Latina Actriz Karrie Martin from the Netflix original series "Gentefied" talks about her journey from Lousiana to Los Angeles and to leading on screen. Supporting community grassroots food equality nitiatives while getting a healthy boost for immunity. A children's book by local author for learning Spanish and about America's autochthonous species. The new Taco joint in town; Exercising with Latina Athletics; Learning about America's own País Grape; and the History of Spanish Broadcasts for American Football in New Orleans. Bilingual, multicultural magazine made in New Orleans.

Latina Actriz Karrie Martin from the Netflix original series "Gentefied" talks about her journey from Lousiana to Los Angeles and to leading on screen.
Supporting community grassroots food equality nitiatives while getting a healthy boost for immunity. A children's book by local author for learning Spanish and about America's autochthonous species. The new Taco joint in town; Exercising with Latina Athletics; Learning about America's own País Grape; and the History of Spanish Broadcasts for American Football in New Orleans. Bilingual, multicultural magazine made in New Orleans.


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Exercises with Latina Athletics

Meet your trainers

Left: Elsa Paniagua

Right: Diana Rivera

These two trainers and best friends became business partners when

they created their personal training company, Latina Athletics LLC.

Start your training today by emailing: Latina_athletics@yahoo.com

*mention this ad for a discount in personal training

Follow their journey





Bent-leg Lift

(1) Place the resistance band

around your lower calves and

hold onto a wall for balance. (2)

Stand on one leg and lift the

opposite leg behind you. Keep

your hips tucked in and feet

facing forward. (3) Repeat for a

total of 3 sets of 10 repetitions

and switch legs.

TIP: Keep upper body upright

and bring leg higher for a booty

lift, slow and controlled for every




(1) Spread your feet 6

inches from the sides of the

hips. (2) Point your toes

slightly outward. Keeping

your torso upright, lower

your hips. (3) Repeat for a

total of 3 sets of 10


TIP: For more intensity, dip

your hips lower in

combination with holding a



1. (1) Position your elbows

directly beneath your

shoulders. (2) Make and

maintain a straight body

line from head to heels.

(3) Squeeze your butt

and abdomen. (4) Hold

for 30 seconds and

repeat for a total of 3



(1) Kneel and place your hands

shoulder width apart in front of you

with palms flat on the floor. (2)

Contract your glutes and abdomen as

you lift one leg up. (3) Aim to keep

your leg at an angle. (4) Repeat for a

total of 3 sets of 10 repetitions and

switch legs. TIP: For more intensity,

use ankle weights and hold this

position for 15 seconds per leg.

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