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Annual Report<br />
2019<br />
Connecting Neighbors to<br />
Help Seniors Thrive
cultivate THROUGHOUT Colorado<br />
For nearly 15 years, A Little Help has been an advocate for an evolution in<br />
how communities come together to support older adults navigating aging<br />
in Colorado. We are proud to foster interdependence among older adults<br />
and neighbors of diverse ages and backgrounds.<br />
Served Volunteering<br />
Members Members<br />
Denver 986 3,813<br />
Northern Colorado 199 1,102<br />
Roaring Fork Valley 45 46<br />
Chaffee County through FEB* 229 318<br />
North Fork Valley through AUG* 163 350<br />
Total 1,622 5,629<br />
308 • New Volunteers<br />
(ongoing)<br />
1,200 • Volunteers<br />
(episodic)<br />
234 • New Members<br />
Rides = 40%<br />
Visits = 22%<br />
Yard Work = 20%<br />
Inside Home Help = 8%<br />
Office Work = 7%<br />
Technology = 2%<br />
Pet Care = 1%<br />
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40<br />
*2019 was a year of growth and cultivation. This year, we celebrated the launch of a new location in the Roaring Fork<br />
Valley. We also embraced change as the seeds we planted in the North Fork Valley and Chaffee County became<br />
independent operations to serve their communities. We updated our tracking model for new “ongoing” and “episodic”<br />
volunteers to better reflect the number of neighbors actively engaged in our mission.
Executive Director<br />
As I reflect on 2019, it is easy to be humbled by the<br />
incredible generosity displayed.<br />
In the fall of 2019 A Little Help was granted our first<br />
large government grants to reimburse our costs<br />
for providing rides in Metro Denver by the Denver<br />
Regional Council of Governments; we moved forward<br />
in significant partnership conversations with healthy<br />
nonprofits in Colorado and beyond; and we had the<br />
largest donation period in our organization’s history.<br />
All of these events and others made the fourth<br />
quarter of 2019 an amazing one.<br />
I love A Little Help.<br />
I love our mission, our members, our volunteers, our<br />
donors, and our staff. Most of all, I love the impact<br />
A Little Help has on the communities we serve.<br />
We are growing seeds in the Roaring Fork Valley<br />
and A Little Help roots are spreading in Northern<br />
Colorado. It is also<br />
amazing to see how<br />
the impact of A Little<br />
Help continues to grow<br />
throughout Metro<br />
Denver. Each older adult<br />
member, volunteer,<br />
donor, or cheerleader is<br />
creating something that<br />
wasn’t happening just a<br />
few years ago in their town or neighborhood. The<br />
generosity and commitment to A Little Help are the<br />
reasons we are connecting with older adults in your<br />
neck of the woods. The time<br />
spent giving rides, sharing<br />
stories about A Little Help,<br />
raking leaves, planning<br />
get-togethers, and making<br />
friendly visits to isolated<br />
older adult neighbors is the<br />
way A Little Help happens.<br />
Thank you and let’s keep<br />
growing and cultivating those little seeds.<br />
2019 will be Paul’s last year as our Executive<br />
Director. We are grateful for his leadership and<br />
look forward to welcoming Hilary Lenz!<br />
“We cannot thank Paul enough for leading<br />
A Little Help for the past eight and a half years.<br />
We wouldn’t be where we are today without<br />
Paul’s compassionate and<br />
inspirational leadership.<br />
I’m so proud of the impact<br />
A Little Help has today and<br />
am incredibly honored to<br />
pick up the torch and serve<br />
as the Executive Director in<br />
2020.” – Hilary Lenz<br />
2019 Board of Directors<br />
Alan Walker – Board Chair<br />
Hilary Lenz – Treasurer<br />
Lori Tolle, Esq. – Secretary<br />
Bob Brocker<br />
Rio Chacon<br />
John Chase, Esq.<br />
Steve Davis<br />
Shannon Love<br />
Sean McBride, CPA<br />
Jonathan Mueller<br />
Mike Rengel<br />
A Little Help | 1 | Cultivating throughout Colorado
WHO WE ARE<br />
A Little Help is a grassroots organization continually seeking to expand to<br />
meet the needs of Colorado’s rapidly aging population. Since our inception,<br />
we have grown through great neighbors who want to help the older adults in<br />
their own communities thrive.<br />
We help older adults age well in their homes<br />
by connecting them to an important resource<br />
plentiful in every community: good neighbors.<br />
Many tasks around the house and yard chip away<br />
at independence, but through A Little Help, good<br />
neighbors can help with transportation, yard<br />
work, handiwork, home organization, and social<br />
engagement, empowering older adults to thrive<br />
where they have lived for decades and put<br />
down roots.<br />
Our small staff supports our volunteers, who lead<br />
the charge in their communities and are the key to<br />
our service model.<br />
“Thanks for always providing for my<br />
needs, things I cannot manage by<br />
myself, so I need not worry about<br />
staying in my home.”<br />
“I want to send kudos<br />
to the group that was<br />
at my house. They did<br />
a great job!”<br />
A Little Help | 2 | Cultivating throughout Colorado
MOVING FORWARD together<br />
Village to Village Network – A Little Help<br />
is a proud member of the Village to Village<br />
Network. This national nonprofit connects<br />
villages throughout the country and<br />
provides resources among organizations.<br />
A Little Help has been a member for over<br />
a decade and provides mentorship to<br />
fledgling villages.<br />
DRCOG (Denver Regional Council of<br />
Governments) – Partnering with DRCOG enabled<br />
us to expand services in the Metro Denver region.<br />
This is our first large government grant and<br />
reimburses our costs for providing rides in<br />
this region.<br />
Colorado Gives Day – This<br />
event is one of the BIGGEST<br />
fundraisers each year for our<br />
important work. Including the<br />
‘halo effect’ of giving around<br />
CGD, more than 200 donors<br />
contributed over$140,000 to<br />
support older adults!<br />
Xcel Energy’s Day of Service – We are a proud<br />
part of Xcel Energy’s Day of Service in September.<br />
In 2019, we were thrilled to be highlighted by<br />
Channel 4 News while we engaged 40 volunteers<br />
to serve 14 homes.<br />
The Latino Age Wave<br />
– In 2019, we began<br />
working with The Latino<br />
Age wave to serve older<br />
adults in Montbello with<br />
transportation services.<br />
NextFifty Initiative – We received a $60,000<br />
second round of funding in 2019. These funds<br />
allowed us to invest in the launch of our Northern<br />
Colorado office and has created a tremendous<br />
impact in that area.<br />
Community Foundation of Northern CO –<br />
A number of Donor Advised<br />
funds of the Community<br />
Foundation of Northern<br />
Colorado have allowed a<br />
Berthoud Office to be staffed<br />
and launch this year! We<br />
specifically thank the Doyle and<br />
Luvesta Jones Fund and the<br />
Berthoud Fund.<br />
Daniels Fund – We proudly accepted a $50,000<br />
Daniels Fund grant this year.<br />
The Daniels Fund, established by cable television<br />
pioneer Bill Daniels, is a private charitable<br />
foundation dedicated to making life better for<br />
the people of Colorado, New Mexico, Utah, and<br />
Wyoming through its grants program, scholarship<br />
program, and ethics initiative.<br />
A Little Help | 3 | Cultivating throughout Colorado
Summer<br />
Picnics<br />
Summer Picnics – Each<br />
year, these events bring<br />
together interested<br />
neighbors, volunteers, and members of A Little<br />
Help. We continued to add dates and activities in<br />
2019, including at great public venues and people’s<br />
homes. If you’re interested in hosting an event, let<br />
us know!<br />
Service Saturday! –<br />
2019’s events were BIG!<br />
Across our four locations<br />
statewide, 282 households received got help with<br />
seasonal yard work from over 1,000 volunteers.<br />
As more and more people became part<br />
of this project, we expanded to organize<br />
14 Service Saturday events statewide!<br />
Tough Talks – Sometimes<br />
“tough,” often light, and always<br />
relevant, expert panelists share<br />
their knowledge and create<br />
space for questions and answers about topics that<br />
may be difficult to talk about.<br />
T O U G H T A L K S<br />
A Little Help Support Group – Thanks to a<br />
devoted volunteer who is a psychotherapist, a<br />
group of members are able to gather once a month<br />
to visit and discuss the challenges of loss, grief<br />
and caregiving.<br />
A LITTLE<br />
Community<br />
A Little Community –<br />
We continue to work with<br />
companies and groups to<br />
find engaging ways to meet<br />
their service and social connection needs. Our<br />
team built 27 custom days for 14 groups in 2019,<br />
including work projects with older members and<br />
social activities after the events.<br />
A Little Help | 4 | Cultivating throughout Colorado
Events<br />
A Little Soiree &<br />
A Little Fest – Our<br />
signature fundraisers!<br />
The Soiree in Metro<br />
A Little Soiree<br />
A Little Fest<br />
Denver and Little Fest in Northern Colorado brought<br />
together over 100 donors and supporters. Silent<br />
auctions, delicious food and drinks, and great music<br />
highlighted two evenings of interactive fun.<br />
A Little Breakfast<br />
A Little Breakfast – Through A Little Breakfast,<br />
A Little Help shares our mission with businesses and<br />
professionals. We encourage our corporate partners<br />
to engage with the older adults in their community,<br />
as well as host keynote speakers to provide relevant<br />
information about the aging workplace.<br />
Revenue $662,119<br />
4%<br />
6%<br />
■ Individual Donation = 46%<br />
■ Foundation Grants = 22%<br />
■ Government Grants = 4%<br />
4%<br />
18%<br />
■ Fundraising = 18%<br />
Expenses $642,940<br />
■ Business = 4%<br />
■ Programing = 80%<br />
■ Membership = 6%<br />
22%<br />
46%<br />
■ Fundraisers = 11%<br />
■ Administrative = 9%<br />
A Little Help | 5 | Cultivating throughout Colorado
Building<br />
Compassionate<br />
Communities<br />
If you have a group interested in offering A Little Community help and can set a day or<br />
half-day aside, we’d love to hear from you. We are connecting with leaders in the business<br />
community because “a little help” goes a long way, especially when an entire office is<br />
involved. We connect those who need help with real people in the community — people<br />
like you and your group — who not only want to help, but also want to make a difference.<br />
Our A Little Community help days are a win-win<br />
for everyone involved. Older adults feel valued and<br />
important, while volunteers leave feeling energized<br />
and more connected to their volunteer team after<br />
helping others improve their quality of life.<br />
We look forward to hearing from you. Please contact<br />
Jake Dresden, Outreach and Development Director<br />
at or 720-242-9032.<br />
OUR 2020 IMPACT GOAL<br />
As we continue to develop and grow relationships<br />
and programming throughout the state, A Little<br />
Help is especially grateful to our supporters. Your<br />
impactful contributions have allowed us to cultivate<br />
our model and continue to meet the needs of a<br />
rapidly aging Colorado population. Our model of<br />
connecting neighbors, and your willingness to<br />
play a part, has us poised to make a significant<br />
impact in 2020.<br />
2755 S. Locust St., Suite 220, Denver, CO 80222<br />
Metro Denver • 720-242-9032<br />
Northern Colorado • 970-412-9396<br />
Roaring Fork Valley • 970-404-1923<br />