INformed People Magazine August 2020 B

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Int eract ive Cont Digit ent al sCont ent s<br />

Cover St ory Christ ina Sm it h Olym pian<br />

What is your Det ox IQ<br />

How Napoleon Hill Influenced m y Life<br />

LuAn Mit chell/ Don Green - Living a Legacy<br />

Em ot ional Mat urit y and Wellness<br />

Enhance Your Brand t he Big Media USA WAY!<br />

Out st anding Wom en?s Channel<br />

Paper Doll an Em pow ered Wom an<br />

When a Shopologist Meet s t he Diva<br />

Hairgeniks ? We are Hair for You<br />

Business + Healt hy Environm ent = Success<br />

Napoleon Hill Foundat ion Graduat e Success<br />

Genie Three Wishes<br />

Looking for Opport unit y in Adversit y<br />

Det ox Secret s Everyone Needs t o Know<br />

Don Green Hero Aw ard Recipient

Where You Are The Star !<br />

HOME OF<br />

<strong>People</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong>

Tony DeMaio<br />

CEO<br />

More Than A Bro<br />

Tony DeMaio<br />

Founder / CEO<br />

<strong>August</strong> Edit orial<br />

Part 2<br />

Why Do We Need It ?<br />

info@BigMediaUSA.com<br />

w w w.bm bc.t v<br />

PART TW<br />

Since our inception businesses have been attracted to Big Media USA because of the assistance we<br />

provide in helping them hone their message. The production of a podcast is a key part of what we<br />

do, by helping a business or individual or non-profit focus their message; who is the best person to<br />

deliver it and where to place the message is the magic.<br />

?The Good News? is that the internet has made it easy for people to shop for products and services.<br />

?The Bad News? is that it has also made it harder for businesses and sole practitioners to<br />

differentiate themselves from their competitors.<br />

How do you stack up against you competitors? If a potential client/customer looks at my on line<br />

presence vs. my competitors do I win??<br />

Everyone has a web site; no matter how nice it is in today?s fast moving world a web site simply isn?t<br />

enough.<br />

Big Media USA?s Digital Marketing Package is designed to improve your online image and more.<br />

Third party content is invaluable and adds creditably to you and your image.<br />

The 1st Pillar of our program is a Podcast that is housed on the Big Media USA Platform and pushed<br />

out to all the other major online partner platforms.<br />

Why is t he Podcast int erview im port ant ? The 2nd Pillar<br />

You are the best one to tell your story, how you got into the business in your words and therefore<br />

show your passion and knowledge. <strong>People</strong> can make a decision that they want to work with you<br />

because of important factors like these, your sincerity, approachability, compassion and desire to<br />

provide a great product or service.

O<br />

adcast Com pany<br />

Why do I need t o be ?In t he New s??<br />

The<br />

3rd Pillar. Remember the potential client/customer is<br />

looking at you side by side with your competitor and<br />

trying to decide whom to choose.<br />

Look at how impressive all the professionally produced<br />

media is to your client/customer in a well thought out<br />

and prepared format you have the answer to:<br />

Why Do I Need It ?<br />

Bonus: by producing quality content you help your SEO<br />

and this makes you easier to be found!<br />

Also, you can use these logos and more in your signature<br />

line and on your website.<br />

Big Media USA and its Management Team members have<br />

great business experience and industry diversity to help<br />

you reach your business goals. After producing over<br />

17,000 podcasts. I am going to borrow a great line from<br />

Farmers Insurance because it applies to Big Media USA.<br />

?We know a thing or two, because we?ve seen a thing or two?<br />

We have a process to ?drill down? on a business in order<br />

to uncover their goals and develop powerful podcasts to<br />

reach those goals. Podcasts can be used to accomplish a<br />

variety of things.<br />

Generating sales is always the first thing that comes to<br />

people minds, but here are other things that podcasts<br />

can accomplish. Build a brand or reputation, building an<br />

event, training a sales force or customers, compressing<br />

the sales cycle, introducing staff to potential clients,<br />

education, testimonials, building relationships and<br />

generating qualified leads are some examples.<br />

In our intake process we help a client realize the things<br />

that will impact their business the most and craft a<br />

message that they are excited about projecting.<br />

Contact us and see how we can help you navigate the<br />

digital marketplace.<br />

Tony DeMaio Founder/CEO

<strong>Magazine</strong> Cont ent Credit s<br />

Iwww.bmbc.tv<br />

<strong>August</strong> <strong>2020</strong> PUBLISHER? BIG MEDIA USA Inc<br />


Tony DeMaio<br />


LuAn Mitchell<br />


Mark Miller<br />


Angelika Christie<br />


Nina Michalchuk D?Ambrosio<br />


Cheryl Womack<br />


Gary Hawthorne<br />

Angelika Christie<br />

LuAn Mitchell<br />


Gary Hawthorne<br />

Angelika Christie<br />

LuAn Mitchell.<br />

Contact us and see how we can help you<br />

navigate the digital marketplace<br />

. Tony DeMaio<br />

Founder/ CEO<br />

INfor<br />

<strong>People</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> Your<br />


Mark Miller<br />


Mark Miller<br />

Tony DeMaio<br />

info@BigMediaUSA.com<br />


Tony DeMaio<br />

LuAn Mitchell<br />

Angelika Christie<br />

Christina Smith<br />

Dr. Usha Mantha, MD<br />

Laurie Davis<br />

Mark Miller<br />

Karen & Suzie<br />


by Peter Saunders Book Cover Credit<br />

Peter's Experience in British Television<br />

and in the Motion Picture Industries<br />

provieded the perpective needed to projec<br />

the perfect image for the cover of Christina<br />

Smith', Olympian .

m ed<br />

Digit al Connect ion<br />

Our Mission<br />

Big Media USA is a m arket ing com pany w it h a digit al com m ut at ion<br />

plat form geared t ow ards helping businesses, professionals, non-profit<br />

organizat ions and individuals expand t heir on-line presence.<br />

Big Media USA w as founded in 2006 long before com panies, non- profit s,<br />

and individuals realized t he value of online m arket ing. During t he last 14<br />

years, w e have seen our client s shift m ajor port ions of m arket ing budget s<br />

t o online from t radit ional m arket ing.<br />

During t hese years w e have developed preparat ory m arket ing st rat egies<br />

and have produced qualit y cont ent helping our client s build t heir<br />

businesses and brands efficient ly in a cost -effect ive part nership.<br />

t<br />

DISCLAIMER The w rit t en, video cont ent s, view s, inform at ion, ideas,<br />

expression, advice, and suggest ions expressed in t his m agazine are solely<br />

in part or w hole of t hose individuals providing t hem w hich do not reflect<br />

on t he opinions, ideas, or advisem ent of Inform ed <strong>People</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> or it ?s<br />

parent , affiliat es or subsidiary com panies.

Cover St ory Christ i<br />

PART ONE<br />

PART TWO<br />

Get A Sneak Peek of Christina's Book<br />

Just click on the link below<br />


na Sm it h, Olym pian<br />

Click on Tim es logo<br />

for Christ ina's Art icle

How do you eat a Purple Elephant?<br />

When I retired from the winter sport of bobsleigh, you would have thought that I, being an<br />

Olympian, had everything going for myself and ample opportunities awaiting. Well, that is<br />

generally one?s perception and I thought so as well. We were both fooled.<br />

I went through a long journey of self-discovery, to where I am at this present day. I wish I had<br />

read the ?Coles Notes? for the next phase of my life in order to have made the transition<br />

smoother, however; taking short cuts is not my chosen route. The lessons are always sweeter<br />

when you?ve weathered the storm.<br />

I was asked by a fellow 2x Olympian and my new coach in Emotional Intelligence (EQ), Michelle<br />

Morton Giangualano, ?Who am I being and who do I want to be?? That really had me thinking, as I<br />

felt the pressure of living up to the expectations of others, however, the highest expectations<br />

came from myself. What did that truly mean? Was anything other than perfect, enough? How<br />

would I start again? Then Michelle asked me further, ?What is the story I am telling myself and<br />

where am I feeling stuck?? The answer came down to? I didn?t know where or how to move<br />

forward! The solution was just to? START!<br />

The biggest hurdle in everything is the start. Much like in Bobsleigh, the Push-Start is where all<br />

momentum is created to launch sled and bodies down an icy track, where I experienced up to<br />

speeds of 140km/87mph. This brings me to the Purple Elephant. How many of us have a<br />

daunting task which is weighing us down and we continuously dodge the bullet at the thought of<br />

addressing it? An audacious goal which we want to achieve, but don?t know how to start the ball<br />

rolling? How many of us are held back by doing something that we fear? Always there is the<br />

judgment and/or the thought simply seems like an intangible dream?<br />

When I took on the challenge of writing a book, the hardest thing was? yes, to start!<br />

In the process of sharing my experiences within the pages of my manuscript prior to publication,<br />

I was made aware that I had a common thread, what I have called the 4As of Consciousness.<br />

Everything I overcame in my sport career, relied on these four stages: Awareness (conscious of<br />

my challenges/hurdles), Acceptance (wanting change), Action (getting into

motion) and Allegiance (making a commitment with intention to change). When diving deeper,<br />

my Emotional Intelligence coach discovered core factors to my self-empowerment, victories<br />

and successes, as well as reasons for challenges, struggles and failures, otherwise known as<br />

hard lessons.<br />

Each chapter of my book, EMPOWERED, Explore, Transform, Flourish in Health, Wealth and<br />

Relationships to Win in Life! An Olympian?s Journey is about confronting the Purple Elephant<br />

and eating it, one bite at a time. My life has been versed with the daily input of time, energy<br />

and work invested in perfecting my craft, in order to compete as a World Class athlete at the<br />

Olympic level. This work ethic can be transferred in all areas of life.<br />

EMPOWERED helps discover and develop your Super Power mindset muscle of bravery,<br />

resilience, and belief in yourself. It helps you understand and avoid your default patterns and<br />

elevates your consciousness of what may be holding you back in life via attachments. It raises<br />

your awareness of your internal coach. This internal coach keeps you accountable in health,<br />

happiness, wealth and relationships, while encouraging the power of aligning your<br />

environment to aid in your success. EMPOWERED shows you how to look fear in the eye,<br />

overcome hurdles and thrive in your dominion with a balanced state of mind. It helps you<br />

acquire the ability to stand confident in your identity and live life from your core values. It aids<br />

in finding your strengths by exposing vulnerabilities while tapping into your root energy,<br />

making you more attractive and engaging to others. It helps you discover courage to try new<br />

things, break free from limiting beliefs and judgement, while being authentically you in your<br />

skin and a perpetual student of life. Most importantly, EMPOWERED lends a hand to affect the<br />

planet by addressing climate change within yourself.<br />

Despite what I learned in my life which I have expressed within my book, I did not profess that I<br />

had it all figured out. I am human after-all. However, I continue to work at improving and<br />

healing struggles with life challenges and micro-traumas in family relationships. Similar to the<br />

noninvasive and nondrug related therapies I have done and continue to seek in order to heal<br />

the micro brain traumas that I most likely experienced every trip down the ice. As in<br />

relationships, there are residual upsets that buildup over time, much like the accumulation of

micro-concussions which have caused brain injuries and residual symptoms. The one thing I<br />

know is I am an eternal student and always seeking to be the best that I can be and better the<br />

environment, communication and relationships around me.<br />

At the tail end of writing this book I asked myself and others, ?What next?? This is when I was led<br />

to a coaching system that has been expanding my current horizons in the area of Emotional<br />

Intelligence. I was introduced through games which have proven to develop social and emotional<br />

skills, as well as open and expand both sides of the brain. Through a simple and gradual<br />

immersion, I have personally experienced the impact it has already had on family relationships. I<br />

have always been fascinated with the strength of the brain?s mindset and its capacity. Where I<br />

thought I had explored the peak of accomplishments, I have now found a new summit to<br />

discover and thrive on this exciting journey. A summit or adventure that will last a lifetime.<br />

I believe that every human being has a story to tell as far back, they say, as the womb. These<br />

stories are often manifested within their mind and/or impacted by their relationships and<br />

surroundings. Every person becomes a mystery to unfold. Every individual is a puzzle to put<br />

together with missing pieces that we have to learn how to play with.<br />

I am the first one to admit, I do not have it all together and am missing some pieces to my<br />

puzzle. It excites me as an individual to have new tools to better myself. If these skills could be<br />

shared with others, I know without a doubt the world would be a better place.<br />

Everyone always seeks to find their purpose in life and the place where they can make the most<br />

difference. As an individual learning Emotional Intelligence and the ability to become a coach to<br />

myself and others as an occupation I seek to understand, and spread the beauty of this career<br />

opportunity and/or simply to expose skills designed to better the impact of parents, teachers,<br />

coaches, athletes, partners, politician, employees and/or leaders in whatever role. Racism could<br />

also be a thing of the past.

If you want to dive deep with me into this field for self-betterment and/or as an occupation,<br />

you will know if it?s for you, as I did, once you experience the FREE Mini-Course:<br />

https://bit.ly/2YcFPEg<br />

Join me on the crusade to better Emotional Intelligence within yourself and in the world. You<br />

will learn empathy at every level.<br />

Christina Smith, Olympian / Author / Speaker

What 's Your Wellness IQ?



Tw o Part Must Wat ch Podcast s w it h<br />

Don Green, CEO Napoleon Hill Foundat ion<br />

PART ONE<br />



Informed <strong>People</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong><br />

Laurie H Davis<br />

Article LINK:<br />

https://bmbc.tv/network_cat/laurie-davis/<br />

Emotional Maturity and Wellness<br />

I have consistently over the years enjoyed a high level of physical wellness. I wish I<br />

could say the same about my emotional wellness.<br />

Our bodies grow and mature with age, intellectually we are highly stimulated,<br />

spiritually we are all on some path of growth and understanding. However<br />

emotionally most of us operate from an immature place called childhood.<br />

What do I mean by that? Think back to how old you were when you realized the<br />

world was no longer a perfect place. Maybe three, six, ten could be your number<br />

mine was 6. When we experience an early childhood trauma that is actually when<br />

we stop developing emotionally until we take the steps to heal. So here is the test<br />

to prove what I am talking about. The key here is to have my emotional maturity<br />

catch up with the rest of me.<br />

What do little kids do when they get angry and do not get their own way or they are<br />

upset over something?<br />

I. Yell<br />

II. Cry<br />

III.Stomp their feet<br />

IV.Temper Tantrum<br />

V. Throw things<br />

VI.Break things<br />

VII. Say mean things<br />

VIII. Punch, slap, bite<br />

IX.Slam doors<br />

X. Threaten to run away

Now the key here is to check off any of these behaviors you have exhibited as grown<br />

adult.<br />

I rest my case.<br />

We have all been hurt as children. There are many ways that can happen. Loss of<br />

loved one early in life, all of the abuses, verbal, physical, sexual, emotional, neglect,<br />

and the list goes on. Many of us never have an opportunity to heal from any of it<br />

until later in life when things start falling apart like a three-dollar watch. That little<br />

person inside, that hurt little boy or girl comes out fighting every time on our behalf.<br />

So, let?s say boy meets girl, or girl meets girl, or boy meets boy and they are<br />

expecting to have an intimate relationship, the most emotionally charged<br />

relationship on the planet. One partner is six emotionally, and the other is nine.<br />

What does a six-year-old or a nine-year-old know about having a relationship,<br />

building a home, and even family? Does this in some way help to explain our family<br />

dynamics of the 21st century?<br />

Many of us carry that victim feeling and behaviors into our adult world. When we<br />

have had traumatic events, we are impacted on many levels particularly<br />

emotionally. It is not the incident itself that holds us back, it is the intense emotions<br />

attached to it that we carry. To sooth the soul then becomes our mode of operation.<br />

Addictions, overachieving, perfectionism, mental illness, and control are just a few of<br />

the manifestations of a person who is not emotionally well and this all leads to a<br />

lack of self-love and self-worth. We cannot reclaim it by constantly going outside of<br />

our self. A new relationship, a renovated kitchen, a new vehicle, a new career will<br />

never satisfy the healing that needs to be done. It is an inside job so lets roll up our<br />

sleeves and do the personal work so we can move forward and approach all of our<br />

situations from an emotionally mature stance.<br />

Laurie Davis is the founder of Self Worth the Missing Link<br />

Linkwww.selfworththemissinglink.com<br />



1<br />

Click Here t o order YOUR Mask t oday!<br />


The link above w ill t ake you t o t he w ebsit e w here you can place<br />

your order for covid 19 supplies including m asks and ot her<br />

it em s t o help keep you safe against t he spread of t he virus.<br />

Please not e t hat free shipping applies t o any covid 19 it em s you<br />

choose t o purchase. St ay safe and be prepared. Thank You

Bu<br />

Ru<br />

Ho<br />

Did<br />

m u<br />

a w<br />

By<br />

Ru<br />

t he<br />

bu<br />

w e<br />

un<br />

w i<br />

I rem em ber w hen I st art ed m y business in 1985, I did not have m uch m oney, so I w as doing ever<br />

just keep going. I t hink for years I had t hat m ent alit y unt il one day a drunk driver hit m y car on<br />

39<br />

in so m uch pain and t he w ork I had been doing I no longer could do w hich really st ressed m e ou<br />

t hat t im e I could not drive or w alk w ell as I w as in so m uch pain. I realized all t he t hings I w ould<br />

w heel of t he car saying t o m y Angels ? I can?t go yet I st ill have lot s t o do in m y life." It t ook a w<br />

t he 7 day w ork m ode unt il 5 years ago w hen I had breast cancer and t hen I realized t im e is so im<br />

som eday, and t hen m aybe t hat som eday never com es, so it needs t o be now and it ?s okay.<br />

What do you have on your bucket list t hat you keep put t ing off? Look at w hat w e are all facing<br />

I rem em ber w hen I st art ed m y business in 1985, I did not have m uch m oney, so I w as doing ever<br />

just keep going. I t hink for years I had t hat m ent alit y unt il one day a drunk driver hit m y car on<br />

in so m uch pain and t he w ork I had been doing I no longer could do w hich really st ressed m e ou<br />

t hat t im e I could not drive or w alk w ell as I w as in so m uch pain. I realized all t he t hings I w ould<br />

w heel of t he car saying t o m y Angels ? I can?t go yet I st ill have lot s t o do in m y life." It t ook a w<br />

t he 7 day w ork m ode unt il 5 years ago w hen I had breast cancer and t hen I realized t im e is so im<br />

som eday, and t hen m aybe t hat som eday never com es, so it needs t o be now and it ?s okay.<br />

What do you have on your bucket list t hat you keep put t ing off? Look at w hat w e are all facing

siness + Healt hy Environm ent =Success<br />

Robbie Motter<br />

nning a business and healt hy living really do go t oget her.<br />

pefully you and your em ployees, if you have any are not sacrificing one for t he ot her.<br />

you know t hat st udies show t hat w hen you and your st aff are healt hier all perform at a<br />

ch higher level. Also st at ist ics show t hat individuals w ho do som e sort of exercise 3 t im es<br />

eek are raring t o go t o w ork w hen t hey show up.<br />

nning your business can be st ressful as m ost Ent repreneurs t ry and do everyt hing<br />

m selves and rarely m ake t im e for t hem selves. Taking t im e for yourself out side of t he<br />

siness is one of t he hardest t hings a business ow ner can do and it can be scary. Many t im es<br />

feel guilt y as w e see all t he t hings w e need t o do for our business. Taking t im e t o<br />

derst and how t o balance your life w it h your business life is hard. Est ablishing healt hy habit<br />

ll help you t o be bet t er physically and em ot ionally prepared t o overcom e t he m any<br />

y job m yself, rarely sleeping and never t aking t im e for m yself and I felt so guilt y if I did not<br />

t he 76 freew ay and I did not w alk for over a year as I w as<br />

9<br />

t , but out of t he blue anot her opport unit y opened for m e t o m ake a living even t hough at<br />

be m issing and vow ed w hen I got bet t er, I w ould t ake t im e for m e. I rem em ber gripping t he<br />

hile but I did get bet t er and I did t ake m ore t im e but really found I st art ed slipping back int o<br />

port ant and t here are so m any t hings w e w ant t o do in our lives t hat w e keep saying<br />

now w it h t he lock dow n, not able t o t ravel, not able t o be in fam ily<br />

y job m yself, rarely sleeping and never t aking t im e for m yself and I felt so guilt y if I did not<br />

t he 76 freew ay and I did not w alk for over a year as I w as<br />

t , but out of t he blue anot her opport unit y opened for m e t o m ake a living even t hough at<br />

be m issing and vow ed w hen I got bet t er, I w ould t ake t im e for m e. I rem em ber gripping t he<br />

hile but I did get bet t er and I did t ake m ore t im e but really found I st art ed slipping back int o<br />

port ant and t here are so m any t hings w e w ant t o do in our lives t hat w e keep saying<br />

now w it h t he lock dow n, not able t o t ravel, not able t o be in fam ily


I believe that YOGA is the best exercise to align your Body, Mind, and Spirit and become<br />

energized for optimum health, mental clarity, and high- stress resilience.<br />

During this challenging time when we cannot be together in groups to enjoy Yoga, here<br />

is a way to do it on your own at home. You can do Yoga on any flat surface, on a lounge<br />

chair around your pool or, if you are as fortunate as I am, on the beach.<br />

Doing Yoga outside in Nature adds additional benefits of inhaling clean, fresh air during<br />

your deep breathing. In the short video above, I show you how you can do Yoga on a<br />

Lounge Chair. Make sure that it is sturdy. Hold the postures for at least 30 seconds or<br />

longer. Breathe deeply and slowly while turning into the sensations of your body.<br />

Stretch slowly and deeply. And most of all, smile and have fun.<br />

Interested in Yoga in the pool? Email me at: ac@bigmediausa.com with the subject line:<br />

Aqua-Yoga-Cise to receive a detailed Inst ruct ion PDF as my gift to you for watching the<br />

video above.<br />

Angelika Christie ND<br />

ac@bigmeadiausa.com<br />


Feliciano Financial Blueprint<br />

offers Financial Freedom<br />

Jose Feliciano shares about t he t rue m eaning of a w ell-designed financial<br />

plan t hat support s and builds t he st ruct ure of a business t hat fulfills t he<br />

desired life experience. Jose is not only a cert ified CPR but has also<br />

gat hered t he best group of professionals under one roof. One of t he<br />

ext raordinary qualit ies of him and his t eam are guiding t he client<br />

m ent ally and em ot ionally for a w holist ic approach and w ell- rounded<br />

plan t hat leads t o t he great est success. In an environm ent of excellence<br />

and int egrit y, t rust is im m ediat ely est ablished, and reaching t he financial<br />

goals becom es a joyful collaborat ion. To find out m ore about t his<br />

ext raordinary m an and his com pany here: https://felicianofinancial.com/

Like the tender blade of grass can break through stone and concrete, so is the delicate<br />

essence of highest grade of Essential Oils a phenomenal tool for health and healing.<br />

I our time of stress and disease, Mother Nature offers her healing in a most miraculous way<br />

with the help of Essential Oils. My choice is ?Young Living Essential Oils.?<br />

Why? Because I know of their purity and efficacy personally for over 20 years.<br />

Let me introduce you to a better way of living and a healthy, radiant, beautiful, energetic and<br />

toxic free Lifestyle.<br />

You deserve only the very BEST. Would you agree? I am absolutely certain that you receive it<br />

with ?Young Living?Products.<br />

Check out my YL Website here and explore how you can change hundreds of items that are<br />

right now burden your life with toxic attributes, and swap them with health promoting, better<br />

items. Not only better for you but also for our precious earth.<br />

I am thrilled to share my passion for those life changing products with you.<br />

Ask me any questions. Let?s get you healthy, happy and prosperous. Yes, prosperous!<br />

Ask me how, and I am happy to share this with you too.<br />

Click this link and enjoy exploring a new world of unlimited health, healing and Prosperity.<br />

https://www.myyl.com/angelikachristie<br />

ac@bigmediausa.com<br />

Angelika Christie ND (Naturopathic Doctor)

6 | Out door M agazi ne Oct 20 16<br />

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rebum . St et clit a kasd<br />

gubergren, no sea<br />

t akim at a sanct us.<br />

Header<br />

Lorem ipsum dolor sit<br />

am et , conset et ur<br />

sadipscing elit r, sed diam<br />

nonum y eirm od t em por<br />

invidunt ut labore et<br />

dolore m agna aliquyam<br />

erat , sed diam volupt ua.<br />

At vero eos et accusam et<br />

just o duo dolores et ea<br />

rebum . St et clit a kasd<br />

gubergren, no sea<br />

t akim at a sanct us est<br />

Lorem ipsum dolor sit<br />

am et .<br />

Lorem ipsum dolor sit<br />

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nonum y eirm od t em por<br />

invidunt ut labore et<br />

dolore m agna aliquyam<br />

erat , sed diam volupt ua.<br />

St et clit a kasd gubergren,<br />

no sea t akim at a sanct us<br />

est Lorem ipsum dolor sit<br />

am et .


www.websi t e.com<br />

websi t e@websi t e.com

What happens when<br />

Generating Machine<br />

Get Paid to Brand U<br />

together Decades of<br />

Co- hosts Danielle ?T<br />

Graham, founder of<br />

U Toolbelt customize<br />

Danielle ?The Diva,?<br />

entertainment and t<br />

device that delivers<br />

way they are suppos<br />

Weekly Radio show<br />

?Designing with The<br />

Charm.? She is world<br />

Kind!<br />

Stephanie is known<br />

brand themselves &<br />

Mastered the Art of<br />

matched her husban<br />

she had done for FR<br />

Shopping Network w<br />

countries creating sh<br />

of consumers enabl<br />

training program tea<br />

VIP? Women?s Empo<br />

languages. Stephan<br />

Rose Hunt and Co-C<br />

Jones Jr., and Zig Zig<br />

Happens? ..But Whe<br />

Together, on Big Me<br />

with Your Brand U T

?The Diva? and ?The Shopologist? team up with Big Media USA? A Cash<br />

is created and The ?Brand U? Podcast is launched - where you can learn how to<br />

positioning yourself in ?The Cat Bird Seat?! A new fast paced show that brings<br />

Entrepreneurism, Business Building, Branding, and Sass? ! Always Sass!<br />

he Diva? Forsgren, founder of Legally Diva and Stephanie ?The Shopologist?<br />

Ask The Shopologist are excited to share the secrets of how U can Get a Brand<br />

d to build the Lifestyle of Your Dreams.<br />

has 5 decades of helping people live the lifestyle of their dreams enjoying<br />

raveling the world. She is co-founder of Avacen, an FDA class II cleared medical<br />

non-invasive treatment through the palm of the hand helping people feel the<br />

e to feel. She was the creator and Co ? Host of The Diva Craft Lounge, A<br />

that inspired millions live in 128 Countries. She is also the Co Author of<br />

Divas?, and is launching her Brand-new Children?s Book ?Auntie Divas School of<br />

renowned for Her Diva Doctrine ?Dare to be BOLD, Different, And ALWAYS<br />

around the world as ?The Shopologist?, who teaches people how to get paid 2<br />

shop into the lifestyle of their dreams. As a stay-at-home ?momprenuer? she<br />

Shopping Smart and by teaching others how to duplicate her strategy, she<br />

d?s income as a Commercial Airline Captain in only 8 months by doing what<br />

EE all her life. She became one of the highest income earners in a Global<br />

here she recruited and trained Business Development Specialists in over 45<br />

op local networks of traditional business?that were connected to communities<br />

ing all parties to Get Paid on Transactions. She Created the ?6n12GoPro?<br />

ching entrepreneurs how to Make 6 Figures in 12 months, founded ?The Pink<br />

werment Program led by women in over 25 countries that speak 12 different<br />

ie has shared the stage with President Bill Clinton, Robert Dedman, Caroline<br />

reated the branded project ?How to Win in the Game of Life? with Robert Trent<br />

lar where she coined the phrase ?Nothing Happens Unless Shopping<br />

n It Does - We GET PAID- WOOHOO!?<br />

dia USA these two Dynamos will Encourage, Inspire, Intrigue and Equip you<br />

oolbelt customized to launch you into your own Greatness.

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