Nor'West News: August 13, 2020

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NOR’WEST NEWS Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />

Thursday <strong>August</strong> <strong>13</strong> <strong>2020</strong> 3<br />

<strong>News</strong><br />

Upgrades for play spaces<br />

• By Louis Day<br />

ALMOST HALF a million<br />

dollars is set to be spent on<br />

recreational areas across the area.<br />

Bishopdale Park skate park,<br />

Armitage Reserve play space and<br />

Annandale Park play space will<br />

all receive renewals after their<br />

landscape plans were approved<br />

last week.<br />

This will<br />

see the city<br />

council pour<br />

a total of<br />

$480,000 into<br />

improving the<br />

standard of<br />

these facilities.<br />

David<br />

Cartwright<br />

The majority<br />

of the money,<br />

$340,000, will<br />

be put towards Bishopdale Park’s<br />

skate park as it nears the end of<br />

its lifespan.<br />

The newly-approved design<br />

includes a 1.65m hipped quarter<br />

pipe with a corner pocket, several<br />

hips with a banked extension,<br />

a double-sided pole jam, and a<br />

mini ramp, with work on the site<br />

set to commence in February.<br />

Both the pyramid and round<br />

rail elements will also be made<br />

higher.<br />

Installed in the late 1980s, it<br />

was originally an asphalt roller<br />

skating area, with the addition of<br />

skate park elements in 1996.<br />

Design elements for the new<br />

skate area follow community<br />

feedback at the Bishopdale Skate<br />

Jam, along with wider consultation.<br />

The majority of submissions<br />

on the upgrade supported the<br />

improvements.<br />

Fendalton-Waimairi-Harewood<br />

Community Board chairman<br />

David Cartwright believed<br />

that the mix of new elements<br />

will appeal to beginners and<br />

intermediate-level skaters.<br />

“Skateboarding is firmly<br />

entrenched in the suburban<br />

landscape and we need to keep<br />

pace with the demand for fresh<br />

elements and new challenges,”<br />

he said.<br />

“Much like the skaters, we<br />

need to remain agile and bring<br />

renewed energy to a popular<br />

public space.<br />

“The present site is ripe for<br />

renewal – and a quarter pipe.”<br />

Meanwhile, the play space on<br />

Armitage Reserve will also see<br />

$78,000 put towards it.<br />

This money will go towards<br />

a “space shuttle spinner,” three<br />

new swings, retention of the<br />

existing large slide, a picnic table<br />

and a new asphalt footpath.<br />

Community feedback showed<br />

a strong support for more swings<br />

to be included in the landscape<br />

UPGRADE:<br />

The<br />

Bishopdale<br />

Park skate<br />

park has<br />

been given<br />

the green<br />

light for a<br />

$340,000<br />

renewal.<br />

PHOTO:<br />


plan as well as deep concern over<br />

the proposal to remove the existing<br />

slide, which the city council<br />

decided to leave in its place in the<br />

end.<br />

The city council is aiming to<br />

begin work on the site late this<br />

year.<br />

A further $62,000 is also set to<br />

be spent on the play space within<br />

Annandale Park.<br />

Work on the park, which the<br />

city council is again hoping to<br />

begin towards the end of this<br />

year, will include the installation<br />

of two swings, a mulberry bush<br />

carousel, a “dinosaur rocker,”<br />

a slide, three new trees and a<br />

picnic table.<br />

Sports gear<br />

initiative<br />

spreads<br />

• By Bea Gooding<br />

A SPORTS gear initiative has<br />

been experiencing high demand<br />

since its establishment four years<br />

ago, and now it is now spreading<br />

further afield.<br />

The Give Gear Get Great initiative<br />

collects donations of unused<br />

sports equipment and shoes,<br />

which is then recycled back into<br />

the community at local events or<br />

through a collection system.<br />

It originally began in the<br />

Spreydon-Cashmere Community<br />

Board area in 2016, eventually<br />

spreading to the Halswell-Hornby-Riccarton<br />

area, and were now<br />

looking to set up collection points<br />

in the Papanui-Innes area to benefit<br />

more families.<br />

Spreydon-Cashmere Community<br />

Board chairwoman Karolin<br />

Potter was the mastermind<br />

behind the idea and said demand<br />

had skyrocketed since it started.<br />

“We can’t meet demand, but<br />

we’ve been delighted by the success<br />

of Give Gear Get Great,” she said.<br />

Ten wheelie bins to collect the<br />

gear were ready to be rolled out<br />

into the area once the city council<br />

finalised with community groups<br />

who were interested in delivering<br />

this initiative and hosting a bin.<br />

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