Qurbani Report 2020

Qurbani Report 2020

Qurbani Report 2020


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Feedback <strong>Report</strong> <strong>2020</strong><br />

Your<br />

<strong>Qurbani</strong><br />

Touched<br />

Lives<br />

Al-Mustafa<br />

Welfare Trust ®<br />

Visit: almustafatrust.org<br />

Call: 020 8569 6444<br />

100%<br />

ZAKAT<br />


Visit: almustafatrust.org<br />

Call: 020 8569 6444<br />

Our<br />

Mission<br />

AMWT provides relief and<br />

development in a dignified<br />

manner regardless of gender,<br />

race, or religion. We work to<br />

empower individuals in their<br />

communities and give them<br />

a voice in the world.<br />

It is neither<br />

their meat nor their<br />

blood that reaches<br />

Allah, but it is piety<br />

from you that<br />

reaches Him.<br />

[Al Qur’an 22:37]<br />

Al Mustafa Welfare Trust<br />

Your Charitable Partner<br />

At Al Mustafa Welfare Trust (AMWT) our team<br />

works to supply an extensive array of necessary<br />

services to people in need around the world.<br />

From healthcare and education to food, water and emergency relief,<br />

our strong networks enable us to help those in need across the globe.<br />

Worldwide poverty is an ongoing issue, which is why we are dedicated<br />

to providing sustainable and long-lasting solutions. With your generous<br />

Our Achievements to <strong>2020</strong><br />

13 Mosques Maintained<br />

16 Orphanages Supported<br />

17 Schools Supported<br />

34 Hospitals Supported<br />

179 Ambulances Maintained<br />

1,246 Orphans Sponsored<br />

4,267 Hafiz Sponsored<br />

8,340 Covid-19 Emergency Aid Beneficiaries<br />

20,000 Food Parcel Distributions<br />

40,000 Winter Pack Distribution<br />

88,000 Ramadan Family Food Packs<br />

1,442,542 <strong>Qurbani</strong> Meat Beneficiaries<br />

824,000 Disaster/Emergency Beneficiaries<br />

support, our aid reached those most in need in places like Pakistan,<br />

Yemen, Lebanon, Kashmir, Bangladesh, Burma, India, Somalia,<br />

Gambia, Sudan, Kenya, Tanzania, Nigeria, Gaza and Syria.<br />

Over the last 35 years, we are proud of the humanitarian relief &<br />

development projects we provided to many individuals, families, and<br />

communities in some of the poorest regions of the world. Thanks to the<br />

continuous support of our generous donors, we have managed to<br />

highlight and combat the suffering, injustice and inequality faced by<br />

millions of people.<br />

7,000,000<br />

People<br />


AMWT <strong>Qurbani</strong> Process<br />

Distributing the<br />

Amanah of <strong>Qurbani</strong><br />

<strong>Qurbani</strong> is a rite associated with the Hajj pilgrimage that takes place on<br />

Eid Ul Adha (The Festival of Sacrifice), at the conclusion of the Hajj, when<br />

pilgrims sacrifice an animal – traditionally a sheep, goat, cow or camel.<br />

Visit: almustafatrust.org<br />

Call: 020 8569 6444<br />

Sacrificing an animal is a ritual undertaken by<br />

Muslims around the world on the Tenth Day<br />

of the month of Dul-Hijah, in solidarity with<br />

the pilgrims performing Hajj, for whom it is<br />

a specific obligation and culminating part of<br />

their Pilgrimage. The sacrifice commemorates<br />

the slaughter of a ram by the Prophet Ibrahim<br />

(Abraham) as a divine dispensation in place<br />

of the initial order by Allah to sacrifice his son<br />

Ismail.<br />

The <strong>Qurbani</strong> Project at Al Mustafa Welfare<br />

Trust is carried out according to the Sunnah<br />

of the Prophet (SAW) and is designed to<br />

benefit the most vulnerable people - women,<br />

children, the elderly, disabled, widows and<br />

refugees. The impact of your <strong>Qurbani</strong> goes<br />

far beyond individual families. We source all<br />

meat locally working with our teams and<br />

volunteers on the ground. In doing so, we<br />

boost the economy and do more to support<br />

those in need. Families receive a pack of<br />

fresh meat, and the quantity reflects the size<br />

and requirements of each family. We have a<br />

thorough selection process which enables<br />

us to really understand the communities we<br />

serve and to ensure we support all families in<br />

the best way possible!

Beneficiary Selection<br />

AMWT eligibility criteria require beneficiaries of the <strong>Qurbani</strong> project to be<br />

selected based on need. We seek to inform beneficiaries of the location and<br />

time of their distribution and the quantity of meat they will receive at least<br />

one week before the planned distribution. When selecting beneficiaries for<br />

the distribution, priority is given to the following:<br />

<strong>Qurbani</strong> Beneficiary Selection Criteria<br />

If a family/individual is living below the poverty line<br />

If a family is a single parent household<br />

If there are disabled and/or elderly persons in the household<br />

If the household has little or no access to the food markets<br />

If the household has children<br />

If the household has pregnant and/or nursing women<br />

Total Score Indicating Priority Level /60<br />

Score<br />

20 Points<br />

10 Points<br />

10 Points<br />

10 Points<br />

5 Points<br />

5 Points<br />

Case Study<br />

Lack of Food &<br />

Agony of the Virus<br />

Ardo Ahmed Hassan (36) said, “We live in a difficult situation<br />

with lack of food and the agony caused by the Corona virus. I<br />

used to go out and do some casual work to feed my children.<br />

But I was not able to go out because of the fear of the<br />

pandemic. My children were so hungry, and I was consoling<br />

them that Allah will help us. We may survive with the hunger,<br />

but we can’t with this virus. This is essential help; you didn’t<br />

just give us meat, but you saved our lives from this deadly<br />

virus. Thank you so much and may Allah keep us all safe”.<br />

<strong>Qurbani</strong> Meat<br />

Allocation<br />

<strong>Qurbani</strong> meat parcels are allocated as follows:<br />

Family Size<br />

1-4 5 lbs<br />

5-9 10 lbs<br />

10+ 15 lbs<br />

Amount of Meat<br />

1,442,542<br />

<strong>Qurbani</strong> <strong>2020</strong><br />

Beneficiaries<br />

Visit: almustafatrust.org<br />

Call: 020 8569 6444

Site Selection<br />

The dignity, humanity and security of the<br />

beneficiaries is safeguarded throughout<br />

the distribution process. <strong>Qurbani</strong> meat<br />

distributions take place at a location that is<br />

convenient (easily accessible) to the chosen<br />

populace.<br />


Large enough to accommodate the<br />

number of individuals we expect to<br />

serve<br />

Secure area to distribute<br />

meat parcels<br />

Appropriate facilities to store frozen<br />

meat safely<br />

Sheltered space in the event of harsh<br />

weather or rain<br />

Why Your <strong>Qurbani</strong><br />

Donation is so<br />

Important<br />


Nearly half of all deaths in children under 5<br />

are due to undernutrition- that’s about<br />

3 million children every year. For many<br />

impoverished families, meat remains<br />

unaffordable. This results in gaps in nutrition<br />

that contribute to health conditions such as<br />

anaemia.<br />

Sharing meat on Eid is more than a special<br />

treat-it’s an important nutritional boost. Our<br />

recipients remember this gift all year.<br />

How Your Gift<br />

Creates Real<br />

Happiness<br />

1<br />

2<br />

3<br />

4<br />

You as the donor choose a country or<br />

choose the global <strong>Qurbani</strong> fund to allow<br />

staff to direct your gift where it’s needed<br />

most.<br />

Local staff will use your donation to<br />

purchase the animal locally and prepare<br />

the meat.<br />

Meanwhile, local staff who know their<br />

communities well identify families who<br />

really need the help.<br />

Finally, your gift is handed to a happy<br />

family.<br />

This year, you shared <strong>Qurbani</strong><br />

with around 1,442,542 people<br />

across the globe.<br />

Here’s how many people were helped in <strong>2020</strong>, broken<br />

down by region:<br />

78%<br />

Asia<br />

16%<br />

Africa<br />

6%<br />

Middle East<br />

<strong>2020</strong> <strong>Qurbani</strong> Distribution<br />

ASIA<br />

Pakistan<br />

Kashmir<br />

Afghanistan<br />

Burma<br />

Bangladesh<br />

Sri Lanka<br />

India<br />

TOTAL<br />

AFRICA<br />

Somalia<br />

Gambia<br />

Kenya<br />

Sudan<br />

Tanzania<br />

Nigeria<br />

Malawi<br />

Ethiopia<br />

TOTAL<br />


378,214<br />

213,439<br />

29,883<br />

56,101<br />

17,314<br />

14,991<br />

414,713<br />

1,124,655<br />


44,301<br />

39,820<br />

29,545<br />

41,008<br />

18,333<br />

7,994<br />

24,463<br />

32,456<br />

237,920<br />

Visit: almustafatrust.org<br />

Call: 020 8569 6444<br />


Palestine<br />

Iraq<br />

Yemen<br />

Syria (Refugees)<br />

TOTAL<br />


24,817<br />

5,673<br />

33,914<br />

15,563<br />


Your <strong>Qurbani</strong><br />

Feeding the Poor<br />

Around the World<br />

Al-Mustafa<br />

Welfare Trust®<br />

Charity Number: 1118492<br />

110 High Street, Hounslow TW3 1NA<br />

Tel: 020 8569 6444<br />

www.almustafatrust.org<br />

info@almustafatrust.org<br />

Name (Mr/Mrs/Miss)<br />

Address<br />

Email<br />


I would like to donate<br />

£ towards<br />

Telephone<br />

Post Code<br />

Every year, Al Mustafa Welfare Trust carries out <strong>Qurbani</strong> sacrifices<br />

around the world on behalf of its donors and distributes the meat<br />

to the poor. This year in <strong>2020</strong> on Eid Ul Adha, we provided nearly<br />

1,442,542 people with fresh meat at the time of Eid ul Adha. This<br />

largescale distribution programme took place in Pakistan, Bangladesh,<br />

Sri Lanka, Afghanistan, Kashmir, India, Somalia, Gambia, Kenya, Sudan,<br />

Tanzania, Nigeria, Malawi, Ethiopia, Yemen, Palestine (Gaza), Iraq as<br />

well as in Burmese and Syrian Refugee Camps.<br />

We carefully delivered your <strong>Qurbani</strong> to your chosen destination and<br />

where available we mentioned your name before and during the<br />

ritual. That’s why we take names from our donors, so we can deliver<br />

your <strong>Qurbani</strong> with 100% satisfaction.<br />

Please tick<br />

100%<br />

ZAKAT<br />

POLICY<br />

Add 25% to your<br />

donation at no<br />

extra cost!<br />

I enclose a cheque/postal order made payable to ‘Al Mustafa Welfare Trust’ for £<br />

Please charge my credit/debit card for £<br />

Card Number<br />

DIRECT DEBIT (To make regular donations)<br />

Name(s) of Account holder(s)<br />

Bank/Building Society<br />

Account No:<br />

Sort Code:<br />

Card Type<br />

Expiry Date M M Y Y Security Code Issue Date M M Y<br />

Issue Number Signature Date<br />

Y<br />

Visit: almustafatrust.org<br />

Call: 020 8569 6444<br />

I would like Al Mustafa Welfare Trust (AMWT) to treat this donation and any<br />

donation I have made in the last 4 years and any future donations as Gift<br />

Aid donations. I confirm I am UK Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Taxpayer.<br />

I understand that I must pay an amount of Income Tax and/or Capital Gains<br />

Tax at least equal to the amount of tax Al Mustafa Welfare Trust will reclaim<br />

from my donations in the relevant tax year. I understand that other taxes such<br />

as VAT and Council Tax do not qualify. I understand the charity will reclaim<br />

25p of tax on every £1 that I have given and that AMWT uses all Gift Aid<br />

amounts received on your donations towards its most needed progammes.<br />

Signed<br />

Date<br />

I would like to donate<br />

£2 a month £4 a month £6 a month £8 month Other £<br />

I wish my donation to be made on the 1st<br />

starting from<br />

or 15th day of the month<br />

(dd/mm/yy)<br />


Account Name: Almustafa Welfare Trust International<br />

Sort Code: 30-90-89 Account No. 53820168 Bank: Lloyds Bank<br />

Signature<br />


Al-Mustafa<br />

Welfare Trust ®<br />

110 High Street, Hounslow TW3 1NA<br />

www.almustafatrust.org<br />

+44 (0)20 8569 6444<br />

Charity Number: 1118492<br />

100%<br />

ZAKAT<br />


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