IRPA 2010 Proceedings: Contents - Third European IRPA Congress ...

IRPA 2010 Proceedings: Contents - Third European IRPA Congress ...

IRPA 2010 Proceedings: Contents - Third European IRPA Congress ...


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<strong>Contents</strong><br />

S08<br />

Session 8: Radiation protection of workers<br />

Oral presentations<br />

S08-01 Work management to optimise occupational<br />

radiological protection at nuclear power plants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1271<br />

Schieber, Caroline; Ahier, Brian; Misumachi, Wataru<br />

S08-02 Challenges on the radiation protection optimization of medical staff<br />

in interventional radiology and nuclear medicine: the ORAMED project . . 1278<br />

Ferrari, Paolo; Vanhavere, Filip; Carinou, Eleftheria; Gualdrini, Gianfranco; Clairand, Isabelle; Sans-Merce, Marta;<br />

Ginjaume, Merce; Barth, Ilona; Bordy, Jean-Marc; Carnicer, Adela; Daures, Josiane; Debroas, Jacques; Denoziere, Marc;<br />

Domienik, Joanna; Donadille, Laurent; Fantuzzi, Elena; Itié, Christian; Jankowski, Jerzy; Koukorava, Christina; Krim, Sabah;<br />

Mariotti, Francesca; Monteventi, Fabio; Ortega, Xavier; Rimpler, Arndt; Ruiz Lopez, Natacha; Struelens, Lara<br />

S08-03 Increased extremity doses for staff in the preparation and<br />

administration of beta-emitters and PET nuclides in nuclear medicine . . . 1290<br />

Linder, Reto; Stritt, Nicolas<br />

S08-04 Morphological dependence of lung<br />

counting efficiency for female workers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1298<br />

Farah, Jad; Broggio, David; Franck, Didier<br />

S08-05 ALARA – Education for personnel involved<br />

in the plant modification process (ABSTRACT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1307<br />

Nilsson, Virva<br />

S08-06 Reduction of dose around a storage pool by<br />

changing the position of BWR irradiated control rods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1308<br />

Ródenas, José; Abarca, Agustín; Gallardo, Sergio<br />

S08-07 Periodic review and update of the company<br />

ALARA program – Continuous improvement<br />

in the field of radiation protection (ABSTRACT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1318<br />

Hennigor, Staffan<br />

S08-08 ISEMIR: a new international system for improving occupational<br />

radiation protection in medicine, industry and research (ABSTRACT) . . . . 1319<br />

Lefaure, Christian; Le Heron, John; Czarwinski, Renate; Van Sonsbeeck, Richard; Padovani, Renato<br />

S08-09 Problems of the radiation protection and health effects<br />

monitoring in Ukrainian radiation workers (ABSTRACT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1320<br />

Bebeshko, Vladimir; Bazyka, Dimitry; Likhtarev, Ilya; Gaevaya, Liudmila; Chumak, Vadim<br />

<strong>Third</strong> <strong>European</strong> <strong>IRPA</strong> <strong>Congress</strong> <strong>2010</strong>, Helsinki, Finland

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