A magazine for Espoo residents 3-2020
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&<br />
Safe<br />
together<br />
A <strong>magazine</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Espoo</strong> <strong>residents</strong> 3 <strong>2020</strong><br />
Featuring more than<br />
100 events, <strong>Espoo</strong> Day<br />
showcases the <strong>residents</strong>’<br />
strong community spirit<br />
even in exceptional<br />
circumstances.<br />
How a master<br />
plan is compiled<br />
Family coaching<br />
is now online<br />
Coronators<br />
tracing infection
14<br />
editorial<br />
In the editorial,<br />
Jukka Mäkelä takes<br />
a stand on issues of<br />
current interest in the<br />
City of <strong>Espoo</strong>.<br />
Jukka Mäkelä is the Mayor of <strong>Espoo</strong>.<br />
Moving <strong>for</strong>ward in<br />
a responsible way<br />
<strong>Espoo</strong> Day will be celebrated once again on the 28th and<br />
29th of August. This year’s programme has been prepared<br />
in exceptional circumstances due to the coronavirus,<br />
but thanks to the creativity of the organisations,<br />
communities and <strong>residents</strong> involved, we will have more<br />
than a hundred events to enjoy safely. The majority of<br />
them are virtual events to be attended remotely, selfdirected<br />
visits to destinations or small local events held<br />
outdoors. This has required a great deal of innovation<br />
from the people of <strong>Espoo</strong>. No wonder <strong>Espoo</strong> made it in<br />
August to the final round of the European Union’s contest<br />
to become the European Capital of Innovation.<br />
Coordinated by the City, <strong>Espoo</strong> Day has been celebrated<br />
every year since 2008. It reflects our beautiful<br />
city and its <strong>residents</strong> perfectly. <strong>Espoo</strong> is a large city with<br />
multiple city centres where each residential area has a<br />
strong identity of its own. It’s a city that is always changing.<br />
One example of this is the master plan proposal <strong>for</strong><br />
northern and central <strong>Espoo</strong>, which is discussed in the<br />
leading article and will be on display and open <strong>for</strong> comments<br />
this autumn. It covers more than half of <strong>Espoo</strong>’s<br />
surface area.<br />
The city <strong>residents</strong> are the city. Just be<strong>for</strong>e <strong>Espoo</strong> Day,<br />
we launched the preparation of the <strong>Espoo</strong> Story, which<br />
is the city’s strategy <strong>for</strong> the coming City Council term.<br />
We are collecting citizens’ views and wishes <strong>for</strong> the city’s<br />
future with the help of the My <strong>Espoo</strong> survey. Thank you<br />
in advance <strong>for</strong> your answers!<br />
Jukka Mäkelä<br />
Mayor of <strong>Espoo</strong><br />
Contents<br />
3 | Calendar and picks<br />
Note down the most important dates.<br />
8 | Theme<br />
A master plan creates the<br />
framework <strong>for</strong> construction.<br />
26<br />
14 | At your service<br />
Coronators tracking infection.<br />
Photo: Olli Urpela<br />
15 | What's on<br />
Many cultural centres open their doors.<br />
20 | Right now<br />
Creating <strong>Espoo</strong> Day together.<br />
23 | Encounters<br />
Family coaching now online.<br />
24 | Pearl<br />
Meadows have an important job.<br />
26 | <strong>Espoo</strong> people<br />
Finnoo locals take part<br />
in designing the area.<br />
28 | Swedish in <strong>Espoo</strong><br />
Driving a tractor on the road.<br />
30 | We<br />
Children on their way to school.<br />
31 | My <strong>Espoo</strong><br />
Kera in bloom.<br />
28–29 Aug<br />
<strong>Espoo</strong> Day<br />
31 Aug<br />
The application period <strong>for</strong><br />
project and development<br />
grants and art grants<br />
ends at 15:45.<br />
23 Sept<br />
Partnership Forum helps the City of <strong>Espoo</strong> and organisations and other<br />
players from various fields operating in <strong>Espoo</strong> to find and share solutions<br />
<strong>for</strong> promoting well-being through collaboration between the organisations<br />
and between the organisations and the city. The theme of this autumn’s<br />
Partnership Forum is Boosting Inclusion through Cooperation between<br />
Organisations during the Coronavirus – Successes, Challenges and<br />
Lessons <strong>for</strong> the Future. The theme will be presented on 23 September<br />
at 16:30–19:00 at the Otaniemen lukio upper secondary school<br />
(Tekniikantie 15). You can also attend the event online.<br />
29 Aug, 7 Oct and 10 Nov<br />
This autumn, the City of <strong>Espoo</strong> and its partners will organise three public<br />
events to address everyday safety and security in different parts of<br />
<strong>Espoo</strong>. These You Make Your Everyday Life Safe events will explore and<br />
discuss the many components of safety. If the events cannot be safely<br />
organised in situ due to the coronavirus, they will be turned into online<br />
events. You Make Your Everyday Life Safe events at the Kalajärvi Service<br />
Centre on 29 Aug at 11:00–12:30, Iso Omena Service Centre on 7 Oct<br />
at 17:30–19:00 and Entresse Library on 10 Nov at 17:30–19:00.<br />
31 Aug –<br />
28 Sept<br />
The refuse collection vehicles<br />
of HSY will be touring in<br />
<strong>Espoo</strong> and Kauniainen from<br />
31 August to 28 September.<br />
For specific schedules, vehicle<br />
stops and sorting instructions<br />
go to hsy.fi/keraysautot.<br />
30 Sept<br />
The application period <strong>for</strong> operating<br />
support <strong>for</strong> sole entrepreneurs, which<br />
is intended to cover the costs arising<br />
from business during the coronavirus<br />
situation, comes to an end.<br />
calendar Sep–Nov//20<br />
Check the<br />
calendar <strong>for</strong> the<br />
main events and<br />
key dates of the<br />
autumn.<br />
28 Nov<br />
Publication of the next issue<br />
of <strong>Espoo</strong> <strong>magazine</strong>.<br />
Public bulletin to all households. Feedback and suggestions: espoolehti@omnipress.fi<br />
Publisher City of <strong>Espoo</strong>, PO Box 12, 02070 City of <strong>Espoo</strong>, 09 81 621, espoo.fi, firstname.lastname@espoo.fi<br />
Editor-in-chief Satu Tyry-Salo, Communications Director Editors Omnipress Oy, espoolehti@omnipress.fi<br />
Managing Editor Kimmo Kallonen Layout Oona Kavasto/Hank Printed by Punamusta<br />
Distribution SSM Notifications jakelupalaute@omnipress.fi Cover Eemeli Sarka ISSN 1798-8438<br />
Picks<br />
According to advance in<strong>for</strong>mation, <strong>Espoo</strong>’s population grew by<br />
more than 1,100 <strong>residents</strong> between January and May, which is almost<br />
1,500 <strong>residents</strong> less than during the same time the previous year.<br />
<strong>Espoo</strong> plans to halve<br />
youth unemployment<br />
THE City of <strong>Espoo</strong> and its partners have set the target<br />
to halve youth unemployment in the city by the end of<br />
2022. Work towards this goal was begun be<strong>for</strong>e the<br />
pandemic, but today it is more vital than ever.<br />
With the coronavirus, youth unemployment has<br />
increased sharply in <strong>Espoo</strong>. In April, 5,283 young people<br />
between the ages of 15 and 29 were registered as<br />
unemployed jobseekers, which is 164 per cent more<br />
than the previous year.<br />
Measures to prevent youth unemployment are<br />
topical right now particularly because of the municipal<br />
employment experiment set to start in January 2021. It<br />
involves strengthening the role of municipalities in the<br />
management of employment and transferring responsibility<br />
from the Employment and Economic Development<br />
Office to the city <strong>for</strong> all under 30-year-old<br />
unemployed jobseekers, people employed under the<br />
pay subsidy scheme and receiving services designed<br />
to promote employment, regardless of the type of<br />
unemployment benefit they receive.<br />
Promoting youth employment requires influencing<br />
a number of phenomena. One way to halve youth<br />
unemployment is to raise their targeted early-stage<br />
benefit, which would decrease the number of their<br />
unemployed periods. Another way is to increase their<br />
personal benefit, which would shorten any periods of<br />
unemployment that have begun. Increasing jobseekers’<br />
skills is also one of the key measures available to<br />
promote their employment.<br />
”<br />
Increasing<br />
jobseekers’<br />
skills is one<br />
of the key<br />
measures<br />
available to<br />
promote their<br />
employment.<br />
The Ohjaamotalo One-Stop Guidance Centre is a place where<br />
young people under the age of 30 obtain in<strong>for</strong>mation and help,<br />
<strong>for</strong> example, with looking <strong>for</strong> work, finding income, opportunities<br />
<strong>for</strong> study and choosing a career.<br />
Remote teaching in <strong>Espoo</strong><br />
was effective <strong>for</strong> the most part<br />
PUPILS and guardians shared their experiences of the<br />
exceptional period of remote teaching this spring in a<br />
survey organised by the city. The purpose of the survey<br />
was to examine how successful remote teaching has been,<br />
whether communication between pupils and teachers was<br />
effective, what support pupils received, as well as good<br />
practices and where there is room <strong>for</strong> improvement.<br />
The pupils and guardians of Finnish-speaking schools in<br />
<strong>Espoo</strong> assessed how effective studying remotely has been<br />
on a scale of 0–10 (extremely poor – extremely good).<br />
In the pupils’ responses, the average was 7.9 and in the<br />
guardians’ responses 8.1, which shows that remote teaching<br />
was considered to have been effective.<br />
Of the pupils, 89 per cent said they had received sufficient<br />
support and tuition from their teachers, while the<br />
figure <strong>for</strong> primary school pupils was slightly higher at 94<br />
per cent. Of the guardians, 75 per cent said their child had<br />
received sufficient support and tuition. During the last<br />
part of the period of remote teaching when the survey was<br />
conducted, 87 per cent of all comprehensive school pupils<br />
had been in daily contact with a teacher.<br />
The effectiveness of remote teaching was charted<br />
in early May with a survey that received responses from<br />
7,544 guardians and 7,491 pupils from Finnish-speaking<br />
comprehensive schools.<br />
<strong>Espoo</strong> in<br />
social media<br />
Facebook<br />
<strong>Espoo</strong> – Esbo<br />
Posts from different parts of<br />
the city and news from various<br />
City of <strong>Espoo</strong> actors.<br />
Twitter<br />
@<strong>Espoo</strong>Esbo<br />
Timely updates and quick<br />
responses. Bulletins, answers to<br />
questions and discussions.<br />
Instagram<br />
@espoonkaupunki<br />
Great moments, events and<br />
landscapes through the eyes of<br />
<strong>Espoo</strong> <strong>residents</strong>.<br />
#espoohetki<br />
4 A <strong>magazine</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Espoo</strong> <strong>residents</strong>
CHECK<br />
THIS OUT!<br />
In this section of the<br />
<strong>magazine</strong>, we introduce<br />
interesting sites all<br />
<strong>Espoo</strong> <strong>residents</strong> have<br />
free access to.<br />
Kasavuori in Soukka<br />
KASAVUORI in the district of Soukka is<br />
a magnificent vantage point in <strong>Espoo</strong>,<br />
offering an outstanding view that some<br />
consider the best in the city. The top of<br />
its western side is 44 metres above sea<br />
level and offers a beautiful view over the<br />
Gulf of Finland and the south-west coast<br />
of the city.<br />
You can climb to the top along the<br />
paths starting from the bicycle lane<br />
at the end of Soukansalmentie in the<br />
north-east and from the end of Kasavuorenrinne<br />
in the east. The hillside<br />
is step-shaped in places due to the<br />
horizontal fracturing characteristic of<br />
granite. Along the path running on top<br />
of the cliff there are two erratic boulders<br />
consisting of rapakivi granite, the larger<br />
one about one and a half metres high.<br />
The top of the Kasavuori hill is a<br />
nationally valuable cliff site.<br />
Timo Porthan<br />
From the top of<br />
Kasavuori in Soukka,<br />
you can admire the<br />
magnificent view or<br />
observe migrating<br />
birds.<br />
Q & A<br />
In this section of the<br />
<strong>magazine</strong>, we answer<br />
the most often asked<br />
questions received by<br />
the city at the time the<br />
<strong>magazine</strong> is<br />
published.<br />
?<br />
In the autumn, we almost drown in<br />
slippery leaves and flooding ditches.<br />
What are the city’s responsibilities and<br />
which tasks belong to the owner of the<br />
property?<br />
It is the property owner’s responsibility to<br />
take care of the maintenance of the driveway to<br />
their plot and to keep it clear of dirt, leaves, rubbish<br />
and loose items. The owner of the property<br />
is responsible <strong>for</strong> emptying the culvert under<br />
the driveway from leaves and rubbish, although<br />
other parts of ditches are taken care of by the<br />
city’s street maintenance divisions. The city is<br />
responsible <strong>for</strong> the maintenance of streets and<br />
pedestrian and cycle routes.<br />
The city’s street maintenance divisions clean<br />
streets by brushing off fallen leaves. How quickly<br />
the work can be done depends on the availability<br />
of machinery and equipment and the maintenance<br />
classification of the site in question.<br />
The city should always be notified without<br />
delay about any damage or problems in street<br />
areas that pose a hazard to traffic and movement<br />
either by contacting the Public Works<br />
Department’s customer service online or calling<br />
the police.<br />
?<br />
How will schoolchildren be able to<br />
walk or cycle to school safety if the<br />
streetlights are not on?<br />
The city’s streetlights turn on and off according<br />
to a solar dial. The streetlights turn on 20<br />
minutes after sunset and off ten minutes be<strong>for</strong>e<br />
sunrise. It is important to be especially careful<br />
at dusky times like these in street areas and to<br />
wear a reflector.<br />
Please notify the customer services of Technical<br />
and Environmental Services about any<br />
problems with streetlighting. However, we do<br />
not repair individual lamps immediately; instead,<br />
this is done three times a year during maintenance<br />
rounds carried out one area at a time.<br />
”<br />
Streetlights turn on<br />
and off according<br />
to a solar dial.<br />
Picks<br />
Almost 90 per cent of <strong>Espoo</strong> <strong>residents</strong> live less than<br />
30 minutes away by public transport from the urban<br />
centre that is the quickest to reach from their home.<br />
Help with gamblingrelated<br />
problems<br />
ACCORDING to a survey carried out by the national<br />
Yhteispelillä! project this spring, 57 per cent of <strong>Espoo</strong><br />
<strong>residents</strong> gamble weekly. Of the respondents, 30 per<br />
cent said they or a loved one have a gambling problem.<br />
Help with gambling problems is available from the<br />
city’s mental health and substance abuse services.<br />
Help is also available from the national Peluuri helpline<br />
and online services and from the Tiltti in<strong>for</strong>mation<br />
and support centre located at Peliklinikka in Helsinki.<br />
Starting this autumn, <strong>Espoo</strong> <strong>residents</strong> will also be able<br />
to seek outpatient care at Peliklinikka. Peer support<br />
is offered in <strong>Espoo</strong> by Nimettömät Pelurit – Gamblers<br />
Anonymous (GA) and Sosped Foundation’s Pelirajat’on<br />
peer group.<br />
Appointments and advice at the City of <strong>Espoo</strong><br />
mental health and substance abuse services, Mon-Fri<br />
8:00−16:00, tel. 09 816 31300. espoo.fi/mielenterveys<br />
Bees at Glims<br />
Farmstead Museum<br />
AFTER learning about the declining number of pollinators<br />
in Finland, the Glims Farmstead Museum<br />
began a collaborative experiment with a company<br />
called Stanin Hani. Now the museum has its own pollinators<br />
buzzing around.<br />
The summer’s first batch of Glims Farmstead’s<br />
own honey yielded 16 kilograms of this golden delicacy,<br />
which will be packed into 50 honey jars, each<br />
containing 300 grams. In future, you will be able to<br />
buy this honey from the Glims Farmstead Museum’s<br />
shop and the Pentala Archipelago Museum.<br />
At the Glims Farmstead Museum, we plan to<br />
focus on safeguarding biodiversity in nature also by<br />
other means. We will attract wild pollinators to the<br />
area by leaving piles of straw around <strong>for</strong> them to nest<br />
in, allowing dandelions to grow in the spring and<br />
protecting meadows in collaboration with the <strong>Espoo</strong><br />
Environment Department. We have given up using<br />
any artificial fertilisers in the museum garden and<br />
have replaced them with composted chicken and<br />
sheep manure, both of which are sourced from the<br />
museum area.<br />
6 A <strong>magazine</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Espoo</strong> <strong>residents</strong><br />
Help with<br />
money issues<br />
ARE your income and expenses out of<br />
balance? Are you falling behind with your<br />
rent? Do you find it difficult to repay your<br />
consumer credit? If you are concerned<br />
about your financial situation or money<br />
management, the Financial Clinic will help<br />
you! Our experts will give you advice on<br />
how to start solving your situation.<br />
The Financial Clinic will be open to<br />
<strong>Espoo</strong> <strong>residents</strong> every Friday from 10:00<br />
to 14:00. To get advice, you can call the<br />
Financial Clinic, tel. 040 639 3944, or<br />
visit its office in <strong>Espoo</strong>n keskus, Terveyskuja<br />
2 C. As the service is anonymous,<br />
you will not be asked <strong>for</strong> any personal<br />
in<strong>for</strong>mation.<br />
<strong>Espoo</strong>-based Stan Jas, beekeeper and owner of the<br />
company Stanin Hani, has brought a great deal of<br />
know-how about bee-keeping to <strong>Espoo</strong> from his home<br />
country, the Czech Republic.<br />
Telephone<br />
services at<br />
health centres to<br />
be made more<br />
efficient<br />
HEALTH centres’ telephone services<br />
have been very busy in August,<br />
and people have had to wait a long<br />
time <strong>for</strong> a call-back. Similarly, the<br />
HUSLAB coronavirus testing sites<br />
have been very busy. The good<br />
news is that there is light at the<br />
end of the tunnel. In mid-August,<br />
phone calls about the coronavirus<br />
shortened by half after the preparation<br />
of sampling referrals was made<br />
quicker. The number of telephone<br />
service staff has been increased,<br />
and we are looking into the possibility<br />
of using outsourced services in<br />
order to clear the backlog of calls.<br />
By the beginning of September,<br />
we will have electronic channels<br />
at our disposal, allowing <strong>residents</strong><br />
access to coronavirus tests without<br />
a phone call. The nationwide smart<br />
phone app Koronavilkku will also be<br />
launched in September. It will make<br />
it quicker <strong>for</strong> healthcare professionals<br />
to reach people exposed<br />
to the virus and to break chains of<br />
infection.<br />
We want to thank all <strong>Espoo</strong><br />
<strong>residents</strong> <strong>for</strong> your patience!<br />
<strong>Espoo</strong>’s coronavirus helpline,<br />
tel. 09 816 34600 Mon–Fri<br />
at 7:00–18:00<br />
Medical Helpline in the evenings<br />
and on weekends, tel. 116 117<br />
Check<br />
updates:<br />
espoo.fi/<br />
At the end of May, there were 22,497<br />
unemployed people in <strong>Espoo</strong>, of whom<br />
9,722 had been laid off.<br />
Nearly 80 self-build plots <strong>for</strong><br />
detached houses via plot applications<br />
Wilhelmina Paananen<br />
Detached<br />
houses in<br />
Kurttila.<br />
<strong>Espoo</strong> is a trailblazer in the acquisition<br />
of schools and day-care centres<br />
THIS autumn, the city will organise a<br />
self-build plot application round <strong>for</strong><br />
<strong>Espoo</strong> <strong>residents</strong>. This year there will be<br />
more plots available than in previous<br />
years – a total of 78.<br />
The majority of the self-build plots<br />
are located in the Kurttila residential<br />
area <strong>for</strong> small family homes, close to<br />
the sea and services in Saunalahti.<br />
The application round will include 51<br />
plots in Kurttila. The majority of them<br />
are located in maritime Kallvik. A large<br />
number of new buildings are planned<br />
<strong>for</strong> Kurttila where streets are currently<br />
being built.<br />
23 of the plots are close to nature in<br />
Henttaa, next to the services of Suurpelto.<br />
The self-build plots available via<br />
application also include three in the<br />
popular area of Lintuvaara and one in<br />
the new residential area of Perusmäki<br />
in northern <strong>Espoo</strong>.<br />
The plots range between 485 and<br />
1,250 square metres in size, and their<br />
permitted building volume is approximately<br />
120–260 floor square metres.<br />
Applicants can choose whether they<br />
prefer to rent a plot or buy it.<br />
More detailed in<strong>for</strong>mation about<br />
schedule of the plot application round<br />
will be provided in August on the City<br />
of <strong>Espoo</strong>’s website. The application is<br />
based on a draw, and precedence will<br />
be given to <strong>residents</strong> of <strong>Espoo</strong>.<br />
THE City of <strong>Espoo</strong> has chosen project<br />
company Kumppanuuskoulut Oy,<br />
<strong>for</strong>med by YIT and Meridiam Investments<br />
II, to take charge of the design,<br />
construction, financing and 20 years of<br />
maintenance of eight schools and daycare<br />
centres in the city.<br />
The City of <strong>Espoo</strong>’s new method of<br />
acquiring schools and day-care centres<br />
as a comprehensive service has<br />
attracted interest worldwide because<br />
the contract of service involved makes<br />
it possible to apply the PPP model<br />
(Public Private Partnership) to building<br />
projects.<br />
In this model, the private project<br />
company as the service provider is<br />
responsible <strong>for</strong> the construction and<br />
maintenance of the buildings, freeing<br />
the city’s valuable resources from planning<br />
individual sites to other activities.<br />
The majority of the risks have been<br />
transferred to the service provider,<br />
which means that the model encourages<br />
the provider to keep to the schedule<br />
and create cost-effective solutions.<br />
At the end of the agreement period, the<br />
buildings will be returned to the city in<br />
good condition.<br />
The three building projects to be<br />
carried out first are the Pohjos-Tapiolan<br />
koulu secondary school, the Perkkaan<br />
koulu joint comprehensive school and<br />
youth centre, and the Nauriskasken<br />
koulu primary school. The aim is to<br />
complete all three schools in 2022.<br />
Other projects under the same model<br />
will be built in 2021–23 and include the<br />
Perkkaa day-care centre, Nöykkiönniitty<br />
day-care centre, the Kilon koulu<br />
primary school and day-care centre<br />
and the primary school unit of of Kuitinmäen<br />
koulu. They will provide facilities<br />
<strong>for</strong> almost 4,000 children.<br />
The PPP model is part of the Koulut<br />
Kuntoon programme, which aims to<br />
ensure healthy and safe premises <strong>for</strong><br />
schools and day-care centres.<br />
Put your mark<br />
on the future <strong>Espoo</strong> Story<br />
THE preparation of the <strong>Espoo</strong> Story, i.e. the city’s<br />
strategy, <strong>for</strong> the coming City Council term 2021–25<br />
begins in August. We are collecting <strong>residents</strong>’ views<br />
and wishes <strong>for</strong> the city’s future as the basis <strong>for</strong><br />
elected bodies’ work.<br />
“It’s important <strong>for</strong> us that the voices of <strong>Espoo</strong> <strong>residents</strong><br />
can be heard in the <strong>Espoo</strong> Story, which is why<br />
we invite everyone to participate in its preparation,”<br />
says the city’s Strategy Director Jorma Valve.<br />
“The <strong>Espoo</strong> Story has been our shared signpost in<br />
developing our city <strong>for</strong> two council terms already. Our<br />
strategy in the <strong>for</strong>m of a story has been easy to communicate,<br />
and people have committed admirably to<br />
its implementation,” Valve explains.<br />
Now is the time <strong>for</strong> you too to think about the kind<br />
of <strong>Espoo</strong> you want to live in in the future and join us<br />
in making it a reality. You can give your answers to My<br />
<strong>Espoo</strong> surveys on our website at espoo.fi.<br />
”<br />
It’s important<br />
<strong>for</strong> us that the<br />
voices of <strong>Espoo</strong><br />
<strong>residents</strong> can<br />
be heard in the<br />
<strong>Espoo</strong> Story.<br />
theme<br />
The new master plan<br />
will cover approximately<br />
170 square kilometres<br />
in northern and central<br />
<strong>Espoo</strong> – more than half<br />
of <strong>Espoo</strong>’s land area. The<br />
goal is to have approval<br />
<strong>for</strong> the alteration to the<br />
master plan by spring<br />
2021.<br />
Text Tiina Parikka Photos Mauri Ratilainen<br />
THE<br />
i<br />
<strong>Espoo</strong>–<br />
Salo direct line<br />
will have two new<br />
stations <strong>for</strong> local<br />
rail services: Hista<br />
and Myntinmäki.<br />
The development of<br />
these areas, which<br />
are located northwest<br />
of <strong>Espoo</strong>n<br />
keskus, has been<br />
taken into account<br />
in the preparation<br />
of the master plan.<br />
However, the fastest<br />
progress will<br />
be made with the<br />
development of the<br />
existing centres.<br />
Framework<br />
<strong>for</strong> construction<br />
A master plan directs the land use of a region<br />
and creates the framework <strong>for</strong> town planning.<br />
Listening to the wishes of the local <strong>residents</strong><br />
and other involved parties is key.<br />
The master plan proposal <strong>for</strong> <strong>Espoo</strong>’s<br />
northern and central parts will be<br />
made available to the public this<br />
autumn. It involves an extensive<br />
change to the master plan and covers<br />
more than half of <strong>Espoo</strong>’s land area.<br />
The current master plan <strong>for</strong> the northern<br />
parts of <strong>Espoo</strong> became legally valid in 1997. It<br />
can no longer meet the challenges of the evergrowing<br />
capital region and the changes made in<br />
<strong>Espoo</strong>.<br />
“A master plan directs land use in a planned<br />
area, while taking into account the different<br />
aspects of the city’s structure. Detailed plans,<br />
<strong>for</strong> example, on the construction of residential<br />
buildings are determined in changes made<br />
locally to the master plan,” explains Head of<br />
Master Plan, Essi Leino.<br />
The master plan, in turn, is directed by the<br />
regional plan, which takes into account the<br />
development needs of the entire region. In the<br />
case of <strong>Espoo</strong>, this means the capital region in<br />
particular.<br />
The master plan is reviewed approximately<br />
every ten years, or more often if necessary.<br />
The need to review it may become evident, <strong>for</strong><br />
example, when population growth significantly<br />
exceeds expectations.<br />
“The renewed master plan <strong>for</strong> central and<br />
northern <strong>Espoo</strong> makes it possible to welcome<br />
60,000 new <strong>residents</strong> on the area,” Leino says.<br />
Everything is interconnected. Population<br />
growth is not the only factor driving change.<br />
“Intense urbanisation not only brings about<br />
new <strong>residents</strong>, but also influences the number<br />
of jobs and how much traffic there is. At the<br />
same time, various trends <strong>for</strong> change have to be<br />
taken into account in city planning,” Leino says.<br />
These trends obviously include adapting to<br />
and curbing climate change, but changes in how<br />
we work are also involved.<br />
“The coronavirus has accelerated changes<br />
in how we work. We need to take account of the<br />
increasing number of people who work from<br />
home and have virtual meetings when we assess<br />
the need <strong>for</strong> space at physical workplaces,”<br />
Leino says.<br />
Traffic and transport are also changing. Even<br />
if commuter traffic decreases, people will still<br />
travel to their hobbies and <strong>for</strong> pleasure in their<br />
free time.<br />
“Buying things online also increases the<br />
amount of goods being transported – and at the<br />
same time, reduces the need <strong>for</strong> space in shops,”<br />
Leino says, highlighting the scope of the circumstances<br />
affecting city planning.<br />
Along the route of the One Hour Train.<br />
The implementation of the One Hour Train<br />
between Turku and Helsinki took a step <strong>for</strong>ward<br />
again this spring when the Government<br />
and municipalities agreed to establish a project<br />
,,Intense urbanisation<br />
also has an effect on<br />
the number of jobs<br />
and how much traffic<br />
there is in the area.<br />
8 A <strong>magazine</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Espoo</strong> <strong>residents</strong>
Lake Haukkalampi is about<br />
ten hectares in size and<br />
known as the heart of the<br />
Nuuksio National Park. There<br />
are three hiking routes of different<br />
lengths in the area of<br />
the lake, which is located at<br />
the border of <strong>Espoo</strong> and Vihti.<br />
The terrain is rough in places,<br />
but there are duckboards and<br />
stairs to make hiking easier.<br />
Haukanpesä Guide Hut on<br />
the shore of the lake is one of<br />
the most popular destinations<br />
in the Nuuksio National<br />
Park. In July, the rowing boats<br />
you can rent from the Guide<br />
Hut lured tourists from Estonia<br />
to also take to the water.<br />
The area’s varied birdlife<br />
attracts birdwatchers. Vihtibased<br />
nature photographer<br />
Jari Kallio photographed redthroated<br />
divers in July.<br />
theme<br />
THE planned<br />
i<br />
area contains<br />
expansive cultural<br />
landscapes, numerous<br />
lakes, rivers and<br />
brooks, as well as<br />
plenty of diverse<br />
trails. For example,<br />
the valley zone<br />
surrounding River<br />
<strong>Espoo</strong>njoki is indicated<br />
with a specific<br />
symbol on the map<br />
of the local detailed<br />
plan. A new <strong>Espoo</strong>njokilaakso<br />
trail will<br />
be built along the<br />
river and the shores<br />
of Lake Pitkäjärvi,<br />
never leaving green<br />
areas.<br />
company to promote the planning process.<br />
<strong>Espoo</strong>’s city rail link is part of this system,<br />
although its implementation will require a<br />
separate decision.<br />
The <strong>Espoo</strong>–Salo direct line will have two<br />
new stations <strong>for</strong> local rail services in Hista<br />
and Myntinmäki, which will have their own<br />
centres gradually built around them.<br />
“Our goal is to have at least 90 per cent of<br />
<strong>Espoo</strong>’s new <strong>residents</strong> along excellent public<br />
transport connections. Obviously, this<br />
will have an effect on the new land use plan.<br />
Future service structures and energy solutions<br />
will also be taken into account,” Leino<br />
says.<br />
This requires a great deal of investigation.<br />
There are changes to the component<br />
master plans continuously under way. Some<br />
are currently being compiled <strong>for</strong> the areas<br />
of Kiviruukki, Finnoo, Saaristo, Bergö and<br />
Bodö. Part one of the master plan <strong>for</strong> the<br />
northern parts of <strong>Espoo</strong> is the largest and<br />
oldest master plan in <strong>for</strong>ce.<br />
“We are focusing a great deal of investigative<br />
work on this region, work that has not<br />
been done previously. Already at the draft<br />
stage, we carried out dozens of investigations<br />
and now at the preparation stage we have<br />
completed about thirty more,” says Head of<br />
Research Ritva Helminen-Halkola.<br />
The investigations have focused, <strong>for</strong><br />
example, on the region’s significant natural<br />
and cultural environment. Because it is a<br />
large area, its different parts vary a great deal<br />
– there are both busy commercial centres<br />
and unbuilt areas.<br />
“Villages and rural areas present their<br />
own problems. We have talked to farmers,<br />
<strong>for</strong> example, and charted the routes their<br />
farm machines take,” says Helminen-<br />
Halkola who has led the investigations.<br />
Even though the needs of the future are<br />
taken into account in the master plan, the<br />
main focus lies on what will be needed over<br />
the next few years. After all, the plan can be<br />
changed according to any needs that arise as<br />
needed. Dialogue with the parties involved is<br />
a key part of the planning process.<br />
“The parties involved include businesses<br />
and entrepreneurs, various authorities, the<br />
third sector and, last but not least, the <strong>residents</strong>,<br />
who total about 50,000 in this region,”<br />
says Leino.<br />
10 A <strong>magazine</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Espoo</strong> <strong>residents</strong>
<strong>Espoo</strong>n keskus is the constantly<br />
renewing heart of the<br />
city. New housing and better<br />
services are in the pipeline<br />
<strong>for</strong> this area, according to<br />
the altered master plan. The<br />
goal is to turn the <strong>for</strong>mer<br />
city office buildings into a<br />
modern urban centre and a<br />
more com<strong>for</strong>table place to<br />
live and work. There are also<br />
plans to establish a meeting<br />
place known as <strong>Espoo</strong> House<br />
<strong>for</strong> <strong>Espoo</strong> <strong>residents</strong> and city<br />
personnel in the city office<br />
buildings.<br />
The City Rail Link will further<br />
improve public transport connections<br />
between <strong>Espoo</strong>n<br />
keskus and the quickly<br />
growing district of Leppävaara.<br />
It will also support<br />
the changes made in Kera.<br />
The decision to implement<br />
the urban railway line will<br />
contribute considerably to<br />
the sustainable development<br />
of <strong>Espoo</strong>’s five city centres<br />
and is an important milestone<br />
on the journey towards zeroemission<br />
travel. The City Rail<br />
Link is also a prerequisite <strong>for</strong><br />
the One Hour Train to Turku,<br />
because it will allow local<br />
and long-haul trains to run on<br />
separate tracks.<br />
theme<br />
THE Viiskorpi<br />
i area between<br />
Leppävaara<br />
and Kalajärvi is<br />
estimated to grow<br />
into a village with<br />
8,000 <strong>residents</strong> by<br />
2050 and will centre<br />
around the public<br />
transport station.<br />
The public transport<br />
connection is indicated<br />
as a light rail,<br />
as this is the planned<br />
outcome. However,<br />
during the construction,<br />
public transport<br />
will rely on buses.<br />
There are diverging views about the ever denser<br />
population and housing. Dialogue with the <strong>residents</strong><br />
has highlighted issues that are often a concern<br />
<strong>for</strong> <strong>Espoo</strong> <strong>residents</strong>, such as being close to nature,<br />
opportunities <strong>for</strong> recreation and cultural viewpoints.<br />
The <strong>Espoo</strong> Cathedral and the cultivated and<br />
village landscapes in the valley surrounding River<br />
<strong>Espoo</strong>njoki, as well as the areas in the vicinity of Lake<br />
Bodom are exceptionally valuable culturally.<br />
The new centres planned around the railway stations<br />
of Hista and Myntinmäki are also dividing opinions.<br />
“We are already receiving queries from various<br />
parts of the planned area, asking when people can<br />
hope to start building houses there, while others are<br />
worried about the housing developments and the<br />
effects of building them,” says Urban Planner Seija<br />
Lonka.<br />
The first development plans being implemented<br />
are those <strong>for</strong> the existing centres, whose detailed<br />
plans are being prepared partly simultaneously with<br />
the changes to the master plan. Lonka reminds us<br />
that the growth of the housing stock will safeguard the<br />
vitality of the centres, bring more services and allow<br />
the development of the region’s public transport.<br />
“This growth will ensure, <strong>for</strong> example, the development<br />
of the Kalajärvi centre’s transport services,”<br />
Lonka says.<br />
A long process. The preparation stage of the master<br />
plan <strong>for</strong> the northern and central parts of <strong>Espoo</strong> has<br />
taken exceptionally long. This is due not only to the<br />
size of the area, but also the work done to clarify the<br />
vision be<strong>for</strong>e the draft stages were begun. Seija Lonka<br />
has been involved in the process since the beginning<br />
in 2013.<br />
“The draft of the plan was made available to the<br />
public in 2018. After receiving opinions and comments<br />
on it, we started to prepare the plan proposal.<br />
The goal is to make it available <strong>for</strong> the public in<br />
September or October. If no surprises arise concerning<br />
the proposed amendments and during the rounds<br />
of comments from various authorities, our proposal<br />
will be processed <strong>for</strong> approval next spring,” says Head<br />
of Master Plan Essi Leino, describing the stages of the<br />
process.<br />
Master plan and component master plan procedures<br />
may be processed in a shorter time, but it is<br />
impossible to know in advance what kinds of questions<br />
will arise during the process and how much time<br />
the necessary additional investigations will take. For<br />
up-to-date in<strong>for</strong>mation about the planning process,<br />
go to the city website.<br />
Northern <strong>Espoo</strong> is one<br />
of the most rural areas in<br />
the city. The heavy transport<br />
equipment needed<br />
to care <strong>for</strong> cultivated<br />
areas has been one of<br />
the characteristics taken<br />
into account in planning<br />
the amendment to the<br />
master plan. Landowner<br />
Magnus Selenius has<br />
participated in the discussion<br />
and contributed,<br />
<strong>for</strong> example, to issues<br />
relating to roads with the<br />
capacity to bear modern<br />
farming vehicles.<br />
,,<br />
Many opportunities to have your say. City <strong>residents</strong><br />
can submit their own suggestions and comment<br />
on the planning while the plan is on display, <strong>for</strong><br />
example, by using the electronic system <strong>for</strong> submitting<br />
<strong>for</strong>ms. At the planning stage, surveys were also<br />
directed at the region’s <strong>residents</strong>.<br />
“It’s important to remember, though, that more<br />
detailed decisions <strong>for</strong> each area will not be made until<br />
work on the local detailed plan begins,” Leino says.<br />
The growth will ensure<br />
the development of<br />
the Kalajärvi centre’s<br />
transport services.<br />
12 A <strong>magazine</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Espoo</strong> <strong>residents</strong>
1<br />
The stages<br />
of the master<br />
plan amendment<br />
process<br />
Commencement<br />
• public announcement<br />
of commencement<br />
• preparing a participation<br />
and assessment plan<br />
• carrying out basic<br />
investigations<br />
Opinions about<br />
sufficiency<br />
2<br />
Draft<br />
• draft of the plan<br />
• impact assessment<br />
• statements by the<br />
authorities<br />
• making the draft available<br />
to the public<br />
Giving feedback in<br />
a separate public<br />
event or a reminder<br />
in writing/online<br />
3<br />
Proposal<br />
• statements in<br />
response to rejoinders<br />
and opinions<br />
• plan proposal in which the<br />
feedback is taken into<br />
account<br />
• making the proposed plan<br />
available to the public<br />
Giving feedback in a<br />
separate public event<br />
or a reminder in<br />
writing/online<br />
4<br />
Approval<br />
• replies to reminders<br />
• town planning map and<br />
report <strong>for</strong> the processing<br />
<strong>for</strong> approval<br />
• processing by the City<br />
Planning Committee and<br />
the City Board<br />
• approval by the City Council<br />
Right to appeal against<br />
a decision of the<br />
Administrative Court<br />
at your service<br />
In this section of the<br />
<strong>magazine</strong>, meet employees<br />
and close partners<br />
of the City of <strong>Espoo</strong>.<br />
Text Mia Weckström Photo Timo Porthan<br />
Detective work<br />
The coordinators of infection tracing known as Coronators<br />
at the City of <strong>Espoo</strong>’s Infectious Diseases Unit are<br />
working hard to take control of chains of infection.<br />
”<br />
As Coronators, it’s our job to manage<br />
any new positive coronavirus cases<br />
and assign the work to contact tracers<br />
to find out who may been exposed<br />
to the virus. We act as tutors to<br />
the contact tracers, while they carry out the tracking.<br />
We take care of the chain of infection from start to<br />
finish.<br />
Infection tracing is just like being a detective. When<br />
we are notified that someone has tested positive <strong>for</strong><br />
the coronavirus, we contact the infected person and<br />
work out the time of infection, the people they have<br />
been in contact with and those who may have been<br />
exposed to the virus as a result. We order<br />
the people who have been exposed to it<br />
into self-isolation. We keep in contact<br />
with the quarantined, infected person<br />
throughout their isolation. We also make<br />
sure that those in self-isolation as a result<br />
of exposure to the virus understand their<br />
responsibility to contact us if they develop<br />
any symptoms. If they do not develop<br />
symptoms, we contact them at the end of<br />
their self-isolation.<br />
Coronators need to be able to react to new developments<br />
quickly and adapt to ever-changing situations.<br />
This has been an eye-opening and educational spring<br />
and summer <strong>for</strong> us all. We are giving our work a hundred<br />
per cent and keep fighting the virus together with<br />
the public. Whenever a chain of infection breaks and<br />
no new infections occur, we know we have succeeded.<br />
Everything we do relies on cooperation. People in<br />
<strong>Espoo</strong>, from <strong>residents</strong> to members of organisations,<br />
have shown great strength in working together throughout<br />
the pandemic and in being understanding and<br />
following the rules. We want to thank every <strong>Espoo</strong> resident<br />
<strong>for</strong> doing their part.”<br />
“We have grown into<br />
an efficient team over<br />
a short period of time.<br />
We energise each<br />
other,” say Coronators<br />
Khadra Sugulle<br />
(left), Elina Mäntylä,<br />
Anu Tyykilä, Jasmin<br />
Korhonen and Anu<br />
Pere.<br />
The <strong>Espoo</strong><br />
Infectious<br />
Diseases Unit has<br />
• 10 coordinators of infection<br />
tracing known as Coronators<br />
• about 50 contact tracers<br />
• 951 coronavirus infections in<br />
<strong>Espoo</strong> (6 August <strong>2020</strong>)<br />
14 A <strong>magazine</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Espoo</strong> <strong>residents</strong>
15 In situ 16 Things to do 19 Exercise tip<br />
Things to do<br />
in <strong>Espoo</strong><br />
Culture, sports<br />
and exercise<br />
from September<br />
to November.<br />
Vermo offers<br />
un<strong>for</strong>gettable experiences<br />
Vermo Areena is, above all, a centre <strong>for</strong> harness racing,<br />
but also an excellent venue <strong>for</strong> all kinds of events.<br />
VERMO is the main trotting track in<br />
Finland, yet there are many people who<br />
don’t yet know about it. Over the last few<br />
years, it has attracted more new visitors<br />
than be<strong>for</strong>e.<br />
“A lot of housing has been and is<br />
still being built in Vermonniitty, and the<br />
people who have moved here have found<br />
their way to Vermo,” says Event and<br />
Marketing Coordinator Sari Heino from<br />
Vermo Areena.<br />
Every Wednesday, there is a trotting<br />
race at Vermo, but sometimes they are<br />
also organised on the weekend. This<br />
autumn’s grand event will take place on<br />
the first weekend in September, offering<br />
the Great Finnish Derby (Suuri Suomalainen<br />
Derby) as well as the Finlandia-Ajo<br />
race, which was postponed in the spring.<br />
TROTTING School (Ravikoulu) is a great<br />
place to learn horsemanship. Established<br />
in collaboration with the Ypäjä Equine<br />
College, the Trotting School arranges<br />
courses on driving and caring <strong>for</strong> a horse.<br />
It is also a great venue <strong>for</strong> bachelor and<br />
hen parties and children’s pony birthday<br />
parties. At birthday parties, children meet<br />
the Trotting School’s ponies and have a<br />
chance to ride them.<br />
The hobby horse track was built in<br />
autumn 2019 in collaboration with the<br />
City of <strong>Espoo</strong>. It has artificial turf and an<br />
obstacle course and has been hugely<br />
popular. It attracts children also during<br />
Vermo’s free events which typically take<br />
place in the summer and at Shrovetide.<br />
During these events, children can ride a<br />
pony led by an instructor or take a ride<br />
in a pony-led cart free of charge and see<br />
Vermo’s large tractors.<br />
VERMO also welcomes other events.<br />
Although it is first and <strong>for</strong>emost a centre<br />
<strong>for</strong> harness racing, its size makes it<br />
perfect <strong>for</strong> many kinds of events. The<br />
facilities lend themselves well <strong>for</strong> small<br />
fairs, and the Konttitori flea market organised<br />
by the Finnish Seamen’s Mission<br />
is a long-standing summer favourite. In<br />
connection with the trotting races, there<br />
are also various themed evenings with<br />
additional activities.<br />
A few years ago, Vermo hosted a<br />
three-day event with a distinctive stage<br />
show every day. Over the weekend,<br />
stand-up comedians, the Finnish band<br />
Popeda and the Moomins took the stage<br />
and charmed the audience.<br />
“Harness racing is our key activity,<br />
but we want to attract as many different<br />
kinds of events to this area as possible,”<br />
Heino says.<br />
Text Maarit Krok<br />
Miika Lähdeniemi<br />
Vermo’s<br />
race stands<br />
serve friends<br />
of harness<br />
racing, as well<br />
as others.<br />
Even a<br />
first-time or<br />
occasional<br />
spectator at a<br />
harness race<br />
will quickly get<br />
a taste <strong>for</strong> the<br />
excitement.<br />
Anu Leppänen<br />
Autumn at Vermo<br />
• 2 Sept – 25 Nov Wednesday trotting race<br />
• 4–5 Sept TherMidas VET Finlandia-Ajo<br />
& Suuri Suomalainen Derby<br />
• 17 Oct Superlauantai, Finnish<br />
Championships, TammaChampion<br />
• 14 Nov Kavioliiga Grand Prix<br />
Where to go<br />
✱<br />
Music • Visual arts ♥ Theatre ✘ For children ✓ Cinema = <strong>Espoo</strong> ♦ Something else<br />
You can now explore selected highlights of <strong>Espoo</strong> City Museum’s collections<br />
also virtually. To learn about the history of <strong>Espoo</strong> at Finna go to ekm.finna.fi.<br />
Photographs and other material are published on Finna every week.<br />
<strong>Espoo</strong>, a different<br />
kind of city =<br />
Saha & Haru:<br />
Sparks ✱<br />
Behind<br />
the Songs ✱<br />
WHAT makes <strong>Espoo</strong> different?<br />
This guided tour explores the<br />
highlights of the <strong>Espoo</strong> region’s<br />
history from the Stone Age to<br />
modern day at the exhibition A<br />
Thousand Stories about <strong>Espoo</strong><br />
and takes a brief look at the temporary<br />
exhibition Bodom Ämmässuo<br />
– <strong>Espoo</strong> in Images.<br />
• Sun 23 Aug, Sat 29 Aug and<br />
Sun 30 Aug at 14:00–14:30,<br />
Exhibition Centre WeeGee<br />
20s Garden<br />
Party =<br />
ON <strong>Espoo</strong> Day, we are going<br />
to have a garden party in the<br />
style of the 1920s <strong>for</strong> all of the<br />
city. Enjoy this vintage garden<br />
party while the gramophone<br />
plays and flapper dresses swirl<br />
around you. Live music provided<br />
by Likka, the most beautiful<br />
party band in the city.<br />
• Sat 29 Aug 18:00–21:00,<br />
<strong>Espoo</strong> Cultural Centre,<br />
Outdoor Auditorium Amfi<br />
MASTER folk musicians Topi<br />
Saha and Ylva Haru combine<br />
<strong>for</strong>ces to bring you their<br />
Kipinöitä concert tour. This<br />
is far from a traditional joint<br />
tour where the per<strong>for</strong>mers<br />
take turns in the limelight: the<br />
songwriters share the stage and<br />
per<strong>for</strong>m each other’s songs and<br />
borrowed treasures together.<br />
Free entry.<br />
• Wed 2 Sep at 18:00–19:00,<br />
<strong>Espoo</strong> Cultural Centre,<br />
Main lobby<br />
Sampo ja Rumpu<br />
club <strong>for</strong> kids ✘<br />
SAMPO ja Rumpu (Sampo and<br />
the Drum) is Gallen-Kallela<br />
Museum’s multicultural club <strong>for</strong><br />
families. The club offers arts and<br />
crafts activities on Saturdays<br />
at 13:00–15:00. September’s<br />
theme is nature. On Saturday 5<br />
September, we will build a <strong>for</strong>est<br />
weaving point, on 12 September<br />
insect hotels and on 19 September<br />
we will do pottery.<br />
THE intimate and atmospheric<br />
Behind the Songs club will continue<br />
in Sellosali with host Venla<br />
Kokkonen, who will interview<br />
Aki Tykki, known as the <strong>for</strong>eman<br />
of the band Happoradio. The<br />
singer will talk about his career<br />
and maybe reveal some secrets<br />
behind his texts.<br />
• Wed 9 Sept at 19:00–21:00,<br />
Sellosali. Tickets: lippu.fi<br />
Iiro Rantala’s<br />
weather report ✱<br />
MY Finnish Calendar is a<br />
weather report composed by<br />
Iiro Rantala. Like Vivaldi, Rantala’s<br />
inspiration <strong>for</strong> his new<br />
compositions comes from the<br />
seasons – in Finland we have at<br />
least four of them. The 12 songs<br />
portray the Finnish state of<br />
mind, which is always linked to<br />
the weather and almost always<br />
a disappointment.<br />
• Fri 11 Sept at 19:00–20:15,<br />
Sellosali. Tickets: lippu.fi<br />
Remember at least these!<br />
Founded in 2001, Happoradio is a band<br />
that has published seven studio albums and<br />
one double album.<br />
Kuin raivo äiti is an excruciatingly funny and<br />
honest depiction of a mother’s life and a<br />
story about a struggling overachiever.<br />
1 2 3 4 5 6<br />
Feeding chickens<br />
at Glims<br />
Come and watch<br />
the feeding of a<br />
native breed of<br />
chickens at Glims<br />
Farmstead Museum<br />
on 25–28 August<br />
at 10:30–11:00.<br />
Feeding time is the<br />
best time to find out<br />
about the lives the<br />
chickens lead at<br />
Glims and the kind<br />
of food they eat.<br />
Be safe on the<br />
Internet<br />
On Wednesday<br />
26 August at<br />
11:00–12:00, Enter<br />
ry association’s<br />
peer instructor talks<br />
about how to use<br />
the Internet safely.<br />
The session is held<br />
online on the Collaborate<br />
plat<strong>for</strong>m.<br />
Link <strong>for</strong><br />
joining in: bit.ly/<br />
turvallinen-netti<br />
Daytime dancing<br />
in Sellosali<br />
Come and join the<br />
popular daytime<br />
dances in the Sellosali<br />
foyer where you<br />
can swing and twirl<br />
to live music every<br />
first Tuesday of the<br />
month. Daytime<br />
dancing dates<br />
and times: 1 Sept,<br />
6 Oct and 3 Nov<br />
at 13:30.<br />
Free entry.<br />
Mini disco <strong>for</strong><br />
3–6-year-olds<br />
On Saturday 5<br />
September at<br />
14:00–16:00 in<br />
Vindängensali (Tuulikuja<br />
6), children<br />
dance under a<br />
sparkling disco ball,<br />
while colourful video<br />
installations show<br />
the steps. There is<br />
also a workshop and<br />
face painting. Free<br />
entry.<br />
Afternoon disco<br />
in November<br />
On Tuesday 17<br />
November at<br />
13:30–15:30 in Sellosali,<br />
you can dance<br />
under a glittering<br />
disco ball, while<br />
golden disco hits<br />
from the 60s and<br />
70s and legendary<br />
Finn-hits fill the air<br />
under the skilful<br />
direction of<br />
DJ Mikke.<br />
Winter trip<br />
in the <strong>for</strong>est<br />
Children set the<br />
pace of this trip in<br />
nature on Sunday<br />
22 November at<br />
11:00–12:30. The<br />
outing begins from<br />
the Nature House’s<br />
yard (Elfvikintie 4).<br />
During the hike, we<br />
will treat you to a hot<br />
beverage. Please<br />
bring your own mug<br />
and packed lunch.<br />
16 A <strong>magazine</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Espoo</strong> <strong>residents</strong>
The archipelago boat service<br />
in <strong>Espoo</strong> will end on 30 August.<br />
Pentala Archipelago Museum will<br />
be open <strong>for</strong> the public until then.<br />
The Villa Museum Villa Rulludd<br />
is open on the first Sunday of<br />
every month at 11:00–15:00.<br />
Hannu Salama, a significant writer<br />
within modern Finnish literature, started<br />
collaboration with Vapaat Radikaalit in 2015.<br />
Elmgreen & Dragset are creating a large work of<br />
art <strong>for</strong> EMMA, alongside which the exhibition will<br />
display some of their earlier, well-known works.<br />
KAMU’s special exhibition, Everything and<br />
Nothing, will open on what would have<br />
been Kaija Siren’s 100th birthday.<br />
They Are the<br />
Moomins ✘<br />
THE children’s concert Käy<br />
Muumilaaksoon (They Are the<br />
Moomins) is full of Moomin<br />
songs we all know and love,<br />
per<strong>for</strong>med by Benny Törnroos.<br />
During the concert, we play,<br />
sing, dance and even exercise.<br />
The atmosphere is high, and<br />
Moomin songs fill the air and<br />
the hearts of young and older<br />
listeners alike.<br />
• Sat 12 Sept at 11:00–12:00,<br />
Kannusali. Tickets: lippu.fi<br />
Kuin raivo<br />
äiti ♥<br />
KUIN raivo äiti (Raging Mother)<br />
is a stage play written by<br />
actress Hanna Vahtikari. It<br />
reveals the many aspects of<br />
motherhood in a delicious way:<br />
the uncontrollable everyday, the<br />
humour lurking at the margins,<br />
the bottled-up aggression and<br />
the love that permeates it all.<br />
Vahtikari shares the stage with<br />
composer and musician Marzi<br />
Nyman who has composed the<br />
music <strong>for</strong> the play.<br />
• Wed 23 Sept at 19:00–20:15,<br />
<strong>Espoo</strong> Cultural Centre,<br />
Louhisali. Tickets: lippu.fi<br />
Salama and ✱<br />
Vapaat Radikaalit<br />
AN illustrious Finnish writer of<br />
modern literature, Hannu Salama<br />
per<strong>for</strong>ms his poems together<br />
with Hepa Halme’s band Vapaat<br />
Radikaalit at Sellosali. Salama’s<br />
debut novel, Se tavallinen tarina,<br />
was published in 1961, but his<br />
fourth novel, Juhannustanssit,<br />
from 1964 and the sensation it<br />
caused made Salama a household<br />
name.<br />
Saxophonist, flautist and<br />
composer Hepa Halme started<br />
his career in the 1970s and<br />
has had his finger in numerous<br />
pies over the years, from blues<br />
to punk and from groove jazz<br />
to free improvisation. He has<br />
had several bands which have<br />
left their mark on the history of<br />
Finnish music.<br />
• Thu 24 Sept at 19:00–20:00,<br />
Sellosali. Tickets: lippu.fi<br />
Elmgreen &<br />
Dragset •<br />
THIS autumn will be the first<br />
time that Elmgreen & Dragset’s<br />
extensive exhibition comes to<br />
Finland. At the same time, we<br />
celebrate this world-famous<br />
duo’s 25th anniversary as artists.<br />
Elmgreen & Dragset are known<br />
<strong>for</strong> their playful, yet regenerative<br />
way of challenging how art is<br />
presented and experienced.<br />
• EMMA 26 Sept <strong>2020</strong> –<br />
17 Jan 2021<br />
Improvised<br />
classics ♥<br />
FINLAND’S most popular improvisation<br />
group Kolina per<strong>for</strong>ms<br />
improvised classics at the children’s<br />
festival Kutitus in <strong>Espoo</strong><br />
Cultural Centre’s Louhisali. Each<br />
classic is based on the original<br />
text, but since the audience has<br />
the opportunity to influence<br />
where the play goes, prepare<br />
yourself <strong>for</strong> surprising twists<br />
and dramatic subplots.<br />
• Sat 3 Oct at 16:00–18:00,<br />
<strong>Espoo</strong> Cultural Centre, Louhisali<br />
Tickets: lippu.fi<br />
Enchantment<br />
of a Garden ♦<br />
ESPOO Garden Society’s<br />
(<strong>Espoo</strong>n Puutarhayhdistys)<br />
20th anniversary exhibition<br />
displays the magic and diversity<br />
of the garden. The exhibition<br />
showcases the society members’<br />
works of art, including a<br />
short film Katoavat puutarhat<br />
(Disappearing Gardens). The<br />
Enchantment of a Garden exhibition<br />
will be on display at the<br />
Nature House Villa Elfvik until<br />
Sunday 4 October at 16.00.<br />
Everything<br />
and Nothing •<br />
KAMU’S special exhibition, Everything<br />
and Nothing – Architects<br />
Kaija + Heikki Siren is set to<br />
open on 23 October. The exhibition<br />
is the first one in Finland to<br />
present a comprehensive view<br />
of the Sirens’ architecture. The<br />
exhibition focuses particularly<br />
on their designs in <strong>Espoo</strong>.<br />
• <strong>Espoo</strong> City Museum<br />
23 Oct <strong>2020</strong> – 9 Jan 2022<br />
Art by Eeva-<br />
Leena Eklund •<br />
EEVA-LEENA Eklund’s exhibition<br />
continues the collaboration<br />
between the Saastamoinen<br />
Foundation and EMMA which<br />
involves ordering a new work of<br />
art every year <strong>for</strong> the foundation’s<br />
art collection from an<br />
interesting and relevant contemporary<br />
artist. Eeva-Leena<br />
Eklund brings to the exhibition<br />
a new, large installation she has<br />
designed to match EMMA’s<br />
space and architecture.<br />
• EMMA 28 Oct <strong>2020</strong> –<br />
9 May 2021<br />
Where to go<br />
✱<br />
Music • Visual arts ♥ Theatre ✘ For children ✓ Cinema = <strong>Espoo</strong> ♦ Something else<br />
Kulttuuriespoo.fi/en is an excellent website to find plenty of in<strong>for</strong>mation about<br />
the events available and <strong>Espoo</strong>-based cultural actors all in one place. The<br />
website offers tips on concerts, exhibitions, films and theatre per<strong>for</strong>mances.<br />
Eeva-Leena Eklund’s paintings always have<br />
their roots in reality and observing it.<br />
Maija Hirvanen and Juha Valkeapää are<br />
talented creators of per<strong>for</strong>mances with<br />
long international careers.<br />
Riitta Korpela’s fairytale character Ti-Ti<br />
Nalle and his family have entertained<br />
children in Finland <strong>for</strong> more than 30 years.<br />
Ekström &<br />
Tammi: Biblion •<br />
SAARA Ekström and Eero<br />
Tammi’s new video installation<br />
Biblion (2019) will premiere<br />
in the media space of the<br />
Kosketus (Touch) exhibition<br />
this autumn. Biblion examines<br />
the book as a phenomenon<br />
and dives into its hypnotic and<br />
layered substance as a carrier<br />
of ever-changing, growing and<br />
disappearing knowledge. The<br />
weight of the books that end<br />
up in libraries, second-hand<br />
bookshops, storage and landfill<br />
sites is also the weight of our<br />
history, as well as our heritage<br />
– an invaluable treasure <strong>for</strong> one<br />
person and an unnecessary<br />
burden <strong>for</strong> another.<br />
• EMMA 28 Oct <strong>2020</strong> –<br />
7 Feb 2021<br />
Karamzin’s<br />
Coffee Break ♦<br />
KARAMZIN’S Coffee Breaks<br />
are a new coffee-scented and<br />
diverse series of events <strong>for</strong><br />
adults. Focusing mainly on<br />
afternoons, they offer a variety<br />
of programmes from dance<br />
and classic films to lectures<br />
and music. In October, violinist<br />
Klaara Pyrhönen and pianist<br />
Sari Blå bring the atmospheric<br />
classics of popular instrumental<br />
music to the beautiful surroundings<br />
of the Children’s Cultural<br />
Centre Aurora. The programme<br />
includes short, well-known<br />
compositions by Sibelius, Kuula,<br />
Debussy and Saint-Saëns,<br />
among others.<br />
• Thu 29 Oct at 14:00–16:00,<br />
Children’s Cultural Centre<br />
Aurora, Meijeri<br />
Vasara ja<br />
Nauloja ♥<br />
VASARA ja Nauloja (Hammer and<br />
Nails) is an in-depth peek into<br />
musician Göstä Sundqvist’s life<br />
and music. During the per<strong>for</strong>mance,<br />
Gösta ponders on his<br />
life: his youth, football, working<br />
as a janitor, how he created his<br />
songs and what’s going on in<br />
the world – flavoured with his<br />
distinctive humour. Gösta is<br />
played by AJ Keskinen, a man<br />
who looks almost identical to<br />
Gösta.<br />
• Sat 14 Nov at 19:00–21:15,<br />
Sellosali. Tickets: lippu.fi<br />
Musical<br />
journey ✘<br />
NAATTIORKESTERI per<strong>for</strong>ms<br />
songs and rhymes among<br />
exaggerations and flying all the<br />
way to space. Founded in the<br />
autumn of 2019, this eightmember<br />
band specialising in<br />
children’s music will take you<br />
on an exciting musical journey,<br />
playing the bass, accordion and<br />
many kinds of percussion and<br />
wind instruments along the way.<br />
• Tue 17 Nov at 10:15–11:00,<br />
Sellosali. Tickets: lippu.fi<br />
Life as We<br />
Know It ♦<br />
TWO artists imagine six potential<br />
directions that life could take<br />
them. These directions are<br />
bumps in the road coloured<br />
by ideologies and lifestyles:<br />
various routes where wonder<br />
and repetition, coincidences<br />
and choices, fiction and reality<br />
cross paths. Life as We Know It<br />
examines continuous change,<br />
the future and the unexpectedness<br />
of life. The ability to create<br />
something new also requires<br />
the ability to grow and renew<br />
throughout your life. How do<br />
we recognise change, let alone<br />
steer it?<br />
• Fri 20 Nov at 19:00–20:30<br />
and Sat 21 Nov at 15:00–16:30,<br />
<strong>Espoo</strong> Cultural Centre, Louhisali<br />
Tickets: lippu.fi<br />
Ti-Ti Nalle’s ✘<br />
winter celebration<br />
TI-TI Nalle’s family, Riitta and<br />
their friends from the Hirsimetsä<br />
<strong>for</strong>est put on a winter celebration<br />
where everyone joins in<br />
and no one sits alone. While<br />
enjoying the songs, dances and<br />
fascinating stories, you can<br />
participate in the per<strong>for</strong>mance<br />
as much as you want.<br />
• Sat 21 Nov at 15:00–16:00,<br />
Sellosali. Tickets: lippu.fi<br />
An oriental<br />
whisper ♦<br />
FOUNDED last year and consisting<br />
mostly of Syrian women<br />
living in Finland, Haneen Suomi<br />
is here to delight us with traditional<br />
Arabic music. The evening<br />
will begin with professional<br />
Syrian singer Fardoos Helal and<br />
continue with the entire Haneen<br />
Suomi band. The per<strong>for</strong>mance<br />
also includes fabulous belly<br />
dancing. Haneen Suomi wants<br />
to act as a bridge between Finnish<br />
society and Middle Eastern<br />
culture and be the voice of Arabic<br />
women throughout Finland.<br />
Sat 21 Nov at 18:00–19:30,<br />
Kannusali. Tickets: lippu.fi<br />
18 A <strong>magazine</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Espoo</strong> <strong>residents</strong>
Gym sessions<br />
that are open <strong>for</strong><br />
everyone offer a<br />
great opportunity<br />
to train at your own<br />
speed.<br />
Tips <strong>for</strong> the gym<br />
After the summer, it feels good to return to the gym – or finally<br />
start the fitness training you’ve been planning <strong>for</strong> a long time.<br />
Exercising in <strong>Espoo</strong><br />
After having a break over the summer,<br />
a lot of people return to the gym – or<br />
go there <strong>for</strong> the very first time. Gym<br />
instructor Nina Laaksonen recommends<br />
that you don’t demand too<br />
much of yourself to begin with.<br />
“I advise beginners or people<br />
returning to the gym after a break to<br />
start with a gentle programme once<br />
a week. If you train too hard, you will<br />
only make your muscles sore and<br />
make it harder <strong>for</strong> yourself to come<br />
back,” Laaksonen advises.<br />
This autumn, the City of <strong>Espoo</strong>’s<br />
public gym groups will be held in<br />
the daytime. Gym classes open <strong>for</strong><br />
special groups, the elderly and all<br />
adults are organised without a specific<br />
programme; instead, everyone can<br />
train independently. There is a gym<br />
instructor available to advise you on<br />
how to use the equipment, answer<br />
your questions and give you advice if<br />
they notice any incorrect movements.<br />
A gym instructor will always ask a<br />
few basic questions, especially with<br />
beginners coming to the gym <strong>for</strong> the<br />
first time.<br />
“Based on any physical restrictions,<br />
illnesses and your fitness level,<br />
we will recommend things you can<br />
do and what kinds of weights to use,”<br />
Laaksonen explains.<br />
All your in<strong>for</strong>mation on a card. The<br />
gym downstairs at <strong>Espoo</strong>nlahti swimming<br />
pool has HUR equipment, which<br />
uses air pressure to create resistance.<br />
They are able to scan directly from<br />
your card how much resistance you<br />
need on each device. You can buy a<br />
HUR gym card from the cashier at the<br />
<strong>Espoo</strong>nlahti swimming hall <strong>for</strong> ten<br />
euros.<br />
“The card includes in<strong>for</strong>mation<br />
about suitable resistance based on<br />
the user’s experience. Thanks to this<br />
card, customers belonging to a special<br />
group, <strong>for</strong> example, can train independently<br />
after just a few guided rounds,”<br />
Laaksonen explains.<br />
Open gym classes <strong>for</strong> special<br />
groups welcome customers of all ages<br />
who need support in their training<br />
due to a physical restriction. However,<br />
customers should be able to move<br />
independently from one device to<br />
another.<br />
“Assistants are also welcome,”<br />
Laaksonen says.<br />
Autumn is a great time<br />
<strong>for</strong> fitness training. The<br />
City of <strong>Espoo</strong> offers<br />
many types of guided<br />
exercise.<br />
Text Tiina Parikka Photo Olli Häkämies<br />
Open gym groups this autumn:<br />
<strong>Espoo</strong>nlahti swimming pool<br />
Mon 10:45–11:45 Sports club +68<br />
Mon 11:45–12:40 Open gym <strong>for</strong> special groups<br />
Tue 11:30–12:25 Open gym <strong>for</strong> special groups<br />
Tue 10:00–11:00 Preparing HUR cards and equipment guidance<br />
Wed 10:30–11:25 Women’s gym class <strong>for</strong> beginners<br />
Wed 12:00–13:00 Open gym <strong>for</strong> special groups<br />
Wed 14:00–14:30 Sports club +68, independent<br />
Wed 14:30–15:30 Sports club +68<br />
Thu 14:00–14:55 Gym class <strong>for</strong> beginners<br />
Keski-<strong>Espoo</strong> swimming pool<br />
Tue 13:30–14:25 Open gym <strong>for</strong> special groups<br />
Wed 13:00–14:00 Sports club +68<br />
Kannusillanmäki sports hall (bomb shelter)<br />
Tue 13:00–13:30 Sports club +68, independent<br />
Tue 13:30–14:30 Sports club +68<br />
Kalajärvi gym<br />
Tue 12:15–12:45 Gym class <strong>for</strong> beginners<br />
Leppävaara swimming pool<br />
Tue 9:00–10:00 Sports club +68, independent<br />
Tue 10:00–11:00 Sports club +68<br />
Wed 10:15–11:00 Women’s gym class <strong>for</strong> beginners<br />
Wed 13:00–13:55 Open gym <strong>for</strong> special groups<br />
Järvenperä, Aurorakoti<br />
Tue 8:30–10:30 Sports club +68, independent<br />
Thu 10:30–11:25 Sports club <strong>for</strong> seniors and special<br />
groups<br />
Leppävaara Life and Living Centre<br />
Thu 15:45–16:40 Open gym <strong>for</strong> special groups<br />
Fri 9:30–11:00 Gym class <strong>for</strong> beginners<br />
Olari swimming pool<br />
Mon 13:00–14:00 Sports club +68<br />
Tue 15:00–15:55 Open gym <strong>for</strong> special groups<br />
Thu 13:00–13:45 Gym class <strong>for</strong> beginners<br />
Tapiola service centre <strong>for</strong> senior citizens<br />
Wed 13:30–14:30 Gym class <strong>for</strong> beginners<br />
Tuulimäki sports hall (bomb shelter)<br />
Thu 13:30–14:30 Sports club +68<br />
Thu 14:30–15:00 Sports club +68, independent<br />
Changes may occur. To find out more about<br />
our current sports selection go to espoo.fi/ohjattuliikunta<br />
For more in<strong>for</strong>mation, please contact our sports advice<br />
team, tel. 09 8166 0800 Mon–Fri 12:00–13:00.<br />
ight now<br />
This year, we will<br />
celebrate <strong>Espoo</strong> Day<br />
virtually and at smallscale<br />
get-togethers on<br />
28–29 August.<br />
Text Tiina Parikka Photos Eemeli Sarka<br />
28.––29.8.<strong>2020</strong><br />
<strong>Espoo</strong> Day will be celebrated once again on 28–29 August.<br />
This year, the event consists of small public events, remote<br />
events and independent events organised by the public.<br />
These city festivities bring <strong>Espoo</strong> <strong>residents</strong> together.<br />
Come and try some circus tricks<br />
Circus and Theatre School<br />
Esko’s <strong>Espoo</strong> Day garden<br />
party will be held on Friday 28<br />
August. At the garden party,<br />
you can try various circus<br />
equipment. The school’s students will run<br />
a number of theatre games and everyone is<br />
welcome to join in.<br />
“The idea is to relax and have fun. There<br />
may even be some short per<strong>for</strong>mances to<br />
enjoy,” says the school’s principal Terhi<br />
Perälä.<br />
The programme will continue non-stop<br />
throughout the afternoon between 15:00–<br />
18:00 and you can drop in whenever it suits<br />
you.<br />
Classics as remote per<strong>for</strong>mances. Last<br />
spring, the students of the Theatre School<br />
had to study remotely. In early August,<br />
they finally had a chance to get together<br />
and record two works, which are partly<br />
based on video rehearsals.<br />
“Our adult group will per<strong>for</strong>m Maria<br />
Jotuni’s play Huojuva Talo. This classic<br />
about a painful relationship and family life<br />
won’t leave anybody cold,” Perälä says.<br />
There will also be another per<strong>for</strong>mance<br />
that is based on a classic play. In<br />
it, students graduating from Esko per<strong>for</strong>m<br />
parts of Shakespeare’s Macbeth.<br />
“These students have already completed<br />
their final project and have spent<br />
the spring examining what they have<br />
learned through this joint work,” Perälä<br />
explains.<br />
The remote events will include a<br />
solo work about mental health by Aino<br />
Granström, who is also about to graduate<br />
from Esko. The recordings are available on<br />
Saturday 29 August.<br />
In addition, Circus and Theatre School<br />
Esko’s students will delight the <strong>residents</strong><br />
of <strong>Espoo</strong>’s care homes <strong>for</strong> the elderly with<br />
their circus per<strong>for</strong>mances on Saturday, 29<br />
August.<br />
@espoopaiva<br />
#espoopäivä<br />
The members of Circus and Theatre School<br />
Esko’s theatre groups met in August <strong>for</strong> their<br />
first rehearsal together since the period of<br />
remote teaching this spring.<br />
20 A <strong>magazine</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Espoo</strong> <strong>residents</strong>
Take a peek<br />
backstage at<br />
Kannusali<br />
After being closed <strong>for</strong> a year due to<br />
renovation, Kannusali will open its<br />
doors to the public on <strong>Espoo</strong> Day.<br />
On Friday 28 August, the audience<br />
will have a chance to see the new<br />
premises and meet the staff. Introductory tours<br />
organised non-stop <strong>for</strong> small groups will take<br />
you to places where audience members seldom<br />
get to go: backstage and the dressing rooms.<br />
“There will also be small musical per<strong>for</strong>mances,<br />
perhaps snatches of coming films and<br />
snacks,” says Kannusali’s Operations Master<br />
Simppu Silaste.<br />
The actors<br />
rehearsed putting<br />
their soul into the<br />
characters they<br />
were playing by<br />
practising their<br />
way of walking.<br />
On Saturday, Kannusali will reopen its cinema<br />
activities. There will be three showings.<br />
In future, Kannukivi will be once again<br />
showing films on Wednesdays and Saturdays.<br />
As well as films, Kannusali’s framework of<br />
programmes consists of its music club and theatre<br />
activities.<br />
“Our new auditorium is adaptable so that<br />
instead of sitting in a traditional sloping one,<br />
the audience can enjoy music and dance on the<br />
level floor like in a rock club. Theatre, stand-up<br />
per<strong>for</strong>mances and films work better with the<br />
traditional type of auditorium,” Silaste says,<br />
happy with the results of the renovation.<br />
Kannusali will also host other events aimed<br />
at families.<br />
Teatteri- ja sirkuskoulu Esko<br />
Kannukino<br />
Esko’s adult group will per<strong>for</strong>m Maria Jotuni’s<br />
play Huojuva Talo. The play will be available on<br />
the <strong>Espoo</strong> Day (<strong>Espoo</strong>-päivä) YouTube channel.<br />
Kannusali will launch its movie activities by showing new<br />
French-Tunisian comedic drama Arab Blues, which won<br />
the Audience Award at the Venice Film Festival.<br />
Events <strong>for</strong><br />
all tastes<br />
Coordinated by the city, <strong>Espoo</strong> Day has been<br />
celebrated every year since 2008. In 2019, it<br />
had approximately 90,000 visitors.<br />
“<strong>Espoo</strong> Day reflects our beautiful city and<br />
its <strong>residents</strong> perfectly. <strong>Espoo</strong> is a large city<br />
with multiple city centres where each residential area has<br />
a strong identity of its own. The city brings these areas<br />
together. In the same way, there are different, personal<br />
events in different areas and run by different actors during<br />
<strong>Espoo</strong> Day, and the city provides larger per<strong>for</strong>mances that<br />
bring us all together,” says Manager of Event and Cultural<br />
Services Lea Rintala.<br />
This year there will be no large events. Instead, <strong>Espoo</strong><br />
Day will comprise small per<strong>for</strong>mances and independent<br />
and online events.<br />
“Now more than ever we need a strong signal to show<br />
that we are a tight-knit community. Our positive shared<br />
activities prove that together we can pull through,”<br />
Rintala says.<br />
Other events where the city is the main actor include the<br />
traditional Independence Day Gala Concert, New Year’s<br />
celebration and <strong>Espoo</strong> Visual Festival which was organised<br />
<strong>for</strong> the first time last year.<br />
“These events have been more popular than we<br />
expected. The free tickets <strong>for</strong> the Independence Day Gala<br />
Concert always run out. The New Year’s celebration and<br />
<strong>Espoo</strong> Visual Festival have attracted some 20,000 participants.<br />
Feedback shows that people wish <strong>for</strong> more events<br />
all over the city. The important thing with events is to<br />
organise them in a place that people can get to easily,” says<br />
Rintala.<br />
Let’s make <strong>Espoo</strong> Day<br />
a safe day <strong>for</strong> everyone<br />
DUE to the COVID-19 pandemic, the preparations <strong>for</strong> <strong>Espoo</strong> Day<br />
<strong>2020</strong> have been carried out in exceptional circumstances. But<br />
thanks to the creativity of the organisations, communities and<br />
<strong>residents</strong> involved, we get to enjoy more than a hundred events this<br />
year too, with many of them shown online or run as independent<br />
projects.<br />
Taking part in an online programme or visiting an independent<br />
project are great ways to participate in <strong>Espoo</strong> Day. We recommend<br />
that especially people at higher risk from coronavirus choose some<br />
of the many fascinating online and independent events or nature<br />
sites available on <strong>Espoo</strong> Day.<br />
There will also be local events which will mostly take place outdoors.<br />
In order to safeguard the health and well-being of audience<br />
members, per<strong>for</strong>mers and staff, the safety instructions and recommendations<br />
currently in <strong>for</strong>ce to prevent the spread of COVID-19<br />
will be complied with in the planning and implementation of all the<br />
events. Do not participate in any events in person if you have symptoms<br />
and please always be considerate towards other event guests.<br />
More than<br />
100<br />
events<br />
All the events<br />
of <strong>Espoo</strong> Day and<br />
more detailed<br />
programme<br />
in<strong>for</strong>mation:<br />
espoopäivä.fi ja<br />
facebook.com/espoopaiva<br />
• Hattuset video concert<br />
<strong>for</strong> children aged 0–100<br />
(youtube.com: <strong>Espoo</strong>-päivä <strong>2020</strong>)<br />
• Fri 28 Aug at 18:00 Club <strong>for</strong><br />
Five streamed from Leppävaara<br />
church (youtube.com:<br />
Leppävaaran Seurakunta)<br />
• Sat 29 Aug at 13:00–16:00 <strong>Espoo</strong>n<br />
Tanssiopisto’s electric dance steps<br />
(espoontanssiopisto.fi)<br />
• Amazing Waste escape<br />
room adventure on your mobile<br />
device (en.actionbound.com/<br />
bound/sohvalta)<br />
• In Bärtil’s Footsteps,<br />
event path in Kauklahti<br />
(kauklahti.fi)<br />
• Orienteering with<br />
a watch in <strong>Espoo</strong><br />
(kellomuseo.fi)<br />
• Ilona Niemi:<br />
Personae mythologicae<br />
(Exhibition Centre WeeGee’s<br />
building site fence, Ahertajantie 5)<br />
• Knitted graffiti along<br />
Leppävaaran raitti and in the<br />
yard of the Gallen-Kallela<br />
Museum in Tarvaspää<br />
• Fri 28 Aug at 17:00–19:00<br />
Ice disco <strong>for</strong> the whole family<br />
(<strong>Espoo</strong>nlahti ice stadium Forum,<br />
<strong>Espoo</strong>nlahdentie 2–4)<br />
• Fri 28 Aug at 21.15<br />
Outdoor screening of the film Casablanca<br />
in the Träskända park<br />
(Träskändanristi 2)<br />
• Sat 29 Aug at 11:00–14:00<br />
Höyläpenkki Pop-up in Kauklahti<br />
(Lassen Taitotalo, Hansatie 14)<br />
• Sat 29 Aug at 21.15 Outdoor<br />
screening of the film Cry-Baby at Keran<br />
Hallit<br />
(Keran Hallit, Karantie 2)<br />
22 A <strong>magazine</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Espoo</strong> <strong>residents</strong>
Family coaching<br />
went online<br />
Eira Mäenrinta, who<br />
is expecting her first<br />
child, says remote family<br />
coaching offers a great<br />
deal of in<strong>for</strong>mation but<br />
not enough interaction<br />
between the mothers.<br />
Eira Mäenrinta met the<br />
public health nurses<br />
from her maternity<br />
clinic via the Internet.<br />
“Luckily, the coaching<br />
was offered despite the<br />
emergency conditions,”<br />
says a happy Mäenrinta.<br />
› Previously, family coaching sessions<br />
were organised as group meetings with<br />
six mothers attending at the same time,<br />
while in remote coaching the groups are<br />
larger. Everyone can bring their partner<br />
or support person along.<br />
Eira Mäenrinta, 25, lives in Olari<br />
and participated in remote coaching at<br />
the beginning of June. Her firstborn is<br />
due in August.<br />
“I was particularly looking <strong>for</strong>ward<br />
to meeting other mothers, but<br />
remote coaching didn’t facilitate that,”<br />
Mäenrinta says.<br />
Online baby groups supplement<br />
the need <strong>for</strong> networking. Mäenrinta<br />
is a member of the Facebook groups<br />
Vauva<strong>2020</strong> (“Baby<strong>2020</strong>”) and<br />
Elokuiset<strong>2020</strong> (“Babies due in August<br />
<strong>2020</strong>”).<br />
Despite her disappointment<br />
in not meeting other<br />
mothers, Mäenrinta is<br />
happy that family coaching<br />
was organised<br />
online.<br />
“The coaching provided<br />
in-depth knowledge<br />
about the different<br />
stages of pregnancy.<br />
During the two<br />
hours, we discussed<br />
contractions, the<br />
stages of labour and got practical advice<br />
on when to go to the hospital to give<br />
birth,” Mäenrinta explains.<br />
Opportunities <strong>for</strong> interaction during<br />
the coaching are being improved.<br />
“In the autumn, parents will be able<br />
to submit questions in advance,” say the<br />
public health nurses who organised the<br />
coaching, Laura Räisänen and Ruut<br />
Korhonen from the Tapiola maternity<br />
clinic.<br />
The online coaching groups have had<br />
up to 43 participants and their support<br />
persons, which means that the sessions<br />
are more like lectures than interactive<br />
events.<br />
“In the autumn, we will try make our<br />
activities more interactive. We are nevertheless<br />
happy that we have been able<br />
to create a new way of providing coaching<br />
in these exceptional circumstances<br />
and have reached almost all the families<br />
that have had a baby in the spring and<br />
summer,” Räisänen says.<br />
Two public health nurses from the<br />
Aurora maternity clinic have<br />
also been involved in providing<br />
family coaching<br />
online in Finnish and<br />
English.<br />
This autumn,<br />
remote coaching<br />
is available<br />
in all seven<br />
greater areas<br />
of <strong>Espoo</strong>.<br />
encounters<br />
The coronavirus<br />
this spring also<br />
necessitated new<br />
operating models<br />
<strong>for</strong> family services.<br />
Text Juha Peltonen Photo Timo Porthan<br />
pearl<br />
Meadows are not<br />
wasteland. Instead, they<br />
have an ecologically and<br />
culturally critical task<br />
within the cityscape.<br />
Text Mia Weckström Photos Eemeli Sarka ja iStock<br />
Meadows are insects’ paradise<br />
THE City of <strong>Espoo</strong>’s Nature Management<br />
Unit has tended meadows all<br />
over the city since the 1990s. Currently<br />
there are almost a hundred<br />
hectares to tend. Meadows are managed<br />
by shredding, cutting and baling<br />
using farm machines.<br />
“How they are managed depends<br />
on the meadow. We sow wildflower<br />
seeds also on landscape fields in the<br />
spring,” says Forester Tiina Peippo<br />
from the Nature Management Unit.<br />
The various meadows in <strong>Espoo</strong><br />
fall into four maintenance categories.<br />
Landscape fields are fields with<br />
wildflowers close to housing and<br />
along roads. Landscape meadows<br />
have scenic value or are used <strong>for</strong><br />
recreation. Areas and landscapes<br />
kept open include ditch banks and<br />
flood meadows. Valuable meadows<br />
are traditional meadows, dry meadows,<br />
cultural landscapes and objects<br />
of protection.<br />
“Meadows are important habitats<br />
<strong>for</strong> many types of insects and pollinators.<br />
In addition to wildflower meadows,<br />
more natural open meadows<br />
and grass areas are vital <strong>for</strong> many<br />
threatened species. An open area is<br />
not necessarily wasteland waiting to<br />
be built on, but an important part of<br />
the landscape that increases biodiversity,”<br />
Peippo says.<br />
24 A <strong>magazine</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Espoo</strong> <strong>residents</strong>
In addition to all kinds<br />
of buzzing insects,<br />
meadows also attract<br />
butterflies. Small<br />
tortoiseshells can be<br />
seen fluttering by up<br />
until October.<br />
The Tonttumaa<br />
meadows are covered<br />
in glorious flowers<br />
every summer.<br />
Meadows offer a<br />
diverse environment<br />
<strong>for</strong> recreation and<br />
variation in the<br />
landscape between<br />
wooded and built-up<br />
areas.<br />
<strong>Espoo</strong> <strong>residents</strong><br />
During this decade, Finnoo will be built<br />
into a maritime residential area, making<br />
use of local knowledge in its design.<br />
The students of the Kaitaan lukio upper<br />
secondary school were given the opportunity<br />
to design a work of art <strong>for</strong> the<br />
pedestrian underpass leading to the<br />
metro station.<br />
New residential area in<br />
Finnoo will be completed<br />
in the 2030s. Locals are<br />
making their mark on the<br />
overall design.<br />
Text Eemeli Sarka Photo Timo Porthan<br />
Finnoo<br />
• Formerly known<br />
as Suomenoja<br />
• Located in the<br />
districts of<br />
Kaitaa and Nöykkiö<br />
• Along the Länsiväylä<br />
motorway<br />
• One of the stations<br />
of the West Metro<br />
extension will be<br />
located in the centre<br />
of Finnoo<br />
• A residential area that<br />
will house 17,000<br />
<strong>residents</strong><br />
• The first new <strong>residents</strong><br />
will move in<br />
in autumn 2021<br />
Local art<br />
The students in the art programme at the Kaitaan<br />
lukio upper secondary school, in cooperation<br />
with the city, designed a work of art that depicts<br />
the bottom of the sea <strong>for</strong> the pedestrian underpass<br />
leading to the metro station.<br />
“The city’s values include inclusive activities, which is<br />
why we chose to collaborate with students in a way that<br />
supports the city’s Education Unit,” says Kimmo Leivo,<br />
Project Leader <strong>for</strong> the Finnoo area.<br />
The students involved are happy to have a chance to<br />
leave their mark in the lives of the people living there.<br />
“When a local school participates in something like this<br />
it shows that people take an interest in this area and that<br />
resources are being used to make it more cosy,” Robert<br />
Söderman says.<br />
Each area has its own identity. At the beginning of the<br />
design phase, the students learned about the special characteristics<br />
of the area and Finnoo’s design manual, which<br />
steers the area’s development.<br />
“Locals who know the area and its culture bring their<br />
personality into the design. They are able to create a piece<br />
that looks like them and reflects Finnoo,” Väinö Rajakallio<br />
says.<br />
Despite the re<strong>for</strong>ms, the Finnoo region has remained<br />
peaceful, according to the students.<br />
“Although there are numerous new buildings being built,<br />
there is still a lot of <strong>for</strong>est and space to live,” Rajakallio says.<br />
Nature and the sea are evident in the design of the area,<br />
and since the students’ work of art was going to be located<br />
below ground, they decided to make it about the bottom of<br />
the sea.<br />
The team spirit in the school’s art programme is excellent.<br />
At the beginning of the project, the students separated<br />
into smaller groups and each group presented one idea.<br />
“The hardest part was condensing the different ideas<br />
into one whole,” Söderman says.<br />
It was difficult to conceive the enormous size of the work,<br />
even when using model fish in true scale. The students were<br />
also not familiar with the material.<br />
“One of the proposals suggested using rusted steel at the<br />
top, which would have created an atmosphere in the tunnel<br />
that was too dark,” Anri Pähklamäe recalls.<br />
26 A <strong>magazine</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Espoo</strong> <strong>residents</strong>
Taking the design view in everything<br />
For safety reasons, cars and pedestrians<br />
will be separated into different<br />
levels in the area surrounding the<br />
future Finnoo metro station. The<br />
long walls of the early part of the<br />
pedestrian subway are well suited<br />
<strong>for</strong> the cooperation project, which<br />
gave the students the opportunity<br />
to influence their environment, while<br />
giving them valuable work experience.<br />
“I’m sure it was a valuable experience<br />
<strong>for</strong> their future career to see<br />
how the process goes and how the<br />
customer mostly determines the<br />
theme, size and materials of the<br />
work,” says Project Manager Kimmo<br />
Leivo.<br />
To make the work of art as durable<br />
as possible, the materials chosen<br />
<strong>for</strong> it were polished stainless steel<br />
and weathering corten steel.<br />
Artistic design has been applied<br />
to all the design in the area. For<br />
example, the facades of the multistorey<br />
car park to be built have a<br />
boating knot theme.<br />
“We want to include artistic<br />
design in the buildings we will be<br />
building. The aim is to bring pleasure<br />
to the people living and travelling<br />
there every day. That is the overarching<br />
theme in Finnoo, along with<br />
sustainable development.”<br />
Väinö Rajakallio (left), Tomi<br />
Ding, Marcello Säisä, Veera<br />
Virtanen, Robert Söderman<br />
and Anri Pähklamäe were<br />
involved in the design of the<br />
work of art in the pedestrian<br />
subway of the future<br />
Finnoo station.<br />
Swedish in<br />
<strong>Espoo</strong><br />
With<br />
About half of the<br />
master plan area in<br />
northern and central<br />
<strong>Espoo</strong> is unbuilt. There<br />
are long traditions <strong>for</strong><br />
farming in northern<br />
<strong>Espoo</strong>.<br />
Text Jenni von Frenckell Photos Mauri Ratilainen<br />
tractors<br />
in the<br />
traffic<br />
In northern and central <strong>Espoo</strong>, a<br />
change to the city’s master plan<br />
is well underway. The City of<br />
<strong>Espoo</strong> has involved many actors<br />
in the extensive planning work.<br />
Among other things, the road<br />
traffic needs of farmers must be<br />
taken into account.<br />
28 A <strong>magazine</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Espoo</strong> <strong>residents</strong>
Magnus Selenius<br />
appreciates the interest<br />
the city has shown<br />
towards the needs of<br />
farmers as regards the<br />
new master plan.<br />
The current master plan is the oldest<br />
plan still in <strong>for</strong>ce in <strong>Espoo</strong>.<br />
Measured by area, it covers a large<br />
zone – about half of <strong>Espoo</strong>. This<br />
means that many of <strong>Espoo</strong>’s <strong>residents</strong><br />
will be affected by the changes to the<br />
master plan. There<strong>for</strong>e, <strong>residents</strong> and stakeholders<br />
were consulted at the preparation<br />
stage.<br />
One of the people who has had an active role<br />
in the planning work is the farmer Magnus<br />
Selenius. Selenius is an organic farmer and<br />
landowner in northern <strong>Espoo</strong> and works with<br />
both agriculture and <strong>for</strong>estry. He is pleased<br />
that the landowners have been heard and<br />
invited to participate in the planning work.<br />
“It’s good that the city has shown an interest<br />
in <strong>Espoo</strong>’s history. The area is of great cultural<br />
historical value. If we want to preserve the cultural<br />
landscape, agriculture and a new generation<br />
of farmers are essential. We have to work<br />
actively to ensure that we have both,” Selenius<br />
says.<br />
The master plan governs land use and<br />
must take the characteristics of the area into<br />
account. On this occasion, the preparatory<br />
work has been unusually demanding. This is<br />
both because the master plan is so extensive<br />
and because the area is so diverse and multidimensional.<br />
The city has collected views on various<br />
issues, such as traffic in the area. For<br />
farmers, traffic poses concrete challenges.<br />
Roads must be accessible to the large, modern<br />
agricultural machinery that farmers need to<br />
cultivate their fields. In the past, the traffic<br />
arrangements have caused problems. Selenius<br />
is hoping <strong>for</strong> an improvement.<br />
“While they may look modern and nice,<br />
cheap materials with sharp edges, traffic<br />
islands in the middle of the roads, and steep<br />
kerbstones are not particularly suitable <strong>for</strong> a<br />
tractor or combine harvesters. I hope to see<br />
routes and traffic solutions that take various<br />
needs into account. With a little planning and<br />
good will, it’s possible to find solutions that<br />
work <strong>for</strong> everyone,” Selenius believes.<br />
The process of renewing the master plan<br />
started back in 2013. The City Council is<br />
responsible <strong>for</strong> the final approval of the proposal.<br />
“<br />
I hope to<br />
see routes<br />
and traffic<br />
solutions<br />
that take<br />
various<br />
needs into<br />
account.<br />
we<br />
Basic education in <strong>Espoo</strong><br />
* The figures are from 2019–<strong>2020</strong>.<br />
This autumn, school<br />
started in Finnishspeaking<br />
schools on<br />
13 August and in<br />
Swedish-speaking<br />
schools on<br />
18 August <strong>2020</strong>.<br />
76<br />
Finnish-speaking<br />
comprehensive<br />
schools, of which<br />
44 are primary schools,<br />
13 are secondary schools,<br />
16 are joint comprehensive<br />
schools,<br />
2 are special education<br />
schools,<br />
1 is a hospital school and<br />
11<br />
are Swedish-speaking<br />
comprehensive schools.<br />
Test your<br />
Finnish with this<br />
crossword puzzle!<br />
Book prizes!<br />
More than 29,000<br />
students of whom<br />
6,390<br />
speak a language other<br />
than Finnish or Swedish as<br />
their mother tongue.<br />
Teaching is provided in<br />
38 languages<br />
in <strong>Espoo</strong>.<br />
Every year, some<br />
3,400<br />
first-graders<br />
begin school.<br />
crossword puzzle<br />
Mark the letters from the orange boxes (1–14) below and send the answer with<br />
your name and address by e-mail to: espoolehti@omnipress.fi by 10 Oct <strong>2020</strong>.<br />
30 <strong>Espoo</strong>n kaupungin lehti asukkaille
Creativity blooms<br />
in Kera Kera’s gigantic industrial area offers<br />
space <strong>for</strong> communal urban culture.<br />
together<br />
› The <strong>for</strong>mer Kilo logistics centre and its outdoor<br />
areas are about to start a new life, as they<br />
are gradually turned into a hub <strong>for</strong> art and culture.<br />
Behind it all is the Kera Collective that<br />
started its activities at Keran Hallit this spring<br />
and is run by a team of five.<br />
“Creating a hub <strong>for</strong> urban culture in Kera has<br />
been a long-term dream of mine. I have worked<br />
with city events and communal urban culture<br />
and was one of the founders of Kalasataman<br />
Vapaakaupunki (Free City of Kalasatama). The<br />
Kera Collective has a similar ideology,” says the<br />
father of the idea, Jaakko Blomberg.<br />
The activities are organised in Kera temporarily.<br />
The Kera Collective is a combination of<br />
urban culture, art, spending time together and<br />
events that will mostly take place next summer.<br />
This summer, the collective focused on art projects,<br />
such as murals, and urban farming.<br />
“There are about 40 shared grow boxes in<br />
the area and anyone interested in cultivation<br />
can rent them.”<br />
In future, Keran Hallit will make way <strong>for</strong> the<br />
urban city centre that this <strong>for</strong>mer industrial<br />
area will become. Until then, the area offers<br />
excellent facilities <strong>for</strong> temporary use.<br />
The industrial halls of Keran Hallit have<br />
more than 90,000 square metres of space.<br />
The yard area is huge. As well as the collective,<br />
the area currently houses sports activities and a<br />
small brewery.<br />
“We use the spaces that aren’t used by others.<br />
The huge yard offers plenty of space <strong>for</strong> art<br />
projects and later <strong>for</strong> music and events. Our<br />
goal is to create a unique venue that people are<br />
happy to travel to even from further afield. I<br />
can’t wait to see Kera bloom.”<br />
The collective’s activities are made possible<br />
by the city’s development programme<br />
Inspiring, Dynamic <strong>Espoo</strong> and Event and<br />
Cultural Services, as well as the owner of the<br />
buildings, SOK.<br />
“We collaborate with several different parties<br />
and create content together. We are planning<br />
a flea market and various workshops<br />
inside and concerts in the yard,” Blomberg<br />
reveals.<br />
It has been a busy<br />
summer at Keran Hallit<br />
with good crops to show<br />
<strong>for</strong> it. Jaakko Blomberg<br />
is already eagerly waiting<br />
<strong>for</strong> next summer when<br />
various events will be<br />
organised in the area.<br />
New users have found<br />
the logistics centre<br />
that was left empty in<br />
2018–19. Destined<br />
<strong>for</strong> demolition at some<br />
point in the future, the<br />
industrial halls bring<br />
local actors together.<br />
Text Mia Weckström Photo Eemeli Sarka<br />