ultrasound diagnosis of fatal anomalies

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Note: Named regions, organs and vessels are fetal unless stated otherwise. “Differential diagnosis” is indicated by “d.d.”.

Page numbers in italics refer to figures and tables. Page numbers in bold type refer to major references.







Aarskog syndrome 124, 266, 328–9

Aase syndrome 166, 277, 328–9

abdomen 2, 13, 21, 106–22, 150, 172

circumference 2, 8, 351

screening 6, 8, 15, 16, 17

abdominoschisis 240

achondrogenesis 147–8, 228, 328–9

Apert syndrome d.d. 237

Fryns syndrome d.d. 246

Noonan syndrome d.d. 266

parvovirus B19 d.d. 291

Turner syndrome d.d. 211

achondroplasia 148–9, 225, 328–9

acranius 308, 309

acrocephalic syndactyly syndrome see Apert


acrofacial dysostosis see Nager syndrome

adactyly 165

Adams–Oliver syndrome 165

adrenal gland hematoma 138

adrenal hyperplasia, congenital 125, 129

adrenocortical cancers 239

adrenogenital syndrome 124, 328–9

agyria 258, 282

alcohol 163, 270, 320–1

anal atresia 106

cardiac anomalies 93, 103

corpus callosum agenesis 29

esophageal atresia 72

facial clefts 59

holoprosencephaly 39

hygroma colli 63

microcephaly 48

alpha fetoprotein 51, 112, 243, 308

aminopterin 59

amitriptyline 270

amniocentesis 110, 178

amniotic band sequence 59, 149–50, 245, 263,


anencephaly association 24, 150

ectopia cordis d.d. 91

amniotic fluid 8

index 298, 301, 359

amniotic sac 19

amphetamines 101

anal atresia 106–7, 110, 120, 133, 246, 279

anasarca 74,212,213,262

anemia 291, 311, 312

see also Fanconi anemia

anencephaly 24, 25–6, 27, 150, 318

iniencephaly association 46

Meckel–Gruber syndrome 255

multicystic renal dysplasia association 133

TRAP sequence 309

angio-osteohypertrophic syndrome 251


Meckel–Gruber syndrome 255

multicystic renal dysplasia 133

renal agenesis 135

TRAP sequence 309

twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome 311

urethral valve sequence 146

aniridia, congenital 47

anophthalmia 188

antenatal care 2, 81

anticonvulsive drugs 319

aorta 94, 360

coarctation 81–2

screening 7, 9, 12,13,14,16

aortic arch 5, 9, 13, 14

aortic isthmus stenosis 211

aortic valve 9, 81

Apert syndrome 236–7, 238, 243, 244, 246,


corpus callosum agenesis association 30

hydrocephalus internus 43

hydrolethalus d.d. 250

MURCS association d.d. 263

Noonan syndrome d.d. 237, 266

nuchal translucency 228, 236

Turner syndrome d.d. 211

ventriculomegaly 225

aqueduct stenosis 27–8, 43

arachnoid cysts 28, 29, 57

arm anomalies 151, 174, 249, 272

Arnold–Chiari malformation 51, 54, 180, 240,


arrhinencephaly and proboscis 40

arteriovenous malformations 57–8, 141, 251

arthrogryposis 30, 34, 59, 220, 225

cataract d.d. 47

diastrophic dysplasia d.d. 155

Freeman–Sheldon syndrome d.d. 151, 245

Larsen syndrome d.d. 253

multiple pterygium syndrome d.d. 151, 154,


multiplex congenita 150–1, 152–3, 154,


Neu–Laxova syndrome d.d. 265

Pena–Shokeir syndrome d.d. 154, 269

trisomy 8 d.d. 185

ascites 107–8

achondrogenesis 147

chorioangioma 297

fetal hydrops 286

intestinal atresia and stenosis association


meconium peritonitis 116, 117

parvovirus B19 291

primary fetal hydrothorax 74, 75

syphilis 289

trisomy 9 186

trisomy 21 209, 221

Turner syndrome 213

twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome 303, 311

varicella 290

asphyxiating thorax dysplasia 328–9

atelosteogenesis 330–1

atrial fibrillation 100

atrial isomerism 86

atrial septal defects 72, 102

atrioventricular block87

atrioventricular canal 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 276

trisomy 13 191

trisomy 18 196, 197, 202

trisomy 21 205, 207

atrioventricular septal defect 80, 82, 83, 84,


atrioventricular valves 8–9, 12, 82

atrium, left 14


B-mode sonography 9

Baller–Gerold syndrome 166, 330–1

banana sign 43, 51, 54

Basedow disease, maternal 66

Beckwith–Wiedemann syndrome 150, 223,

239, 330–1

macrosomia 239, 315, 318

omphalocele 118, 120, 239

benzodiazepines 130

biparietal diameter 8, 219, 220, 351, 352, 358

birth weight 316

bladder 2, 8, 16, 141

exstrophy 120, 123,130

body contours 2

body development, asymmetrical 272

body stalkanomaly 240–1

see also limb–body stalkanomaly

Botallo's duct see ductus arteriosus

bowel 77, 116, 139, 318

echogenic 209, 221–2, 283,293

Brachmann–de Lange syndrome see Cornelia

de Lange syndrome

brachycephaly 219–20, 243

brachytelephalangia 246

bradycardia 86–7


hamartoma 278

see also named regions


caffeine 93

camptomelic dysplasia 124, 125, 157, 225,


diastrophic dysplasia d.d. 155

hydrolethalus d.d. 250

Shprintzen syndrome d.d. 273

Cantrell pentalogy 24, 91, 92, 150, 330–1

carbamazepine 59, 319

cardiac anomalies 36, 39, 80–105

anticonvulsive drugs 319

Beckwith–Wiedemann syndrome 239

caudal regression syndrome 250

CHARGE association 241, 242

cocaine 321

Cornelia de Lange syndrome 243

diabetes mellitus 318

diaphragmatic hernia 76

ectopia cordis association 91


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