mary of the immaculate conception – rockville - St. Wendelin Church
mary of the immaculate conception – rockville - St. Wendelin Church
mary of the immaculate conception – rockville - St. Wendelin Church
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Sunday Bulletin � Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time � September 16, 2012<br />
SAINT WENDELIN<strong>–</strong> LUXEMBURG HOLY CROSS <strong>–</strong> PEARL LAKE (MARTY)<br />
Fr. Ralph G. Zimmerman, pastor ��Fr. Mark Ostendorf, parochial vicar � Emergency pastoral number: 320-292-2625<br />
Liturgy this Week<br />
Twenty-Fourth Week in Ordinary Time<br />
Monday, Sept. 17-Robert Bellarmine,Bshp./Dr.<br />
�8:00 am-HC <strong>–</strong>Special Intention<br />
Eucharistic Adoration 8:30 am to 5:00 pm<br />
Tuesday, Sept. 18, Weekday<br />
� 7:45 am-LUX <strong>–</strong> In Thanksgiving<br />
� 7:00 pm-MIC + Mike Pfannenstein<br />
Wednesday, Sept. 19<strong>–</strong> Weekday<br />
� 7:45 am-LUX + Edwin Lahr-School Mass<br />
� 8:00 am-MIC + Christian Women��<br />
�<br />
Thursday, Sept. 20<strong>–</strong> Andrew Kim Taegon, Priest<br />
and Paul Chong Ha-sang and Companions, Martyrs<br />
� 7:45 am LUX + John Dietman<br />
Adoration following Mass until 9:00 pm<br />
� 8:00 am-MIC +Adrian Schmitt<br />
Adoration following Mass until 7:00 pm<br />
Friday, Sept. 21<strong>–</strong>Mat<strong>the</strong>w, Apostle/Evangelist<br />
�8:30 am-HC +Alphonse Kraemer-School Mass<br />
Sat., Sept. 22- Vigil <strong>of</strong> 25th Sun. <strong>of</strong> Ord. Time<br />
�2:00 pm— MIC- Wedding <strong>of</strong><br />
Autumn <strong>St</strong>ruffert and Aaron Backes<br />
___________________________________________________________________________________<br />
�3:00 pm -Sacrament <strong>of</strong> Penance at HC<br />
�4:00 pm Sat.-HC + Rita Molitor<br />
�5:00 pm Sat.-MIC ++Elmer &Georgina Eickers<br />
Sunday, Sept. 23<strong>–</strong> 25th Sun./ Ordinary Time<br />
�8:00am Sun.-HC <strong>–</strong>People <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Parishes<br />
�9:00 am Sun-LUX +Rollie Albers<br />
�10:00 am Sun.-MIC + Living and deceased<br />
<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Infant <strong>of</strong> Prague Mission Group<br />
�6:00 pm Sun.-LUX + Mildred Schmidt<br />
Dear friends in Christ,<br />
This week we begin our faith formation process for this new year. We will<br />
spend <strong>the</strong> year exploring God’s ongoing revelation to us. It provides a unique<br />
opportunity for all <strong>of</strong> us to grow in our understanding <strong>of</strong> God’s presence and<br />
action in our world.<br />
Pope Benedict has called for a year <strong>of</strong> faith and for<br />
a new evangelization. As Catholics, evangelization<br />
has always meant living our faith. We do not stand<br />
on street corners preaching or go door to door proselytizing.<br />
We give witness to our belief in our loving<br />
God and his presence among us.<br />
Our faith formation process is designed to help parents<br />
do this for your children. As parents you evangelize by doing. You witness<br />
your faith by celebrating <strong>the</strong> Sunday liturgy, by practicing love in your<br />
family and your workplace, by openly expressing your reliance upon God<br />
through your prayer and your life.<br />
By joining your children on Wednesday nights, you witness your faith and <strong>the</strong><br />
importance you place upon your ongoing faith development. The fa<strong>the</strong>rs <strong>of</strong><br />
<strong>the</strong> second Vatican council made clear that as members and as a community,<br />
we are fellow sojourners on our journey <strong>of</strong> faith. Our journey is life long and<br />
every day provides new opportunities to experience God and his love for us.<br />
What is needed from us is not a thorough understanding <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>ology but openness<br />
to <strong>the</strong> living God and His ongoing call to us. Our openness to that call<br />
and our ongoing hunger to grow in our relationship with Him and o<strong>the</strong>rs provides<br />
<strong>the</strong> greatest evangelization that we can witness.<br />
Let us join toge<strong>the</strong>r on this journey and meet <strong>the</strong> Lord in and through our wonderful<br />
community <strong>of</strong> faith. God is alive and present and loves us all.<br />
— Fr. Mark<br />
Catechists and teachers are honored especially today as “agents <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong><br />
new evangelization” (Pope Benedict XVI). Parents, you also stand<br />
among <strong>the</strong>se teachers and catechists as <strong>the</strong> first and best teachers.<br />
School faculties <strong>of</strong> <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Wendelin</strong> and Holy Cross Catholic Schools, thank<br />
you for you commitment to Catholic education as educators. Toge<strong>the</strong>r we<br />
pass on our faith to <strong>the</strong> next generation <strong>of</strong> followers <strong>of</strong> Christ.<br />
See Tri-Parish- Faith formation notes on Insert sheet
Tri-Parish Cluster <strong>of</strong> Luxemburg, Pearl Lake and Rockville 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time � September 16, 2012<br />
Saint <strong>Wendelin</strong>—Luxemburg<br />
22714 <strong>St</strong>ate Highway 15 * <strong>St</strong>. Cloud, MN 56301-9208 * 320-251-6944 * e-mail: * Fax: 320-654-9030<br />
Financial Blessings<br />
For <strong>the</strong> Week <strong>of</strong> September 9 2012<br />
Adult (66) $2,964.45<br />
Loose 183.00<br />
Faith Formation (1) 30.00<br />
Votive <strong>St</strong>ands 175.10<br />
Building Fund (1) 20.00<br />
Food Shelf (7) 48.00<br />
Total $3,420.55<br />
Last Week’s Regular $3,147.45<br />
Budgeted Amount 3,700.00<br />
Shortfall Last Week (552.55)<br />
Shortfall Year to Date ( 996.88)<br />
$150.12 was sent recently to Catholic<br />
Charities Food Shelf for our<br />
August collection. Thank you!<br />
Altar Servers<br />
Wed., Sept. 19th @ 7:45 am<br />
Nolan N. & Chris W.<br />
Thurs. Sept. 20th & 7:45 am<br />
Rudy N. & Reed B.<br />
Sunday, Sept. 23rd at 9:00 am<br />
Kortney N. & Anna E.<br />
Sunday, Sept. 23rd at 6:00 pm<br />
Courtney G. & Elizabeth S.<br />
<strong>Church</strong> Cleaners: Group 4, Sat.<br />
Sept. 22nd at 8:30 am: Joey Kiffmeyer,<br />
Sue Massmann, Terri Brunner,<br />
Pam Koshiol, Pat Hasselbring,<br />
Carol Klein, Kim Ostby, Rosie Kiffmeyer,<br />
Janet Lommel***<br />
Sept. 26-Nov. 4, 2012<br />
Join an all out effort to save<br />
<strong>the</strong> unborn and defend <strong>the</strong><br />
sanctity <strong>of</strong> life thru prayer,<br />
fasting and peaceful vigil.<br />
For more info, contact Mary Jo<br />
at or 453-3695,<br />
Judy at, -<br />
453-7592 or call Char in <strong>the</strong><br />
parish <strong>of</strong>fice, 251-6944.<br />
Parish Office/Secretary, Char Volkmuth—320-251-6944<br />
Parish Nurse, Joanne Neis 320-398-6869 Prayer Line, 320-251-5376<br />
Celebrating <strong>the</strong> Sacraments<br />
Baptism: Connie Netter 320-251-7625<br />
Anointing <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Sick: 320-251-6944<br />
Marriage: Contact <strong>the</strong> parish <strong>of</strong>fice at least six months preceding<br />
<strong>the</strong> wedding date. Marriage Course is required.<br />
<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Wendelin</strong> Catholic School<br />
Preschool to Grade 6<br />
Principal: Lynn Rasmussen<br />
Telephone: 320-251-9175<br />
Email:<br />
Fax: 320-654-9030<br />
Parish News<br />
Our Sympathy…to <strong>the</strong> family <strong>of</strong> Suzanne Reinert who entered eternal rest on September 7th<br />
and whose funeral was celebrated here last Monday. Please keep Suzanne and <strong>the</strong> Reinert family<br />
in your prayers. May she rest in peace!<br />
Thank You Catechists and Aides...Today, <strong>the</strong> 3rd Sunday <strong>of</strong> September is designated as Catechetical<br />
Sunday in <strong>the</strong> U.S. to acknowledge those who will serve as catechists during <strong>the</strong> coming<br />
year and to recognize and appreciate <strong>the</strong>ir mission <strong>of</strong> sharing <strong>the</strong> faith. Pope<br />
John Paul II said, “Among <strong>the</strong> laity who become evangelizers, catechists<br />
have a place <strong>of</strong> honor.” Today we’re honoring <strong>the</strong> following parishioners<br />
who will be leading our Faith Formation efforts this year (1st session is here<br />
this Wed. at 6:30 pm in Mary Hall.) Being recognized at today’s 9:00 am<br />
Mass will be teachers: Katelyn Lichte, Preschool, Kindergarten and Grade<br />
1; Lisa Lichte, Grade 2, Sister Marius, Grades 3-6; Kay Kortlever, Grade<br />
7; Fred Walz, Grade 8, Sue Massmann and Mary Broda, Grades 9 and 10. Discussion leaders<br />
will be Hank and Vicky Kohorst and Michael and Jeanne Lommel. Our thanks to <strong>the</strong>m for<br />
<strong>the</strong>ir commitment to share <strong>the</strong>ir faith; please keep <strong>the</strong>m in your prayers that God will abundantly<br />
bless <strong>the</strong>m and <strong>the</strong>ir efforts .<br />
Parish Breakfast, Bake Sale and Raffle...Group 2 invites one and all to <strong>the</strong> 1st parish breakfast<br />
<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> season on Sunday, September 30th, 8:30 to 11:30 am in Mary Hall. Bring your family<br />
and friends to enjoy <strong>the</strong>ir tasty menu <strong>of</strong> sausage, scrambled eggs, hash browns, French toast, and<br />
more. Group 2 members, please pick up your breakfast envelopes from <strong>the</strong> back table.<br />
Harvest Hoedown Fundraiser TO BENEFIT ST. WENDELIN sure to check<br />
out <strong>the</strong> great and varied list <strong>of</strong> live auction items on <strong>the</strong> insert with today’s bulletin.<br />
Tickets ($25) for this October 6th event at Generations Ballroom in Kimball<br />
will be available again after Masses this weekend; <strong>the</strong>y must be pre purchased<br />
as tickets will not be sold at <strong>the</strong> door. Besides <strong>the</strong> live auction at 6:30 pm, <strong>the</strong><br />
evening will feature a happy hour, ribs/chicken dinner with all <strong>the</strong> fixins, raffle and<br />
pull tabs and <strong>the</strong> DiamondBack band at 8:00 pm. For tickets, donations or to get involved,<br />
in what promises to be a fun and beneficial evening for our school, please<br />
call Sue Koshiol, 252-5665 or Joe Bartell at 290-6959.<br />
Message for Group 5 Members...Two important events are coming up for our<br />
group. On Tuesday, October 2nd, please join us in Mary Hall at 7:00 pm to help us plan our December<br />
9th Santa Breakfast. Taste testing and idea collection is planned; hope to see you <strong>the</strong>re.<br />
On Friday evening, October 12th at 6:00 pm, our group will be doing <strong>the</strong> fall church cleaning.<br />
Many hands make <strong>the</strong> job easy and fun. Mark your calendars for October 12th.<br />
-Chairpersons, Joe and Kathy Watrin and John and Linda Kaiser<br />
Parish Council Meets...Thursday, September 20th at 7:00 pm in <strong>the</strong> school library.<br />
School News<br />
New <strong>St</strong>udents...In addition to our new teachers and cook, we welcome <strong>the</strong> Sireno family to our<br />
school. Keylian is a second grader. We also have several new preschoolers including Justice<br />
Kirchh<strong>of</strong>f, Samantha Groinus, Lewis Boike, Hailey Salzbrun, Clare Spielman, Raegen Walklin<br />
and Kali Wilcken who joined our returning preschoolers on Monday. We’re happy to have all<br />
<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>m with us as part <strong>of</strong> our school family.<br />
Wanted...Leftover scrap material with fall colors/designs to be used by our students to help decorate<br />
for <strong>the</strong> Harvest Hoedown. If you have any, please call <strong>the</strong> school, 251-9175.<br />
To Purchase Scrip—Please call Bonnie in <strong>the</strong> school <strong>of</strong>fice, Julie at 252-7273 or Gina at 654-1587.
Tri-Parish Cluster <strong>of</strong> Pearl Lake, Rockville and Luxemburg 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Sept 16, 2012<br />
Holy Cross—Pearl Lake (Marty)<br />
10651 County Road 8 ~ Kimball, MN 55353 ~ 320-398-3900 ~<br />
For <strong>the</strong> week <strong>of</strong> September 9<br />
Adult (34) $2,217.67<br />
Loose 166.00<br />
Youth (3) 2.00<br />
Votive 229.98<br />
Total $2,615.65<br />
YTD total $17,339.18<br />
YTD budget $18,762.60<br />
Shortage ($1,433.42)<br />
Sat Sept 22, 4:00 pm<br />
Servers: Ashley Haus, Ali Weber<br />
Ushers: Al Haus, Dave Lommel<br />
Lector: Diane Kuechle<br />
Euch Min: Mark & Renee Kunkel,<br />
Marian Haus<br />
Sun Sept 23, 8:00 am<br />
Servers: Grant Garding, Nate Andrusick<br />
Ushers: Dave Lei<strong>the</strong>r, Dale Kloskin<br />
Lector: Donna Gregory<br />
Eucharistic Min: Elaine Lei<strong>the</strong>r,<br />
Helen Krippner, Brad Donnay<br />
Parish Council Members<br />
Donna Gregory, Al Haus<br />
Leanne Donnay, Helen Krippner<br />
Louie Kunkel, Jeana Meyer<br />
Sandy Merten, Greg Mueller, Len Voigt<br />
Parish Office/Secretary, Marian Haus—320-398-3900<br />
Prayer Line, 320-398-6101<br />
Deacon, Andy Kunkel, 320-398-6101<br />
Musician, Julene Faber-Andrusick, 320-685-7211<br />
Celebrating <strong>the</strong> Sacraments<br />
Baptism: 320-398-3900<br />
Anointing <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Sick: 320-398-3900<br />
Weddings: Contact <strong>the</strong> parish <strong>of</strong>fice at least six months<br />
preceding <strong>the</strong> wedding date. Marriage Course is required.<br />
Holy Cross Catholic School<br />
Preschool to Grade 6<br />
School Office manager:<br />
Jeana Meyer<br />
Board <strong>of</strong> Education president:<br />
Brian Ruhland<br />
Telephone: 320-398-7885<br />
Email:<br />
Keys Found<strong>–</strong> on <strong>the</strong> Holy Cross playground, Friday, Aug 24. They are from a Chevrolet<br />
vehicle along with a house key and an unidentified key. They are at <strong>the</strong> parish <strong>of</strong>fice<br />
and can be picked up <strong>the</strong>re.<br />
Golf Tourney: Today at Kimball Golf Course<br />
Christian Women Meeting; Monday, Sept 17, 7 pm in school<br />
On October 13, our “Footsteps on <strong>the</strong> Journey” will take us around Pearl Lake for our<br />
Pray & Walk-a-thon. If <strong>the</strong>re’s anyone you’d like to pray for along our journey, please<br />
contact <strong>the</strong> school <strong>of</strong>fice <strong>–</strong>398-7885-or any Holy Cross family and we’d be happy to<br />
decorate a prayer flag for you.<br />
Also, if you’d like to golf this weekend, Holy Cross is hosting a best ball golf tournament<br />
at <strong>the</strong> Kimball Golf Course, this Sunday, Sept 16. Registration is at 9:00 am and<br />
golfing begins at 10 am. Prizes and a meal follow at <strong>the</strong> Pearl Lake Lodge. No golf experience<br />
is necessary.<br />
We’d like to give a big thank to Shannon Putikka for joining <strong>the</strong> school board earlier<br />
this month. Also, congratulations to Brian Ruhland for being named <strong>the</strong> school board<br />
president and thank you to Kristi Kalkbrenner and Leanne Donnay for <strong>the</strong>ir work as<br />
vice president and secretary. Everyone at Holy Cross School hopes you have a happy<br />
and safe week! —Jeana Meyer<br />
Gohmann Foods Receipts from Kimball: Please save your receipts dated from Sept 1<br />
thru March 31, 2013. Our school receives free educational equipment by collecting<br />
<strong>the</strong>se receipts.Thank you for your help.<br />
UPCOMING EVENTS: Breakfast: Sun Sept 23— Menu: omelets, sausage, pancakes.<br />
Hosts will be groups 3,4 & 6<br />
Grandparents Day: Friday, September 28th<br />
<strong>St</strong> Anne, Kimball<strong>–</strong> Sun Sept 16, egg, sausage, French toast breakfast, parish festival.<br />
<strong>St</strong> Mary's, <strong>St</strong> Augusta-Sun Sept 16, sausage & egg breakfast, serving 8—11:30 am.<br />
<strong>St</strong>. Francis, Sartell—Annual Quilt Bingo today, Sun., Sept. 16th at 1:00 pm in <strong>the</strong> school gym. Doors open at noon. Bingo starts at 1:00 pm.<br />
Lunch available for purchase. Door prizes will be drawn. Come for a fun afternoon.<br />
Evening for Life—Annual Benefit for Birthline, Thursday, October 11th at River’s Edge Center (formerly Civic Center) in <strong>St</strong>. Cloud.,<br />
5:00-8:00 pm. Don’t miss keynote speaker, Julia Holcomb, former girlfriend <strong>of</strong> American idol judge and Aerosmith band member, <strong>St</strong>even<br />
Tyler. Hear her touching story <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>ir crisis pregnancy which ultimately ended in a coerced abortion. No charge to attend. MUST RSVP by<br />
Oct. 5th. Walk-in seating is not available. E mail swolf@ for more info or call 252-4150.
Tri Parish Cluster <strong>of</strong> Rockville, Luxemburg and Pearl Lake 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time - September 16, 2012<br />
Mary <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Immaculate Conception—Rockville<br />
PO Box 7 ~ Rockville, MN 56369-0007 ~ 320-251-7801 ~<br />
Financial Blessings<br />
Regular Income:<br />
Adult<strong>–</strong> 83 $2,450.67<br />
Youth <strong>–</strong>21 17.60<br />
Plate 88.25<br />
Extra Repairs 30.00<br />
Total Regular: $2,586.52<br />
Misc. Income:<br />
Elevator 595.00<br />
Faith Formation: 360.00<br />
Votive 17.95<br />
——————————————<br />
Regular $2586.52<br />
Budgeted 2538.10<br />
Overage this week +48.42<br />
YTD Budget $27,919.10<br />
YTD shortage (-$3626.58)<br />
All carpets were cleaned last week at a<br />
cost <strong>of</strong> $1,100.<br />
Upcoming Events<br />
Legion <strong>of</strong> Mary: Tue 9/18, 5:45pm.<br />
Catechetical Sunday: Sun 9/16. MIC-<br />
10:00am, LUX-9:00am.<br />
Over 60 Party: 9/17 at Noon. MIC parish<br />
center.<br />
Parish Council: Tue 9/18-7:30pm.<br />
Parish Council Members<br />
Dave Fussy 240-9547,<br />
Randy Svihel 251-7507<br />
Lynette Faber 492-0286<br />
Rosie Ashfeld 253-8878<br />
Judy Ikeogu 255-9212<br />
Mary Feldhege-654-6515<br />
Greg Cruze 685-4034<br />
Rich Ruprecht 253-1191<br />
Jodi Gross 685-8721<br />
Paul Walz 253-0806<br />
Parish Office/Secretary, Sandy Pfannenstien -320-251-7801<br />
Parish Center/Basement, 320-252-8486<br />
Prayer Line, 320-685-3213<br />
Parish Nurse: Joyce Simones 259-8503<br />
Celebrating <strong>the</strong> Sacraments<br />
Baptism: Contact Parish Office 251-7801.<br />
Anointing <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Sick: 320-251-7801<br />
Weddings: Contact <strong>the</strong> parish <strong>of</strong>fice at least six months<br />
preceding <strong>the</strong> wedding date. Marriage Course is required.<br />
Parish News<br />
Marriage Banns: III Autumn <strong>St</strong>ruffert & Aaron Backes<br />
II Barb Eikmeier & <strong>St</strong>eve Merten<br />
Faith Formation/DRE<br />
LeMay Bechtold 252-8486<br />
Parish Center Events/Maintenance<br />
Jean Walz 255-9394<br />
Trustees<br />
Dennis Schneider 253-4653<br />
Greg Simones 259-8503<br />
Liturgical Environment<br />
<strong>St</strong>eve Pfannenstein 251-8358<br />
Catechetical Sunday: Today, September 16. LUX—9:ooam Mass. MIC-10:00am Mass. All<br />
Faith formation leaders and helpers are asked to attend <strong>the</strong>se Masses. Please keep <strong>the</strong>se<br />
teachers and aides in your special prayers as <strong>the</strong>y instruct our young people throughout<br />
<strong>the</strong> coming year: Kim Keeville, Shelly Weber, Sarah Claseman, LeMay Bechtold, Rachel<br />
Mohs, Amy & Angela Gross, Brenda Fussy, Mary Ann Hermanutz, Rosie Ashfeld, Lori<br />
Mohs, Maria Fussy, Julia Walz, Paul Walz, Mary Feldhege, Jim Cossairt, Lynn & Kevin<br />
Dockendorf, Jill Svihel, Leanne & Randy Donnay, Judy Ikeogu & Jenny Burger. We extend<br />
our gratitude and thanks for <strong>the</strong> time and talents <strong>the</strong>y <strong>of</strong>fer our parishes.<br />
Parish Council: Tue 9/18 at 7;30pm. We will be meeting in <strong>the</strong> elevator/entry way!<br />
O<strong>the</strong>r News<br />
Eat Dinner with Your Children Night: If parents knew one thing that would make a<br />
positive difference in <strong>the</strong>ir children’s lives, wouldn’t <strong>the</strong>y do it? Well, eating dinner as a<br />
family is one <strong>of</strong> those positive influences. To illustrate this point, September 24, 2012,<br />
has been designated as Family Day, <strong>the</strong> national movement that reminds parents that<br />
Dinner Makes a Difference! The National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse<br />
(CASA) at Columbia University launched Family Day in 2001 after its research consistently<br />
found that <strong>the</strong> more <strong>of</strong>ten kids eat dinner with <strong>the</strong>ir families, <strong>the</strong> less likely <strong>the</strong>y<br />
are to smoke, drink or use drugs. So, bon appétit!<br />
Bulletin Deadline: Wednesdays at 10AM<br />
View Bulletin On-line at:<br />
Cluster News:<br />
Over 60 Party: Mon 9/17 beginning with lunch at noon. Cards are played after<br />
lunch. All cluster parishioners 60 and over are invited. Held in <strong>the</strong> MIC parish<br />
center.<br />
Six weeks with <strong>the</strong> Bible: Beginning 9/18, <strong>St</strong>. Boniface Parish is <strong>of</strong>fering this program<br />
lead by Deacon Larry Sell. We will meet six Tuesday evenings from 7-<br />
8:30pm. Please join us. Please sign up by 9/9/12 by calling Rosie @ 685-3280.<br />
Knights <strong>of</strong> Columbus German <strong>St</strong>yle Potato Pancake Sausage Supper: Sat Sept 22<br />
from 3:30-8:30pm at <strong>St</strong>. James Parish/Jacobs Prairie. Take out trays available! All<br />
are welcome.