ultrasound diagnosis of fatal anomalies

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trisomy 13 188

trisomy 18 194

varicella 290

Walker–Warburg syndrome 282

Wolf–Hirschhorn syndrome 215

microgenia 270

Cornelia de Lange syndrome 243

diastrophic dysplasia 155

Miller–Diecker syndrome 258

Pierre Robin sequence 270

Russell–Silver syndrome 272

trisomy 18 194

micrognathia 89, 179, 182, 186

micromelia 155, 243

micropenis 128, 129

microphthalmia 47, 133, 186, 188, 246, 290

Miller–Dieker syndrome 30, 43, 225, 258–9,

316, 338–9

Neu–Laxova syndrome d.d. 258, 265

Walker–Warburg syndrome d.d. 258, 282

mitral valve 5, 12

Mohr syndrome 163, 225, 259–60, 338–9

hydrolethalus d.d. 250, 260

Meckel–Gruber syndrome d.d. 256, 260

Nager syndrome d.d. 264

Shprintzen syndrome d.d. 273

Smith–Lemli–Optitz syndrome d.d. 260, 274

monosomy 10q, partial 106

monosomy 22q, partial 96

mucoviscidosis see cystic fibrosis

multiple pterygium syndrome 260, 261–2,

263, 338–9

Apert syndrome d.d. 237

arthrogryposis multiplex congenita association

151, 154, 263

Cornelia de Lange syndrome d.d. 243, 263

diaphragmatic hernia association 76, 260

diastrophic dysplasia d.d. 155

Freeman–Sheldon syndrome d.d. 245, 263

Fryns syndrome d.d. 246

hydrolethalus d.d. 250

Miller–Diecker syndrome d.d. 258

Nager syndrome d.d. 264

Neu–Laxova syndrome d.d. 263, 265

Noonan syndrome d.d. 266

nuchal translucency 228

parvovirus B19 d.d. 291

Pena–Shokeir syndrome d.d. 263, 269

Shprintzen syndrome d.d. 273

Turner syndrome d.d. 211

ventriculomegaly 225

MURCS association 34, 59, 135, 220, 263,


caudal regression syndrome d.d. 250

VACTERL association d.d. 280

muscle–eye–brain disease 338–9

myasthenia gravis, maternal 151

myelomeningocele 51, 52–5, 56

anencephaly association 27

anticonvulsive drugs 319

body stalkanomaly 240

iniencephaly association 46

sacrococcygeal teratoma d.d. 142


Nabothian cyst 19

Nager syndrome 59, 166, 248, 264, 338–9

Holt–Oram syndrome d.d. 249, 264

TAR syndrome d.d. 264, 277

VACTERL association d.d. 280

navel region 6, 16

neck8, 21, 63–8

anticonvulsive drugs 319

multiple pterygium syndrome 260

trisomy 18 194, 202

trisomy 21 205, 206

Turner syndrome 211, 212

see also hygroma colli; nuchal fold; nuchal


Neu–Laxova syndrome 265, 338–9

corpus callosum agenesis association 30

Dandy–Walker syndrome association 220

hydramnios 265, 298

hydrolethalus d.d. 250

intrauterine growth restriction 265, 316

Miller–Diecker syndrome d.d. 258, 265

multiple pterygium syndrome d.d. 263, 265

parvovirus B19 d.d. 291

Shprintzen syndrome d.d. 273

triploidy d.d. 180

ventriculomegaly 225

Walker–Warburg syndrome d.d. 265, 282

neural tube defects 8

amniotic band syndrome d.d. 150

anencephaly 24

anticonvulsive drugs 319

body stalkanomaly 240

club foot association 157

Dandy–Walker syndrome association 34

diabetes mellitus 318

ectopia cordis association 91

facial cleft association 59

fetal alcohol syndrome 320

iniencephaly 45

Miller–Diecker syndrome d.d. 258

omphalocele association 120

sacrococcygeal teratoma 141

triploidy 180

trisomy 9 186

trisomy 13 188

trisomy 18 194

neuroblastoma 138

Noonan syndrome 228, 265–6, 340–1

Apert syndrome d.d. 237, 266

CHARGE association d.d. 242

Fryns syndrome d.d. 246

MURCS association d.d. 263

parvovirus B19 d.d. 291

trisomy 21 d.d. 205, 266

Turner syndrome d.d. 211, 266

Norman–Roberts syndrome 258

nose 8, 10, 245

nuchal edema 187, 260

nuchal fold 205, 228, 274

nuchal translucency 2, 3, 8, 178, 228–9, 352

Apert syndrome 228, 236

body stalkanomaly 240

Cornelia de Lange syndrome 228, 243

hygroma colli 63

multiple pterygium syndrome 228

trisomy 18 194, 202

trisomy 21 205, 209, 210

Turner syndrome 211, 212, 228

twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome 305


oligodactyly 243

oligohydramnios 20, 301

anticonvulsive drugs 319

echogenic kidneys 223

fetal alcohol syndrome 320

hydronephrosis 131

hygroma colli 63

Meckel–Gruber syndrome 255

multicystic renal dysplasia 133

renal agenesis 135

TRAP sequence 309

triploidy 180

Turner syndrome 211

twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome 311

ureterocele 143

urethral valve sequence 146

omphalocele 6, 118, 119, 120–2

amniotic band syndrome d.d. 150

anencephaly association 24

Beckwith–Wiedemann syndrome 118, 120,


body stalkanomaly 240, 241

ectopia cordis association 91

gastroschisis 114

holoprosencephaly association 39

hypoplasia of left heart association 96

intestinal atresia and stenosis association


trisomy 13 120, 188, 190

trisomy 18 119, 120, 194, 197, 198, 200, 203

trisomy 21 205

Turner syndrome 213

umbilical cord cyst 299

orbit 10

orofaciodigital syndrome 163, 259–60

osteogenesis imperfecta 43, 157, 159–60, 161,

162, 340–1

osteopetrosis 225, 316, 340–1

otocephaly 164

otopalatodigital syndromes 340–1

ovarian cysts, fetal 138–9, 140

overweight, trisomy 8 185


4p deletion see Wolf–Hirschhorn syndrome

pachygyria 29

Pallister–Killian syndrome 76, 120, 179–80,

220, 348–9

Fryns syndrome d.d. 180, 246

nuchal translucency 228

parvovirus B19 286, 289, 291

Patau syndrome see trisomy 13

pectus excavatum 69

Pena–Shokeir syndrome 267, 268, 269, 332–3,


arthrogryposis multiplex congenita association

154, 269

CHARGE association d.d. 242

Freeman–Sheldon syndrome d.d. 245, 269

hydramnios 267, 298

Larsen syndrome d.d. 253

multiple pterygium syndrome d.d. 263, 269

Nager syndrome d.d. 264

Neu-Laxova syndrome d.d. 265

Noonan syndrome d.d. 266

parvovirus B19 d.d. 291







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