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26 September 2020

9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. https://youtu.be/rkjmvWHo7Hc


9:00 pg - 11:00 pg :Sesi 1 Perkongsian Amalan Terbaik Guru STEM

[1] Cikgu Lee Saw Im (Guru Cemerlang Kimia)

SMK Seri Bintang Utama, Kuala Lumpur

“Using STEM Fun Learning Activities to Engage Students in

Learning Chemistry”

[2] Dr. Sarveswary a/p Velayutham & Cikgu Tan Phei Ling

(Guru Matematik)

SMJK Chung Hwa Confucian & SMK (P) Methodist, Pulau Pinang

“6E in STEM: Booster for students’ Confidence in Learning

Differentiation and Integration”

[3] Dr. Chin Chee Keong (Science Education Lecturer)

Institut Pendidikan Guru, Kampus Tuanku Bainun, Pulau Pinang

“Student Voice in Science Education”

11:00 pg - 1:00 tgh :Sesi 2 Perkongsian Amalan Terbaik Guru STEM

[4] Cikgu Yasmin Noorul Amin (Guru Cemerlang Kimia)

SMK La Salle Petaling Jaya, Selangor

“Coxylester Race”

[5] Dr. Firmanul Catur Wibowo (Physics Education Lecturer)

Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Department of Physics Education

“Simulations for STEM Learning”

[6] Cikgu Wan Nur Rahayu binti Mohd Yunus (Guru Biologi)

SMK Seksyen 5 Wangsa Maju, Kuala Lumpur

“Pergerakan dan Sokongan (Biologi Tingkatan 5 KBSM)”

1:00 tgh :Tamat



Cikgu Lee Saw Im (Guru Cemerlang Kimia)

SMK Seri Bintang Utama, Kuala Lumpur

Title: Using STEM Fun Learning Activities to Engage Students in Learning Chemistry


Fun Chemistry learning can be nurtured through the STEM approach that integrates

the areas of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Regular planning

through STEM can develop students in problem solving, creativity, critical analysis,

teamwork, independent thinking, initiative, communication and digital literacy.

Chemistry fun can start from the kitchen to school such as food preservation,

fermentation and pot making from used towels. These activities can unearth students'

creative talents and problem-solving skills. In addition, digital technology can play an

important role in the STEM learning process. Integrating innovative digital technology

in STEM can engage students in learning chemistry.


Dr. Sarveswary a/p Velayutham (Guru Matematik)

SMJK Chung Hwa Confucian, Pulau Pinang

Cikgu Tan Phei Ling (Guru Matematik)

SMK (P) Methodist, Pulau Pinang


6E in STEM:

Booster for students’ Confidence in Learning Differentiation and Integration


Students have difficulties in understanding and applying the concepts of calculus in

real-life problems. However, meaningful classroom interactions through the teaching

and learning process of 6E (Engage, Explore, Explain, Engineer, Enrich and

Evaluate) allow students to be interested in calculus besides bridging the gap

between Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. Thus, this would

develop STEM education in par with the need for Industrial Revolution 4.0 that had

emphasized on STEM-related jobs. Hence, this session engages participants in

understanding how hands-on activities could be carried out to facilitate the learning of

differentiation and integration through STEM-oriented activities in solving real-life

problems. After the session, participants would be able to gain some knowledge on

how to boost up students’ confidence. At the same time, the learning activity also

allows students to realize how meaningful real-life problems help them to develop a

mathematical and positive attitude in learning calculus. Moreover, the participants

would be able to get an idea on how to attract students’ interest in learning calculus,

specifically on differentiation and integration.


Dr. Chin Chee Keong (Science Education Lecturer)

Institut Pendidikan Guru, Kampus Tuanku Bainun, Pulau Pinang

Title: Student Voice in Science Education


Despite students being the main stakeholder in education, they have very little say in

how education is designed and implemented for them. Increasing student voice in

science education is essential in reversing the downward trajectory of student

engagement in science as they progress through their schooling years. Two case

studies (in teacher education context) are presented to exemplify the improved

student outcomes when their voices are heard as they claim ownership of their

learning. In Case Study 1, pre-service teachers demonstrated problem solving skills

in a physics practical class on kinematics. Case Study 2 found that in-service

teachers improved their concept of the water cycle, and developed water

conservation awareness as they learnt via the inquiry-based approach.


Cikgu Yasmin Noorul Amin (Guru Cemerlang Kimia)

SMK La Salle Petaling Jaya, Selangor

Title : Coxylester Race


Containing 9 subtopics ranging from 2.1 to 2.9 according to the syllabus, CARBON

COMPOUND would take approximately 9 weeks to complete. Students would become

restless and bored due to the lengthy duration. A fun and engaging activity was

initiated and executed to reduce the teaching duration from 9 weeks to 2 weeks. This

Play & Learn strategy caters towards young minds by dividing them into groups and

to execute an explorace-based activity where students move from one station to

another using the clues provided. Students are able to nurture their leadership,

cooperative, and communication skills whilst completing the tasks given at the

respective stations. 5 subtopics were chosen to be included in this research with the

objective to allow the students to explore and enjoy the subtopics 2.3 to 2.7.

The name of COXYLester Race was derived from:

1. C - representing Carbon, based on the topic’s name = Carbon Compound, to

represent subtopic = 2.3 (Alkene) and 2.4 (Isomerism)

2. CO - representing subtopic 2.5 = alCOhol

3. XYL - representing subtopic 2.6 = CarboXYLic acid

4. Ester - representing subtopic 2.7 = Ester


Dr. Firmanul Catur Wibowo (Physics Education Lecturer)

Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Department of Physics Education

Title: Simulations for STEM Learning


Physics is a branch of science to reveal hidden natural phenomena, natural interactions,

and study natural phenomena comprehensively. "Macroscopic system to

answer and understand how important of the questions we ask about macroscopic

systems". Students' introduction to the object of physics in the natural environment

is not only limited to the macrocosmic event limitation, but the microcosmic phenomenon

must be socialized, with the aim of raising awareness that they must

unite and protect their environment. In this case, physics education should be able

to familiarize students with using the scientific method in learning physics. In order

to support STEM learning in which the essence of this learning seeks to teach concepts

that are constitutional in nature. But in certain physics concepts, there are

microscopic properties that cannot be done by STEM or contextual learning. So we

need a tool for learning physics oriented construction and reconstruction of scientific

conceptions. Matter and energy are macroscopic phenomena and most of

physics, material are microscopic phenomena that cannot be observed by the eye

directly or unobservable. Sometimes it makes it difficult for lecturers or teachers to

explain and students find it difficult to understand them and sometimes it even becomes

a misconception. Microscopic Phenomenon Virtual Simulation (MPVS) offers

a learning model for construction and conceptual reconstruction. Construction

and reconstruction have high effectiveness in fully understanding the concept of

physics, and have high effectiveness in remediation student misconceptions. The

strength of the MPVS developed is that it can help understand concepts and overcome

student misconceptions.


Cikgu Wan Nur Rahayu binti Mohd Yunus (Guru Biologi)

SMK Seksyen 5 Wangsa Maju, Kuala Lumpur

Tajuk: Pergerakan Dan Sokongan (Biologi Tingkatan 5 KBSM)


Pergerakan Dan Sokongan terutamanya haiwan merupakan salah satu tajuk yang

sukar difahami oleh pelajar dalam subjek Biologi Tingkatan 5 KBSM. Pelajar juga

sukar memahami tentang mekanisme pergerakan dalam haiwan. Untuk menarik

perhatian pelajar tentang mekanisme pergerakan dalam haiwan, satu pendekatan

PdPC iaitu sesi hands-on dilakukan untuk topik ini. Pelajar diminta mencari sendiri

cacing tanah di kawasan sekolah. Guru pula menyediakan kepak ayam untuk

dibelah. Proses pengajaran ini merangkumi mekanisme pergerakan cacing dan

juga otot pada kepak ayam. Pelajar dibimbing untuk melihat sendiri kesan

pergerakan otot yang berlaku secara antagonis. Pengajaran mengambil 3 waktu

iaitu 1 jam 30 minit. Pelajar dibiarkan bereksplorasi bagi memberi ruang kreativiti

kepada mereka. Melalui intervensi ini pelajar didapati lebih berminat dan mudah

memahami topik. Mereka juga didapati dapat menghasilkan idea untuk lebih

memahami konsep mekanisma pergerakan haiwan. Hasil dari intervensi ini telah

dapat menggalakkan pelajar dalam mendalami dan menerokai ilmu sains dan

dapat aplikasikan dalam kehidupan seharian.



Prof. Madya Dr. Azidah bt Abu Ziden

Naib Pengerusi

Dr. Koay Suan See


Pn. Tan Phei Ling

Penolong Setiausaha

Pn. Siti Nur Fatimah bt Abu Bakar


Dr. Sarveswary a/p Velayutham

Pra Pendaftaran Atas Talian

Cik Foo Lay Kuan

Dr. Koay Suan See


Pn. Ng Fong Chiu

Borang Maklum Balas & Sijil

Cik Loo Say Leng

Dr. Ng Khar Thoe

Cik Ng Seok Moay

Hadiah & Cenderamata

Dr. Sarveswary a/p Velayutham

Buku Program & Poster

Pn. Siti Nur Fatimah bt Abu Bakar

Promosi Program

Dr. Nur Jahan bt Ahmad

Penyelaras Pembentang Bengkel

Pn. Teh Kim Hong

Dr. Muzirah bt Musa

Juru Teknikal

Prof. Madya Dr. Azidah bt Abu Ziden

Dr. Mohd Norawi bin Ali

Pn. Lim Sheue Hui

Jurugambar & Dokumentasi

Dr. Kong Sow Lai


Sekalung Penghargaan


Semua pihak yang telah memberi sumbangan idea dan

tenaga bagi menjayakan bengkel ini.



Association for Science

And Mathematics

Education Penang


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