Nor'West News: August 13, 2020

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NOR’WEST NEWS Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />

Thursday <strong>August</strong> <strong>13</strong> <strong>2020</strong> 9<br />

Your Local Views<br />

Civic participation encouraged<br />

LAST MONTH our<br />

Waipapa/Papanui-Innes<br />

Community Board<br />

signed off our <strong>2020</strong>-2022<br />

Community Board Plan.<br />

THis sets out our<br />

vision and priorities, and<br />

we will use it over the<br />

next two years to guide<br />

our decisions and our<br />

advocacy on behalf of our<br />

communities.<br />

The plan identifies four<br />

main priorities, the first<br />

being to improve and<br />

support community facilities<br />

and amenity in the<br />

Papanui-Innes area. We<br />

understand that a cohesive,<br />

resilient and happy community<br />

needs places to<br />

meet, socialise and learn,<br />

to be active and to connect.<br />

The need to support our<br />

vulnerable communities is<br />

something we hear about<br />

often, and this has also<br />

become a priority in this<br />

plan.<br />

We are lucky in Papanui-<br />

Innes to have some amazing<br />

groups working hard<br />

to make our communities<br />

better for all, and we want<br />

to continue to support<br />

them, particularly in<br />

targeting youth, the elderly<br />

and those who are socially<br />

isolated.<br />

We are aware that most<br />

From the board<br />

Emma Norrish, chair<br />

Waipapa/Papanui-Innes Community Board<br />

residents in our board area<br />

rarely engage with us or<br />

the city council, and we<br />

want to change that. By<br />

making encouraging civic<br />

participation a priority<br />

for the next two years, we<br />

want to ensure that our local<br />

community is educated<br />

about what is happening<br />

and can feel heard.<br />

We want to grow our<br />

community networks,<br />

encourage communityled<br />

projects, get people<br />

involved in our decisionmaking,<br />

and make our<br />

meetings more accessible.<br />

Our final priority is to<br />

endorse and encourage a<br />

functioning and safe traffic<br />

network that supports a<br />

connected community. We<br />

are committed to putting<br />


The board<br />

will continue<br />

to engage<br />

about the<br />

downstream<br />

impacts of<br />

the Northern<br />

Corridor.<br />

community safety at the<br />

forefront of all our transport<br />

recommendations and<br />

decisions, so that people<br />

can travel in, around and<br />

through our communities<br />

safely, using any mode of<br />

transport.<br />

We are especially aware<br />

of the downstream impacts<br />

of the Christchurch Northern<br />

Corridor and of the<br />

increased development in<br />

Papanui, and will continue<br />

to engage with those communities.<br />

We look forward to<br />

working with you over the<br />

next two years to bring<br />

this vision to life, and to<br />

ensure the Papanui-Innes<br />

area continues to be a great<br />

place for everyone to live,<br />

work and play.<br />

THE <strong>2020</strong> GENERAL ELECTION<br />


Enrol by 16 <strong>August</strong><br />

to make voting<br />

quick and easy.<br />

Do it online with your<br />

NZ driver licence or<br />

passport at vote.nz<br />

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