ultrasound diagnosis of fatal anomalies

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Fig. 10.14 Single umbilical artery. A single umbilical

artery is seen running on one side of the fetal urinary

bladder; there is aplasia of the contralateral








Aoki S, Hata T, Ariyuki Y, Makihara K, Hata K, Kitao M.

Antenatal diagnosis of aberrant umbilical vessels.

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Budorick NE, Kelly TF, Dunn JA, Scioscia AL. The single

umbilical artery in a high-risk patient population:

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Catanzarite VA, Hendricks SK, Maida C, Westbrook C,

Cousins L, Schrimmer D. Prenatal diagnosis of the

two-vessel cord: implications for patient counselling

and obstetric management. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol

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Goldkrand JW, Pettigrew C, Lentz SU, Clements SP, Bryant

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Jassani MN, Brennan JN, Merkatz IR. Prenatal diagnosis

of single umbilical artery by ultrasound. JCU J Clin Ultrasound

1980; 8: 447–8.

White Spot (Echogenic Focus within the Heart)

Definition and clinical significance: Echogenic

focus in the right ventricle, left ventricle, or both,

appearing as an isolated focus or as a group of

foci. These white spots have no functional significance

and usually disappear in the third

trimester. According to reports, these spots are

considered to be a marker for chromosomal aberration,

raising the risk slightly for Down syndrome

and other genetic disorders.

Incidence: 2.0–7.4% of fetuses in the second


Nyberg DA, Shepard T, Mack LA, Hirsch J, Luthy D, Fitzsimmons

J. Significance of a single umbilical artery in

fetuses with central nervous system malformations.

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Persutte WH, Hobbins J. Single umbilical artery: a clinical

enigma in modern prenatal diagnosis. Ultrasound

Obstet Gynecol 1995; 6: 216–29.

Pierce BT, Dance VD, Wagner RK, Apodaca CC, Nielsen

PE, Calhoun BC. Perinatal outcome following fetal

single umbilical artery diagnosis. J Matern Fetal Med

2001; 10: 59–63.

Raio L, Saile G, Bruhwiler H. Discordant umbilical cord

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Sepulveda WH. Antenatal sonographic detection of

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Wu MH, Chang FM, Shen MR, et al. Prenatal sonographic

diagnosis of single umbilical artery. J Clin Ultrasound

1997; 25: 425–30.

Embryology: These white spots represent microcalcifications

in the papillary muscles and in

the chordae tendineae at the mitral and tricuspid

valves. In the course of the pregnancy,

they usually disappear spontaneously.

Ultrasound findings: Echogenic areas are seen in

the right or the left cardiac ventricles. They may

be isolated or grouped findings. Detection depends

on the level of contrast and the general

sensitivity of the ultrasound apparatus. The

echogenicity is as high as that of bone, and the


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