ultrasound diagnosis of fatal anomalies

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Scope: National

Number of groups: 32 chapters

Founded: 1988

Address: 14450 TC Jester, Suite 260, Houston,

TX 77 014, United States

Telephone: 832–249–9988 or 1–800–365–


Fax: 832–249–9987

E-mail: tssus@turner-syndrome-us.org

Web: http://www.turner-syndrome-us.org

Title: Turner Syndrome Support Network

Description: Network and exchange of information

for parents of children with Turner’s

syndrome. Information and referrals, phone

support, pen pals, conferences, literature. Annual

convention. Newsletter ($25/year).

Scope: National

Founded: 1989

Address: c/o MAGIC Foundation, 1327 N. Harlem,

Oak Park, IL 60 302, United States

Telephone: 1–800–3-MAGIC-3 or 708–383–


Fax: 709–383–0899

E-mail: pam@magicfoundation.org

Web: http://www.magicfoundation.org


Abir R, Fisch B, Nahum R, Orvieto R, Nitke S, Ben Rafael Z.

Turner’s syndrome and fertility: current status and

possible putative prospects [review]. Hum Reprod

Update 2001; 7: 603–10.

Gilbert B, Yardin C, Briault S, et al. Prenatal diagnosis of

female monozygotic twins discordant for Turner

syndrome: implications for prenatal genetic counselling.

Prenat Diagn 2002; 22: 697–702.

Hall GH, Weston MJ, Campbell DJ. Transitory unilateral

pleural effusion associated with mosaic Turner’s

syndrome. Prenat Diagn 2001; 21: 421–2.

Hartling UB, Hansen BF, Keeling JW, Skovgaard LT, Kjaer

I. Short bi-iliac distance in prenatal Ullrich–Turner

syndrome. Am J Med Genet 2002; 108: 290–4.

Henrion R, Aubry MC, Aubry JP, Emmanuelli CN, Dumez

Y, Oury JR. The antenatal diagnosis of Bonnevie–

Ullrich’s syndrome: the role of ultrasound. J Gynecol

Obstet Biol Reprod (Paris) 1981; 10: 831–7.

Hsu LY. Phenotype/karyotype correlations of Y chromosome

aneuploidy with emphasis on structural aberrations

in postnatally diagnosed cases. Am J Med

Genet 1994; 53: 108–40.

Kohn G, Yarkoni S, Cohen MM. Two conceptions in a

45,X woman. Am J Med Genet 1980; 5: 339–43.

Lustig L, Clarke S, Cunningham G, Schonberg R, Tompkinson

G. California’s experience with low MS-AFP

results. Am J Med Genet 1988; 31: 211–22.

Schröder W. [Hygroma colli in the ultrasound image as

an early indication of fetal Ullrich–Turner syndrome;

in German.] Z Geburtshilfe Perinatol 1990; 194: 283–


Tanriverdi HA, Hendrik HJ, Ertan AK, Axt R, Schmidt W.

Hygroma colli cysticum: prenatal diagnosis and

prognosis. Am J Perinatol 2001; 18: 415–20.

Varela M, Shapira E, Hyman DB. Ullrich–Turner syndrome

in mother and daughter: prenatal diagnosis of

a 46,X,de1(X)(p21) offspring from a 45,X mother

with low-level mosaicism for the del(X)(p21) in one

ovary. Am J Med Genet 1991; 39: 411–2

Weisner D, Fiestas HA, Grote W. [An enlarged neck fold:

a sonographic marker of Down’s syndrome; in German].

Z Geburtshilfe Perinatol 1988; 192: 142–4.

Wolf–Hirschhorn Syndrome (Chromosome 4 p Syndrome)

Definition: A chromosomal aberration characterized

by growth restriction, microcephaly, iris

coloboma, cardiac malformation, restriction of

psychomotor development, and craniofacial


Incidence: Rare; only about 150 cases have been


Etiology/genetics: Deletion of part of the short

arm of chromosome 4 p (4 p16.3), mostly of paternal

origin. Cytogenetic examination actually

shows a normal chromosomal finding; a

molecular-genetic test is needed to detect the

deletion. A balanced translocation is present in

10% of parents. If parental chromosomes are

normal, there is no elevated risk of recurrence.

Ultrasound findings: Characteristic findings in

the head and face are: microcephaly, agenesis of

the corpus callosum, asymmetry of the cranium,

hypertelorism, squint, ptosis of the eyelid, iris

coloboma, (in 30%), small, deep-set ears, narrow

external auditory canal, preauricular skin tags,

flat hooked nose, short upper lip ridge, fish

mouth. Intrauterine growth restriction is usually

present. In addition, following anomalies may

also be detected: club feet, cardiac defect, cere-



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