ultrasound diagnosis of fatal anomalies

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Normal male genitals. 33 weeks of gesta-

Fig. 7.1


Genital Anomalies

Definition: In the prenatal scan, genital anomalies

are diagnosed either as intersexual forms or

as discrepancies between ultrasound findings

and chromosomal findings.

Clinical history/genetics: Heterogeneous causes

are known: 1, chromosomal anomalies; 2, gene

mutation; 3, combined chromosomal and

molecular defects; 4, multifactorial inheritance;

5, nongenetic causes (Table 7.1).

Incidence: With the exception of trisomy 13 and

triploidy, chromosomal anomalies are rare.

Single-gene anomalies such as the adrenogenital

syndrome have an incidence of one in 15 000

births; hypospadias: one in 1000 male births.

Associated malformations: Xp duplication: facial

clefts, ventricular septal defect. In addition

to pseudohermaphroditism and actual intersexuality,

intersexual genitals are found in trisomy

13, triploidy, 13 q syndrome, camptomelic dysplasia,

Smith–Lemli–Opitz syndrome, and in

other very rare syndromes.

Ultrasound findings: Although the genitals are

seen clearly, it is difficult to classify the gender

correctly, the penis appearing too small or bent.

The scrotal sac appears to be divided. A definite

discrepancy is noted between the ultrasound sex

determination and the chromosomal sex.

Clinical management: If the family history suggests

adrenogenital syndrome, chorionic villous

sampling should be performed, and HLA typing

is also possible. An affected female fetus can thus

be treated very early in the prenatal stage (even

at the end of the first trimester) to minimize virilization.

Prognosis: This depends on the underlying disease;

in adrenogenital syndrome, the prognosis

is very favorable if therapy is started early.

Self-Help Organization

Title: Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia

Description: Offers educational and

emotional support to families of children with

congenital adrenal hyperplasia. Provides information

and referrals, pen-pal program,

phone support, annual convention, networking.

Quarterly newsletter. Assistance in

starting new groups.


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