New Music Magazine, Number 1, 1980

In 1980 David Chesworth (Essendon Airport) and Philip Brophy (Tsk Tsk Tsk) created the 'new music' magazine. Running for a total of six issues, a process of concert review by volunteers, and subsequent interview between reviewer and performer/s filled the pages of four of these magazines with various writing styles, levels of articulation and typewriter fonts. Source: David Chesworth

In 1980 David Chesworth (Essendon Airport) and Philip Brophy (Tsk Tsk Tsk) created the 'new music' magazine. Running for a total of six issues, a process of concert review by volunteers, and subsequent interview between reviewer and performer/s filled the pages of four of these magazines with various writing styles, levels of articulation and typewriter fonts.
Source: David Chesworth


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