KIZASHI Zubehörprospekt 2010 *

Suzuki Original-Zubehör für das Modell KIZASHI, Stand Oktober 2010 *Die in diesem Prospekt enthaltenen Angaben sind unverbindlich und dienen nur der Information über den jeweiligen Stand. Irrtümer bleiben vorbehalten.“

Suzuki Original-Zubehör für das Modell KIZASHI, Stand Oktober 2010
*Die in diesem Prospekt enthaltenen Angaben sind unverbindlich und dienen nur der Information über den jeweiligen Stand. Irrtümer bleiben vorbehalten.“

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Transportation<br />

9 | Rear bike carrier 1<br />

for 2 bikes, aluminium rails, only in combination<br />

with tow bar. When opening the back hatch,<br />

bike carrier can be pulled outward and does not<br />

require removal.<br />

Part No. 990E0-59J22-000<br />

12 | Retractable luggage box<br />

Part No. 99000-99W09-A01<br />

10 | Rear bike carrier extension 1<br />

for a third bike, only in combination with bike<br />

carrier (Part No. 990E0-59J22-000) (no ill.).<br />

Part No. 990E0-59J22-001<br />

11 | Luggage net<br />

Part No. 99000-990J5-C30<br />

13 | Tow bar detachable 1,2<br />

please order electric harness kit<br />

separately.<br />

Part No. 990E0-57L00-000<br />

14 | Adapter<br />

to connect 13-pin plug to<br />

7-pin socket.<br />

Part No. 990E0-79J67-000<br />

15 | Harness kit<br />

13-pin with turning signal.<br />

Part No. 990E0-57L01-000<br />

1<br />

Please observe the max. towing capacity of 720 kg non-braked and 1700 kg braked.<br />

2<br />

Please observe the max. vertical load of 75 kg and consult your owner’s manual<br />

for further details.

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