using the strategic types of content (1)

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Using the Strategic Types of Content

“High Five” (Educate Content)

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Stress and psychology - sleep health


What is the stress ?

Stress is a tense process that usually negatively affects daily life due

to the inability of the person to cope physically and emotionally with

any threat they perceive. When you feel threatened, your nervous

system releases a stress hormone that awakens your body and as a

result your blood pressure rises, your heart accelerates, your

muscles tighten and your senses sharpen.

● Causes of stress ;

Death of a loved one


Financial responsibilities

Family problems

Poor quality sleep

Eating disorder


● ​Stress types ;

Acute stress

Acute stress, the most common type, is the stress

caused by current events and pressures, such as an

exam, loss of an important document, traffic accident

or concert stress. While it is exciting and supportive of

success when experienced in small doses, it can

become consuming and damaging when its amount

increases. It is short term.


Episodic acute stress

Some people experience constant acute stress.

These people are constantly stressed and hectic.

They cannot complete their jobs, but they put

themselves under pressure even more by taking on

too much responsibility. They go through a lot of

things. They tend to be angry, anxious, rude, and

counterproductive. And that's why their

relationships with other people constantly

deteriorate. They are prone to heart disease.


Stress therapy;

● A balanced and healthy diet,

● Practicing breathing techniques,

● Regular sports or short-term exercises,

● Getting psychological support,

● Creating hobbies and spending time for them,

● Being active in social activities

● Sleep patterns

Eliminate stress with a choice

It is obvious that a quality sleep affects daily life in many

ways, and this positive effect is a factor in his thinking,

from productivity to happiness during the day. The key to

quality sleep required to start the day well and to continue

the day positively is to use the most suitable mattress for

the person. It may be possible to have an idea about which

mattress type is the most suitable mattress that will start a

more productive day by reducing stress for you.


Orthopedic Beds​: ​Orthopedic mattresses, one

of the most ideal solutions for a peaceful and healthy

sleep, support the spine system for people who work

sitting or standing during the day, providing your body

with the necessary environment for comfortable and

efficient sleep.

For many more options; ​Click on the

link​and start looking for a bed for the

best stress-free life.



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