North Canterbury News: August 20, 2020

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Thursday,<strong>August</strong><strong>20</strong>, <strong>20</strong><strong>20</strong> | Issue910 | www.starnews.co.nz<br />


Spectacular lighting<br />

... The Rangiora<br />

Light and Sound<br />

Festival hopes to<br />

build on the success<br />

of Christchurch’s<br />

Botanical Delights<br />

extravaganza.<br />


Achance to see the light<br />


Abeacon of light will shine<br />

through in Rangiora nextmonth.<br />

ARangioraLight and Sound<br />

Festival is planned for Victoria<br />

Parkover fournights,complete<br />

withafairylandoftalking trees,<br />

disco lights, music,dancing<br />

lights, interactive lighting<br />

displays, and smokeand bubble<br />

machines.<br />

It comeshard on theheelsof<br />

the tough decision to cancel the<br />

annual Waimakariri Winter<br />

Festival because of Covid­19.<br />

Spokesman KarlHorwarth<br />

says, with littleentertainment on<br />

offer, ateam of Rangiora people<br />

got togethertobring abit of light<br />

into the lives of those weariedby<br />

the disruption of the pandemic.<br />

‘‘We were gutted having to<br />

cancel thewinterfestival this<br />

year. But we havemanaged to get<br />

agood numberofwinter festival<br />

sponsors to back anew event and<br />

it will be fantastic.<br />

It willbebased on the<br />

successful Botanic Delights<br />

lighting extravaganza heldevery<br />

two yearsinChristchurch,<br />

enjoyedby30,000people each<br />

night.<br />

It will run from September<br />

16­19,culminating in aSaturday<br />

night grandfinale.<br />

‘‘People will be able to<br />

experience alightand sound<br />

wonderland and see Victoria<br />

Park as they have never seenit<br />

before,’’ Karl says.<br />

Extra lights will be turned on<br />

for Saturday night,and there will<br />

be live music,foodtrucks, a<br />

licensed bar,market stalls and<br />

children’s entertainment.<br />

‘‘The big draw willbeafamily<br />

movie playingonthe big outdoor<br />

screen.’’<br />

Spectrum will be installing the<br />

lights, and have come on board as<br />

amajor sponsoralong with New<br />

WorldRangiora, MainPower,<br />

Ray White Rangiora, Visit<br />

Waimakariri, Fools of Desire,<br />

Compass FM andthe <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>.<br />

AcoupleofHave you seenthe<br />

Light giveaway campaigns are<br />

planned,along with acolouring<br />

competition, and agolden ticket<br />

competition.<br />

Karl says the festival aims to<br />

provide an affordable event for<br />

all the family. It is plannedto<br />

charge $5 apersonor$10 a<br />

family, withtickets able to be<br />

used over multiple nights.Itwill<br />

run from 6pm Wednesday,<br />

Thursday,Friday, with<br />

Saturday’s finalestarting at 5pm.<br />

Karl says withall the<br />

infrastructure in place,the<br />

Rangiora Festival of Colour will<br />

fit in seamlesslyonthe Sunday,<br />

from 10am to 4pm. ‘‘The four days<br />

of festivities are allabout bringing<br />

people together,’’ he says.<br />

Ticket and booking details will<br />

be advertised soon.<br />

For more information go to<br />

rangioralightandsound.co.nz, or<br />

facebook.com/pg/<br />

rangioralightandsound.<br />

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NEWS<br />

2 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>August</strong> <strong>20</strong>, <strong>20</strong><strong>20</strong><br />

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2305590<br />

The best view at the domain<br />

Showing initiative ... Enterprising fans with access to acherry­picker had afine view of the<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> LuisettiSeeds rugby grand final between Glenmark­Cheviot and Kaiapoi at the<br />

Omihi Domain last Saturday. Level 2restrictions meant the match, won by Glenmark­Cheviot<br />

32­24, was played without spectators. Threefans met all Covid­19 requirements by hoisting the<br />

cherry­picker above the boundary hedge in aneighbour’s paddock to watch the spectacle. Full<br />

match coverage, page 31.<br />


Council cancels book sale<br />

Apopularbooksalehas been cancelled by<br />

the HurunuiDistrict Council as thecouncil<br />

reintroduces Covid­19 level 2protocols.<br />

The council decided to cancelthe Friends<br />

of the Library’s booksaleatthelibrary, as it<br />

was expected to draw morethan100 people.<br />

Mayor Marie Black saysithas beenpostponed,untilfurthernotice,<br />

butwillbeback.<br />

She saysthe council will remaincautious<br />

and vigilant in itsfightagainst thevirusand<br />

cancelany other events expected to draw<br />

morethan100 people.<br />

“TheGovernment is taking aprecautionary<br />

approach andwhile some may feel<br />

frustration at therise in alert level,itis<br />

important forustoremain calm” she says.<br />

‘‘Weare working to reduce the risk, andwe<br />

haveshownthat we can unite against the<br />

virus before.”<br />

The Former<br />

Greta Valley<br />

Tavern<br />

is...<br />

Under New Management<br />

Mrs Black saysthe council is makingsureit<br />

is operatingassafely as possible andhas<br />

measures to respond to any alert level.<br />

‘‘We have reintroducedlevel2safety<br />

protocols andask allvisitors to maintain<br />

social distancing, sanitise, and usethe Covid­<br />

19 tracerapp,orour provided methods, to<br />

sign in forcontact tracing wherever<br />

possible.’’<br />

Residents can callthe council if they are<br />

experiencing hardshipbecauseofthe change<br />

in alertlevel.<br />

Meanwhile, most council facilitiesremain<br />

open to the public, includingtransfer<br />

stations, playgrounds, librariesand service<br />

centres.<br />

The latest nationwide updatesregarding<br />

Covid­19and information alert levelscan be<br />

foundonline at Covid­19.govt.nz.<br />

Open: Wednesday -Sunday 12pm -late<br />

• Lunch • Dinner • Catering • Functions<br />

9Tavern Drive, Greta Valley Ph: 03 314 3517<br />

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YOUR<br />


1914343<br />

Forum<br />

planned<br />


Provision of social services in<br />

ruralcommunities willbethe<br />

focusofanelection forumon<br />

September30.<br />

Social ServicesWaimakariri<br />

(SSW)ishosting an online<br />

webinar with election<br />

candidates next Wednesday,<br />

with the focus on local social<br />

issues.<br />

SSW facilitator Nicki Carter<br />

says the forum will follow a<br />

differentformat to most<br />

election meetings,with the<br />

localspeakers informing the<br />

politicians of localissues,<br />

before the candidates are<br />

invited to respond.<br />

‘‘We are goingtohear from<br />

speakers fromthe four main<br />

sectors,givingfive minutes<br />

each —families with children,<br />

youth, older persons and the<br />

disabilitysector.<br />

‘‘Andthen we will launch<br />

into the questions.’’<br />

Candidates fromLabour,<br />

National,the Greens, New<br />

Zealand First and the New<br />

Conservativeswill thenbe<br />

invited to respondtoquestions<br />

around social sector funding,<br />

operatinginthe post­Covid<br />

environment and service<br />

provisioninrural areas.<br />

‘‘There are particular issues<br />

around funding for social<br />

services in rural communities.<br />

For example, thereisno<br />

communitysocialworker<br />

basedinthe Hurunui district,’’<br />

Nickisays.<br />

‘‘TheCovid environment has<br />

highlighted that we cannot<br />

continuetorelyon<br />

philanthropic funders to<br />

provide services which are the<br />

responsibilityofcentral<br />

government.’’<br />

If there is time, candidates<br />

will be invited to givetheir<br />

viewsonthe cannabis and end<br />

of life referendums.<br />

The decision to hold the<br />

forumonlinewas made after<br />

the lockdown, and Nickisays it<br />

has proven to be the right one<br />

giventhe Covid19uncertainty.<br />

People can tune in to watch<br />

the forum liveat3pm on<br />

September30onYouTube at<br />

youtu.be/ahg70WrlGS8. It can<br />

be watched lateratthe same<br />

address.<br />

Thursday,<strong>August</strong>2,<strong>20</strong>18 | Issue 808 | www.ncnews.co.nz<br />

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For contact details see page 2

NEWS<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>August</strong> <strong>20</strong>, <strong>20</strong><strong>20</strong><br />

3<br />


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2293781<br />

Sad parkvisit... Waimakariri District Mayor DanGordon, left, with KeithHarris, of Rangiora, and ECancouncillor GrantEdge, of Fernside, during<br />

ameeting at the sitewhere 500 trees were recently felled in the Ashley Rakahuri RegionalPark near Rangiora.<br />


Councillor angered by tree felling<br />


AFernside­based councillor<br />

with Environment<strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

is angrythat the regional<br />

council felled500 trees in<br />

Rangiora’sAshleyRakahuri<br />

RegionalPark without<br />

consultation.<br />

The trees werefelledlast<br />

monthbyECan’sriver<br />

engineeringteam during flood<br />

mitigationwork, without<br />

consultation with the<br />

community, the district<br />

council, the Rangiora­Ashley<br />

CommunityBoard,the<br />

WaimakaririWater Zone<br />

Committee, or ECan<br />

councillors.<br />

The loss of the trees sparked<br />

an outcry from the community.<br />

‘‘I want to share my absolute<br />

angerwith the community at<br />

the loss of these trees which<br />

haveprovided awell­liked<br />

shaded woodlandlandscape<br />

and recreational facility for a<br />

verylong time,’’ Cr Grant Edge<br />

said.<br />

‘‘There has beenaterrible<br />

breakdownincommunication<br />

channelsbetween the regional<br />

counciland the districtcouncil<br />

and the community.’’<br />

Thiswas not how the new<br />

democratically elected<br />

environment council,under<br />

chairwoman Jenny Hughey<br />

and new chief executive Dr<br />

Stefanie Rixecker,wanted to<br />

work, Cr Edge said.<br />

‘‘What has happenedhere is<br />

not following the strategic<br />

pathway of the new council.’’<br />

He planstoseekareview of<br />

the procedure leadingupto<br />

the removal of the trees to<br />

ensurebetter outcomes in the<br />

future.<br />

Waimakariri District Mayor<br />

Dan Gordon has also<br />

expressed disappointment that<br />

the trees were felled without<br />

consultation.<br />

He wants amoratorium<br />

preventing further tree­felling<br />

at the park in order‘‘to work<br />

through issues of concern’’. He<br />

also plans to meet ECan<br />

officials within the nexttwo<br />

weeks to discussthe issue,<br />

specifically to determine if<br />

opportunities exist for<br />

replanting, how the community<br />

might be involved with that,<br />

and how the messleft by the<br />

tree­fellingwill be cleaned up.<br />

‘‘We can’tstop what has<br />

happened to the trees but we<br />

must learnfrom it and do<br />

betterinthe future,’’ Mr<br />

Gordon said.<br />

Rangiora residentKeith<br />

Harris, who has written to<br />

Environment Minister David<br />

Parker about the issue, has<br />

called the removal of thetrees<br />

‘‘vandalism’’. He has also been<br />

invited to attend the meeting.<br />

Waimakariri WaterZone<br />

Committee chairman Michael<br />

Blackwell, of Kaiapoi, said he<br />

was ‘‘bitterly disappointed’’<br />

overthe loss of the trees.<br />

‘‘There has been alack of<br />

consultation, with the end<br />

result thatnobody in the<br />

community has had an<br />

opportunitytoshare their<br />

voice.<br />

‘‘There has to be some kind<br />

of middleground, and<br />

consultation with the Water<br />

ZoneCommittee is an<br />

important link in that process.’’<br />


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2305513<br />

Holloway to fill council seat<br />

Mary Holloway has been<br />

elected to the Hurunui<br />

District Council, replacing<br />

Jason Fletcher, who resigned<br />

earlier thisyear.<br />

Mary, the chairwoman of<br />

the HanmerSprings<br />

Community Board,won the<br />

Westward seatinabyelection<br />

from Jeffrey Walker<br />

by 778 votes to 397.<br />

Maryishumbledbythe<br />

support and is mindful she<br />

willbeserving the whole of<br />

the Hurunui District.<br />

‘‘I am <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

bornand bred,and aware of<br />

the district’s rural and<br />

farmingneeds,” she said.<br />

“I appreciate the<br />

opportunity to make sure our<br />

local voiceisheard.<br />

‘‘Local government remains<br />

astrong and important pillar<br />

of the New Zealand<br />

governance model and Ilook<br />

forward to standingstrongly<br />

for this principle.”<br />

Aby­election will nowbe<br />

heldtoreplace the<br />

extraordinaryvacancyonthe<br />

Community board created by<br />

Mary’s new position.<br />

Mary Holloway<br />

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NEWS<br />

4 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>August</strong> <strong>20</strong>, <strong>20</strong><strong>20</strong><br />

Mel’svision for Maori success<br />


A<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> educator says there<br />

needs to be arethink around how to<br />

encourage Maori educational<br />

achievement.<br />

Maori are the youngest and fastestgrowing<br />

demographic. Population<br />

projections suggest more than one<br />

million New Zealanders will identify as<br />

Maori by <strong>20</strong>38,and will represent more<br />

than afifthofthe working­age<br />

population, TuahiwiSchool principal<br />

Mel Taite­Pitama says.<br />

In contrast, New Zealand’s pakeha<br />

population is ageing and will represent<br />

the highest proportion of over­65s.<br />

Mel has been invitedtoaddress the<br />

uLearnConference in Hamilton in<br />

October and has been published in New<br />

Zealand and international educational<br />

magazinesonthe subjectofMaori<br />

educationalachievement.<br />

‘‘In Maori culturewehave aproverb,<br />

‘the kumara doesn’t talkabout its own<br />

sweetness’, but Ithink Maori need to<br />

celebrate our achievements and <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> needstocelebrate what we<br />

have here.’’<br />

Last week, in her roleasAra Institute<br />

of <strong>Canterbury</strong> deputy chairwoman, Mel<br />

spoke to 900 academic staff at the launch<br />

of Ara’s new framework for Maori<br />

achievement.<br />

‘‘It’salot of pressuretodo something<br />

like that because you’vegot to get it right.<br />

If we don’twewill have aserious<br />

problem in this country,’’ she says.<br />

‘‘Maori have traditionally filled bluecollarjobs,<br />

but withour rapidlychanging<br />

technologyand automation, those jobs<br />

won’t exist in the future, so we have got to<br />

get young Maori aimingfor higher­paid<br />

jobs.<br />

‘‘Whatweneed to understandisthat<br />

the growth in the workforce is going to be<br />

predominantly young Maori, particularly<br />

in regions like <strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong>.’’<br />

Ahigh achiever herself, Mel is happy to<br />

been seenasarole model for young<br />

Maori women.<br />

Last yearshe won the Maori or Pasifika<br />

governanceleaderaward at the New<br />

Zealand Women in Governance Awards.<br />

She alsohas her own business,<br />

Looking to the future ... Tuahiwi School principal Mel Taite­Pitama says Maori are the<br />

youngest and fastest­growing demographic in New Zealand.<br />


Tuahiwi Education Ltd, and is studying<br />

for amasters degree in Maori and<br />

indigenous leadership.<br />

‘‘I can’t go to the supermarketwithout<br />

someone recognising me, but if I’m that<br />

Maori woman that people can relateto, I<br />

can live withthat.<br />

‘‘I have avery supportive whanau and<br />

Idon’thave young childrenany more, but<br />

Idowork long hours.’’<br />

Nine Rangiora race meetings for season<br />

The Rangiora HarnessRacing Club has<br />

been allocated nineracemeetings for the<br />

<strong>20</strong><strong>20</strong>/21 season.<br />

They will be held on Friday, November<br />

6—four days before the New Zealand<br />

TrottingCup —followedbyWednesday,<br />

November 18, Sunday, December <strong>20</strong>, for<br />

the Christmas at the Races meeting, with<br />

six meetings scheduled for nextyear.The<br />

<strong>20</strong>21 datesare Sunday, January 3;<br />

Saturday,February<strong>20</strong>; Sunday, April18,<br />

for the Rangiora Classic; Sunday, April<br />

25, for the Anzac Day meeting; Sunday,<br />

May 9; and Sunday,May 23.<br />

Club president Greg Wright says he is<br />

‘‘delighted to have both afull complement<br />

of meetings and most in the spring/<br />

summer seasons’’.<br />

TheNovember 6meetingwill be the<br />

first meeting at Rangiora Raceway since<br />

racingstalled under Covid­19 restrictions<br />

earlier this year, withthe club holding<br />

only three of its scheduled10meetings<br />

lastseason.<br />

What would the<br />

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NEWS<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>August</strong> <strong>20</strong>, <strong>20</strong><strong>20</strong><br />

Kanuka stand to be used in wastewater trial<br />


Planting pines on land bought<br />

by the Hurunui District Council<br />

in Hanmer Springs, where it<br />

intends to spray treated sewage<br />

and wastewater for irrigation,<br />

has some residents bristling.<br />

Residents say it is agreat<br />

opportunity for the council to<br />

plant natives on the 50­hectare<br />

block at the corner of River<br />

Road and Leslie Pass Road.<br />

However, the council’s chief<br />

operations officer, Dan Harris,<br />

says the decision to plant<br />

radiata pines for nutrient<br />

management was based on<br />

available science when land<br />

options were considered<br />

during the resource consent<br />

stage.<br />

There were also significant<br />

differences in operating costs<br />

between exotic plantation<br />

forestry and other options.<br />

However, he says residents’<br />

opposition to the pines has<br />

been taken on board and the<br />

council will use asevenhectare<br />

block of kanuka on the<br />

land as atest area to gather<br />

information on how natives<br />

perform under irrigation.<br />

This could lead to natives<br />

being planted when the pines<br />

are harvested.<br />

Mr Harris says astudy is<br />

needed to understand why the<br />

kanuka stand is thriving in the<br />

area, being the only stand of its<br />

type on that side of the Hanmer<br />

Springs basin.<br />

One resident said on alocal<br />

Facebook page that the block<br />

provided awonderful<br />

opportunity to plant native<br />

trees and create abird<br />

sanctuary. Deer were excluded<br />

because of deer fencing, while<br />

other pests could be trapped to<br />

ensure it was predator­free.<br />

‘‘Unfortunately, the council<br />

has decided to plant pine trees.<br />

The large amount of water will<br />

ensure these trees will grow so<br />

fast they will need to be<br />

harvested every 15 years, to<br />

prevent toppling due to wind,<br />

but will be too weak to be used<br />

for building, and will probably<br />

blow over earlier.<br />

‘‘A qualified ecologist has<br />

offered his services free­ofcharge<br />

to design aplanting and<br />

nutrient­uptake plan, but the<br />

council has refused.<br />

‘‘Pine trees should be planted<br />

around the boundary as they<br />

would grow quickly and not<br />

require watering, and would<br />

protect the young natives<br />

growing inside from the wind,’’<br />

the Facebook post says.<br />

Environmental reports<br />

suggest that, left unplanted and<br />

appropriately maintained, the<br />

heavily modified regrowth of<br />

kanuka would respond well to<br />

watering, Mr Harris says.<br />

He says the council is<br />

committed to not only<br />

undertaking restoration of the<br />

area, but also monitoring<br />

nutrient uptake by the kanuka<br />

using test bores to improve the<br />

science on native planting.<br />

If successful, the large scale<br />

trial will support future<br />

applications for native<br />

plantings in wastewater<br />

disposal zones, and may lead to<br />

expansion of native plantings<br />

after rotation of the exotic<br />

planting at the Hanmer Springs<br />

site, he says.<br />

At present, under an existing<br />

consent, Hanmer Springs<br />

sewage is treated, with the<br />

resulting wastewater<br />

discharged in the Chatterton<br />

River.<br />

Work began in <strong>20</strong>14­<strong>20</strong>15 to<br />

move to aland­based discharge<br />

for the town’s treated<br />

wastewater. Several options<br />

around Hanmer Springs were<br />

investigated by the council and<br />

community board. Eventually,<br />

the River Rd site was bought,<br />

consent sought, and granted.<br />

‘‘It has been along journey,<br />

with initial investigations<br />

dating back to <strong>20</strong>07, <strong>20</strong>08, when<br />

we got an extension to our<br />

existing resource consent,’’ Mr<br />

Harris says.<br />

‘‘We are aiming to have it<br />

operating, all going well, by the<br />

end of September.’’<br />

5<br />

Irrigation trial ... Akanuka stand<br />

similar to this will be part of atrial<br />

near Hanmer Springs to determine<br />

how natives perform under<br />

irrigation using wastewaster<br />

derived from sewage. PHOTO:FILE<br />




Assistance is available for groups and<br />

individuals who are keen to provide<br />

arts and cultural activities in the<br />

Waimakariri District from the Creative<br />

Communities New Zealand Scheme.<br />

The next Creative Communities round will close<br />

Monday 21September <strong>20</strong><strong>20</strong>, for events or<br />

activities that take place between 1November<br />

<strong>20</strong><strong>20</strong> and 1November <strong>20</strong>21.<br />

The Application Form and Guide for Applicants is<br />

available from Council Service Centres and Libraries<br />

or from the Council website at waimakariri.govt.nz<br />

Readyfor<br />

Spring?<br />

Save time&hassle<br />

–let us service your<br />

homes irrigation<br />

systembefore<br />

you’ll need it.<br />

Get your home/lifestyle blocks<br />

irrigation plan drawnupnow for<br />

free –all we need is ascaled plan!<br />


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had ahealth check?<br />

AMen’s Wellness Check is agreat way to meet a<br />

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on track.<br />

Letustake care of you...<br />

Forall your<br />

irrigation,<br />

pumping, and<br />

waterfiltration<br />

See the team at<br />

308FlaxtonRoad<br />

Phone 03 3130408<br />

simon@tiw.co.nz<br />

www.tiw.co.nz<br />

2298456<br />

Wellness Checks $110<br />

2300219Men’s<br />

230021 2 9<br />

If youhaveany questions please contact the administrator,<br />

KarenLivingstone Phone03311 8901 or 0800 965468<br />

Email karen.livingstone@wmk.govt.nz<br />

Minutes from Kaiapoi, Rangiora and <strong>North</strong>wood<br />

9/42 Silverstream Boulevard, Kaiapoi 7630 |03-595 1489<br />



6 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>August</strong> <strong>20</strong>, <strong>20</strong><strong>20</strong><br />

Waimakariri<br />

Focus from Dan Gordon, Mayor<br />

District well prepared<br />

for Covid’scurve balls<br />

It’sfair to say thatit’sunwelcomenews<br />

that Covid­19has re­emerged in New<br />

Zealand, anddisappointing to be backat<br />

alert level2.<br />

However, the country has donethis<br />

before and ourdistrict is prepared.<br />

During times likethisitisimportantto<br />

be kind, accommodating,and awarethat<br />

your neighbours andfriends maybe<br />

responding differently thanyou.<br />

Ihavebeenimpressed by whatIhave<br />

seen over theweekend,how retailers<br />

have respondedandhow accepting and<br />

understanding everyoneisbeing.<br />

The council is makingsure that weare<br />

operating as safelyaspossible at this<br />

level, so visitors to facilities and venues<br />

will noticecontact­tracingmeasures,<br />

sanitisationand distancing protocols<br />

areinplace.<br />

Mostcouncil facilitiesremainopen at<br />

alertlevel2,including playgrounds,<br />

skateparks anddog parks.Service<br />

centres,libraries,transferstations and<br />

aquatic centresalso remain open,<br />

although someservicesmay notbe<br />

availablewhere they cannotbe<br />

deliveredsafely (for example, where<br />

physical distancingcannot be<br />

maintained).<br />

Community facilitiessuch as halls and<br />

meeting rooms remainopen to existing<br />

bookings, with safetyprotocolsinplace.<br />

Fulldetails on whatfacilitiesand<br />

servicesare available, includingthe<br />

safety measures put in place, are<br />

availableatwaimakariri.govt.nz/covid19<br />

or phone(0800) 965468. Information<br />

aboutnationaland regionalchangesto<br />

alertlevels canbefoundat<br />

covid19.govt.nz.Check thesesites for the<br />

latest updates.<br />

Ashley River tree removal<br />

Ihavefielded many queries from<br />

residents aboutthe removaloftrees<br />

fromthe Ashley River.<br />

Thisarea is the responsibility of<br />

Environment <strong>Canterbury</strong> (ECan).<br />

Our councilwasn’tadvised or<br />

consulted on the treeremoval.<br />

Iamdisappointed thatno­onefrom<br />

theRangiora­Ashley Community Board<br />

or ourGreenspace Team wasnotified.<br />

We would haveexpected thereto be a<br />

lotmorecommunication and<br />

❛We would have expected<br />

there to be alot more<br />

communication and<br />

consultation with the<br />

community about such a<br />

substantial tree felling in this<br />

popular recreation area.❜<br />

consultationwith thecommunityabout<br />

suchasubstantialtreefellinginthis<br />

popular recreationarea.<br />

If there are trees that are adangerto<br />

people then of courseIwouldsupport<br />

their removal, butnot the removal of<br />

healthy trees thatprovidealovely<br />

recreationspot for locals.<br />

Thiswas an area of significant natural<br />

beauty that Iand many otherlocals<br />

enjoyed.<br />

Isharethe community’sconcern that<br />

thisareaisnow goneand Idon’taccept<br />

thatthere was ajustifiable case put<br />

forward fortheir removal.<br />

Unfortunately, wecan’t changewhat<br />

has happenedwith thetrees butwhat I<br />

can do is discuss this matter with ECan.<br />

Ihavewrittento and metwith the<br />

chair andnew chiefexecutive of ECan,<br />

and bothour local ECan councillors.<br />

Theyhaveagreed to meetwith me<br />

along with concerned residents to<br />

discuss concerns.<br />

What is important is howwe learn<br />

fromthis and seethat protocols are put<br />

in placetohave better communication<br />

withthe community and discuss their<br />

plans for the area, includingreplanting,<br />

reinstatement ofthe fitnessequipment<br />

thatwas installed by the communityand<br />

seeking the community’s input on their<br />

plans.<br />

Ihavealsoasked for amoratoriumon<br />

further tree removaluntil we have this<br />

meeting,andthereisbetter<br />

communicationand consultation with<br />

the community on any future plans.<br />

Iwelcomecontact from anyonewho<br />

needs assistance or has an issue that<br />

theymay want to discuss. Emailmeat<br />

mayor@wmk.govt.nz or phone(021)<br />

906 437.<br />

Some cannabis views<br />

not based on facts<br />

Dear Editor,<br />

Everyone is entitled to their opinion<br />

and Istrongly believe in free speech.<br />

Unfortunately, people’s letters of<br />

personal opinions that have no facts<br />

about cannabis are misleading the<br />

public.<br />

The government proposes very strict<br />

rules with cannabis. It will not be<br />

permitted to be used in public places,<br />

parks etc, the same as alcohol —a$500<br />

offence. Please read the government’s<br />

Cannabis Legalisation and Control<br />

Manifesto at the referendums’ website<br />

for all the hard facts.<br />

The public needs to know some facts<br />

and history about the cannabis plant.<br />

It is amulti­purpose plant —<br />

medicinal, fibre and seed oil for food.<br />

Here’s the history of cannabis in<br />

brief.<br />

It is recorded to have been used<br />

thousands of years ago in India and<br />

China as amedicine and was<br />

renowned for its strong, tough fibre.<br />

Later, when trading started, its fibre<br />

was used to make rope.<br />

Every sailing ship afloat in the 16th,<br />

17th and 18th centuries were rigged<br />

with hemp ropes, until sails were<br />

replaced by steam power.<br />

The cannabis fibre industry then<br />

looked for other products to make. It<br />

was in the 19<strong>20</strong>s that they started to<br />

make paper.<br />

Cannabis use was never an issue in<br />

our society until 1930 when it was<br />

demonised by aUnited States<br />

chemical company, not because it was<br />

bad for us, but because the cannabis<br />

fibre was abig threat to the wood<br />

papermaking industry that relied<br />

totally on chemicals to break down the<br />

wood fibre.<br />

Cannabis fibre doesn’t need<br />

chemicals to break it down.<br />

They did amassive demonising<br />

campaign against cannabis publicly<br />

across the US and even made an anticannabis<br />

propaganda movie to<br />

brainwash the public called Reefer<br />

Madness.<br />

Eventually, US authorities passed a<br />

law and made cannabis illegal. They<br />

pushed the rest of the Western world<br />

to follow, all based on alie about its<br />

harm.<br />

Since then, 90 years later, it has cost<br />

the world’s taxpayers hundreds of<br />

billions of dollars policing it. It costs<br />

New Zealand $<strong>20</strong>0 million ayear.<br />

There has been the senseless<br />

locking up of millions of people in<br />


jails, destructive police raids and<br />

even executions in some countries.<br />

How absurd is this when no­one has<br />

ever died from using natural cannabis.<br />

There has been intensive research<br />

done in the last <strong>20</strong> years on the<br />

medicinal properties of cannabis.<br />

According to research, CBD oil is<br />

nothing but miraculous —shrinking<br />

brain tumours and curing melanoma<br />

lesions and other cancers.<br />

And, according to research, THC oil<br />

is found to be very effective in dealing<br />

with stress, acute pain, long term,<br />

insomnia and depression, without<br />

side­effects.<br />

This referendum is not about<br />

personal bias about cannabis, it is<br />

about the overall benefits for our<br />

country, with the government taking<br />

control and making it ahealth issue<br />

and not crime.<br />

Let’s be intelligent please!<br />

S. Earl<br />

Hurunui resident<br />

Bank hours<br />

Dear Editor,<br />

Iwrite to you concerning the trading<br />

hours kept by the Westpac branch in<br />

Kaiapoi.<br />

The trading hours and trading days<br />

have been cut at Westpac Kaiapoi, in<br />

the process causing inconvenience,<br />

irritation and frustration.<br />

The trading hours have been<br />

shortened to 2pm from 4.30pm<br />

Monday, Wednesday and Friday, with<br />

no trading on Tuesday or Thursday.<br />

This causes customers to go to<br />

either the city or Rangiora if they<br />

cannot get to this branch during its<br />

hours and days of trade.<br />

This in turn creates resentment.<br />

What happens to elderly customers<br />

without access to internet banking or<br />

transport?<br />

Why have the old trading days and<br />

hours been removed from the branch<br />

window if the current trading days and<br />

hours are supposed to be temporary?<br />

Is this away to eventually use<br />

reduced trading hours as an excuse to<br />

close another Westpac branch?<br />

Call me cynical. We shall wait and<br />

see.<br />

Yours,<br />

John Moody<br />


This<br />

Week<br />

Sun<br />

Fishing<br />

Guide<br />

Moon<br />

Wind<br />

Swell<br />

Pegasus Bay<br />

Tide Chart<br />

3<br />

2<br />

1<br />

Ok<br />

Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday<br />

Aug <strong>20</strong> Aug 21 Aug 22 Aug 23 Aug 24 Aug 25 Aug 26<br />

Rise 7:15am<br />

Set 5:49pm<br />

Best<br />

Times<br />

1:01am<br />

1:28pm<br />

Ok<br />

Rise 7:13am<br />

Set 5:51pm<br />

Best<br />

Times<br />

1:55am<br />

2:21pm<br />

Ok<br />

Rise 7:12am<br />

Set 5:52pm<br />

Best<br />

Times<br />

2:47am<br />

3:13pm<br />

Ok<br />

Rise 7:10am<br />

Set 5:53pm<br />

Best<br />

Times<br />

Rise 7:08am<br />

Set 5:54pm<br />

Rise 7:07am<br />

Set 5:55pm<br />

Rise 7:05am<br />

Set 5:56pm<br />

Rise 8:09am<br />

Rise 8:40am<br />

Rise 9:08am<br />

Rise 9:35am<br />

Rise 10:04am<br />

Set 12:02am<br />

Set 1:16am<br />

Set 6:57pm<br />

Set 8:14pm<br />

Set 9:30pm<br />

Set 10:46pm<br />

Rise 10:35am<br />

Rise 11:11am<br />

Moderate Neasing<br />

Light Wbecoming<br />

Moderate E<br />

Strong Eeasing Light Ebecoming Light SW turning<br />

to light E<br />

Light W<br />

moderate E<br />

strengthening<br />

to moderate SE<br />

moderate SW<br />

N<br />

E0.7 mincreasing<br />

E1.4 m E1.3 m E0.9 m<br />

to 1.2 m E1.7 m E1.6 m E1.1 m<br />

3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9<br />

3:39am<br />

4:05pm<br />

Ok<br />

Best<br />

Times<br />

4:30am<br />

4:56pm<br />

Ok<br />

Best<br />

Times<br />

5:23am<br />

5:50pm<br />

Good<br />

Best<br />

Times<br />

6:17am<br />

6:44pm<br />

0<br />

Highs Lows Highs Lows Highs Lows Highs Lows Highs Lows Highs Lows Highs Lows<br />

Waimakariri 5:06am 2.4 11:21am 0.4 5:59am 2.5<br />

6:54am 2.5 12:42am 0.3 7:50am 2.5 1:34am 0.3 8:46am 2.5 2:29am 0.3 9:43am 2.5 3:25am 0.4 10:40am 2.5 4:22am 0.4<br />

Mouth<br />

5:32pm 2.6 11:51pm 0.3 6:24pm 2.6 12:13pm 0.3 7:18pm 2.6 1:06pm 0.3 8:14pm 2.5 2:00pm 0.3 9:11pm 2.5 2:56pm 0.4 10:09pm 2.4 3:55pm 0.4 11:07pm 2.3 4:57pm 0.5<br />

Amberley 5:06am 2.4 11:21am 0.4 5:59am 2.5<br />

6:54am 2.5 12:42am 0.3 7:50am 2.5 1:34am 0.3 8:46am 2.5 2:29am 0.3 9:43am 2.5 3:25am 0.4 10:40am 2.5 4:22am 0.4<br />

Beach<br />

5:32pm 2.6 11:51pm 0.3 6:24pm 2.6 12:13pm 0.3 7:18pm 2.6 1:06pm 0.3 8:14pm 2.5 2:00pm 0.3 9:11pm 2.5 2:56pm 0.4 10:09pm 2.4 3:55pm 0.4 11:07pm 2.3 4:57pm 0.5<br />

5:15am 2.4 11:30am 0.4 6:08am 2.5 12:00am 0.3 7:03am 2.5 12:51am 0.3 7:59am 2.5 1:43am 0.3 8:55am 2.5 2:38am 0.3 9:52am 2.5 3:34am 0.4 10:49am 2.5 4:31am 0.4<br />

Motunau 5:41pm 2.6<br />

6:33pm 2.6 12:22pm 0.3 7:27pm 2.6 1:15pm 0.3 8:23pm 2.5 2:09pm 0.3 9:<strong>20</strong>pm 2.5 3:05pm 0.4 10:18pm 2.4 4:04pm 0.4 11:16pm 2.3 5:06pm 0.5<br />

5:17am 2.4 11:32am 0.4 6:10am 2.5 12:02am 0.3 7:05am 2.5 12:53am 0.3 8:01am 2.5 1:45am 0.3 8:57am 2.5 2:40am 0.3 9:54am 2.5 3:36am 0.4 10:51am 2.5 4:33am 0.4<br />

Gore Bay 5:43pm 2.6<br />

6:35pm 2.6 12:24pm 0.3 7:29pm 2.6 1:17pm 0.3 8:25pm 2.5 2:11pm 0.3 9:22pm 2.5 3:07pm 0.4 10:<strong>20</strong>pm 2.4 4:06pm 0.4 11:18pm 2.3 5:08pm 0.5<br />

5:11am 1.8 11:<strong>20</strong>am 0.3 6:04am 1.8<br />

6:58am 1.9 12:47am 0.3 7:54am 1.9 1:41am 0.3 8:50am 1.9 2:37am 0.3 9:48am 1.9 3:33am 0.3 10:47am 1.9 4:30am 0.3<br />

Kaikoura 5:37pm 2.0 11:54pm 0.3 6:30pm 2.0 12:13pm 0.3 7:24pm 2.0 1:08pm 0.2 8:21pm 2.0 2:05pm 0.2 9:19pm 1.9 3:04pm 0.3 10:18pm 1.8 4:04pm 0.3 11:17pm 1.8 5:06pm 0.3<br />

*Not for navigational purposes. Wind and swell are based on apoint off Gore Bay. Maori Fishing Guide by Bill Hohepa. www.ofu.co.nz www.tidespy.com Graphic supplied by OceanFun Publishing Ltd.<br />


Hurunui Garden Festival<br />

29th October<br />

to<br />

1stNovember<br />

A bounty of gardens to admire and inspire, will<br />

be on showinthe Hurunuidistrict thisSpring.<br />

The Hurunui Garden Fesval has 17 gardens<br />

on offer, two self-driven tours offthe beaten<br />

track and garden-basedeventstoeducateand<br />

entertain.<br />

It runs from Thursday, October 29 toSunday,<br />

November 1. Visitors wanng to aend have<br />

unl September 6totake advantage of early<br />

bird specials.<br />

Launched in <strong>20</strong>18 by agroup of keen local<br />

garden owners tohelp the Hurunui district<br />

recover from the impact ofthe devastang<br />

earthquake ofNovember <strong>20</strong>16, the fesval<br />

has become apopular event. Many visitors<br />

makeitalong weekendsotheycan enjoythe<br />

manyaraconsthe district has on offer.<br />

HurunuiGardenFesval Incorporated (HGF),is<br />

commied to invesng back in itscommunity.<br />

The commiee will give astudent,graduang<br />

fromaHurunuisecondaryschool,ascholarship<br />

to the value of $<strong>20</strong>00 towards study in<br />

horculture at their choice of University or<br />

Instute ofTechnology, on the occasion of<br />

HGF makingareasonable profit.<br />

Seventeen gardens, five of them new to<br />

the event, feature on this year’s fesval<br />

programme. They are in six clusters and<br />

garden owners willbereadytogreet youand<br />

share their stories of how they have created<br />

their gardens.<br />

Anew tour, Mysteries of the Waipara Gorge,<br />

complete with iron sculptures, concreons<br />

and moa bones, has been introduced, while<br />

the Hidden Gems from the Lowry Hills tothe<br />

Sea,makes its return.<br />

If youwouldyou like to donatetothe Hurunui<br />

Garden Fesval scholarship fund you can do<br />

via atransfertoour bankaccountlistedbelow<br />

- Account name: Hurunui Garden Fesval<br />

Incorporated.<br />

Accountnumber:02-1278-0028459-00.<br />

Bank name:BNZ.<br />

Entryis$10 per garden,children under18free.<br />

Tickets for the tours are $95 per person and<br />

includes morning tea, lunch and aernoon<br />

tea.<br />

Tickets available now from<br />


NEWS<br />

8 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>August</strong> <strong>20</strong>, <strong>20</strong><strong>20</strong><br />

Park rangers<br />

run sessions<br />

Two Tuhaitara Coastal Park rangers<br />

have been holding storytime talks at<br />

Waimakariri Libraries this week to<br />

celebrate Conservation Week.<br />

They provided children and families<br />

the chance to see one of the region’s<br />

rarest fish species during the talks.<br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong>’smudfish,the kowaro,is<br />

found in lowland waterways around<br />

Oxfordand southtothe Waitaki River.<br />

‘‘They wereonce widespread on the<br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> Plains, in wetlands which<br />

are now mostly drained,’’ park general<br />

manager Greg Brynes says.<br />

The Department of Conservation<br />

rankedthe mudfish as nationally<br />

endangered in <strong>20</strong>05.<br />

Their biggest threatisdamage to their<br />

habitat, mainly through drainage on<br />

privateland.<br />

The first storytime events were held at<br />

the Rangiora and Oxfordlibraries last<br />

Tuesday.One was alsoheld at the<br />

Kaiapoi Library last Wednesday, and<br />

another will be held at the Rangiora<br />

Library this morning(Thursday, <strong>August</strong><br />

18) starting at 10am.<br />


Localto<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>.<br />

CALL ARTHUR 027 2451601<br />

arthur@robertsonbuilding.co.nz<br />

www.robertsonbuilding.co.nz<br />





<strong>20</strong>21055<br />


Catlins win for Summerfield<br />


Rangiora’s Matt<br />

Summerfield celebrated<br />

his 100th competitive rally<br />

start with acomprehensive<br />

victory in the recent Catlins<br />

Rally.<br />

Driving his newly<br />

acquired Mitsubishi AP4<br />

rally car, time was lost on<br />

the first stage after aspin,<br />

but he and new co­driver<br />

Jared Christofferson<br />

followed it up by winning<br />

the remaining four stages<br />

to etch out a38.8 second<br />

advantage.<br />

Victory in the Catlins<br />

Rally had been in his sights<br />

twice before, last year<br />

being his closest attempt,<br />

but it ended with his<br />

Subaru Impreza off the<br />

road.<br />

The event, around of the<br />

Mainland series, drew a<br />

bumper field of 88 starters.<br />

The Catlins win was the<br />

second time Matt has won<br />

the same event as his<br />

father, Les, who also won in<br />

<strong>20</strong>02 and <strong>20</strong>04.<br />

They have also shared<br />

victories in the <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

Rally.<br />

Matt will reunite with<br />

regular co­driver, sister<br />

Nicole, for the remaining<br />

events on this season’s rally<br />

calendar. This includes the<br />

local Ashley Forest<br />

Rallysprint, scheduled for<br />

September <strong>20</strong> and 21.<br />

Rallying pair ... Matt<br />

Summerfield with his sister,<br />

Nicole, who will be his codriver<br />

for the rest of the<br />

season.<br />


In action ... Matt<br />

Summerfield attacks the<br />

dipper on his way down the hill<br />

during the <strong>20</strong>19 Ashley Rally.<br />

Unique species in wetland<br />

Recent mapping of awetlandonMtFyffe<br />

Farm,near Kaikoura,has revealed<br />

unique plant speciesnot seen elsewhere<br />

in the district.<br />

The manuka­dominant wetland hosts<br />

native vegetationincluding harakekeand<br />

purei(sedges), and swampastelia,which<br />

is uncommon on the eastcoast,<br />

Environment <strong>Canterbury</strong> says.<br />

The wetland borders the Ka Whata Tu<br />

oRakihouia Conservation Park,managed<br />

by the Department of Conservation.<br />

It was first surveyed earlierinthe year,<br />

before being mapped and recorded to<br />

capture its true areaand ecologicalvalue.<br />

The farm is owned by the Richardson<br />

family, which received ImmediateSteps<br />

biodiversityfunding of up to $18,000 to<br />

fence 1.9 hectares of wetland.<br />

Landowner PhilRichardson says<br />

fencing thearea helpsprotectits<br />

uniqueness.‘‘Water collects thereand<br />

then flows into Goldmine Creek. It’s anobrainer<br />

to protect it, really.”<br />

Planting and seeding the wetland<br />

edges,plus weed and predator control,<br />

will alsohelp create abooming<br />

biodiversityhotspotonthe farm.<br />

Phil manages the sheepand beeffarm<br />

with his son, Josh, and bothare keento<br />

protect the wetland. “With all the work<br />

we have done on the farm with gorse and<br />

old man’s beard, these latest efforts are a<br />

natural progression,’’Phil says.<br />

$10,000 in cash prizes to be won!<br />

ipsum dolor sit amet consectetuer adipiscing elit sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidu<br />

Live Performances @ The Geraldine domain, south canterbury<br />

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14 November <strong>20</strong><strong>20</strong><br />

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We welcome applications from groups, duos<br />

or solo artists. Weencourage everyone who<br />

has song writing and instrumental talents to<br />

consider entering, but you need tobe<br />

available to perform live atthe Festival on<br />

Saturday 14 th November <strong>20</strong><strong>20</strong>.<br />

We will select acts to perform with the chance ofwinning the first prize of<br />

$5,000, 2nd prize $3,000, 3rd prize of$1,000 orPeople's Choice $1,000<br />

12 -15Nov <strong>20</strong><strong>20</strong><br />

www.geraldinefestival.co.nz<br />

1) Entry Forms must be received by31st <strong>August</strong>`<strong>20</strong><strong>20</strong>.<br />

2) We will select finalists from all of the Acts who apply to perform live at<br />

the ‘Battle ofthe Sounds’.<br />

3) The competition will take place on Saturday 14th November 10am –<br />

3pm.<br />

4) Acts may perform their own material orcovers.<br />

5) The Act finishing in first place will perform asong of their choice<br />

following the prize giving.<br />

6) It is in your interests to encourage your fans tocome along tothe final to<br />

vote for you, sospread the word toyour on-line following.<br />

Apply: gldarts@xtra.co.nz by 31st <strong>August</strong> <strong>20</strong><strong>20</strong>

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Deans Ave<br />

Rolleston Ave<br />

NEWS<br />

10 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>August</strong> <strong>20</strong>, <strong>20</strong><strong>20</strong><br />

Tales of Pegasus Town<br />

Restoration work recognised ... Afunction at the Balmoral<br />

Fire Lookout, held before Covid­19 restrictions, marked the<br />

restoration of the historic lookout.<br />


Help appreciated<br />

The Hawarden Waikari<br />

Lions, pivotal in getting the<br />

Balmoralfirelookout<br />

renovatedand restored, will<br />

be recognised for its<br />

contribution.<br />

Unfortunately, plans to<br />

present acertificate of<br />

recognition to club<br />

representative DaveHislop<br />

during ConservationWeek<br />

have been cancelled because<br />

of Covid­19. However, he will<br />

receive it during October’s<br />

officialopening.<br />

It is not the only historic<br />

building to benefit from<br />

community support.<br />

Dr SharonEnglish and<br />

Robert Birks, working<br />

through the New Zealand<br />

ConservationFund, were<br />

central to ensuring the Casey<br />

Hut in Arthurs Pass National<br />

Park,whichburnt down in<br />

<strong>20</strong>15,was rebuilt thanksto<br />

theirgenerous sponsorship.<br />

Following the cancellation<br />

of the officialCasey Hut<br />

opening on <strong>August</strong> 22, a<br />

virtual opening should be<br />

readytoview on the<br />

Department of Conservation<br />

website this Saturday.<br />

Without such support,<br />

some hutswouldnot be<br />

replaced. It is asimilarstory<br />

with the Waiau Hut in the St<br />

JamesConservation Area.<br />

Thanks to support from<br />

Robert, the new Waiau Hut<br />

was opened in February<br />

<strong>20</strong>18.Both Robert and<br />

Sharon have alifelong<br />

interestinNew Zealand’s<br />

back country and are<br />

committed to encouraging<br />

others to get outdoors.<br />

More on Conservation<br />

Week,page 12<br />


Just north of Christchurch and<br />

up from Woodend,<br />

Throw ahard right at the<br />

circular bend,<br />

On through the gateway six<br />

totems defend,<br />

And you’ll come upon Pegasus<br />

Town.<br />

And so it begins, anew book by<br />

proud ‘‘Pegasusian’’ Bob Nimmo,<br />

Songs of the Pegasus Possums:<br />

Tales, Taunts and Titillations<br />

from Pegasus Town and the<br />

Waimakariri District.<br />

The book is filled with local<br />

distractions, regional hot —and<br />

not so hot —spots, seasonal<br />

changes and silly tales from<br />

Pegasus and beyond.<br />

Many of the titillating tales<br />

involve experiences<br />

‘‘accidentally or intentionally<br />

shared’’, though names have<br />

been altered to ‘‘protect the<br />

guilty’’, Bob says.<br />

‘‘But should readers recognise<br />

themselves within these pages,<br />

they can rejoice in the belief that<br />

they are clearly very astute.<br />

‘‘Like dozens of little enclaves<br />

up and down the country,<br />

Pegasus has its own weird,<br />

whimsical and wonderful<br />

personalities who weave their<br />

own particular fabric while<br />

getting on with the living.’’<br />

In his own whimsical way, Bob<br />

introduces readers to Trev, ‘‘who<br />

incarcerated himself in the local<br />

toilet’’, Pete ‘‘the disillusioned<br />

speedster’’, and Merv and May<br />

and the tale of the ‘‘troublesome<br />

jacuzzi’’.<br />

Even politics is not spared, as<br />

the proposed Woodend bypass<br />

and Covid­19 get the full<br />

treatment in wit and song.<br />

Bob describes himself as a<br />

‘‘writer and observer of ‘hapless<br />

humanity’,’’ who lives in the<br />

heart of Pegasus and is ‘‘a loyal<br />

follower of the local fashion —<br />

whatever that is’’.<br />

And just remember:<br />

If you meet aPegasusian<br />

Or p’raps aPegasite,<br />

Don’t just gape and gawp and<br />

gasp<br />

Or run away in fright ...<br />

For acopy of Bob Nimmo’s<br />

Songs of the Pegasus Possums:<br />

Tales, Taunts and Titillations<br />

from Pegasus Town and the<br />

Waimakariri District,contact<br />

bigtreemarketingnz@gmail.com,<br />

move4bob@gmail.com, or phone<br />

(021) 231 3017.<br />

Kaikoura'swinter festival postponed<br />

Kaikoura’sfirst everwinterfestival has been<br />

postponed.<br />

The decision was madetopostpone theevent<br />

planned for thisweekend, because of the<br />

Covid­19 alertlevel 2status, which bans<br />

gatherings of more 100 people.<br />

It willnow become aSpring Festival, with<br />

October 2to4set as the date.<br />

But Taranaki storytellers Erika&CoCo<br />

Flash will still be in towntopresent their<br />

children’s RainbowStorytime in the Kaikoura<br />

Library on Fridayat11am.<br />

Rainbow Storytimeisaimedatchildren from<br />

toddlers to intermediate age,readingbooks<br />

about acceptance, diversity, inclusionand<br />

being kind.<br />

Heading to<br />

Christchurch<br />

Hospital?<br />

DEANS<br />

AVE<br />

CAR PARK<br />



Deans Ave<br />

CAR PARK<br />

Plan your trip<br />

From <strong>August</strong> 24 <strong>20</strong><strong>20</strong>, <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

DHB’s free Hospital Shuttle will run<br />

from the new Deans Ave Car Park.<br />

With <strong>20</strong>0 dedicated patient parks, asealed surface and<br />

covered stop, the new car park on Deans Ave is available<br />

for patients and visitors seven days aweek.<br />

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and Christchurch<br />

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HagleyOval<br />

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Ōtākaro/Avon River<br />

Riccarton Ave<br />

to<br />

Shuttles run from 7.15am –8.30pm Monday toFriday,<br />

11am –8pm weekends. They leave the car park every 15<br />

minutes and stop atboth the main hospital reception and<br />

at Outpatients before returning tothe Deans Ave Car Park.<br />



South HagleyPark<br />

Hagley Ave<br />

St Asaph St<br />

Antigua Street<br />

Journey time isaround 15minutes and is free of charge.<br />

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Facility<br />

Learn more atcdhb.health.nz/parking for full details or call 0800 555 300.<br />

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Conservation Week 15 –23<strong>August</strong> <strong>20</strong><strong>20</strong><br />

Aclose-up of the vibrant scales ofthe Takitimu gecko. Photo: ©Rod Morris |www.rodmorris.co.nz<br />

conservationweek.org.nz<br />

Aplea to observe nature through fresh eyes<br />

This Conservation Week people<br />

are being urged to look at nature<br />

through new eyes.<br />

Many things are changing in our<br />

world, but nature hasn’t changed.<br />

It is there,around us, every day.<br />

As we work together to defeat<br />

Covid­19, manypeopleare looking<br />

at life and the world with a<br />

differentperspective.<br />

We havehad to changehow we<br />

live,what we valueand what we<br />

can do.<br />

Student support ... Bailey Baker,<br />

left,and Emma Warwick carry in<br />

roofing ironfor abird­watchinghide.<br />

Conservation Week provides the<br />

perfect time for people to immerse<br />

themselves in nature and embrace<br />

whathas alwaysbeen there. Look,<br />

listen,breatheand feel.<br />

Taketime to explore your<br />

relationshipwith natureand its<br />

benefits —connecting with nature<br />

is crucial to ourwellbeing and<br />

long­term survival.<br />

Takesome timetoimmerse<br />

yourselfinnature during<br />

Conservation Week.<br />

Although thereare no face­tofaceevents<br />

organised this year<br />

because of Covid precautions,<br />

please maketime to go for awalk<br />

to your specialplace and thank<br />

nature for still being there.<br />

If you can’t get out intoparks<br />

and reserves, explore your<br />

backyardand see how you can<br />

makeyour immediate<br />

environment more naturefriendly.<br />

Plant or provide food for native<br />

birds, monitor and trap predatory<br />

pests, or pull out some invasive<br />

weeds. To learn more, check out<br />

the Get Involved ­Let nature in<br />

pages on the Department of<br />

Conservation website.<br />

There are also some great<br />

nature experiences on its digital<br />

channels this year. Find out more<br />

at conservationweek.org.nz.<br />

Thanking helpers<br />

Every year, Conservation Week<br />

provides atimely opportunity to<br />

thank,acknowledgeand celebrate<br />

the fantastic work achieved by<br />

supporters, volunteersand<br />

partners.<br />

Unfortunately,face­to­face<br />

eventshave been cancelled<br />

nationwide because of Covid­19<br />

restrictions.<br />

This year,atthe Christchurch<br />

stakeholdersfunction planned for<br />

Te Wheke Marae,three groups<br />

and individuals from the <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> District weretohave<br />

received specialmention and<br />

accolades fromConservation<br />

Minister Eugene Sage for their<br />

outstanding contribution to<br />

conservation.<br />

While the event was cancelled,<br />

there will be other celebrations<br />

later in the year.<br />

AshleyGorgeTrack and<br />

Conservation Groupleaders Dave<br />

Shelton and JohnBurton, the<br />

driving forcesbehind this<br />

spectacular education and<br />

environmental project, were to<br />

have received their<br />

acknowledgement at the event<br />

along with studentEmma<br />

Warwick,representing the many<br />

youth who immersedthemselves<br />

in the initiative.<br />

However, the department will<br />

still partner with this grouptorun<br />

apublic eventatAshleyGorge,<br />

hopefully duringthe school<br />

holidays, withguided walks and<br />

displays to see the fantastic work<br />

achieved by thishardworking<br />

group.<br />

Ashley projectvolunteers ... John Burton, left, and DaveShelton will<br />

be recognised for their efforts.<br />


Amacro photographisa<br />

close­up that captures the<br />

detailofthe subject,enabling<br />

peopletoappreciate what<br />

they wouldn’t normally notice.<br />

You couldwin aCanon<br />

cameraand accessoriesworth<br />

more than $4500inthe<br />

#NatureThroughNewEyes<br />

Instagram competition.<br />

To be in to win, take and<br />

share amacro photo on<br />


Instagram showcasingNew<br />

Zealand’s naturebythe end of<br />

Conservation Week on<br />

Sunday, <strong>August</strong> 23.<br />

You can takethis with a<br />

cameraorasmartphone.<br />

Uploadyour image to<br />

Instagram using the hashtag<br />

#NatureThroughNewEyes<br />

and tag @docgovtnz. Go to<br />

conservationweek.org.nzto<br />

find out more.<br />

Discoverawesome<br />

KiwiGuardian<br />

adventures nearby<br />

www.kiwiguardians.co.nz<br />

AshleyGorge<br />

ŌtukaikinoWetlands<br />

Arthur’sPass<br />

NationalPark<br />

PackhorseHut<br />

Riccarton Bush<br />

GodleyHead<br />

Ōtamahua/Quail<br />

Island<br />

Travis Wetlands<br />

Ōtepatotu<br />

LittleRiver RailTrail<br />

2305617<br />




NEW EYES<br />

Conservation Week<br />

15 –23<strong>August</strong> <strong>20</strong><strong>20</strong><br />

conservationweek.org.nz<br />

Aclose-up of the iridescent patterns of the pāua shell.<br />

Photo: Mike O’Neil ©TePapa<br />

Find out more<br />



WEEK<br />

NEWS<br />

16 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>August</strong> <strong>20</strong>, <strong>20</strong><strong>20</strong><br />

Long service ... John Wakelin checks on 18­year­old Belbrook Dynamic Vanessa EX5, who<br />

is still milking twice aday.<br />


Amooving taleof<br />

dairyingsuccess<br />

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Somethings just seem to get better with<br />

age.<br />

A<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> cow hasbeen<br />

classified ‘‘excellent’’ for afifth time at<br />

the ripeold age of 18.<br />

Belbrook Dynamic VanessaEX5, owned<br />

by Belbrook Holsteins at Springbank,<br />

nearRangiora, was the onlyHolstein­<br />

Friesian in NewZealandtoreceivean<br />

EX5 classificationin<strong>20</strong>19.<br />

‘‘She’snot thebiggest cowinthe world,<br />

but shedoesher thing,’’says Robbie<br />

Wakelin, who farms withhis older<br />

brother, John.<br />

‘‘This cowlooks about 10 years old. She<br />

justkeepsploddingalongand goesalong<br />

withthe restofthe herd and milkstwice<br />

aday withthe othercows.’’<br />

JohnWakelin said he waselatedatthe<br />

result.<br />

“It’s beentwo decades since we’ve had<br />

acow classifyEX5.Thatwas Belbrook LD<br />

Annabel EX5 in <strong>20</strong>00.<br />

“It’s quite rare. Dairy cows work alot<br />

harder thesedaysand don’t often live long<br />

enoughtomeet therequired criteria.”<br />

AHolstein­Friesian cowisnot eligible<br />

to receive her first ‘‘excellent’’<br />

classificationuntil shehas calvedatleast<br />

three times.<br />

But longevityincows is not unusual at<br />

BelbrookHolsteins, with about70cowsin<br />

theherdhaving passedthe age of 10,<br />

Robbiesays.<br />

‘‘Ouroldestone was21yearsold as dad<br />

hadallowedher to retire.<br />

‘‘Theoldest one that calved was19years<br />

old.’’<br />

Vanessawas born in <strong>20</strong>02and was the<br />

oldestcow in the Wakelin’s milkingherd<br />

last season.<br />

Herproductionpeaked at 513kilograms<br />

of milksolids in <strong>20</strong>13 and, alongthe way,<br />

shehas produced 13 calves, including five<br />

heifers.<br />

‘‘Usually peopleget rid of them when<br />

they don’t produceacalforstop<br />

producing enoughmilk,but we tend to<br />

keep them forthe genetics,soit’snot just<br />

aboutthe milk,’’ Robbiesays.<br />

Cowfamilies areimportant to the<br />

Wakelins andwhile Vanessahad been the<br />

last cow of her familyline, she has<br />

ensured the bloodlinecontinues.<br />

Twoofher daughters, BelbrookTKO<br />

Veronica EX2and Belbrook Talent<br />

Victoria EX2,havebothbeen classified as<br />

‘‘excellent’’ twice.<br />

Youngestdaughter,Belbrook Bankroll<br />

Viva VG88, who wasborn in <strong>20</strong>16,<br />

produced449 kgMSasatwo­year­old<br />

heifer.<br />

Twin granddaughters of Vanessaare set<br />

to enter theherd this year.<br />

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Getadviceontrusts<br />

If there is one thingLaw4You can attribute<br />

to the last five years, it’s change.Change<br />

can be agood thing, but there havebeen<br />

significantchanges for property lawyers.<br />

There is now alabyrinthoflegislation to<br />

work through on everyconveyancing<br />

transaction, including the Anti Money<br />

Laundering andCountering of Terrorism<br />

legislation, OverseasInvestment Act<br />

restrictions, not to mention the bright­line<br />

considerations.<br />

The firmhas seen its own changes and<br />

now embraces anotherwith anew<br />

frontline person, Noreen, joining the team,<br />

replacing the youngest member, Paige,as<br />

she embarks on universitystudies.<br />

On the horizonlooms the new TrustsAct<br />

<strong>20</strong>19. As the team at Law4You undertakes<br />

alot of trustwork for clients, they are<br />

gearing up forthe changes that lie ahead.<br />

There has been significant commentary<br />

about the changes the newact willbring<br />

and how that impacts on trustsand the<br />

value of retaining atrust.<br />

Law4You maintains thereare still good<br />

reasons to retain your trust, one being<br />

property relationship protection.<br />

Even with recentcases undermining<br />

trusts,awell­maintained trustestablished<br />

pre­relationship with pre­relationship<br />

property kept separate with no contribution<br />

from the non­ownerpartyinthe<br />

relationship (or coupledwith acontracting­outagreement)<br />

will afford protection.<br />

Atrust, fromapractical view, can also be<br />

useful in estate management and afford<br />

protection fromFamily Protection Act<br />

claims.<br />

One wellpublicisedaspect of the new<br />

act is the obligation on trustees to disclose<br />

informationtothe beneficiaries. If yoursis<br />

a‘‘ma and pa’’trust holding the family<br />

home then, it is likely yourbeneficiaries<br />

(usually your children) alreadyknow about<br />

it and, provided you havemaintained the<br />

trust and gifting programme sufficiently,<br />

we suggest you give further consideration<br />

before choosing to wind up your trustasso<br />

many commentators are suggesting.<br />

The best solution is to seek legal, and<br />

potentially accounting,advice beforeyou<br />

do anything.<br />

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472 Blenheim Road<br />

Sockburn<br />

Phone: 03 343 1651<br />

Open 8:30am -5pm<br />

Sat 10am -1pm<br />


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<strong>20</strong>18 Holden Barina LS<br />

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<strong>20</strong>18 Toyota Highlander GXL4WD<br />

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NEWS<br />

<strong>20</strong> <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>August</strong> <strong>20</strong>, <strong>20</strong><strong>20</strong><br />

Trampoline club has areal spring in its step<br />


International competitions might<br />

be off limits, but Rangiora’s<br />

trampoline club has its own<br />

trans­Tasman flavour.<br />

Ice TrampolineSportsboasts<br />

Australasia’s top­ranked jumpers<br />

in women’s doublemini<br />

trampoline, along with other<br />

worldclass performers.<br />

Bronwyn Dibb, aged 22, was<br />

the silver medallistinthe<br />

women’s doublemini trampoline<br />

at last year’sworld<br />

championships, whileher teammate<br />

Braida Thomas, 24, was the<br />

top equal­ranked Australian,<br />

finishing 14thinthe same event.<br />

‘‘She(Braida) is afriend of<br />

mine and came overand did a<br />

few training sessions with us and<br />

just lovedthe culture of our<br />

squadand the way we do<br />

training, so she decided to move<br />

here,’’ Bronwyn says.<br />

Bronwyn has been competing<br />

Forward movement ... Amelia<br />

Lacey, front,aged 4, attempts a<br />

forwardroll during aRangiora<br />

Gymnastics Club class.<br />

in trampoline sinceshe was 9,<br />

startinginChristchurchbefore<br />

her coaches Nigel and Vicki<br />

High risers ... Ice Trampoline Sportsclubmembers show off their skills.<br />

Humphreys founded Ice<br />

Trampoline Sports in Rangiora<br />

12 years ago.<br />

‘‘I just love the sport. It’s the<br />

thrill of flipping out and flying<br />

through the air and the culture of<br />

the sport.<br />

‘‘I did gymnastics whenIwas<br />

younger and it’s the friends I<br />

have made whichmakes it<br />

special.<br />

‘‘This is one of thebest clubs in<br />

New Zealand.’’<br />

The club boastedsix members<br />

of the eight­strongNew Zealand<br />

squadwhichcompeted in last<br />

year’s world championships, as<br />

well as one Australian.<br />

‘‘We usually compete overseas<br />

twiceayearatleast,but we<br />

missed out altogether thisyear.<br />

We were meanttogotoPortugal,<br />

but hopefully we will be able to<br />

compete overseas againnext<br />

year,’’ Bronwyn says.<br />

Ice Trampoline Sports shares<br />

the facilitiesinRangiora’s<br />

Edward Street withthe Rangiora<br />

Gymnastics Club and the <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> Sportand<br />

RecreationTrust’shead office.<br />

Nigelsays having someofNew<br />

Zealand’stop athletes was a<br />

majoradvantage to the club,<br />

whichprideditselfonhavinga<br />

family­friendly atmosphere.<br />

‘‘Having the seniorathletes<br />

really inspires the young ones<br />

that they can have afuture in the<br />

sportand they don’t have to give<br />

it up at age 16.<br />

‘‘Ourphilosophy for the<br />

children is it’s got to be fun and<br />

we value the opportunitytoteach<br />

thesechildren some valuable<br />

skills.’’<br />

World class ... Rangiora’s Bronwyn Dibb has enjoyed international<br />

success in women’s double mini trampoline.<br />


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Former addict to<br />

speak in Rangiora<br />


Apublicforum about<br />

reducing drug harm is back<br />

on,after beingaffected by<br />

Covid­19 restrictions.<br />

Drugs survivor and<br />

motivational speaker Pat<br />

Buckleywas duetospeakin<br />

theWaimakariri districtin<br />

March,but his visit was<br />

cancelled as the country<br />

moved into lockdown.<br />

But with greater freedoms<br />

allowed, Pat will now speak<br />

at apublic forumnext Wednesday,<br />

<strong>August</strong>26, from 7pm<br />

in theRangioraTownHall.<br />

Senior pupils at Kaiapoi<br />

and Rangiora highschools,<br />

RangioraNew LifeSchool<br />

and Oxford Area School will<br />

alsoget achance to hear<br />

from Pat during his visit.<br />

The visit is sponsored by<br />

the Prevention of Alcohol<br />

and Drug Harm Waimakariri<br />

Steering Group.<br />

Waimakariri District<br />

Council safecommunity<br />

facilitator Natalie Paterson<br />

saysPatwilldiscuss actions<br />

parents cantake,what<br />

support is available, drug<br />

trends, and tell­tale signs.<br />

‘‘I’ve had anumberof<br />

differentconversations with<br />

parents and Iwould<br />

encourage as manyparents<br />

as possibletocomealong.<br />

‘‘Sometimesparentscan<br />

be blind­sided when they<br />

2299409<br />

❛Parentscan be<br />

blind­sided when<br />

they becomeaware<br />

that their teenagers<br />

have adrugs<br />

problem.❜<br />

become aware that their<br />

teenagers have adrugs<br />

problem,sobylearning<br />

about the tell­tale signs, they<br />

willknowwhattolook for.<br />

‘‘Youdon’t havetobea<br />

parent to come to the forum.<br />

It is open to the general<br />

publicand anyone who has<br />

concerns or hasaninterest<br />

inthe issuecan attend.’’<br />

Pat is aformer addictwho<br />

foundedAmped4life.net.nz<br />

tohelpcommunities fight<br />

drug and alcohol abuse.<br />

Representatives from<br />

local drug and alcohol<br />

support agencies will be at<br />

the forums to offersupport.<br />

‘‘<strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong> has<br />

good support available for<br />

those strugglingwithdrug<br />

andalcohol addictions,<br />

especially for young people,’’<br />

Nataliesays. ‘‘Community<br />

Wellbeing <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

has drug and alcohol<br />

counsellors, and if aparent<br />

wants to make areferral they<br />

can do that.’’<br />

NEWS<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>August</strong> <strong>20</strong>, <strong>20</strong><strong>20</strong><br />

21<br />

Town smog levels breached<br />


Air pollution standards have<br />

been exceeded on four nights in<br />

Rangiora and three nights in<br />

Kaiapoi so far this winter.<br />

These exceedances breach the<br />

National Environmental<br />

Standards for Air Quality<br />

(NESAQ) regulations which are<br />

set by the Ministry for the<br />

Environment under the<br />

Resource Management Act.<br />

In <strong>Canterbury</strong>, Environment<br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> (ECan) does the<br />

monitoring.<br />

ECan’s air quality science team<br />

leader, Tim Mallet, said the<br />

likely source of pollution in<br />

Rangiora and Kaiapoi on those<br />

nights was home fires.<br />

However, the number of<br />

exceedances has reduced<br />

significantly in most airsheds in<br />

recent years.<br />

‘‘For example, in the Rangiora<br />

airshed in <strong>20</strong>10 there were 13<br />

nights of exceedances, compared<br />

to <strong>20</strong>19 when there were just two.<br />

‘‘The findings from our many<br />

years of work with the<br />

community has shown us that the<br />

majority of people are doing the<br />

right thing and have made the<br />

changes needed, such as<br />

upgrading non­compliant olderstyle<br />

wood burners to lowemission<br />

forms of home heating.’’<br />

ECan runs an annual regionwide<br />

Warmer Cheaper campaign<br />

during the winter, focusing on<br />

better burning information and<br />

advice. The campaign’s website<br />

is at warmercheaper.co.nz.<br />

‘‘Smoke in outdoor air can<br />

come into homes, depending on<br />

Smoke... ECanmonitorsair pollution in airsheds around<strong>Canterbury</strong>.<br />

how ventilated they are,’’ Tim<br />

says.<br />

The air quality regulations are<br />

based on the health risks<br />

associated with different<br />

contaminants. Anational<br />

environmental standard of 50<br />

micrograms per cubic metre of<br />

air has been set for PM10 (very<br />

small particles found in dust and<br />

smoke) for the 24­hour period<br />

from midnight to midnight.<br />

Air pollution is referred to as<br />


‘‘high’’ when the daily<br />

concentration is greater than 50<br />

at any monitoring site within a<br />

defined airshed.<br />

This standard is usually<br />

exceeded each year in<br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> airsheds.<br />

The regulations also determine<br />

the maximum allowable highpollution<br />

nights per year for each<br />

area.<br />

In Rangiora, that number is<br />

one while in Kaiapoi it is three.<br />



Pat Buckley from Amped4life presents a<br />

community forum that realistically and<br />

graphically communicates the risks of Drug<br />

and Alcohol use and abuse in our community.<br />







26TH AUGUST <strong>20</strong><strong>20</strong> 7PM<br />

Pat will be speaking to the senior students at Rangiora, Kaiapoi, Oxford and \Rangiora<br />

New Life schools throughout the week.<br />

Refreshments and light supper will follow Pat’s presentation. This is afree event.<br />

For more information about Pat see www.amped4life.net.nz<br />

Brought to you by the Prevention of Alcohol and Drug Harm Waimakariri Steering Group.<br />



With international travel offthe table, Kiwis are being encouraged to<br />

redirect their leisure dollars into local economies.<br />


The opportunity to get off the farm, learn to surf and have fun has proven<br />

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EDITION 2-<strong>20</strong><strong>20</strong><br />

NEWS<br />

22 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>August</strong> <strong>20</strong>, <strong>20</strong><strong>20</strong><br />

Groups discuss social recovery<br />


In brief<br />

Lost and found<br />

The willingnessof<br />

Waimakariri’s community<br />

organisationstocollaborate has<br />

beenreinforced in thedistrict’s<br />

efforts to combat Covid­19.<br />

Morethan60people<br />

representing various<br />

community groups recently<br />

attended asocialrecovery<br />

planning workshop at the<br />

Woodend Community Centre.<br />

WaimakaririDistrict Council<br />

community teammanagerTessa<br />

Sturley saysthe attendees<br />

included representatives from<br />

the social, community,<br />

recreation,health, faith­based,<br />

education, local and central<br />

government, as wellasfunders,<br />

youth,older persons and<br />

migrant sectors.<br />

‘‘Waimakaririiswell<br />

recognised forthe willingness of<br />

local organisationsto<br />

collaborateand to thinkoutside<br />

the square to makesure people<br />

are well supported and<br />

connectedinto the lifeofthe<br />

community,’’ Tessa says.<br />

‘‘The workshopwas an<br />

opportunity to celebrate what’s<br />

alreadyhappeninginour<br />

community while<br />

acknowledgingthatthereare<br />

still somegaps.<br />

‘‘Itwas an energeticand<br />

creativemorning with some<br />

reallygooddiscussion.’’<br />

The intention of the workshop<br />

was to inform localstakeholders<br />

about the progress of Covid­19<br />

social recovery,toreview the<br />

evidence gatheredfrom the<br />

various sectorsand to identify<br />

Community planning ... Representatives of various community and elected leaders discuss social<br />

recovery at aworkshop held in Woodend.<br />


any gaps.<br />

Attendeesbrainstormed<br />

solutionsand opportunities<br />

which emerged from therecent<br />

Social ServicesWaimakariri<br />

surveys, including mental<br />

healthand wellbeing, inclusion<br />

in community, addiction and<br />

family violence, accesstosport<br />

and recreation, food<br />

deprivation andpoverty,<br />

unemployment and<br />

empowerment, andsupport for<br />

thearts and cultural activities.<br />

‘‘Peopleare reallyprepared<br />

to do their part to worktogether<br />

to make things happen andto<br />

step outside their comfortzone,<br />

andoutside theconfinesof<br />

business as usual for the greater<br />

good,’’Tessa says.<br />

Workshopparticipantswere<br />

also mindfulthatsome people’s<br />

circumstanceshad changed<br />

because of Covid­19,she says.<br />

‘‘We wanttomakesurethat<br />

they are supported, encouraged<br />

andempowered to engageand<br />

that they havearealsenseof<br />

hope and possibility.’’<br />

The following property has<br />

beenreported as lost to <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong>policestations: A<br />

black/gray Samsung S<strong>20</strong> Ultra<br />

cellphone,agold iPhone 7, a<br />

black leather wallet, black<br />

leather fold­up with5­6 keys, an<br />

iPhone XR inablack<br />

waterproof case, awhite Apple<br />

iPhone 6, arose gold blue stone<br />

ring, ablack pouch with a<br />

Huawei P30 phone and Dortex<br />

binoculars,and agold<br />

engagement ring (opal<br />

surrounded by diamonds).<br />

Treefelling<br />

An article in the <strong>August</strong> 13<br />

edition of <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

<strong>News</strong> reports Waimakariri<br />

Mayor Dan Gordon as accepting<br />

Environment <strong>Canterbury</strong>’s<br />

reasoningbehindthe removal<br />

of treesnearthe Ashley River.<br />

Mr Gordon says while he<br />

accepts ECanhas removed the<br />

trees, he does not agreewith the<br />

reasoning. ‘‘If thereare trees<br />

thatare adanger to people<br />

then, of course, Iwouldsupport<br />

their removal, but not the<br />

removal of healthy trees. This<br />

was an area of significant<br />

natural beauty that Iand lots of<br />

other locals enjoyed. Ishare the<br />

community’s concern thatthis<br />

areaisnow gone andIdon’t<br />

accept that there was a<br />

justifiable case for their<br />

removal.’’Any<br />

misunderstanding caused by<br />

thisisregretted.<br />



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Kevin Jenkins<br />

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027 607 2555<br />

Ross Ditmer<br />

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Darfield<br />

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Dean Pugh<br />

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Georgie Robson<br />

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Hamish Lane<br />

027 685 6<strong>20</strong>4<br />

Jack Pringle<br />

027 533 48<strong>20</strong><br />

Jane Moody<br />

027 455 0161<br />

Joel Meikle<br />

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Loburn<br />

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55ha<br />

Motunau<br />

373ha<br />

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Oamaru<br />

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Oxford<br />

40ha<br />

John Bailey<br />

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Jon McAuliffe<br />

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Kerry Eyles<br />

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24 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>August</strong> <strong>20</strong>, <strong>20</strong><strong>20</strong><br />

Footrot Flats on stage<br />

Murray Ball’s Footrot Flats will be staged<br />

in HanmerSprings next month.<br />

AmuriPlayers are presenting the<br />

production at the HanmerSprings<br />

Memorial Hall from September16to19.<br />

The show, written by RogerHall and<br />

A.K. Grant,with music by Philip<br />

Norman,isbeing directedbyHanmer<br />

Springs local Grum Frith.<br />

Tickets are $25,seniors $<strong>20</strong>, and<br />

children$15. They are available from<br />

Ula in HanmerSprings, and can be<br />

ordered at the Red Post Cafeand Waiau<br />

Hardware.Online orderscan be madeto<br />

amuriplayers<strong>20</strong><strong>20</strong>@gmail.com.<br />

Bike race through station revived<br />

The Molesworth Muster<br />

Mountain BikeRace will<br />

returninNovember after a<br />

10­year hiatus.<br />

The Hawarden Waikari<br />

Lions Clubisstaging the race,<br />

covering more than80km<br />

through some of New<br />

Zealand’s mostspectacular<br />

high country, on Saturday,<br />

November 14.<br />

Competitorswill race<br />

through New Zealand’s largest<br />

working farm, following the<br />

famousstockroute used for<br />

more than acentury to muster<br />

cattlefrom the station to<br />

HanmerSprings.<br />

It is an adventure from start<br />

to finish.<br />

Alocked gate means<br />

competitorswill have to get to<br />

the startbefore7pm on Friday<br />

night,and camp overnight,<br />

ready to start earlyonSaturday<br />

morning.<br />

The gateisatthe Clarence<br />

River bridge/Accommodation<br />

House,about 30 minutes from<br />

HanmerSprings.<br />

From this pointitisadrive<br />

of around 56kmtothe start<br />

location and campingarea.<br />

There is also the optionof<br />

takingashuttle bus from<br />

HanmerSprings, or driving in<br />

from Blenheim or Kaikoura.<br />

The raceislimited to 300<br />

riders, and competitors must<br />

sign up beforehand. No entries<br />

will be taken on the day.<br />

Entries, which cost $1<strong>20</strong>a<br />

rider,close on Sunday,October<br />

Spectacular scenery ... November’s bike race will be throughone of New Zealand’s best­known high<br />

country stations.<br />

31, or whenall places are<br />

filled.<br />

The entry fee covers aprepacked<br />

lunchfor riders and all<br />

fees for the Molesworth<br />

Station,with asupporters’<br />

musterers lunchavailable for<br />

an extra$12.<br />

Riders mustbeaged 16 and<br />

over (or at the racedirector’s<br />

discretion).<br />

There willbemedals and<br />

trophies for the fastest bull/<br />

cow,category winners, and the<br />

laststraggler home. There will<br />

alsobeastashofspot prizeson<br />

offer.<br />

Molesworth is aspectacular<br />

and iconic high­county reserve<br />

witharich farming history.<br />

In New Zealand,the name<br />

Molesworth evokesthe<br />

nation’s high­country farming<br />

identity —musterersand<br />

stockmen and their dogs<br />

working livestock in vast<br />

tussock landscapes.<br />

The station seems isolated,<br />

but it has along human<br />

history.<br />

For more information, visit<br />

hawarden­waikari­lions.org.nz<br />

website.<br />

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your town sign.<br />

Emailyour entryto:<br />

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the draw to win a<br />

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OXFORD<br />


SEFTON<br />

Ts&Csapply. The<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>reserves the rightto<br />

publish anyofthe photos.<br />

The Widest Music Variety<br />

Tune in nowtolistenon104.9 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

and103.7 Hanmer Springs andKaikoura<br />

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Stitches on the front line<br />


Stitches, who rides on the<br />

dashboard of the Amberley St<br />

John ambulance, has awhole<br />

school of admirers.<br />

The teddy was named through<br />

acompetition run by the<br />

Amberley St John operational<br />

volunteers at Amberley School.<br />

Amberley station manager<br />

Rachel Basher says naming their<br />

mascot, and acolouring<br />

competition run at the school,<br />

were designed to show the<br />

community the special work<br />

done by St John volunteers.<br />

While Covid­19 alert level 2<br />

took atoll on some planned<br />

activities, there was still ahuge<br />

amount of enthusiasm from<br />

pupils in the competition, with<br />

talks and displays given by St<br />

John volunteers.<br />

Activities planned for children<br />

included older children learning<br />

CPR, aparamedic relay, using<br />

equipment, and St John youth<br />

teaching bandaging and first aid.<br />

Social distancing put paid to<br />

this, but volunteers visited<br />

individual hubs and handed out<br />

the colouring competition prizes.<br />

Adefibrillator and response<br />

bag were also shown to children,<br />

who learnt how they worked.<br />

Question time followed.<br />

Sophie McDonald won the<br />

naming of the teddy, and was<br />

awarded the grand prize in front<br />

of the whole school, gathered in<br />

hubs on the hard courts.<br />

She was taken for aride in the<br />

ambulance around the school,<br />

complete with flashing lights and<br />

siren.<br />

Winning name ... Sophie McDonald won the competition to name<br />

Stitches.<br />


Sophie took home her very own<br />

teddy bear, while Stitches now<br />

takes pride­of­place on the<br />

ambulance dashboard.<br />

The colouring competition<br />

winners were:<br />

Prep ­Lucah Simonetta; Year<br />

0­1 ­Dougal Marshall; Year 2­4 ­<br />

Greta Graham ;Year 5­6 ­Amber<br />

Stanley; Year 7­8 ­Sophie<br />

McDonald.<br />

The Amberley Station is<br />

managed by two volunteer<br />

station managers, Rachel Basher<br />

and Sam Wilson. There are about<br />

adozen active volunteers at<br />

present, with three recruits.<br />

‘‘We are very lucky in<br />

Amberley as we are well<br />

supported by the wider <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> volunteers, who<br />

often come and join us crewing<br />

Amberley 1,’’ Rachel says.<br />

Alot of hard work goes into<br />

filling its volunteer roster to<br />

provide the community with a<br />

front­line resource.<br />

‘‘Our roster is filled most<br />

evenings with volunteers who<br />

selflessly give up their time.’’<br />

Anyone who wants to be part of<br />

the Amberley St John team can<br />

contact Rachel by email at<br />

rachel.basher@stjohns.org.nz.<br />

ASharp LeftTurn, by<br />

MikeChunn<br />

Thisisagrippingread<br />

thatworksonseveral<br />

levels. It’sthe slidingdoorstoryofsomeone<br />

who might havebecome a<br />

world­famous pop star<br />

had he notsuffered from<br />

asevere phobicdisorder.<br />

Mudlarking: Lost and<br />

Found on the River<br />

Thames,byLaraMaiklem<br />

For thousands of years<br />

human beings have been<br />

losing their possessions<br />

and dumping their<br />

rubbishinthe River<br />

Thames, makingitthe<br />

longest andmost varied<br />

archaeological site in the<br />

world.<br />

Ketofor Life,byMark<br />

Sisson<br />

At theage of 66,ancestral<br />

health movement leader<br />

MarkSissonisstill in<br />

peakathletic condition<br />

and exceptional health.<br />

He creditshis ketogenic<br />

dietand complementary<br />

lifestyle practices as the<br />

reason.<br />

These titlesare<br />

availableinboth<br />

Waimakariri and<br />

Hurunuilibraries.Find<br />

out moreabout recent<br />

additionstothe library<br />

collection by going to the<br />

librarycatalogue at<br />

waimakariri.kotui.org.nz<br />

or hurunui.kotui.org.nz<br />

or contact your local<br />

library.<br />

NEWS<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>August</strong> <strong>20</strong>, <strong>20</strong><strong>20</strong><br />


ALLTECH EQUESTRIAN Advertising feature<br />

26 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>August</strong> <strong>20</strong>, <strong>20</strong><strong>20</strong><br />

Winning duo ...<br />

Robert Dunn,<br />

who won Harness<br />

Racing New<br />

Zealand’s<br />

<strong>20</strong>19­<strong>20</strong><strong>20</strong><br />

trainers’<br />

premiership for<br />

the first time this<br />

season, with his<br />

son, John. They<br />

run two stables,<br />

with Robert<br />

based in<br />

Auckland and<br />

John at Woodend<br />


Matt Cassineri ... Alltech’s areasales<br />

manager.<br />

Key to equine health<br />

is proper nutrition<br />

Nutrition is the basis for all equine<br />

development. This is also true in most<br />

species.<br />

Get it wrong and your animal could<br />

suffer and performance could be<br />

seriously hindered.<br />

Regardless of the breed or<br />

discipline, ahorse must have agood<br />

foundation on which to develop strong<br />

bones and joints. Nutrition of the<br />

growing horse has agreat impact on<br />

this foundation.<br />

Several nutrients are particularly<br />

important in bone growth and<br />

development.<br />

Supply and balance of these<br />

nutrients is key to optimising growth<br />

and minimising nutritionally<br />

associated orthopaedic problems.<br />

Proper balance of sufficient nutrients<br />

will help foals develop astrong<br />

foundation.<br />

LIFEFORCE is the cornerstone of<br />

the Alltech equine product line,<br />

benefiting horses at every stage of life,<br />

whether they are breeding stock,<br />

pleasure, or performance animals.<br />

Combining Alltech’s top proprietary<br />

technologies, LIFEFORCE use is an<br />

essential daily means of maintaining a<br />

healthy horse. LIFEFORCE helps to<br />

create ahealthy digestive<br />

environment, promote nutrient<br />

absorption, strengthen immune<br />

function, and optimise performance.<br />

Alltech’s core mission is to improve<br />

equine health and performance by<br />

adding nutritional value to feed in a<br />

natural way.<br />

LIFEFORCE ... The key to better equine<br />

nutrition.<br />

Performance<br />

To maintain fitness, strength, and<br />

athletic ability, high performance<br />

competition horses need to be fed the<br />

correct balance of quality nutrients.<br />

Feed costs and efficiency<br />

In the current economic climate, we<br />

need to do more with less. Feed<br />

efficiency should therefore be<br />

considered with more significance in<br />

the equine industry. As feed<br />

constitutes the largest cost factor, it is<br />

especially important that the use of<br />

available ingredients is maximised.<br />

Gut integrity<br />

Maintaining intestinal health is<br />

important for horses to perform<br />

optimally. An under­nourished or<br />

unstable intestinal tract results in<br />

poor digestion, increased exposure to<br />

toxins and depressed defence<br />

systems, which can lead to areduction<br />

in nutrient absorption and increased<br />

morbidity rates.<br />

Selenium deficiency<br />

Selenium is an essential trace<br />

element that is an integral part of the<br />

horse’s antioxidant defence system<br />

and is required for normal growth and<br />

reproduction.<br />

It is an immutable law in business<br />

that words are words, explanations<br />

are explanations, promises are<br />

promises, but only performance is<br />

reality.<br />

To learn more, contact area sales<br />

manager Matt Cassineri (027) <strong>20</strong>8 4606<br />

or email matt.cassineri@alltech.com.<br />

—Alltech (NZ) Limited<br />

Dunn thrilled with win<br />


Harness racing trainerRobert Dunn<br />

attributes his first trainers’ premiership<br />

win to abig team of high­performing<br />

horses, fantastic staffand owners,and<br />

hard work.<br />

The trainer ended lastseason on July 31<br />

with 95 wins,14more than his closest<br />

rivals, Rollestonpowerhouse trainers<br />

Natalie Rasmussenand Mark Purdon, who<br />

have won the premiership since <strong>20</strong>14.<br />

Robert begantraining in 1977and is<br />

consistentlyone of New Zealand’sleading<br />

trainerswith two stables, one in Auckland,<br />

whereheisbased,and the other at<br />

Woodend Beach,run by his eldest son,<br />

John.Johnisalso aleading driver, and<br />

finished third on lastseason’s drivers’<br />

premiership with 73 wins.<br />

Robert was quicktopraise the help from<br />

John.‘‘I couldn’thave doneitwithout the<br />

Standardbreds to be microchipped<br />

Harness Racing New Zealand will<br />

microchip foals thisseason as partofa<br />

new identification process.<br />

It was scheduled to begin at the startof<br />

the newseason on <strong>August</strong> 1and will<br />

comply with the Ministryfor Primary<br />

Industries’ requirements, issued last<br />

November, thatall horses being exported<br />

from New Zealandmust be<br />

microchipped.<br />

The procedure, which replacesfreeze<br />

brandingfor the official identificationof<br />

Standardbreds, will also improve<br />

support Ihave had,’’ he said. ‘‘John and<br />

(his wife)Jenna are doing afantastic job at<br />

Woodend Beach.’’<br />

Jenna’s father, Craig Edmonds, is there<br />

too. ‘‘Theyhave got the stabletickingalong<br />

reallywell.’’<br />

It is abusy life, with10to12horses in<br />

work at the Auckland stableand 40 to 50 at<br />

Woodend Beach.<br />

Robertsaid it was athrill to win the<br />

premiership. It wasn’t somethinghehad<br />

chasedover the years but somethinghe<br />

was proudtoachieve.<br />

He rates superstarpacers Master<br />

Musician (34 wins) and Mainland Banner<br />

(22 wins) as the best horses he has trained<br />

to date. ‘‘They were standouts.’’<br />

For now, he is looking ahead and<br />

already has five winners for this season,<br />

and there is excitement in the stableabout<br />

the two­year­olds bought earlierinthe<br />

year at the national yearling sales.<br />

traceabilityand the potential for<br />

rehoming when horses retire.<br />

HarnessRacingNew Zealand is in the<br />

process of updatingits IT systems to allow<br />

the microchip information to be stored.<br />

Each microchipiscoded specifically<br />

for Standardbredsand has aunique<br />

15­digit code which, whenscanned,will<br />

link to theorganisation’s Infohorse<br />

database.<br />

The microchips are the same type used<br />

globally by many other racing<br />

jurisdictions.<br />


Multi-nutritional equine supplement<br />

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Essential minerals, yeast and selenium<br />

Daily solution aids overall digestive health,<br />

supports immune function, optimises performance<br />

Convenienttouse -all in one bag<br />

For more information, contact your Alltech Area Sales Manager or call us.<br />

Alltech (NZ) Limited<br />

PO Box 69 170 |Glendene |Auckland 0645<br />

newzealand@alltech.com | 0800 ALLTECH<br />

alltech.com/newzealand<br />

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PhoneRobertMcAlister 0274340 315<br />

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Advertising feature<br />


<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>August</strong> <strong>20</strong>, <strong>20</strong><strong>20</strong><br />

27<br />

Good horsemanship ... ‘‘There is asolidconnection between the feetand the mindofahorse.”<br />

It’sessentialtoget<br />

thefoundation right<br />

Ben Longwell, who runs True WestHorsemanship,discusses the<br />

languageofthe horse and how to use it.<br />

Working with horses, as with anything,<br />

gainsbetterresults throughbetter<br />

understanding.<br />

True horsemanship,which is applicable<br />

no matter what your equinediscipline, is<br />

aboutworking in asafe manner by<br />

building trustand respectand studying the<br />

way horses think and behave. It requires<br />

comprehending many principles fromthe<br />

perspective of the horse.<br />

Theirown personal safety is ahorse’s<br />

main priority, ranking higher even than<br />

eating. Everythingabout theirphysical<br />

make­up is created for survival, from sharp<br />

eyesight and hearing to their flightinstinct<br />

that can be triggeredinafractionofa<br />

second.Because safety is their first<br />

priority and flight is the primarydefence<br />

mechanism,there is asolid connection<br />

between the feet and the mindofahorse.<br />

In order to haveaworkingrelationship<br />

builtontrust, we mustunderstand this<br />

feet/mind connection and its relationship<br />

to the equine’s need for leadership.<br />

Horses communicate through body<br />

language, and the hierarchyofthe herd is<br />

determined through this medium. This can<br />

be as subtle as the twitch of an ear or as<br />

forceful as adouble­barrelled kick—<br />

whatever it takes to get the point across.<br />

Humans can takeasignificantamount of<br />

time and focus to learn how to<br />

intentionallycommunicate this way. Many<br />

people shortcut the process anduse tools<br />

(flags,sticksorlead­rope twirling) rather<br />

than actual bodylanguage, and in this way<br />

neverreally grasp how effective it can be.<br />

The terms Iuse to teach and describe<br />

the conceptofbody language are Position,<br />

Life and Space. Thesecan be difficult to<br />

visualise through print,but Iwill offer a<br />

shortdefinition here.<br />

Theseprinciples are applicable both in<br />

our groundworkand under saddle, the<br />

main difference being the big changein<br />

our position from ground to saddle.<br />

Position has to do withwhere we are in<br />

relation to the horse, takinginto account<br />

where the balance pointisalongthe<br />

shoulder that is natural to all herd<br />

animals. On amore subtlenote, it includes<br />

the directionweface when we are<br />

consistent with wherewedirect our<br />

intention.Itcan become an effectivepart<br />

of ourcommunication.<br />

Life,orenergy, couldbesummed up by<br />

noise or movement thatwouldcause the<br />

horse to want to make achangeinwhat he<br />

is doing,whether that is to go or stop, move<br />

left or right,orforward or back. It can<br />

include verbal cues that are effectivewhen<br />

used consistently. There is also tempo to<br />

our Life,just as horses move withrhythm,<br />

which can be asubtle and effectivepart of<br />

our communication.<br />

Space is primarily dealt with in our<br />

groundwork and refers to our personal<br />

space and how we use it to directthe horse<br />

and stay safe ourselves. It works in<br />

conjunction with Lifetohelp ahorse be<br />

more awareofusand move away when<br />

asked.Itisimportant to not eliminate our<br />

space when asking the horse to move away.<br />

We onlyhave so much Spacesoitiscrucial<br />

we use it sparinglybut effectively.<br />

As we becomemore fluent, we candirect<br />

ahorse’s feetinspecific ways, using<br />

pressure and releasewith the proper<br />

timingtoengage theirminds.<br />

If we take the time and are willingto<br />

changeour focus,wecan begintointeract<br />

more with the mind, setting things up and<br />

letting them find it, and the feet will follow.<br />

This is abig piece of the puzzle that<br />

shows them that theycan trustuswith<br />

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<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>August</strong> <strong>20</strong>, <strong>20</strong><strong>20</strong><br />

29<br />

Health check<br />

... <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong>based<br />

pig vet<br />

Dr Bruce<br />

Welch says the<br />

New Zealand<br />

pork industry<br />

is in good<br />

health.<br />






Bruce alynchpinin<br />

helpingpig farms<br />


Pig veterinarian Dr Bruce Welch believes<br />

New Zealand pigfarmersrate well when it<br />

comestoanimalwelfare.<br />

The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>­basedvet is one<br />

of just three specialistpig vets in New<br />

Zealand, serving clientsall roundthe<br />

country.<br />

“We are on the back foot as an industry.<br />

The vast majorityofthe porkimportedinto<br />

New Zealand comes from farmsthat don’t<br />

meet our animalwelfare requirements,<br />

our environmental requirements or our<br />

labour regulations,all of which help<br />

reduce their production costs lower than<br />

ours,” Bruce says.<br />

“Overall,wethink we are on prettygood<br />

ground internationally, but we are striving<br />

for continual improvement.”<br />

The pork industry has changed alot in <strong>20</strong><br />

years, with about 61 percent of meat now<br />

imported and very little exported.<br />

Thereare around80largecommercial<br />

pig operationsspreadaroundthe country,<br />

with Bruceworkingwith many of them<br />

more as amanagement consultant with a<br />

focusonhousing,reproduction, nutrition,<br />

disease eradication, and providing<br />

support and training to farm workers.<br />

“I very seldom dealwith asick pig, as it’s<br />

more about training staffon­farm and<br />

advising them over thephone,”hesays.<br />

“I focusonoverall animal welfare,<br />

keeping diseases under control and<br />

eliminating disease wherewecan, and<br />

helping the farm to be more profitable.”<br />

Most farmvisitsare planned in advance,<br />

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with Brucefollowing strict biosecurity<br />

protocolsbetween farms to avoid<br />

spreading diseases. He showers going in<br />

and showersgoing out, as wellaschanging<br />

clothes on entry.<br />

“I visit mostfarms two to four times a<br />

year for routine herd healthand advisory<br />

visits, but Ivery seldom go to morethan<br />

one farm in aday.’’<br />

Recentmedia coverage emphasisedthat<br />

there is confusion betweensow crates<br />

(gestationstalls), which havebeen banned<br />

in New Zealand, and farrowingcrates,<br />

which are usedfor sows with newborn<br />

piglets to reduce piglet deaths and<br />

improve their healthand welfare.<br />

Around55to60% of sowsare kept<br />

indoors and all of those use farrowing<br />

crates, which Bruce describes as “a<br />

maternity hospital bed”.<br />

“There's aperception that because<br />

around40% of New Zealand’s sows don’t<br />

use farrowingcratesthat they’re not<br />

needed, but that’s misleading, because<br />

they areinoutdoor farming systemswhich<br />

are adifferent model with lower<br />

investment costs, but higherpiglet death<br />

rates than the indoor farms.<br />

“When asow lactates, she is providing<br />

milk to piglets 24 timesaday, or every<br />

hour. Duringthat timeshe is totally<br />

focused on her piglets, getting food and<br />

water and getting as much rest as<br />

possible.’’<br />

Alternative housingsystems to farrowing<br />

cratesormaternity pens arebeing<br />

investigated,but the farrowing crateisthe<br />

best option available,Bruce says.<br />

•Paparoa Red Rock available in<br />

3grades<br />

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Delivery fees apply.<br />

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30 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>August</strong> <strong>20</strong>, <strong>20</strong><strong>20</strong><br />

Modelling<br />

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Merino at heart of clothing line<br />


Faced with the realitiesofrural isolation,<br />

Sarah Reed created her own clothingline.<br />

The former nurse and mother of three<br />

launched The Grumpy Merino line of<br />

clothinginJune after alittlelockdown<br />

soul­searching.<br />

‘‘Atthe end of CovidIwas at the point<br />

where Ineededsomethingelse to focus on.<br />

Ineeded anew identity,’’ she says.<br />

After launching awebsite, creating a<br />

social media presence and planning popup<br />

shops,Sarah has watched the orders<br />

flowin.<br />

‘‘Life has got alot more intensive.I<br />

probably didn’trealise that, but when<br />

you’re working on an online platform<br />

you’ve got to be really active, so it takes a<br />

lot of time. It’s made life prettybusy, but<br />

it’swhat Iwanted.’’<br />

Sarah farms at The Grampians,near<br />

Culverden,with husband Jonoand his<br />

parents,Graham and AnneReed, running<br />

5500merino sheep and 400 head of angus<br />

cattle.<br />

The familywas already supplying<br />

merino wool to Norwegian company<br />

Devold,which is passionate about<br />

traceability by labelling garments to<br />

identify where the wool came from.<br />

‘‘The traceability factor is becoming<br />

moreimportant to consumers and<br />

sustainability is becoming abig factor,’’<br />

Sarah says.<br />

‘‘You want to weargarments that are<br />

going to keep being made.<br />

‘‘Wool has such amazingpropertiesso<br />

we just need to keep promoting it.’’<br />

Many of thegarments soldbyThe<br />

Grumpy Merinoare labelled to say the<br />

wool came from The Grampians.<br />

‘‘It depends on what’s available at the<br />

time.But it’s all made from merino wool<br />

from New Zealandgrowers,ifwecan.’’<br />

Living on the farm is aworld awayfrom<br />

her career as anurse, where Sarah<br />

worked in pediatrics.<br />

Afterhavingthreechildren, the<br />

commute was no longer practical.<br />

‘‘That’s the good thing aboutthis job. It<br />

worksinwithfamily life and it’sflexible,<br />

and it’s diversifyingoff our farm business.<br />

‘‘It’s giving me my spot in our operation.<br />

All we have to do is produceour wool and<br />

send it off and then Iorder what Iwant.<br />

‘‘EssentiallyI’m the retailer for Devold<br />

of Norway,while finishing our supply<br />

chainfor our wool.’’<br />

Marrying into afarming family is never<br />

easy,but Sarah saysruralwomen needto<br />

find somethingtosink their teeth into.<br />

‘‘It’s really hard with little kids and<br />

beingisolated. You kind of lose yourself,<br />

but you’vegot to get your swagger out.’’<br />

The Grumpy Merino is acombination of<br />

The Grampians and Graham Reed’s<br />

nicknameofStumpy.<br />

2257864<br />

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SPORT<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>August</strong> <strong>20</strong>, <strong>20</strong><strong>20</strong><br />

31<br />

Final misses only one thing: Spectators<br />

RUGBY<br />

By LINDSAY KERR and<br />


Glenmark­Cheviotmade it three<br />

in arow when the side took out<br />

the <strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong> rugby<br />

Luisetti Seedsrugby grand final<br />

on Saturday,beatinglong­time<br />

rival Kaiapoi 32­24.<br />

The hometeam, playing at a<br />

perfect but sadly largely deserted<br />

Omihi Domain, wentinasthe<br />

favourite, having comfortably<br />

beatenits rivals in the roundrobin<br />

fixture.<br />

However, at half time, that<br />

favouritismhad largelyvanished,<br />

with Kaiapoi holding a17­10<br />

lead.<br />

Kaiapoiopened the scoring<br />

with aLanceTaylor penalty.<br />

Glenmark­Cheviotimmediately<br />

struckback in its first<br />

opportunity on attack.This<br />

resulted in atry to captainBen<br />

Anderson,converted by the<br />

reliableBrook Retallick.<br />

Apart from the boot of<br />

Retallick,who kept Glenmark in<br />

contentionwithapenalty, the<br />

rest of the first half belongedto<br />

Kaiapoi. The river­town club<br />

openedits try­scoringwitha<br />

brilliant try to mid­fielder Dante<br />

Love, who sold adummy to slip<br />

through the combined side’s<br />

Silverware ... Glenmark captain<br />

Ben Anderson receives the Alf<br />

Hunnibel Trophy from Luisetti<br />

Seeds representative Mark<br />

Frampton.<br />

Champions ... The victorious Glenmark­Cheviot side with the season’s haul of silverware.<br />

defence. Taylorduly converted.<br />

TheKaiapoiscrum began to<br />

gainascendancyand the strange<br />

sight of aGlenmark packonthe<br />

backfootemerged. This<br />

dominance resulted in its<br />

skipper Jacob Hurringscoring a<br />

try fromthe base of the scrum<br />

whenKaiapoi usheredits<br />

opponents over the line.<br />

Glenmark began the last40<br />

minutesinpositive fashion when<br />

Retallick foundroom to down the<br />

blind side, takinghis side into an<br />

attacking situation. After abuildup<br />

involvingseveralphases,<br />

halfback Jordy Grayslipped<br />

through the Kaiapoi line to score.<br />

Retallick duly convertedand the<br />

scores were tied.<br />

After spendingmore time on<br />

attack, Retallick took Glenmark<br />

intothe leadwith adropped goal<br />

and,three minutes later, the<br />

hard­workingJacob Vincent<br />

muscled his way over theline<br />

and the Glenmark advantagewas<br />

out to 27­17.<br />

However, the Kaiapoi dream<br />

wasnot finished,with Kimeon<br />

Reade gathering up aGlenmark<br />

dropped pass to run 40m to score.<br />

Taylor converted and the margin<br />

narrowed to threepoints.<br />

Fromthat point, and with five<br />

minutesremaining, Glenmark­<br />

Cheviot held its composure and<br />

the ball.<br />

With timeuponthe clock, Gus<br />

Harrisonfound agap out wide to<br />

score in the corner.<br />

Glenmark’s Anderson, along<br />

with fellowloosieVincent, were<br />

largelyresponsible for upping<br />

the second­half teameffort,while<br />

front rowerHayden O’Donnell<br />

again made his presence feltwith<br />

ball in hand and in mauling<br />

situations. Retallick was avital<br />

pivot and his boot was, as usual,<br />

safe and accurate, while fullback<br />

Alex Robson was asafe cog on<br />

attackand defence.<br />

The Kaiapoi frontrow of Luka<br />

TooToo, RyanClark and Nathan<br />

Cassidy Richards createdasolid<br />

unit at scrum timeand the Smith<br />

brothers, Chrisand Jarod,never<br />

flinched from the hard work.<br />

Taine Jacobs­Lawson and Dante<br />

Love in the centres were<br />

dangerous withany room<br />

offered.<br />

The result could havebeen so<br />

different had Kaiapoikept its<br />

first­half tempo,but clearly if the<br />

side maintainsthe currentsquad,<br />

its time will come again. A<br />

naturally disappointedco­coach<br />

Matt Newton summed up the<br />

feeling of his team: ‘‘They lifted<br />

their gameinthe secondhalf and<br />

Iwas surprisedthat we couldn’t<br />

find anything. Ourbench has<br />

been big for us but it didn’t<br />

happentoday.<br />

‘‘The morechanges we made<br />

the worse it got. Iguesswewere<br />

abit lucky with Kimeon’s try,<br />

too.’’<br />

The Glenmark effortwas<br />

typicalofsomany of its games<br />

thisseason, wheresome of the<br />

marginshave been narrow, but<br />

its players know how to win.<br />

‘‘Weplay key guys in key<br />

positions and they all play for<br />

eachother,’’co­coach Matt<br />

Keane said.<br />

Knowing how towin was<br />

evident onceagain,particularly<br />

in the second half, with ascrum<br />

thathad gone backwards on<br />

occasion in the first spell.<br />

It was greattowin the<br />

championshipagain, Glenmark<br />

captain Andersonsaid.‘‘Wehad<br />

to shiftour thinkingathalf time<br />

and improve themomentum.<br />

‘‘Our scrum was aconcern but<br />

we just had to hang in. Iknew<br />

they (Kaiapoi)would come hard<br />

at us again after we got ahead.’’<br />

Glenmark­Cheviot’s victory<br />

maintained an unbeatenrun<br />

since May <strong>20</strong>18. Ohokawas its<br />

only slip during this season.<br />

The team silverware for the<br />

seasonincludedthe Alf Hunnibel<br />

Trophy for winning the grand<br />

final and the DeansShield for<br />

round­robinchallenges.Italso<br />

earnedthe clubits 33rd<strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> championship since<br />

thecompetition began in 1905.<br />

The Cameron Shieldfor the<br />

round­robin contest was shared<br />

with Kaiapoi.<br />

WithCovid alert level2rules in<br />

place, the sight of only ahandful<br />


of spectators was astrange<br />

spectacle for such an occasion.<br />

Memories of club grand finals<br />

at theRangioraShow Grounds,<br />

in particular, boreastark<br />

contradiction when muchofthe<br />

perimeter was lined with trucks<br />

acting as grandstands and<br />

clustersofsupporterssocialising<br />

over barbecues.<br />

At Omihithisyear,there was<br />

the unusualsight of acherrypicker<br />

on aneighbouring<br />

property perched above the<br />

hedgeatthe fence line, with the<br />

occupants fully focused on the<br />

rugby.<br />

Scoreboard; Glenmark­Cheviot<br />

32 (Ben Anderson, Jordy Gray,<br />

JacobVincent, Gus Harrison,<br />

tries; Brook Retallick 3<br />

conversions, adropped goaland<br />

1penalty.), Kaiapoi24(Dante<br />

Love,Jacob Hurring,Kimeon<br />

Reade, tries; LanceTaylor, 3<br />

conversionsand apenalty.) Karl<br />

Hancox referee.<br />

Other results<br />

The play­off for the plate final<br />

resulted in Hurunui squeezing<br />

outAshley31­28.Ashley,in<br />

round­robin playearlierinthe<br />

season,had been 26­19 winners.<br />

The division 2grand final<br />

bought more disappointmentfor<br />

Kaiapoi, being outclassed by<br />

Kaikoura 36­17.The game was<br />

played at Kaiapoi.<br />

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waiting for?<br />

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For all JAB draw information<br />

and updates under level 2<br />

restrictions, please keep<br />

up to date with<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> Rugby<br />


SPORT<br />

32 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>August</strong> <strong>20</strong>, <strong>20</strong><strong>20</strong><br />

Close matches in weekend play<br />

HOCKEY<br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> junior hockey<br />

competitions were affected<br />

last weekend underthe Covid<br />

level 2restrictions,but senior<br />

hockeywas abletocontinueat<br />

main venues.<br />

All junior six­a­side hockey<br />

wascancelled because of the<br />

closure of several shared<br />

facilities, but it is hoped there<br />

will be enough unaffected<br />

venuesavailable to<br />

accommodate junior teams<br />

this weekend.<br />

Spectatorrestrictions were<br />

put in place at turfs involved<br />

in 11­a­side fixtures,but this<br />

didn’taffectthe quality of play<br />

or the support teamsenjoyed<br />

in great weather.<br />

The Rangiora HockeyClub’s<br />

seniorteamshad close games,<br />

with four drawsand two<br />

narrowlosses out of the nine<br />

games played.<br />

The Division 2and Division<br />

3women bounced backfrom<br />

losseslast weektosecurea<br />

competitionpoint each in<br />

draws withHornby and<br />

University,respectively.<br />

The Rangiora Hurunui midweek<br />

women also ended their<br />

match againstHSOB/Burnside<br />

with adraw, as did the<br />

Platinum Awomen.<br />

The Division 1men’s and<br />

women’s competitions have<br />

split into the Top5and Bottom<br />

4for each grade, with just over<br />

amonth to go in the season.<br />

In arepeatoflast week,the<br />

Rangiora Division 1women<br />

On the move ... Perri Stevenson, for the Rangiora Rascals Kwik Sticks girls’ team, in action against<br />

Harewood.<br />


again lost 1­0 to Universityin<br />

their Bottom 4clash.<br />

Meanwhile, theRangiora<br />

Division 1men almost upset<br />

Hornbyintheir Top 5match.<br />

RangioraAllsorts mid­week<br />

men started well in their<br />

bottom­of­the­table game<br />

against Harewood, leading<br />

early andcreating several<br />

first­half chances, but<br />

struggled to maintain intensity<br />

in the second half, lettingin<br />

several unanswered goals.<br />

The biggestwin of the<br />

weekend went to the Rangiora<br />

Platinum Boys Ateam, which<br />

scored17goalsfrom 10<br />

different players against<br />

Harewood.<br />

At Kwik Sticks grade, the<br />

results were split. The girls’<br />

teams,Rascals, Rubys and<br />

Rhinos, all lost, while the boys’<br />

teams, Renegadesand<br />

Rampage, chalked up wins.<br />

Results<br />

Division 1: Men: Rangiora CBK 3<br />

(Lachlan Miller 1, Phil Kirk1,Liam<br />

Gray 1) losttoHornby 4. MVP:<br />

Lachlan Miller.<br />

Women: Rangiora CBK0lostto<br />

University of <strong>Canterbury</strong> Huns 1.<br />

MVP: Kate Campbell.<br />

Division 2: Women: Rangiora1<br />

(Piper Wilson1)drew withHornby<br />

Panthers 1. MVP: Shontay<br />

Simpson.<br />

Division3:Women:Rangiora3<br />

(AmeliaPlimmer 1, MadisynFoster<br />

2) drewwith universityAthenians<br />

3. MVP: Deb Baggott.<br />

Mid­week Open: Men: Rangiora<br />

Allsorts1(MikeSmith 1) lostto<br />

HarewoodRed 6.<br />

Women: Rangiora Hurunui 0<br />

drew withHSOB/Burnside 0. MVP:<br />

KeighleyRobertson.<br />

Platinum Men: RangioraA17<br />

(BrodieSimpson 3, Bradley Turner<br />

3, Sam Firth 2, Loock Odendall2,<br />

Ricco Pepper­Edwards 2, Byron<br />

Turner 1, Giles Witt1,Caleb<br />

Orchard 1, HughSmith 1, Theovan<br />

Dorp 1) beatHarewood 0. MVP:<br />

Bradley Turner.<br />

Women: Rangiora A1(Kaylee<br />

McDonald1)drewwith Avon 1.<br />

MVP: KaraCairns.RangioraB1<br />

(Anna Withers 1) lost to Marist<br />

Black 3. MVP: CassidyNew GK.<br />

Kwik Sticks Girls: Rangiora<br />

Rascals 0losttoHarewoodRed 1.<br />

MVP: OliviaLander. Rangiora<br />

Rubys 0lost to Hornby Wildcats 2.<br />

MVP:Tilda Webster.<br />

Rangiora Rhinos 0lost to Marist<br />

Black 5. MVP: IsabelleGalbraith.<br />

Kwik Sticks Boys: Rangiora<br />

Renegades 4(OllieTaylor3, Allan<br />

Jenkins 1) beat Medbury School<br />

Black0.MVP:Luke Cherry.<br />

Rangiora Rampage 3beat<br />

Harewood Blue 0.<br />


Rangiora Bridge<br />

Saturday,individual: N/S:FrancesMcDowall/<br />

Judith Calder1,Laura Anderson/SueMcIlroy<br />

2, Jeanette Chatterton/Veronica Hall3.<br />

E/W:Margaret Pickering/Janice Pickering1,<br />

RonaMaslowski/TomRose 2, JohnMcKenzie/<br />

Janine Tyler 3.<br />

Monday Rata Pairs: N/S:Heather Waldron/<br />

Robin Hassall 1, Jeanette Chatterton/Gaynor<br />

Hurford 2, Sue Solomons/JanRoose 3. E/W:<br />

Nancy Harris/Linda Joyce1,David Rainey/Liz<br />

Duke2,Jenny Hassall/Linda Hanham 3.<br />

Monday Evening:N/S:GavinDunnett/Noel<br />

Langdonand Shary Davis/MurrayDavisequal<br />

1, OmVan Der Mespel/William Van Der<br />

Mespel 3. E/W:GerrardMcRae/Kate<br />

Whitehead1,MarilynElliet/AlisonHowie2,<br />

Lindsay Sigglekow/LizCalder3.<br />

AmberleyGolf<br />

Ladies (Stableford): KatePercy 40 points,1;<br />

Adele Wilshire 39pts2.<br />

SeniorMen (Stableford): Roger Hornblow<br />

38pts 1, Roger Hack 37pts2,GwynWilliams<br />

and Dave vanTurnhout36pts,equal3.<br />

Junior Men (Stableford): Dennis George 40pts<br />

1, Bruce Mills 36pts 2, BrianFitzgerald and<br />

PaulWylie, 35pts, equal 3.<br />

9HoleLadies Stroke: ValCrooks 54 15 39, 1;<br />

HeatherKemp601941, 2.<br />

Men’s Stroke: John Evans 48 14 34,1;Dave<br />

Edwards 51 16 35,2.<br />

Mid WeekMen (Stableford)BrianGill 40 1,<br />

Kevin Kennedy,Murray Carson39pts equal2.<br />

RangioraGolf<br />

Midweek Men(Stableford): Peter Stuart481,<br />

Des McKenzie 42 2, Jacobvan Petegem 42 (c/b)<br />

3.<br />

Fridayopen tournament(Stableford): John<br />

Winsloe 40 1, Petervan Haut 40 2, Tony<br />

Stephenson393.<br />

Weekend Men (Stroke): Division 1: Chris<br />

Peters711,Alisdair Reid722,Rocky<br />

Marchioni723.Division 2: RaySoutham 66 1,<br />

JohnBrocherie662,Mark Savill 67 3.<br />

AmberleySmallbore Rifle<br />

MQuigley 99.7,KQuigley 98.4,RHarper 96.1,<br />

DQuigley95.4,IFrazer95.3,OMitchell93.2,<br />

CRhodes 93.1, MParker 89.2, WParker 89.1,<br />

Shoot, <strong>August</strong> 17: CRhodes 99.7,KBrown 99.6,<br />

MParker 92.2,WParker 92.2, BParker 91.2, O<br />

Mitchell 88.0, IFrazer 87.0.<br />

One Size Fits All<br />

Available inany amount from $<strong>20</strong>.<br />

Purchase from the Centre Management Office<br />

Monday to Friday and online.<br />

Redeemable at Dress-Smart stores nationwide<br />

Visit www.dress-smart .co.nz for terms &conditions<br />





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be customdesigned to suit your needs.<br />

Whetheryou choose an opening and<br />

closing louvre,orafixed roof verandah,<br />

youcan relax in the knowledgethat your<br />

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Contact Stratco today and let us<br />

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stratco.co.nz<br />


Open 10am-5pm, 7Days 03 349 5750<br />

CHRISTCHURCH 409 Main South Road, Hornby<br />


<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><strong>News</strong><br />


ABIG family opportunity<br />

261 Loburn Kowai Road, Loburn<br />

Families who crave space will be captivated by our subject property,asprawling home located just minutes from Rangiora<br />

but aworld away from the hustle and bustle of modern life.<br />

Inside, this sophisticated home with separate wings boasts five generously-proportioned bedrooms and two well-appointed<br />

bathrooms. The sumptuous en-suite off the master comes complete with an indulgent spa bath, while superbly configured living<br />

areas plus additional media room allow for both intimate family moments and large-scale gatherings.<br />

Agenerous galley kitchen with quality appliances and large butler’s pantry is an entertainers dream and without adoubt will be the<br />

hub of the home with many memorable family moments created here.<br />

Double-glazed and fully insulated, further comfort is provided by ducted heating systems, an log burner, and agas fire, while solar<br />

panels complement the energy usage.<br />

Outside, the fully-fenced grounds are asafe haven for kids and pets, while the private patio area is the perfect spot to relax and<br />

unwind after along day in the awe of the glorious views. Triple internal access garaging and additional parking complete the appeal.<br />

Families who love to get outdoors will be drawn to the nearby Mt Thomas, where an array of walking trails and cycling tracks allow<br />

you to make the most of this very special part of the country.<br />

There’s great buying and acompelling lifestyle on offer here, and interest is sure to be high as aconsequence. Our vendors are<br />

determined to achieve aresult with plans in action -contact me now for more information.<br />

Price by negotiation<br />

Viewing by appointment<br />

For more information call<br />

April Wellington 027 722 7354<br />

april.wellington@tallpoppy.co.nz<br />

Web ID: TPNC8126<br />

www.tallpoppy.co.nz<br />

Tall Poppy Real Estate<br />

Licensed REAA <strong>20</strong>08<br />

2305982<br />

April Wellington Sales Consultant<br />

027 722 7354 |april.wellington@tallpoppy.co.nz

107 Sutherland Drive, Kaiapoi<br />

Enquiries over $795,000<br />

Distinguished Quality in Sovereign Palms<br />

'Distinctive and simply stunning' accurately describes this new gorgeous 294m2<br />

home. Built to the highest standard ofquality and executed by aregistered Master<br />

Builder, who has paid special attention and thought to the luxury design which<br />

makes itavery easy home to live in and enjoy.<br />

Viewing: Sunday 2:00 -2:30pm<br />

tallpoppy.co.nz/homes-for-sale Ref: TPNC8814<br />

4 2 2 3 295 860<br />

Michelle Facer<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

M 027 307 4530<br />

E michelle.facer@tallpoppy.co.nz<br />

12 Harakeke Way, Rangiora<br />

Enquiries Over $549,000<br />

Superb Family Living, Conveniently Located ...<br />

Open Home Sunday 12 July<br />

12.30-1.00pm<br />

This beautifully appointed, double<br />

glazed, sunny home is ready for anew<br />

family. The work has all been done ...<br />

Richard Green<br />

Business Partner<br />

M 0275 364 260<br />

E richard.green@tallpoppy.co.nz<br />

374 Tuahiwi Road, Tuahiwi<br />

Deadline Private Treaty -Price guide<br />

$565,000<br />

The One Acre Dream<br />

Here is your rare chance to own this<br />

small lifestyle property located within<br />

minutes of Rangiora's town boundary.<br />

Recently refurbished with new kitchen,<br />

bathroom, carpet and paint it is<br />

picture perfect. Currently fenced with<br />

one paddock for that pony or<br />

whatever you fancy to enjoy the<br />

country dream. Call Nancy today<br />

Nancy Holmes AREINZ 3 2 1 2 140 4000<br />

Business Partner &Sales Consultant<br />

Viewing: Wednesday 5:00 -6:00pm &<br />

M 027 282 8028<br />

Saturday &Sunday 2:00 -3:00pm<br />

P 03 327 5896<br />

Ref: TPNC8775<br />

E nancy.holmes@tallpoppy.co.nz tallpoppy.co.nz/homes-for-sale<br />

51B Cam Road, Kaiapoi<br />

Enquiries Over $355,000<br />

The perfect Starter Home<br />

Hey -First home buyers, your<br />

opportunity awaits here with this tidy<br />

stand-alone home, giving you the<br />

chance to fulfil your dream of home<br />

ownership. When the kids and family<br />

pets arrive, they can run amok in this<br />

small, secure, fully fenced section or<br />

older folk can enjoy the peaceful north<br />

facing setting. Check itout!<br />

Nancy Holmes AREINZ 3 1 1 1 104<br />

Business Partner &Sales Consultant<br />

M 027 282 8028<br />

Viewing: Sunday 1:00 -1:30pm<br />

P 03 327 5896<br />

Ref: TPNC8743<br />

E nancy.holmes@tallpoppy.co.nz tallpoppy.co.nz/homes-for-sale<br />

3/31 Percival Street, Rangiora<br />

Enquiries Over $319,000<br />

Investment or Retirement<br />

If you are looking for atwo bedroom,<br />

low maintenance property that has<br />

had all the hard work done, look no<br />

further. Great investment opportunity.<br />

Richard Green<br />

Business Partner<br />

M 0275 364 260<br />

E richard.green@tallpoppy.co.nz<br />

Michelle Facer<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

M 027 307 4530<br />

E michelle.facer@tallpoppy.co.nz<br />

4 2 2 2 <strong>20</strong>9 600<br />

Viewing: Sunday 1:00 -1:30pm<br />

Ref: TPNC8492<br />

tallpoppy.co.nz/homes-for-sale<br />

11 Denton Street, Amberley<br />

Enquiries over $555,000<br />

Stunning Family Home inAmberley<br />

Presenting this remarkably private<br />

home with stunning rural views, we are<br />

delighted to offer you this gorgeous<br />

four bedroom, two living area home.<br />

Richard Green<br />

Business Partner<br />

M 0275 364 260<br />

E richard.green@tallpoppy.co.nz<br />

Michelle Facer<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

M 027 307 4530<br />

E michelle.facer@tallpoppy.co.nz<br />

2 1 1 1 70<br />

Viewing: Sunday 3:00 -3:30pm<br />

Ref: TPNC8626<br />

tallpoppy.co.nz/homes-for-sale<br />

48/3 Ashworths Road, Amberley<br />

Enquiries Over $499,000<br />

Simply Irresistible Lifestyle<br />

Words just cannot describe how lovely<br />

this gorgeous cottage is. The owner<br />

has thought ofabsolutely everything<br />

this an incredible lifestyle opportunity.<br />

Richard Green<br />

Business Partner<br />

M 0275 364 260<br />

E richard.green@tallpoppy.co.nz<br />

Michelle Facer<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

M 027 307 4530<br />

E michelle.facer@tallpoppy.co.nz<br />

4 2 2 2 218 700<br />

Viewing: Sunday 11:00 -11:30am<br />

Ref: TPNC8753<br />

tallpoppy.co.nz/homes-for-sale<br />

Michelle Facer<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

M 027 307 4530<br />

E michelle.facer@tallpoppy.co.nz<br />

Richard Green<br />

Business Partner<br />

M 0275 364 260<br />

E richard.green@tallpoppy.co.nz<br />

2 1 1 3 65 3589<br />

Viewing: Sunday 12:00 -12:30pm<br />

Ref: TPNC8590<br />

tallpoppy.co.nz/homes-for-sale<br />


BULSARA T/A TALL POPPY LICENSED UNDER REAA <strong>20</strong>08<br />


<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

Oxford 84 Main Street<br />

Rangiora 27A Newnham Street<br />

Open Home<br />

Open Home<br />

Theromance of yesteryear<br />

It's hard not to fall in love with this beautifully presented 19<strong>20</strong>s<br />

character home superbly positionedonanexpansive <strong>20</strong>23 m2 section<br />

close to ahost of Oxford's convenient amenities. Inside, this appealing<br />

home plays host to three double bedrooms (built in robes), office, a<br />

separate modern kitchen andspacious, interconnecting living areas.<br />

Leadlight windows and immaculately maintained period features<br />

including Kauriwall panelling and fretwork, an ornatefireplace,<br />

wooden floors and high ceilings allenrich the timeless appeal; awood<br />

burner and heat pump help to maintain comfort.<br />

3 1 2 2<br />

Deadline Sale closes Tuesday 25th<br />

<strong>August</strong>, <strong>20</strong><strong>20</strong> at 5.00pm, (unless sold<br />

prior)<br />

View Sun 23 Aug 12.15 -12.45pm<br />

Web pb.co.nz/RU77142<br />

Di Moreira<br />

M 027 848 80<strong>20</strong><br />

What an opportunity!<br />

They don't come along like this every day. Three bedrooms, one<br />

bathroom, separate laundry, separate single garage, offstreet parking,<br />

open plan kitchen, dining loungearea, which gets the sun all day long.<br />

Spacious deck and aback yard to either keep simple or create<br />

something special. Perfect first home, perfect investment opportunity<br />

or perfect for those downsizing. Located close to shops and transport.<br />

Vendors seeking offersover $310,000<br />

3 1 1 1<br />

Deadline Sale closes Wednesday 26th<br />

<strong>August</strong>, <strong>20</strong><strong>20</strong> at 4.00pm, (unless sold<br />

prior)<br />

View Sun 23 Aug 1.00 -2.00pm<br />

Web pb.co.nz/RU77135<br />

Bev Wright<br />

M 027 434 2486<br />

Waikuku Beach 3McKenzie Place<br />

Open Home<br />


Spring <strong>20</strong><strong>20</strong><br />

Sandcastles andcountry walks<br />

Whether you are afirst home buyer, investor, upsizer, downsizeror<br />

someone who has always wanted to live by the sea, this home has<br />

something on offer for everyone. Bathed in natural light, the home<br />

features acombinationof3double bedrooms,agreat sized family<br />

bathroom and another separate toilet. Awood burner and aheat<br />

transfer system will ensure the home is warm and inviting all-yearround,<br />

while thesun soaked open plan living means you'll be able to<br />

cook and entertain forany occasion.The property is fully fenced,<br />

perfectfor families and pet owners.<br />

3 1 1 2<br />

Deadline Sale closes Thursday 10th<br />

September, <strong>20</strong><strong>20</strong> at 2.00pm, (unless<br />

sold prior)<br />

View Sun 23 Aug 1.30 -2.30pm<br />

Web pb.co.nz/RU77528<br />

Sally Davies<br />

M 027 359 5509<br />

Be part of provincial NewZealand’s<br />

premiumrealestateauction event!<br />

To find outmoreabout GO Auction, call us today<br />

on 0800 3675267<br />

Apremium-selling<br />

experience.<br />

pb.co.nz/goauction<br />

Property BrokersLtd Licensed REAA <strong>20</strong>08<br />

Property Brokers Ltd Licensed REAA <strong>20</strong>08 |pb.co.nz<br />


What’s happening in your<br />

community…<br />

All info onchanges to Council services and facilities can be found at waimakariri.govt.nz/covid19<br />

Council Open for Business at Level 2<br />

The majority of Council facilities remain open to<br />

the public at Alert Level 2-including playgrounds,<br />

skateparks and dog parks.<br />

Service centres, libraries, transfer stations and<br />

aquatic centres also remain open -although some<br />

services may not resume where they cannot be<br />

delivered safely (e.g. where physical distancing<br />

cannot be maintained).<br />

Community facilities like halls and meeting rooms<br />

remain open to existing bookings –with safety<br />

protocols inplace.<br />

Full details on what facilities and services are<br />

open, including the safety measures in place, are<br />

available at waimakariri.govt.nz/covid19.<br />

The Council is making sure that we are operating<br />

as safely as possible at this alert level so visitors<br />

to facilities and venues will notice contact tracing<br />

measures, sanitisation and distancing protocols<br />

will be in place.<br />

Ashley River Tree Removal<br />

The Council share the community’s dismay over the<br />

removal of the trees at the picturesque spot along<br />

our riverbank. This awell used recreational area<br />

by walkers, runners and cyclists and the removal<br />

of this number of trees has changed the<br />

environment considerably.<br />

On behalf of the community, Mayor Dan Gordon<br />

has written to Environment <strong>Canterbury</strong> reiterating<br />

these concerns and has asked for ameeting with<br />

concerned residents. While it won’tchange what<br />

has happened it is an opportunity to learn from<br />

the experience.<br />

We would like more information about the future<br />

development of the affected area including<br />

replanting aswell as restoration of the tracks and<br />

the fitness equipment.<br />

Conservation Week<br />

Since the COVID-19 lockdown, many of us slowed<br />

down and looked at our lives and the world<br />

differently. The Department of Conservation are<br />

inviting you toenjoy afresh perspective onour<br />

natural spaces and unique wildlife, and boost your<br />

wellbeing by immersing yourself in nature.<br />

Engage online, atactivities orevents, or by<br />

exploring your own backyard to embrace what’s<br />

always been there; look, listen, breathe and feel.<br />

You can join in here doc.govt.nz/news/events/<br />

conservation-week/<br />

This year library staff will be joined by rangers<br />

from the Te Kōhaka oTūhaitara Trust, who<br />

provide environmental education to many of<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> and Christchurch’s primary and<br />

secondary schools. Find out more at libraries.<br />

waimakariri.govt.nz or search Waimakariri<br />

Libraries on Facebook.<br />

Community Service<br />

Awards <strong>20</strong><strong>20</strong><br />

Nominations are Open<br />

These awards are to recognise<br />

our community volunteers<br />

that go above and beyond.<br />

Full criteria, details and nomination<br />

forms are available now.<br />

Youcan pick upanomination form from<br />

one of Council’s Service Centres and<br />

Libraries at Rangiora, Kaiapoi and Oxford<br />

and isalso onour website waimakariri.govt.<br />

nz<br />

Criteria<br />

• Anyone who has carried out significant<br />

voluntary services in the Waimakariri<br />

District to: the arts, culture, education,<br />

health, recreation, sport, welfare or youth.<br />

• Must be nominated by two people of the<br />

Waimakariri District.<br />

This year’s Community Service Awards<br />

ceremony will be held in November.<br />

Nominations close 5pm,<br />

Friday 18 September <strong>20</strong><strong>20</strong><br />

Road Closure<br />

Event:<br />

Kaiapoi 10 Year Earthquake Celebrations<br />

Organisers:<br />

All Together Kaiapoi (Linda Dunbar)<br />

Date: Friday 4September <strong>20</strong><strong>20</strong><br />

Time: 3pm –9pm<br />

Roads involved: RavenQuay,Kaiapoi from<br />

William StreettoBlack Street (approx.)<br />

Traffic Management Company:<br />

Wilsons Traffic Management<br />

Detours: nil<br />

HAS YOUR<br />



BY COVID 19?<br />

Come along to one ofour workshops<br />

for information, support and advice<br />

Oxford Jaycee Rooms<br />

Thursday 27 <strong>August</strong><br />

Kaiapoi<br />

Workingmen’s Club:<br />

Thursday 3September<br />

Find out more &register:<br />

waimakariri.govt.nz/workshops<br />

Stay home<br />

if you are sick<br />

Wash &dry or<br />

sanitise your hands<br />

Rangiora RSA:<br />

Thursday 17 September<br />

All from 9am to 12.30pm<br />



Keep a1-metre<br />

distance from others<br />

Cough or sneeze<br />

into your elbow<br />

Help keep our<br />

community safe

NEWS<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>August</strong> <strong>20</strong>, <strong>20</strong><strong>20</strong><br />

37<br />

Give usyour<br />

feedback<br />

Taranaki Reserve<br />

Planting Day<br />

Celebration ... Tuahiwi School pupils perform ahaka during last year’s<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> Kapa Haka Festival.<br />


Kapa haka festival to return<br />

Help us plant 300 native seedlings<br />

Where: Stop-bank off Kings Ave, WaikukuBeach<br />

When: Saturday 22 <strong>August</strong><strong>20</strong><strong>20</strong><br />

9am –12pm<br />

What:<br />

Planting 300nativeseedlings<br />

Please bringclothingfor all weathers,<br />

hat, gloves, sturdyfootwear, spade and<br />

water bottle.<br />


<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>’s popular kapa<br />

haka festival is set to return in<br />

November.<br />

Tuahiwi School principal Mel<br />

Taite­Pitama says she is pleased<br />

with the response from local<br />

schools, with the annual <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> Kapa Haka Festival<br />

rescheduled for November 30<br />

and December 1—two months<br />

later than normal because of<br />

Covid­19.<br />

‘‘Coming back after the<br />

lockdown, we realised the<br />

schools wouldn’t have enough<br />

time to train and coming back<br />

after Covid, haka wasn’t a<br />

priority,’’ she said.<br />

While term four is busy,<br />

especially for high school<br />

students with exams, Mel is<br />

confident the event will be a<br />

success. ‘‘We know this<br />

celebration is very important in<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> ...and all of<br />

the schools came back and said<br />

‘please don’t cancel’.<br />

‘‘It gives people some hope and<br />

some sense of normality, and it<br />

gives children something to be<br />

proud of.<br />

‘‘And for some of them, as<br />

whanau, it’s the first time they’ve<br />

seen their children on stage and<br />

for others it’s the last time,’’ she<br />

said.<br />

The Christchurch Kapa Haka<br />

Festival has been cancelled, so<br />

there has been plenty of interest<br />

from city schools to participate.<br />

The local festival was first held<br />

about 15 years ago and is thought<br />

to be one of the largest education<br />

events in <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>, with<br />

several of the more than 30<br />

schools each having more than<br />

100 pupils taking part.<br />

All of Tuahiwi School’s 165<br />

pupils will be involved.<br />

‘‘Kapa haka is something to be<br />

celebrated and the good thing is<br />

it’s something that can be<br />

celebrated by adiverse group of<br />

people and not just Maori,’’ Mel<br />

said.<br />

Once again, the event will be<br />

held at the Ohoka Community<br />

Centre, but anew venue may<br />

need to be explored next year<br />

because of the event’s growing<br />

popularity.<br />

Have you signed up for<br />

the Waimakariri District<br />

Council <strong>News</strong>letter?<br />

To join visit waimakariri.govt.nz<br />

and scroll down until you see the<br />

sign up button.<br />

Regional park users being surveyed<br />

Environment <strong>Canterbury</strong>’s parks and forest team<br />

has set up aparks user survey.<br />

It aims to help the team manage ECan’s large<br />

areas of developed regional parks, mainly along<br />

the banks of the Waimakariri and the Ashley/<br />

Rakahuri rivers.<br />

‘‘As recreation is akey use of these areas, our<br />

goal is to obtain information on how many<br />

visitors we are getting into the parks, who is<br />

using our parks, what activities they are engaging<br />

in, what they like/dislike about the park, and<br />

what they would like to see in the parks with<br />

regards to recreation and leisure activities,’’<br />

parks and forests team leader James Page says.<br />

This research was being done in two stages, in<br />

June and <strong>August</strong> this year and in December and<br />

January, to gauge any differences in user groups<br />

during the summer and winter.<br />

‘‘The survey can be completed up until January<br />

31, <strong>20</strong>21 and we encourage as many people as<br />

possible to respond,’’ James says.<br />

It can be found online at surveymonkey.com/<br />

r/ecanparks.<br />

Information gathered will be used to form longterm<br />

development plans for regional parks, with<br />

the aim of providing ausable space<br />

accommodating awide range of visitors and<br />

pursuits.<br />

Workshops planned for jobseekers<br />

Scan the QR code to take<br />

you straight to sign up.<br />


Help is at hand for thosefacing<br />

redundancyoracareer change<br />

because of Covid­19.<br />

The Waimakariri District<br />

Council has joined with the<br />

Ministry of Social Development<br />

(MSD)toorganise three<br />

workshops focusing on providing<br />

information on re­employment<br />

options, financial assistanceand<br />

trainingopportunities.<br />

Council community team<br />

manager Tessa Sturleysays the<br />

workshops are an opportunity to<br />

demystifythe employment<br />

supportsectorand to empower<br />

people to getthrough what in<br />

many cases is asignificant change<br />

in circumstances.<br />

“We are really happytopartner<br />

with MSD to support these<br />

workshops.<br />

‘‘Post­Covid is achallenging<br />

time for our community and these<br />

workshops will hopefully help<br />

localbusinesses and affected<br />

workers by providingsupport and<br />

information.”<br />

The need for suchworkshops<br />

was identified through the<br />

development of the council’s<br />

Covid­19 recovery plan and the<br />

success of workshopsheld by the<br />

ministry earlierinthe year.<br />

The workshops willinclude a<br />

paneldiscussion and tipson<br />

reframingfinances, selfemployment,<br />

retraining and<br />

volunteering as astepping stone<br />

for employment.<br />

“We don’t have to define<br />

ourselves by the paidwork we do,’’<br />

Tessasays of volunteering, which<br />

can be astepping stone to ajob.<br />

To find outmore and to register<br />

for the workshops, which willbe<br />

held in Oxford, Kaiapoi and<br />

Rangiora, go to waimakariri.govt.<br />

nz/workshops.<br />

Alongsidethis, Waimakariri<br />

libraries are alsooffering<br />

workshops to help people write<br />

CVs and preparefor job<br />

interviews. See the library<br />

website for details.


38 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>August</strong> <strong>20</strong>, <strong>20</strong><strong>20</strong><br />


YOUR<br />


1914343<br />

Thursday,<strong>August</strong>2,<strong>20</strong>18 | Issue 808 | www.ncnews.co.nz<br />

Delivered to more homes<br />

in <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> and<br />

Kaikoura regions than any<br />

other publication.<br />

The best read paper in<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>!<br />

For contact details see page 2<br />

Have you<br />

heard<br />

a story<br />

you’d like<br />

to share<br />

withyour<br />

district?<br />

Shareit<br />

with us!<br />

Call our<br />

Editor,<br />

Robyn,<br />

on<br />

03 314 8325<br />

and let<br />

her know<br />

what’s<br />

happening<br />

in your<br />

area.<br />

Public Notices<br />

Plan Change 2:<br />

Mt Lyford Village<br />

At its meeting on 25<br />

June <strong>20</strong><strong>20</strong>, the Council<br />

resolved to adopt Plan<br />

Change 2tothe Hurunui<br />

District Plan following<br />

the completion of the<br />

statutoryprocesses.<br />

Plan change 2 relates<br />

to the Mt Lyford Village<br />

area and introduces a<br />

new slope assessment<br />

area; updates the fault<br />

mapping; amends the<br />

design standards for the<br />

Village and updates the<br />

relevant objective and<br />

policies.<br />

This plan change will<br />

become operative on 27<br />

<strong>August</strong> <strong>20</strong><strong>20</strong>.<br />

The updated Hurunui<br />

District Plan and<br />

background information<br />

can be viewed at<br />

www.hurunui.govt.nz/PC2<br />

Educational<br />

2306512<br />

TUITION available. Primary<br />

and secondary to<br />

NCEA level 3. Math, Literacy<br />

and Science (NCEA).<br />

Each student on an individually,<br />

tailoured programme.<br />

Kip McGrath<br />

Rangiora has been serving<br />

the local community for 30<br />

years. Give us a call or<br />

book your free assessment<br />

online 03 313 3638 https:/<br />

/www.kipmcgrath.co.nz/rangiora.<br />

Public Notices<br />

West Ward By-Election<br />


The finalresult forthe by-election that closed at middayonFriday14 <strong>August</strong> <strong>20</strong><strong>20</strong> is:<br />

West Ward (1 vacancy)<br />

VotesReceived<br />

HOLLOWAY,Mary 778<br />

WALKER, Jeffrey Alan 397<br />


MaryHOLLOWAYisdeclared elected.<br />

The voterreturn was37.41%, being 1178 votes.<br />

AnthonyMorton<br />

Electoral Officer<br />

PO Box3138, Christchurch 8140<br />

www.hurunui.govt.nz 0800666 928<br />

iro@electionz.com<br />


A. G. M.<br />

The Annual General Meeting of the above society will<br />

be held at the Health Hub<br />

on Monday 31 <strong>August</strong> at 7.00pm.<br />

This will be followed by the normal bi-monthly meeting.<br />

All welcome<br />

2302667<br />


“The Key of Knowledge ..“(Luke 11:52)<br />

“GOOD NEWS”<br />

What the Bible says about Jerusalem:<br />

“And His (Christ’s) feet shall stand in that day<br />

upon the Mount of Olives, which is before<br />

Jerusalem on the east...” Zechariah 14:4<br />

Travel &Tours<br />

DayTrips<br />

TwopassesArthurs /Lewis<br />

Saturday5th September $45pp<br />

Pickup /Dropoff-Kaiapoi, Amberley, Woodend,<br />

Rangiora, Oxford<br />

Mt Cook DayTripSaturday12th September $55pp<br />

Tours<br />

HokiangaCape Reinga BayofIslands 8Days<br />

includesflightshome pick up $2250pptwin share.<br />

Central South Island Pukaki DownsStation Morven<br />

Hills Mt Aspiring8Days $1795 pp twin share<br />

Xmas Tour 4Days<br />

Call Reid Tours 0800446 886<br />

Email:reidtours@xtra.co.nz www.reidtours.com<br />

2305<strong>20</strong>7<br />

TimeBank Waimakariri<br />

AGM<br />

7pm Monday 31 st <strong>August</strong><br />

Rangiora WarMemorial<br />

Hall<br />

followed byaGuest<br />

Speakeron Economical<br />

and Sustainable Living!<br />

Supper and Spot Prize.<br />

Members and Public<br />

all welcome!<br />

See our FB page for more<br />

info/ upcoming events.<br />

2304258<br />


CLUB<br />



Day Care Centre<br />

For The Elderly<br />

AGM<br />

FRIDAY<br />

AUGUST 28, <strong>20</strong><strong>20</strong><br />

1.30PM<br />

Darnley Room,<br />

Kaiapoi Community<br />

Centre,<br />

24 Sewell St Kaiapoi<br />


2301624<br />

Swannanoa Hall<br />

AGM<br />

Tuesday 1 st<br />

September<br />

7.30pm in the hall<br />

All interested persons<br />

welcome to attend<br />

2306517<br />

Public Notices<br />




SECTION 101, SALE<br />


ALCOHOL ACT <strong>20</strong>12<br />

Karfa Moroccan Cuisine<br />

Limited has made<br />

application to the District<br />

Licensing Committee at<br />

Rangiora for the renewal of<br />

an On Licence in respect<br />

of the premises situated at<br />

124A High Street, Rangiora<br />

known as Karfa Moroccan<br />

Grill and Bar.<br />

The general nature of the<br />

business conducted (or to be<br />

conducted) under the licence<br />

is Restaurant.<br />

The days on which and the<br />

hours during which alcohol<br />

is (or is intended to be)<br />

sold under the licence are<br />

Monday -Sunday Lunch time<br />

11.30am - 2.30pm, Dinner<br />

time 4.30pm -9.00pm.<br />

The application may be<br />

inspected during ordinary<br />

office hours at the office<br />

of the Waimakariri District<br />

Licensing Committee at 215<br />

High Street, Rangiora.<br />

Any person who is entitled<br />

to object and who wishes<br />

to object to the issue of the<br />

licence may, not later than<br />

15 working days after the<br />

date of the publication of this<br />

notice, file anotice in writing<br />

of the objection with the<br />

Secretary of the Waimakariri<br />

District Licensing Committee<br />

at Private Bag 1005,<br />

Rangiora.<br />

No objection to the renewal<br />

of alicence may be made<br />

in relation to amatter other<br />

than a matter specified in<br />

section 131 of the sale and<br />

supply of Alcohol Act <strong>20</strong>12.<br />

This is the second publication<br />

of this notice. This notice<br />

was first published on 13<br />

<strong>August</strong> <strong>20</strong><strong>20</strong>.<br />

2302323v2<br />

Cars Wanted<br />

CASH 4CARS<br />

and 4WD'S<br />

Phone<br />

Automotive<br />

Parts<br />

03 313 7216<br />

CARS, vans, 4WD’s<br />

wanted for dismantling or<br />

repair. Phone 027 258<br />

8366.<br />

CARS WANTED under<br />

$5000. Tim Koller Motor<br />

Company, 380 Ferry Road.<br />

Phone 03 390 1717.<br />

CASH /CASH ! for any<br />

unwanted vehicles, ph 03<br />

347 9354 or 027 476 2404.<br />

To Let<br />

BRAND new house in<br />

Oakfields, Amberley, 3<br />

bdrms, double garage, 2<br />

bathrooms. Close to all<br />

services. Ph 027 348 6267.<br />

Wanted To Rent<br />

RETIRED gentlebloke<br />

seeking single bedroom<br />

cottage in quiet country<br />

location within 30-40 mins<br />

from Christchurch. Very<br />

good references. Please<br />

phone 0<strong>20</strong> 4077 7307.<br />

Pets<br />


for smaller dogs. We look<br />

after your dog in our home.<br />

"No kennels". Phone today<br />

03 314 6110.<br />

Poultry<br />


pullets, order now, ready<br />

late Sept. Pick up<br />

Clarkville, $30 ph/text.<br />

Phone 027 433 77<strong>20</strong>.<br />

Livestock<br />


Butchery &<br />

meat processing<br />

313 0022<br />

MEAT2U.NZ<br />

2276971<br />

Gardening<br />

GARDEN hedges cut to<br />

perfection. Tree & arbor<br />

work. Also spraying. Free<br />

quotes. Ph 03 312 0668 or<br />

021 111 4322.<br />


Time to plan for Spring.<br />

Lawns, gardening, section<br />

tidys, hedges trimmed,<br />

roses pruned. Call or text<br />

Megan 021 337 489.<br />

Firewood<br />

BLUEGUM firewood<br />

3m3, been split for 4<br />

months, $250. Also some<br />

Old Man Pine $2<strong>20</strong>. Rangiora<br />

and close surrounding<br />

districts. Ph 027 453 9553.<br />

Wanted To Buy<br />


4-5 berth, UK type, don’t<br />

mind repairs. Please phone<br />

027 367 9737.<br />


UK type. Ph 027 249 5571.<br />

MATERIALS to deck out<br />

a mancave from Memorabilia,<br />

retro things of any<br />

kind including furniture or<br />

just cool things of interest.<br />

Ph or txt 021 861 732.<br />

Personal<br />

JUST ret single indep man<br />

seeks a spunky zippy<br />

50s-60s lady for company,<br />

benefits outings etc. Pegasus<br />

or surrounding area. Ph<br />

027 659 4425.<br />

Wanted To Buy<br />

Vinyl Records Wanted<br />

by collector/seller<br />

• 7&12inch LP’s,<br />

happy to appraise.<br />

• Also old guitars or amps<br />

-working, broken.<br />

• Retro toys, 60’s 70’s 80’s<br />

&hot wheels &<br />

matchbox as well.<br />

Call Paul 022-694-5445<br />

Garage Sales<br />

Trade&Services<br />

ABEL &Prestige Chimney<br />

Cleaning. Nth Cant owned<br />

& operated. Covering all<br />

areas from Waimak to Hanmer.<br />

Professional, guaranteed,<br />

service. Firebox<br />

repairs, carry most parts. Ph<br />

0800 661 244.<br />

AFFORDABLE concrete<br />

cutting with quality and<br />

removal work. Free quotes.<br />

No job too small. Ph 027<br />

442 2219, Fax 03 359 6052<br />

or A/H 03 359 4605.<br />

BRIAN’S Tree Services.<br />

Tree felling, topping,<br />

shaping, firewood cut, rubbish<br />

removed, stump grinding,<br />

branch chipping.<br />

Affordable rates. Phone 03<br />

327 5505 or 021 124 4894.<br />

BRICK &blocklaying. All<br />

types of work undertaken,<br />

repairs. Phone Hamish<br />

0272 386 003 or 313 5678.<br />

BUILDERS father &son<br />

team. Amac Builders are<br />

available to help you with<br />

your building needs. High<br />

standards, low overheads.<br />

No job too small. Check us<br />

out on fb. Amac Builders<br />

Ltd. Ph 027 318 4400.<br />

BUILDER available,<br />

licensed, experienced,<br />

looking for labour only<br />

work in <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>.<br />

Phone 027 294 1423.<br />

DIRTY TILES &Grout?<br />

Professional tile cleaning,<br />

tiled shower restorations,<br />

mouldy silicone, shower<br />

glass & we can even<br />

recolour your old grout!<br />

For all your tile and grout<br />

issues call Grout Pro for a<br />

free, no obligation quote.<br />

Ph Darryl 0800 882 772.<br />

2305625<br />

KAIAPOI 1Ashby Grove,<br />

Sat / Sun 22nd & 23rd<br />

<strong>August</strong>, 8am. Near new<br />

typewriter, camper gas<br />

stove, good selection of<br />

ladies clothing sizes 10-14,<br />

tops, slacks, pullovers, t<br />

shirts, blouses, many shoes,<br />

some mens clothing, linen<br />

&bedding and many more<br />

items.<br />

GEORGE St, King St end.<br />

Rangiora. Garage-garden &<br />

household goods. Signs out<br />

9am -12.30 this Saturday<br />

22nd <strong>August</strong>.<br />

For Sale<br />

CARAVAN... We can sell<br />

your caravan on your<br />

behalf in our busy yard at<br />

512 Blenheim Road.<br />

Affordable Caravans,<br />

phone 03 348 6614.<br />

<strong>20</strong>0 LITRE steel drums,<br />

$10 each. Ph 027 440 1230.<br />

58,000 people live within our<br />

circulation area. Just one ad in the<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong> will be read<br />

by 46,000 of them every week!<br />

Phone<br />

03 314 8335<br />

Source <strong>20</strong>18 Nielsen Readership research all people 10+ NCN Circulation area

Trade&Services<br />

CARPENTER / Painter<br />

specialising in alterations &<br />

renovations, repairs &<br />

maintenance, 35 plus years,<br />

experienced licenced<br />

builder. Telephone Trevor<br />

313 5013 or 027 431 1864.<br />

METAL WORX. Flashing,<br />

Sheetmetal Fabrication,<br />

Wrought Iron,<br />

Welding, Custom Trailers,<br />

General Metalwork. No job<br />

too big or too small. Ph 021<br />

265 5428 or 03 314 6908.<br />

Find us on facebook/<br />

Glenmark Metal Worx.<br />

glenmarkmetalworx.ltd@gmail.com.<br />

PAINT & wallpaper<br />

services. Wayne Bryant.<br />

Exterior, interior. Qualified<br />

tradesman. Free quotes. Ph<br />

313 5337 or 027 654 4568.<br />

PAINTER & Decorator.<br />

25 + years experience.<br />

Interior /exterior, roofs &<br />

waterblasting. For a free<br />

quote, please ph Steve 03<br />

314 46<strong>20</strong> or 027 477 1930.<br />

PAINTER, qualified, local<br />

professional. Int / Ext,<br />

roofs, wallpaper. Call or<br />

text Corban 027 846 5035.<br />


<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> Specialist.<br />

All plastic &fibreglass<br />

repairs. Telephone James<br />

021 180 5103.<br />

POWER TOOLS repairs,<br />

parts &sales for over 40<br />

years. All main brands serviced.<br />

Grossman Trade<br />

Tools, 23 Watts Road,<br />

Christchurch. Ph389 9230.<br />

RANGIORA Rubbish<br />

Removal and RRR skips.<br />

Wheeliebins any frequency<br />

and skips from 1.5 cube to<br />

9cube. Skips and wheelie<br />

bins for any use, rubbish,<br />

greenwaste, building sites<br />

or just cleanups. Give us a<br />

phone call 313 6957 or for<br />

skips 021 313 255.<br />

<strong>20</strong>89195v2-4/4-S<br />

Butchery<br />

OxfordButchery<br />

Shane and Leanne Frahm<br />

We cankill&process yourstock<br />

FourGenerations of Frahms<br />

since 1957<br />

Ph 312 4<strong>20</strong>5<br />

Oxford<br />

Trade&Services<br />

ROOFER All roof repairs,<br />

roof painting, water blasting,<br />

moss treatment,<br />

repointing, gutter cleans &<br />

snow straps. And more.<br />

Free quotes. Phone Nathan<br />

027 516 6609.<br />


For all your printing<br />

requirements. T-shirts,<br />

Hoodies, Hi-Vis vests and<br />

polos, Overalls, Caps etc.<br />

Please phone Heather 03<br />

313 0261 or email<br />

heather.norstar@gmail.com.<br />

SHEARER. Hap’s Farm &<br />

Lifestyle Services. Shearing,<br />

crutching, drenching,<br />

tailing, feet trimming &<br />

health check. Trailer, generator<br />

&mobile handpiece<br />

available. Experienced,<br />

reliable and honest. Ph 03<br />

312 1214 or 021 267 4025.<br />

Log Fires<br />

Pellet Fires<br />

Heat Pumps<br />

Sales<br />

Service<br />

Installations<br />

Free Quotes<br />

03 343 1651<br />

472 Blenheim Rd<br />

www.heatstore.co.nz<br />

1680439<br />

Number one<br />

old-fashioned bacon<br />

&ham curing.<br />

A/H 312 4709<br />


<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>August</strong> <strong>20</strong>, <strong>20</strong><strong>20</strong><br />

Trade&Services<br />

STONEMASON, Brick<br />

and Blocklayer. Earthquake<br />

repairs, grind out and<br />

repoint, River/Oamaru<br />

stone, Schist, Volcanic<br />

rock, paving, all alterations<br />

- new and old. Quality<br />

workmanship. Visit www.<br />

featureworks.co.nz or ph<br />

027 601 3145.<br />




Lifestyle or farm, sheep, cattle,<br />

horse, all types of animals.<br />

Fences, yards, sheds, arenas,<br />

shelters, runs.<br />

30+ years contract fencing.<br />

Steve is available to help with<br />

your design &planning.<br />

Ph office03312 4747<br />

<strong>20</strong>91848<br />


99% uv block<br />

fade protection<br />

heat control<br />

reduce glare<br />

25 Years Experience<br />

YOU<br />

COULD<br />

BE<br />

HERE<br />

Advertise<br />

your business<br />

in our Trades<br />

and Services<br />

Phone<br />

Amanda Keys<br />

on<br />

03 313 2840<br />

privacy films<br />

frosting designs<br />

non-darkening films<br />

Workmanship Guaranteed<br />

Lifetime Warranties on Most Films<br />

UV<br />

block<br />

Trade&Services<br />


Specialising in <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>.<br />

Contact Geoff at<br />

Maxwell Valuation. Phone<br />

03 310 8541 or email<br />

geoff@maxval.co.nz.<br />



Bill’s Liquid<br />

Waste<br />

You dump it...<br />

Blair pumps it...<br />

Blair Tavendale<br />

Ph 03 314 9371<br />

0275 379-694<br />

tintawindow<br />

advanced film solutions<br />

Free Quotes <strong>Canterbury</strong> and Districts<br />

03 365 3653 0800 368 468<br />

2225862<br />

Trade&Services<br />


2Men &agood<br />

sized truck.<br />

From $157 per hour<br />

(incl gst).Kaiapoibased.<br />

Call Gerard<br />

027 668 3636<br />

2225244<br />


Forall your painting &<br />

plastering requirements<br />

Local with 30 years<br />

experience<br />

All workmanship<br />

Guaranteed.<br />

Phone 021 344 023<br />

22<strong>20</strong>615<br />

Electrician<br />

Domestic Commercial Industrial<br />

Heatpumps and servicing<br />

Contact Jeremy your local electrician<br />

Ph: 027 385 4606 |E:info@conciseelectrical.co.nz<br />

2302105<br />

Chiropractic Services<br />

Dr Carissa McGregor Chiropractor<br />

Injury, accidents and maintenance<br />

ACC Registered and Accredited<br />

Monday-Thursday | 03 313 0350<br />

Libi McKinnon Physiotherapy<br />

privatephysio@xtra.co.nz<br />

027 868 2574<br />

ACC Registered Provider | Tuesday&Friday<br />

Select Health<br />


Trade&Services<br />

Pride &Quality Painting<br />

&Decorating Services<br />

<strong>20</strong> yrs exp, fast and friendly<br />

service. For all your painting<br />

needs, phone: Martin 310<br />

6187 or 021 128 9867<br />


Paving<br />

Patio &Pathways<br />

-New or Existing<br />

Free Quotes<br />

–Competitive Pricing<br />

Blair Gibson<br />

027 699 5815 03 313 7933<br />

Mobile Locksmith<br />

•Residential/Commercial<br />

•KeysCut, Locks Rekeys<br />

•Lock Installs & Repairs<br />

•DigitalLocks & Padlocks<br />

•Ranch Slider Deadlock & Bolts<br />

•WindowCatches & Locks<br />

•GarageDoor Locks<br />

•House Alarms & Monitoring<br />

•Rental Property Specialists<br />

•Winz &Insurance Quotes<br />


Further discount for Pensioners, no GST charged<br />

10%OFF with mention of this ad<br />

Phone: Marc03382 2501<br />

Mob:027 22222<strong>20</strong><br />

www.keystonelocks.co.nz<br />

51 Ashley Street, Rangiora<br />

2227883<br />

2253902<br />

Electrician<br />

39<br />

Debra Jowsey &Karla Kilner<br />

Ph 03314 9480<br />

We help with all Taxreturns for the<br />

salary &wage earner,self employed, rental,<br />

business, farm,GST,pay dayfiling, rental returns<br />

Construction &Concrete<br />

All Construction & Concrete Work<br />

•Driveways, patios &paths<br />

•Bridges and Culverts<br />

•Floors, foundations<br />

•Sheds and buildings<br />

•Dairy Sheds, Herd homes<br />

•Silage pits, effluent ponds<br />

•Excavation and cartage<br />

•Precast concrete<br />

•Insulated panels<br />

Accountant<br />

Appliance Repairs<br />



F&P, Bosch, Smeg,<br />

ASKO, Ariston, LG,Classique,<br />

Haier, Samsung and more....<br />

Daryl Power<br />

027 230 9401<br />

concretepower@scorch.co.nz<br />

www.concretepower.co.nz<br />






M: 0275 543 958 E: aaron@ahel.co.nz<br />

2287949<br />

“For best resultsbesuretouseauthorised service”<br />


Rangiora: 03 313 44<strong>20</strong> Kaiapoi: 03 327 3810<br />

Builder<br />

19130<strong>20</strong><br />

2273277<br />

<strong>20</strong><strong>20</strong>478<br />

2269236<br />

Motorcycle Service &Repair<br />

2305591<br />

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- your LOCAL motorcycle service centre<br />

Ph: 03 312 0066 |www.motorbiketours.co.nz<br />

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187d Ohoka Road, Kaiapoi<br />

Phone 03 327 5246 |027 495 2821<br />

toppeng@xtra.co.nz<br />

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•Working platform<br />

Phone<br />

0274 366 901<br />

Plans for pricing<br />

jas.rangiorascaffolding@xtra.co.nz<br />

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1783878<br />

Landscaping<br />


Landscaping -Fencing<br />

& Earthworks<br />


03 313 9375 •027 369 3974<br />

www.stewartcontracting.co.nz<br />

contact@stewartcontracting.co.nz<br />

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RangioraToyota<br />

<strong>20</strong>15Yaris SX<br />

•1.5LPetrolAuto, Alloys<br />

•ReverseCameras<br />

•Only 38,900kms<br />

$<br />

14,995<br />

<strong>20</strong>10 Toyota Ractis<br />

•1.5LPetrolAuto<br />

•Climate Air,<br />

•KeylessEntry &Start/Stop<br />

$<br />

10,995<br />

<strong>20</strong>10 Toyota Wish<br />

•1.8L Petrol, 7-seater<br />

•Alloys<br />

•Climate air<br />

$<br />

11,995<br />

<strong>20</strong>10 Toyota Prius S<br />

•1.8L Hybrid Petrol Auto<br />

•Keyless,ClimateControl<br />

•Only 78,100km<br />

WAS$17,995<br />

NOW $<br />

14,995<br />

Signature<br />

CLASS<br />

S<br />

Ex-Demo <strong>20</strong>19 CorollaSXSedan <strong>20</strong>13Toyota Prius S<br />

•1.8L Hybrid Petrol,<br />

•1.8L Hybrid Petrol Auto<br />

•Satnav,TSS<br />

$ •Keyless<br />

33,995<br />

•Only 150kms<br />

•5-door Hatch<br />

$<br />

17,995<br />

Signature<br />

CLASS<br />

<strong>20</strong>16 Corolla GX Sedan<br />

•1.8L PetrolAuto, Bluetooth<br />

•ReverseCamera<br />

•Done 63,500kms<br />

$<br />

17,995<br />

<strong>20</strong>07 Toyota CamryGL<br />

•2.4LPetrolAuto<br />

•FM/AM &CDPlayer<br />

•NZnew<br />

$<br />

6,995<br />

<strong>20</strong>13Toyota Aqua<br />

•1.5LHybrid PetrolAuto<br />

•ParkingSensors<br />

•Bluetooth<br />

WAS$15,995<br />

NOW $<br />

14,995<br />

<strong>20</strong>08 Corolla Blade<br />

•2.4LPetrolAuto<br />

•Alloyswheels<br />

•Keyless Entry&Start<br />

$<br />

8,995<br />

<strong>20</strong>17 Corolla GLX<br />

•1.8L PetrolAuto, Alloys<br />

•ReverseCamera NOW<br />

•Done 46,750km<br />

WAS$<strong>20</strong>,995<br />

$<br />

19,995<br />

<strong>20</strong>18 Corolla GLX<br />

•1.8L PetrolAuto, Bluetooth<br />

•Done24,900km,Alloys NOW<br />

•ReverseCamera<br />

WAS$22,995<br />

$<br />

<strong>20</strong>,995<br />

<strong>20</strong>18 Corolla GX<br />

•2.0L PetrolAuto<br />

•Satnav,Bluetooth<br />

•Alloys, only 44,350kms<br />

$<br />

21,995 ,<br />

<strong>20</strong>18CorollaGX<br />

•1.8L PetrolAuto<br />

•ReverseCam,CruiseControl<br />

•Only 19,400km<br />

$<br />

21,490<br />

<strong>20</strong>17 Corolla GLX<br />

•1.8L PetrolAuto, Alloys<br />

•TintedWindows<br />

•Fog Lights<br />

$<br />

17,740<br />

<strong>20</strong>15HondaJazzRS<br />

•1.5LPetrolAuto, Satnav<br />

•Alloys, ReverseCamera<br />

• Only 30,300km<br />

$<br />

16,995<br />

<strong>20</strong>18 Corolla GX<br />

•2.0L PetrolAuto<br />

•Satnav,Bluetooth<br />

•Alloys, only 49,000kms<br />

$<br />

21,995<br />

<strong>20</strong>18 Yaris G<br />

•1.3LPetrolAuto, reverseCamera<br />

•Bluetooth<br />

•Only 37,600kms<br />

$<br />

15,995<br />

<strong>20</strong>15CamryAtara S<br />

•2.5LPetrolAuto, Alloys<br />

•Bluetooth, ReverseCamera<br />

•Done29,100km<br />

$<br />

22,995<br />

<strong>20</strong>19 Toyota CHRLimited<br />

•1.2LTurboPetrolAuto<br />

•Alloys, Satnav,TSS,Camera<br />

•Only 5,000km<br />

$<br />

34,995<br />

<strong>20</strong>19 RAV4 AWDGXL<br />

•2.5LPetrolAuto<br />

•Toyota Safety Sense<br />

•Satnav,only 17,350kms<br />

$<br />

37,995<br />

<strong>20</strong>13RAV4 GX<br />

•2.0L PetrolAuto, 2WD<br />

•CruiseControl<br />

•Bluetooth<br />

$<br />

19,995<br />

<strong>20</strong>15LandCruiser PradoVX<br />

•3.0L turbo diesel,<br />

•7-seater, leather<br />

•360° camera<br />

$<br />

47,995<br />

<strong>20</strong>18 LandCruiser PradoGX<br />

•2.8L Turbo Diesel Auto<br />

•7-seater, 4WD<br />

•Only 48,300km<br />

$<br />

51,995<br />

<strong>20</strong>09 LandCruiser <strong>20</strong>0 Series<br />

•4.5LTurbo-Diesel, V8<br />

•8-seater, Satnav<br />

•Climate Air<br />

WAS$51,995<br />

NOW $<br />

45,995<br />

<strong>20</strong>12LandCruiser VX<strong>20</strong>0 Series<br />

•4.5LTwinTurbo Diesel Auto<br />

•Leather,Satnav<br />

•Done 95,900km<br />

$<br />

77,995<br />

<strong>20</strong>17 HighlanderLimited<br />

•3.5LV6Petrol, Leather<br />

•Sunroof,GPS<br />

•Only 64,450kms<br />

$<br />

47,995<br />

<strong>20</strong>17 Jeep Wrangler Sport<br />

•3.6L Petrol Auto,ChangeableRoof<br />

•ReverseCamera<br />

•Only 13,350kms<br />

<strong>20</strong>19 FortunerGXL<br />

•2.8L Turbo Diesel Auto4WD<br />

•Satnav,ReverseCamera<br />

•Only 23,600<br />

<strong>20</strong>19 Hiace ZR<br />

•2.8L Turbo Diesel 6-SpeedManual<br />

<strong>20</strong>15Hilux4x4 Single Cab<br />

<strong>20</strong>15Ford Ranger XLT<br />

•3.0L TurboDiesel Manual<br />

$<br />

•5-Door,Satnav<br />

•3.2LTurbo Diesel Auto<br />

$ •Roof Racking<br />

48,995 •ReverseCamera,only250kms $ $ •Canopy &Liner<br />

48,995<br />

41,995<br />

•Only58,650km<br />

33,995<br />

$<br />

•Done 73,<strong>20</strong>0km<br />

36,995<br />

Percival Street,Rangiora • Ph (03) 313-8186 any time • www.rangiora.toyota.co.nz<br />

Signature<br />

CLASS<br />

2299412<br />


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