Child Support CommuniQue - August 2020
- Page 2 and 3: Table of Contents President’s Mes
- Page 4 and 5: hope the CSQ helped remind you of t
- Page 6 and 7: Community Corner Evolutionary Chang
- Page 8 and 9: families in my state in the middle
- Page 10 and 11: CALIFORNIA Greg Wilson Executive Di
- Page 12 and 13: more focus on getting work done as
- Page 14 and 15: 3. Were there any procedures in pla
- Page 16 and 17: move from the office to remote loca
- Page 18 and 19: 2. What challenges did you face in
- Page 20 and 21: manager & special projects manager
- Page 22 and 23: there is economic hardship—and th
- Page 24 and 25: crisis and anxiety—and our bureau
- Page 26 and 27: Insights from the Private Sector: P
- Page 28 and 29: As state and county child support p
- Page 30 and 31: into the office or mail documents.
- Page 32 and 33: THE PERFECT FOIL by Karen Hebert, N
- Page 34 and 35: Testing Strength and Agility Leader
- Page 36 and 37: The year 2020 has been, and continu
- Page 38 and 39: Training: How We Became Quick Chang
- Page 40 and 41: NCSEA is excited to introduce INSPI
- Page 42 and 43: work off, carve out personal time,
- Page 44 and 45: these things while continuing to pr
Table of Contents<br />
President’s Message …………………………………………………………..3<br />
Executive Director’s Message………………………………………………….5<br />
Community Corner: Evolutionary Change: Marking a Milestone<br />
in <strong>Child</strong> <strong>Support</strong> Enforcement ………………………………………………….6<br />
COVID-19 Response and Transition to Telework…………………………….9<br />
To Offset or Not to Offset……………………………….................................21<br />
Insights from the Private Sector: Pandemic Lessons and<br />
the New Normal…………………………………………………………………26<br />
Insights from the Private Sector: Pulling Together as Partners,<br />
Professionals, and Peers............................................................................29<br />
The Perfect Foil…………………………………………………………………32<br />
Training: Or How We Became Quick Artists…………………………………38<br />
NCSEA INSPIRE………………………………………………………………..40<br />
Work/Life Balance: Emotional and Mental Wellbeing……………………….41<br />
Live from the <strong>Child</strong> <strong>Support</strong> Associations – It’s a Joint Virtual Event!…….43
President’s Message <strong>August</strong> <strong>2020</strong><br />
by Tanguler Gray, NCSEA President<br />
It is hard to believe it has been a year since I began my<br />
term as NCSEA president. Over the last 12 months we<br />
have accomplished so much as a team, despite the global<br />
pandemic. I am proud of the way we all rallied together to<br />
serve the child support community while supporting the<br />
well-being of children and families.<br />
Through the ups and downs of the year, it’s been my<br />
personal goal and the mission of our association to<br />
prioritize Engagement with members as we advocate for<br />
families across the country. Earlier this year, NCSEA<br />
approved a resolution seeking to increase program flexibility and funding so IV-D<br />
programs can serve families through technology and the expansion of<br />
employment programs for noncustodial parents. The financial stability of families<br />
and child support programs nationwide was severely affected by the global<br />
pandemic, and this resolution was only one of many steps to address these<br />
problems. I extend a special thank you to members of the Board of Directors and<br />
all committee members for their hard work this year as NCSEA holds to its vision<br />
of Shaping the Future of <strong>Child</strong> <strong>Support</strong>.<br />
As an organization, it has always been important to us to educate those who<br />
work in child support services. We began the year with a highly successful Policy<br />
Forum attended by a record-breaking number of 535 professionals. Our amazing<br />
NCSEA staff and committee members increased online training opportunities and<br />
created not only an extensive library of resources, but a fabulous new website to<br />
ensure that our members had access to high-quality education, even during a<br />
global pandemic. Our new interactive Engagement Lounge quickly became a<br />
popular series and one of my favorite ways to connect with members and other<br />
leaders. All these efforts strengthened the financial standing of the association<br />
and could not have been accomplished without all of you.<br />
I am also proud of the new, beautiful format of the <strong>Child</strong> <strong>Support</strong> <strong>CommuniQue</strong><br />
(CSQ). The first edition of CSQ did an amazing job of addressing many issues<br />
that not only affect our work but also our well-being as professionals. As child<br />
support professionals, we often spend time educating ourselves about policies<br />
and best practices. However, we should not neglect taking care of ourselves. I
hope the CSQ helped remind you of the importance of creating a healthy worklife<br />
balance and prioritizing self-care.<br />
Our partnerships throughout the year have been a continuous pillar of support. I<br />
am grateful to leaders and members of the National Council of <strong>Child</strong> <strong>Support</strong><br />
Directors (NCCSD), the Eastern Regional Interstate <strong>Child</strong> <strong>Support</strong> Association<br />
(ERICSA), the Western Intergovernmental <strong>Child</strong> <strong>Support</strong> Engagement Council<br />
(WICSEC), the National Tribal <strong>Child</strong> <strong>Support</strong> Enforcement Association (NTCSA)<br />
and the federal Office of <strong>Child</strong> <strong>Support</strong> Enforcement (OCSE). Their collaboration<br />
and support have made this year one of exceptional Engagement.<br />
Thank you all for the honor of serving as your president. It has been a joyous<br />
experience that has been instrumental in both my personal and professional<br />
growth. I hope that I have provided the same level of support, commitment, and<br />
excitement that you all have provided me. Thank you to all the child support<br />
leaders for making this a year of true perseverance. I look forward to continuing<br />
this work with you all.<br />
Tanguler Gray, is the IV-D Director for the Georgia Department of Human Services Division of<br />
<strong>Child</strong> <strong>Support</strong> Services. During Director Gray’s 23 years in child support she has held<br />
leadership roles in accounting, fiscal operations, customer service, organizational<br />
effectiveness, field and state operations and executive management. She spearheaded the<br />
Rapid Process Improvement (RPI) Initiative; leading the Georgia program to capture the 2007<br />
Governor’s Award for Customer Service and the 2008 National <strong>Child</strong> <strong>Support</strong> Enforcement<br />
Association (NCSEA) Commissioner’s Award for High Performance. Prior to serving as<br />
NCSEA President, Tanguler served as secretary and president-elect of the orgranizaion, and<br />
has been a member of the Board of Directors since 2014. She is a graduate of Valdosta State<br />
University.<br />
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Executive Director’s Message <strong>August</strong> <strong>2020</strong><br />
by Ann Marie Ruskin<br />
This is a phrase heard numerous times already…but what a<br />
year this has been! I am proud to say that NCSEA has taken<br />
these uncertain times to offer many opportunities and new<br />
initiatives to our members, as well as emphasize the numerous<br />
resources and programs available through member benefits.<br />
NCSEA is proud to launch our new website and we encourage you to go to<br /> and take a look. It is a fresh, updated website, and we look<br />
forward to new additions and revisions in the coming weeks. Be sure to log<br />
into your NCSEA member profile and access the NCSEA Member Website,<br />
which is redesigned for better functionality and user experience.<br />
This is also an exciting time of year as we welcome new directors to our<br />
NCSEA Board of Directors. Congratulations to re-elected Board members<br />
Margot Bean (Deloitte Consulting, LLP), Robbie Endris (Conduent), and<br />
Hannah Roots (Hannah Roots Family Law), as well as newly elected Board<br />
members Laura Galindo (CSG Government Solutions), David Kilgore<br />
(California Department of <strong>Child</strong> <strong>Support</strong> Services), and Lewis Jackson<br />
(Wake County <strong>Child</strong> <strong>Support</strong> Services). The <strong>2020</strong>-2021 Board will be led by<br />
NCSEA Officers: President Lisa Skenandore (SMI); President-elect Lori<br />
Bengston (YoungWilliams); Treasurer Jim Fleming (North Dakota <strong>Child</strong><br />
<strong>Support</strong> Services); Secretary Erin Frisch (Michigan <strong>Child</strong> <strong>Support</strong>); and<br />
Immediate Past-President Tanguler Gray (Georgia Division of <strong>Child</strong><br />
<strong>Support</strong> Services). Incoming officers and board members will take office<br />
September 1, <strong>2020</strong>. We look forward to working with the NCSEA volunteer<br />
leadership in the program year ahead.<br />
I will certainly miss seeing all of you in Anaheim this summer, and I am very<br />
disappointed to miss the many events and activities of the now-canceled<br />
<strong>2020</strong> Leadership Symposium. In lieu of in-person education programs,<br />
NCSEA will be offering several virtual programs, titled “NCSEA Inspire,” on<br />
relevant and timely topics of interest to child support professionals. The<br />
programming will be held in October and registration will open September<br />
3 rd . In addition to the professional development programs, our Corporate<br />
Partners and private sector participants will bring you sessions featuring<br />
their products and services critical to the child support program.<br />
Information on all offerings will be emailed soon.<br />
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Community Corner<br />
Evolutionary Change: Marking a Milestone<br />
in <strong>Child</strong> <strong>Support</strong> Enforcement<br />
by Jim Fleming, North Dakota <strong>Child</strong> <strong>Support</strong> Division<br />
Evolutionary change has a way of sneaking up on you: it happens slowly,<br />
and you may not even notice the change until something prompts you to<br />
have an “aha” moment. For child support and NCSEA, April 21, <strong>2020</strong>, was<br />
one of those moments.<br />
The NCSEA Board of Directors adopted a resolution on April 21, <strong>2020</strong>,<br />
urging Congress to exclude any future COVID-19 related relief payments<br />
from offset for past-due child support until Congress determines that<br />
parents who owe past-due support have enough employment opportunities<br />
to be self-sufficient without a relief payment.<br />
Yup, the National <strong>Child</strong> <strong>Support</strong> ENFORCEMENT Association went on<br />
record in a specific circumstance against collecting money from a parent<br />
who owes child support arrears.<br />
The resolution explains how a lot of the money that would be offset would<br />
be applied to assigned arrears and not be paid to families, but there was<br />
also a deeper factor at work—the importance of self-sufficiency for parents<br />
who owe child support.<br />
For years, lots of the discussion at training conferences has focused on<br />
ways to establish and modify child support orders for appropriate amounts<br />
based on the parents’ ability to pay and on ways to enforce such orders<br />
that are consistent with notions of procedural justice. The changes to<br />
federal regulations that were adopted in 2016 are unmistakable
confirmation of the fact that right-sizing and procedural justice are concepts<br />
that are now embedded in delivery of child support services.<br />
Why the focus on the needs of the parent who owes support? It’s certainly<br />
not about downplaying the importance of child support for the family or<br />
condoning the arrearage. Consider the number 216 – that’s the number of<br />
months between the birth of a child and when the child reaches 18 years of<br />
age; thus, also the number of monthly payments a child support agency<br />
hopes to receive over the life of a case opened at birth. As the IV-D<br />
program enters the middle of our fifth decade and continues to look for<br />
ways to improve collection rates, we’ve learned that sustainability of<br />
collections is important. My former boss was known for throwing out<br />
colorful one-liners, and one of his favorites was “Don’t Shoot Your Milk<br />
Cow” – meaning an action taken today to meet an immediate need may be<br />
less beneficial over the long run. A one-time collection of a larger amount of<br />
money can impair future collections if it denies a parent the ability to pay<br />
rent or buy food or cover all of the other life expenses inherent in being<br />
self-sufficient.<br />
For Federal Fiscal Year 2019, 66.09% of current support was collected, 1<br />
which leaves lots more to collect, and so we cannot forget to continue to<br />
think of more creative and effective ways to find and take possession of<br />
money or assets owned by a parent who owes child support. However, we<br />
also need to recognize barriers to payment and find ways to motivate<br />
parents who owe child support to cooperate with our program and make<br />
reliable payments moving forward. A powerful way to do this is to connect<br />
parents who owe child support with employment programs specifically<br />
designed for parents in our caseload who may need to be nudged to<br />
participate in the program in order to comply with the support obligation.<br />
This nudge can be missing in voluntary services offered under other<br />
programs to unemployed individuals.<br />
Some will disagree with NCSEA’s resolution and that’s okay. There are<br />
some really good reasons that COVID-19 payments should be offset<br />
considering many parents owed arrears prior to the pandemic and many<br />
families needed child support more than ever during the pandemic. For<br />
many it probably makes a difference that the first round of COVID-19<br />
payments was subject to offset. I sure didn’t hate the extra millions paid to<br />
1<br />
Table P-39 of the OCSE Preliminary Data Report for 2019.
families in my state in the middle of the pandemic; we are in the collection<br />
business after all.<br />
Notions of ability to pay and procedural justice are not new to child support<br />
professionals. But in the course of evolving and improving the child support<br />
program for the families we serve, we can mark down April 21, <strong>2020</strong>, as a<br />
point in time when NCSEA looked at child support case management and<br />
went on record that the interests of self-sufficiency and sustained<br />
collections were such that a certain type of collection should be avoided—<br />
in this case, from a payment intended to protect public health by keeping<br />
people housed and able to meet other basic needs. Whether you agree or<br />
not in this particular case, such a thoughtful and balanced analysis of the<br />
situation of both parents will serve us well moving forward and shows how<br />
nuanced we have become as a program.<br />
James C. Fleming is the director of the <strong>Child</strong> <strong>Support</strong> Division of the North Dakota<br />
Department of Human Services, President of the National Council of <strong>Child</strong> <strong>Support</strong><br />
Directors (NCCSD), and Treasurer of the National <strong>Child</strong> <strong>Support</strong> Enforcement<br />
Association (NCSEA). Jim is a member and former co-chair of NCSEA’s Policy and<br />
Government Relations Committee and NCCSD’s Policy and Practice Committee, and a<br />
member of the editorial committee for the NCSEA <strong>Child</strong> <strong>Support</strong> <strong>CommuniQue</strong> (CSQ).<br />
A second-generation attorney, Jim earned his Bachelor of Arts degree from the<br />
University of North Dakota and his Juris Doctorate from Notre Dame Law School.<br />
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COVID-19 Response and<br />
Transition to Telework<br />
by Leslie Prichard, Contact Wireless<br />
It’s a strange new world as child support agencies, employees, and parents<br />
attempt to navigate and respond to COVID-19. When the virus descended<br />
upon us this past spring and states shut down offices and halted person-toperson<br />
contact, child support agencies were forced to send staff home and<br />
quickly figure out how to provide and maintain critical child support<br />
services. Thus, we witnessed an explosion of telework offices across the<br />
nation.<br />
In a coast-to-coast look at the response to the pandemic throughout the<br />
child support community, the NCSEA CSQ Editorial Staff has queried<br />
agency leaders in small and large offices to find out how they responded,<br />
what worked, and what the future holds for telework. The feedback<br />
obtained may be helpful to your office as you prepare and manage<br />
operations as the pandemic continues to impact services, employees, and<br />
parents.<br />
Our participants answered a<br />
series of questions and provide<br />
extremely useful information as<br />
to what is working for their staff<br />
and parents. And, most<br />
importantly, they have shared<br />
their lessons learned from this<br />
unusual experience and the<br />
transition to working from home.<br />
The participants’ responses are<br />
listed below followed by a brief<br />
summary of their answers. We want to thank each participant for taking the<br />
time to provide this useful information.
Greg Wilson<br />
Executive Director<br />
<strong>Child</strong> <strong>Support</strong> Directors Association of California<br />
(CSDA)<br />
Questions:<br />
1. Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, did your agency/office utilize<br />
telework staff? If so, in what capacity and percentage?<br />
Neither CSDA nor the local child support agencies used telework very<br />
frequently. A few local child support agencies (LCSA) used limited<br />
telework, but on a case-by-case basis for select classifications. Most<br />
of the child support infrastructure required employees to report to a<br />
physical location: call center, lobby reception, mail room, interview<br />
rooms, etc.<br />
2. What challenges did you face in transitioning to a telework<br />
staff?<br />
We were missing policies and equipment. First, we had to quickly<br />
develop policies that addressed work schedules, staff availability, and<br />
confidentiality. And then we had to get computers, monitors, and<br />
telephones to the employees’ homes. We also had to ensure the<br />
employees had a spot at home that was not only comfortable but<br />
somewhat secure and private. The equipment caused a few<br />
problems. Internet connections were inconsistent across employees<br />
and the connection to the physical office was not as fast as it should<br />
be. While working in a physical office, upload speeds are not critical.<br />
But when you are connecting from home the office’s limited upload<br />
speed really caused a slowdown in productivity.<br />
3. Were there any procedures in place for transitioning to telework<br />
prior to the pandemic?<br />
I had been thinking about remote work for some years so had a<br />
general idea of the policies and equipment needed. All our<br />
employees were using laptops and we had changed out the phones
to a Voice Over Internet Protocol (VoIP) system prior to the transition.<br />
So that made getting the computers and telephones to homes quite<br />
easy. Employees literally just packed them up and plugged in at<br />
home. We are set up now so we could work from anywhere in the<br />
world if we have an internet connection. We also transitioned from a<br />
traditional conference telephone system to the Zoom application<br />
before the transition, so we were able to keep running using video<br />
conferencing for meetings.<br />
4. What tools and/or policy did you find helpful for your staff as<br />
they worked from home?<br />
There are two: the upload speed for servers in the physical office and<br />
video conferencing. Before we upgraded the upload speed for the<br />
physical office servers, our work was really bogged down as all five of<br />
us logged in at the same time. The second was the video<br />
conferencing. Staff check in once daily in the morning which is a<br />
combination of catching up on each other’s lives and parsing out that<br />
days’ work. The daily connections have been valuable in maintaining<br />
a sense of teamwork and connection.<br />
5. Will telework staff continue in your office/agency after the<br />
pandemic?<br />
We are leaving the option in place for employees that wish to<br />
continue working remotely. It does not look like there is a clear end to<br />
the pandemic just yet, so it does not make sense to me to rush back<br />
into the office. We still must check on mail and do some paperwork<br />
filing, but nearly all the work can be done remotely. I think the only<br />
thing holding me back from moving to an all remote work environment<br />
is the office lease. If that were ending soon, I would likely not renew<br />
and just work remotely from there forward.<br />
6. Were there any benefits that arose from using a work-from-home<br />
staff that you were not expecting? Staff seem a bit happier and<br />
satisfied. They do not have morning and afternoon commutes and<br />
can have lunch with their families every day. There seems to be a bit
more focus on getting work done as well. The employees have told<br />
me they feel more productive and focused.<br />
Kaye Templeton<br />
Deputy Director<br />
Denver <strong>Child</strong> <strong>Support</strong> Services<br />
Questions:<br />
1. Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, did your agency/office utilize<br />
telework staff?<br />
No.<br />
2. What challenges did you face in transitioning to a telework<br />
staff?<br />
Ensuring that staff were provided with the proper technology<br />
necessary for work to continue to be completed while working from a<br />
remote location.<br />
3. Were there any procedures in place for transitioning to telework<br />
prior to the pandemic?<br />
Yes, the Division had developed a Continuity of Operations Plan to<br />
ensure work could be completed from home.<br />
4. What tools and/or policy did you find helpful for your staff as<br />
they worked from home?<br />
Laptops were previously issued to all staff within the Division. State<br />
and Federal guideline policy changed to allow for staff to engage with<br />
customers telephonically to conduct interviews and the need for “wet”<br />
signatures has been limited.
5. Will telework staff continue in your office/agency after the<br />
pandemic?<br />
Yes.<br />
6. Were there any benefits that arose from using a work-from-home<br />
staff that you were not expecting?<br />
Lower abandonment rates experienced in the Customer Call Center.<br />
Thoughtful development of virtual and electronic processes to<br />
complete legal documents and cases prepared for court.<br />
Troy Reiners<br />
Program Director<br />
Nebraska State Treasurer’s Office/SDU<br />
Questions:<br />
1. Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, did your agency/office utilize<br />
telework staff?<br />
No<br />
2. What challenges did you face in transitioning to a telework<br />
staff?<br />
Overcoming resistance of staff to accept the change in their work<br />
environment. Assisting staff to understand they still have all<br />
resources required for them to complete their daily work tasks.<br />
Convincing staff of the environmental changes required in order to<br />
optimize the new work environment i.e. no more printing of paper,<br />
utilizing scanning and emailing of documents, communication no<br />
longer in person but now over the phone, Skype, or even mobile text<br />
3. Were there any procedures in place for transitioning to telework<br />
prior to the pandemic?<br />
Yes<br />
4. What tools and/or policy did you find helpful for your staff as<br />
they worked from home?<br />
Our network, availability of hardware (Just prior to COVID-19 we had<br />
ordered all new monitors/workstations for all staff), existing<br />
information technology infrastructure i.e. readily available VPN<br />
connection capability and security policies to assist staff in<br />
recognizing the continued importance of security necessary in a<br />
remote environment.<br />
5. Will telework staff continue in your office/agency after the<br />
pandemic?<br />
Yes, upper management is likely to be more open to permanent<br />
remote work once we have worked our way completely through the<br />
COVID-19 situation. Plans for updating our existing business<br />
continuity guidelines are already in the works with the changes we<br />
will need to make given learned experiences during the COVID-19<br />
time period.<br />
6. Were there any benefits that arose from using a work-from-home<br />
staff that you were not expecting?<br />
We did not expect to see the degree of improvements on nearly all<br />
our workflows in addition to the rapid adoption of our staff to embrace<br />
the remote work environment. Our office established more new<br />
records during the remote work environment then during any other<br />
time in the history of our office. Improvements came with better call<br />
volumes split amongst staff, improved digital communications with<br />
our clients, reduction of workflow times, physical resource savings<br />
included not just cost of paper, materials, postage, but a significant<br />
savings in time needed; basically we realized massive efficiencies<br />
due to being thrown into a new work environment. This speaks highly<br />
of our team and their abilities to adapt, embrace, and see what<br />
improvements could be realized; which all brought about more<br />
satisfied staff.
Sean Gorman<br />
Assistant Deputy Director<br />
Indiana <strong>Child</strong> <strong>Support</strong> Bureau<br />
Questions:<br />
1. Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, did your agency/office utilize<br />
telework staff? If so, in what capacity and percentage?<br />
Prior to the pandemic, Indiana’s IV-D program staff utilized telework<br />
on a very limited basis. Indiana’s IV-D program is administered by the<br />
state’s <strong>Child</strong> <strong>Support</strong> Bureau (CSB), with most case management<br />
duties handled by county prosecutors in each of Indiana’s 92<br />
counties, operating under cooperative agreements. Prior to March<br />
<strong>2020</strong>, approximately 10% of CSB staff worked remotely – those<br />
remote working positions were almost exclusively represented by<br />
CSB’s staff assigned to assist county offices on a regional basis<br />
throughout the state.<br />
2. What challenges did you face in transitioning to a telework<br />
staff?<br />
Indiana’s IV-D agency experienced the same challenges that many<br />
organizations likely encountered who were able to transition to<br />
telework. There were logistical concerns, such as how to continue<br />
mailroom operations, how to print or receive hardcopy documents<br />
remotely, and the relative speed of the transition process. And for<br />
physical storage of documents containing sensitive information, CSB<br />
needed to evaluate how staff would be able to maintain those hard<br />
copy documents remotely.<br />
There were equipment challenges, as many workers had desktop<br />
computers and external monitors that were inconvenient to physically
move from the office to remote locations, lacked<br />
headphones/microphones, or had limited internet access at home.<br />
Finally, there were the personal challenges that many faced with the<br />
stress of the unknown course and risks of the pandemic, children<br />
home full time with schools and day-cares closed, and the adaptation<br />
to a home work environment with new distractions and the<br />
adjustment to the lack of physical proximity to coworkers and social<br />
isolation.<br />
3. Were there any procedures in place for transitioning to telework<br />
prior to the pandemic?<br />
CSB had in place, prior to the pandemic, broadly defined contingency<br />
plans that did not envision circumstances where a nearly complete<br />
transition to telework operations would be necessary for any duration.<br />
4. What tools and/or policy did you find helpful for your staff as<br />
they worked from home?<br />
CSB had begun piloting the use of Microsoft Teams for remote<br />
meetings and limited file sharing prior to the pandemic. This early<br />
experience helped prepare it for use agency wide after workers<br />
began teleworking full-time. Indiana implemented statewide policy for<br />
state government workers to provide flexibility for those who were<br />
burdened with personal responsibilities as a result of the pandemic<br />
that interfered with the ability to work the same schedule or number of<br />
hours.<br />
Increased flexibility for staff during the transition combined with a full<br />
embrace of the use of video meeting applications has kept staff in<br />
constant contact with management and coworkers and helped to<br />
keep everybody engaged in continuing to operate the child support<br />
program with no disruption.<br />
5. Will telework staff continue in your office/agency after the<br />
pandemic?<br />
Yes, indefinitely. Through the pandemic and going forward, CSB has<br />
a handful of positions that continue to work primarily at the main<br />
office to coordinate administrative tasks and to process and scan
incoming correspondence. Staff at the office have access to agency<br />
provided personal protective equipment (PPE), hand sanitizer, and<br />
are able to practice social distancing, especially now that 95% of the<br />
agency staff is exclusively working remotely.<br />
6. Were there any benefits that arose from using a work-from-home<br />
staff that you were not expecting?<br />
With only a few exceptions, staff report that they prefer the<br />
opportunity to continue working from home. Staff are saving money<br />
on transportation costs and enjoy greater flexibility in meeting work<br />
obligations while scheduling around family/home obligations. The<br />
forced transition to work from home provided an opportunity for the<br />
agency to engage staff in an evaluation of pre Covid-19 work<br />
process, interim processes, and how work should proceed going<br />
forward. CSB gained a greater understanding of new opportunities<br />
for improved work processes because of this.<br />
There are also some practical, cost-savings benefits that are<br />
becoming apparent: Remote workers are printing far fewer<br />
documents – Staff do not have agency issued personal printers and<br />
for the most part have adapted to working exclusively with electronic<br />
documents.<br />
Daniel Elsass<br />
Project Coordinator<br />
Allegheny County Family Division<br />
Questions:<br />
1. Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, did your agency/office utilize<br />
telework staff? If so, in what capacity and percentage?<br />
Prior to the pandemic we did not utilize telework staff.
2. What challenges did you face in transitioning to a telework<br />
staff?<br />
We faced challenges in obtaining the necessary equipment,<br />
identifying the essential staff to move processes forward remotely.<br />
3. Were there any procedures in place for transitioning to telework<br />
prior to the pandemic?<br />
There were not any procedures in place prior to the pandemic. All of<br />
our current telework procedures were a product of the pandemic and<br />
the closure at the state level, which enabled us to pivot to telework.<br />
4. What tools and/or policy did you find helpful for your staff as<br />
they worked from home?<br />
As we moved to working from home, we found the use of smart<br />
phones, tablets, and laptops (hardware) became very important and<br />
discovered which pieces of hardware worked better than others for<br />
the different job functions within the court. We have utilized the<br />
Microsoft Teams platform consistently for remote meetings,<br />
document collaboration, file sharing and storage for those working<br />
remotely as the platform can be accessed on any piece of hardware<br />
available to our staff.<br />
5. Will telework staff continue in your office/agency after the<br />
pandemic?<br />
This is a question of continued discussion within our organization.<br />
There may be some jobs, or job functions that can continue to be<br />
handled from home after the pandemic through telework and remote<br />
access, though whether we will continue to utilize telework after the<br />
pandemic is a question of how our organization is changed by the<br />
pandemic.<br />
6. Were there any benefits that arose from using a work-from-home<br />
staff that you were not expecting?<br />
The introduction of new technologies to the courts was one of the<br />
unexpected benefits from the work-from-home model. The pandemic<br />
and the need for remote access opened us instantly to new<br />
technologies that we otherwise may have passed up without
consideration. Our staff has been keen to learn and innovate with the<br />
new models we are utilizing for remote work in order to continue to<br />
provide necessary services to our clients.<br />
Conclusion<br />
The participants’ responses have provided a valuable overview of office<br />
procedures, helpful tools and policy, and a glimpse into what the future may<br />
look like for child support offices.<br />
It is apparent from the responses that the move to telework, while initially<br />
challenging logistically, proved to be a positive experience overall with<br />
increased staff productivity<br />
and morale. As your office<br />
and staff continue to adapt to<br />
the new world of COVID-19<br />
through telework, we hope<br />
that this glimpse into what is<br />
working for other child<br />
support offices across the<br />
nation may be helpful to you in considering tools, policy and resources to<br />
make your transition smoother, more effective and result in a positive<br />
impact for your staff and parents.<br />
_________________________________________<br />
It is apparent from the responses that the<br />
move to telework, while initially<br />
challenging logistically, proved to be a<br />
positive experience overall with increased<br />
staff productivity and morale.<br />
Greg Wilson is the Executive Director of the <strong>Child</strong> <strong>Support</strong> Directors Association,<br />
serving the more than 6,500 employees of California’s Local <strong>Child</strong> <strong>Support</strong> Agencies.<br />
He has been a member of NCSEA for two years and currently serves on the Legislative<br />
Education Subcommittee. His areas of expertise are in association management,<br />
advocacy/lobbying, public administration and finance.<br />
Kaye Templeton has 18 years of experience in the <strong>Child</strong> <strong>Support</strong> Services<br />
program. Her main focus has been customer outreach and education through the<br />
development of relationships with community partners and other stakeholders to build<br />
supportive Parenthood programs.<br />
Troy Reiners has been the Director of the Nebraska <strong>Child</strong> <strong>Support</strong> Payment Center<br />
(NCSPC) for 16 years. Troy appeared in Visa’s Currency of Progress campaign<br />
highlighting Visa’s partnering with governments. He has 31 years of management<br />
experience working for the NCSPC; in retail management as store manager, division
manager & special projects manager and eight years served in the Nebraska Army<br />
National Guard.<br />
Sean Gorman leads the Indiana <strong>Child</strong> <strong>Support</strong> Bureau’s Program <strong>Support</strong> Unit, which<br />
is responsible for policy analysis and development, ensuring Indiana’s compliance with<br />
federal mandates, supporting business initiatives, conducting outreach activities, and<br />
coordinating federal Data Reliability Audits and Self-Assessment activities.<br />
Daniel Elsass has worked for the Allegheny County Family Division since 2008. He is<br />
currently the Project Coordinator, serving since 2018. Daniel has a Bachelor of Science<br />
in Public Administration from Point Park University, and holds memberships to the<br />
Domestic Relations Association of Pennsylvania (DRAP), Eastern Regional Interstate<br />
<strong>Child</strong> <strong>Support</strong> Association (ERICSA), National <strong>Child</strong> <strong>Support</strong> Enforcement Association<br />
(NCSEA).<br />
Print article here<br />
To Offset or Not to Offset:<br />
That is Not the Only Question<br />
by Erin Frisch, Michigan <strong>Child</strong> <strong>Support</strong> &<br />
Kate Cooper Richardson, Oregon <strong>Child</strong> <strong>Support</strong> Program<br />
As IV-D programs around the country wrestled with policy and practice<br />
around the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES)<br />
Economic Impact Payments—the so-called stimulus payments—many of<br />
us found ourselves trying to balance the immediate needs of families with<br />
our traditional role of enforcing collections. While the crisis demanded an<br />
immediate response for both the families we serve and our own programs,<br />
we also felt the pull to think more deeply about our evolving values around<br />
supporting both parents for the well-being of children.<br />
Many states have worked hard over the last ten years to set orders that are<br />
manageable and based on ability to pay. We don’t get it 100% right, but in<br />
more and more cases, we no longer see the old-school orders figured on<br />
what it costs to raise a child regardless of means. If a parent doesn’t pay all<br />
or some support when an order is based on ability to pay, it’s not because<br />
we did a bad job setting an order—the parent has done a bad job following<br />
the order. It is our responsibility to get reliable, consistent financial support<br />
for children—when a parent doesn’t pay regularly, we must not lose sight of<br />
our purpose by shying away from using the tools available to us.<br />
Setting payable orders is only the start, however. Things change. Once an<br />
order is in place, we’re usually not nimble enough to respond to rapidly<br />
shifting family circumstances. The system we operate within hasn’t caught<br />
up to our recognition that payers and recipients of child support need us to<br />
consider their entire economic situation for the good of their children. When
there is economic hardship—and there is a lot of it—our program still<br />
doesn’t serve families well. How do we balance our core responsibility to<br />
collect child support without driving a family further into poverty? When<br />
Congress decided that the stimulus payments would be subject to offset for<br />
past-due child support, and to use the federal tax offset program to execute<br />
the policy, that question became fundamental.<br />
Many states initially reacted to the CARES Act by trying to figure out how<br />
not to intercept stimulus payments. The federal tax offset program was<br />
created to first “pay back” state and federal government for expenditures<br />
from the Title IV-A (cash assistance) program, to recoup public assistance<br />
costs. That means intercepted funds go first to government arrears, not to<br />
family arrears. It quickly became clear after the rushed passage of the<br />
CARES Act that those in Congress who intentionally required intercepting<br />
past-due child support from the stimulus payments didn’t understand that<br />
most states’ collections through the federal tax offset enforcement tool<br />
don’t end up in the hands of families on either side. In addition, the difficulty<br />
in working with IRS dictates made wading through the required processes<br />
daunting. Many of us believed significant effort to recoup public assistance<br />
costs was not the goal of the stimulus payment and was the wrong thing to<br />
do during a crisis, especially one so unpredictable.<br />
The federal tax offset program is<br />
complicated and much of it is out of our<br />
control. While many states would have<br />
liked to find a more nuanced way of<br />
distributing stimulus payments, the fact<br />
is there are not many options available<br />
The federal tax offset program<br />
is complicated and much of it<br />
is out of our control.<br />
to us. A few states managed to make some distribution changes<br />
depending on the flexibility of their automated systems, state laws and<br />
rules, tolerance for risk, and the policy support (or pressure) of their elected<br />
state leadership. That’s not enough. Overall changes in the federal offset<br />
program itself are needed that better reflect the balanced approach child<br />
support programs are attempting to take. Without changes, there are very<br />
practical reasons to avoid intercepting stimulus payments at all.<br />
As an income transfer program, we strive for balance in our guidelines<br />
calculations and setting of orders. Fairness is important, and equity should<br />
always be a consideration. Because a stimulus payment was extended to<br />
every person (plus children in the home), there isn’t inequity between
families of payers and recipients--the financial equation remains balanced.<br />
In other words, without an offset, relatively speaking, neither parent is<br />
worse off nor better off than before the stimulus payments hit their<br />
respective bank accounts. The parent with the children in the home<br />
receives more than the parent without children in the home, also consistent<br />
with a balanced equation. That’s not to say that the overall equation is<br />
balanced—because, indeed, it is not if arrears are owed—and that is a<br />
solid basis of the argument for offset. But in this unique circumstance, with<br />
a one-time payment across the board to all citizens, it is neutral. It’s fair at<br />
the micro-level (each person receives a payment) and does not affect the<br />
macro-level (the case balance is status quo).<br />
There are practical drawbacks to offsetting the stimulus payments—and<br />
those drawbacks can extend to<br />
regular federal tax offsets as well.<br />
There’s been significant<br />
administrative expense, delay, and<br />
disruption caused by the offset<br />
process of stimulus payments,<br />
especially when the offset process<br />
deviates from the standard tax<br />
offset process. In addition, public<br />
confusion and angst (on all sides of<br />
Our program resources are a zero-sum<br />
game, which means that right now<br />
significant resources are being drawn<br />
away from our regular work to focus on<br />
this matter for many weeks. That in turn<br />
means that other cases, activities, and<br />
actions suffer, which ultimately has a<br />
negative impact on families.<br />
the equation) divert attention and time of child support staff to calls, emails,<br />
and inquiries that are not easy conversations, even with parents who will be<br />
receiving the offset funds. Our program resources are a zero-sum game,<br />
which means that right now significant resources are being drawn away<br />
from our regular work to focus on this matter for many weeks. That in turn<br />
means that other cases, activities, and actions suffer, which ultimately has<br />
a negative impact on families. It’s tangible across our programs right now—<br />
while there are some gains against arrears, there also are losses<br />
elsewhere in establishment, modification, and enforcement because we<br />
cannot get to those pressing matters as quickly.<br />
The child support program struggles with its public perception, and<br />
Congress’ choice that the stimulus payments be offset only for child<br />
support thrust our program alone to the front of the stage with a bright<br />
spotlight on us—but without us knowing our lines in the play, if you will. The<br />
stimulus payment is a unique, one-time event in a time of deep national
crisis and anxiety—and our bureaucratic program is now smack in the<br />
middle of it for many citizens. Our reputation is taking a beating, and this<br />
experience may damage some of the good work we’ve done on that front.<br />
We haven’t been able to be clear and forthright with customers because we<br />
haven’t known (and still don’t completely know) how it all works. We can’t<br />
be swift for a great number of reasons (including that we haven’t yet<br />
received all the offset funds, although our customers are strongly<br />
convinced otherwise since many of them have received notices of offset<br />
from the U.S. Treasury). The perceived obstructionism on our part irritates<br />
everyone—paying parents, parents who’ll receive support, and injured<br />
spouses. These practical problems were foreseeable and undermine the<br />
policy goal of quickly getting money to families and into the economy.<br />
All our social service systems,<br />
including the child support program,<br />
are not separate or objective. They<br />
have been constructed by humans<br />
with intent and bias. In this instance,<br />
while it might seem that the tax offset<br />
program is complex and diffused “just<br />
because,” it was designed a long time<br />
ago for policy goals that are no longer<br />
as relevant. We know there is more to<br />
our program than just collections, yet the tools available to us and our<br />
incentivized goals leave little room for meaningful policy change. We must<br />
advocate for changes to the tax offset program that better align with our<br />
values as a child support program.<br />
At a minimum, we need a way to identify the receipts coming to us from the<br />
IRS, especially “special payments.” Doing so would give state programs<br />
some ability to control our policies around distribution to account for things<br />
like economic hardship or extenuating circumstances. Another suggestion:<br />
allow states to determine which cases are submitted for offset. As we move<br />
toward tailoring case management activities to the specific needs of<br />
families, we need to build the flexibility into our regulations. These changes<br />
would also allow us the ability to avoid intercepting funds that were<br />
intended for children in the first place.<br />
As we think about the needs of families both paying and receiving child<br />
support—including how best to serve them responsively, especially low-
income families—we see other program changes that could help us live our<br />
values. Basing intercepts on income (similar to how the stimulus payments<br />
were paid out) is one way. If income of the debtor is less than a certain<br />
amount, we would not be allowed to intercept for child support. We also<br />
need a legal distribution option to pay family-owed debt before state-owed<br />
debt when it’s clear the goal is to use this program for more than<br />
recoupment of public assistance. Finally, requiring states to have hardship<br />
policies and procedures (that actually work) would allow us to make<br />
determinations quickly when it’s not the right thing to collect through offset.<br />
Sound policy poorly executed doesn’t achieve its purpose—witness the<br />
stimulus payment. Outdated policy perpetually executed doesn’t move our<br />
society forward—witness the federal tax offset program. We assert that<br />
who we say we want to be and who we are don’t line up yet—to get there<br />
we are going to have to really change our programs and policies around<br />
our systems of enforcement, including this one. Sign us up.<br />
_________________________________________<br />
Erin Frisch became the Title IV-D Director for Michigan and Director of the Michigan<br />
Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) Office of <strong>Child</strong> <strong>Support</strong> (OCS) in<br />
2012. Erin served for a year as Senior Chief Deputy for Opportunity at MDHHS where<br />
she oversaw the children’s services agency, the Bureau of Community Services, and<br />
the Economic Stability Administration where she focused on integration between public<br />
assistance programs and health, community services, child support and child welfare to<br />
reduce poverty for Michiganders. Erin is a former President of the National Council of<br />
<strong>Child</strong> <strong>Support</strong> Directors and serves on the Board of Directors for NCSEA.<br />
Kate Cooper Richardson is the administrator of the Oregon Department of Justice<br />
Division of <strong>Child</strong> <strong>Support</strong> and the director of the Oregon <strong>Child</strong> <strong>Support</strong> Program,<br />
Oregon’s federal Title IV-D program. Kate joined the Program in 2010,and was<br />
appointed by Attorney General Ellen Rosenblum in January 2013 as director. A<br />
graduate of Willamette University School of Law, her public service career spans work<br />
in all three branches of state government, including eight years as Chief of Staff to the<br />
Oregon State Treasurer. Kate is an NCSEA board member and has served as co-chair<br />
of the Policy & Government Relations Committee, and an active member of NCCSD.<br />
Print article here
Insights from the Private Sector:<br />
Pandemic Lessons and the New Normal<br />
by Scott Cade, Vice President and Managing Director<br />
of <strong>Child</strong> <strong>Support</strong>, Conduent<br />
It is the summer of <strong>2020</strong> and we are in the middle of a global pandemic.<br />
This pandemic has touched all of us both personally and professionally,<br />
and the road ahead remains uncertain. The spread of COVID-19 has not<br />
only changed how we live our lives and conduct our business but has<br />
vividly reminded us that none of us are an island and our choices impact<br />
others.<br />
Conduent is an industry leading child support provider, delivering mission<br />
critical services and solutions on behalf of our state child support<br />
customers. Our goal is to create exceptional outcomes for our clients and<br />
the millions of children and families who count on them—and while the<br />
pandemic cannot change that goal, it certainly has changed how we work<br />
to achieve it. In early March, state and county child support programs<br />
began to close offices, including courts, to fight COVID-19’s spread. As a<br />
State Disbursement Unit (SDU) and system maintenance provider to states<br />
coast to coast, we too were challenged by the health and safety risks that<br />
drove government decisions to close offices and send workers home.<br />
Because uninterrupted child support payment processing was defined as<br />
an essential service, we worked with our state customers to devise staffing<br />
plans that supported daily payment processing throughout the pandemic.<br />
Our company implemented new health and safety policies consistent with<br />
CDC recommendations and state-specific guidelines and enhanced certain<br />
employee benefits related to the pandemic. Keeping our workers and<br />
workplaces safe was fundamental to our ability to support our state<br />
customers and their constituents.<br />
As March turned to April, the economic impacts of the pandemic took hold<br />
and unemployment filings soared to historic levels. With 75% of all child<br />
support paid by income withholding, widespread job loss led directly to
lower child support payment volumes in April. Stimulus payment and<br />
Unemployment Benefit intercepts were collected towards arrears. With<br />
offices closed, loss of income, reduced payments and now intercepts,<br />
families served through the child support program sought answers through<br />
any available customer service channel. At times, this stressed the<br />
customer support model implemented to augment socially-distanced work<br />
environments with work-from-home resources.<br />
May and June brought realization that this pandemic was not going away<br />
anytime soon. Solutions designed to address short-term interruption had to<br />
be re-evaluated. Staff who covered assignments for colleagues unable to<br />
work due to health or child care issues were exhausted. Many vacation<br />
plans were canceled due to travel or social gathering restrictions. Under<br />
these circumstances, empathy was critical to our continued ability to deliver<br />
for our customers.<br />
I have worked in the child support program for almost twenty years. In that<br />
time, I have served as a State IV-D Director, President of the National <strong>Child</strong><br />
<strong>Support</strong> Enforcement Association (NCSEA), and the leader of Conduent’s<br />
child support business. In each of those roles I initiated and experienced<br />
change. As I reflect on those experiences, consider the events and lessons<br />
of the last several months, and look ahead to the future, I’m reminded that:<br />
• <strong>Child</strong> support professionals are resilient and committed to the<br />
program’s mission of serving children and families. Every payment<br />
received at a Conduent SDU during this pandemic has been<br />
processed on time, so families facing other potential uncertainties did<br />
not have to worry about their child support payment being delayed.<br />
• Electronics are more sustainable. Digital interactions, whether<br />
payments, correspondence or notifications, continue uninterrupted<br />
when mailrooms and print shops are impacted by closures. Digital<br />
interactions can also be exchanged faster, more reliably, and at<br />
lesser expense.<br />
• Clear, consistent and continuous communications are a critical<br />
aspect of leadership. During the pandemic, effective communications<br />
have been key to implementing new policies, successfully<br />
transitioning large numbers of employees to work from home and<br />
maintaining awareness of dynamic issues.
As state and county child support programs across the country start<br />
contemplating their post-COVID reality, I recommend considering:<br />
• “Necessity is the mother of invention.” Acknowledge and embrace the<br />
fact that the pre-COVID way of delivering services will change. For<br />
example, due to restrictions on large gatherings and the transition of<br />
many staff to work from home, consider the exclusive adoption of<br />
online training.<br />
• Re-focus on the “why” not the “how.” Focusing on performance<br />
achievement rather than process compliance can result in good<br />
conversations and potentially creative solutions—we’ve already seen<br />
it happen.<br />
• Lead with empathy. Change can be hard. Time and again, child<br />
support professionals in state and county offices have embraced<br />
change through new policies, practices, and technology. This time,<br />
however, empathy will be especially important as each of us brings<br />
our own COVID thoughts and experiences to the question of change.<br />
How the pandemic will impact our lives in the days and months ahead may<br />
be unclear, but it’s clear that our approach to work in the future won’t look<br />
exactly like the past. Some decisions may be temporary, others permanent,<br />
but all will be informed by our experiences during this pandemic period.<br />
Scott Cade is currently Vice President and Managing Director of <strong>Child</strong> <strong>Support</strong> at<br />
Conduent, former New York State IV-D Director, Past President and Honorary Lifetime<br />
Member of NCSEA, and Kathy Duggan Memorial Award recipient. Conduent is<br />
NCSEA’s Platinum Partner.<br />
Print article here<br />
NCSEA On Location features a variety of<br />
podcasts on relevant topics for child support<br />
professionals. Listen to thought-leaders in<br />
human services discuss important issues with<br />
our NCSEA hosts.
Insights from the Private Sector:<br />
Pulling Together as Partners,<br />
Professionals, and Peers<br />
by Laura Rosenak, Senior Vice President<br />
Maximus Health and Human Services<br />
In an environment where circumstances are changing rapidly and<br />
unemployment has skyrocketed, the need to provide holistic services for<br />
parents and children continues to be a critical service for all child support<br />
professionals. We, as a nation, remain in a crisis mode as a result of the<br />
COVID-19 pandemic. For individuals who are owed or owe support, that<br />
crisis has had a very real impact—whether the result of layoffs or lost<br />
income—on their financial and emotional circumstances.<br />
As a company, we’ve compiled numerous insights on what we’ve learned<br />
about the landscape of child support during a pandemic.<br />
• We realized that the need to continue services in unique ways is<br />
key to providing help, leveraging all available technologies and<br />
resources. From HIPAA-compliant Zoom hearings and meetings<br />
via video to informational text and email campaigns, staying in<br />
regular communication with those we serve to keep them informed<br />
about what to expect and when is what matters most. The<br />
insecurity of not knowing if a stipend will be offset, not knowing<br />
whether unemployment benefits will be offset, not knowing when<br />
hearings will be scheduled or orders entered as court and office<br />
closures impact all facets of the program, in turn deeply impacts<br />
those we serve. And across the nation, every program and vendor<br />
has responded to that need through the introduction of flexible<br />
solutions and methods, providing much needed information in the<br />
ways our customers both prefer and expect.<br />
• We know that right-sizing orders swiftly to help to minimize<br />
disruption of payments is necessary. Swift enhancements to digital<br />
capabilities to address that need in a secure environment enables<br />
individuals to submit critical information without the need to come
into the office or mail documents. Providing critical updates on the<br />
progress of a review and expediting outcomes is key to supporting<br />
the ability of both parties to know and understand what obligations<br />
will be in place for the family.<br />
• Our number one priority remains ensuring the health and wellbeing<br />
of our teams and those we serve. From office closures to<br />
controlled access to maintain operations (like having staff onsite to<br />
process mail), we’ve followed the Center for Disease Control and<br />
Prevention (CDC) guidelines, provided enhanced salary protection<br />
plans to support COVID-related circumstances, and worked in<br />
partnership with our clients to ensure the safety of not only our<br />
own teams, but our customers as well. As we work to reopen sites<br />
in various phases aligned with the states where we operate, we<br />
continue to put the safety of our teams at the forefront of the<br />
actions we take. From social distancing to the use of masks,<br />
gloves, decontamination cleaning efforts, enhanced cleaning<br />
protocols, glass and plexiglass partitions, and more, the need to<br />
work together as a society to help curb the continuation of the<br />
pandemic is key to our operations and our core philosophy as a<br />
company.<br />
Partnership continues to be the cornerstone of recovery. Together, as child<br />
support professionals, we must partner to provide the best service possible<br />
to those in need. The need to understand our program and the policies<br />
surrounding child support is morphing into a need to understand what<br />
programs are available to the families we serve to help with housing, child<br />
care, financial needs, and more. To that end, we’ve broadened our rapport<br />
with local services to include food banks, clothing, and ministry services, as<br />
well as many other partnerships. While multi-generational programs have<br />
been in place for years at most of our offices, expanding those initiatives to<br />
focus on the core family and their needs in this unprecedented landscape<br />
has become a major focus for our teams. Finding new resources,<br />
leveraging existing partners, and establishing firmer and wider networks to<br />
help families today, in this environment, is our mission. We know that<br />
finding resources to assist families has made a great impact over the years.<br />
And now, more than ever, those relationships are needed to simply help
the children and parents we serve find that emotional and financial security<br />
they need.<br />
Our world has changed—both at a macro and micro level. Civil unrest,<br />
financial instability, and uncertainty about the future demand that we pull<br />
together as partners, professionals, and peers to provide the best level of<br />
support to those most in need. It’s what we do, it’s what we’ve done, and<br />
now, more than ever, it’s what we must continue to do.<br />
Laura Rosenak has more than 25 years of direct experience managing health and<br />
human services operations and provides executive oversight for the Maximus North<br />
America child support practice, including full-service outsourced operations, new hire<br />
reporting, voluntary paternity acknowledgment programs, national medical support<br />
notice (NMSN) processing, financial institution data matching (FIDM), call center and<br />
contact center contracts, and specialized services projects. Maximus is NCSEA’s Gold<br />
Partner.<br />
Print article here
by Karen Hebert, New Hampshire Bureau of <strong>Child</strong><br />
<strong>Support</strong> Services<br />
What became apparent to directors, like so many around<br />
the world, was knowing no one is alone in this crisis. This is a powerful<br />
realization, igniting strength and a sense of greater control, as people all<br />
over the world are fighting a single threat, and for the most part trying to do<br />
it together.<br />
At Center Stage<br />
In the strong child support community, IV-D directors have always played<br />
an important leadership role in the success of the program. How they fare<br />
as leaders, and are later judged, is determined by their skills, adaptability,<br />
and characteristics to lead, particularly in times of emergent crisis or<br />
extraordinary unplanned change.<br />
The current situation lends itself to a<br />
metaphor. Literature and filmmaking (and<br />
even politics) have gifted us with<br />
character types that nearly always include<br />
a protagonist—often the hero. By design,<br />
there is also an antagonist or “foil” whose<br />
role is to emphasize the characteristics of<br />
the protagonist. Tybalt in Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet is a marvelous<br />
example of a foil character, as is Lord Voldemort to Harry Potter.<br />
Not unlike infamous foils, COVID-19 has played a tremendous antagonist<br />
role that has accentuated the leadership qualities and abilities of IV-D<br />
directors. Who knew that something unseen by the eye alone could be<br />
such a powerful catalyst for leading? If there is any positive from this<br />
experience for directors, this may be it.<br />
Blue Skies<br />
“Even though we’ve got a fight<br />
ahead of us, we’ve got one<br />
thing that Voldemort doesn’t<br />
have….something worth<br />
fighting for.”<br />
- Harry Potter<br />
In early <strong>2020</strong>, state child support directors were making great progress in<br />
taking the child support program to new levels, envisioning their “blue sky.”<br />
Progress was being made in system modernization, new service delivery<br />
models, and public relations. Directors were engaged in policy issues
elated to business, such as child support incentives, employer relations,<br />
and intergovernmental cooperation.<br />
Suddenly that stopped. What had seemed like a problem for those on the<br />
other side of the world almost instantly became a complete global crisis,<br />
like a surreal sequel to the 1995 medical disaster film, Outbreak. No one<br />
ever could have predicted what was about to happen. Directors faced one<br />
of the most extraordinary events of their time as leaders.<br />
Coordinating in Chaos<br />
Typically, organizational leaders strategize<br />
long-term plans, evaluated annually. To<br />
coordinate in the emergent chaos, directors<br />
were forced to immediately resynchronize in<br />
24-hour periods—not an easy task.<br />
Continuity of operations, particularly<br />
maintaining mission-essential functions,<br />
was, well, essential. The landscape<br />
changed, sometimes even hourly, as<br />
“…in chaotic, there is no<br />
apparent relationship<br />
between cause and effect,<br />
requiring near-constant<br />
coordination.”<br />
- Ret. U.S. Army<br />
General Stanley<br />
McCrystal (2016)<br />
agencies deployed emergency operations centers, incident management<br />
teams, and continuity of operations plans. Governmental agencies have<br />
never changed the business environment and methods so quickly. Leaders<br />
turned to technology and support from IT departments to deploy as many<br />
staff members as possible with cobbled-together equipment to work from<br />
home. For staff who could not telework, office workspaces were<br />
transformed with hand-washing stations, 6-foot taped intervals on the floor,<br />
and shuttered conference rooms. These remarkable exercises took only<br />
days to implement and complete, challenging directors’ decision-making<br />
abilities.<br />
Catching their breath, directors turned to the status of partners and<br />
stakeholders, such as the courts. How was the pandemic impacting them?<br />
What did that mean for child support services? Each state was<br />
experiencing unfolding challenges to the delivery of services in the chaotic<br />
environment. With profound needs from staff and customers at stake, this<br />
was a time to lead. This was a time to show what leadership in public<br />
service is all about.
Testing Strength and Agility<br />
Leaders have leadership behavior choices during a crisis. Being a leader<br />
means, at any time yet amplified by crisis, having to shift quickly among<br />
several leadership styles, which is extremely difficult when information in a<br />
chaotic environment changes at light speed. Managing crisis also means<br />
remaining influential and being less averse to risk. Strategies and decisions<br />
forged in the fire of a crisis can generate innovation, which inherently<br />
requires risk, strong focus, and unity throughout an organization, and<br />
throughout that organization’s entire community.<br />
Before the pandemic, directors already felt relatively stressed—it comes<br />
with the job. The COVID-19 pandemic presented IV-D directors with<br />
challenges never before part of daily life in the child support community.<br />
Directors have rapidly revised policies, created new business processes,<br />
mitigated risk to virus exposure, suspended services, developed internal<br />
and external communication plans, and sought technological solutions—all<br />
while trying to ensure service delivery didn’t suffer. Some staff and their<br />
family members experienced personal challenges including loss of income,<br />
loss of childcare, illness, vulnerability, and even death. Directors have<br />
needed to be strong for them. There were days when directors felt they just<br />
didn’t have the strength and their own stress levels were bulging at the<br />
seams. Emotional intelligence was in constant flex. Directors could only<br />
hope they didn’t get sick themselves—and some have. Each director has<br />
his or her own story to tell. How they managed all of this is where we find<br />
strength and agility.<br />
The incapacity to carry out<br />
mission-essential functions is<br />
a tragedy itself, pouring salt<br />
on the wounds that families<br />
are already suffering from.<br />
With little or no data in some areas, states are<br />
challenged to truly understand the pandemic’s<br />
effects on collections, service delivery,<br />
productivity, and funding sources. Antiquated<br />
tools and technology in many states prevent<br />
states from conducting certain program<br />
functions, reporting performance accurately, or meeting federal and state<br />
legal requirements. Some states have experienced reductions in staff or an<br />
inability to operate in alternative locations. The incapacity to carry out<br />
mission-essential functions is a tragedy itself, pouring salt on the wounds<br />
that families are already suffering from.
As if the internal chaos wasn’t enough for directors, inflammatory stories<br />
appeared in the media in which opponents of child support called for the<br />
prohibition of key services, such as income withholding, which would only<br />
jeopardize families. Meanwhile, the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic<br />
Security Act (CARES) Act created new challenges for directors who worked<br />
hard to make the relief fair and effective for families, while waiting for<br />
federal guidance that stalled in a new extended clearance process,<br />
exacerbating the situation. Congressional activities led to questions and<br />
positioning from governors and state legislators, to which directors needed<br />
to respond and assist. For some directors, working with their governors or<br />
legislators was a first-time experience, accompanied by spotlights, media<br />
and added pressure. To add to the already-overflowing platter of<br />
challenges, directors were facing significant budgetary concerns to support<br />
the program when federal financial rates changed, which will unfavorably<br />
affect some states. Directors also sought timely relief from federal legal<br />
requirements, effective during a state’s emergency declaration. Federal<br />
guidance was received at the end of May and directors continue to work<br />
with federal partners to interpret and understand from which requirements<br />
states can and cannot seek relief.<br />
The pandemic then collided with a public uprising in response to events<br />
that highlighted the vast inequities in race and class across the country.<br />
While equity is not a new subject for the child support program, tragedy<br />
brought opportunity to view service delivery methods, policy, and data<br />
collection through an equitable lens.<br />
Forging Ahead Together<br />
Culture among child support directors is that of one community, united,<br />
which began several years ago by a small number of directors who sought<br />
out support from each other to share information and resolve issues. Since<br />
then the IV-D directors, through the National Council of <strong>Child</strong> <strong>Support</strong><br />
Directors (NCCSD), have enjoyed strong camaraderie and a culture with<br />
regular, open, honest communication—where solutions to challenges are<br />
created, policy is developed, and growth and learning are fostered. Coming<br />
together with NCCSD has generated innovation, abundant sharing, and a<br />
little therapy.
The year <strong>2020</strong> has been, and continues to be, a time of considerable<br />
pressure. More than ever, support from the entire child support community<br />
has been needed, particularly from key partners. When the federal voice<br />
became uncharacteristically and perplexingly moderated and delayed,<br />
directors turned to each other for solutions. Symbiotic relationships with key<br />
partners are paramount in government. Directors continue to collaborate<br />
and endeavor to progress with their federal partner and focus on the road<br />
ahead.<br />
Knowing no one is alone in this crisis is a powerful realization, igniting<br />
strength and a sense of greater control, as people all over the world are<br />
fighting a single threat and, for the most part, trying to do it together.<br />
Throughout the pandemic, directors have met frequently (virtually, of<br />
course). With support from NCCSD, they keep each other informed of their<br />
respective state’s service abilities and status of operations. Directors have<br />
actively shared and sought solutions for numerous affected business<br />
functions and processes. They have addressed system and policy changes<br />
and quickly developed emergency contracts, internal and public<br />
messaging, as well as resources for staff and for customers. Our child<br />
support protagonists have discussed the need to recalibrate from this<br />
pandemic, referring to it as a disruption and choosing to look forward. They<br />
are combining their strengths and continuing to lead the program and its<br />
mission.<br />
Humanity is a natural foil for<br />
inhumanity, and humanity is<br />
what will ultimately keep us<br />
Directors are grateful for each other’s open<br />
doors and willingness to continue sharing and<br />
supporting, making them all very successful<br />
going when all else has leaders. The pandemic of <strong>2020</strong> has indeed<br />
failed.<br />
become that perfect foil for IV-D directors,<br />
- Margaret Cho highlighting their extraordinary leadership skills<br />
and abilities. This is a time to celebrate public<br />
service and a chance to step up and flex a little leadership muscle.<br />
_________________________________________<br />
Karen Hebert has been the IV-D Director for the New Hampshire Department of Health<br />
and Human Services, Bureau of <strong>Child</strong> <strong>Support</strong> Services since 2018. NH <strong>Child</strong> <strong>Support</strong><br />
Services has an agency membership with NCSEA. Karen has worked in the NH child<br />
support program since 2006, overseeing policy, field operations, customer service, and<br />
interagency collaboration. She is Chair of the National Council of <strong>Child</strong> <strong>Support</strong>
Directors (NCCSD) Mentoring Committee and a member of the NCCSD Audit<br />
Committee. She represents NCCSD on a joint Public Relations Committee with NCSEA<br />
and the federal Office of <strong>Child</strong> <strong>Support</strong> Enforcement (OCSE). Karen has a Bachelor of<br />
Science degree in Human Services from Springfield College and Master in Business<br />
Administration with a Leadership concentration from Norwich University.<br />
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Previous Web-Talks are available on-demand in the We b-Talk Library.<br />
Presentations keep you up to date on the latest legislative activity,<br />
management trends, industry best practices and subjects of special interest<br />
to child support professionals. Log into your NCSEA account to access this<br />
valuable resource.
Training: How We Became<br />
Quick Change Artists<br />
by Verna Donnelly, North Carolina <strong>Child</strong><br />
<strong>Support</strong> Services<br />
Some of us may have wondered how Superman felt, constantly changing<br />
from Clark Kent to Superman in an instant. When the coronavirus struck,<br />
the North Carolina training team got a glimpse into Superman’s life. We<br />
had to immediately think about how we were going to deliver training to all<br />
100 counties in the state of North Carolina through avenues other than an<br />
in-person class and do it quickly while still delivering quality service. We<br />
had to re-tool and not stew over the fact that we had already published our<br />
training schedule for January <strong>2020</strong> – June <strong>2020</strong>, which called for a 2-day<br />
training for each course, 2 trainers, an on-site location, and 20-25<br />
participants with access to a computer and a secure internet connection.<br />
Even though our training would not be as frequent, we still had to provide<br />
training using the technology we had available, keep the components that<br />
had already been developed for classroom training, offer a platform for<br />
questions that may be asked<br />
during the training, and develop<br />
and deliver additional training<br />
resources.<br />
The team put their heads<br />
together and began strategizing,<br />
laying out the process to get<br />
these items accomplished. We<br />
took the training guides created for the classroom training and used them<br />
to help configure virtual training classes. We reduced the classes to two, 2-<br />
hour sessions each day, and decided to use the GoToTraining platform as<br />
our delivery mechanism. We compartmentalized class exercises, cross<br />
pollinating with technology to elicit group discussions and answers. To<br />
make sure our frequency of training was not lost, we posed questions and<br />
policy answers to case mangers weekly to check their knowledge and have
information readily available. This has kept our counties looking forward to<br />
something new each week. We are continuously developing small training<br />
modules (known as mini-training) from larger specialized training. They are<br />
created in a series usually consisting of topics with related subtopics. Each<br />
subtopic lasts approximately 15 minutes within the series. To make sure we<br />
covered all bases, we developed a self-guided, interactive training which<br />
allows the trainee to start and stop the training when necessary or to<br />
choose an area to focus on within the training. Our training process is such<br />
that we continue engaging with our counties.<br />
trainees and in a variety of different ways.<br />
When Clark Kent changes to<br />
Superman, he never knows<br />
what the outcome will be. We<br />
felt that way when we started<br />
down this virtual training path.<br />
We have found these new<br />
training processes work better<br />
than our old way of training as<br />
we are able to reach more<br />
As we look to the future, we are excited to continue creating these new and<br />
innovative ways to keep our counties trained and engaged.<br />
_________________________________________<br />
Verna Donnelly is the Assistant Chief of Program Operations for the State of North<br />
Carolina <strong>Child</strong> <strong>Support</strong> Program, with overall responsibility for policy and training, the<br />
central registry, State Parent Locate Services and customer support for the program.<br />
Verna is a graduate of Southern University in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. She has over 20<br />
years of child support experience. Within those 20 years she has worked at the local<br />
level of child support in Louisiana and North Carolina in various capacities and<br />
contractually on the Automated Collection and Tracking System (ACTS) Project for the<br />
State of North Carolina child support system.<br />
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NCSEA is excited to introduce INSPIRE, a virtual event<br />
designed to inspire child support professionals in<br />
approaching their work, colleagues, clients, and customers;<br />
to help them discover new and invigorating<br />
approaches to their jobs.<br />
NCSEA INSPIRE consists of plenary and workshop sessions, learning labs, NCSEA<br />
Book Club, and <strong>Child</strong> <strong>Support</strong> Hackathon – a variety of formats and presentations. It’s<br />
all FREE for NCSEA members and those receiving member benefits.<br />
The cancellation of the NCSEA <strong>2020</strong> Leadership Symposium was certainly<br />
disappointing. However, we recognize the importance of providing key training and<br />
resources to our membership, as well as offering opportunities to connect and learn<br />
from colleagues around the country during this unique time.<br />
NCSEA INSPIRE meets those needs. It’s a virtual engagement event scheduled over<br />
four weeks in October and requires a commitment of no more than two hours per day.<br />
You can pick and<br />
choose sessions that<br />
interest you and fit<br />
your schedule. We<br />
recognize that<br />
everyone won’t be able to<br />
attend every session,<br />
but each session will be<br />
recorded and made<br />
available to our members<br />
on demand.<br />
The NCSEA<br />
INSPIRE planning<br />
committee—formerly<br />
the Leadership Symposium<br />
Planning<br />
Committee—is working<br />
diligently to bring<br />
informative presentations<br />
to you, identifying<br />
topics of particular<br />
relevance and<br />
interest. In addition, we will<br />
utilize creative<br />
formats, including learning<br />
labs, for interactive and engaging sessions. There is a variety of programming to select<br />
and participate in.<br />
We will certainly miss seeing our friends and colleagues and the opportunity to network<br />
and learn from each other in Anaheim this year. However, our hope is to offer the child<br />
support community the opportunity to learn, engage, and be INSPIRED. Registration<br />
for NCSEA INSPIRE will open in early September and is free to NCSEA members and<br />
those receiving member benefits. Look for additional information about INSPIRE<br />
coming via email and check the (new) NCSEA website for additional information.<br />
Get ready to be INSPIRED – check out the NCSEA INSPIRE website today.
Work/Life Balance: The Never-<br />
Ending Pursuit<br />
Part 2 – Emotional and Mental<br />
Wellbeing<br />
by Mike Moreno, Human Capital Manager,<br />
Deloitte, LLP<br />
This article complements the NCSEA On Location Podcast,<br />
Work/Life Balance Series – Part 2, released on <strong>August</strong> 20,<br />
<strong>2020</strong>. In this podcast, Jennifer Coultas, Los Angeles County<br />
<strong>Child</strong> <strong>Support</strong>; Mike Moreno, Deloitte Consulting; and Kim<br />
Newsome Bridges, Conduent address how emotional and<br />
mental wellbeing play a critical role for employees with<br />
work/life balance issues. The podcast was recorded prior to<br />
the onset of the coronavirus pandemic but remains relevant.<br />
Finding work-life balance has never been more challenging than it is in our<br />
current environment. We are all reeling from the daily impacts of the<br />
COVID-19 pandemic, adjusting to a new sense of what normal life looks<br />
like. Given the uncertainty and collective anxiety many of us are<br />
experiencing in our new “reality,” we may find ourselves examining our<br />
thoughts, feelings, and behaviors more closely. We may also find we are<br />
worrying more, not sleeping as well, or have a looming sense of fear and<br />
dread with a future that is unknown. This confluence of anxieties has a<br />
direct impact on emotional-mental health and is compounded by prolonged<br />
social limitations.<br />
Additionally, we parents who have the privilege to work at home during this<br />
unprecedented time may find ourselves with increased pressure to figure<br />
out how to care for our children and still meet work obligations. Those<br />
without children have other challenges, such as figuring out how to turn
work off, carve out personal time, and deal with potentially overwhelming<br />
social isolation.<br />
One positive outcome of this crisis is that people seem to be more willing to<br />
talk openly about their mental health issues. Many of us struggle with<br />
anxiety in normal circumstances, but the past several months have been<br />
very difficult for everyone. The fact that we are all going through something,<br />
to one degree or another, is helping us<br />
realize that our challenges are not<br />
something to be ashamed of—they<br />
are experiences to be shared. In the<br />
workplace, we should be allowed to be<br />
open and honest about our own<br />
mental health, thereby reinforcing that<br />
it is “okay” to struggle and feel the way<br />
we feel.<br />
Many times, it is hard to self-identify mental health symptoms, as it can be<br />
challenging to be aware of gradual changes within our own psyche until<br />
those changes require more professional intervention. Therefore, be on<br />
alert during these times and be proactive in minding your mental health<br />
through self-examination, connecting with others, and utilizing educational<br />
resources and professional services.<br />
_________________________________<br />
Mike Moreno joined Deloitte Consulting LLP in 2016 as a Human Capital Manager. He<br />
brings over 10 years of experience in organization transformation activities including<br />
designing and deploying child support payment portals, crafting stakeholder<br />
communications, and providing insight into governmental policy. Prior to joining Deloitte,<br />
Mike was the Chief Executive Officer of Civic Communications LLC, a communications<br />
and management firm providing services with expertise in research, training, and<br />
technical assistance through a network of professionals with expertise in policymaking,<br />
branding, marketing, communication, and organizational change. Mike is an active<br />
leader in the child support community and previously served on the Board of Directors<br />
for the National <strong>Child</strong> <strong>Support</strong> Enforcement Association (NCSEA) and the Eastern<br />
Regional Interstate <strong>Child</strong> <strong>Support</strong> Association (ERICSA). Mike earned both his Bachelor<br />
of Music degree and Master of Business Administration degree (MBA) at Florida State<br />
University.<br />
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Live from the <strong>Child</strong> <strong>Support</strong><br />
Associations – It’s a Joint Virtual<br />
Event!<br />
“You need to be aware of what others are doing, applaud their efforts,<br />
acknowledge their successes, and encourage them in their pursuits. When<br />
we all help one another, everybody wins.” -Jim Stovall<br />
Author Jim Stovall’s quote perfectly sums up the current collaboration<br />
efforts among the professional development associations that support the<br />
child support community. These efforts have led to an upcoming virtual<br />
event, “The New Normal: <strong>Child</strong> <strong>Support</strong>,” a series of webinars that kicks off<br />
in September during the WICSEC conference.<br />
The child support community has always had strong professional<br />
development organizations. The Eastern Regional Interstate <strong>Child</strong> <strong>Support</strong><br />
Association (ERICSA), National <strong>Child</strong> <strong>Support</strong> Enforcement Association<br />
(NCSEA), National Council of <strong>Child</strong> <strong>Support</strong> Directors (NCCSD), National<br />
Tribal <strong>Child</strong> <strong>Support</strong> Association (NTCSA), and the Western<br />
Intergovernmental <strong>Child</strong> <strong>Support</strong> Engagement Council (WICSEC) provide<br />
networking, training, and educational opportunities. These organizations<br />
support the child support community in many ways: in-person conferences,<br />
virtual training opportunities, and education for government leaders.<br />
The collaboration among the associations has been one of the good things<br />
to come out of the COVID-19 pandemic. With the onset of the pandemic,<br />
the organizations had to make quick decisions about their upcoming<br />
training conferences. The association presidents began having regular<br />
phone calls to exchange information and advice on how to negotiate with<br />
hotels. Those conversations grew to include how the organizations were<br />
going to move forward to help our community.<br />
The associations recognize that the pandemic is the hot topic of<br />
conversation for our community. All of our programs are facing budget<br />
reductions, challenges with service delivery, teleworking employees, and<br />
changes to the practice of law. The community has had to deal with all
these things while continuing to provide critical services. Families need<br />
support right now more than ever.<br />
The associations are thrilled to announce a joint virtual event, The New<br />
Normal: <strong>Child</strong> <strong>Support</strong>, which is made up of three webinars:<br />
The New Normal: <strong>Child</strong> <strong>Support</strong> –<br />
Employees<br />
Thursday,<br />
September 17<br />
8:30 am<br />
PST<br />
The New Normal: <strong>Child</strong> <strong>Support</strong> –<br />
Legal<br />
The New Normal: <strong>Child</strong> <strong>Support</strong> –<br />
External Customers<br />
Tuesday,<br />
September 22<br />
Tuesday,<br />
September 29<br />
10:00 am<br />
PST<br />
10:00 am<br />
PST<br />
These webinars will address a wide variety of pandemic-related topics and<br />
dive into what has worked, what hasn’t, and what might stay.<br />
We have lined up an outstanding panel of speakers for each webinar. The<br />
panel for both the Employees and External Customers events includes:<br />
• Carol Beecher, Director, Alaska <strong>Child</strong> <strong>Support</strong> Services<br />
• Sandy Cloer, Division Director of Services, Eastern Band of<br />
Cherokee Indians Tribal <strong>Child</strong> <strong>Support</strong>, TANF and Representative<br />
Payee Programs<br />
• Tanguler Gray, Director, Georgia <strong>Child</strong> <strong>Support</strong> Program<br />
• Barbara Lacina, Director, Virginia Division of <strong>Child</strong> <strong>Support</strong><br />
Enforcement<br />
• Melinda Self, Director, Contra Costa County (California) Department<br />
of <strong>Child</strong> <strong>Support</strong> Services<br />
The legal panel is equally distinguished:<br />
• Marsha Harlan, Attorney and President of the National Tribal <strong>Child</strong><br />
<strong>Support</strong> Association<br />
• Ethan McKinney, <strong>Child</strong> <strong>Support</strong> Director, Deputy Prosecuting<br />
Attorney at St. Joseph County (Indiana) Office of the Prosecuting<br />
Attorney<br />
• Patrick Quinn, Administrator, Family Court, Allegheny County<br />
(Pennsylvania) Court of Common Pleas
• Ruth Anne Thornton, IV-D Director, Texas Office of the Attorney<br />
General<br />
Registration for the New Normal: <strong>Child</strong> <strong>Support</strong> – Employees will be<br />
handled through the registration process for the WICSEC conference. Visit<br />
the WICSEC website at for more information. Registration<br />
will open mid-<strong>August</strong>. Registration for the second and third events will be<br />
forthcoming.<br />
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