Jesus' Kingdom Spiritual Law of Obedience

All sheep that follow one Shepherd are aligned with one another. The Church resembles a herd of cats which proves we aren't following Him. If Jesus needed to be obedient to fulfill His purpose, shouldn't we? ((More Obedience to Civil Authority) + (Obedience to GOD)) = (A closer proximity to GOD)

All sheep that follow one Shepherd are aligned with one another. The Church resembles a herd of cats which proves we aren't following Him. If Jesus needed to be obedient to fulfill His purpose, shouldn't we?
((More Obedience to Civil Authority) + (Obedience to GOD)) = (A closer proximity to GOD)

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Jesus‛ <strong>Kingdom</strong> <strong>Spiritual</strong> <strong>Law</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Obedience</strong><br />

All sheep that follow one Shepherd are aligned with one another. The<br />

Church resembles a herd <strong>of</strong> cats which proves we aren‛t following Him.<br />

If Jesus needed to be obedient to fulfill His purpose, shouldn‛t we?<br />

More <strong>Obedience</strong><br />

to Civil Authority<br />

<strong>Obedience</strong><br />

to GOD<br />

A Closer<br />

Proximity<br />

to GOD<br />

Although He was a Son, He learned obedience through what He<br />

suffered. And being made perfect, He became the source <strong>of</strong><br />

eternal salvation to all who obey Him.<br />

- Probably Priscilla in Hebrews 5:8-9 (ESV).<br />

<strong>Obedience</strong> to Human Authorities<br />

“How can you expect a demon to obey you when you don‛t obey authority?” - John Paul Jackson<br />

Everyone must obey the authority <strong>of</strong> the<br />

government. It is GOD who gives the authority<br />

to rule. The people who rule have received<br />

their authority from GOD. So, anyone who<br />

refuses to obey that authority is refusing to<br />

obey GOD. That person will receive the<br />

proper punishment. - Paul in Romans 13:1 (EASY).<br />

“Tell the believers there to respect the<br />

government and those who have authority.<br />

They must remember to obey their rulers.<br />

They must always be ready to help other<br />

people.” - Paul in Titus 3:1 (EASY).<br />

Two Types <strong>of</strong> <strong>Obedience</strong>: Behavior Modification or Sub + mission<br />

Johnny, sit down &<br />

eat your breakfast.<br />

NO!<br />

Johnny, you will sit<br />

down & eat your breakfast!<br />

I may be sitting on the<br />

outside, but I‛m standing<br />

on the inside!<br />

Until sub + mission is embraced, behavior modification is taught.<br />

Christians grow from immaturity (milk) to maturity (meat). Maturity<br />

understands and agrees with GOD‛s ‘WHY‛. Submission changes our<br />

behavior because GOD‛s ‘WHY‛ becomes our ‘WHY.‛<br />

Thank you John Paul Jackson<br />

for teaching about this.<br />


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