ultrasound diagnosis of fatal anomalies

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Fig. 7.25 Ovarian cysts. Same fetus at 36 + 1

weeks. The cyst has increased in size to about 120 mL

and contains low-level echoes representing internal

bleeding. The hemoglobin level in the cystic fluid was

5.6 g%.







Abolmakarem H, Tharmaratnum S, Thilaganathan B.

Fetal anemia as a consequence of hemorrhage into

an ovarian cyst. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2001; 17:


Amodio J, Abramson S, Berdon W, et al. Postnatal resolution

of large ovarian cysts detected in utero: report of

two cases [published erratum in Pediatr Radiol 1988;

18: 178]. Pediatr Radiol 1987; 17: 467–9.

Bagolan P, Giorlandino C, Nahom A, et al. The management

of fetal ovarian cysts. J Pediatr Surg 2002; 37:


Bagolan P, Rivosecchi M, Giorlandino C, et al. Prenatal

diagnosis and clinical outcome of ovarian cysts. Pediatr

Surg 1992; 27: 879–81.

Born HJ, Kiihnert E, Halberstadt E. Diagnosis of fetal

ovarian cysts: follow-up or differential diagnosis?

Ultraschall Med 1997; 18: 209–13.

Crombleholme TM, Craigo SD, Garmel S, Dalton ME.

Fetal ovarian cyst decompression to prevent torsion.

J Pediatr Surg 1997; 32: 1447–9.

Sacrococcygeal Teratoma

Definition: A teratoma localized in the sacrococcygeal

region. Forty-seven percent are located

externally, outside the pelvic cavity; 34%

are external with some components reaching

into the pelvis presacrally, and 19% are located

only within the pelvic cavity in front of the

sacrum. Eighty percent are benign, 20% are undifferentiated

and malignant.

Incidence: One in 40 000 births.

Sex ratio: M:F=1:3.

Giorlandino C, Rivosecchi M, Bilancioni E, et al. Successful

intrauterine therapy of a large fetal ovarian cyst.

Prenat Diagn 1990; 10: 473–5.

Heling KS, Chaoui R, Kirchmair F, Stadie S, Bollmann R.

Fetal ovarian cysts: prenatal diagnosis, management

and postnatal outcome. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol

2002; 20: 47–50.

Mahomed A, Jibril A, Youngson G. Laparoscopic management

of a large ovarian cyst in the neonate. Surg

Endosc 1998; 12: 1272–4.

Perrotin F, Potin J, Haddad G, Sembely-Taveau C, Lansac

J, Body G. Fetal ovarian cysts: a report of three cases

managed by intrauterine aspiration [review]. Ultrasound

Obstet Gynecol 2000; 16: 655–9.

van der Zee DC, van Seumeren IG, Bax KM, Rovekamp

MH, ter Gunne AJ. Laparoscopic approach to surgical

management of ovarian cysts in the newborn. J Pediatr

Surg 1995; 30: 42–3.

von Schweinitz D, Habenicht R, Hoyer PF. Spontaneous

regression of neonatal ovarian cysts: a prospective

study. Monatsschr Kinderheilkd 1993; 141: 48–52.

Clinical history/genetics: Mostly sporadic, rarely

familial with an autosomal-dominant inheritance,

sometimes aberration of chromosome 7 q-.

Teratogens: Not known.

Embryology: There are theories regarding the

development of teratomas: 1, during the phase

of migration from the yolk sac, there are some

residual omnipotent cells that do not develop

further into normal mesoderm, with the resulting

teratomas lying axially or para-axially; 2,

parthenogenetic cells that arise from a single


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