Pegasus Post: August 20, 2020
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4 Thursday <strong>August</strong> <strong>20</strong> <strong>20</strong><strong>20</strong><br />
Latest Canterbury news at<br />
News<br />
Odour may be stronger or<br />
weaker on different days<br />
•From page 1<br />
“It won’t make it easy to<br />
sell the house. I’m just feeling<br />
resigned.”<br />
She said the smell was<br />
not as bad this month as<br />
it was in previous months,<br />
but “having said that, it’s<br />
still been pretty horrendous.”<br />
While the trials were<br />
under way the plan outlined<br />
that the odour may<br />
be stronger or weaker on<br />
different days.<br />
Operational changes at<br />
refuse and recycling facility<br />
EcoDrop, managed by<br />
EcoCentral, showed a 40<br />
per cent decline in average<br />
“odour units” detected in<br />
July compared to June.<br />
Changes included clearing<br />
odorous waste in sealed<br />
containers quickly, ensuring<br />
all waste was cleared<br />
each night, and prioritising<br />
odorous waste.<br />
However, an increase in<br />
“offensive” reported odours<br />
were identified at organics<br />
processing plant Living<br />
Earth beyond the boundary<br />
of the site.<br />
“Living Earth has been<br />
using misters for a number<br />
of years as a tool to mitigate<br />
odour from the plant. Four<br />
additional, larger misters<br />
have been brought in and<br />
are now in use,” the city<br />
council’s AMP progress<br />
report said.<br />
High-need clients in city<br />
The compost “recipe”<br />
was also adjusted to replace<br />
the odour profile of the<br />
previous blend that was<br />
causing the offensive smell.<br />
“It will take about 12<br />
weeks for all of the compost<br />
from the old blend to<br />
completely cycle through<br />
the composting process<br />
and move off-site.”<br />
Linwood ward city<br />
councillor Yani Johanson<br />
is advocating for better<br />
national air quality standards<br />
and made a personal<br />
submission to the Ministry<br />
for the Environment seeking<br />
as such.<br />
“With two out of the<br />
three months up for significant<br />
reduction in odour<br />
complaints, the problem<br />
is growing which is completely<br />
unacceptable to<br />
the local community. This<br />
highlights clearly that the<br />
Resource Management Act<br />
is inadequate to deal with<br />
these activities.<br />
“There is no way what is<br />
• From page 1<br />
Said Community Law<br />
Canterbury board chairman<br />
Jeremy Finn: “We’re<br />
delighted to get it in recognition<br />
of the huge, unmet<br />
demand that will continue<br />
to increase post-Covid-19.<br />
“But we also know that<br />
demand is at full capacity<br />
now, so we would expect<br />
the funding will allow us<br />
to increase our staffing<br />
and retain experienced<br />
lawyers.”<br />
He said the majority of<br />
issues clients have faced<br />
recently involved employment,<br />
changing work conditions,<br />
family law matters,<br />
immigration, finances and<br />
tenancy issues.<br />
The extra funding comes<br />
at a time when Community<br />
Law Centres around<br />
the country have been<br />
experiencing a significant<br />
decline in donations because<br />
of Covid-19.<br />
The Canterbury facility<br />
will receive their share of<br />
about $1<strong>20</strong>,000 a year for<br />
the next few years.<br />
The extra funding was<br />
important to retain and<br />
increase staff levels to allow<br />
for higher volumes of<br />
casework work to be completed,<br />
and for part-time<br />
staff to move into full-time<br />
roles.<br />
This was especially the<br />
case in Canterbury.<br />
“Our staff have great<br />
experience and have been<br />
working hard to support<br />
high-need clients,” he said.<br />
“Christchurch clients<br />
have high needs, especially<br />
in the aftermath of the<br />
earthquakes, mosque attack<br />
and now Covid-19.”<br />
CLC provide legal help<br />
and advice to those who<br />
are unable to pay for a private<br />
lawyer or have limited<br />
access to legal aid, which<br />
can cost much as $300 to<br />
$400 an hour.<br />
Said Sue Moroney, Community<br />
Law Centres o<br />
Aoteaora chief executive:<br />
“Increased funding will<br />
help community law centres<br />
to help the increasing<br />
STINK:<br />
Odour<br />
reports<br />
from<br />
Living<br />
Earth’s<br />
compost<br />
facility<br />
increased<br />
in July.<br />
occurring here should be<br />
allowable in any community<br />
in New Zealand.”<br />
A screening machine,<br />
which processes materials<br />
twice to ensure it is<br />
fully broken down, will<br />
be installed next month<br />
at Living Earth to further<br />
mitigate the worsening<br />
stench.<br />
Said ECan councillor<br />
Nicole Marshall: “This<br />
three-month compliance<br />
period gives CCC time to<br />
be good neighbours, while<br />
enabling ECan to collect<br />
further data from the site<br />
so we can fulfil our duties<br />
as a regulator.<br />
“It’s important we resolve<br />
the issue for Bromley<br />
without simply moving it<br />
somewhere else.”<br />
The trial finishes by<br />
the end of <strong>August</strong>, and if<br />
proven unsuccessful, the<br />
city council will consider<br />
longer-term options with<br />
an outcome by the end of<br />
November this year.<br />
BOOST:<br />
Community<br />
Law<br />
Canterbury<br />
will receive<br />
$1<strong>20</strong>,000<br />
annually<br />
for the next<br />
three years.<br />
number of people affected<br />
by the impact of the pandemic<br />
response. It will help<br />
us to support people to<br />
protect the most important<br />
building blocks in their<br />
lives – their families, their<br />
jobs, their homes.<br />
“We expect further<br />
waves of demand to hit for<br />
our services for months<br />
and years to come, with<br />
demand also growing for<br />
legal support on debt and<br />
finance issues.”<br />
Each year, CLCs complete<br />
about 50,000 cases<br />
and provide law-related<br />
education to about 25,000<br />
people.<br />
The Ministry of<br />
Justice forecasts showed<br />
demanded was expected<br />
to spike in the next few<br />
years, and the funding will<br />
support the delivery of<br />
about 15,000 extra cases.