpraying • FenceLineSpraying<br />

• Chimney/Flue Cleaning $75 • Heat Pump Service$90<br />



Call Allan on 027 209 5026 an let us know howwecan help<br />

2293205<br />

2290907<br />

Thinking of Selling -Think 3D!<br />

Trevor Hurley<br />

0275 435 799<br />

Manu Otene<br />

022 308 6885<br />

Linda Cuthbertson<br />

0274087965<br />

Stephen Watson<br />

027 433 9695<br />

Julie Srhoy<br />

021 354 885<br />

Deborah Roberts<br />



28 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>August</strong> 6, <strong>2020</strong><br />




Build customers,sales and<br />

profits,with us ...<br />

Over 16,<strong>06</strong>5 copies delivered everyThursday<br />


QUICK PUZZLE NO. 8578<br />

ACROSS<br />

1. Greeting (4,9)<br />

8. Correct (5)<br />

9. Prisoner (7)<br />

10. Vocalist(6)<br />

11. Live (6)<br />

12. Break (5)<br />

14. Weight (5)<br />

18. Oppose (6)<br />

20. Sour (6)<br />

23. Disgusting(7)<br />

24. Intended (5)<br />

25. Golf round (8,5)<br />

DOWN<br />

1. Loud (6)<br />

2. Musical instrument<br />

(5)<br />

3. Ingenuous(7)<br />

4. Nail (4)<br />

5. Scope (5)<br />

6. View (7)<br />

7. Spice (6)<br />

13. Absent (7)<br />

15. Victory (7)<br />

16. Country (6)<br />

17. Jars (6)<br />

19. Brief(5)<br />

21. Path (5)<br />

22. Bequeath (4)<br />


ACROSS<br />

1. “Did the barber use shears to trim your hair”? (7,6). 8.<br />

Something really nice you prescribe for (5). 9. Well, the<br />

American agents init are acomplete fabrication (7). 10.<br />

Punishmentfor helpingacriminalonthe run? (6). 11.Tried<br />

to wanderonto the street (6). 12. Adifferentone round by<br />

the river (5). 14. The driver gets it in and out (5). 18. A<br />

stone upturned by the animals (6). 20. Before the snow,<br />

having to be quick (6). 23. In the big picture, about to<br />

forefeitthe trophy (5-2). 24. Ayoung thing and unimportant(5).25.<br />

Are theyworth more thangolden handshakes?<br />

(7,6).<br />

DOWN<br />

1. Like thattune that’sbugging you? (6). 2. Thetendency<br />

is toturn right and stop (5). 3. Batting and nervous but<br />

great (7). 4. Note the outfit hasn’t been paid for (4). 5.<br />

Backwiththe soldierwithin an hour(5). 6. Thinner, but a<br />

very good sound (7). 7. It’simmature, you know.Ittakes<br />

timeto sink in (6). 13. Lamb,too,cooked as game(7).15.<br />

Am in the clear,anyhow, sweetie (7).16. From springto<br />

amonthback,atintervals(6).17. Saves so hard it’ssilly!<br />

(6). 19. The firm is in the red? Quite the contrary, Ibelieve(5).<br />

21. Goesdownto“Kitchen Fixture” (5). 22. Ran<br />

from the heartless“16 Down”(4).<br />

SUDOKU<br />

MEDIUM No. 5229<br />

5 9 6<br />

7 6<br />

3 9<br />

1 7 2<br />

7 2 5 4 1 9 6<br />

5 2 1<br />

2 7<br />

3 8<br />

3 4 2<br />

Solution to previous Sudoku<br />

Howto<br />

solve<br />

Sudoku!<br />

Fill the grid<br />

so thatevery<br />

rowand every<br />

3x3 square<br />

contains the<br />

digitals 1to9<br />

4 6 8 1 9 7 2 5 3<br />

2 5 7 3 8 4 6 9 1<br />

1 3 9 5 2 6 7 4 8<br />

6 9 2 8 4 1 5 3 7<br />

3 7 4 2 5 9 8 1 6<br />

5 8 1 6 7 3 4 2 9<br />

8 1 3 4 6 5 9 7 2<br />

9 2 5 7 3 8 1 6 4<br />

7 4 6 9 1 2 3 8 5<br />

Solution to previous crossword<br />


Across -1,Shoulder. 6,Sack. 8, Aria. 9, Valuable. 10,<br />

Chair. 11, Gender. 13, Salmon. 15, Opiate. 17, Sprawl.<br />

19, Pansy.22, Proposal. 23, Idea. 24, Anon. 25, Sorcerer.<br />

Down -2,Harsh. 3, Uranium. 4, Dove. 5, Religion. 6,<br />

Spain. 7, Collect. 12, Analysis. 14, Aspirin. 16, Imagine.<br />

18, Aspen. 20, Sieve. 21, Slur.<br />


Across -1,Fore-cast. 6, Come. 8, En-I-d.9,A-Dora-bly.<br />

10, Grown (groan). 11, En-TA-il. 13, Mur-der (rev.). 15,<br />

Docked. 17, Edward (anag.). 19, Sally.22, B-right-en. 23,<br />

T-one. 24, So-me. 25, Reserved.<br />

Down -2,Own-er.3,End-owed. 4, Ad-am. 5, Twoheads.<br />

6, Char-t. 7, Mal-ais-e. 12, Preda-tor. 14, Under-go. 16,<br />

Charte-r.18,A-r(O)gue. 20, Lance. 21, Ants (anag.).<br />

ContactJann Thompson 03 308 7664 jann.thompson@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

RENT ME!<br />


2292865<br />

AWESOME office space for<br />

lease, rent or hire. Parklike<br />

setting. Indoor and outdoor<br />

areas. North West<br />

town boundary. Must view.<br />

Phone 0274 754 241<br />

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Creative Communities<br />

Scheme -Committee<br />

Members<br />

The<strong>Ashburton</strong> District Council administers theCreativeCommunitiesScheme<br />

on behalf of Creative New Zealand and weare looking for advocates and<br />

committeememberstoserve forathree year term.<br />

The vacancies on the committee have arisen due to the end of term ofthe<br />

incumbentswho haveservedthe local arts community well.<br />

Expressions of interest arebeing sought from people whohavethe necessary<br />

skills to continue this valued contribution.<br />

For more information onwhat it takes tobeamember ofthe committee<br />

please contact the Councilon3077700 or to submit your letter expressing your<br />

interest visit our website at www.ashburtondc.govt.nz<br />

Postal applications canbeaddressedto:<br />

CreativeCommunitiesSchemeAssessment<br />

Committee<br />

C/- <strong>Ashburton</strong> District Council<br />

PO Box94<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Applications close on Sunday,16<br />

<strong>August</strong> <strong>2020</strong>.<br />


www.ashburtondc.govt.nz/careers<br />

Property<br />

MaintenanceOfficer<br />

If youareajack of alltrades…and canmaster morethan one,thisvaried role<br />

youwillsuityou perfectly.<br />

Whether you are performing basic property maintenance duties yourself or<br />

using your knowledge tooversee trades people, it is important that you can<br />

effectively and efficiently manageyour day.<br />

It’salso essential that youare able to work and communicatewith arangeof<br />

people as youwillbeperforming ad hoc, after hours or scheduled maintenance<br />

work in Council buildings including the Administration Building, Museum,<br />

Library and ElderlyPersons Housing.<br />

Withthe right attitude, basic computerabilities and generalskills in arangeof<br />

trades, this position could be yours.<br />

To find out more about these<br />

vacancies and what the <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

District Council has to offer you-visit<br />

our website.<br />

Applications close Friday, 21 <strong>August</strong><br />

<strong>2020</strong>.<br />

Sunday, <strong>August</strong> 9th @2:30pm<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>Club &MSA<br />

266 Havelock St, <strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />

Phone 308 7149<br />

www.ashburtonclub.co.nzw<br />

2299148<br />

Ideal as an extra<br />

bedroomoroffice.<br />

Fully insulatedand<br />

double glazed forwarmth.<br />

Threeconvenientsizes:<br />

Standard3.6m x2.4m,<br />

Large 4.2m x2.4m<br />

Xtra-large 4.8m x2.4m.<br />

Visit our displaycabin<br />

418WestStreet or callfor a<br />

freebrochure.<br />

www.justcabins.co.nz<br />

2289121<br />

0800 58 78 22<br />

STORAGE and space leasing<br />

for vehicles, motorbikes,<br />

bicycles, boats,<br />

motorhomes, caravans,<br />

tractors, trucks, trailers and<br />

containers. Indoor, outdoor<br />

or under cover. Call Peter<br />

027 333 3626.<br />

STORAGE available, <strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />

Self storage, variety<br />

of sizes. Phone Rainbow<br />

Storage 03 307 0401.<br />

STORAGE:Secure self storage<br />

units available, long or<br />

short term. <strong>Ashburton</strong> Storage<br />

Facilities. Contact us<br />

on 0274 362 636 or www.<br />

ashburtonstoragefacilities.<br />

co.nz<br />


BOOT Tray for sale. Will fit<br />

Ford Focus 2012 onwards.<br />

Ph 027 390 0225<br />

www.ashburtondc.govt.nz/careers<br />



Nowisthe time to dig in our topqualitymushroom<br />

compost to your vegetable garden. Ideal to replenish nutrients<br />

used by previous crops and improvethe soil structure.<br />

It also adds beneficial micro-organisms to thetired soil.<br />

$50 per cubic metreor$10 bag.<br />

Freedelivery within town boundary.<br />

Open 6daysaweek at our Tinwald yard,<br />

208 Maronan Road. Phone 021 129 8936 or 03 308 3331<br />

MAKE money selling your<br />

unwanted items. Up to 24<br />

words for only $8. Can’t get<br />

better than that. The <strong>Courier</strong>.<br />

2299919<br />

ARE you struggling to make<br />

ends meet? Need extra<br />

money? Why not sell your<br />

unwanted items in The<br />

<strong>Courier</strong>! Everything helps.<br />

BRIDGE Street Nursery has<br />

moved. Now trading as<br />

Paul’s Garden Nursery at<br />

101 Harrison Street,<br />

Allenton, <strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />

Entrance on Clark Street.<br />

13 varieties of seed<br />

potatoes and fresh free<br />

range eggs available.<br />

Phone Paul 0272 781 354.<br />

Open 7days.<br />

GARDENERS specials.<br />

Sheep manure $5 bag.<br />

Medium square Linseed<br />

Straw $35 bale. Call Alan<br />

027 496 7136 or Ian 027<br />

286 3697 with your order. A<br />

Hinds Lion’s project.



Hunting and Fishing stores throughout the<br />

countryhavebeen market leaders in their field for<br />

many years now. <strong>Ashburton</strong> Hunting and Fishing<br />

is no exception.<br />

We have afull time position available forthe right<br />

candidate in our busy sports store.<br />

The successful applicant will have abroad base<br />

knowledge of our products including of course,<br />

hunting and fishing, camping, tramping, diving<br />

and clothing and be active in these outdoor<br />

pursuits. They will have excellent people skills<br />

and be able to communicate with awide variety<br />

of age groups. A retail background would be<br />

an advantage and full training will be given. A<br />

willingness to satisfy our customers needs is<br />

essential as we pride ourselves on our service.<br />

If you are interested in joining agreat team and<br />

working environment, we invite you to send your<br />

handwritten application outlining past experience<br />

and current CV to;<br />

TheManager<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>Hunting and Fishing<br />

PO Box181<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>7740<br />

Applications close on 14 <strong>August</strong> <strong>2020</strong>.<br />

Family Works–Counsellor<br />

32 hours -negotiable<br />

The Counsellor role is focused on supporting<br />

children and their family /whanāu who are facing<br />

complex challenges. The aim is to enable positive<br />

strategies and practical support for children and<br />

parents, who will benefit from strengths based<br />

intervention; to improve their well-being and<br />

contribute tolong term positive outcomes. This<br />

role will require collaborative and/or partnered<br />

responses in order to facilitate good outcomes with<br />

our clients; while working in the community or<br />

based at our <strong>Ashburton</strong>office.<br />

We wish toappoint acaring and compassionate<br />

staff member who holds arelevant professional<br />

qualification/registration; or is working towards<br />

registration. At Presbyterian Supportweofferasafe<br />

and supportiveworking team environment. Therole<br />

offers stimulating, challenging, rewarding work, an<br />

opportunitytocontributetostrengthening families<br />

and the community.<br />

The job description and application form are<br />

available on the PSUSI website or confidential<br />

enquiries welcomed by phoning Suz Hutchinson<br />

at 03 2616907. Applications close on 13th Aug<br />

at 5pm, please email your application form, cover<br />

letter and CV to sarah.cawston@psusi.org.nz<br />


2301230<br />

Loveour store? Join our team!<br />

We arelookingfor aparttimesales assistanttojoin<br />

our team at the AshfordCraft shop in <strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />

We arelooking forsomeone passionate about<br />

all things wool craftand exceptional customer<br />

service.<br />

Youwill need to have excellentcommunication<br />

skills,agood level of computer literacy, be flexible<br />

and self-motivated.<br />

Retail and wool craftexperiencepreferred,but all<br />

training will be provided.<br />

10 -15hours per week including aweekend day.<br />

Please submit your CV to:<br />

Nicola Bota<br />

AshfordCraft Shop<br />

427 West Street<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

sales@ashfordcraftshop.co.nz<br />

2301421<br />

2301682<br />

16,<strong>06</strong>5 COPIES EVERYWEEK<br />

1278047<br />


<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Luisetti Seeds is asignificant provider of grain and<br />

seedboth nationallyandinternationally.<br />

Opportunityhas arisenfor aCasual StorePerson at<br />

our <strong>Ashburton</strong>site.<br />

Keyresponsibilitieswill include:<br />

• Assisting withthe intake anddispatchfunctions<br />

includinggeneralyardduties<br />

• Operating modern seed cleaning, treating and<br />

mixing plants<br />

• Opportunity to progress into a peramanent<br />

positionfor the rightapplicant<br />

You will have aproven history of: reliability and<br />

punctuality, efficient time management skills,<br />

working solo and inateam environment, being a<br />

self-starter, able towork toadeadline, attention<br />

to detail, working well under pressure and an<br />

enthusiastic manner.<br />

A willingness to work extended hours when<br />

required and a friendly customer focused<br />

personality would be desirable. Seed cleaning<br />

experience, knowledge of agriculture and forklift<br />

licencewould be an advantage butisnot essential.<br />

On sitetrainingwill be provided.<br />

Remuneration to reflect the applicants experience<br />

and ability.<br />

Applications should detail recent relevant<br />

experience, qualifications and references.<br />

Applications will be treated and viewed in<br />

confidence. Please apply to:<br />

Luisetti Seeds Ltd<br />

PO Box77<br />

Rangiora7440<br />

Attention: KarenVan Staden<br />

or admin@luisettiseeds.co.nz<br />


ALTERATIONS. Sewing,<br />

mending and trouser hemming,<br />

curtain alterations<br />

and curtain making. Call<br />

Michelle on 027 352 7248.<br />

BUILDER - specialising in<br />

home renovations and<br />

repair work. We also do<br />

decks, fences and retaining,<br />

plastering and painting,<br />

gardening, landscaping<br />

and tree removal. Call<br />

Gavin 021 267 1979<br />

BUILDING and property<br />

solutions. For your complete<br />

alteration or renovation.<br />

We project manage<br />

the whole process. Home<br />

and small commercial.<br />

Qualified tradesmen.<br />

Phone Kiwi Building &<br />

Maintenance Ltd. Ph Cawte<br />

027 418 7955 or Gary 308<br />

4798, 027 207 1478.<br />

CARR’S Chimney Cleaning,<br />

servicing <strong>Ashburton</strong> and<br />

surrounding districts, $60<br />

per chimney. Phone<br />

Rodney on 03 324 2999<br />

and leave amessage.<br />

COMPUTER repairs, sales,<br />

training, set up -wireless -<br />

networks, spyware clean<br />

up. On-site day or evening.<br />

Low fees. Call Robin Johnstone,<br />

Networks Firewalls<br />

& PC’s Ltd, 308 1440 or<br />

027 768 4058.<br />

CONCRETE pavers direct to<br />

you - Best prices, many<br />

sizes, textures and colours<br />

- Paveco, 13 Robinson<br />

Street, Industrial Estate.<br />

CONCRETE Services -<br />

Driveways, paths, patios,<br />

mowing edging. Decorative<br />

concrete specialist, 30<br />

years servicing Canterbury.<br />

Free quotes. No job too big<br />

or small. Phone Paul 021<br />

152 1966<br />

ENGINEERING repairs, fabrication,<br />

farm equipment<br />

service and maintenance,<br />

WOF repairs, machining<br />

and welding. Odd jobs a<br />

speciality. Mobile workshop.<br />

Can collect. Phone<br />

Malcolm 0274 754 241<br />

2293021<br />

DENTURES; Dr Peter<br />

Rumping repairs existing<br />

dentures and also provides<br />

new dentures. Phone 027<br />

220 9997.<br />

FLY control and spider<br />

proofing. For all domestic<br />

and industrial pest control<br />

needs phone AJ Kerr at<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Pest Control on<br />

03 308 8147 or 027 432<br />

5447.<br />

LAWN Mowing. No job too<br />

small. Call Les Smith, From<br />

The Ground Up, for a<br />

competitve quote. Ph 027<br />

840 0201 or 03 308 1500<br />

FURNITURE Removals. For<br />

all your household removal<br />

needs - urban, rural lifestyle,<br />

office relocations -<br />

call Nudges Furniture<br />

Removals, phone 027 224<br />

<strong>06</strong>09<br />

CARPET cleaning. Powerful GARDENING, mowing,<br />

equipment and fast drying. pruning, fertilising, projects<br />

Upholstery, mats and rugs. or general spruce ups? Call<br />

Experienced owner/operator.<br />

Phone John Cameron to get the job done right.<br />

Andrew at Spruce Gardens<br />

at Supersucker. 027 435 027 765 2899 or 03 307 1693.<br />

1042 or 308 1677.<br />

sprucegardens@xtra.co.nz<br />

GUTTER cleaning. Book in a<br />

clean now and tell me when<br />

you want the job done. You<br />

may have trees around.<br />

Call Allan 027 209 5026<br />



New or existing,<br />

level 4finish, full skim<br />

plaster or repairs<br />

The Finishing Company<br />

03 307 8870 2291359<br />

LEGAL work -Phone Peter<br />

Ragg (<strong>Ashburton</strong> Law) for<br />

house sales, purchases<br />

and refinances. Will call at<br />

home evenings for wills,<br />

enduring powers of<br />

attorney. Phone 308 0327.<br />

LOCKSMITH/Door repairs.<br />

Keys/locks, sliding and bifold<br />

door roller repairs.<br />

Mobile service. Call Doors<br />

and More. Ph 027 516 7104<br />

MENTORING for emotional<br />

support, guidance, optimism,<br />

goal setting, resilience.<br />

Professional supervision.<br />

Call Pete Young, 307<br />

7582/027 280 0889; email<br />

plyoung@xtra.co.nz; web:<br />

peteyoung.co.nz<br />


PAINTER for all your painting<br />

needs. No job too small,<br />

inside or outside. Professional<br />

friendly service.<br />

Phone Pete 03 308 1672 or<br />

027 200 1619.<br />

PAINTING wallpapering,<br />

plastering - No job too<br />

small. Interior, exterior.<br />

Professional, prompt, competitive<br />

service. Phone<br />

Tony Sivier at Paint It <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

on 021 878 794 or<br />

307 7289.<br />

PLUMBER. Repair or<br />

replace; taps, shower<br />

mixers, hot water cylinders,<br />

basins, tubs, toilets, vanity<br />

units, leaking pipes. Call<br />

Pete Young, experienced<br />

plumber 027 280 0889/307<br />

7582<br />

TINT-A-WINDOW, fade, UV<br />

block, glare, heat control,<br />

safety, security, privacy,<br />

frosting films, solar protective<br />

window films. Free<br />

quotes, 20 years local service.<br />

Phone 0800 368 468<br />

now, Bill Breukelaar, www.<br />

tintawindow.co.nz<br />




Competitivepricing<br />

PensionerRates available<br />

Professional, friendly service,<br />

happycustomers<br />

We coverTimaru, Oamaru,<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>, Geraldine &Temuka<br />

“Efficient,reliable &professional”<br />

Ronald vanKoot 022 318 6936<br />

www.timarucleaners.co.nz<br />

Drier. Cleaner. Healthier.<br />

24/7 mobile service for<br />

all your carpetcleaning,<br />

upholstery cleaningand<br />

flood restoraon needs.<br />

Timaru 03 684 6102<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> 03 308 8932<br />

WINDSCREENS and house<br />

glass. Qualified flat glass<br />

glazier now in-house. Anything<br />

glass, give us acall.<br />

Your place or ours. Wilson<br />

Windscreens, 152 Wills<br />

Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong>. Phone<br />

03 308 8485.<br />

TRAVEL<br />



West Coast Tranz Alpine 5<br />

days ex Christchurch, Bay of<br />

Islands 5days Heritage Tour,<br />

Great Barrier Island 4days,<br />

Chatham Islands 8 days,<br />

Taranaki, Central North<br />

Island, ex Auckland. Ph 0800<br />

309 196. www.nztours.nz.<br />

Email: steve@nztours.nz<br />



Itineraries for<br />


MT COOK<br />


available now.<br />



Sunday16th<strong>August</strong><br />

depart9.30am<br />

Forbookings phone<br />

308 7646 or<br />

027 249 1827<br />

2298473<br />

2301183<br />

2302165<br />

AGM<br />

Saturday22nd<br />

<strong>August</strong>,3:30pm<br />

@the centre<br />

4SeafieldRoad<br />

Subs due $10<br />

All welcome.<br />

QualityEuropean<br />

Vehicle Servicing<br />

•Advanced<br />

Diagnostics<br />

•Experienced<br />

Technicians<br />



Advise all members thatour next meeting will be<br />

held in the GalleryRoom, <strong>Ashburton</strong>Hotel on<br />

12 <strong>August</strong> at 9.45am.<br />

This meeting will include agood speaker<br />

and morning tea.<br />

Entranceisvia main hotel door.<br />

All welcome<br />

2302219<br />

ASHBURTON Horticultural<br />

Society AGM, Monday 24th<br />

<strong>August</strong> at 7.30pm Domain<br />

Pavilion, Walnut Avenue.<br />

New members welcome.<br />

HAKATERE Maori Komiti<br />

AGM will be held Monday<br />

10th <strong>August</strong> at 6pm at<br />

Hakatere Marae. All members<br />

and all interested are<br />

welcome to attend.<br />

SELL<br />

COUCH 2200cm long,<br />

cream/fawn fabric. Very<br />

comfy. Excellent condition.<br />

$300. Ph 03 307 4600 or<br />

029 772 4461<br />

LPG<br />


Small LPG cylinders<br />

Off Street Parking<br />

Available<br />

Arthur Cates Ltd<br />

26 McNally Street<br />

Ph 308 5397<br />

Riverside Industrial Estate<br />


9kg cylinders<br />

$27.50<br />

Askaboutour<br />

deliveryservice<br />

Anysizecylinder filled<br />

17 Grey St,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Phone 307 2707<br />

2300187<br />

2300293<br />



•Collection/Delivery<br />

‘Free of Charge’<br />

in <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Bruce McIlroy Limited<br />

309MethvenHighway, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 7776<br />

Tel: 03 3087282 •E:bruce.mcilroy@xtra.co.nz<br />







3cordgreen<br />

$330<br />

1cordgreen<br />

$110<br />

1cordscreened<br />

$140 cord<br />


$140 cord<br />

C.O.D.intown<br />

Adams Sawmill<br />

Malcolm McDowell Rd<br />

Phone<br />

308-3595<br />



$300 per cord<br />

delivered<br />

within the town<br />

boundaryand<br />

Mayfield/MtSomers<br />

Phone Sue<br />

021 162 4102<br />

Call us for a<br />

FREE<br />

QUOTE<br />

2300979<br />

2302580<br />

2297803<br />

DRY old man pine. 6 m 3<br />

$575. Delivered to most of<br />

Mid Canterbury. WINZ<br />

accredited. Phone Rob 027<br />

297 7563<br />


POTATOES Nadine and<br />

Agria. $1.00 per kilo, 10kg<br />

bag $10.00. Seed potatoes<br />

$2.50 per kilo. Phone 308<br />

3195 or 027 531 9103. 81<br />

Elizabeth Street.<br />

Forkliftand Dangerous GoodsCourses<br />

NZTAApproved Course Provider,MITO&Competenz Assessor<br />

Classes 2&4,Endorsements F&D<br />

ForkliftF&OSH, Saturdays and other days as requested<br />

Dangerous Goods Course,½day Mondaymornings<br />

CommunityHouse,<strong>Ashburton</strong>oryour work place<br />

Forfurther information<br />

Phone Christine 027 245 2563<br />

2301554<br />






Forall othermedicalassistance outside of normal<br />

hoursplease phone your generalpracticeteam,24/7,<br />

to speak withahealth professional whowill giveyou<br />

free health advice on what to do or where to go if you<br />

need urgentcare.<br />

If youdon’t have aregular generalpractice, call any<br />

GP team 24/7 forfreetelephone health advice.<br />

All non-residents and visa holders please bring your<br />

passporttoyour surgeryappointment.<br />

New Zealanders’tobringsome form of ID.<br />

The<strong>Ashburton</strong>DutyPractice for ...<br />

Saturday8th <strong>August</strong> is<br />

Tinwald Medical Centre,33Archibald Street.<br />

Consultations will be by appointmentonly.<br />

To make an appointmentcallyour regular GP 24/7.<br />

Sunday9th <strong>August</strong> is<br />

MooreStreet Medical Centre, MooreStreet.<br />

Consultations will be by appointmentonly.<br />

To make an appointmentcallyour regular GP 24/7.<br />

Methven and Rakaia: Formedical attention on the<br />

weekend and public holidays please telephone<br />

MethvenMedical Centre on 03 302 8105<br />

or Rakaia Medical Centre on 03 303 5002.<br />

Details foraccessing the afterhours services will be<br />

on the answer phone.<br />


Wises Pharmacy,CountdownComplex,<br />

East Street will be open on ...<br />

Saturday from 9.00am until 1.00pm<br />

Sunday from 10.00am until 1.00pm<br />

At Geraldine: TheGeraldine Pharmacywill be open<br />

normal trading hours during the week,and on<br />

Saturdaymorning from 9.30am to 12.30pm.<br />

Closed Sundays and Public Holidays<br />

Forfree24hour Telephone Health Advice<br />

Phone the healthline on 0800 611 116<br />

Brought<br />

toyouby<br />

CountdownComplex, East Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Phone: 03 308 6733 Fax: 03 308 6755<br />

Peter Blacklow<br />

Full range of engineeringsuppliesand accessories forall your repairs<br />

&maintenance. Kerrickhot &cold waterblasters &industrialvacuum cleaners.<br />

Essetiwelders &accessories. Stockists and distributors of TrailerEquipment.<br />

Free learners licencecourse<br />

• New to thedistrict?<br />

• Liverurally?<br />

• Needadriver’s licence?<br />

We canhelp you!<br />

TheMid Canterbury Rural Driver Licencing Scheme<br />

arerunning another free Learner’s LicenceCourse.<br />

This free course is open to adult newcomersinrural<br />

MidCanterburyand willtake placein<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

beginning Tuesday1st September from 11am –<br />

1pm. We can assist with transportand child care<br />

where needed.<br />

On gaining alearner’s licencewewillbegin<br />

working towardsarestrictedlicenceortoconvert<br />

your international licence. Spaces arelimited so get<br />

in quick.<br />

To register,please contact<br />

Wendy Hewitt,Rural Licencing Coordinator<br />

Phone 03 308 1395ext 228 or 027 611 3301<br />


South Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong> PHONE (03) 308-3147<br />

Email office@blacklows.co.nz FREEPHONE 0800 452 522<br />

2299978<br />


TradeZone is proud to be supporting Blue September.<br />

PETE’S<br />

PICK<br />

Locally owned &operated family business for 67 years<br />

XCEL ARC<br />



Unique Kiwiana graphics.<br />

CHAOS<br />

$155.65+GST<br />

(formerly SPCA)<br />

Friendly 4year old<br />

black catneeding a<br />

new home.<br />

Barncatsavailable.<br />

Food donations arewelcome and<br />

greatly appreciated.<br />

Kindly sponsored by<br />

Adrienne Patterson<br />

Ph308 4432<br />

180216<br />

2300157<br />

Thurs 6th<br />

10.00 This Town<br />

10.00 MilitaryWives<br />

11.45 Where’dYou Go Bernadette<br />

12.00 TheSecret -DaretoDream<br />

1.45 MilitaryWives<br />

1.50 Radioactive<br />

3.50 Where’dYou Go Bernadette<br />

4.00 Unhinged<br />

6.00 This Town<br />

6.10 TheSecret -DaretoDream<br />

7.50 MilitaryWives<br />

8.10 Unhinged<br />

M<br />

M<br />

M<br />

PG<br />

M<br />

M<br />

M<br />

R16<br />

M<br />

PG<br />

M<br />

R16<br />

Fri7th<br />

10.00 TheSecret -DaretoDream PG<br />

10.00 MilitaryWives<br />

11.50 This Town<br />

M<br />

M<br />

12.00 Where’dYou Go Bernadette M<br />

1.30<br />

2.15<br />

Unhinged<br />

Radioactive<br />

R16<br />

M<br />

3.05<br />

5.00<br />

TheSecret -DaretoDream PG<br />

Where’dYou Go Bernadette M<br />

5.00<br />

7.00<br />

7.00<br />

MilitaryWives<br />

This Town<br />

Unhinged<br />

M<br />

M<br />

R16<br />

Sat8th &Sun 9th<br />

10.00 Trolls WorldTour<br />

10.00 RedShoes &the 7Dwarfs<br />

11.45 TheSecret -DaretoDream<br />

11.50 This Town<br />

1.40 MilitaryWives<br />

2.00 Trolls WorldTour<br />

3.50 Unhinged<br />

3.50 Where’dYou Go Bernadette<br />

5.55 MilitaryWives<br />

6.15 TheSecret -DaretoDream<br />

8.10 This Town<br />

8.15 Unhinged<br />

Mon10th, Tues 11th<br />

&Wed 12th<br />

10.00<br />

10.00<br />

11.45<br />

12.00<br />

1.45<br />

2.00<br />

4.00<br />

4.10<br />

6.10<br />

6.15<br />

8.10<br />

8.15<br />

This Town<br />

MilitaryWives<br />

Where’dYou Go Bernadette<br />

M<br />

TheSecret -DaretoDream PG<br />

MilitaryWives M<br />

Unhinged<br />

R16<br />

This Town<br />

M<br />

Where’dYou Go Bernadette M<br />

TheSecret -DaretoDream<br />

MilitaryWives<br />

Unhinged<br />

This Town<br />

G<br />

G<br />

PG<br />

M<br />

M<br />

G<br />

R16<br />

M<br />

M<br />

PG<br />

M<br />

R16<br />

M<br />

M<br />

PG<br />

M<br />

R16<br />

M<br />

NO COMPS<br />

MilitaryWives,<br />

TheSecret -DaretoDream, This<br />

Town, Unhinged,Where’dYou Go<br />

Bernadette<br />

DebraCurtin<br />

Chiropractor<br />

03 308 9516<br />

www.ashburtonchiropractic.co.nz<br />

Feminine Health &Wellness Coach<br />

• Reiki<br />

• Massage<br />

• Nutritionals<br />

• Skin and Body Care<br />

• Self Hypnosis<br />

FOCUS Optometry - good<br />

honest eye care, support<br />

local. Phone 307 8988. 65<br />

Tancred Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />

www.nzfocusoptometry.co.<br />

nz<br />

SPACE available for next<br />

weeks <strong>Courier</strong> -bequick!<br />

Talk to us about your advertising<br />

requirements. Phone<br />

308 7664 or call into our<br />

office at 199 Burnett Street,<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />

PETS<br />

Mobile<br />

groomer now<br />

servicing<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Call nowtobooka<br />

pamper foryour pooch<br />

Ph 0800454 654<br />

• Weight Management<br />

Phoneortext 027 282 1585<br />

2300289<br />

Annie<br />


2300234<br />

2293733<br />

XERO<br />




Virtual and onsite administration<br />

services offered on a<br />

contract basis. Aspecialist at<br />

implementing new office systems<br />

for farmers, homebased<br />

businesses, or sole<br />

traders. Available for one-off<br />

or contract assignments.<br />

Phone Rochelle 0272011316<br />

www.needagirlfriday.com<br />

ROOF COATINGS: All roof<br />

types, specializing in<br />

Decramastic and Long Run<br />

Iron, Coloursteel etc, steep<br />

roofs not a problem. —<br />

Spraymaster 027-433-7780.<br />


SATURDAY 8th <strong>August</strong>.<br />

Outdoor furniture, desks,<br />

headboards, jigsaw<br />

puzzles, household goods.<br />

Country Place, 8am-11am<br />

2262328<br />

Classified Deadline<br />

Please note<br />

Ourclassified deadlineis<br />

4:30pm Tuesday<br />

prior to Thursday<br />

publication.<br />

Phone 308 7664<br />

Email: office@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

HospiceMid Canterbury<br />

Dealing<br />

with alife<br />

limiting<br />

illness?<br />

We can help with:<br />

2294024<br />

•Sittingand companionship<br />

•Counselling and bereavement<br />

support<br />

•Biographywriting<br />

•Massage,reiki and reflexology<br />

•Activityand support<br />

programmes<br />

Phone 307 8387 or 027 227 8387<br />

email manager@hospicemc.nz www.hospicemc.nz<br />

Allservices<br />

arefree<br />

MooreStreetMedical Centre<br />

We areaware that some newresidents of the<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>district arehaving difficulty<br />

enrollinginaMedical Centre.<br />

Ourbooks will be open over wintertoenrol new<br />

eligiblepatients. Ourdoctors andstaffoperate a<br />

comprehensive family orientatedpractice forall<br />

membersofthe community.<br />

To enrolcontactreception ph 03 3083<strong>06</strong>6<br />

2298670<br />

Allfamilies of prospectiveNew Entrants to<br />

Tinwald School from<br />

September <strong>2020</strong> to June 2021 areinvited to an<br />

Information Meeting<br />

on Thursday20th<strong>August</strong> at 9:30 am<br />

in the Tinwald School hall.<br />

Allwelcome!<br />

Forcateringpurposes please RSVP<br />

by phone on 308 4555<br />

Chertsey Reserve Board<br />

The purposeofthe meeting is to elect up to sevenresidents<br />

to fillthe vacancies on theReserveBoard.<br />

The Boardwill meetimmediately following theTriennial<br />

Meeting and appoint memberstothe positionsof<br />

Chairman, Secretaryand Treasurer.<br />

Date: 12/08/<strong>2020</strong><br />

Venue: ChertseyHall<br />

Time: 7:00pm<br />


HamishRiach<br />

Chief ExecutiveOfficer<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> District Council<br />

ashburtondc.govt.nz<br />

2301529<br />


METAL, heavy etc. Free<br />

light-grade metal in-yard<br />

dumping 9am-5pm weekdays<br />

&9.30-11.30am Saturdays.<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Scrap<br />

Metal Recyclers, 117 Alford<br />

Forest Rd, (behind<br />

PlaceMakers). Phone 03<br />

308 8033 or 027 249 6625.<br />

HIRE<br />

SCISSORLIFTS for hire.<br />

4WD and slab lifts available<br />

for daily or weekly hire.<br />

Pickup or delivery. Phone<br />

North End Engineering 308<br />

8155 for abooking.

We have everything for your home<br />

Dining tables<br />

20%<br />

OFF<br />

20%<br />

OFF<br />

20%<br />

OFF<br />

Old Elm Stockholm Cross<br />

Chairs<br />

Seddon Ranfurly Frankie Zoe<br />

Lounge Suites<br />

Ana<br />

Ascot<br />

Lounge suites custom-made to your sizeand fabric choice<br />

Talk to our designteam about your needs<br />

Amanda<br />

Kelli<br />

Lois<br />

Shelley<br />

Louis<br />





<br />

2014 NISSAN SYLPHY X<br />

Auto,1800 cc,air con,<br />

ABS,cam chain, 49,000 kms<br />

$10,995<br />

2012 TOYOTA VITZ F<br />

1300 cc,air con, ABS,climate<br />

control, 19,000 kms<br />

$11,995<br />

2011 SUBARUFORESTER 2.0 XS<br />

2000cc, air con, climate control,<br />

ABS, diesel,twin air bags,<br />

4X4, push button start,<br />

safetyfeatures galore<br />

$11,995<br />

2013 TOYOTA AQUA G<br />

Hybrid,auto, 1500 cc,ABS, air con,<br />

cam chain<br />

$10,995<br />

2015 SUBARUIMPREZA 1.6i<br />

2WD,1600cc, sport, ABS,<br />

air con, cam chain 26,000 kms<br />

$11,995<br />


20<strong>06</strong> HONDAINSPIRE AVANZARE, 3000 cc,4door,abs,air con,<br />

cruise control, climate control57,500kms........................ $9,995<br />

2013 HONDACR-V24G, auto5door,ABS, cruise control,<br />

alloys,tow bar, 66,000 kms, 2400cc..................................... $22,995<br />

2007 HONDAELYSIONPRESTAGESZ, auto, petrol,7seater, 5door,<br />

ABS, foglights,105,000 kms, 3500cc, alloys,cruisecontrol,news<br />

tyres, and loaded.............................................................................. SOLD<br />

2007 HONDASTEPWAGON G, 5door,8seater, ABS, air con, rear<br />

spoiler,95,000 kms, 2000cc....................................................... $8,995<br />

2007 HONDACR-V 4WDZX, 2400 cc,ABS, air con, climate control,<br />

sun roof,auto.............................................................................$11,995<br />

SUZUKI<br />

2007 SUZUKISX4 XG, 5door,petrol,ABS, air con, climate control,<br />

rear spoiler,roof rails,alloys,97,200kms,1500 cc................ SOLD<br />

SUBARU<br />

2011 SUBARUFORRESTER,2000 cc,4WD,ABS, twin air bags,<br />

97,000 kms..................................................................................$11,995<br />

2011 SUBARULEGACYWAGON, 2.5i, 2500 cc,ABS, new cam belt,<br />

rear spoiler ..................................................................................$10,995<br />

2015 SUBARUIMPREZA, 1.6i, 1600 cc,sport wagon, ABS, cam<br />

chain, air con..............................................................................$11,995<br />

2015 SUBARUIMPREZA, 1.6i, 1600 cc station wagon, ABS, air con,<br />

rear spoiler, 5000kms ..............................................................$12,995<br />

20<strong>06</strong> NISSANCUBE 15M, 5door,petrol,air con, ABS, CD changer,<br />

42,300 kms, 1500cc....................................................................... $7,495<br />

2014 NISSANLATIO B, auto, idlingstop, twin air bags,ABS,4door,<br />

petrol,air con, 31,100kms.......................................................... $9,995<br />

2001 NISSANCUBE, 1300 cc,5door,auto, 136,000 kms......... $3,495<br />

2007 NISSANSKYLINE 350 GT,3500cc, auto, paddle shift, 18in<br />

alloys,76,000 kms.......................................................................$11,995<br />

2013 NISSANBLUEBIRD, twin air bags,ABS, air con, 46,000 kms .....<br />

$11,995<br />

2013 NISSANSYLPHYX,1800cc, air con, ABS, push start, auto,<br />

46,000 kms .................................................................. $11,995<br />

20<strong>06</strong> NISSAN BLUEBIRD SYLPHY20S, 2000cc,ABS, air con, climate<br />

control, 11,800kms ....................................................................... $9,995<br />

BMW<br />

2007 BMW X5, 3000 cc,deisel,ABS, twin air bags,parking sensors,<br />

cruise control, 4X4 ........................................................................ $9,995<br />


1992 FORD COURIER UTE, diesel flatdeck................................. $3,995<br />

2004 FORD FOCUS, 5door,5spped............................................. $2,995<br />

1995 NISSAN PULSAR, auto, hatchback..................................... $2,495<br />

2007 TOYOTA PRIUSSTOURING, hybrid,alloys,reverse camera,<br />

air con, rear spoiler,ABS, 1500cc, 36,000kms................$10,995<br />

2007 TOYOTA BLADE G, 5door,ABS, air con, body kit, rear spoiler,<br />

push button start, 70,500 kms, 2400cc...............................$10,995<br />

2009 TOYOTA ESTIMAHYBRIDX4WD, 5door,8seater, ABS, air<br />

con, auto, rear spoiler,cruise control, 133,450 kms, 2400cc,<br />

alloys................................................................................................$14,995<br />

2013 TOYOTA PRIUSL,5door,ABS, air con, petrol,parking sensors,<br />

rear spoiler,auto, 71,810 kms, 1800cc.................................$16,995<br />

1999 TOYOTA RAV4,3door,petrol, ABS, air con, rear spoiler,<br />

1800cc............................................................................................... $7,995<br />

20<strong>06</strong> TOYOTA RUSH G, 5door,petrol, ABS, air con, climate control,<br />

rear spoiler,59,500 kms, 1500cc............................................$11,995<br />

2008 TOYOTA WISH XLIMITED, 5door,petrol, ABS, air con, auto,<br />

climate control, 72,500 kms, 1800cc...................................... $9,995<br />

2012 TOYOTA RAV4 LTD, 2400cc, ABS,air con, body kit,<br />

74,000 kms.......................................................................................... SOLD<br />

2012 TOYOTA VITZF,1300cc, hatchback,air con, ABS, climate<br />

control..........................................................................................$11,995<br />

2013 TOYOTA AQUAG,1500cc,ABS,Air control, twin airbags,<br />

cam chain....................................................................................$10,995<br />


2016 MITSIBUSHIPAJEROSPORT VRX,2400cc, cruise control,<br />

reverse sensors, tow bar, fully loaded ...............................$34,995<br />

Ph: 308 1396<br />

Selling nice cars to nice people!<br />


-about our range of rental vehicles<br />


470 West Street,<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

A/H Keith Drummond<br />

0274 367 646<br />

Family,Sports, School or Social Trips<br />

We have 8, 10 &12seaterminivansavailable.<br />

Cars and3trucksforsmall or bigloads alsoavailable.<br />


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