U+ZINE #2 - Do Corporations have a future? - Plurality University

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In 2019, along with the Plurality

University Network, Leonard, Vinci

Group’s innovation lab, gathered a

diverse group of employees to imagine

what work will look like in 2040, in an

around the company. Using fictional

and artistic content as raw material,

the groups came up with stories

where positive endeavors, such as

reinventing the company’s business

models around car- and ride-sharing,

are mixed with renewed exploitation

of precarious workers. Although some

stories paint the company under a

somewhat dark light, it decided to

publish them (with the help of illustrator

Louise Plantin) without any alteration,

adding: « It is now up to Vinci Group to

build its own desirable future. »

✷ «Les futurs du travail - Des futurs imaginés mais pas forcément

souhaités», Leonard, 2020

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