Jesus' Kingdom Spiritual Law of Persistence
After 5-6 times, the rules of responsibility change. After 5-6 times, the rules of responsibility change.
Jesus‛ Kingdom Spiritual Law of Persistence 5x - 6x Free-Will-Attempts then the rules of responsibility change [If the number of attempts is up to you then be generous because of Jesus‛ spiritual law of reciprocity “Forgive others 70 x 7” - Jesus in Matthew 18:22 (recap).] Keep knocking, keep asking, don‛t give up! - Jesus in Matthew 7:7 Working for Jesus isn‛t for wimps - His plans for you will challenge you mentally, physically, financially, & relationally. You are molded into a replica of Jesus by adversity not favor. Distress that drives us to GOD does that. It turns us around. It gets us back in the way of salvation. We never regret that kind of pain. But those who let distress drive them away from GOD are full of regrets, end up on a deathbed of regrets. - Paul in 2 Corinthians 7:10 (MSG). “You should have struck five or six times; then you would have struck down Syria until you had made an end of it, but now you will strike down Syria only three times.” . Elisha King Joash Why 5 or 6 times? 2 Kings 13:14-25 is a strange story in the Bible. The Northern King of Israel, King Joash, is asking Elisha for help with Syria on his deathbed. Elisha asks Joash to shoot arrows out the window and Joash complies by shooting 3 arrows. Elisha then gets mad at Joash for not shooting 5 or 6 arrows & then dies. Erwin McManus wrote about this passage & asked a great question, “How did Elisha know it would take 5-6 times before Joash could win against Syria?” Consider Pharaoh‛s heart during the plagues while He dealt with Moses & Aaron (Exodus 5-14). Pharaoh hardened his own heart during the ‘Staff -> Snake‛ demo & during the first 5 plagues. Six (progressively worse) demonstrations from GOD. During these 6 demonstrations, GOD had nothing to do with hardening Pharaoh‛s heart Learn about GOD‛s justice: The LORD was fair & just to harden Pharaoh‛s heart to glorify Himself after 6 demonstrations with Pharaoh‛s free will rebelling against GOD. After that, Pharaoh became the villain of a cautionary tale not to oppose GOD‛s will & His people. As a persistent rebel, he lost his free will and GOD was able to harden Pharaoh‛s heart in justice & righteousness. GOD‛s justice & righteousness was proven correct when (after all 10 plagues & losing his first born son) Pharaoh assembled his chariots to pursue the Israelites. After taking that physical step to rebel against GOD (again), GOD hardened Pharaoh‛s heart to make sure he drowned with his whole army to finish GOD‛s Exodus story with dramatic flair! Note to self: Say ‘Yes‛ to GOD early & often! 52 Thank you Erwin McManus for expanding our understanding of this law & writing your book, The Last Arrow
Jesus‛ <strong>Kingdom</strong> <strong>Spiritual</strong> <strong>Law</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Persistence</strong><br />
5x - 6x Free-Will-Attempts then the rules <strong>of</strong> responsibility change<br />
[If the number <strong>of</strong> attempts is up to you then be generous because <strong>of</strong> Jesus‛ spiritual law <strong>of</strong> reciprocity<br />
“Forgive others 70 x 7” - Jesus in Matthew 18:22 (recap).]<br />
Keep knocking, keep asking, don‛t give up! - Jesus in Matthew 7:7<br />
Working for Jesus isn‛t for wimps - His plans for you will challenge you mentally, physically,<br />
financially, & relationally. You are molded into a replica <strong>of</strong> Jesus by adversity not favor.<br />
Distress that drives us to GOD does that. It turns us around. It gets us back in the way <strong>of</strong><br />
salvation. We never regret that kind <strong>of</strong> pain. But those who let distress drive them away<br />
from GOD are full <strong>of</strong> regrets, end up on a deathbed <strong>of</strong> regrets.<br />
- Paul in 2 Corinthians 7:10 (MSG).<br />
“You should have struck five<br />
or six times; then you would<br />
have struck down Syria until<br />
you had made an end <strong>of</strong> it, but<br />
now you will strike down Syria<br />
only three times.”<br />
.<br />
Elisha<br />
King Joash<br />
Why 5 or 6 times?<br />
2 Kings 13:14-25 is a strange story in the<br />
Bible. The Northern King <strong>of</strong> Israel, King<br />
Joash, is asking Elisha for help with Syria<br />
on his deathbed. Elisha asks Joash to shoot<br />
arrows out the window and Joash complies<br />
by shooting 3 arrows.<br />
Elisha then gets mad at Joash for not<br />
shooting 5 or 6 arrows & then dies. Erwin<br />
McManus wrote about this passage & asked a<br />
great question, “How did Elisha know it would<br />
take 5-6 times before Joash could win<br />
against Syria?”<br />
Consider Pharaoh‛s heart during the plagues while<br />
He dealt with Moses & Aaron (Exodus 5-14).<br />
Pharaoh hardened his own heart during the<br />
‘Staff -> Snake‛ demo & during the first 5 plagues.<br />
Six (progressively worse) demonstrations from GOD.<br />
During these 6 demonstrations, GOD had nothing to<br />
do with hardening Pharaoh‛s heart<br />
Learn about GOD‛s justice: The LORD was fair & just to harden Pharaoh‛s heart to glorify Himself after 6<br />
demonstrations with Pharaoh‛s free will rebelling against GOD. After that, Pharaoh became the villain <strong>of</strong> a cautionary<br />
tale not to oppose GOD‛s will & His people. As a persistent rebel, he lost his free will and GOD was able to harden<br />
Pharaoh‛s heart in justice & righteousness.<br />
GOD‛s justice & righteousness was proven correct when (after all 10 plagues & losing his first born son) Pharaoh<br />
assembled his chariots to pursue the Israelites. After taking that physical step to rebel against GOD (again), GOD<br />
hardened Pharaoh‛s heart to make sure he drowned with his whole army to finish GOD‛s Exodus story with dramatic<br />
flair!<br />
Note to self: Say ‘Yes‛ to GOD early & <strong>of</strong>ten!<br />
52<br />
Thank you Erwin McManus for expanding<br />
our understanding <strong>of</strong> this law & writing your book,<br />
The Last Arrow