annual report - O'Brien Institute

annual report - O'Brien Institute

annual report - O'Brien Institute


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For the betterment<br />

of humanity<br />



Bernard O’Brien <strong>Institute</strong> of Microsurgery Annual Report 2000

Contents<br />

9 Donations<br />

10 Patrons<br />

11 Directors<br />

12 Chairman’s Report and Mr Alan Skurrie<br />

14 Overview of Research<br />

15 Director’s Report<br />

18 Barbara Walker Centre for Pain Management<br />

20 Scientific Report 1999-2000<br />

20 Tissue Engineering - VTEC<br />

22 Transport Accident Commission Trauma Laboratory<br />

25 The Jack Brockhoff Nerve and Muscle Laboratory<br />

26 Helen M Schutt Vascular Research Laboratory<br />

29 Publications<br />

31 Surgical Research Fellowships<br />

32 Staff<br />

33 Collaborators<br />

35 Conferences and Presentations<br />

37 Visitors<br />

38 Financial Statements<br />

Bernard O’Brien <strong>Institute</strong> of Microsurgery<br />

Telephone (03) 9288 4018<br />

Facsimile (03) 9416 0926<br />

Email: BOBIMSVH@svhm.org.au<br />

Microsurgery Foundation<br />

42 Fitzroy Street Fitzroy Victoria Australia 3065<br />

Telephone (03) 9288 4018<br />

Facsimile (03) 9416 0926<br />

Email: MICROFND@svhm.org.au<br />

Auditors: KPMG<br />

Solicitors: Corrs Chambers Westgarth<br />

Design: Robe-John & Associates Pty Ltd<br />

Principal Photography: Mike Dugdale<br />

Shannon Morris<br />

Phillip Biggs<br />

Project Manager: Sam Broughton<br />

About the Microsurgery Foundation trademark:<br />

Hummingbirds are the smallest birds on Earth, as little as five centimetres<br />

long, weighing less than a five cent coin and with wings that beat 80 times<br />

a second. The hummingbird epitomises perfection in nature and is an apt<br />

symbol of the miniature world in which the microsurgeon operates.<br />



Restoring people’s<br />

confidence, hope<br />

and identity<br />





2000 Microsurgery Annual Report<br />

Clinical cases<br />

CASE 1<br />

Glenn Twomey<br />

Confidence<br />

Future<br />

Turning tragedy into promise<br />

Glenn’s left arm was amputated below the shoulder in a<br />

terrible accident near his home at Portland in 1997, and<br />

then reattached through the miracle of microsurgery. He<br />

was just 15 years old at the time.<br />

Glenn’s accident was a shocking, defining moment in his life and<br />

that of his parents and 4 brothers and sisters.<br />

Clinging to life, Glenn was flown by air ambulance to Melbourne<br />

and met by a team of our microsurgeons. Led by Anthony Berger,<br />

the team reattached Glenn’s arm in a painstaking 7-hour<br />

operation.<br />

Glenn is facing his future with confidence. Now studying for his<br />

VCE, he wants to pursue his dream of becoming a carpenter.<br />

Before the accident, basketball had always been Glenn’s favorite<br />

sport. He is now back on the court with his team mates, and has<br />

resumed skateboarding, too.<br />



2 39



38 3

CASE 2<br />

John McKinnon<br />

Hope<br />

Fatherhood<br />

Protecting the community<br />

One autumn morning John was gardening, tidying up as<br />

he went, using a mulcher, feeding branches into its maw.<br />

Without warning John’s right hand and arm were caught<br />

and savaged by the machine.<br />

Hearing John’s anguished cries, a neighbour called the ambulance<br />

which rushed John from Torquay, first to the Geelong Hospital<br />

then on to Melbourne, where a team of microsurgeons waited to<br />

reconstruct his hand and crushed forearm.<br />

John remained conscious from the time of the accident until the<br />

operation began, and distinctly remembers thinking to himself<br />

that he would never nurse his 2 year old daughter, Maggie, again.<br />

John has now undergone a total of 9 separate operations which<br />

have restored movement and function to his hand and arm.<br />

John has not only nursed Maggie again, he proudly held his new<br />

son Gus in his arms just a few months ago and has returned to his<br />

work as a policeman.<br />

Visitors<br />

Visiting Lecturers - July 1999 - July 2000<br />

Bernard O’Brien <strong>Institute</strong> of Microsurgery - Lunchtime Seminars<br />

Congenital pseudarthritis of the tibia in children<br />

Defects in hypopharanx - oesophagus after tumor<br />

resection<br />

Dr Ingemar Fogdestam<br />

Department of Orthopaedic Surgery<br />

University of Gothenberg, Sweden<br />

Aging and muscle function<br />

Dr Gordon Lynch<br />

Department of Physiology, The University of Melbourne<br />

A microarray expression database for the National<br />

Cancer <strong>Institute</strong>’s drug-discovery program<br />

Dr Mark Waltham<br />

Victorian Breast Cancer Consortium , St Vincent’s<br />

<strong>Institute</strong> of Medical Research, St Vincent’s Hospital<br />

Patent protection: a primer for the scientist<br />

Dr Vivien Santer<br />

Griffith Hack, Patent and Trade Mark Attorneys<br />

Model systems for the study of human breast cancer<br />

invasion and metastasis<br />

Associate Professor Erik Thompson<br />

Head, Victorian Breast Cancer Research Consortium,<br />

St Vincent’s Hospital<br />

Omega-conotoxin in the modulation of chronic<br />

neuropathic pain<br />

Dr David Scott<br />

Department of Pharmacology,<br />

The University of Melbourne<br />

Current research in surgical oncology<br />

Professor Robert Thomas<br />

Department of Surgery Oncology<br />

Peter MacCallum Cancer <strong>Institute</strong><br />

The role of beta-cells in diabetes<br />

Dr Sof Andrikopoulos<br />

University Department of Medicine,<br />

Royal Melbourne Hospital<br />

PTHrP and the breast<br />

Mr Michael Henderson<br />

Deputy Director, Department of Surgery, The University<br />

of Melbourne St Vincent’s Hospital<br />

Hyaluronan as a drug delivery vehicle in the<br />

treatment of breast cancer<br />

Dr Tracey Brown<br />

Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology,<br />

Monash University<br />

Breast cancer in developing countries<br />

Professor David Watters<br />

Head, Department of Surgery,<br />

The University of Melbourne, Geelong Hospital<br />

Axillary dissection - should it be avoided for<br />

tubular cancers & DCIS?<br />

Mr Paul Kitchen<br />

Department of Surgery, The University of<br />

Melbourne, St Vincent’s Hospital<br />



Gastrointestinal cancer research in Surgical<br />

Oncology<br />

Dr Wayne Phillips<br />

Department of Surgical Oncology, The University<br />

of Melbourne Peter MacCallum Cancer <strong>Institute</strong><br />

Hyaluronan: something for everybody<br />

Dr Robert Fraser<br />

Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology<br />

Monash University<br />

Visitors<br />

Dr Paul Rosenberg, Melbourne<br />

Fi & Dudley Drew, Wonga Park, Victoria<br />

Dr Yang Kwang Lim, Hospital Kuala Terenggany,<br />

Jalan Sultan Mahmud, Malaysia<br />

Victorian Ladies Bowling Association:<br />

Valmai Lewis, State President<br />

Dawn Berner, Vice President<br />

Moira Cumming, Vice President<br />

Margaret Walker, Immediate Past President<br />

Joyce Larkin, Vice President<br />

Eunice Putch, State Treasurer<br />

Gwen Arnold, Mirboo North<br />

Lisa Koch, Industry Research Analyst, Australian<br />

Expert Group in Industry Studies Sydney<br />

Eleanor Dreger, Guy’s & St Thomas’ Hospitals,<br />

London<br />

Dr Declan & Mrs Emer Meagher, St Vincent’s<br />

Hospital, Dublin, Ireland<br />

Robert Fraser, Department of Biochemistry and<br />

Molecular Biology, Monash University<br />

4 37

Mr Anthony Penington<br />

September 1999<br />

American Society for Surgery of the Hand Meeting,<br />

Boston, MA, USA. Visited Boston Children’s<br />

Hospital, Boston, MA, USA.<br />

May 2000<br />

Royal Australasian College of Surgeons Scientific<br />

meeting, Melbourne. Seminar: Maintenance of tissue<br />

on an extracorporeal circulation.<br />

Dr Peter Vadiveloo<br />

August 1999<br />

Australian Cell Cycle Workshop 99 (Vic):<br />

P. Vadiveloo, A. Arvanitis, J. A Hamilton, I. Kola,<br />

B. Sarcevic and G. Vairo. Cyclin D2 expression in<br />

activated macrophages: a novel non-cell cycle role?<br />

September 1999<br />

ComBio99 (Qld): P. K. Vadiveloo, H. Christopolous,<br />

E. Johnson, U. Novak, I. Kola, P. Hertzog and<br />

J. Hamilton; Expression of cyclin D2 in activated<br />

macrophages is mediated by Type I interferons,<br />

and inhibited by dexamethasone.<br />

October 1999<br />

SVHM Research Week posters: A. Arvanitis and<br />

P. Vadiveloo; The effect of microtubule-altering<br />

agents on the expression of cyclin D2 in activated<br />

macrophages.<br />

P. Vadiveloo, H. Christopolous, E. Johnson,<br />

U. Novak, I. Kola, P. Hertzog and J. Hamilton;<br />

Expression of cyclin D2 in activated macrophages<br />

is mediated by type I interferons, and inhibited by<br />

dexamethasone.<br />

November 1999<br />

The Australian Society for Medical Research 38th<br />

National Scientific Conference (NSW): A. Arvanitis<br />

and P. Vadiveloo; The Effect of Microtubule-altering<br />

agents on the expression of Cyclin D2 in activated<br />

macrophages.<br />

Awards and Honours<br />

1999/2000<br />

Professor Wayne Morrison<br />

1999 Sir Arthur Sims Travelling Fellow, UK<br />

Diana Lepore<br />

Awarded PhD<br />

“Nitric oxide, heat shock protein 70 and<br />

ischaemia-reperfusion injury.”<br />

Dr David McCoombe<br />

Awarded Fellowship of the Royal Australasian<br />

College of Surgeons, Jan 2000<br />

Dr Ken Knight<br />

Awarded Fellowship of the Royal College<br />

of Pathologists, UK, Feb 2000<br />

Dr Bruce Dowsing<br />

Awarded The Wellcome Trust Equipment<br />

Grant $105,000<br />

Automated tissue staining apparatus<br />

Angela Arvanitis<br />

Awarded BSc(Hons), Dec 1999<br />

“LPS stimulation of cyclin D2 in macrophages<br />

is regulated by microtubule structure.”<br />

Tim Shakespeare<br />

Awarded BMedSc<br />

“The inhibition of leukemia inhibitory factor<br />

enhanced nerve regeneration by the action of<br />

the specific nitric oxide 2 inhibitor<br />

aminoethylisothiourea.”<br />



36 5

CASE 3<br />

Martin Turner<br />

Identity<br />

Communication<br />

A precious gift<br />

Relieved to be told by doctors that the tumour growing in<br />

his palate was non-malignant, Martin was stunned to learn<br />

that his condition nevertheless required surgery which<br />

would leave a gaping hole in the roof of his mouth.<br />

Unless that space could be filled, his speech would be<br />

permanently affected and so would his capacity to swallow.<br />

In a 7 hour operation headed by Professor Wayne Morrison, skin<br />

taken from Martin’s forearm was used to restructure his palate.<br />

Martin has now regained his capacity to speak and swallow.<br />

Martin says, “We take our ability to speak for granted. It is not<br />

until it is threatened that you fully realise what a precious gift<br />

speech is. I don’t dwell on the past or what might have been, but<br />

when I speak to my wife, three children and six grandchildren,<br />

I give quiet thanks for the skill of the microsurgery team.”<br />

Conferences and Presentations<br />

July 1999-June 2000<br />

Dr Bruce Dowsing<br />

October 1999<br />

SVHM Research Week: B.J. Dowsing, R. Romeo<br />

and W. Morrison; Expression of leukemia inhibitory<br />

factor (LIF) in human nerves following injury.<br />

January 2000<br />

Australian Neuroscience Society Conference poster:<br />

B.J. Dowsing, S. Scheele, T. Shakespeare and<br />

W. Morrison; Effects of LIF and GDNF on Nerve<br />

Regeneration and Muscle Function Following Rat<br />

Sciatic Nerve Entubulation Repair.<br />

Dr Ken Knight<br />

September 1999<br />

7th Aust Vascular Biology Society Meeting, Paradise<br />

Wirrina Cove Resort, South Australia; Prefabrica<br />

tion of new connective tissue from an arteriovenous<br />

shunt loop.<br />

October 1999<br />

SVHM Research Week poster: R. Mian, O. Cassell,<br />

W. Morrison, J. Hurley, A. Penington, R. Romeo,<br />

Y. Tanaka, and K. Knight; The generation of new<br />

vascularized tissue from an arteriovenous loop.<br />

November 1999<br />

4th Pan Pacific Connective Tissue Societies<br />

Symposium, Connective tissue biology in the new<br />

Millenium: towards future therapies and applica<br />

tions, Queenstown, New Zealand; Prefabrication<br />

of new connective tissue from an arteriovenous shunt<br />

loop.<br />

June 2000<br />

University Dept of Medicine, Royal Melbourne<br />

Hospital, Parkville, Vic. Seminar entitled: Tissue<br />

engineering - a major emerging technology.<br />

Mr Peter Meagher<br />

March 1999<br />

Australian Hand Surgery Society Conference,<br />

Melbourne, Vic., Biomechanical characterisation<br />

of Tissues in Dupuytren’s Disease. A new method<br />

of managing complex intra-articular phalangeal<br />

fractures. The heterodigital adipofascial flap<br />

(HAP-Flap) in hand reconstruction. Forearm flexor<br />

reconstruction in the young patient after<br />

Compartment Syndrome.<br />



Dr Aurora Messina<br />

October 1999<br />

SVHM Research Week posters: C. Byers, M. Galea<br />

and A. Messina; Behavioural and motoneuron<br />

population changes following chronic sciatic nerve<br />

transection injury in the rat.<br />

R. Fan, A. Messina and W. Morrison; Increase in<br />

sensory neuron population projecting to neuroma.<br />

Dr Geraldine Mitchell<br />

October 1999<br />

SVHM Research Week posters: G. Mitchell, P.<br />

Vadiveloo, S. Furuta, R. Romeo, W. Morrison and<br />

A. Stewart; The role of nitric oxide in a functional<br />

model of angiogenesis.<br />

A. Smardencas, G. Mitchell, A. Messina,<br />

S. Cordner, L. Ireland, B. Cooke, G. Pantazi,<br />

S. Furuta, O. Cassell, R. Romeo and W. Morrison;<br />

Endothelial seeding of cold-stored microarterial<br />

grafts.<br />

D. Zafiropoulos, P. Vadiveloo, G. Mitchell and<br />

A. Stewart; Altered DNA synthesis of cerebral<br />

microvascular endothelial cells isolated from mice<br />

lacking inducible nitric oxide synthase.<br />

Professor Wayne Morrison<br />

June 1999<br />

International Society for Reconstructive<br />

Microsurgery, Los Angeles, USA.<br />

1. Scalp and face replantation.<br />

2. Tissue engineering.<br />

June 1999<br />

12 th Congress of the International Confederation<br />

for Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery,<br />

San Francisco, USA. Prefabrication of tissues.<br />

October 1999<br />

SVHM Research Week poster: D. McCombe,<br />

T. Brown and W. Morrison; The histochemical<br />

response of the deep fascia to surgery.<br />

May 2000<br />

Royal Australasian College of Surgeons Scientific<br />

meeting, Melbourne. Seminar: Tissue engineering -<br />

clinical applications.<br />

6 35

Drs Trevor Kilpatrick and G Starkey,<br />

Ms T Bucci<br />

Walter and Eliza Hall <strong>Institute</strong>, Parkville,<br />

Vic.<br />

LIF is an autocrine survival factor for Schwann<br />

cells. Anterograde transport of LIF within<br />

transected rat sciatic nerve.<br />

Dr Maciek J Kubicki<br />

Department of Engineering, The University<br />

of Melbourne.<br />

Tendon function after inhibition of adhesions.<br />

Drs John Kurek, J Flack, David Crump &<br />

A Robertson<br />

AMRAD Operations, Burnley.<br />

Use of LIF in nerve repair.<br />

Mr Donald L Murphy<br />

Department of Surgery, Geelong Hospital.<br />

Renal and bowel function during laparotomy<br />

and laparoscopy.<br />

Dr Paul Patterson<br />

California <strong>Institute</strong> of Technology, USA.<br />

Use of LIF in nerve repair.<br />

Dr Janet Ruby<br />

Department of Microbiology, The University<br />

of Melbourne.<br />

Virus infection of macrophages: role of cyclin<br />

D2.<br />

Dr Paul Simmons<br />

Stem Cell Research Laboratory, Peter<br />

MacCallum Cancer <strong>Institute</strong>.<br />

Tissue engineering with stem cells<br />

Dr Shirley I Smith<br />

Queensland <strong>Institute</strong> of Medical Research<br />

Post Office, Royal Brisbane Hospital,<br />

Herston, Qld.<br />

Molecular mechanisms in macrophages.<br />

Prof Geoffrey Stevens and Dr Jilska Perera<br />

Department of Chemical Engineering, The<br />

University of Melbourne.<br />

Extracellular matrices and tissue engineering<br />

Dr Alastair G Stewart<br />

Department of Pharmacology, The University<br />

of Melbourne.<br />

Macrophages, iNOS and angiogenesis.<br />

A/Prof Yoshio Tanaka<br />

Department of Plastic & Reconstructive<br />

Surgery, Osaka Medical College, Osaka,<br />

Japan.<br />

Tissue engineering and the arteriovenous shunt<br />

model.<br />

A/Prof Erik Thompson<br />

Victorian Breast Cancer Research<br />

Consortium, St Vincent’s Hospital.<br />

Extracellular matrices in tissue engineering.<br />

Prof A Tomasi<br />

Università degli Studi di Modena Modena,<br />

Italy.<br />

Nitric oxide and heat shock proteins in free<br />

radical mediated damage in ischaemiareperfusion<br />

injury<br />

Dr Gino Vairo<br />

Walter and Eliza Hall <strong>Institute</strong>, Parkville,<br />

Vic.<br />

Cyclin D2 and macrophage activation.<br />

Mr Murray Worner<br />

Department of Physical Sciences, St Vincent’s<br />

Hospital, Melbourne.<br />

Maintaining tissues on an extracorporeal<br />

circulation.<br />



34 7

Collaborators<br />

Bernard O’Brien <strong>Institute</strong> of Microsurgery<br />

Prof Daine Alcorn<br />

Chairman, Department of Anatomy,<br />

The University of Melbourne.<br />

Transmission electron microscopy and related<br />

facilities.<br />

Dr Robin Anderson<br />

Peter MacCallum Cancer Research <strong>Institute</strong>.<br />

The role of heat-shock proteins in the protective<br />

effect of ischaemic preconditioning.<br />

Dr Lawrie Austin<br />

Clinical Neurosciences, St Vincent’s Hospital.<br />

Leukaemia inhibitory factor in nerve and muscle<br />

regeneration following denervation.<br />

Dr Perry Bartlett and Prof Nic Nicola<br />

Neuroimmunology, Walter and Eliza Hall<br />

<strong>Institute</strong>, Parkville, Vic.<br />

Role of LIF in peripheral nerve regeneration.<br />

Dr Tracey Brown<br />

Department of Biochemistry and Molecular<br />

Biology, Monash University<br />

Hyaluronan in tendon repair.<br />

Dr Jonathan Burdon and Ms Sue Brenton<br />

Department of Respiratory Medicine,<br />

St Vincent’s Hospital.<br />

Proteinase-antiproteinase balance in chronic<br />

obstructive pulmonary disorders.<br />

Ms Fiona Clay and Dr Matthias Ernst<br />

Ludwig <strong>Institute</strong> for Cancer Research.<br />

Regulation of HCK expression in macrophages.<br />

Dr Brian Cooke<br />

Department of Microbiology<br />

Monash University, Clayton, Vic.<br />

Endothelial coating of vascular prostheses<br />

Prof Stephen Cordner and Ms Lyn Ireland<br />

Victorian <strong>Institute</strong> of Forensic Medicine.<br />

Vascularised human bone allografts.<br />

Endothelial coating of vascular protheses<br />



Dr Peter Cowan and Dr Trixie Shinkel<br />

Immunology Research Centre,<br />

St Vincent’s Hospital, Melbourne.<br />

The role of activated complement in ischaemiareperfusion<br />

injury.<br />

Dr Mary Galea<br />

School of Physiotherapy, The University<br />

of Melbourne.<br />

Neural and non-neural factors contributing to<br />

reorganization in two models of peripheral nerve<br />

injury<br />

Prof John Hamilton<br />

University of Melbourne, Department of<br />

Medicine, Royal Melbourne Hospital.<br />

Inflammatory mediators. Cyclin D2 and<br />

macrophage activation.<br />

Prof Oliver Hennessy<br />

Department of Medical Imaging, University<br />

of Melbourne, St Vincent’s Hospital.<br />

Imaging of small blood vessels in soft tissues<br />

Dr Alan Hayes<br />

School of Life Science and Technology, Victoria<br />

University of Technology, Footscray.<br />

Leukaemia inhibitory factor in nerve and muscle<br />

regeneration following denervation.<br />

Dr Paul Hertzog<br />

Monash Medical Centre.<br />

The role of type 1 interferons on macrophage<br />

function in IFNAR1 -/- mice.<br />

Dr Alicia Jenkins, A/Prof Richard Gilbert<br />

and Dr Darren Kelly<br />

University of Melbourne, Department of<br />

Medicine, St Vincent’s Hospital.<br />

Tissue engineering of a new pancreas<br />

Dr Robert Kapsa<br />

Clinical Neurosciences, St Vincent’s Hospital,<br />

Melbourne.<br />

Tissue engineering of skeletal muscle.<br />

8<br />

Microsurgery Foundation and Bernard O’Brien <strong>Institute</strong> of Microsurgery premises at<br />

42 Fitzroy Street, Fitzroy, Victoria.<br />


Staff<br />

Bernard O’Brien <strong>Institute</strong> of Microsurgery<br />

Mirna Boujaoude<br />

Sachiko Maeda<br />

Marian Todaro<br />

Matias Abregu<br />

Carl Byers<br />

Director<br />

Wayne Morrison<br />

MD, BS, FRACS<br />

Chief Executive Officer<br />

Geoffrey Renton<br />



Senior Research Fellows<br />

Allan MacLeod<br />

MB BS, FRACS<br />

Anthony Berger<br />

MB BS, FRACS<br />

Anthony Costello<br />

MB BS, FRACS<br />

Damien Ireland<br />

MB BS, FRACS<br />

Anthony Penington<br />

MB BS, FRACS<br />

Timothy Bennett<br />

MB BS, FRACS<br />

James Burt<br />

MB BS, FRACS<br />

Consultant Pathologist<br />

John Hurley<br />

MB BS, MD, PhD,<br />

FRACP,<br />

FRCPA, FRCPath,<br />

FRACR(Hon)<br />

Senior Research Officers<br />

Kenneth Knight<br />

BSc(Hons), PhD, FACB,<br />

FAACB, FRCPath<br />

Geraldine Mitchell<br />

BSc(Hons), MSc, PhD<br />

Bruce Dowsing<br />

BSc(Hons), PhD<br />

Aurora Messina<br />

BSc(Hons), PhD<br />

Peter Vadiveloo<br />

BSc(Hons), PhD<br />

Research Fellows<br />

David McCombe<br />

MB BS, FRACS<br />

Oliver Cassell<br />

MB, ChB, FRCS(Ed)<br />

Rob Donato<br />

MB BS, FRACS<br />

Peter Meagher<br />

MSc, FRCS(Plast)<br />

Senior Research<br />

Assistant/Laboratory<br />

Manager<br />

Rosalind Romeo<br />

BSc<br />

Research Assistants<br />

Monna Ayad<br />

BSc(Hons)<br />

Effie Keramidaris<br />

BSc(Hons)<br />

Technical Assistant<br />

Tanya Harkom<br />

Administrative<br />

Assistants<br />

Joy Rogers<br />

Mary Wilcox<br />

Postgraduate<br />

Research Students<br />

Arthur Smardencas<br />

BSc(Hons), MSc<br />

Ruitong Fan<br />

MD (China)<br />

Debra Zafiropoulos<br />

BSc(Hons)<br />

Mirna Boujaude<br />

BSc(Hons)<br />

BSc Honours<br />

Students<br />

Angela Arvanitis<br />

BSc(Hons)<br />

Sachiko Maeda<br />

BSc<br />

Marian Todaro<br />

BSc<br />

Matias Abregu<br />

BSc<br />

BMedSc Student<br />

Tim Shakespeare<br />

Technician<br />

Neil Randall<br />

Barbara Walker<br />

Centre for Pain<br />

Management<br />

Director<br />

Andrew Muir<br />


Specialist in Pain Management<br />

and Anaesthesia<br />

Jane Trinca<br />

MB BS, FANZCA,<br />

Clinical Psychologist/Director<br />

START Programme<br />

Kathryn Kirkwood<br />

M Psych Clin (Hons)<br />

Clinical Nurse Consultant/<br />

Co-ordinator START<br />

Programme<br />

Jean Bradbury<br />

BSc, Grad Dip Pain Management<br />

(Uni Sydney)<br />

Physiotherapists<br />

Margaret McPhate<br />

B App Sc (Phty), M Manip Th<br />

Julian Hodder<br />

B App Sc (Phty)<br />

Secretary<br />

Yvonne Cowan<br />

Medical Typist<br />

Helen Scallion<br />

Donations between $100,000 - $500,000<br />

The Jack Brockhoff Foundation<br />

The Wellcome Trust<br />

Transport Accident Commission<br />

Donations between $50,000 - $99,999<br />

National Australia Bank<br />

Donations between $25,000 - $49,999<br />

BHP Community Trust<br />

Tattersall’s<br />

Donations between $10,000 -$24,999<br />

H I H Insurance Ltd<br />

L E W Carty Charitable Fund<br />

W A Morrison<br />

J O Wicking<br />

Donations between $5,000 - $9,999<br />

ANZ Trustees<br />

The Orloff Family Charitable Trust<br />



Donations to Microsurgery Foundation<br />

& Bernard O’Brien <strong>Institute</strong> of Microsurgery<br />

1 st July 1999 – 30 th June 2000<br />

Donations between $1,000 - $4,999<br />

R J Champion de Crespigny<br />

The William Angliss (Victoria) Charitable Fund<br />

Rotary Club Hawthorn<br />

C Maltby<br />

R J Walker<br />

Donations between $101 - $999<br />

A S Leslie<br />

The Essendon and District Medical Society Inc<br />

C Bendix<br />

All Souls Opportunity Shop<br />

Donations up to $100<br />

D R & D E Burney<br />

J E Griffen<br />

W J & J I Pearce<br />

M J Kingwell<br />

M O’Brien<br />

F P & H C Ryan<br />

C Makris<br />

R & I Calvi<br />

I Calvi<br />

A D Barrow<br />

32 9

Patrons<br />

Microsurgery Foundation<br />

Patron-in-Chief<br />

His Excellency,<br />

The Governor of Victoria<br />

The Hon. Sir James Gobbo, AC<br />

Foundation Directors<br />

Bernard O’Brien <strong>Institute</strong> of Microsurgery<br />

Chairman<br />

Ronald J Walker,<br />

AO, CBE<br />

Patron<br />

Sir Laurence Muir,<br />


Chief Executive Officer<br />

Professor<br />

Wayne Morrison,<br />

MD, BS, FRACS<br />

Immediate Past<br />

Chairman<br />

Alan Skurrie, BCom<br />

Consultative Scientific Panel<br />

Microsurgery Foundation and Bernard O’Brien <strong>Institute</strong> of Microsurgery<br />

Professor J A Angus, BSc(Hons), PhD, FAA<br />

Professor G J A Clunie, MB, ChB, ChM, FCS(Ed), FRCS(Eng), FRACS<br />

Emeritus Professor G W Crock, FRACP, FRCS, FRACS, FRACO<br />

Professor J A Hamilton, DSc, PhD<br />

Emeritus Professor J Ludbrook, BMedSc, MB, ChB, DSc, ChM, MD, FRCS, FRACS<br />

Professor T J Martin, MD, DSc, MD(Hon), FRACP, FRCPA<br />

Professor G B Ryan, MB BS, PhD, MD, FRACP<br />

Company Secretary<br />

Geoffrey Renton,<br />

BHA (UNSW),<br />


AFAIM<br />

Surgical Research Fellowships<br />

Named in honour of the very substantial contributions<br />

the following benefactors have made to the <strong>Institute</strong><br />

Ronald and Barbara<br />

Walker<br />

The late Sir William<br />

Kilpatrick<br />

○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○<br />

○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○<br />

○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○<br />

○ ○ ○ ○<br />

Dr David McCombe<br />

Fellow<br />

Dr Peter Vadiveloo<br />

Fellow<br />

Sir Laurence Muir<br />

Tattersall’s Dr Oliver Cassell<br />

Mr Darvell Hutchinson<br />

Fellow<br />

Helen M Schutt<br />

The late<br />

Evelyn M Coy<br />

Ms Mirna Boujaoude<br />

Fellow<br />

Mr Frank Cicutto<br />

Managing Director<br />

National Australia Bank<br />



Dr Rob Donato<br />

Fellow<br />

Dr Peter Meagher<br />

Fellow<br />

Dr Aurora Messina<br />

Fellow<br />

10 31

Messina A, Knight KR, Dowsing BJ, Zhang B,<br />

Phan LH, Hurley JV, Morrison WA, Stewart AG<br />

(2000) Localisation of inducible nitric oxide<br />

synthase to mast cells during ischemia /reperfusion<br />

injury of skeletal muscle. Lab. Invest 80: 423-431.<br />

Messina A, Sangster CLC, Morrison WA,<br />

Galea MP (2000) Requirements for obtaining<br />

unbiased estimates of neuron numbers in frozen<br />

sections. J Neurosci Methods 97:133-137.<br />

Mian R, Morrison WA, Hurley JV, Penington AJ,<br />

Romeo R, Tanaka Y, Knight KR (2000)<br />

Formation of new tissue from an arteriovenous loop<br />

in the absence of added extracellular matrix. Tissue<br />

Eng 6: 595-603.<br />

Mian R, Knight KR, Penington AJ, Hurley JV,<br />

Messina A, Romeo R, Morrison WA (2000)<br />

Stimulating effect of an arteriovenous shunt on<br />

the in vivo growth of isografted fibroblasts:<br />

a preliminary <strong>report</strong>. Tissue Eng, in press July 10,<br />

2000.<br />

Morrison WA, Mitchell G, Barker JE,<br />

Konopka T, Stewart AG (1999)<br />

Angiogenesis in surgery and wound healing.<br />

In (Ed T-P. Fan) The New Angiotherapy<br />

(Humana Press) London, in press.<br />

Morrison WA, Hurley JV, Ahmad TS,<br />

Webster HR (1999) Scar formation after skin injury<br />

to the human foetus in utero or the premature<br />

neonate. Br J Plast Surg 52: 6-11.<br />

Pantazi G, Knight KR, Romeo R, Hurley JV,<br />

Hennessy O, Willemart G, Penington AJ,<br />

Morrison WA (2000) The beneficial effect of<br />

heparin in perfusion solutions for cold stored skin<br />

flaps. Ann Plast Surg 44: 304-310.<br />

Penington A, Malluci P (1999) Closure of elective<br />

skin defects in the leg with a fasciocutaneous V-Y<br />

island flap. Br J Plast Surg 52: 458-61.<br />

Stewart AG, Harris T, Fernandes DJ, Schachte<br />

LC, Koutsoubos V, Guida E, Ravenhall CE,<br />

Vadiveloo P, Wilson JW (1999) Beta 2-adrenergic<br />

receptor agonists and cAMP arrest human cultured<br />

airway smooth muscle cells in the G(1) phase of the<br />

cell cycle: role of proteosome degradation of cyclin<br />

D1. Mol Pharmacol 56: 1079-1086.<br />

Tanaka Y, Crowe DM, Wagh M, Morrison WA<br />

(1999) A new source of vein graft for rabbit<br />

experimentation. Microsurgery 19: 167-170.<br />

Tanaka Y, Tsutsumi A, Crowe DM, Tajima S,<br />

Morrison WA (2000) Generation of autologous<br />

tissue (matrix) flap by combining an arteriovenous<br />

shunt loop with artificial skin in rats: preliminary<br />

<strong>report</strong>. Br J Plast Surg 53: 51-57.<br />

Sangster CLC, Galea MP, Fan R, Morrison WA,<br />

Messina A (1999) A method for processing<br />

fluorescently labelled tissue into methacrylate: a<br />

qualitative comparison of four tracers. J. Neurosci.<br />

Methods 89: 159-165.<br />

Stewart AG, Barker JE, Hickey MJ. (1999)<br />

Nitric oxide in ischaemia-reperfusion injury.<br />

In: Ischaemia-Reperfusion Injury. Ed. PA Grace<br />

and RT Mathie, Blackwell Scientific, London,<br />

Chapter 16, pp 180-195.<br />

Stewart AG, Barker JE. (1999)<br />

Organ ischaemia/reperfusion injury: The role and<br />

therapeutic potential of NO. In: The Haemodynamic<br />

Effects of Nitric Oxide. Eds R. Mathie & T.M.<br />

Griffith, Imperial College Press, London, in press.<br />

Vadiveloo PK (1999) Macrophages - proliferation,<br />

activation and cell cycle proteins. J Leukoc. Biol.<br />

66: 579-582.<br />

Vadiveloo PK, Christopolous H, Novak U, Kola I,<br />

Hertzog PJ, Hamilton JA. (2000) Type I<br />

interferons mediate the lipopolysaccharide induction<br />

of macrophage cyclin D2. J. Interferon Cytokine<br />

Res. 20: 355-359.<br />

Wagh M, Pantazi G, Romeo R, Hurley JV,<br />

Morrison WA, Knight KR (2000) Cold storage of<br />

rat skeletal muscle and pre-ischemic perfusion with<br />

modified UW solution. Microsurgery, in press, Sept<br />

2000.<br />

Willemart G, Kane AJ, Morrison WA (1999)<br />

Island dorsalis pedis skin flap in combination with<br />

toe or toe transfer based on the same vascular<br />

pedicle. Plast Reconstr Surg 104: 1424-1429.<br />

Willemart G, Knight KR, Ayad M, Wagh M,<br />

Morrison WA (1999) The beneficial antiinflammatory<br />

effect of dexamethasone administration<br />

prior to reperfusion on the viability of cold stored<br />

skin flaps. Int J Tissue React 21: 19-26.<br />

Directors<br />

Professor<br />

James Angus,<br />

BSc(Hons), PhD, FAA<br />

Tony Charlton,<br />

OAM<br />

Geoffrey<br />

Stephenson, BA<br />

John Haddad, AO,<br />

FCIA<br />

Sir Roderick Carnegie,<br />

MA(Oxon),<br />

MBA(Harvard)<br />

Josephine O’Brien,<br />

BA, BArch(Hons)<br />

Leon L’Huillier,<br />

BCom(Melb),<br />

MPhil(Lon),<br />

MBA(Chicago), FAIM<br />

Clive Wellington Rosemary Leffler<br />

Professor<br />

Allan MacLeod,<br />

MB BS, FRACS<br />

Doug Provis Diana Jones, AM<br />

Dean Wills, AO<br />



30 11

Chairman’s Report<br />

Microsurgery Foundation<br />

Chairman<br />

Ronald J Walker, AO, CBE<br />

Our mission is to<br />

financially support<br />

the Bernard O’Brien<br />

<strong>Institute</strong> of Microsurgery and<br />

the Barbara Walker Centre<br />

for Pain Management and<br />

Research.<br />

The Foundation is a public<br />

company limited by<br />

guarantee, has no share<br />

capital and declares no<br />

dividend. The Foundation<br />

is governed by a Board of<br />

Directors who give their time and expertise to advance its<br />

mission.<br />

Board Members<br />

The Board received with regret the resignations of Messrs<br />

Allan Skurrie and Ivan Deveson, who leaves the Board after<br />

8 years.<br />

I wish to acknowledge the outstanding contribution of Mr<br />

Allan Skurrie towards the work of the Foundation over 19<br />

years of dedicated service. In his 8 years as Chairman, he led<br />

the Board with distinction and secured necessary funds to<br />

continue the pioneering work of the Bernard O’Brien<br />

<strong>Institute</strong> of Microsurgery. Allan’s compassion, wise council<br />

and friendship will be sorely missed.<br />

I thank and congratulate all Directors for their involvement<br />

and contribution during a year in which a number of new<br />

scientific research projects were initiated and the highly<br />

regarded Fellows program continued.<br />

Fundraising<br />

The Transport Accident Commission’s support of trauma<br />

research in the areas of replantation and limb reconstruction<br />

can be directly related to a decrease in recuperation and<br />

rehabilitation periods for accident victims.<br />

The National Australia Bank has generously funded the<br />

Foundation. The Board committed this support to a surgical<br />

fellowship, ensuring that an outstanding young surgeon has<br />

the opportunity to undertake Microsurgery research.<br />

Tattersall’s decision to renew its support and outstanding<br />

commitment by continuing to fund a 5-year surgical<br />

fellowship is welcomed and sincerely appreciated.<br />

A substantial gift received from The Wellcome Trust has<br />

been used to purchase essential specialist equipment for the<br />

nerve research project.<br />

In recognition of support from the Evelyn M Coy Bequest,<br />

the Board established The Evelyn M Coy Scholarship,<br />

directed to supporting a person undertaking their first year of<br />

medical research.<br />

The L.E.W. Carty Charitable Fund has provided research<br />

funds over 3 years for tissue engineering research.<br />

The Pratt Foundation has generously agreed to support our<br />

work. We were delighted that their Chairman, Mrs Heloise<br />

Waislitz, was able to visit and see our work first hand.<br />

The Board is grateful for the substantial, ongoing financial<br />

support received from trusts, benefactors, corporations and<br />

friends. On behalf of the Board I extend to all donors our<br />

heartfelt thanks.<br />

Industrial Hand Injury<br />

We are seeking an equity partner for Mr. Tony Penington’s<br />

research into industrial hand injuries.<br />

Intellectual Property<br />

Rapid changes in biotechnology necessitated a review of our<br />

intellectual property policies and the Board adopted new<br />

policies effective 6 July 1999.<br />

Patents<br />

Our existing patent with AMRAD is being integrated with<br />

The University of Melbourne. We are looking to explore<br />

other avenues for this work.<br />

Tissue Engineering<br />

Tissue engineering is an increasingly important and exciting<br />

area of activity. We have registered a new company, Victorian<br />

Tissue Engineering Centre Pty. Ltd., to assist in development<br />

of this new discipline.<br />

Microsurgery Book<br />

A major project for the Foundation was production of the<br />

Microsurgery Book - a significant publication highlighting<br />

our work.<br />

On behalf of the Board, I congratulate Kyle Young, Nigel<br />

Dawson and Lisa Neighbour from Grey Advertising<br />

(Victoria) Pty Ltd, Steve Blenheim and Elizabeth Grima<br />

from Lancashire Blenheim Design and photographer Paul<br />

Torcello for their creative collaboration.<br />

The Microsurgery Book has already won a number of<br />

prestigious Australian and International awards and will be<br />

used in our marketing and public relations activities.<br />

Younger Group<br />

The Board is delighted that a group of younger people have<br />

agreed to assist us under the leadership of Mr Kyle Young.<br />

We welcome the involvement of Ms Anna Carosa, Mr<br />

Antony Hampel, Ms Rachel Hayes, Mr Richard Chapman<br />

and Ms Joanne Walker. I thank them for their interest in<br />

Microsurgery and look forward to their contribution to the<br />

Foundation’s activities.<br />

Publications<br />

Bernard O’Brien <strong>Institute</strong> of Microsurgery<br />

Articles published and submitted July 1999-June 2000<br />

Bennett TM, Dowsing BJ, Austin L, Messina A,<br />

Nicola NA, Morrison WA (1999) Anterograde<br />

transport of leukemia inhibitory factor within<br />

transected rat sciatic nerve. Muscle Nerve, 22: 78-87.<br />

Burt JD, Burn AJ, Muzaffer AR, Byrd HS,<br />

Hoban PC, Beran SJ, Adams WP Jr, Kenkel JM<br />

(2000) Total soft tissue reconstruction of the middle<br />

and lower face with multiple simultaneous free flaps<br />

in a pediatric patient. Plast Reconstr Surg.<br />

105: 2440-2447.<br />

Burt JD, Byrd HS (2000) Cleft lip: unilateral<br />

primary deformities. Plast Reconstr Surg 105:<br />

1043-1055.<br />

Cooper T, Savige J, Nassis L, Paspaliaris B,<br />

Neeson P, Neil J, Knight KR, Daskalakis M,<br />

Doery JC (2000) Clinical and autoantibody<br />

associations of antibactericidal/ permeability<br />

increasing protein and antiazurocidin antibodies.<br />

Rheumatol Int 19: 129-136.<br />

Dowsing BJ, Morrison WA, Nicola NA, Starkey<br />

G, Bucci T, Kilpatrick T (1999)<br />

Leukemia inhibitory factor is an autocrine survival<br />

factor for Schwann cells. J Neurochem, 73: 96-104.<br />

Dowsing BJ, Hayes A, Bennett TM, Morrison<br />

WA, Messina A. (2000) The effects of LIF dose and<br />

laminin plus fibronectin on axotomized sciatic<br />

nerves. Muscle Nerve 23: 1356-1364.<br />

Fernandes D, Guida E, Koutsoubos V, Harris T,<br />

Vadiveloo P, Wilson JW, Stewart AG (1999)<br />

Glucocorticoids inhibit proliferation, cyclin D1<br />

expression, and retinoblastoma protein<br />

phosphorylation, but not activity of the extracellularregulated<br />

kinases in human cultured airway smooth<br />

muscle. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol 21: 77-88.<br />

Hobar PC, Burt JD, Masson JA, Merritt JA,<br />

Trawnik R (1999) Pericranial flap correction of<br />

superior sulcus depression in the anophthalmic orbit.<br />

J Craniofac Surg 10: 487-490.<br />



Knight KR, Messina A, Hurley JV, Zhang B,<br />

Morrison WA, Stewart AG (1999)<br />

Muscle cells become necrotic rather than<br />

apoptotic during reperfusion of ischaemic<br />

skeletal muscle. Int J Exp Path 80: 169-175.<br />

Lazarus B, Messina A, Barker JE, Hurley JV,<br />

Romeo R, Morrison WA, Knight KR (2000)<br />

The role of mast cells in ischaemia-reperfusion<br />

injury in murine skeletal muscle. J Pathol 191:<br />

443-448.<br />

Leong J, Hayes A, Austin L, Morrison W<br />

(1999) Muscle protection following motor nerve<br />

repair in combination with leukemia inhibitory<br />

factor. J Hand Surg (Am) 24: 37-45.<br />

Leong JC, Knight KR, Hickey MJ, Morrison<br />

WA, Stewart AG (2000)<br />

Neutrophil-independent protective effect of rmetHuG-CSF<br />

in ischaemia-reperfusion injury in<br />

rat skeletal muscle. Int J Exp Pathol 81: 41-49.<br />

Lepore DA, Kozlov AV, Stewart AG, Hurley<br />

JV, Morrison WA, Tomasi A (1999)<br />

Nitric oxide synthase-independent generation of<br />

nitric oxide in rat skeletal muscle ischemiareperfusion<br />

injury. Nitric Oxide 3: 75-84.<br />

Lepore DA, Stewart AG, Tomasi A, Anderson<br />

RL, Hurley JV, Morrison WA (1999)<br />

The survival of skeletal muscle myoblasts in<br />

vitro is sensitive to a donor of nitric oxide and<br />

superoxide, SIN-1, but not to nitric oxide or<br />

peroxynitrite alone. Nitric Oxide 3: 273-280.<br />

Lepore DA, Hurley JV, Stewart AG, Morrison<br />

WA, Anderson RL (2000)<br />

Prior heat stress improves the survival of<br />

ischemic-reperfused skeletal muscle in vivo:<br />

role of HSP70. Muscle Nerve, in press, July 2000.<br />

Liu T, Knight KR, Tracey DJ (2000)<br />

Peroxynitrite contributes to the initiation of<br />

thermal hyperalgesia due to partial nerve injury<br />

in the rat. Neuroscience 97: 125-131.<br />

12 29

L-R Dr Kevin Cronin, Research Fellow from Ireland working under the operating microscope with<br />

the assistance of Sue McKay and Liliana Pepe<br />

L-R Rosalind Romeo, Laboratory Manager, working in the Histopathology Laboratory with<br />

Dr Bruce Dowsing, Senior Research Officer, watched by Chantelle Sauza, work experience<br />

student from St Columba’s College, Essendon.<br />

We are indebted to:<br />

Mr Barry O’Callaghan and staff from Corrs Chambers<br />

Westgarth and Mr Michael Gainger and staff from KPMG<br />

for their advice on the affairs of the Foundation.<br />

Bernard O’Brien <strong>Institute</strong> of Microsurgery is supported<br />

by Microsurgery Foundation.<br />

Public appreciation of the work of the <strong>Institute</strong> and its plastic<br />

and reconstructive surgery and hand surgery team at St.<br />

Vincent’s Hospital is mainly through the reattachment of<br />

amputated body parts. Less well known is its sophisticated<br />

and expert microsurgical reconstruction of patients after the<br />

surgical removal of cancers from breasts, head and neck, skin<br />

and bone.<br />

Surgeons from around the world train at the <strong>Institute</strong> then<br />

return to their own countries to adapt these new techniques<br />

for use.<br />

Affiliations<br />

Affiliated with The University of Melbourne and Monash<br />

University, Bernard O’Brien <strong>Institute</strong> of Microsurgery is a<br />

recognised body in education, laboratory teaching and<br />

research.<br />

Our students are enrolled for Honours in Bachelor of<br />

Science, Master of Surgery, Master of Science and PhD<br />

in fields such as nerve repair, wound and tendon healing,<br />

tissue engineering.<br />

Barbara Walker Centre for Pain Management<br />

This unit had a pleasing year of progress and success,<br />

conducting medical research to improve clinical outcomes<br />

for persons currently experiencing acute and chronic pain and<br />

the development of early rehabilitation programs for the<br />

prevention of pain, together with educational programs for<br />

medical practitioners.<br />

An agreement was signed with the Commonwealth<br />

Department of Health and Aged Care to treat public patients<br />

who have exhausted all other options in their pain<br />

management treatment.<br />

Promotion of the Centre’s activities to medical practitioners<br />

saw a rapid increase in the level of clinical activity. We have<br />

treated over 1,000 patients, with more than half being seen<br />

for the first time.<br />

The innovative START program has so far involved 65<br />

graduates. The program provides profound and lasting<br />

improvements to pain sufferers. Our success has been<br />

recognised by the Federal Government.<br />

Scientific Research, Technology and Innovation<br />

Major areas of activity this year were in Tissue Engineering,<br />

Extracorporeal Circulation, Nerve Regeneration, Scar<br />

Formation, Skin, Tendon and Nerve Healing, Basic Science<br />

Mechanism, Stem Cell Growth<br />

Development<br />

A generous grant funded the appointment of a<br />

Development Manager to generate new funding<br />

opportunities and enable the organisation to sustain<br />

momentum in its research programs.<br />



Inspiring Progress<br />

To continue microsurgery research and develop new<br />

surgical procedures and management programs, we seek<br />

your continued participation and financial support.<br />

Please assist us in achieving the mission of the<br />

Microsurgery Foundation.<br />

Ronald J Walker AO CBE<br />


Alan Skurrie<br />

The Microsurgery<br />

Foundation and<br />

Bernard O’Brien<br />

<strong>Institute</strong> of<br />

Microsurgery owe an<br />

enormous debt to Mr<br />

Alan Skurrie who<br />

retired from the Board<br />

in June.<br />

As a Board member with 20 years of service Alan<br />

Skurrie’s contribution to the affairs of the Foundation<br />

has been outstanding. His thoughtful and wise counsel,<br />

particularly on financial matters has been of great<br />

benefit to the organisation.<br />

As Chairman of the Microsurgery Foundation between<br />

1985 -1992 Alan provided incisive leadership and<br />

support to the late Bernard O’Brien and Professor<br />

Wayne Morrison as they built the <strong>Institute</strong> into what has<br />

become the world’s pre-eminent centre of microsurgery<br />

training and research. He provided wise and strategic<br />

leadership and forged new relationships that enhanced<br />

microsurgery research and training.<br />

As a leading Australian businessman Alan was<br />

instrumental in fundraising on behalf of the Foundation,<br />

particularly from the corporate sector. The secure flow<br />

of funds into the Foundation enabled the pioneering<br />

research and training activities to continue unrestricted.<br />

The Microsurgery Foundation and Bernard O’Brien<br />

<strong>Institute</strong> of Microsurgery sincerely thank Alan Skurrie<br />

for the contribution that he has made to advance the<br />

cause of medical research through microsurgery. We are<br />

indeed in his debt.<br />

28 13

Overview<br />

Bernard O’Brien <strong>Institute</strong> of Microsurgery<br />

What is Microsurgery Research<br />

Microsurgery literally means operating through a<br />

microscope. In our field of Plastic and Reconstructive<br />

Surgery we use the microscope to connect small blood<br />

vessels (microsurgery) for the purpose of restoring<br />

circulation to amputated parts (replantation), or to tissues<br />

or parts that have been transferred from some other parts<br />

of the body (transplantation) such as skin, muscle, bones,<br />

joints, toes, etc.<br />

This experimental research is widely applied to clinical<br />

reconstructive microsurgery in trauma, cancer, burns and<br />

congenital abnormalities. This spectrum of activity covers<br />

all ages from infancy to the elderly and illustrates one of<br />

the most important developments in modern surgery.<br />

Currently we can join 0.5 mm diameter blood vessels<br />

using stitches one half the thickness of a human hair but<br />

there is still a risk that these vessels will clot off. When<br />

the circulation to a tissue is reduced or ceases a condition<br />

known as ischaemia, that tissue will atrophy or die occurs.<br />

The most familiar example of this is an ischaemic heart<br />

attack, but the same process occurs in strokes and<br />

gangrene of the limbs.<br />

At the Bernard O’Brien <strong>Institute</strong> of Microsurgery we are<br />

involved in research to understand the normal process of<br />

blood flow and factors which decrease it (ischaemia) or<br />

enhance it (angiogenesis). This will lead to new ways of<br />

reducing the effect of injury to tissues and to safer and<br />

more effective techniques of replantation, tissue<br />

transplants and even storage of tissue in tissue banks.<br />

By a better understanding of the process of blood flow<br />

and new blood vessel formation we will be able to help<br />

wounds heal, especially chronic ulcers, and be able to<br />

promote and manipulate the growth of tissues so that new<br />

parts can be manufactured in the body. This process has<br />

been termed “tissue engineering” and we have recently<br />

used this technique in humans to grow new ears and noses.<br />

Cancer growth and spread is dependent on new blood<br />

vessels and by understanding how this process works we<br />

can potentially inhibit new blood vessel formation. In<br />

breast cancer and melanoma models in mice we have been<br />

able to manipulate the cancer growth by using drugs<br />

which have shown to be important in switching on and off<br />

the angiogenic process.<br />

Following trauma nerves as well as blood vessels are<br />

commonly injured and microsurgery is used to repair them.<br />

Nerves which function in a very similar way to electric<br />

cables are composed of long fibres which are direct<br />

extensions from the nerve cells housed in the spinal cord.<br />

When a nerve is cut in the same way that tadpoles’ tails<br />

regrow, so too the nerve will grow out again from its point<br />

of injury. We are experimenting with ways to enhance the<br />

outgrowth of nerves following injury, particularly using a<br />

special growth factor “Leukaemia inhibitory Factor”.<br />

The work undertaken at Bernard O’Brien <strong>Institute</strong><br />

Microsurgery is broadly based and links many surgical<br />

disciplines and areas of applied science. Much<br />

collaborative work is in progress with other research<br />

institutes, both in Australia and overseas.<br />

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Unit<br />

The Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Unit at St<br />

Vincent’s continues to be a leader in its field with 1,483<br />

patients having been admitted for treatment. The majority<br />

of these patients required surgery and of these, 479 were<br />

emergency patients with 429 requiring surgery from<br />

injuries caused by accidents.<br />

There were 31 replantation cases, the majority being<br />

fingers but also including a whole arm. 77 vascularised<br />

free tissue transfers were used for the reconstruction of<br />

major deformities, 30 of which were for head and neck<br />

cancer, 20 breast reconstructions and 17 for trauma. In<br />

all, 53% of cases involved the hand or an upper limb,<br />

31% general plastic surgery and the balance including<br />

facial, head and neck and burns reconstruction.<br />

The Research Fellows from the Bernard O’Brien <strong>Institute</strong><br />

of Microsurgery continue to be an integral part of our<br />

surgical teams and play an important role in the many<br />

difficult procedures that are undertaken by the Plastic<br />

and Reconstructive Unit at St Vincent’s. We are indeed<br />

indebted to the staff of the Plastic Surgery Unit at<br />

St Vincent’s Hospital for their help throughout the year.<br />

Professor Allan MacLeod<br />

many ‘genetically engineered’ mice available<br />

worldwide to answer crucial questions as to the<br />

molecules involved in angiogenesis.<br />

In the tissue culture laboratory we are currently<br />

investigating how nitric oxide (NO) regulates<br />

angiogenesis. We have recently established another<br />

model of angiogenesis in our laboratory. Pieces of<br />

vascular tissue are placed in a special gel in cell culture<br />

plates, and new blood vessel growth is observed over a<br />

2 week period. We are now about to test NO donors<br />

and inhibitors to observe their effect on vessel growth.<br />

In addition, we will test tissue from iNOS-/- mice to<br />

see if lack of NO via a genetic alteration confers<br />

different rates of vessel growth.<br />

Haemangioma Research<br />

We have begun examining the causes of<br />

haemangiomas, which occur when blood vessels<br />

spontaneously grow out of control. They are known<br />

to contain high levels of inflammatory cells such<br />

as mast cells. We have found that when these<br />

haemangiomas are placed in culture and exposed<br />

to FDA-approved. Lodoxamide, a mast cell stabiliser,<br />

there is regression of blood vessel growth. Mirna<br />

Boujaoude, PhD student, has recently joined our group<br />

and is involved in these studies, together with surgical<br />

fellows Drs. Tony Penington and Robert Donato.<br />

Engineering new blood vessels<br />

Another problem encountered by reconstructive<br />

surgeons is a lack of healthy blood vessels for use in<br />

repairing damaged tissues in trauma and cancer related<br />

reconstruction. We are trying to create a ‘bank’ of<br />

ready-to-use blood vessels that can be stored and taken<br />

“off the shelf” when required for reconstructive<br />

surgery. We have found that during storage blood<br />

vessels lose their internal lining of cells, which are<br />

essential for proper blood vessel function, particularly<br />

to stop blood clotting within the blood vessel.<br />

Therefore another tissue engineering project currently<br />

underway is investigating ways to restore these internal<br />

lining cells in stored blood vessels.<br />

Rabbit Stent Model<br />

Every year millions of Australians undergo heart<br />

bypass surgery. This involves replacing the blood<br />

vessels that supply the heart itself with new vessels<br />

taken either from the leg or the arm. The short-term<br />

success of this procedure is well documented however<br />

10 years later 50% of these patients need to have the<br />



procedure repeated because the new vessels<br />

themselves become narrowed and occlude. We have<br />

developed a model in a rabbit where a polyester stent<br />

is wrapped around an implanted vessel in the groin<br />

and shown that the narrowing of the blood vessel<br />

over time is reduced. Further studies are needed but<br />

clinical implications are significant.<br />

14 27

expression is increased following trauma, and in which<br />

cells it is expressed. We found that, as in animals, LIF is<br />

expressed within injured human nerves by a variety of<br />

cells, including Schwann cells and inflammatory cells, and<br />

that chronic neuromas continue to contain high levels of<br />

LIF for several years. These data suggest further<br />

examination is warranted to determine whether continued<br />

expression of LIF in unhealed injured nerves promotes or<br />

exacerbates the development of neuromas, or is simply a<br />

response to continued ‘trauma’.<br />

LIF and Schwann cell survival<br />

Schwann cells are cells which line the nerve fibres and<br />

play a major role in promoting nerve survival and<br />

regeneration after injury. They are the major source of<br />

LIF, and GDNF, at the injury site. Our own research has<br />

shown that Schwann cells require LIF for survival in<br />

culture, and that when we blocked LIF function within the<br />

entubulation repair site the survival of Schwann cells was<br />

markedly reduced. This suggests that one of the actions of<br />

LIF following nerve trauma is to prevent injury-induced<br />

cell death.<br />

Role of NOS 2 in nerve regeneration<br />

The nitric oxide producing protein NOS 2 is thought to<br />

play a role in blood vessel formation. It is also thought to<br />

be regulated in some tissues by LIF expression. We used<br />

the NOS 2 inhibitor AET administered for one month<br />

following nerve repair to determine whether NO-derived<br />

from NOS 2 played a role in nerve regeneration in our<br />

model, and whether the addition of LIF at the time of<br />

repair could overcome the effects of NOS 2 inhibition.<br />

When NOS 2 production is blocked with AET, in addition<br />

to repairing the nerve stumps, re-vascularisation and nerve<br />

regeneration are delayed within the silicone tube for up to<br />

4 weeks. Addition of LIF to the tube at the time of repair<br />

failed to overcome the effects of the AET. This series of<br />

experiments suggest that nitric oxide is important to<br />

angiogenesis and subsequent axon growth and may be<br />

required for the action of LIF.<br />

The treatment of pain resulting from a neuroma<br />

Neuromas are bulbous swellings which occur at the cut<br />

end of nerves, and these can become extremely painful,<br />

resulting in neuropathic pain and sometimes loss of work<br />

and, in extreme cases, suicidal tendencies. We are<br />

investigating the characteristics of the neuron population<br />

and local resident cells which contribute to the neuroma.<br />

Once a nerve is injured or cut and not repaired, a neuroma<br />

bulb forms at the cut end and persists for the life of the<br />

nerve. We have now shown that many uninjured nerve<br />

fibres grow into this end bulb neuroma, in addition to the<br />

injured nerves. We have commenced a very detailed study<br />

of motor nerves cells before injury, and after neuroma<br />

formation and will compare the effects of this procedure<br />

on the contralateral uninjured nerve cells.<br />

Alternative nerve repair methods<br />

In some circumstances it is not possible to repair an<br />

injured nerve branch by using the parent nerve and so an<br />

unrelated healthy nerve is used instead. Two methods of<br />

joining the injured nerve to the healthy nerve are possible.<br />

In the first, the healthy nerve is partially cut through and<br />

the ends of the injured nerve fibres are sutured to the cut<br />

ends of the healthy donor nerve fibres (end-end repair). In<br />

the other method, the injured nerve is sutured to the side of<br />

the uninjured nerve (end-side repair). We have shown that<br />

both these techniques result in a significant return of<br />

function to the denervated muscles. However, the end to<br />

end repair results in decreased function of the donor<br />

“muscles” whereas these muscles are spared by using end<br />

to side repair. Using a nerve tracer method, we determined<br />

that recovery of the denervated muscles is mediated by<br />

regeneration from nerve cells in the donor nerve and not<br />

from of the original nerve cells.<br />

When the distal stump of a severed nerve branch is<br />

rejoined to the parent nerve at a site distant to the point of<br />

severence, the denervated muscle regains some of its<br />

original function. We have shown that a number of nerve<br />

fibres grow down the parent nerve in newly formed tracks<br />

rather than joining the existing tracks of nerves. These<br />

nerve tracks originate at the level of the branch nerve<br />

injury and most likely include some of the original cut<br />

branch nerves fibres.<br />

Helen M Schutt Vascular Research<br />

Laboratory<br />

Senior Scientists: Geraldine Mitchell, Peter Vadiveloo.<br />

Clinical Research Fellow: Tony Penington.<br />

Members of the Laboratory:<br />

Angela Arvanitis, Mirna Boujaude, Rob Donato, Tanya<br />

Harkom, Peter Meagher, Wayne Morrison, Rosalind<br />

Romeo, Arthur Smardencas, and Debra Zafiropoulos.<br />

...and Major Collaborators:<br />

Brain Cooke d , Alastair Stewart a<br />

aDepartment of Pharmacology, University of Melbourne<br />

dDepartment of Microbiology, Monash University,<br />

Clayton, Vic.<br />

Blood vessel biology<br />

Successful outcomes for surgery depend upon a good<br />

blood supply to nourish repaired and transplanted tissue.<br />

In this laboratory we are trying to get a better idea of how<br />

blood vessels work, and how to manipulate blood vessels.<br />

The knowledge generated from this work will not only<br />

impact in areas of surgery but will also be relevant to<br />

diseases such as cancer, arthritis and atherosclerosis since<br />

changes in blood vessel growth and shape are important<br />

features of these diseases.<br />

Angiogenesis<br />

The process of new blood vessel formation is called<br />

angiogenesis. Until recently there has not been a clinically<br />

relevant experimental model. The scientists and surgeons<br />

at BOBIM have now developed such a model in rats and<br />

mice. This is an important step since we can now use the<br />

Director’s Report<br />

Bernard O’Brien <strong>Institute</strong> of Microsurgery<br />

Director<br />

Professor<br />

Wayne Morrison,<br />

MD, BS, FRACS<br />

Reconstruction following injury, tumour<br />

resection, burns or congenital deformity<br />

involves the transfer of tissues from one<br />

part of the body to another. Virtually every body<br />

part or tissue is capable of being transferred, e.g.<br />

skin, muscle, bone and joints, nerves, fat, or<br />

composite structures such as toes, scalp, etc. At<br />

the Bernard O’Brien <strong>Institute</strong> research was<br />

originally directed towards the role of<br />

microsurgery in this process of tissue transfer.<br />

Many of these techniques are now in common<br />

use throughout the world and for this reason our<br />

research is moving into the new frontier of tissue<br />

engineering. This is a natural progression in the<br />

sophistication of reconstructive techniques and of<br />

microsurgery where only miniscule amounts of<br />

the patient’s tissues are required to manufacture<br />

the derived product. Microsurgery plays an<br />

integral role in the process, firstly by supplying<br />

the core vascular pedicle on which the tissue is<br />

grown and then, if need be, in transferring the<br />

product to the desired site for reconstruction.<br />

Tissue engineering demands collaborations with<br />

experts in several fields, especially cell culture<br />

including stem cells, matrix biology, vascular<br />

biology and bioengineering. We are very<br />

fortunate to have in Melbourne many experts in<br />

these fields who are generously contributing their<br />

ideas. Tissue engineering offers the potential to<br />

repair defects without the need to sacrifice other<br />

areas of the body. It is an alternative to free tissue<br />

transfer, artificial prostheses and organ and tissue<br />

transplants.<br />



The <strong>Institute</strong> also has a major interest in nerve<br />

repair following injury and in parallel with the<br />

pain management service under the direction of<br />

Dr Andrew Muir is interested in nerve pain,<br />

especially neuroma formation. Research<br />

includes the development of neuroma models<br />

and studies mapping the sources of nerve fibres<br />

which migrate into developing neuromas.<br />

Studies have shown in human neuromas that the<br />

growth factor (leukaemia inhibitory factor) is<br />

abundantly produced. The role of this growth<br />

factor in nerve repair and in pathological<br />

processes is being investigated. The Schwann<br />

cell which forms a sheath around nerve fibres is<br />

a major producer of this growth factor and other<br />

factors involved in the maintenance of nerve<br />

function and in repair processes following<br />

injury. Much of our research is directed towards<br />

understanding the behaviour of this cell.<br />

Injury to tissues following interference with<br />

blood supply (ischaemia) has particular<br />

relevance to our clinical work which involves<br />

reattachment of amputated parts and the<br />

transferring of tissues from one part of the body<br />

to another. Investigations understanding the<br />

nature of this injury and methods to minimise<br />

its effect have been a long time interest in our<br />

laboratory.<br />

Inflammation is a fundamental body response to<br />

injury and is integral to the repair process.<br />

Macrophage function is one of our special<br />

interests and research continues into the<br />

molecular mechanisms which activate<br />

macrophages.<br />

Scarring following injury is a major source of<br />

morbidity and compromises the results of<br />

operations, particularly in organs which require<br />

movement for function, such as the hand. We<br />

are investigating agents which prevent collagen<br />

formation and are hopeful that these will have a<br />

role in reducing the morbidity associated with<br />

injury and surgery.<br />

26 15

Many other research topics are being investigated<br />

and they are detailed under the section headed<br />

“Scientific Research”. It has been a pleasure to be<br />

involved in the many projects with cross-links with<br />

more and more colleagues and other research<br />

institutes both in Australia and overseas. These<br />

collaborators have been very generous of their time<br />

and facilities and their institutes are acknowledged<br />

elsewhere in this <strong>report</strong>.<br />

Fellows<br />

Research Fellows from overseas and Australia,<br />

many doing postgraduate degrees, contribute to<br />

the research program and participate in clinical<br />

work at St. Vincent’s Hospital. Each undertakes<br />

a fellowship of one year or more and gains a<br />

fellowship certificate in hand and microsurgery.<br />

During the period of this <strong>report</strong> the following held<br />

appointments at the Bernard O’Brien <strong>Institute</strong> of<br />

Microsurgery:<br />

Oliver Cassell, Plastic Surgeon, United Kingdom -<br />

Tissue engineering models and matrix.<br />

Rob Donato, Plastic Surgeon, Australia -<br />

Extracorporeal circulation.<br />

Slobodan Djurickovic, Orthopedic Surgeon,<br />

Canada.<br />

Sunao Furuta, Plastic Surgeon, Japan -<br />

In vivo model of angiogenesis and role of nitric<br />

oxide.<br />

Hans Mark, Plastic Surgeon, Sweden -<br />

Model of bone non-union.<br />

Peter Meagher, Plastic Surgeon, Ireland -<br />

Tissue engineering - muscle generation in stem<br />

cells.<br />

David McCombe, Plastic Surgeon, Australia -<br />

Tendon healing.<br />

Kanit Sananpanich, Plastic Surgeon, Thailand -<br />

End-to-side nerve repair.<br />

These fellows are the lifeblood of the <strong>Institute</strong>.<br />

Not only do they learn microsurgery and partake in<br />

research programs, but they contribute enormously<br />

from an intellectual, cultural and social viewpoint.<br />

Since the <strong>Institute</strong> began more than 200 fellows<br />

from all corners of the globe have trained in<br />

research and in clinical microsurgery at St.<br />

Vincent’s Hospital. Many have returned to their<br />

home country to establish microsurgery centres<br />

and become leaders in their field.<br />

A highlight of the year was the appointment of Allan<br />

MacLeod, Head of Plastic Surgery at St. Vincent’s<br />

Hospital and a Director of the Microsurgery<br />

Foundation, as Associate Professor, acknowledging<br />

his major contributions in clinical and research<br />

plastic and microsurgery. This is a great honour and<br />

we congratulate Allan on his achievement.<br />

Alumni<br />

A large alumni group now exists as a consequence<br />

of the large international fellowship that has<br />

developed through training at the <strong>Institute</strong>. Many<br />

fellows have become lifelong friends with their<br />

Australian colleagues and also with those who<br />

trained with them from other parts of the world.<br />

It is very gratifying, when attending international<br />

meetings to meet up again with so many colleagues<br />

and recount tales, tall or true, of their experience at<br />

St. Vincent’s and the <strong>Institute</strong> and on a personal<br />

note, how enjoyable it is to be made so welcome on<br />

visiting these fellows in their own countries. The<br />

hospitality has been extraordinary and I consider it<br />

a great privilege to have been able to share in their<br />

development and interests. This year I was<br />

particularly privileged to meet many of our alumni<br />

at the Asian Pacific Federation of Societies for<br />

Surgery of the Hand meeting in Madras and at<br />

the South African Society for Surgery of the Hand.<br />

Our friend and colleague Julian Pribaz, Professor of<br />

Plastic Surgery at Brigham and Women’s Hospital,<br />

Harvard, Boston, was appointed the B.K. Rank<br />

Travelling Professor for the Annual Scientific<br />

Meeting of the Royal Australasian College of<br />

Surgeons in Melbourne in May. Julian trained in<br />

plastic surgery at St. Vincent’s and was a member of<br />

our plastic surgery team before moving to Boston.<br />

We were inspired by his clinical and research<br />

presentations.<br />

Acknowledgements<br />

The Board of Directors of the Microsurgery<br />

Foundation under the Chairmanship of Mr Ronald<br />

Walker have been again instrumental in financing<br />

our research efforts. They give generously of their<br />

time and expertise and it is impossible to under<br />

estimate their contributions.<br />

Alan Skurrie, past Chairman of Microsurgery<br />

Foundation and long term member of the Board<br />

retired this year. It is with great regret that we say<br />

goodbye to Alan who over many years has been a<br />

tower of strength, especially through the lean years<br />

when with perseverance, wisdom and charm he<br />

enabled us to gain many major grants which<br />

The Jack Brockhoff Nerve and Muscle<br />

Laboratory<br />

The Jack Brockhoff Laboratory is dedicated to<br />

researching the mechanisms by which injured nerves<br />

and muscles regenerate and to identifying chemical<br />

factors and various administration protocols which<br />

enhance the repair process.<br />

Senior Scientists: Aurora Messina, Bruce Dowsing<br />

Clinical Research Fellow: Tim Bennett.<br />

Members of Laboratory: Richard Brouwer, Carl<br />

Byers, Rob Donato, Ruitong Fan, Sachiko Maeda,<br />

Marian Todaro, Rosalind Romeo, Kanit Sananpanich,<br />

Tim Shakespeare, and Wayne Morrison.<br />

…and Major Collaborators:<br />

Lawrie Austin 1 , Alan Hayes 2 , Nic Nicola 3 , Mary<br />

Galea 4 , Dr. Paul Patterson 5 , and Catherine Sangster 4 .<br />

1Melbourne Neuromuscular Research Centre, St.<br />

Vincent’s Hospital, Melbourne.<br />

2Department of Biological Sciences, Victoria<br />

University of Technology, Footscray, Vic.<br />

3Walter and Eliza Hall <strong>Institute</strong> for Medical Research,<br />

Melbourne.<br />

4School of Physiotherapy, University of Melbourne.<br />

5California <strong>Institute</strong> of Technology, USA.<br />

Nerve repair and regeneration<br />

Microsurgeons are often faced with the task of<br />

repairing injured nerves. Unless successfully repaired,<br />

nerve injuries lead to dysfunction of their target organs,<br />

resulting in permanent disability such as loss of muscle<br />

use (motor nerves), or loss of sensation to a limb<br />

(sensory nerves) or pain. On average nerve injuries<br />

occur in young adults and hence, failure to recover has<br />

a tremendous economic impact. Modern microsurgical<br />

techniques enable accurate repair of most nerves but<br />

the functional outcome is often poor, due to death of<br />

the nerve cells (neurons), inadequate regeneration of<br />

axons (nerve fibers), and/or deterioration and scarring<br />

of the target prior to reinnervation.<br />

Neurons growing axons and target organs depend on<br />

continuing input from each other and supporting cells<br />

for growth, maintenance and survival, without these<br />

they atrophy and/or die. These actions are mediated by<br />

chemical factors (proteins) known as growth factors.<br />

The recent discovery and the availability of various<br />

growth factors, such as leukemia inhibitory factor<br />

(LIF), have provided a means of treating regenerating<br />

nerves and their targets to improve recovery, with very<br />

encouraging results!<br />



Entubulation repair of transected nerves is the<br />

standard model, used in our laboratory, for studying<br />

peripheral nerve regeneration and recovery. It<br />

involves removing a small length of nerve, thereby<br />

leaving a gap between the proximal and distal ends of<br />

the nerve. This gap is bridged by plugging these<br />

stumps into either end of a hollow silicone tube which<br />

spans the gap, thus forming a sealed chamber. Within<br />

this chamber, proteins (survival factors, etc.) and cells<br />

that collect in response to nerve injury can be studied,<br />

test substances can be administered and their effects<br />

on the nerve repair process determined.<br />

Hand and limb injuries often involve trauma to their<br />

supplying nerves and despite current surgical techniques<br />

the degree of function recovered is generally<br />

unsatisfactory. Our research aims to understand the<br />

mechanisms of regeneration of nerve and muscle<br />

following injury and to evaluate agents which may<br />

enhance the repair process.<br />

Improving Nerve Repair with neurotrophic<br />

factors<br />

Following nerve injury cells near to the trauma site<br />

produce various proteins, called growth factors, that<br />

encourage healing and nerve regeneration. The<br />

availability of some of these growth factors, such as<br />

leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF) and glial cell derived<br />

neurotrophic factor (GDNF), has enabled us to<br />

develop methods to administer these factors to the<br />

site of injury and to evaluate their efficacy as nerve<br />

regeneration promoters. We found that the repair of<br />

cut or crushed rat nerves in conjunction with either<br />

LIF or GDNF results in significantly enhanced nerve<br />

regeneration, the muscles they re-connect with do not<br />

waste as much, and eventually their function is<br />

significantly improved. However, addition of these<br />

factors together does not further enhance the recovery<br />

obtained with either factor alone.<br />

Before these promising factors can be used in the<br />

clinical setting, a relatively simple and cheap method<br />

of administering them at the time of surgery must be<br />

found. In collaboration with AMRAD Pty Ltd we are<br />

about to test a method to administer LIF to the site of<br />

nerve repair, and if successful we believe we will be<br />

ready to commence clinical trials.<br />

Expression of LIF following human nerve<br />

injury<br />

To date the expression profile of LIF within nerves<br />

has been confined to animal models such as rats and<br />

mice. We therefore determined whether LIF is<br />

expressed in normal human nerves and whether its<br />

16 25

Macrophages and Inflammation<br />

Senior Scientist: Peter Vadiveloo<br />

Members of the Laboratory: Matias Abregu, Angela<br />

Arvanitis, Bruce Dowsing, Tanya Harkom, Effie<br />

Keramidaris, Wayne Morrison, Rosalind Romeo.<br />

...and Major Collaborators: Fiona Clay c , Matthias<br />

Ernst c , Paul Hertzog b , John Hamilton d , Alastair Stewart a ,<br />

and Gino Vairo e .<br />

aDepartment of Pharmacology, University of Melbourne<br />

bMonash Medical Centre, Clayton, Vic.<br />

cLudwig <strong>Institute</strong> for Cancer Research, Parkville Vic.<br />

dUniversity Department of Medicine, Royal Melbourne<br />

Hospital, Parkville.<br />

eWalter and Eliza Hall <strong>Institute</strong>, University of Melbourne,<br />

Parkville.<br />

Mechanisms of macrophage activation<br />

Macrophages are derived from white blood cells called<br />

monocytes. Macrophages are dynamic cells involved in<br />

many important processes in the body, making them an<br />

exciting cell type to study. Following surgery a variety of<br />

processes may occur at the repaired site, including wound<br />

healing, inflammation, fighting infection, new blood<br />

vessel formation (angiogenesis) and blood vessel<br />

thickening (atherosclerosis). Macrophages are known to<br />

play central roles in all of these processes. Our studies aim<br />

to discover the molecular mechanisms underlying<br />

macrophage functions since knowledge of fundamental<br />

biological processes will ultimately result in better<br />

treatment of patients following trauma and surgery.<br />

We have made the unique discovery that activated<br />

macrophages make a protein called cyclin D2. We believe<br />

this protein regulates macrophage functions. We are trying<br />

to better understand the role of cyclin D2 in activated<br />

macrophages. An exciting advance in these studies over<br />

the past year has been the beginning of experiments using<br />

cyclin D2 ‘knockout’ mice. These mice (which come from<br />

our colleagues at the Dana Farber Cancer <strong>Institute</strong> in<br />

Boston) have been genetically engineered with the cyclin<br />

D2 gene knocked out. Our preliminary data indicate cyclin<br />

D2 may regulate production of inflammatory cytokines by<br />

macrophages. Confirmation of this finding will provide a<br />

significant advance in our understanding of how<br />

macrophages work. In other work on this project, Honors<br />

student Matias Abregu is identifying cytokines that<br />

stimulate cyclin D2 synthesis in macrophages.<br />

In other studies that link in with work on nitric oxide<br />

(NO), we have shown that NO production by<br />

macrophages is mediated by type I IFNs, and that NO<br />

does not play a role in preventing proliferation during<br />

macrophage activation.<br />

Macrophages and new blood vessel formation<br />

(angiogenesis)<br />

Macrophages are known to secrete a number of proteins<br />

which regulate new blood vessel formation (angiogenesis).<br />

We have shown that angiogenesis is altered in mice<br />

lacking iNOS (inducible nitric oxide synthase). Given that<br />

macrophages make iNOS protein, we propose that<br />

synthesis of pro-angiogenic molecules such as vascular<br />

endothelial growth factor (VEGF) is altered in<br />

macrophages lacking iNOS. To explore this we are<br />

measuring the release of angiogenic molecules from<br />

macrophages derived from iNOS ‘knockout’ mice.<br />

Wound Healing in Tendons<br />

Senior Scientists: David McCombe, Tony Penington,<br />

Wayne Morrison.<br />

Members of the Laboratory: Rosalind Romeo, John<br />

Hurley.<br />

...and Major Collaborators:<br />

Tracey Brown m , V Gunzler k , Erik W Thompson j and JF<br />

Williams k<br />

jVictorian Breast Cancer Research Consortium, St<br />

Vincent’s Hospital Melbourne.<br />

kDepartment of Engineering, University of Melbourne.<br />

mDepartment of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, Monash<br />

University<br />

Tendon adhesions are a significant complication of tendon<br />

injury or infection. After surgical repair of a tendon, scar<br />

tissue often forms around the tendon, binding it to the<br />

sheath (tunnel) in which it slides. In these experiment we<br />

have been attempting to mimic these tendon adhesions in<br />

the human using an animal model. We isolated a healthy<br />

tendon and injected an irritant substance (eg. carrageenan,<br />

iodine, oxytetracyclin, endotoxin or other abrasive agents)<br />

into the sheath to create adhesions. The animal was<br />

euthanised 1-3 weeks later and the limb isolated. A force<br />

transducer was used to pull the digit into full flexion so<br />

that the claw touches the sole of the foot, a measure of the<br />

strength of the adhesions.<br />

We also studied the effects of inhibitors of prolyl-4hydroxylase<br />

and collagen synthesis on flexor tendon<br />

adhesion formation and skin wound healing. Rats were<br />

divided equally into three groups to receive post-operative<br />

oral doses of two test drugs or no drug (control). Animals<br />

were sacrificed fourteen days after a zone II tendon crush<br />

injury with suture immobilization, and a dorsal skin patch<br />

excision. Tendon adhesion formation was estimated<br />

biomechanically using work of flexion (WOF) of the digit.<br />

Skin healing was measured using wound area and histology.<br />

Compared to the control group, WOF against adhesions was<br />

reduced by approximately 70% in both drug groups. All<br />

skin wounds healed equally well, but in both drug groups<br />

there was minimal deposition of scar collagen. These drugs<br />

may become useful clinically to reduce adhesions following<br />

flexor tendon surgery and in hand and foot surgery where<br />

modulating collagen scar formation is important.<br />

stabilised our position financially both among the<br />

business community and with government. We<br />

will greatly miss Alan’s calm and charm and<br />

sincerely thank him for his outstanding<br />

contributions. We wish him well for the future.<br />

This year through a generous donation of our<br />

Chairman we have been able to employ a<br />

Developmental Manager, Mr Sam Broughton.<br />

Sam has an excellent track record both in<br />

Victoria and South Australia where he has<br />

worked with several bodies, most recently the<br />

Red Cross. We are hopeful that this will lead to<br />

new avenues of fundraising and increase our<br />

professionalism in the marketplace.<br />

This year we have instituted a younger group<br />

under the auspices of the Microsurgery<br />

Foundation. We are especially indebted to them<br />

for their generosity for coming on board and<br />

believe this will be an exciting development for<br />

us in the future.<br />

We are indebted to many large donors and<br />

funding bodies, many of whom have repeatedly<br />

supported us in a major way. These include the<br />

Victorian State Government, National Health &<br />

Medical Research Council, Transport Accident<br />

Commission, The Jack Brockhoff Foundation,<br />

National Australia Bank, Evelyn M. Coy Estate,<br />

The Wellcome Trust, BHP Community Trust,<br />

Tattersall’s, L.E.W. Carty Charitable Fund, HIH<br />

Insurance Ltd.<br />

We are grateful to Ms Sue McKay and Ms<br />

Liliana Pepe and their staff in the Experimental<br />

and Medical Surgical Unit. For many years they<br />

have provided an outstanding level of<br />

cooperation and support to the staff of the<br />

Bernard O’Brien <strong>Institute</strong> of Microsurgery.<br />

We also thank Dr Jim Shaw, Chairman of St.<br />

Vincent’s Hospital Animal Ethics Committee and<br />

his board members who oversee all our projects<br />

and ensure the highest standards of animal care<br />

are maintained.<br />

We are also grateful to the ward staff and<br />

operating theatre staff of both St. Vincent’s<br />

Public and Private Hospitals.<br />

Wayne A Morrison MD, BS, FRACS<br />

Director<br />



24 17

Barbara Walker Centre for Pain Management<br />

Bernard O’Brien <strong>Institute</strong> of Microsurgery<br />

Director<br />

Dr Andrew Muir<br />

I<br />

am pleased to<br />

<strong>report</strong> that<br />

significant<br />

progress has been<br />

made in the<br />

management and<br />

treatment of pain at<br />

the Barbara Walker<br />

Centre for Pain<br />

Management, in this<br />

our second full year<br />

of operation.<br />

The mission of the Centre is to provide<br />

specialist multi-disciplinary assessment and<br />

treatment services for the management of<br />

complex pain across all disciplines of medicine.<br />

Through its association with the Bernard<br />

O’Brien <strong>Institute</strong> of Microsurgery, the Barbara<br />

Walker Centre for Pain Management conducts<br />

medical research to improve clinical outcomes<br />

for acute pain sufferers.<br />

Research<br />

· Two posters presentations were submitted to<br />

the IASP’s 9 th World Congress on Pain in<br />

August 1999 and subsequently accepted for<br />

publication. The presentations related to<br />

“Assessing Dynamic Standing Balance in<br />

Clinic Patients: the Step Test” and “The<br />

Depression Anxiety Stress Scale in Patients<br />

with Persistent Pain”.<br />

· Collaborative research with the Australian<br />

Centre for Neuropharmacology in an<br />

international multi-centre trial of a novel<br />

pharmaceutical for the treatment of post<br />

herpetic neuralgia.<br />

· Development of protocols in respect to<br />

undertaking research into:<br />

a) Prospective survey of posture types<br />

of patients presenting assessment at<br />

Barbara Walker Centre for Pain<br />

Management.<br />

b) Register of women taking<br />

anticonvulsant medications for<br />

the treatment of persistent,<br />

neuropathic pain.<br />

Clinical Activity<br />

Clinical activity is a core function of the Barbara<br />

Walker Centre for Pain Management.<br />

The number of patients that we treat is<br />

dependent upon referrals that we receive. We are<br />

indeed fortunate to have the support of those in<br />

general medical practice, who have welcomed<br />

our specialist initiatives in the treatment of pain<br />

and who refer their patients to us. During the<br />

past year we have seen in excess of 1,000<br />

patients which is a significant increase over the<br />

numbers we treated in our first year.<br />

All clients receive an individual assessment of<br />

their condition and tailored programs are devised<br />

for treatment encompassing a range of specialist<br />

services. The START program is an important<br />

component of our clinical activity and we have<br />

seen the number of participants increase during<br />

the year under review.<br />

Medical Education<br />

Education is an important function of the<br />

Barbara Walker Centre for Pain Management.<br />

In other circumstances it is specifically the blood<br />

supply to tissues that is interrupted and, when it is not<br />

restored, death (necrosis) of the part will ensue. Even<br />

if the circulation is restored the toxic products that<br />

have accumulated in the devascularised part will<br />

trigger an inflammatory response in an attempt to<br />

prevent these toxins causing harm to the body. This<br />

process is known as the ischaemia-reperfusion injury<br />

and it can cause death of the part despite a “successful”<br />

revascularisation. This typically occurs following<br />

replantation or tissue transfer and is more severe the<br />

longer the part has been detached from the body.<br />

Factors Involved in Ischaemia-Reperfusion<br />

Injury<br />

We have been investigating the mechanisms of<br />

ischaemia-reperfusion (IR) injury and techniques<br />

to minimise the damage caused by this process. This<br />

research has direct application to all microvascular<br />

reconstructive procedures that are currently performed<br />

as well as increasing the success rates of replantation.<br />

It is vitally important in organ transplantation and in<br />

reducing the damage caused by strokes and heart<br />

attacks. In the future the research will enable tissues<br />

to be preserved for prolonged periods leading to tissue<br />

banks.<br />

(a) Mast cell factors<br />

To determine the role of mast cells (a type of white<br />

blood cell) in IR injury to skeletal muscle, mast celldeficient<br />

mice and their corresponding genetically<br />

normal (i.e. wild type) mice were subjected to<br />

tourniquet ischaemia and reperfusion. Muscle viability<br />

after this injury was 9% in wild type controls and 94%<br />

in mast cell-deficient animals (P

This study is now being extended to include seeding of the<br />

blood vessel loop and matrix scaffold with pancreatic islet<br />

cells. We will monitor the cell survival and the ability of<br />

the surviving cells to produce insulin.<br />

Stem cell research<br />

These cells come from the bone marrow and are<br />

pluripotent i.e. have the potential to develop into all<br />

tissues skin, muscle, bone, fat, etc. Under normal<br />

conditions a combination of the local environment and<br />

chemical factors decide their destiny. With the help of Dr<br />

Paul Simmons and his team at Peter McCallum <strong>Institute</strong>,<br />

we are taking the bone marrow cells from immature rats,<br />

extracting the stem cell fraction, and growing these cells<br />

up in the laboratory. We then “label” the cells by infecting<br />

them with a virus that produces a fluorescent protein and<br />

place them in our A-V loop chamber model where we<br />

leave them for variable periods of time to show their<br />

survival and see into what cells they develop. Their ability<br />

to fluoresce allows us to detect the fate of these cells in<br />

the new tissue.<br />

This year we hope to decide their destiny by adding<br />

various different chemical factors to the chamber. For<br />

example, by adding Bone Morphogenic Protein (BMP) we<br />

hope to grow a bone, which could then be microsurgically<br />

transplanted.<br />

Myoblast research and tissue engineering<br />

Myoblasts are immature muscle cells that are precursors<br />

of mature skeletal muscle. We harvest myoblasts from<br />

rats and grow them up in culture in the laboratory. They<br />

are then placed in our A-V loop chamber model where<br />

they are left for different time periods. We are hoping that<br />

these cells will give rise to a mature muscle that is<br />

sustained on our blood vessel loop and is therefore<br />

suitable for microsurgical transplantation.<br />

Scaling down tissue production<br />

The tissue engineering model is also to be scaled down in<br />

size to the mouse. This is because mice are relatively easy<br />

to manipulate genetically which will allow us to study<br />

some of the fundamental processes involved in tissue<br />

differentiation and growth. We hope that a better<br />

understanding of these processes will allow us to direct<br />

which type of tissue forms within the chamber and how<br />

fast it grows. Stem cell research in mice is very far<br />

advanced and this new model will also provide us with<br />

many exciting opportunities to explore this area.<br />

Scaling up tissue production<br />

In our tissue engineering experiments in the rat with the<br />

blood vessel loop in a plastic chamber, we found that<br />

blood vessels and new tissue filled the chamber within 2<br />

weeks under optimal conditions. However, we do not<br />

know the full growth potential of this system until we have<br />

established whether further growth is possible in larger<br />

chambers with 4 times the original volume. The next stage<br />

of these experiments is to scale the tissue production up to<br />

the rabbit and possibly the pig, prior to humans, in order to<br />

show that larger blood vessels have the potential to<br />

produce a proportionally larger amount of new tissue.<br />

Tissues maintained on an extracorporeal<br />

circulation<br />

We have commenced a project involving maintenance of<br />

tissues on an artificial circulation. With the co-operation of<br />

the cardiac perfusionists, cardiac bypass equipment is<br />

being modified to allow it to nourish detached tissues. It is<br />

anticipated that this will be used when an amputated part<br />

cannot be immediately replanted because of blood loss or<br />

other injuries and we hope to incorporate this technology<br />

into our tissue engineering projects. Rabbit muscles were<br />

successfully perfused for 24 hours and in the next few<br />

months work will progress on modifying the composition<br />

of the perfusion solution. Another application of this<br />

technology is the growth of new tissues in vitro by our<br />

tissue engineering blood vessel loop method.<br />

Transport Accident Commission Trauma<br />

Laboratory<br />

Senior Scientists: Ken Knight, Aurora Messina, Diana<br />

Lepore.<br />

Clinical Research Fellows: Tony Penington, Damien<br />

Ireland.<br />

Members of Laboratory: Tanya Harkom, John Hurley,<br />

Effie Keramidaris, Peter Meagher, Wayne Morrison,<br />

Rosalind Romeo.<br />

... and Major Collaborators:<br />

Robin Anderson i , Peter Cowan f , John Hamilton d , Alicia<br />

Jenkins h , Trixie Shinkel f , Alastair Stewart a , and Aldo<br />

Tomasi o .<br />

a Department of Pharmacology, University of Melbourne<br />

d University Department of Medicine, Royal Melbourne<br />

Hospital, Parkville.<br />

f Immunology Research Centre, St Vincent’s Hospital,<br />

Melbourne<br />

h Department of Medicine, University of Melbourne,<br />

St Vincent’s Hospital.<br />

i University of Melbourne, Peter MacCallum Cancer<br />

<strong>Institute</strong>.<br />

o University Modena, Italy<br />

Trauma is injurious to tissues in many ways. In an extreme<br />

case, tissue may be instantly destroyed. Crush injury may<br />

result in swelling, bleeding and contamination leading to<br />

partial destruction, but with some potential for recovery.<br />

A high priority has been set to disseminate<br />

information on pain management to a number<br />

of key audiences including: general<br />

practitioners, medical students, hospital<br />

medical officers, specialists, nursing staff and<br />

medical ancillary professionals. Each has an<br />

important role to play in the advancement of<br />

pain management and control.<br />

During the recent months we have completed:<br />

· Literature review and research into<br />

Training Needs Analysis of General<br />

Practitioners in differing locations.<br />

· Preparation of materials for Education<br />

packages.<br />

Our Staff<br />

I firmly believe that our staff are our greatest<br />

asset. As a relatively new unit our staff<br />

members are highly committed to advancing<br />

the progress of the Centre in its formative<br />

years. As resources have permitted a number<br />

of new staff members have joined the Centre.<br />

Microsurgery Foundation<br />

Our creation and existence is a direct result<br />

of the vision of the Board of Directors of the<br />

Microsurgery Foundation. I am grateful for<br />

their ongoing support, particularly for their<br />

fundraising activities that underpin our ability<br />

to continue as a viable organisation.<br />

We would like to thank the State and Federal<br />

Governments, as well as Victorian Workcover<br />

for their invaluable financial support that<br />

allows our work to continue.<br />

The Future<br />



All at the Barbara Walker Centre for Pain<br />

Management are pleased and proud of the<br />

advances that have been made in the two<br />

years since our establishment. We have a<br />

vision of a pain free society and are<br />

confident, that given continuing support, we<br />

can continue to make real advances into the<br />

understanding of pain and its control and<br />

management.<br />

To do so will bring relief to many thousands<br />

of people who are afflicted by this condition.<br />

Dr Andrew Muir<br />

Director<br />

22 19

Bernard O’Brien <strong>Institute</strong> of Microsurgery<br />

Scientific Report 1999-2000<br />

General Introduction<br />

The scientific activities of the <strong>Institute</strong> have focused on<br />

the following areas of investigation:<br />

· Tissue engineering<br />

· Tissue injury following ischaemia-reperfusion<br />

· Inflammation and macrophage function<br />

· Tendon healing<br />

· Nerve repair and regeneration<br />

· Blood vessel biology, including studies of<br />

angiogenesis and haemangiomas<br />

Finding tissue suitable to replace a lost ear, nose or bone<br />

creates a major challenge for reconstructive surgeons. To<br />

overcome these problems we are using a process known as<br />

“tissue engineering” to produce new tissues that can be<br />

used to repair such wounds. The tissue can be made to<br />

grow inside a plastic chamber which has been fitted with a<br />

blood vessel loop connected to the body’s own blood<br />

supply, a biodegradable scaffold (such as Matrigel), and<br />

seeded with various cells of a particular tissue type<br />

(muscle, fat, bone marrow stem cells, etc). Specific<br />

growth or differentiation factors may also be added and<br />

this “construct” is incubated under the skin. After 4 to 8<br />

weeks the chamber fills with new tissue, which we intend,<br />

in the future, to contour to a desired shape (eg. a nose, ear,<br />

finger joint, etc). We are also experimenting with this<br />

chamber model in the hope of developing organs such as<br />

the pancreas by special cell seeding techniques. If<br />

successful, this would be of major benefit to individuals<br />

with Type 1 diabetes.<br />

An investigation of the role(s) of nitric oxide, a gaseous<br />

molecule made by blood vessels and white blood cells,<br />

has continued as a major focus in investigations of cell<br />

death following periods of low blood flow (known as<br />

“ischaemia-reperfusion injury”). Recently one of the<br />

enzymes making nitric oxide has been localised to mast<br />

cells, a cell type not previously thought to play a major<br />

role in ischaemic injury to skeletal muscle.<br />

Using a new patent drug we have been able to<br />

demonstrate a very significant reduction in scar formation<br />

and adhesions to surrounding tissues, a common problem<br />

that faces patients who have had tendon surgery. Our work<br />

on macrophage cells continues to provide us with<br />

important new insights into the molecular mechanisms<br />

controlling macrophage function, and the role of these<br />

cells in inflammation, wound repair and blood vessel<br />

formation.<br />

Work on leukaemia inhibitory factor (LIF) and glial cell<br />

derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) has shown that these<br />

agents aid peripheral nerve repair and preserve their<br />

associated muscles. We have shown that LIF is transported<br />

from the site of nerve injury to the muscle by specific<br />

transport down the nerve. This important finding provides<br />

further impetus to the application of LIF and GDNF to<br />

sites of nerve injury being repaired by microsurgery.<br />

A model of angiogenesis (new blood vessel formation),<br />

with relevance to the clinical situation, has been<br />

developed. This model is being used to identify agents<br />

which either promote or inhibit development of new blood<br />

vessels, with clinical applications in tissue engineering,<br />

vascular disease and cancer.<br />

We have begun examining the causes of haemangiomas, a<br />

condition in which blood vessels spontaneously grow out<br />

of control. They are known to contain high levels of<br />

inflammatory cells such as mast cells. We have found that<br />

when these haemangiomas are placed in culture and<br />

exposed to FDA-approved inhibitors of mast cell activity,<br />

haemangioma growth is eliminated/prevented.<br />

Tissue Engineering - VTEC<br />

Director: Wayne Morrison<br />

Senior Scientists: Tony Penington, Ken Knight, Aurora<br />

Messina, John Hurley.<br />

Members of Laboratory: David Brown, Oliver Cassell,<br />

Kevin Cronin, Rob Donato, Stefan Hofer, Effie<br />

Keramidaris, Peter Meagher, Rosalind Romeo.<br />

… and Major Collaborators:<br />

Tracey Brown m , Justin Cooper-White g , Richard Gilbert h ,<br />

Alicia Jenkins h , Rob Kapsa n , Darren Kelly h , Andrea<br />

O’Connor g , Jilska Perera g , Paul Simmons i , Geoff Stevens g ,<br />

Alastair Stewart a , Yoshio Tanaka l , Erik W Thompson j ,<br />

and Murray Worner k .<br />

g Department of Chemical Engineering, University<br />

of Melbourne.<br />

h Department of Medicine, University of Melbourne,<br />

St Vincent’s Hospital.<br />

i Stem Cell Research Laboratory, University of Melbourne,<br />

Peter MacCallum Cancer <strong>Institute</strong>.<br />

j Victorian Breast Cancer Research Consortium,<br />

St Vincent’s Hospital Melbourne.<br />

k Department of Physical Sciences, St Vincent’s Hospital<br />

Melbourne.<br />

l Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Osaka<br />

Medical College, Osaka, Japan<br />

m Department of Biochemistry and Cell Biology,<br />

Monash University<br />

n Melbourne Neurosciences, University of Melbourne,<br />

St Vincent’s Hospital.<br />

Tissue Engineering<br />

Finding tissue suitable to replace a lost ear, nose<br />

or parts of bone creates a major problem for<br />

reconstructive surgeons. To overcome these problems<br />

we are trying to ‘tailor-make’ tissue that can be used<br />

to repair wounds by a process known as “tissue<br />

engineering”. Tissue formed by this technique would<br />

be ideal as, for example, “filler tissue” for the repair<br />

of defects in the face or neck resulting from the<br />

removal of a skin cancer.<br />

The Arterio-venous Loop Model (A-V Loop<br />

Model)<br />

This is an experimental model of tissue engineering in<br />

the groin of a rat. A loop of blood vessel around which<br />

new cells and tissues can grow is generated by taking a<br />

vein out of the groin and placing it in the opposite<br />

groin connecting the femoral artery to the femoral vein.<br />

This loop is then placed into a plastic chamber in the<br />

groin. The chamber contains both “a scaffold”<br />

material, or matrix which gives both physical and<br />

nutritional support to the newly growing blood vessels<br />

as well as the different cells which use the new blood<br />

supply to divide and grow into a “neoorgan”. We are<br />

currently experimenting with different cells including<br />

muscle, pancreas, fat, bone and more recently stem<br />

cells. The vessels in this loop are of such dimensions<br />

that they can be microsurgically transplanted into<br />

another animal with the attached neoorgan. In this<br />

manner we are attempting to grow transplantable<br />

organs.<br />

Influence of the extracellular matrix scaffold<br />

on new tissue formation<br />

A no-matrix control and three different extracellular<br />

matrices were investigated for their ability to increase<br />

the rate and amount of tissue generated. In control<br />

experiments new granulation-like tissue grew<br />

progressively up to 12 weeks, filling two-thirds of the<br />

chamber. The addition of Matrigel at time zero to the<br />

blood vessel loop and chamber increased the rate of<br />

vascularisation and weight of tissue produced, peaking<br />

at 4 weeks (P

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